Free Wedding Photography Workshop

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foreign so guys this is the getting ready portion of the course usually when I arrive at the hotel or Airbnb or house I always like to go to the door confirm the room with the planner the room number and make sure I'm good to go to go inside of the room so I'll just do like a nice knock if they don't answer the first time I might knock a little louder and just double check to make sure I'm okay to go in the room you know the ladies may be changing I don't want I want to be respectful to their privacy so once I get that clear or that approval I go inside introduce the team establish myself as the photographer and make sure that they're okay with me taking all the details to take outside or in the room but um I always like to make sure I establish myself as a photographer so that they understand that I'm about to get to work so I usually ask either The Wedding Planner or the wedding planner's assistant for the details in a situation where there is no wedding planner I will ask the Bridesmaids or maybe a friend of the Bride that might be in the room with them for those details but immediately we get started with that kind of knock those out get those out of the way and we roughly spent about 15 to 20 minutes on details not too long because we want to get started with capturing candidates of the girls getting ready different moments different laughter so I don't want to spend too much time on shooting the items I try to find the best spot I can immediately and just get right to it so here we have the details we found a spot outside in the lobby area that had some good natural light so we decided to take one of the tables and bring it out here into the middle area where we feel like the sun um is evenly shaded and not too harsh and contrasty a lot of times we may have to move furniture at the hotel we just try to respectfully respectfully remember to put it back but a lot of times you may have to shift some things around to get the shot that you need and that that comes with building that confidence over time with working with different venues and what have you to get the shot that you need I try not to settle just because I'm in a situation where okay that furniture is right there and I'm limited I can't do anything if it's possible I'm going to move that thing and try to get the shot that I need so I have a few details here we have the shoes we have a nice Rings box a nice ring box from the bride we have the Rings we have her garter I'm waiting on some stationaries some invitations from the plan Center and also she has some little floral items to add to kind of the flat Lane once she brings that I'll shoot the entire set but in the meantime I'm going to shoot everything separately get some close-up shots some wide shots and just work with what I have until they get here I usually like to bring two camera bodies to a wedding just because I don't want to find myself switching back and forth between lenses weddings are very fast paced so that kind of inconvenience and that Split Second of having to switch lenses you never know you could be missing something so I like to use two camera bodies a lot of times for weddings um in this situation I have two Canon r5s a zoom lens and a maybe a 85 millimeter 2.0 RF lens it's a macro lens so I'm able to get those close details of the Ring close-up of maybe logos on the shoes certain words on certain items and things like that so let's get started the planner actually just brought out the stationaries so I'm actually going to shoot that first instead and then I'm going to add the other pieces to it so I'm going to start off with the stationaries first do some straight on shots so I like to keep my aperture at about 5.6 or higher because I want to be able to get the details and everything that I'm shooting if I bring it down to like let's say 2.0 it might be a little tough to try to get an entire flat lay because it's a it's more background blur and I'm only focusing on a more narrow subject so I have my 28 to 70 here and I'm gonna just do some just straight above shots nothing too crazy to start off my theme is always starting safe get the safe shots and then we can get creative after so same thing for the details just straight safe shots straight above and then from there I'll go into different ways I can get a little bit more creative with the details do some vertical some horizontal some landscape start shooting the details one by one they're going to take out a few things add some different elements yeah we can incorporate that a tad bit I throw the rings on there right now in this particular shot the shoes are actually going to be cut off from the frame and that's intentional still using my 2870 to get these wide shots foreign just to add a little bit more details so it's not all just invitations and stationaries get some side shots cool with the shoes I always like to get different perspectives different angles to really highlight the details of the shoes um you can always start from the top down that's always a safe way to get started so you can get your thoughts together with shooting the details and always just move them just move them around you never know what you might find and sometimes you might find a cool shot by accident you know that slight little shift of that shoe in front of it or putting one laid flat or one standing up might make a huge difference with the details so just kind of mixing them up you know I I don't personally think there is a right or wrong way to shoot details I just feel like you work with your environment and try your best to showcase what the wedding what the wedding theme is and what it looks like and how maybe you can shoot those details to match that so this is a very um Bohemian type venue a lot of plants a lot of nature a lot of wood so incorporating the shoes and having the plants maybe in the background may be a good way to incorporate that to follow the theme of the wedding so now I'm just doing some side angles I love Reflections so I'm gonna do some low angles to get a little bit creative with the shoes switching to the 85 millimeter 2.0 now it's actually a macro lens and I want to give the shoes some compression when I'm shooting it so I'm gonna just kind of shoot from a distance get that nice compression in there there's also a nice cool reflection at the bottom at on this table so that's kind of cool yeah just to kind of just to give some shoes some creativity um might zoom in on the logo you know to show where she got the shoes from do some low angles of the diamonds on the shoe but again I'm not spending a ton of time on this I'm doing what I can in the in the short window that I kind of give myself now we have the ring shots again playing it safe I like to just start with a nice hey this is what the Rings look like back with my 85s again it gives it a nice compression meaning I get a nice background blur so the subject that I'm focusing on is in Focus but the background is nice and creamy so when you hear me say compression that's what I mean a lot of times these items are very sentimental items to the couple whether that's the ring it may be a gift from a friend or maybe a gift from someone who was married previously before them a lot of times people like to pass down items that they may have had at weddings so wedding details are very important because these are very special items to the couple we're not just shooting these just to say that we shot these details it's not just something made up as part of the wedding day it's actually very sentimental and very important items to the couple so a lot of times couples will ask me hey did you get a shot of this or something like that from the wedding day it was very meaningful to me we want to make sure we capture those because they really look for those things when they're looking through their Gallery so it's something to really keep in mind details aren't just gotta shoot details it's actually a very very important part of the day and it gets the day started I feel like I've gotten the safe shot out of the way so if I have a little wiggle room in the timeline I might have a little fun with the details and get a little bit more creative I am using a a leaf from the venue again this is a very uh Bohemian style very nature-esque venue so incorporating those details with the theme of the wedding I always like to do that whenever I can again this is proceed with caution when you're shooting details you know you don't want to put the rings on top of some water or something like that be very careful when you're shooting the details don't try so hard to get creative that it may set things behind because you dropped the ring in between something or what have you so tread lightly you'll get that creative shot if it's not this wedding it'll be the next one so I'm still using the 85 millimeter for this shot because although the leaves may be blurred out a bit you can tell that it still leaves and it gives it that nice creamy look and your eyes still focuses on the Rings so just getting a few different angles through different shots something creative