Freeze Dried Food Taste Test: MOUNTAIN HOUSE Edition!

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[Music] all right you're sitting here and now at our first ever freeze-dried meal taste test so this is gonna be the Mountain House version so each gonna do here we have breakfast skillet biscuits gravy beef stroganoff chili mac with beef and lasagna so rules are you take one spoonful eat it give it a score 1 through 10 it's very important right now because we're all getting ready for our backcountry hunts and we'll actually know which is going to be our favorites and these are actually the 5 best sellers sellers mountain houses and enter gear shop right now that's what it shows these five guys now are personal flavors could each like different things and I've actually never because I I stick to what I know and I've actually never had three of these so far I've never been feeding I can't remember if I had breakfast skillet but that's the one I'm kind of concerned about because the eggs I'm super concerned about Alan like maybe we can skip that one that's why this is very important to test right now don't like it now you're definitely not gonna like a yeah that'd be a problem so what's your prediction on your favorite and least favorite my favorite is here so already know my favorite yeah I got my favorite songs what beef stroganoff the CMG chili neck should I better never actually show the micro Trek some people but yeah that's like yeah and never had that Sarah was predicting this is our least favorite yeah I don't know thanks freaked me out yeah me too we should go in with all the planners also your best traffic with mountain houses so freeze-dried a chest no one else are here go we're golden that one first you got a guy needs breakfast so first up field breakfast skillet the one that were kind of a little iffy on because 700 calories in here pretty give you got a lot of calories and for breakfast of what the whole thing 13 grams of protein so yeah you need some I tell you the facts cuz there's hashbrowns makes me feel a little bit yeah just visually it's really visually it is a professional still my pop oh the ha why are the eggs and perfect cube do you have a perfectly few days is kind of concerning to me but it's actually really good it's kind of land it is kind of like hot sauce yeah hot sauce would be really good hey my taste tester the hash browns are keen Wow - dude what's up little peppers pleasantly surprised actually I'm pretty shocked right now Wow Wow so I'm gonna go six which might sound low it's it's actually not it's pretty solid and then I think that it which runs a suggestion of a tortilla you can't judge it like that and hot sauce it would be like a seven or eight from blown seven hear her excuse me six yeah that's pretty easy you'll see yours google it seven reasons being I love breakfast but I can see this being a really good dinner for breakfast but for the finish line is bland yes I don't think it's good this is great I wish it had more like a kick to I wish there was like the peppers were actually like peppers and I think it needs more of that sausage patty it's got a lot of eggs and hash browns yeah are so good dude rather than like get exact record of this he buy wait you ain't more than half think you're given a 5 blender it's not bad not bad but it's when it's play my steel itself come with you later me personally I always have a baggy seasoning into the hot sauce in my bag so you definitely make this better you know so that from not gonna be in my backpack to maybe it's in the possibly if you don't carry seasoning in a hot sauce in here in your bag I would maybe not do it you know what this one could be really good though want me kill in Wyoming oh yeah that's a mule deer back strap little bit seasoning up drop in there with some hot sauce that would be good [Music] come on are you serious it's my baby it's okay he's already this by far my favorite this is the furthest thing from plan that's what I like okay let me share with you that I've probably had this is gravy maybe twice in my entire life that's fantastic even oh yeah no I mean like at a restaurant I get it every restaurant every time so even you that's what I when we go to Wyoming on our way up I'm gonna distance gravy that morning because it's it's the best air so this is a breakfast food I I mean so Renzo's oriented at an without even tasting it this is what it looks like the eye areaa 80% thanks it looks so disgusting I think our resident chef chef Neville cookie right there so good did you guys do motion if you've watched any of the backcountry pumps very important your ratio of water to biscuits and gravy I've said this multiple times in multiple videos you know what I know it must up with it is in depth with it it's with brand up but it is very important you go light on the water you open it up halfway through it says well how long does it say the weight again it says eight to nine minutes go for four and a half minutes you open it up you see if it needs more water sometimes it doesn't and that's the most important thing to do it that's a good tip I think you don't even have pepper on it but it tastes like oh it does so good yep anybody Wow - see that's why you could eat this one for dinner Josh really arty and it legit tastes like a mom to the gunner middle of nowhere super good tastes like there was no corners cut tastes very good Neville's in a comparable job actually cooking this one yeah a bit super dry want to show you guys help that enable is it this so how much supposed to eat that this good you got a lot better right there nine o'clock school good no no you don't need to Wow yeah I got a pure powder right here like that's literally is that what you're talking about learns okay gonna cook the BG yeah well look clearly never watch my doughnut random this could be this could be a downside of the BT my window shelf good it is a tough tough it is why have you got to do it multiple times you have to where you find it out very carefully watch your normal that you go light on the water and you got to stir the outta and then you wait half the time it says to wait then you got a riester and add a little bit more luck you got into like half of that don't do it all at once because then you get the powder in the bottle that's a good tip right it's an insider tip let's give the people what they want they want stores right now Wow so Renzo's already going to ten degrees that's a that's a grass there dinner I'm gonna say unfair it's got a little bit more flavor than the breakfast skillet but I think you throw a tortilla and hot sauce with the breakfast skillet it might be a winner well Brandon we had chef novel with with the wrong ratio of water so I was