FREE TEXT Preset Pack 200+ Transitions | Premiere Pro

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[Music] so oh [Music] [Music] so well that was sick so this pack has 200 effects in it that will allow you to create an unlimited possibility of transitions and i'm giving away all four free but here's the catch it's currently listed at five dollars now if you wanna help support the channel you can just pick it up right now but if you want it for free all you have to do is watch this video and as it goes along there's going to be six letters to a 100 off discount code that will slide down from the top like this that's your first letter if you guys want me to do more videos like this in the future where i give away free preset packs and stuff just click that like button and let me know you think down in the comments below all right let's show you how to use the pack but first i want to show you an example of using some of the effects in this effects pack loving you the hardest thing to do so i keep to myself i feel like i'm falling in and out of consciousness yeah click the link down in the description below and that'll bring you to my store page where you can read all about this transition pack and kind of learn how to use it but i'm going to show you how to do that in this video now you just click add to cart and then i'm running a sale but you can just click no thanks and uh once you watch this video in full and you gather the entire discount code all you have to do is type that in there and click apply and your total will be zero dollars once you download it go into premiere and go to the effects tab right click on presets and select import presets make sure you extract that preset file and navigate to wherever you downloaded it i know i have a ton here but this is the one that you'll see all you have to do is click open and as soon as you click open you'll notice that kyler holland presets popped up and then under transitions there is something called text animations and now you can see that we have in out and effects so let's quickly go over what these mean all right for starters let's hit t on our keyboard and go down here and type something i'm going to do kyler and i'm just going to center this let's make it a little bit bigger just so i can show you how this pack works hold alt on our keyboard to duplicate that text layer and just drag it to the right and the next one i'm going to put my last name so now i have this text that goes from kyler straight to holland so how do you use this pack well think of it in two separate variations where each one of these are equals so the in is basically your endpoint on any text layer so it's the starting point of your text layer like this is the second text layer but it's the starting point of that your out is your out point on any text layer so this is the out point on this text layer so for example all you have to do is cut this to any length that you want i found that five to ten frames works best so if you hold the shift key and the left arrow key every time you tap that left arrow key it'll jump five frames so that's five frames and that's ten frames in that direction and all you have to do is click c on the keyboard and make a cut and then we're gonna do the same thing in the right direction so shift right arrow key twice one two that'll jump ten frames out in that direction so now theoretically i have an out point from this text layer right here and i have an endpoint from this text layer right here this is going to be our transitional element right here so now all i have to do is let's say i want to start with the out point what do i want to do now you can go through here and play with all of these but let's start with scale since i know my text is going from smaller to wider let's do scale with so all i have to do is scale with up and this is a good point to explain that the plus next to each one of these effects is actually the intensity so since i'm not going very far all i have to do is drag on scale with up to the out point and you'll immediately see that if i scrub through this it starts to increase the size of kyler now i still want to increase the size of holland so all i have to do is go to the endpoint since this is the start to my text layer go to scale and find the scale width up and try to match it with that same plus and drag that on to my endpoint of this text layer now if you scrub through here you'll see that it starts to scale up and holland scales up as well and if you play this back it looks like this it's just a simple scaling transition now these scaling transitions are pretty awesome so if i do subscribe and i want to increase the size of it a little bit all i do is this it's really awesome and it's fast so you can kind of eyeball things too if you want to work faster i know that from holland to subscribe i want to increase the size of it i'm just going to click c and make a cut point there and make a cut point there i'm not really counting i just know that i want to scale up so the fun thing about this pack like once you understand all the effects that are in it you don't really have to like go through all these folders in the top of the effects tab all you have to do is type in scale up and that's going to pop up every single thing in this pack that has scale up so on my out point which i typically start with since i'm on the out point of my first text layer let's do scale up plus plus to see how strong that's going to be so i see i'm scaling up and it's it's almost scaling up to the exact size so that's pretty good so now all i have to do is on this subscribe let's go to the in and drag the same scale up plus plus now the thing with this the plus plus it starts a little bit smaller so it might not look the best but i mean that looks pretty good but you can also play around with it if you want to drag the scale up plus which is the lower intensity to it so as it scales up it's kind of the same size and it finishes it so it looks like this and that's pretty much it like to keep going on all you have to do is make more text layers change the text to whatever you want if you want to decrease the size of it and just kind of cut your transitions down just always remember that your first transition point is going to be your out point and your second one is going to be your endpoint so let's close this go to presets kyler holland transitions text animations and go to out and let's do vr see what those do and vr spin right out point right here and let's go to the ends and go to vr spin right in right there and play that back and you'll see that we have this really cool vr spin transition now it's super fast and easy to do once you understand all these effects my favorite ones are these scales but you have a ton i mean you have blurs displace grids lens distortion rotate scale slide and your slide you even have corner slides so the great thing is you can also stack effects so now i have this scaled down effect all i have to do is let's say add a grid onto here so i'm gonna open up both the grids and let's do a grid glitch on the in which is right here and let's do a grid glitch on the out so now if i play this back you'll see that it looks like this and you'll just have to get creative and start playing around with these each one of these effects is also labeled at the end so if you have a bunch of these open and it's all over the place you'll easily be able to tell which one's an out point and an endpoint the basics are just always make sure in is on the endpoint of a text layer and out is on the out point of a text layer you can get creative and play around with these but i'm going to leave that up to you for now let's show you kind of another example of using all these effects and it'll give you an idea of what's included in this pack and keep in mind keep looking out for those coupon codes that will be sliding down from the top just like this [Music] hey [Music] oh [Music] [Music] lastly i just wanted to talk about effects real quick all these effects in here are just simple drag and drop so if you want smoke plus plus plus and play that back it creates a little smoky effect which is kind of cool you have strings they all kind of do something different like displace vertical these are really great because if you just want to glitch out a text for a little bit or like you have something going on you can kind of create your own transitions and stuff if you go kyler hall and subscribe or whatever you could theoretically create your own transitions by like chopping these things up and creating some glitches or displaces on each individual clip like something quick like that and now most of the effects are stackable so say you want to offset horizontal well you can also add the mirror effect on there as well so then you can get some crazy stutter thing going on all right y'all well that's all i have time for this video took a while so hopefully you stuck around and you found all six letters just download that pack if you want me more stuff like this in the future just let me know in the comments below and i will get to it but that was awesome that's all i have time for and i'll see you next time peace you
Views: 623,137
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kyler holland, adobe, adobe premiere pro, adobe premiere, premiere pro cc, adobe premiere pro cc, premiere pro effects, premiere pro tutorial, premiere pro editing, how to use premiere pro, text preset pack, free preset pack, kyler holland preset packs, premiere pro preset pack, premiere pro free, free premiere pro preset packs, text transitions, how to make text transitions, premiere pro text tutorial, free text preset pack, seamless transitions, seamless transitions pack
Id: S7ntryI65rA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 25sec (685 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 09 2021
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