just to give the gallery a little bit of a variety and a good mix okay sometimes like I said they may have items that were gifted to them so for example this ring box may have been gifted by the bride I try to make sure I incorporate it and utilize that you know they didn't bring it here for no reason so it's best to get as much as you can still using the 85 millimeter because these are very close up shots and I want to get the details of everything inside of the box as well my ISO is at 100 my shutter speed is at 1 over 320 and my f-stop is at 2.0 because I'm still trying to give it that nice compression and background blur I may widen it up a bit if I want to get the entire details of the box but in this situation I feel like everything in this box I can narrow the focus down on it looks good to me all right in this situation we're Outdoors so I use a lot of natural lighting but in situations where we're indoors we may have to use some artificial lighting meaning a mini video light a flash or what have you to get the shot that we need or to get the best lighting situation since we were outdoors I use a lot of natural light but indoors I may use a video light such as this mini aperture video light or I may use my on-camera flash on top of my camera to get a nice bounce off the roof or I may use an on off camera flash from my different strobe lights whatever the situation may be I try not to settle in my situation so I like to make sure I have control of the environment since I'm Outdoors it's nice and even so I decided to stick with the natural route in this situation we don't have as much natural light so I've decided to incorporate some artificial light to have more control over my situation so still using the 2870 still using the 85 but now I have some artificial light to help me out so I have a video light here continuous like to help me give that even punch or rule of thumb usually the closer the light the softer and also the closer the light the more control you have over how you want the Shadows to Cascade off the details so I like to use a nice large softbox on my details because it's evenly spread not too much inconsistencies with shadows and Lighting so let's get straight to it still same fundamentals play it safe in the beginning get those wide shots wide aperture to make sure everything's in focus and then I can get creative after I've got my safe shots so let's get some different angles switch it up a little bit [Music] awesome now I'll probably switch over to my 85s to get some more compression again compression means all it really means is just how much background blur you want from the main subject from the background so separating the subject from the background I like to shoot a bit underexposed because that way in editing or post-production I can bring out the Shadows later again this is a scenario where I felt like I needed artificial lighting if I had more natural light again I would probably stick to that but in this situation I want to play around my lighting so I have more control I may also use an on-camera flash as well a lot of times I like to bounce it off of different objects in the room most of the time with on-camera flashes if the walls aren't white or close to White it's going to give off the color that the light is bouncing off of so just keep that in mind when you're using your on camera flash and that's why I like to use my video light because I can keep that at a neutral color temperature but it's also good to play around with your different flashes to see the different looks you can get I'm using my on camera flash and I'm going to bounce it off this pillar right here to see how that might look in the picture and I'm still using my video light as a fill light awesome beautiful I love it I love that the light is kind of narrowed in on the details and everything around it is a little bit darker so it draws the eye to those details and it's making the colors pop so you can use artificial light in situations where the lighting still looks good because it gives it a different look it separates that natural look from that editorial look when you're shooting your details so it's really you just kind of play around with it and see what look you're drawn to and what works for you this is what I like to do depending on my situation details are done I think we got a nice different variation and different angles of them so I'm happy with them just to recap we use the 28 to 70 and an 85 millimeter the 28 to 70 was to get those nice wide establishing shots the 85 millimeter was to get those up close and personal intimate shots to give it a nice background blur to separate the items from the background so now we already said hi to the bride we've already introduced ourselves knocked on the door to make sure everything was okay we're going to gather all these details head back to the room and give these to either the planner the planner's assistant the maid of honor or just one of the Bridesmaids to make sure someone has them hopefully the bride is almost done with her makeup at that point and we're just going to check our heart to see where they're at and hopefully we can get started with doing some shots of some people now we're here now for the groom prep and his solo shots so usually when I come into the room I always like to introduce myself again the same way with the bride same way with the girls establish that the fact that I am the photographer and I'm introducing myself to make sure that they're comfortable with me and things like that I usually have my second shooter with the groom in the groomsmen while I'm with the girls but in this situation for demonstration purposes I'm going to show you guys how we capture the groom at his room and then eventually we'll take him out for some solo shots for this I like to use primes and zoom lenses because with getting ready photos there's a lot of things going on so I want to have a variety of different lenses in different situations I'll have my 35 millimeter 50 millimeter 85 millimeter and also my 2870 or 24 to 70 millimeter to get that versatility with angles so I like to start with the groom halfway dressed he can already have his shirt on his pants and I'll instruct him to have one of his guys usually the best man to help him put on some of his accessories and things like that and kind of get those candid moments between him and his brothers just to kind of establish those getting ready photos so let's get started I'd like to start off with my safe lens so in this situation I'm using my 28 to 70. he's already here sitting down this corner of the room is a little tight so I love to use my 28 to 70 situation to have a variety of different options and angles to use as opposed to a fixed lens where I'm forced to use just that focal length so he's already sitting down I'll probably start with some shots of him while he's already there so let's get started so Ralph you already sitting down let's have you maybe turn towards the window a little bit I want to get that light from the window to hit his face and could you just lean forward and maybe have one hand on your lap like this boom cool so this is his I'm not fully dressed yet but I'm thinking about the wedding day I'm getting ready I'm soaking in the moment I want to capture those shots before he gets Fully Dressed to really tell that story in the wedding gallery all right let's get some shots could you just turn your head out the window a little bit more perfect let that light kind of cascade off his face a tad bit we can kind of make it look like he's putting on his shoes so I may have him take off some items put them back on just so we can show that he was getting ready kind of like fake it till you make it a little bit um so you can take a shoe off and then just kind of act like you're putting it on yep perfect so I'm getting some landscape shots some vertical shots just to kind of get a different vibe in different angles I also like to break down my frames when it comes to pictures so what I mean by that is I'll get different sections of his body that's getting ready to kind of show that that emphasis on what's being prepped so in this situation it's his feet so I'll get some low angles so it's just really from the wrist down to his feet oh so I'm just gonna get you I'm just going to kind of get you just kind of fixing up yourself fixing up your watch putting on your imaginary cufflinks awesome and then again I'm I'm framing so I might do different sections of his of his body so right now I'm just doing his top half I'll close in and just do his torso section so pretty much the bottom of the neck to the maybe the top of the belt awesome hold that right there a lot of times especially as photographers we'll tell somebody to hold that shot or hold that pose and that's okay because you want to get the shot that you need and sometimes you might have to tell them to stop so just hold that right there and you can keep going best day of my life you know awesome hold your bring your hand back on that watch right there if I can just hold that hand up a tad bit bring a little lower sorry yep right there and just fix up your watch while you're