Frenchy French Restaurants in Paris

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whether you're looking for good wine escargot or a little bit of charcuterie paris obviously has you covered this is going to be our frenchie french restaurants because everybody's been asking me to do french restaurants forever press my pocket french and french restaurants let's go boozing i mean eating cheese [Music] if you're looking for the classic french bistros and on a budget bouillon is probably one of the best go-to's there are a number of restaurants named but when we're talking about buyong we're talking about the one here in republic or up at pigel they're really fun experiences and we're in luck because today there is no line of course you can take it to go if you want to get a little picnic go sit in the park over at the square the republic square but otherwise french classics on a budget really tasty huge space you can bring a very large group here and as long as there's not a line there really aren't any drawbacks also for those of you that happen to live abroad and miss larger quantities of coca-cola this is the place to get it they will serve it to you in a very large bottle and then of course you can do wine and cheap beer if you like as well let's go inside and eat [Music] so we ordered a couple of classics escargot i haven't had yet in this video and figured we should do that for sure which is delicious because usually it comes with a garlic butter that is the real reason that you eat escargot tend to be a little bit chewy you should definitely try it at least once they're good not my go-to and then we got the bone marrow for sam which is something that i never thought i would like when i heard the words bone marrow but then i tried it and it's pretty much like spreading a fatty butter over your bread delicious make sure you sprinkle a little bit of salt on the top one of the other things that i would say about french not just french food but food in general in paris is that in my opinion and this might be true for a lot of americans especially i'm not sure but it just usually is lacking a pinch of salt if you add a pinch of salt to almost any dish that you're going to have while you're here it will make it it will help it fulfill its full potential this is my opinion the food is really good and you'll feel like it's missing something try a little bit of salt and then theoretically we're getting deviled eggs with truffle theoretically i don't think he likes this very much because he asked if he could order in two goes so when you sit down make sure you get your entire order ready before he takes it because they do have a lot of people to serve there's a lot going on here then for lunch we're going to order we kind of thought we'd go with the stewie soupy side of things so i'm getting a french onion soup classic and you're getting basically a burgundy on but it's what is it called the carbonara so the carbonade de buff which is similar to a burgundian it's a beef stew that'll come with fries on the side [Music] now you may be realizing that there's a trend here with these restaurants i am a huge fan of the deviled eggs i think this is probably the second favorite deviled eggs on the list because you can get a truffle version it smells so good if you like truffles they're not like truffles you can get the version without as well but maybe i'm these are actually not that rubbery which is nice i know they've ever had their french onion soup or their french onion soup their onion soup we're in france it's an easy classic it's not the best i've ever had but it's still really good sunday is an app that you're going to see when you flash your little qr code on the table this is popping up more and more in paris and it's really handy because you can flash that and then pay the bills where the menu is is where the bill pay goes as well which it feels a little bit as sam was saying too advanced for paris but it's here now and the move [Music] mary celeste is one of my favorite natural wine bars and one of the wine bars that jess wrote about in the wine guide and they happen to serve a wonderful lunch combo that you can jump in and grab which you're going to discover one of the things i'm most obsessed about in all the french culinary delights when we go in here it's also a really great spot for the evenings if you want to come pop up in a bottle of pet nat as it were there's a lot of terms that jess likes to throw around that you should definitely check out this is a good spot to do it you might want to reserve a table in advance because it gets pretty packed especially in the evenings but swing by for lunch if you want to grab something that's a little bit on the cheaper side and very accessible and a wonderful take on french cuisine [Music] nice oh yeah that's going to cut the edge right off the hangover i'm not hungover every time i'm making one of these videos just occasionally we got the deviled eggs and this felt risotto the deviled eggs here are so or of mayo you're going to discover in many of the french restaurants that you eat while you're here generally a really nice treat especially if you like mayonnaise even if you don't like mayonnaise you might like it more than you think