FreeCad Tutorial #2 | How to model an iPhone 6S Skin Case for 3D Printing in FreeCAD

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hi welcome to ktek designs my name is seth welcome to this tutorial on an iphone 6s skin case with freecad in this tutorial i'll demonstrate the use of boolean operation to make an iphone case and with that let's get started so just like my previous video to find the overall dimensions of an iphone you simply google iphone 6s size dimensions and it'll come up with the overall dimensions there so you get your length your width and your depth all right let's get started on this model i've already created a save file so i've named it iphone case 6s that's what i'm going to work on of course the first thing to do is to make sure after you've created your new part from the start menu is to be in part design and click create body now since this is a boolean operation we're going to need two bodies but we'll get to that create your sketch it shall be on the xy plane now we're going to create the phone itself but it's not going to be quite exactly those dimensions since we're doing a boolean subtract we actually want the phone to be a little bit bigger or it needs to represent the cavity that we're creating and that cavity should be bigger than phone itself so let's go ahead and make our standard symmetric constraints click to delete that horizontal or vertical symmetric click to delete that horizontal now the dimensions that i have come up with that work well for me are as follows 131.2 millimeters long and 60 millimeters wide we're going to want to add fillets sketch fillets i like to use the constraint preserving sketch fill it click those two edges to fill at those corners as you can see i like to use that fillet type because it preserves this point geometry here let's make all these equal so select all of them and to easily make them equal just add a radius constraint and it'll automatically make those equal that number is 7.325 great just pad that uh leave that direction the way it is and the value is 7.35 if you remember the actual thickness of the phone is 7.1 millimeters so i'm adding a 0.3 millimeter um clearance there now that we've added this we need to have our rounded edges and the way i'm going to do that is with a sweep let's create a new sketch create that on the yz plane we're going to want to key off of this but instead of using reference geometry this time i'm just going to use the number the with the number we used before since we know that easily we need a line and we need an arc now you could also make this model as wide as i'm about to make it here and then do a radius on both edges but then that creates a line through the part i don't really want that so i'm doing it this way we can make these tangent now what we need to do since this is already coincident i just need to add a point on the opposite side make these points symmetric and then we need to dimension it to 60 millimeters we did not set the radius which is of course 7.35 sorry the diameter is 7.35 so that makes this 3.675 that looks correct close that sketch now we're going to make it a sweep and what i'm going to do is i'm going to show this sketch and hide the pad geometry that way we can reuse this sketch from before [Applause] click ok nice and that's our phone the next thing that we need to do though since we're doing a boolean subtraction we're going to make our um case shape but before we do that we need to make sure we have the window cut out since there's a little bit of thickness above this model this body when we do our subtraction we didn't have the feature i'm about to put on you would just have a hollow cavity that you couldn't see inside of a larger body and then you have to do a cut and that's totally doable but this way i find easier to manage so what we're going to do is we're going to create a sketch on this surface and i'm actually going to i guess i don't need to show that we're going to import that sketch geometry here so that was this button copies the geometry of another sketch what i'm going to do with this is make it reference reference and then i'm going to make an offset it's not quite the right offset but we'll fix it in a second it's going to be offset a little bit inward um or outward outboard not inward so let's go ahead and make our usual metric strengths can i get that point metric delete that horizontal make these two points symmetric and then delete that vertical we need to add our sketch fillets of course make all of these sketch fillets equal that radius should be 7.325 sorry we don't even need to do this the geometry will handle it so this is what we need to do we need to make these coincident there we go and then we need to set our distance away which is just one millimeter excuse me i forgot i should not have removed that okay so what is keeping this from being how did that happen i thought i made all of these equal okay now those are equal that's what we want click close and we're going to pad this and we're actually going to do symmetric to plane we only need it to be two millimeters thick now the reason why i did symmetric to plane is because where i sketch this see if i take this off there's a gap here and we don't want that in our on our body all right that's pretty much the phone now what we need to do in order to use uh the boolean operation two or more bodies you see it says there we need to create our second body i'll go to tasks create body create a sketch i'm making the sketch about the yz plane and it's just a rectangle for now now we want some thickness below the phone i'm actually making this a fairly thin part so it's only 0.75 millimeters thick because it's a skin case oh yeah let's add our symmetric constraints there and this leg and this portion should be eight millimeters now you can see that dimension gives us a thickness above the phone but below our subtraction so that we actually get cut out when we do that subtraction and then i've estimated that the overall length should be 70.1 millimeters and that gives us a certain thickness should be about 1.5 millimeters on those edges click close click pad symmetric and that length should be 141.8 millimeters all right there you go now with this body selected select the boolean operation select the type which is cut and we're adding this body which is body one all you have to do is click that sorry click add body click that and there we go we've got our followed out case we've subtracted the phone body now we're going to add our cutouts and fix things up a little bit here first thing we want to do is add some fillets these corner fillets are 12.5 millimeters click ok if we go to the top view you can see we have a nice equal thickness curve there next we want to add these edge fillets and those should be two millimeters that looks good now let's add our cord cut out and our speaker cut out so let's add a sketch on this bottom surface now i want to add some reference sketches to make our cutouts on the correct axis meaning the midplane of our first body since we made our first body relative to this plane you know extruding this way to make it easier to make the case we