looking out the window yep you can fix up your waist you know what I'm saying act like you're pulling your pants up awesome Yep he has glasses so we can utilize that as well you can act like you're adjusting your glasses yep you see clearly awesome and a lot of times you know wedding days are already stressful as as it is there's a lot of anxiety there's a lot of tension built up it's okay to crack a few jokes lighten up the room everything doesn't always have to be so ABC one two three you can lighten up the room crack some jokes just to make them kind of feel like you're not just here to do your job you know this is someone getting married it's the biggest day of their life nothing feel comfortable and warm them up a bit cool all right all right so I'm gonna try to do some creative shots a lot of times I have my camera especially with these mirrorless cameras I have it in a Auto Focus eye detection setting in this situation I'm going to use my manual focus points on my camera to have more control of what I want to focus the lens on so rocks let's see could you kind of turn that way Straight Ahead yep just straight ahead like that and then act like you're fixing one side of your glasses do the other side so the reason why I'm telling him to do the other side is because his hand will be blocking his face right there so just kind of be mindful of those things where little micro adjustments can make a huge difference when it comes to a wedding day photo so turn your head a little bit towards me right there hold that and just hold your glasses right there look straight ahead again for me while you're still holding the glasses yep and then pick your chin up a tad bit awesome perfect now let me have you turn that way all the way around yep back towards me and bring your hands in your pockets go a little closer today to the window matter of fact you can bring one hand up on the glass yep and turn your head to the right looking to the right yep hold that right there perfect kind of look back over your shoulder a tad bit yep now bring both hands in your pockets awesome so with the window being the object as the background that I'm shooting directly into this will more than likely be a silhouette shot for me because a lot of times when you're shooting towards a window with the subject there the background is going to be blown out so I'm going to use this as kind of that creative silhouette shot tell a bit more of the story for the wedding day him just by the window thinking awesome beautiful man good stuff can I do one more of you so stay like that no turn towards straight yep and let me just have your hands maybe like this like kind of like a ribbon your hands together almost like you're praying but um you can kind of touch your head down a tad bit and um just close your eyes [Music] awesome man beautiful love it now that we're done with the groom getting ready photos I have his groomsmen now here with me to help him get fully dressed into his wedding tuck so once he's fully dressed we'll probably take him out for some more solo portraits as well as group shots Mrs groomsmith so let me have you guys you guys can just go next to him right now we still have him by the window the reason why I like to keep this window covered with the with the blinds is because it kind of acts like a soft box instead of it being so harsh with the sunlight coming through the window so let me have you come by the window Ralph right there okay let's have somebody help him with his bow tie y'all know how to put on a bow tie right let me have you turn a little bit more this way come around a little bit more soon right back yep just because I want that light to really hit his face and again fellas happy thoughts you know Daniel even though you're in the back not really doing that right now you can still kind of joke with them tap them on the shoulder you know what I'm saying really hype them up for the day foreign just keep kind of adjusting his bow tie I want to get different angles of him being adjusted perfect Ralph how you feeling good doing good man throughout the wedding day I always like to check on the bride and groom just kind of double check with them how you feeling how you doing you need some water just to kind of see how they are mindset wise looks good man that's good can you just kind of adjust the bow type just like strain it a little bit perfect why are you putting on the bow tie maybe like you guys can kind of clown them a little bit like just kind of clown them you know he's getting married today that's a wrap man that's it yikes y'all can have a a post bachelor party you can help him with his maybe his watch or what have you just kind of adjust him you know awesome uh come on this side because I want the light to hit you yeah yep hold that right there just getting some close-ups of the watch first some low angles with me having the guys help out the groom before the wedding day he has he has groomsmen these are these are his his friends that he's had relationships with build bonds with so I want to be able to create some sort of connection between them before the wedding day not just them sitting around it's like oh okay I'm just a groomsman I want to show that they have a genuine relationship and that they're they've been with him from day one all the way up to him getting ready to walk down the aisle so something to keep in mind when you're telling a story for the wedding day it's not the best to tell a story when things are just kind of sitting there I always try to find ways to make connections between whether that's between the the detail in the groom the groom with his groom's men and things like that to show that everyone in the wedding is a special person in that couple's life they come around a little bit more so I can see you as well yep awesome awesome so I'm using the 85 right now just to show that I'm from a distance it's kind of a moment where he's putting on his jacket so I want to give off the vibe in this situation that the perspective is from a distance that I'm actually not in the room even though I am in the room so now that we have the jacket on he's fixed up let me just have you guys you know proud of your brother clap him up crack some jokes you can still pick on them you know what I'm saying beautiful beautiful love it love it hey love it I may also ask the guys you know to say a few words to the groom as he gets ready to go down the aisle if there's like any words of encouragement or advice or what have you you know sometimes sometimes the groomsmen may already be married or what have you so him hearing that perspective is always good as well to get him prep for the day so now that we're getting our safe shots out the way I've decided to get a little bit more creative I noticed this TV where most people might find it as a obstacle or a distraction or obtrusive to the actual shot I noticed that it has a reflection on it so I'm gonna let the camera work the environment not let the environment work my camera so seeing that we have a reflection we can kind of get creative and have you look out the window real quick Ralph that TV is giving off a nice reflection so it's really cool bring your right hand in your pocket hold your jacket like this almost like you're about to button it yeah still look out the window yep perfect and then you can look at me awesome all right so I'm gonna show him this shot that I was trying to do a lot of times I like to show them a little sneak peek to get them a little bit more excited because sometimes I may give them a pose and they're like what is he doing so let me show you what I was trying to do okay so you remember I told you the TV was reflection you see what I'm saying yes yeah okay cool cool groom's happy all right let's get back to it let me show y'all nice hold that right there let me have you fix your act like you're fixing your bow tie we're both hands yep oh that close your eyes I know I know it sounds weird but you'll understand later all that nice all right look at me right here serious face yep adjust your bow tie a little bit straighter by the way there we go nice all right you drop your hand and then hold the glasses again do your other hand there we go all right cool looking straight at me right here and then let me have you look out the window again I'm gonna have you be looking away a lot you know those look in the way shots are always really cool awesome [Music] she's wrapping up her makeup so since she's pretty much done I like to call them fake up shots so I'm just gonna instruct the makeup artist here to give me some different variations and different poses with her hands while I get those shots to make it look like she's still doing her makeup how you ladies doing y'all good so I'm gonna have you guys just do some fake up shots I want to really highlight you know her getting her makeup done so what I'm gonna have you do first is um this is for lips correct so you can just have you literally just micro movements that's touching up her lips um as she's doing that Aisha you can um look out the window for me and just hold it right there until I say the next move so I'm using the 35 millimeter and the 85 