when you get to this but this comes with like a popped rice on top which is phenomenal it adds a little bit of crispy crunch to it you don't find i don't think in any other deviled egg that i've ever had in paris uh and then of course with the pickled onions and whatever else is going on here this i'm obsessed with these eggs when just asked if you go have lunch here this is all i've been thinking about the whole time why did we get risotto for you so you could see it we should have just got [Music] oh my gosh [Music] pesto a pesto spelt risotto oh yeah the pesto mixture unfortunately the situation was not available so we both got the same thing which is an anglet buff it's a really nice cut of meat we have some roasted carrots that go with it and it's a on a carrot puree just looks phenomenal this whole thing looks amazing oh wow this will load us 14 euros with the entree that we had it was uh it's going to be 18 if we get dessert we would say a lunch menu in french it's a lunch combo at least in american english entree platte and dessert also uh just so you know entree in french is not the main uh platt is the main entree is the entree yeah the beginning so we got a marble here uh cheese which we're gonna eat with a little bit of bread and it looks like maybe some um apple puree on the side and the uh chocolate fondant which is a melted chocolate deliciousness with it looks like also some sort of citrusy fruit on the outside oh yeah oh my gosh wow wow that smells so good it smells like it tastes like brownie batter basically we decided to go for dessert because why not life's short three more euros might as well die happy thanks to today's patreon producer as well monique cranes for sending us out and keeping us in the drinks appreciate that all my patrons making this possible [Music] i did not expect to come to this location until thomas brought us here biniti uh is it's a fun french restaurant with a lot of natural wine yeah we had a whole spread which i actually felt relatively ignorant about uh there were elements of it that i knew and others that i didn't eat rustic simple great ingredients and it's just good food and that to me is in any kitchen wherever you are in the world i really like what you said inside actually about that that it's not pretentious they weren't trying too hard the wine was really good everything was really really good and yeah i think it's really great simple and nice [Music] but this feels much closer to kombucha in my opinion it is not because there is fermentation it makes it very fruity and fresh [Music] [Music] worth of weight highly recommended if you're in the ninth if you're anywhere near yell or like you're you're gonna take a nice little stroll down from where this nice frame is [Music] in the shadow of mount martha you'll find 1745 or descent carranzan just a few blocks down from pigal the where you'd find bouyon the bouillon pigeon we were talking about earlier the idea is that it's a planche charcuterie and cheese but you make it yourself and they've got really nice high quality ingredients this is really hard to choose like the different cheeses and charcuteries that they have in here like blow my mind as far as some of my favorites they've got a container says moss so that's a 16 month old contest they also have one of my favorite things in the world which is a truffle gouda deer board i love it so much you go through you check off what you want they build the planche for you and they bring it to you it's that simple it's not very complicated as a concept but because you're picking them off and you're kind of putting it together yourself four euros for this cheese three euros for this cheese it adds up to a nice affordable meal of like higher quality ingredients that might be a little bit more expensive to get in a larger quantity somewhere else i'm hungry i have a pinot noir you have a peanut butter he's going to get a belgian beer yes definitely and this guy is getting having water and no pencils camera credit all right so here are my thoughts great spot i like the pinot noir that i drank these ingredients are very much oh oh i guess i'm not leaving just yet um and very much the case that these are high quality ingredients i quite liked them whatever the cheese with the truffle was was delicious pretty much everything was fantastic all right back to my pinot noir [Music] juan rouge saint denis one of the oldest streets in paris originally paved by the romans and then added onto over time but it was built in the first century and it's been here ever since traditionally leading us towards saint denis the famous saint whose head was cut off and he picked the head up walked with it and where he dropped that is where he can find his church today along with all the kings of france but that's not what we're here for today what we're here for today is a nice little french bistro by the name of brazil dubio it's not dubious in the least it's really good they do have a very dubious collection of water pitchers that you're gonna see hopefully you get the cat it's definitely my favorite classic french eats but with a modern twist very nice service lovely interior lots of light if you're looking for something a little more instagrammable along with