French Chocolate Mousse: Simple Steps to Get It Right

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👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Bo_Buoy_Bandito_Bu 📅︎︎ May 06 2018 🗫︎ replies
hello everyone welcome back to the French cooking academy today we are falling on a subscriber request recipient with another and how to make a classic French chocolate mousse in order to proceed for that recipe we're going to be melting first some lovely chocolate and once it's nice and silky we're going to pour in a mix of milk and cream it's gonna create actually what we call a ganache and as kind of thick chocolate sauce when a chocolate sauce is then ready we're just gonna have to blend how egg whites into a nice fluffy Harry meringue that we're going to fall together we've the chocolate in order to create that lovely chocolate mousse just put it in a ramekin or glasses or anything you want any set in the fridge and it's ready to be enjoy in front of the TV by the whole family so if you want to learn how to make that recipe stay tuned welcome back so these are the ingredients we're going to be using today to make our chocolate mousse very simple some egg whites some good-quality dark chocolate 70% cocoa content chocolate always take the best quality you can some heavy whipping cream some mill this is full cream milk and some castor sugar for the used--and sauce I'm using a large glass bowl a whisk and a rubber spatula and now let's start the recipe so the first step we're gonna have to do is to melt the chocolate using the double boiler technique which is a small saucepan with a bit of water in which you're going to put a container on top so it's not in direct contact with the water that is good but sometime if you want to start to boil your chocolate can still cook so here is my tip you take a pan like that with water as soon as it starts to simmer you turn your heat off totally off and then you put your ball in there leave it for a few minutes and when you are done and it's going to get some temperature you put your chocolate and let it melt on its own with the heat off it will happen it will take a bit of time with that way you always get it right the next step is very simple take a small pan put your cream in and your milk put this to the simmer and you're gonna just bring it to the boil as soon as you hit the start of the boil we're going to also turn the heat off all right so my milk and cream are hot I've turned my heat off and I'm gonna leave it here to cool down a little bit now let's look at the chocolate now as I said earlier look at this you see how it fragile the chocolate is you see how it melts this is with the heat of its melting away nicely so now we just have enough time to make a meringue while this is finishing to melt before we can incorporate everything and now let's make the meringue so here's my do see this is why I make it to make it really easy food processor or any blender you want a hint of salt in there I put all of my sugar at the bottom I don't even bother and then all of my egg whites in when everything is in I'm just gonna blend it together until it's ready they have to be nice and firm hold on look at this nice stiff and airy white this is exactly what we want for the mousse and now time to assemble everything and now for the assembly the first thing we're gonna do is to pour your cream in the chocolate and mix it all you pour all at once while still nice and warm and you're gonna mix everything like that and keep on mixing and that is gonna become what we call the ganache as soon as that base is made you take a little bit of egg white and you're gonna start to incorporate this with the whisk to create your base consistency and the base of the mousse so don't be shy for the beginning and this is to create the same consistency as the egg white you see because now using that mix we're going to be able to fold the rest with the rubber spatula once you got your base mix you can start to incorporate in two times the egg whites and you're gonna use that motion mix that you've seen all these documentaries and everything you know look at that and you can break the egg white and you try to keep and that moves in there so you can break some of it and slowly start to incorporate everything with the chocolate so you keep on turning applying that nice movement until all of the egg whites right in so better warn you it does take a little time after incorporating a first batch you can do the rest which is full of the eggs boom and you repeat the same process and the more air you add in your mousse the more fluffy you chocolate mousse is gonna become when it's gonna set it's gonna be full and bubbles of air and it's gonna be so delightful to eat and that's it we're done look at that this is a nice chocolate mousse and when this is gonna fit who is gonna be noise so last step we're just gonna pour this in a nice glass and put it in the fridge when you're done you can take a glass and it's just a matter of pouring some of the mousse in glasses directly before you put them in a fridge and that's it guys we've done the famous French chocolate mousse you're now ready to leave that lovely thing to set in the fridge for two to four hours seven better in the next day and when it's set you can start to decorate you can put fruits on it some mint or whatever or if you're lazy like maybe what I do I just take some of these shaped chocolates and put it on top there like this I don't have to do anything afterwards but I hope you enjoyed the video for today that's it don't forget to subscribe and become a patron if you like the content and as you all next time bye bye [Music]
Channel: French Cooking Academy
Views: 107,976
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How To Make a French Chocolate Mousse, french chocolate mousse, chocolate mousse recipe, chocolate mousse, french dessert, dessert, french food (cuisine), choclate mousse tutorial, french cooking academy, classic french recipes, how to make a choclate mousse, french food, french cooking, french cuisine, how to, easy chocolate mousse, easy chocolate mousse recipe, easy chocolate mousse without whipping cream
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 31sec (391 seconds)
Published: Sat May 05 2018
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