millimeter the 85 is for the close-up shots like on her lips and maybe her getting touch-ups on her maybe her eye shadow and things like that the 35 is for the more wide shots more establishing angles and getting the entire room to tell the entire story so I'm just going to start off with my 85 and get some close-ups on her her lipstick so you can just go ahead and keep doing what you're doing Aisha can you look at me right here perfect nice nice nice close your eyes beautiful after about three or four shots I always just like to move my body and try different angles so I'm not repetitively getting the same shots that's beautiful so I just switched over to the 35 now doing some wide shots just to kind of use these as establishing shots now f-stop is at 1.8 shutter speed one over 200 with the f-stop being at 1.8 I'm getting that nice compression that nice background blur so I switched back over to my 85 millimeter to get these Beauty shots she's getting her makeup done you know she's gonna look Flawless and stunning for her wedding day we want to make sure we get nice close-up shots for the bride as well as promote the makeup artist you know all the vendors involved with the wedding all played their part so this is also a good portfolio for them but it's also a really really nice way to establish how the bride got wedding ready for that day part your lips a tad bit so when I tell them to part their lips a tad bit I believe most people call it a smize it's just a very striking pose that I have most Brides do to really show that fierceness and it's a very powerful look close your eyes right there suit your head straight like straight and then look straight at me bring the brush down a little bit more yep perfect so I kind of did half of her face so like oh you know getting a little creative and you know I like to read right the good contrast yeah and I like to read the room if the bride is really bringing that energy I'm gonna I'm gonna feed off of it you know what I'm saying if I notice that they're a little bit more reserved or a little bit more shy it may take some more work but if they're already coming with good energy match it and see how far you can take them and bring the brush over to your right yep right there and then I actually look at me right here what we don't need no more we're done we this is this is it yeah we're done with it again you know I like to crack jokes with the I like the Green in the background yeah again warming up to them showing them different shots just to kind of get them excited for the day because when you're shooting them they're like I wonder how I look so just showing them a little preview gets them a little excited for today she's still looking as you can see yeah how do you look good job who did your makeup awesome makeup is done now we're gonna have the hair stylist come in and do some last minute touch-ups right after that we're gonna bring in her girls do some group shots have them go get dressed and wrap up with some more solo shots on her and her robe after that she's gonna put on her dress could you could you sit more straight towards me yeah cool but yeah just adjusting and then you can just kind of keep your eyes low for now um turn your head straight towards me yep perfect Angels stand directly behind her if you can yep and I want it to look very symmetrical with your hands so like you're just adjusting her headpiece yep wow beautiful all of that this 35 millimeter is also a macro as well so even though it is a wide angle lens I can still get close and get those detailed shots beautiful but I usually look up at me right here nice she said guns so just like so just fluff them and I'm not even here you kind of just looking off you know yep Carefree getting ready for my big day you can give me some laughs some giggles [Music] perfect and real quick just give me a look right there over your shoulder at me boom wow the Bridesmaids are here now so we're gonna get some rope shots with her and her girls hey ladies can we have you guys sit next to the bride yep you're in the middle you're the focal point let's see so the room the lighting is a little all over the place so I decided to bring my video light to give it a nice fill on them if I didn't there would have been some harsh Shadows cascading off their face and it doesn't give the most flattering look especially with them getting their makeup done and things like that we want to make sure we highlight that the best way we can so it's a tight space I'm going to use my 28 to 70 to make sure that even though it's a little bit closed in I have the flexibility to move back and forth without feeling too too far too close and having to worry about what focal length I'm using so the 28 to 70 is a very very nice sweet spot it's a really really do what I need to do so I like to start safe as usual start off safe creative later alright ladies you guys can look at me and we're just going to smile for this one okay just smiling straight at the camera my 28 to 70 right now I'm using it to make sure I have as much different angles as I can the room not that it's small but for getting ready photos I like to have as much versatility as I can so the 28 to 70 is a nice sweet spot to get those shots I need beautiful ladies show some teeth you can look towards your girls tell them how good they look yep look at each other give each other some smiles beautiful beautiful awesome show the ring off show the ring at me I used to just kind of hold it out boom and just hold it out towards me up hold it out like bam like I'm getting married boom girls look at her beautiful look at you girls again nice so remember I was saying my constant light is helping fill in those harsh Shadows this is how it would look without it you see a lot of Shadows around the nose under the eyes and we don't want that they spend their hard-on money on makeup to look as beautiful as they can for the wedding day they need to look tip top shape beautiful let me have you both kind of rest your head on her shoulder yep that's all right you can put your hand other hand other hand on her shoulder there we go perfect beautiful don't smile ladies awesome I'm just going to get a close-up real quick there we go perfect and hey I like that beautiful can we do that turnout one more time what you just did yep love it love it love it she really wants to do this pillow fight nice give me some laughs awesome can we do serious nice I know get the laugh out get it get it out yep all right there you go nice perfect perfect you should look out the window you look that way that way yeah hold on all right how you should look at me well wow hold that right there ladies keep looking at me actually [Music] nice ladies what uh towards Aisha right there beautiful so you two look back at each other you two look back at us you you two go back at each other you know you should look at me this is gonna be good for the bloopers oh that you guys can't look at each other yeah without but these are really good though because it really shows their relationship as friends see every time they look at each other they're cracking up so that just that just goes to show that connection and I'm not gonna stop shooting because of that that's not a that's not a mistake that's a genuine moment I don't know can we can we try it one more time one more time ladies in the back go a little closer to each other boom and then I used to smile looking at me give me some big laughs lace beautiful love it I would consider just going from safe to creative now okay let's see all right I like what you're doing with your hands yeah I like what you're doing that's good no I like both hands everybody do something different and then you have one yep awesome so it's like a subtle Flex of the ring too a little bit you know maybe do the other hand then yeah there we go perfect so I'm still using my constant light on the side because it's really giving that nice feel light again if it's off they're going to look off so that shadow we don't want a lot of harsh Shadows around their eyes and under their chin and things like that we want to make sure that light is filling in their face completely so that makeup is popping and they look evenly lit let's get some more Laughing Ladies some more some more candids you're with your girls yeah yep and just keep going candidates cracking up a few more a few more beautiful love it love it love it girls are done we're going to have them go back out get dressed and wrap up with the bride with some more solo shots in her robe then it's time for her to get dressed girls are gone now we're gonna have the bride in her robe solo shots I like to do close in medium and wide shots so I'll usually start around the medium range with my 28 to 70. and that just means around the 45 millimeter to 50 millimeter Mark beautiful that curtain right here just kind of hold it like this yep still looking out the window but bring your eyes to me yep perfect awesome let's switch it up a tad bit maybe you could bring your hand like through your hair okay that's your favorite side great girl both sides are good awesome yep perfect so the bride just mentioned to me that she has a side