FreeCAD 0.21 is looking Awesome !! What's new.

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hi everyone welcome to the channel and today we're going to talk about the release 0.21 as of early May so there's been some significant improvements with freak had and features that have been added and I thought it'd be good to make a video of some of them which I find extremely interesting and useful in my day-to-day use of free CAD if you like what you've seen you want to donate to the channel then you can do so via Kofi or coffee at Ko hyphen forward slash m-a-n-g-0 or via Paypal at forward slash PayPal me forward slash Darren b e Stone I also run a patreon where you can get Early Access and additional content and that's at forward slash mango jelly Solutions links can be found in the channel header on the about page or in the descriptions of these videos so if you haven't looked at the release notes you can find them on the wiki release underscore notes underscore 0.21 and these are weekly builds that you can download and use please please understand that if you're downloading them and use them there may be bugs in them which you can report back and they will get fixed in the development lifecycle we can get it from the download page the weekly builds are in the development versions and we can download it from here and we've got in the assets Mac versions Linux and windows so the first thing we're going to start with is errors and warnings I set up a sketch that's going to error so when we very first start with freecad let's say I'll pad this which I know is going to error we get this report view that pops up we can disable that report for you you notice we've got this window as well so this is the new notification window so what we normally do when we come into freecad for the first time to go to the edit and the preferences and disable this report View in our tabs at the top when we start with General we have a report view Tab and in here I can show a report view on warnings on normal errors I've got the show report Fuel and error here so we uncheck that and then we can come down to okay but we also have this new tag called notification area in here the notification area we have errors and warnings and this is a pop-up that will appear so we're okay that let's close that panel and if I click on that sketch and Pat that now we get this message that pops up here rather than the pop-up of the report View and we can have that instead of the pop-up the report view or we can disable this entirely once we click it gets rid of it if I hit OK we can see what the problem is wire is not closed and that's only because go into the sketch I've got these two points here that are open we just close that and it will pad the next change or feature is the image workbench as you can see there's no image workbench now I've done a video about this before it now is in the file import and we can import our reference image and we get the image over the left hand side Dot clicknet means that we have everything that was available on the image workbench including the scaling is down the bottom and we use calibrate to calibrate a length scale to there has been numerous changes around the Sketcher and if we look at the top here you can see that the toolbar only shows the sketch tools that are available when we're not in sketch mode the minute we go into sketch mode with a new sketch along one of the planes then we have the other tools let's just skate that now I've got a sketch we have all the sketch tools like mirror sketch validate sketch and reorientate sketch that become enabled to allow you to modify your sketch minute we go in then they will disappear and you'll get your normal sketching tools whilst I'm in the Sketcher we have a number of B spline updates so be spline if we use a b spline tool so quote Baseline and we have constraints for these so if I come over to my tools I've got the auto constraint on and the auto remove redundant constraints notice that this selection has moved as well so in the panel there used to be these options as separate checkboxes within here they've moved to this little tool icon here and you can slap it from here so I've got the all the constraints on so if I create say a circle I can hover over this B spline and attach it to there or if I do say a straight line I can also attach it with a point on object constraint this comes in useful when we're creating such things as Lofts or sweeps whether geometry is morphed in such a way through the sweep or Loft which creates a b spline Edge if I quickly create something in here to demonstrate this such as this sketch with a helix so we're going to use this sketch here and from the part workbench we're going to sweep it along the helix create a solid and let's increase the size of the helix like so this edge here that runs all the way around because it's on a different plane will be pulled in as a Bee spline the same as this one so what we're going to do is pull this into a sketch and create a number of holes along here to do that let's come over to the Sketcher create a new sketch on the X Y plane and we're going to pull in this Edge if I do a section View sketch view section we have section through through there and we can see another feature that is new freecat 2.1 and that's as we change to the plane our section View is still split through that section so you can see the flipping of the bottom and top and we can get to the geometry behind here and we wasn't able to do this before in previous versions of freecad we can come to the bottom we've got a section view through the bottom and also from the top so we can get it from either side foreign to this now this is a b spline so we're coming to here and try to add a radius to it it won't allow me we've got the wrong selection we can't add a radius to that it's a b spline and I can add circles to here and these will be the holes that I want to place for our suite so I'm going to screw these out and add them to our sweet like so and we can move these along here to where everyone let me close come back over to the part workbench we'll find that sketch that's sitting on the bottom click on it use the extrude 10 millimeters let's go a bit further and then we can take the one we want to keep the one we want to remove which is our new extrude and use the cut therefore we have our holes other sketch features are such things as the snapping so if we come in here we've got a grid that we can enable inside the grid we have the auto grid spacing and spacing so if I change the space into say something like 30 we get the grid set to 30. we got the grid Auto spacing as well so when we Zoom you'll see the grid is subdivided and as we zoom out you see how that's subdivided there also with the grid we have the snapping so at the moment the snap is off and we'll click it snap is on turns green and inside here we've got the snack to grid snapped objects I'll select snap grid and when I create something like a rectangle you'll see how I start snapping to that grid just moving and it's snapping in there with such things as standard objects we can set distance so I can set a distance say between these two points or the distance constraint foreign but we wasn't able to set a distance between say a circle and the side of this rectangle now we can by using both of those and saying the distance constraint and okay that split tool has been upgraded so with a split tool we can split edges and now this works for a b spline so we come out and click the B spline and set a b spline in here this will have one Edge so if we roll over it that's one Edge so we'll close that and roll over in here you can see a single edge in here but with a split tool we can split this into multiple edges and add control points so when we split additional control points are added allowing us to manipulate this along those control points and if I close you can see that now we now have multiple edges if we come back in and look at the other tools available for the Beast line then say I had our Arc in here then I can create this as part of this B spline and that's use these two points and come up to a new tool the join curve this is different from the join Curves in the curves workbench this allows you to join curves together B spline and the curve are now joined and we get the B spline manipulation points for that curve also if we take two curves we can join these into a b spline as well again adding extra vertices to allow for more control of the beastline an amendment has been made to the Clinton constraint so we can have concentric so I take this circle and this circle and take the two Center points or even the two circles and come over and hit the Quinton constraint that makes those two circles concentric to each other this is also the same for arcs and ellipse the two arcs take those two use a constraint and they are now coincident to each other via concentric so I hope that's given you an overview of some of the changes that's in 0.21 please remember there are other changes in there including quite a few improvements to the tech draw workbench I hope you enjoyed that video and I hope to see you again soon if you like what you've seen you want to donate to the channel then you can do so via Kofi or coffee at Ko forward slash m-a-n-g-0 or via Paypal at forward slash PayPal me four slash Darren b e Stone I also run a patreon where you can get Early Access and additional content and that's at forward slash mango jelly Solutions links can be found in the channel header on the about page or in the descriptions of these videos I thank everybody that's donated so far it really helps to keep the lights on so I can produce more content and also expand the channel thank you for liking commenting and subscribing to these videos and I hope to see you again in the next one
Channel: MangoJelly Solutions for FreeCAD
Views: 21,848
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CAD, three, 3D, CNC, Printing, solidworks, autoCAD, freecad 0.19, freecad 19, freecad basics, basic course, fundamentals, learn freecad, freecad beginners, freeCAD 0.20
Id: rPxr0yvNgxo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 51sec (831 seconds)
Published: Thu May 25 2023
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