FREE Update for EasyFog & EasyMapper in UE5

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as of this week there is a free update for easy fog and easy mber for those of you who already have it I'm going to show you what's new how to use the new features including automatic atmosphere lighting for easy fog and the ability to paint puddles in Easy mapper along with a few other bug fixes before we get started I just want to let you know that easy fog easy mapper and the brand new easy snow are all 30% off on the Epic Marketplace for the next week so now's your chance to get them all for cheap easy snow is your go-to tool for adding High realistic snow to any level making it a breeze to Art direct heavy snowfall light flurries or blizzards in seconds you'll find the link to all of these down in the description below so let's get started with the small but handy update to easy fog if you've updated easy fog in the Epic Launcher you'll notice that there is now a used atmosphere color slider right here if you set this value to one it will automatically shift the emissive color of the fog to the atmosphere color meaning it speeds up workflow when using easy fog because previously if your sunlight in your level was adjusted or you changed your lighting conditions your fog kind of looked like this it it wasn't great and required manual editing of each of the fog cards in order for it to match the lighting of your environment that is why I implemented this update to make your life a lot easier this gives it way better integration into existing Sky systems that you may have in your level I could have made it a toggleable button but I opted for a slider instead in the spirit of keeping things at art directable as possible but personally I recommend sticking to zero or one I also cleaned up the folder structure a little bit when you add easy fog to your project it comes with a demo level with mountains and such to Showcase its usage but if you don't want this lying around in your project and adding unnecessary bloat you can simply delete the demo folder here so small update but should really improve the general quality of life when using easy fog next we have some changes to easy mapper this update actually came out a few months ago but I never got around to making proper documentation for it until now I've gotten quite a lot of questions about people not being able to add their own custom texture to easy mapper for example if I try to drag and drop the texture into the material instance you'll see the box here turns red this is because you need to use the correct Master material you'll see here I have a regular Master material and theore VT Master material VT stands for virtual texture so if you have virtual textures enabled in your project settings and your textures are VT as shown in the texture thumbnail right here then you need to use the VT Master material one thing to be aware of is if you are still running into the red box issue here if at some point in your project you enabled virtual texture support in the project settings but then you turn it off later just because the VT icon doesn't show up on the texture it doesn't necessarily mean that it isn't a virtual texture take a look here if you Mouse over right here you'll see virtual texture streaming true this means that it is in fact a virtual texture the way to fix this is to select the texture you want to convert so right click go to asset actions edit selection in property Matrix and in this window here you can uncheck virtual texture streaming once you do that you won't be experiencing the red box issue anymore so to recap be sure to use the correct Master material and the appropriate textures VT or non-vt in its respective Master material I also added support for non textures and for those of you who are new to this Ard is just a shortened term for ambient occlusion roughness and displacement because each of these Maps is a grayscale map you can pack these three textures into one single map one map per RGB Channel it is a great method for better memory management and all the mega scan surface is you get from the quickle bridge use this approach which is why I designed easy mapper that way but I'm aware that not everyone uses this approach and not everyone knows how to make their own Ard Maps so I added a checkbox here that gives users the option to manually input regular grayscale maps for ambient occlusion roughness and displacement it is a simple addition but really handy and lastly I added the ability to paint puddles onto your surfaces you'll see right here in the material in we have a used puddle layer checkbox which opens up a new tab at the bottom here exposing a bunch of controls for painting puddles puddles are painted onto your mesh using the blue vertex color Channel if you don't know how vertex painting Works in Unreal Engine 5 I recommend watching the initial tutorial I made for easy mapper to learn how to do this but really it is as simple as painting the blue channel on a model and you'll get puddles added on the top layer of your stack something to be aware of is let's say your paint painting the blue Channel and nothing happens you don't see a puddle nothing showing up it could have to do with the initial height or displacement level of your underlying materials that you Blended so you can adjust the puddle height adjustment slider here or you can reduce the displacement intensity of materials a b or c there is no one size fits-all approach here it's all dependent on your own custom displacement maps and the height values that you're using so just be aware of that so that covers it I hope you found this video hand again the entire easy collection is 30% off on the Epic Marketplace for the next week thanks so much for watching everyone and as always folks happy rendering
Channel: William Faucher
Views: 26,414
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Unreal Engine 4, Unreal Engine, Cinematics, UE4 4.26, UE5, Realtime, realtime rendering, rendering, CGI, 3D, 3D Artist, UE4, Unreal Engine 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 40sec (340 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 13 2024
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