that she prefers or she might have different suggestions on what she likes to do in different poses don't let your ego get in the way of creating a shot that might be best just because the bride might have a suggestion perfect can you kind of like yeah like Boomerang it like you're going into it yep so it's almost like you're walking towards me but not really yep and go awesome beautiful one more time and Boomerang it yep just keep looking in different directions little micro movements so like I said if the ride already kind of has that natural confidence when it comes to posing I still make sure I guide them but at the same time I don't want to do too much if they're natural they kind of got it I don't want to throw them off their Rhythm a lot of times you may hear me say pick your chin up for the bride it's a more flattering look when the chin is a bit more raised because we don't want that that effect where it looks like they might have a double chin or something you don't I'm just saying we don't want we don't want it to look that way nice don't smile yep and look at me just come in a little bit closer hold that nice pick your chin up a tad bit and just close your eyes boom still using my 28 to 70. it's a very versatile lens especially for getting ready photos and it allows me to not have to switch lenses as much the getting ready part of the wedding day is always a lot going on so I want a lens that I can really not have to worry about switching you can bring your hand right here and look up at me here awesome for brides who may need a bit more guidance I like to tell them to try to exaggerate every part of their body from head to toe so that's pointing their toes straightening out their back exaggerating their shoulders and chin up awesome you can lean forward a little bit more I like I like that that was really cool yep and then look towards me nice hold that right there awesome and then back at me perfect let's get some Smiles in one nice mix awesome also another thing I like to do is utilize the Bridesmaids if there's little micro adjustments that needs to be made it's okay to have them come in make those adjustments so that she looks the best that she can a lot of times we may get caught up in that shot you know like ooh ooh what a great shot we may miss the little details like something being off so having those bridesmaids step in to really help out it plays a big role the bride is riding her vows right now so I wanted to find a lens that really showed that it gives her a sense of privacy even though I am with her in the room the 85 millimeter feels like it's a good sweet spot because I'm at a distance so it doesn't show that I'm close up to her if I use a lens like a 35 millimeter or 24 to 70 I have to get a little bit close to her and I feel like that's a little bit of an invasion of privacy as she writes down her vows so the 85 millimeter is that sweet spot for me to really show that I'm shooting her from a distance and kind of telling that story of her writing down he's one of the most important things she's ever going to write down in her life bride is dressed she looks great now we're going to get some solos of her as she puts on her dress and we're also going to have her bridesmaids help her out with just kind of fixing up the bag getting some candid shots of her girls helping her get ready for the time to walk down the aisle I like I like that you're looking at me and the girls are just fixing you up perfect beautiful ladies look at her you're fixing her dress let me just zoom in a little bit get some shots some different perspectives you could smile yep try to be as natural as you can yep all right you should look back at me nice nice hold that right there keep looking back at me yep look back at your train or kind of back at Bianca right there yeah you don't gotta actually look at her but I can't turn my head back awesome and then this last time ladies just give me some Smiles while you're looking at her perfect beautiful and then can we just take a picture together right here looking towards me while we have you awesome right what a beautiful moment her and her girls right before the wedding day beautiful look at each other ladies give me some smile some candies tell her how good she looks [Laughter] I know beautiful can we get one serious one hold it yep beautiful nice love it thank you so much ladies oftentimes at this point of the wedding day we're a little bit pressed for time not all the time but this is usually that part of the wedding day where we might not have as much wiggle room when it comes to time so that's when I like to really turn up my creativity and working on their crunch time because I don't have a lot of time to stick to the same post so I'm going to work a little bit faster with switching up the poses so even though I only have maybe five or ten minutes I'm gonna give her at least 10 to 15 poses real fast before we start the ceremony all right let's do this so just straight on looking at me perfect and let's just bring your hands on your hips switch it up yep look out the window while your head's out at the window Look At Me Your Eyes yep perfect let's get some smiles I think I counted about five different pictures right there that's sweaty and look towards me here awesome perfect bring that right hand down a little lower nice and just follow me with your eyes and right there just close your eyes oh that all right I'm just going to do some beauty shots if you even I think we're okay right there look straight at the camera part your lips a tad a bit awesome turn your body a little bit more this way keep going keep going keep going right there this hand left hand your ring hand yeah awesome and look at me here yep beautiful part your lips attached it and then turn your head straight towards me just boom yep hold that hold that close your eyes part your lips now bring your head down a tad bit I want it to look like you're just fixing your headpiece so with your hands use both hands awesome could you give me a soft smile bring your head down a little bit more to show the hippies yep and you can pick it up as habit that look a little crazy right there yep here see this hand boom and then chin up a tad bit turn your body towards me I know it seems like I'm going a little fast with the posing but ceremony is coming soon so no problem and look at me close your eyes all that okay I'm gonna do just like a few and then boom all right awesome and look at me lovely beautiful I think we got enough within that time crunch again that was about five minutes and we were able to get I would kind of at least 15 to 20 poses so now we're gonna make sure the groom is okay in position for the first look once he's in position we bring her down and get the first look going foreign so now that we've done all the getting ready shots and some solos of the groom upstairs we found this nice beautiful Atrium out on the first floor to get some more shots of the guys I'm going to use my 50 millimeter and 35 millimeter my prime lenses because I feel like I have more control and there's not a lot of movement going on so let's get started all right so for this one fellas let me have your hands in your pockets yep so we're starting off with the safe shots they're straight on nothing too crazy make sure we get the safe Shots Out The Way I wouldn't work backwards and do creative first and safe second because we don't know what that timeline might be like with the planner start with the safe so at least you got that out the way so if you didn't get anything else they got the pictures they need at least they got pictures of them there so I just want to create some movement could y'all just in your position just y'all can dap each other up clown each other whatever y'all want to do but try not to hide your face too much so like still look at him but don't like turn around completely yeah just showing love to them clowning them good stuff good stuff very important very important to establish that connection between the guys like I said these are childhood friends fraternity Brothers classmates what have you so just having them stand there to me I feel like it it doesn't do them Justice to show the friendship that they had so man but do that again do that again one more time one more time yep just 10 more seconds 10 more seconds of it yep go yep I'm about to tell you again it's always okay to tell them to do it again don't feel bad about telling somebody to repeat something to get the shot that you need because that shows that you're not letting the wedding walk all over you in a sense all right now that we've gotten some of the safe shots out of the way I feel like we can get a little bit more creative with the guys all right fellas um I feel like those are like the straight on like safe shots so we can get a little more creative so we're going to do like a like a V so that's not a bad idea you sure um so bring your bring your shoulder behind him not all the way yeah yeah you got a little bit more yep and then you go behind a little bit more Yep so turn your body out that way a little bit and then you turn on that way you mind if I push you around no okay yeah all