your steak freak this is probably the place to go and it's way bigger on the inside than you're guessing from the outside so let's go check it let's go take a look let's go eat some food that'd be great [Music] we're not drinking today but they have clearly a very wide selection of wine it looks like a lot of natural wines as well so if you're into the natural wine scene or you like to drink male tears there are a lot of opportunities for you here on the starter side both lindsay and i have gone for uh french onion soup because you've been craving it i saw it on the menu when she sent it to me and i was like i have to get that ufmayo is a deviled egg with a lot of mayonnaise on it it's delicious it's gonna be really really good french pizzas are gonna be having a lot of the same stuff a long line so we'll mix it up as we go but i've been craving a french onion soup for a while so i'm going to die i'm going to dive right into this oh that's really good like toasted bread and cheese melted on top of an onion soup it's classic and it has reconverted made a french piece of food this looks really good we did have to wait a little bit longer but they offered us coffee at the end which is pretty rare you don't usually get a freebie in a french restaurant if they screw up and it's a nice it's a nice touch this place seems pretty classy i got an omp with a steak free here which we'll see how that is it looks very tasty fries i got the club sandwich which looks amazing the guys next to us had that as well raved about it kind of jealous but that's all right give him the best experience and then she got the veggie option lindsay what did you get it was the veggie gnocchi butternut squash bella ren which is not what we thought but it's time so it's like pastry dough mushrooms on the inside and little squash squares which is what they called gnocchi but they were really just saying it's like gnocchi [Music] other fun facts about anthony also ran through the old heart of paris which is uh the al where all the markets were in the past and it's still famous for its prostitution that's one of the things that everybody's going to be screaming at their tv if they know anything about this and i forgot to say it so there you go you can still see them working the streets today spend your vacation [Music] just up canal summer song actually probably my favorite part of the entire canal is a little french bistro with uh and wine bar that i've been to before but it's been a long time and just suggested we do it for the four meals today unfortunately they don't have a formula anymore they don't have a menu or a combo meal anymore that's okay but the entrees were about the same price or not too far from the plat so we just decided hey we're just going to get a main today or a plat i got the pan fried pork the pansta paris which comes with a nice meat gravy and then a side of like cabbage salad and then just got the proscetta which or the porchetta as he was calling it which comes on a bed of a variety of different it looks like um what are those called uh pearl like a couscous pasta and then a side of is that feta what is that oh it's tahini that's right it's a tahini that looked really really good it looks amazing and some tomatoes and then some pomegranate seeds honestly that looks phenomenal it was what he suggested that she get kind of jealous not gonna lie but that's all right we're both gonna have a really good meal oh wow the gravy has a sweetness to it i did not expect i'm not envious anymore this is really good and a reminder one of the tips if you come to a restaurant like this the way jess ordered the wine he suggested a red she said yeah i'd like a lighter red one and that's how you can go and they'll give you a taste to make sure you like it and go from there so whether you want it sweeter or drier lighter stronger they'll figure it out for you and pick a good one cheers i'm on antibiotics so i'm going with the citronette it's like lemonade but not like lemonade that you're thinking of it's more like a bitter sprite with lemony with lemony flavor [Music] this has been present pockets guide to uh frenchie french restaurants i hope you enjoyed it you put together your own charcuterie board or you go to some place like bouillon and have some escargot it's gonna be well worth it enjoy paris enjoy more than french restaurants i would say personally i like to hit them every once in a while and then i like to hit you know literally everything else there's a lot to eat here but in the meantime it's warm here it's summer bottoms up it's not my drink i'm not gonna drink it
Channel: Jay Swanson
Views: 112,068
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: french food paris, French restaurants, jay swanson, french food in paris, vlog, travel, life in paris, american writer in paris, living in france, daily vlogger in paris, Paris, paris restaurants, good food in paris, visit paris food, bouillon paris, charcuterie paris, french bistro paris, bistro paris, bistro, restaurant, paris restaurant guide, jay swanson paris
Id: gvaR0sP7vS8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 27sec (867 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 04 2022
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