FreeCAD 0.20.2 Tutorial - ORG TRAY by Too Tall Toby (Intermediate Exercise)

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hello and good morning my friends to this new Freaky tutorial here buy me flowy and I'm gonna show you today how to model this part here it's called zero four eleven B the auric tray this part is a little bit challenging in freakhead but only for one reason the main reason why this is not so easy is that you have to know about the tools in freecad and how to stack those tools so that you don't use the tools in a wrong order that will make it very painful in freecat but I'm going to explain you this in detail so the first thing we need to do we start in freecat 0.20.2 in the part design workbench we create a new file yeah and we start with a new sketch this sketch is going to be placed on the X Y plane and we are starting with a centered rectangle we start at the center point of the sketch and create a dimension horizontal distance of 200 millimeters because that's exactly how it is shown in the technical drawing and we are creating this vertical image of 82 millimeters so now we close the sketch so now that we created the 200 by 82 millimeter sketch we have to change its attachment here to a position of 40 millimeter in Z Direction here and so that we shifted 40 millimeters in the Z axis now we are going to use the pad command 40 millimeters but please be careful of the direction we want to Pat it downwards so that we reach the zero in Z Direction so we have to click reversed and we have to add a taper angle if we add the taper angle of 6 degrees you will see that it's getting wider on the bottom and that's exactly not what we want so we have to include -6 here and then it's going to be a little tapered inwards like this exactly what we want to do so um the first attempt that I did in freakat was that I I started using all these crazy fillets around here and here and then I used the shell command or thickness command how it's called in free kit I'm going to demonstrate it to you now but please don't follow me along now just this is just for demonstration purpose this step here so I'm using the fillet of 25 millimeters here on these corners 25 and then I'm using 15 on this corner here on the bottom corner and what you will now see is that when I use the shell command or the I always say shell but it's called thickness here in the English version on this face here thickness of three millimeters and make it thickness inwards nothing is happening because free cat's thickness command is absolutely catastrophic I hate this command it's probably one of the worst commands in all free CAD it's super picky and will not work in many many occasions where it should work so we delete the two fillets again now you can follow along if you like because now it's going to work if we select this top face here make three millimeters and create the thickness inwards everything works like absolutely no problem but with the fillets no chance for me to create this but okay it's not a big deal but I'm just not very happy about this thing so the next thing we need to do we need to make the fillets on the inside of the Box um therefore we could try to select the top view so that we can easily select these edges you can press V and three like V three on the keyboard and then you can select these edges a little bit more easily so we select this Edge hold down the Ctrl key and these three edges as well click on the fillet command it's not given in the technical drawing because we only have the outer fillets here in the technical drawing but because we know we have a wall thickness of three millimeters it's 22 millimeters on the inside 25 minus three millimeters wall thickness is 22 and down this edge here is 12. because 15 on the outside minus 3 equals 12 millimeters so the one on the keyboard and we have this nice box with the fillets on the inside and still no fillets on the outside but that's not a bad thing because I'm going to try something now I need to include the ribs to draw the ribs I start a new sketch on the X Z plane here and I start drawing with the polyline tool here create a polyline I make it quick and dirty and then I'm gonna correct it mmm on the keyboard to switch to the arc mode and go down here to meet this point then we are selecting these two points and the axes and go to symmetric and then we glue the center point on the vertical axis as well and we are including an angle between these two legs here of 12 degrees and we are creating a horizontal length for this line here of 10. um then we need to create a vertical distance of three that's exactly the wall thickness and then only one degree of freedom is missing it's the height of the rib and the height of the rib is calculated until this tip point of this radius here we cannot so we cannot select it easily so we are just adding another datum Point here create a point somewhere here glue this datum point also on the vertical axis and then we are creating a vertical Dimension between this point and the sketch origin of 37 whoo and now we have the rib completed nice I like it so the next thing we are going to do we are creating a pad for this rib and we are saying not the dimension but up to face and we are padding up to this face here up to this outer face and now we have a very clean a very clean geometry here I like it so that's cool so now we are using the create multi-transform and frequet which is one of the coolest features free cat has in my opinion especially the parts design workbench it's one of my favorite tools in the partisan workbench when I tried this exercise for the first time I found that this step here is super amazing we simply select this pad we create the multi-transform the first step we do we add a mirror transformation we mirror along the XC plane so that we get the complete rep here then we are creating a linear pattern in the X Direction so x-axis and three ribs and in 64 millimeter distance let's have a look from the top yes looks amazing looks absolutely as I want it to look and then we create another crazy mirror transform but this time we mirror along the Z y X's like this yes okay okay and now we're almost finished all that's missing is the outer fillets and now in the last step we can create the outer fillets so yeah V three on the keyboard select these edges again fill it for 25 millimeters okay so like this Outer Edge fill it 15 millimeters okay and then I press V1 on the keyboard this looks really really nice looks absolutely correct last thing we need to do we have to check the weight if we compare it to the video of tutorial Toby he has 168 grams to get the weight we just go for on the macro recent macros is the FC info macro if you have not installed this I absolutely recommend you to install the FC info macro here we enter a density for the part of one point zero two like this and then we just just select the body here and yes it's calculated 168.22 grams exactly as desired so that was my video for the or tray in freecad I hope you learned something I hope you are also as amazed as I am with the multi-transform tool keep in mind that the order of our tools is very important here so I started with the pad I then applied the thickness because the thickness would not work after fill it in here so I added the thickness now then created the two inside fillets so that I create correct geometry for the pad for the rib here but I only took one half of a rip and then the super amazing multi-transform tool to create one half of a rip into five complete rips then in the last step the outer fillets and we were finished see you until next time don't forget to like this video and don't forget to subscribe to my channel have a nice day see you then flowy is out
Channel: Free CAD Academy
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Keywords: cad, free cad, Freecad part, Freecad part design, free cad part design, cad design basic, cad design basics, Freecad wiki, Freecad documentation, Freecad help, free cad help, free cad documentation, free cad wiki, Freecad basic tutorial, learn Freecad, flowwie, flowwies, floppies corner, cad education, Freecad beginner, Freecad newbie, freecad 0.20, freecad 0.20.2
Id: ow5UkpmyEC8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 55sec (595 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 09 2023
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