right you can turn your leg boom oh okay yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah so you're looking straight at me you two are looking off to the distance yeah but you're looking straight at me okay so if you guys know this I approached him and I grabbed his shoulders and twisted them around I always like to ask you okay with me adjusting you with my hands you know just always like to make sure that if you're physically touching your subject just kind of giving that disclaimer hey I'm about to move you if that's okay so now we're getting a little bit more creative with the shots I'm going to use my 35 millimeter to get this entire scenery so I'm going to pose the guys real quick for a little bit more spiced up shot all right fellas so you guys remember what I was saying so serious all right looking out that way but look up don't look too high up because then it'll be yeah there you go and then yep you're looking straight at me okay Rob let me have you rub your hands Birdman I also like to vocalize to them that I'm just getting different angles so if it looks like I'm just doing a million of the same shots I'm really not I might be zooming in I might be moving in out moving in getting different variations different shots but I like to explain that to them so they're not just sitting there waiting for the next pose all right good job look at him but seriously like seriously yeah hold that I'm going right in front of you off perfect awesome love it all right we're gonna try some um it might sound a little crazy but you're still going to stay right there but y'all gonna keep walking back and forth so the goal is that he's in Focus but y'all blurred I'm gonna keep my hand as steady as possible on the groom but since the two groom's been removing they're gonna have a blurred effect so you're not going to really see them but the green is going to be in Focus just to kind of create a creative shot something unique for the groom to put him in focus in this situation so my shutter speed is at one over six f-stop 5.6 and ISO is at 100. all right let's do this yep good stuff one more time one more time try to meet right there in front of and got it [Music] so now we're here for the bridal party section of the course this is the group photos I have a two light set up with my flashes to make sure that both sides of the group are illuminated evenly once I establish my first shots the safe ones the the pretty much straight on shots we'll get into the creative mixing of poses maybe utilize some different Chairs furniture to really mix it up to have that aesthetic where the gallery has a nice variation of different shots so right now I have the girls on the girl side with the bride and the guys on the groom side just to kind of keep it symmetrical but it's always okay to mix it up have them pair with the person that they might have walked down the aisle with or any way you can kind of find a way to make it look like a a nice group photo but again there are no particular rules when it comes to posing of the bridal party I just always like to start off with the safe shots straight on and then we can start mixing it up another reason why I'm using flash now flash generally generates more power than continuous light and I want to make sure again everybody's illuminated so when I have my two flash set up I know that I can ensure enough power to make sure they're illuminated so now I'm gonna head over to them get them posed and hopefully everybody at this point is not too turnt from drinking let's see how it goes hey guys let's do some let's do some body party poses um Okay cool so we're just going to start off with safe and easy everyone looking towards the camera smiling okay uh fellas I like the hands maybe right over left that's cool um you can bring your hand around your wife's waist and maybe hand in the pocket so ladies you're doing good always remember bouquets at the belly button you don't want them too high or too low you don't want it blocking too much of the nice dress you feel me um there's a little bit of a gap right here yep close the gap awesome all right a little micro adjustment Phyllis turn in a little bit that way and just bring your right hand in your pockets boom hold that beautiful everybody's serious for this one GQ if it looks like I'm just taking a million shots it's because I'm I'm zooming in and out I'm doing different angles okay beautiful awesome now I'm going to incorporate some chairs just to kind of mix it up give a variety of different router party poses a lot of times the bridal party might be joking around a lot of different personalities which I understand you know it's a big group that's okay just try to maintain your composure and don't let the mark over you I always like to get close to them so they can hear me instead of me trying to yell at them from a distance all the time because they might have had a few drinks or two or what have you or they might just be trying to have a good time so do your best to really try to get their attention the group photos should go a lot smoother that way nice I'm gonna do a turnip after this perfect all right y'all so for this one I know we want to get to the reception can y'all just turn up like y'all had like 10 shots in y'all for like the next 20 seconds but don't leave your spot too much so like I want to get a lot of candies a lot of fun shots laughing you know what I'm saying so you can turn out you can back it up on and do whatever you want to do you know what I'm saying she's like I'm ready all right so I'm gonna say three two one you guys go okay all right three two one you guys just turn up just have fun with it yep keep going keep going yep yep yep keep going keep going keep going let's go perfect oh hold on perfect perfect beautiful beautiful just give me some laughs some candies look at each other beautiful beautiful bright and groom bride and groom Let's Kiss Let's Kiss y'all kiss kiss kiss and y'all just cheer tomorrow just turn up for them there we go let's get some claps swim go a little closer get a little closer yep there we go yeah beautiful [Music] love it awesome awesome awesome I already got you and the guys let me get you and the girls really quick all right ladies ready all right ladies remember flowers at the belly button and then just look straight at me okay I have my 28 to 70 right now very good versatile lens for group photos it can go all the way to F2 so that gives me a nice compression still for it being a zoom lens that is amazing beautiful ladies let's get some smiles lovely look at each other give me some candids Girl Talk I like the I like that one that was good one more time beautiful still using my two flashes since they're already there I don't see any reason to adjust it's still giving off amazing light and I'm very very happy with it everything looks even there's no Shadows falling off their chin or face very happy with it you look to your left you look to your right I used to look straight at me okay awesome beautiful hold that right there a few more can we just get some Cannons of y'all turning up laughing smiling yep keep going keep going keep going yep yep no no no okay okay don't hide your face with the flowers don't hide your face with the flowers yep if y'all do that again then yep there we go beautiful love it ladies love it love it love it this last one I just want one of you guys just kind of leaning towards her and then we're good beautiful hold that right there nice don't smile love it thank you so much ladies we're here for the first look now Ralph is in position so I always like to have my second shooter at a perspective where he's in front of the groom shooting down towards the bride getting different perspective of the grooming Focus or the bride and focus so my second shooter will usually have a 85 millimeter or a 70-200 a more zoomed in lens while I'm gonna be off to the side shooting straight on kind of the more safe shots like I said I'm always going to play it safe but my second shooter has a little bit more wiggle room to get a little bit more creative so I'll have either a 24 to 70 35 or 50 usually in these situation for first looks I always like to coach my couples on how to position themselves and what to do when the bride approaches them and how to kind of react to each other once you guys actually see each other so in this situation Ralph is here faced off looking away when she comes to you she's going to tap this shoulder you're gonna so just kind of follow what I'm doing you're gonna turn that way you see where I'm facing straight that way because I'm shooting this way so I want to be able to get both of your faces in my shot and this is your background all right that makes sense she has the rundown already as well so she kind of knows what to do when you turn around and see her don't worry about what to do next right away just kind of enjoy the moment soak it in you can hug her you can talk to her you can kiss her you can do whatever you want to do but don't let us limit you okay make sense all right she's coming soon okay all right cool cool okay we just coached a groom on what to do with the first look the bride doesn't know