French Fries all'Assassina | Food Wishes

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[Music] hello this is Chef John from with french fries alas sasina that's right we're making assassins french fries which are inspired by one of Italy's most unusual and most delicious pasta recipes and just like spaghetti Alina these spicy and very addictive baked french fries really are to die for and to get started wble do is transfer about 3 tablespoons of tomato paste into a large very experienced mixing bowl in Pro tip when you buy tomato paste look for the tubes and not the little cans since we almost never use a whole can and the tube is so much more convenient and then besides the tomato paste we're also going to need some olive oil in a fairly generous amount and then just like the famous spaghetti we're going to add a ton of red chili flakes I know that is a lot but this is supposed to be really spicy which is why we're also going to add some cayenne and and then next up we'll do garlic in two forms we'll do a good amount of freshly minced garlic plus a little bit of dried granulated garlic which is going to add to the savoriness and of course that's a very common ingredient in seasoned fries and then speaking of seasoning we'll finish up with some freshly ground black pepper as well as a nice big pinch of salt at which point we'll take a whisk and mix this enthusiastically for about a minute or until everything's beautifully combined and once that's accomplish we will stop and we will add one pound of Frozen crinkle cut french fries which I think we should add by hand instead of just dumping the bag in the bowl since quite often there's a bunch of ice chunks in the bag which we do not under any circumstances want in here plus as we're adding them in like this we can break up any french fries that are stuck together and that is definitely something we want to avoid since what we'll do next is take a spatula and we will toss these fries until every side of every fry is perfectly and evenly coated and if we have a bunch that are sticking together that cannot happen and we really really need that to happen and once we're pretty sure it has we will stop and grab some Parmesan and we'll use a microplane to grat some into the bowl and once that surface is nicely dusted we will take our spatula and mix that in it which plant will stop and repeat the whole process for a grand total of two cheesing and yes I do realize taking a piece of cheesee and rubbing it against a grater for a few seconds is a tremendous amount of work but we have to do it not just because I want you to use real parmesano regano but more importantly the pregrated parmesan is not nearly fine enough to stick to these fries so if you want these to be really great you have to really grate and that's it once our parmesan has been applied we will transfer that out to a parchment line baking sheet and then we'll use our hands or parat tongs to space those out as even evenly as we can oh and by the way if you're offended by the thought of using frozen french fries and you want to make fries from scratch go ahead I mean you are after all the Michael Grady of thinking using frozen fries is Shady but good luck getting those crinkle cuts which as you'll see are absolutely perfect for this preparation and in case you're wondering Michael Grady is the name of my friend who gave me the idea for this but anyway like I said we'll space those as evenly as possible and once they're arranged to our liking we will finish this up with one last dusting of Parmesan and I was going to say this is optional but it's not or it's not mandatory but it is not optional and that's it once our fries have gotten that final application to cheese they're ready to transfer into the center of a 450 Dee oven for about 30 to 35 minutes or until believe it or not they're partially CH in spots and look like this oh yeah that is what they're supposed to look like in fact if I wasn't filming this and having to take pictures I might have gone even a few more minutes so that they were even darker and more charred and more crustified but these were looking just about perfect and I couldn't resist going in for a taste although I'll save the nice ones for the plates and I'll eat some of the small little nubby ones and if you're wondering why we want to cook these until they're partially charred as soon as you take that first taste it will all make sense since when we Char and caramelize tomato paste which is already super Savory it gets even more more intensely so and when you combine that with those sweet and sour elements and of course all that hot pepper you have something that's just off the charts flavorful and then for best results we do want to serve these hot so I'm going to go ahead and transfer these onto a plate and then to finish up I decid to do a little grating of Parmesan over the top followed by a sprinkling of freshly chopped Italian parsley and that's it our French Fri ala sasina are ready to enjoy and to really understand the origins of this recipe you should probably go back and watch our spaghetti all assassina video but very briefly as Legend has it a customer thought the spaghetti was so over-the-top flavorful and Incredibly spicy that they joke the chef was trying to kill them which sounds like a totally believable story but anyway while we can't be sure about that story at least we know for certain how these french fries got their name and you'll often hear chefs describe something as being one note okay you pop something in your mouth and it has a flavor but it just stays right there well these fries are the complete opposite of that all right when you take a bite the first thing you get is that intense savoriness that deep Umami flavor from the caramelized tomato and cheese and then almost immediately after that you get those sweet and sour elements followed by the heat from those chili flakes and cayenne which starts off slow but it builds and builds until you almost think it's too hot but it's not and you go back for another bite follow buy 20 to 30 more bites so what I'm trying to say is make a lot of these and yes I am trying to eat around all those big beautiful ones on the top because I wanted this to stay nice looking while I ate but I don't think I can hold out much longer and even though this was done with french fries what I find incredibly fascinating is how Incredibly Close the flavor profile is to The partially charred pan fried spaghetti sauce with pretty much the same ingredients or if something's delicious it doesn't have to be fascinating but I'm always appreciative when it is you know in case you're wondering these don't need any kind of dip since we've basically seared a sauce right on to the surface but having said that maybe a nice lemony mascar poni dip would be good but if it's me I'm serving these as is oh and to keep the universe in Perfect Balance since I just invented a french fry recipe based on a pasta recipe after this video I'm going to invent a pasta recipe based on a french fry recipe right maybe something like a poutin lizard anyna but anyway I'll work on that and what I hope you do is give these french fries Al assassina a try soon so please follow the links below for the ingredient amounts a printable written recipe and much more info as usual and is always [Music] enjoy
Channel: Food Wishes
Views: 314,729
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Keywords: chef john, food wishes, chef john food wishes, chef john how to, chef john cooks, superbowl, French Fries all’Assassina, French Fries all’Assassina recipe, how to make French Fries all’Assassina, best French Fries all’Assassina, French Fries all’Assassina recipes, best French Fries all’Assassina recipe, easy French Fries all’Assassina, homemade French Fries all’Assassina, baked French Fries, French Fries recipe, how to make easy French Fries, spicy baked french fry recipe
Id: JQTiWto0ats
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 39sec (459 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 19 2024
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