French Toast

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- If you wanna make a deliciously decadent but easy breakfast, then you've got to check out my French toast recipe. And if you liked this video, don't forget to hit that like button and subscribe. Hey, you're watching "Preppy Kitchen" where I, John Kanell, teach you how to make delicious homemade dishes to share with your family and friends. This French toast will be ready before you know it, so let's get started. We're gonna measure out 3/4 of a cup of whole milk. If you want this to be extra rich, you could use some half and half or even add some cream in there. Into a big bowl, I'm adding 3/4 of a cup of milk. Into that milk, we're gonna crack four eggs, 1/4 cup of sugar to keep it sweet. And now for some flavor, we're gonna add 1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon, and of course, a generous splash of vanilla, two teaspoons, maybe a little bit extra. Give this a good whisk. This smell, by the way, already is magic. Okay, our custard is all ready to go. Now we're gonna need a big pan, maybe a dot of butter and our bread. We're gonna place this over a medium, medium-high heat. Today, I'm using a thick, sliced white bread. You can use any of your favorite breads for French toast. Brioche is a favorite if you wanna go rich, and if you wanna be super decadent, you can slice croissants in half and make croissant French toast too. You want your bread to soak up some of this delicious custard but not be so waterlogged that it falls apart. So plop it into there. Just press it down a little bit. After a few seconds, flip it over, plop some butter on that pan and get it nice and melty. (butter sizzling) Okay, now we can place our soaked bread on there. And then as you go, you're gonna dip more bread and just keep going. (French toast sizzling) After a minute or so, flip it over. It'll be nice and golden. (bright music) As soon as it's golden brown on both sides, place it onto a platter or right onto the plate if you're eating it super fast. A little bit more butter and just keep going. I forgot to soak my bread. (chuckles) (bright music) French toast is the perfect recipe for when you wanna put something on people's plate in the morning and have it be like fancy and delicious with zero effort. You're literally just making a really quick custard with eggs and milk, flavoring it, and then heating it up on a pan. It's so fast and basically foolproof. Everyone's gonna love you, and this was my mother's trick growing up. She would make French toast all the time. My brother and I loved it, but the secret is it's so easy. (upbeat music) Serve with maple syrup, fruit, whatever you'd like, and you're gonna be in heaven. If you like this video, check out my breakfast playlist. (bright music) It's so good. I'll see you in the next video.
Channel: Preppy Kitchen
Views: 168,686
Rating: 4.9547887 out of 5
Keywords: how to make french toast, french toast recipe, easy french toast, preppy kitchen, john kanell, french toast, homemade french toast, easy french toast recipe, best french toast, recipe for french toast, best french toast recipe, making french toast, make french toast, breakfast, french toast recipes, best ever french toast, toast, recipe, breakfast recipe, recipes, cinnamon french toast recipe, how to make, cinnamon french toast, french toast for one, breakfast recipes, brunch
Id: EARnchvnbVI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 1sec (181 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 13 2021
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