what to do yet so now I'm going to give her the rundown on how we usually capture our first look and what to do once he turns around so Aisha once you get to him I'm gonna play him for a second okay you're gonna tap this shoulder you're right he's going to turn around this way Straight Ahead this way so as you're coming around since I'm shooting this way I want you to go like this you see what I'm doing um you're you're literally rotating your body to face that way and then you're all the way over here and then he's gonna turn and look at you this way gotta makes you feel good about it okay and also when he turns around and sees you and you see him just soak in the moment don't worry about what to do next he might hug you he might kiss you whatever just enjoy it and then we'll oppose y'all after okay cool as she's walking down my second shooter is getting more of a compressed perspective so he's going to have the 85 millimeter at some point focused on him some points focused on her where he's blurred and she's blurred and they're alternating who's in Focus until they get to the same level where they're both going to be in Focus once he's done and she Taps him across the shoulder he's going to rotate around so he's not in my shot because I'm going to be shooting straight on this way getting those those first look moments while he's going to be rotating from left and right getting his face in her face now that she's in position I'm going to have her well actually before I have her tap him Aisha do you want to do anything like towards the camera something goofy or something before you tap him like since you're behind him and he doesn't see you yet you can look towards me again do something funny grab his butt or something that's funny okay so whenever you're ready now you're gonna tap that side Ralph whatever the shoulder that she Taps that's the way you turn okay left awesome Yep out of the way Ralph other way other way yeah we gotta see your face other way yep there we go it almost got us [Music] beautiful yep yep [Music] so right now I'm just letting them kind of have their moment I'm not gonna give them much Direction yet just just genuine moments between them I don't want to interrupt it so soon foreign to die down a little bit that's when I'll probably go in to give them some direction and see how they're feeling hey guys hey how y'all feeling great you mind taking some pictures now yeah yeah okay cool cool cool now we're at the bride and groom portrait section of the course if the ceremony Decor isn't done yet I will have my second shoe to assist me with lighting and assisting and things like that if it is done I usually send them over to start captioning those Decor photos as well as guests coming in but in this situation it's not done yet so I'm going to have him help me out with portraits I'm going to take them around the venue get a lot of different shots solos of him solos of her and get straight into it so again Safety First Creator shots later I always like to start with the easiest poses holding hands hold each other then we can get creative when we feel like we've gotten enough establishment shots alright guys so just to start off I like where you are right now maybe you just bring that left hand on his chest boom and then Ralph just bring your hands around her waist right there so I'm going to have my video light on getting a little bit dark out I want to give them a little bit more fill a little bit more punch so that extra light is going to help me out right now even though it's not completely dark yet I want them to really stand out in this situation beautiful I'm using my 50 millimeter right now it's a it's a I feel a great mid-range focal uh range lens to give me that nice sweet spot not too close not too far and then we'll play around with different angles and different lenses Rob kiss that Temple right there and just give me a serious look right there yep beautiful and just part your lips a tad bit just put in some focus on the ring oh I usually look at me right there awesome let me have you guys stand side by side holding hands power pose to to give her a little bit more curvature I'm gonna have her just slightly bend that knee this way so it's it situates the curves um that's good but just turn it a little bit hold that right there guys and looked straight at me this Atrium has a lot of beautiful leading lines so now I'm just getting my wide shots first look at each other guys perfect and then looking opposite directions so left and right yep awesome beautiful I'm coming in close get some mid shots look at each other one more time you're making her blush man beautiful so since you're already in that position another tip that I like to use is if the couples already in that position I try not to give them a pose that completely switches it up if she's already holding his hand side by side I may just give her a little micro adjustment just to turn towards him and maybe hold his arm so it doesn't take too much effort with the dressing things like that so I try my best to flow in between the poses as as opposed to just completely switching them up all right so could you turn towards him and kind of hold his arm like this with both of your hands yeah exactly it's perfect and look straight towards me right here like that I usually look towards me Ralph you can look at me now nice beautiful let me get the back of your dress so you can actually you can stay where you are Ralph just hold her by the ways and I usually going to look back over your shoulder at me yep perfect let me just move my light [Music] awesome so I'm switching to my 85 to get some more intimate shots of the couple now I still have my 2870 on my other camera just in case I want to get some versatile shots okay now could you turn your back to me turn your back to me awesome come in front of her right here bring your arm around her waist uh let's have you come around a little bit more yeah and then one arm around her waist one arm other arm Yep this hand in your pocket I actually look over your left shoulder yeah let me see oh that is epic guys both of you look out this way to the Future yep yep and I usually back at me [Music] nice beautiful all right um both of you turn towards me again turn towards me yeah yep so bring your arms around her waist right there yeah it kinda just kind of hold his arms right there feel him lean lean back on him a little bit yes a method that I like to use I always call it the BS method so if you ever find yourself stuck with a pose like I say always start with the safe ones holding hands just hold each other look at each other and smile but as you're doing that in your mind you're trying to think of other unique ways to bend that pose into something a little bit more creative but I always say start off safe the creative stuff will come as you're starting to feel the vibe of the couple if you're trying to go right out the bat with that next viral pose or that next pose that's gonna just put you over the top you're going to put a lot of expectations on yourself that might often find you disappointed so don't put that pressure on yourself start off safe the poses will come as you keep shooting say something in her ear it could be anything literally anything I think it worked so even though I told him to say something in her ear my intention was to just get a shot of him saying something in her ear it created a laugh which was a genuine moment so a lot of times you can actually use the artificial pose to create a genuine moment from that nice so while we're in that same position I usually just take that right hand and hold his head boom [Music] close your eyes actually yep hold that and now you should look at me departure lips a little bit beautiful Epic love it guys okay so we're still here for the bride and goon portraits we decided to switch to another location that I feel like has a lot more natural light so I'm not going to use my artificial lighting for this situation I'm gonna do some solos of her first and then add him in because I feel like she hasn't gotten enough by herself yet the groom usually has a lot more time it's a lot less pressure there's not hair and makeup and things going on so I like to utilize the time after the ceremony or after the first look to get more shots of the Bride solo as well as incorporate the groom afterwards nice I have my 85 millimeter now I've switched to my 1.2 85 millimeter the only difference between the two lenses obviously is the aperture it goes to and the fact that the 85 millimeter 2.0 is a macro lens so being that this is I guess you can call the big boy of the Canon lenses it's the L grade lenses meaning luxury grade lenses it has a bit much better photo quality the color quality it's just a a bit different a lot sharper a lot more intact I look down at your flowers again right there yep awesome you gotta know how to set up the dress we don't want the bride doing any work on that wedding day a lot of times I even tell the bride don't even have a phone on the wedding day so that way she's not worried about any little you good over there oh just like pull it down yeah cool he has two flowers awesome yeah so