need to add these features in so what i'm doing is adding two reference lines some construction lines sorry making them equal and then i'm setting the overall length to be that 7.35 millimeters so this will help with our cutouts we've got um headphone jack cut out and our mic cut out we've got our speaker and then we need our charger charger jack the lightning port all right uh let's actually add some lines connecting these two use our trim tool to trim this line and this line let's just delete that that i'll make these two coincident and press t for tangent you should be horizontal and i'll fix that later alright let's set some of our constraints these two holes should be horizontal and i'll just go ahead and make these two horizontal as well this diameter should be six millimeters this diameter should be two the distance from the center for this hole is 20.3 millimeters and this whole that same plane is 15.5 moving over here this cutout's diameter is three millimeters its overall length is 12. the slot length sorry length is 12. and its furthest position from this plane is 23.5 then of course let's make these horizontal now for this cut out let's do it we need to make some symmetric constraints here delete that horizontal constraint let's add here or instruction line here so that we can make these two points symmetric about that line excellent this overall height is 5.5 overall length 16. actually i'm going to add some sketch fillets in there and those should be all equal and have a radius of one millimeter one there we go excellent that's done now let's cut that five millimeters is okay uh you don't want to do a two-first cut on this because of these radii you'll end up getting uh some funky geometry where it doesn't cut all the way through all right easy enough next what we want to do is make camera cutout and then of course the apple logo cutout make a sketch on that bottom surface this is pretty easy we've got circle and a slot uh for this slot to make it a little bit easier to dimension i'm actually going to add two instruction lines like before making them equal to each other on the slot and that will enable us to measure to its center this diameter should be 20 for the logo cutout and its position relative to the plane there should be 31 millimeters this slot diameter is 8.5 millimeters its length is 10.5 10 oops 10.5 and then it's uh well we'll go ahead and add this dimension because that's the one i have 21 and then this dimension is all right 62.25 okay close that sketch cut that you can leave it at 0.5 millimeters there you go it looks great the next two features we need are the power or the um ringer toggle power the volume buttons and the power button let's go ahead and do the ringer side first we had a sketch this again will be two slots there one here these two of course need to be centered on the phone so set up your reference geometry your two sketch lines make them equal and the overall height is 7.35 this diameter is four millimeters this as well four let's add some sketch lines here delete that over constraint these two should be equal and then of course these need to be horizontal to each other and this dimension should be 49 of course and then this plot width lot length should be three millimeters and that's your ringer toggle go ahead and do the same thing over here this dimension is 28.5 and the overall length is 21 and these two should be horizontal now our sketch is fully defined close the sketch a cut five millimeters is fine that looks great now let's move over here to the power button same thing create a sketch on that plane let's create our construction geometry these two being equal role overall height being seven point three five we only need one slot on this side for the power button a diameter being four millimeters creating our construction geometry oops no problem go ahead and finish with our constraints select those two select this toggle horizontal constraint to set its y dimension sorry z dimension and its center is 34.75 from the phone center its overall length is 13 millimeters close that sketch create your cut there you go you're pretty much done now i did find in my experience that this cutout wasn't quite enough for the power button wasn't quite enough for the wide range of lightning cords lightning cables the stock one from iphone fits just fine but if you get an aftermarket one they tend to be a bit thicker and they didn't quite fit for me so we're gonna add one more feature and it's going to be a little bit of a chamfer and the way i'm going to do that is with a sketch so we're going to create a sketch on this plane i'm going to hide the body that sounds terrible in any other context and then i'm going to create some construction lines our overall dimension again being 7.35 millimeters if you remember the overall length was 141.8 millimeters i'm going to need to create some reference geometry to that i'm creating a chamfer oops lost that constraint there just to open up that cut out a little bit these two should be at 45 degrees and the overall chamfer is two millimeters now what i want to do is make this dimension 141.8 divided by two that places us at the end and then i want to mirror these top and bottom cut out and so you can use this feature here create symmetric geometry uh select your symmetry and there you go now these aren't exactly connected it's just a mirrored geometry there are no constraints so you'll have to add in your constraints that's really the only one you'll need then you'll also want to make those equal now the overall cutout if you remember was 5.5 millimeters so that's what we set that opening to and that's it close that we can go ahead and show our body again you'll see where it's going to be we take this and we're going to do a cut we want it to be symmetric and i found about eight excuse me oh that's right about eight millimeters was comfortable now these edges would be pretty sharp if we just printed them as is so we're going to want to put a chamfer on there i think 1.5 was good 1.3 that's what it was i use 1.3 and add all of those corners nice that looks good so we're pretty much done all we have left to do is a little bit of touch-up so what i liked to do for these cutouts was add chamfer it made it easier to access the buttons go champ for those three slots and then finally we want to add a little bit of a fillet on these edges just so they're not too sharp so that should be a 0.5 fill it and then we just want to add these edges click ok and you're done you've now made yourself an iphone case hopefully with this tutorial you can expand on it to make cases for other phone sizes and happy printing thanks for watching please leave a like on this video and leave a comment to let me know what you thought about this tutorial again thanks for watching i hope to see you again in the next video [Music]
Views: 11,709
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: iPhone, 3D Printing, 3D Modeling, Tutorial, FreeCAD
Id: q7vaGkwylpw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 10sec (1750 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 24 2021
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