tasting some pure powder so that's not foods fault but definitely pleasantly surprised as well okay baby come on not really way below average my reasoning though okay I had the GMA hello honey I did not have a stove forgot my stuff well that's a scouting trip sorry forgot my stove havebeen gee I had a cold still mom yes actually good [Music] [Applause] next up beef stroganoff I feel like this one's a classic this is a classic well this is like one of the first ones everybody gets into yeah I'm off later starter vehicle I'm off to miss suppose any of the ones that there's the cream yeah thing about this one you know it's not gonna be like out of this world but it's also not gonna be under this row be compared you go and eat carbs in the back country this smell to nab doctors over here literally did not stir any of these while they were picking do not read only the top hat is good and have a lot to do still of classic you know I would like some pepper though this is like 90s music gonna mess out of the flight perfect but it's all really good definitely nineties music I mean we had to pop in the nineties yeah oh that's like none of us like fantastic but it'd be pretty good it was the dream I'm gonna go give it another step we get a seven not outstanding a little suspects for me like possible got mature but solid plugg that's it so I don't know what that's straight man you got a number to you there's a solid plastic this isn't one that's like no no you're talking to a guy who makes this for his wife at home I'm not breaking ten it's just all around perfect flavor that creaminess a lot of meat really filling afterwards I love this one all right right now we have chili back before we dive in and chili back we're halfway through three quarters with your netid how are we feeling we've made a lot of food right feel pretty good about myself I'm pretty shocked that I like the first time I'm extremely scared of this one just looking at don't look well it's a side note for anyone who wants to know some information Schilling back is the one that our camera guy cannot have no one that will not let him have any more it's not good in the cut happens oh you just got wrenched the whole next day that's it's not I'm a little scared of this is it this is cool it's really flaring water ease that that was supposed to be someone's actually cooked really good that's what actually that's actually just once cook the best of all okay so we it's like Stewie known at Cinco the beans scare me a little bit decent tasting part least favorite so far though I think it should be a little higher but I'm gonna give it a 6 just because of the day after if I'm scared whoa going it's good you know this is scary one it is it's really good though is it though no Katie you like tasty right now but you have to think about what's gonna do to you that taste like I'm not hunting the next day that has to play it into spicy sauce with macaroni beef and beef kind of be part of that like enriched macaroni kidney beans last one I gotta tell you boys I bias on this ready this is the last one of our freeze-dried mountain house burning so let's kick it off he's gonna be the best boys this is a class also cooks great chef Neddy really stepping up the last couple months mmm you see how it just smells cleaner [Music] you know I don't toss mine out like this all the time like Grady does but it's getting the old double digits well do did you do something if you don't bowl of chili mac we're not friends would you give chili back by 6:00 Wow we're not honey I'm sure there's what family is it okay the sauce to me tastes a little fake and the cheese coats up on your spork Becky finish a whole one of these and it drives on their loss yep like really clean your spark effort this is a dirty one really hard to take care of and I think it's let's don't think the best or this is all a classic good and it's funny you say about the sauce because this is like the one that actually smells you just closed rat actually smells I think that'll get an echo Oh God I think it smells like it smells like your nominee no but it smells like a good food you're on the bed to the next thing mm-hmm you close your eyes can you smell this you're kind of a cheaper attacker I do not so bad I can take this that's good cheap food that's why smell oh and the chili immaculate oh it smells like this is whole food it's crazy I've just wrapped up the mountain house version of the free Drive meal taste test and the winner was biscuits crazy surprise anyone that gets it I gotta be honest thirty minutes ago I would have said you're crazy I was gonna get this it's gonna be a real one but you're right it just takes monsters so I raise the heck out of me handicap now whenever it's a great one for dinners and also supplement in the middle of day and our least favorite one the gutwrench are also completely that chilly night so nasty love know you guys thoughts what's your favorite what's your least favorite this is the test everyone should do at home with a couple of these before their go hunting to figure out what night did why and then also see date night special that's three story even but generally does that but the other good thing is that we should maybe do one of these at night and then also see how you feel the next day all right we want to know what your guys's favorite flavor is of mountain house drop in the comments below also if you like this content like and subscribe it got a bunch more that's coming next up is gonna be pretty fuel sort of dive into the same sort of taste test paper fuel already on number one now it's got five to see you guys and keep in mind that these for the top five of our best seller to enter in your shop to assess what would base it on we probably and then do we want to know what flavors we should do on the PPP have you guys have any extra flavor that you really want us to also drop that comments down below definitely those in their native English sly some extras so till next time you
Channel: goHUNT
Views: 72,212
Rating: 4.7039847 out of 5
Keywords: deer hunting, bow hunting, hunting (interest), elk, bowhunting, rut, bugle, archery, gear, elk hunting, hunting, bugling, mountain hunting, calling elk, goHUNT, INSIDER, bow, western hunting, big game, gear list, backcountry, Gear Shop, Mathews, gear breakdown, hunting gear list, mule deer hunting gear list, early season gear list, archery hunting, weekend backpacking gear list, freeze dried food, freeze dried food review, mountain house, best mountain house meals, backcountry food
Id: ByMXJVK9v8c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 27sec (987 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 23 2019
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