kind of could you kind of do something like that yeah keep doing that I was shooting this way but this side has a lot more sunlight so it looks more blown out so I'm just switching sides because it's more even this way keep looking straight that looks good and then look towards me awesome and then away just passed me perfect hold that right there beautiful and then your eyes back at me nice a few more beautiful and then straight ahead at me right here um straight on shots no I'm using the 28 to 70 right now so I'm actually doing a lot of wide and close-up shots the ceremony or the recession might be coming up soon so sometimes I like to switch back to my versatile lenses so I'm not worried about the limits of my location okay I'm gonna go I want to go over there real quick to see how it looks and shoot across I saw that if I go back here I can get a lot more of this establishment so I want to get a really wide shot I like how you're looking away yep pick your chin up a little bit let's add the groom into this one Ralph and you're gonna stand right next to her I should scoot over a little bit can you yeah keep going keep going keep going yeah Rob bring your hand behind her a little bit yep and down lean back on the rail you leaning on the rail okay yep bring your hand in your pocket look towards me here yep so now I'm just getting some more intimate shots of the couple I always try to squeeze as much as I can out of them before the ceremony because at the end of the day the bride and groom are the most important part of the day I'm gonna try to get as much as I can before the planner or someone comes to us and says hey we got to get started with the ceremony or they have to get to this next spot whichever is going on on the timeline I try to respect the timeline as much as I can but I do understand that the brighter group portraits are that's what they're paying us for those are our clients and our number one priority so I'm just going to do some more intimate shots of them switch up some different poses I think we got a lot of shots wide mid with our strobe light so now I'm just going to get just some last second intimate shots of them and really wrap up with them before we head on to the ceremony nice your left hand bring it down this chest nice and then I usually look at me beautiful well if you look at me awesome touch heads right there nice both you both of you close your eyes nice all you support your lips a little bit there we go are you sugar back at me perfect Ralph kiss ahead one more time close your eyes just getting some wide shots and establishing shots a lot of times venues actually like to see wide shots so they use that as a marketing tool for their website and things like that so it's a win-win situation um I know when I first started I used to find myself getting a lot of close-ups only 50 millimeter to 85 millimeter so I really had to train my mind to get every angle wide mids and close up so that way we're capturing the environment and we're capturing the intimacy of the couple as well so look this way y'all chin up a little bit yep beautiful now we're good good job guys good job do your best to work around them and get some Decor shots at least as much as you can before everyone else comes in [Music] foreign so let's talk about the positioning of the team for the ceremony I'm usually right about here at the top of the aisle if the videographer is there as well they might be right next to me but I like to talk to them as well to make sure that we're not in each other's way so I'm shooting right down the aisle straight on shots either with a 35 millimeter 50 millimeter or 24 to 70. my second shooter I like to play some along the sides either with a 85 millimeter or 70 to 200 getting those zoomed in shots in different perspectives I also like to tell my second Shooters to get shots of people in the crowd whether they're laughing smiling reacting to the bride coming down the emotional vows what have you but we do that until the recessional where when they're coming down I'm back at the middle of the aisle at the end getting everyone coming down and I also like to tell the bride and groom a lot of times to stop at the middle and kiss and then we head on over to the recession all right so we have the groom coming down now all the guests are usually turned back looking at them come down crowds cheering for them awesome cool and then we'll have everybody else come down we capture them once the bride is ready to come down to the aisle guests usually stand up please rise for the bride and we get her coming down as well second Shooter's still roaming on the sides getting those perspectives I'm right here in the middle getting her come down so now the bride's coming down I usually switch sides my second shooter is usually on the other side getting the groom's reaction whether he's crying or smiling or what have you catching those moments he's usually right there capturing the groom and I'm just right here with them now in this situation it looks like I'm very close um a lot of times running ceremonies aren't as close because I don't want to block the crowd too much I don't want to be so distracting to the crowd a lot of times the family's sitting at the front like the parents siblings or what have you I don't want them to miss this one because the photographer was standing in the way so I like to get low shoot up try to find ways to not be as distracting and then when it's time for the ceremony I like to go away out of the aisle and not be too obtrusive to the crowd the bride and groom's at the ceremony altar not really much going on so at this point you really just got to try to find ways to switch it up and get different angles I try to go on both sides to make sure I'm getting their perspective uh the bride's perspective the greens perspective her looking at him people in the crowd again getting their different reactions which usually my second shooter is focused more on but I'm still doing it as well ceremony is the part where you can really find yourself just standing around a lot so I try to just find different ways to make it interesting to tell a story as opposed to just getting those straight on shots all right you should keep looking that wrong yep beautiful keep holding his hand is it okay yep that's fine yep yep that's fine oh my God wow so I'm just moving around getting different perspectives trying not to stay in one spot shooting the guests guess looking good awesome good stuff perfect getting different frames of different parts of their bodies whether they're holding hands looking at each other I'll shoot over her shoulder over his shoulder just try to switch it up you know perfect guys [Applause] [Music] awesome and stop right there guys real quick let me just have you guys kiss real quick one more time water crowd cheer you on [Music] [Applause] yeah case one more time kiss one more time all right and then y'all yep [Applause] it's okay it's okay awesome so a lot of times I'll tell the bride and groom to stop in the middle of the aisle just to get another kiss and shot [Music] foreign for the first dance of the reception I usually just like to rotate the couple and get a bunch of different perspectives and angles my second shooter is also there rotating around the couple we try not to cross paths too much so we're not in each other's shots same thing with the videographer the roof is pretty low and it's white so I'm going to use my on-camera speed light to bounce off the roof and have a nice soft flattering light when you bounce light from a roof Source it falls off on a couple for a very flattering look so now for the cake cutting I usually like to just get my straight on shots in my 28 to 70. I'll have an assistant with an off-camera flash with a soft box or I'll just use my speed light on camera to bounce it off the roof if it's a nice low ceiling or if it's white my second shooter is always on the sides and the corners again either using a 85 or a different lens just to get a a unique perspective while I'm getting the straight on shocks yep make sure you're looking at each other guys Smile as you're cutting it I'll have them either feed it to each other or do something goofy or something like that once we get those shots I'll have them kiss and then we just get right back to what's going on in the reception schedule let's get a kiss guys beautiful all that so in terms of lighting I'm using my off camera flash my strobe light with a 32 inch softbox and I'm also using my 2870 because the room has a lot of beautiful Decor so I want to be able to capture that along with the couple [Music]
Channel: REEM Photography
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Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Black wedding photographer, Black wedding behind the scenes, Photosbyreem, Reem photography course, Wedding photography course, Free wedding photography course, Black wedding, Reem photography, Wedding photography behind the scenes
Id: 5xHVEqr9LWY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 42sec (5142 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 07 2023
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