Free Revit Families: Knauf Planner Suite

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in this video I'm going to be showing you the canav planner Suite A Revit plugin that allows you to generate actual products for many different wall types and ceiling types get them into Revit and every product that you use uh is going to be for your region specifically so you know that this is something that you can actually get for the project and most importantly you're going to get all of the upto-date specification for those items let's go first let's talk about the benefits that the canav planner Suite offers to Architects including saving projects products and systems tested uh to en standards and the ability to generate a full K10 specification document the standard template for plaster board dry lining partitions and ceilings in the UK this follows on to the planner Suite launch last year I have created a video on this topic if you haven't seen it that I'm going to be including elck up in the cards above now the original version allowed users to search for systems in the system finder uh providing up to-date and validated product data and of course a plugin for Revit and archat in this video I'm going to be showing you how you can search uh individual products use all of the refining search options and then bringing that those products into rabbit and finally we're going to be producing a k 10 specification for all of those products in the project if you want to get canav planner suite for free of course the link is going to be up in the cards above and then also down in the description of this video and full disclosure this is a sponsored video so without any further Ado let's jump straight to Google and as you can see I have Googled canav planner Suite I'm going to open up the website and here at the bottom you will find the download links so you can see that for Revit we can find for Revit 2021 up to the current version Revit 2024 so just like with the alad disk website where we have four versions back well it's the same here so for each one you will have the appropriate plugin and also if you're using Arad there are options for Windows and Mac users for Arad uh I obviously use Revit so I've downloaded the Revit 2024 version of the plugin and now when I minimize the browser in Revit as you can see we get this canv planner Suite tab on ribbon when we install the plugin and here we have some tools so first I'm just going to open up the homepage and it's going to start the planner Suite here let me just position it a little bit better and then if we open up the menu and go to settings what you'll notice here is that we have some options so for localization I'm going to be using the United Kingdom now this is really important to set up correctly so wherever your project is located you want to have that location set up here because it's going to show you the products for that particular market so you know that the products that you've used can actually be found on your Market easily uh so the next option here is the plug-in management so we know that our plug-in is up to date and finally we have the system finder search method so I'm just going to go with uh this one to show uh results directly and let's save this okay now let's go to the system finder so that's this option here I can just click here or I can go back to the menu and go to find systems I want to start off with walls and particularly interior walls so I'm going to click here on partitions that's going to start the menu and then here we have the results it's showing us uh 164 results however we want to refine the search a little bit so let's go here to fire resistance and I'm going to set this to ei30 for the fire resistance then for the sound insulation let's set that up to uh 50 for the sound insulation then for the partition height I'm going to set this to 3500 mm we can see that the possible range is up to 5,000 mm but this will be enough and as we're entering all of this data as you can see the search is being refined fine so we're now down to 17 results for these uh options and we also have this additional search refinement so here for framing I'm just going to open up that menu and go with the knv single metal stud then for the plaster board thickness let's go with the two 12.5 mm uh plaster boards uh then for the uh type I'm just going to go with the canav fire panel for the number of layers we're going to go with two for the profile I'm just going to pick this one and then for the uh type or a system type I'm going to go with this one and we end up with this one result but I'm happy with the the one and this is what you want to use however if I want to compare it with something else I can use this add to compare option I can also favor it so I can uh access it easier later on however in this case I just want to import that into rabbit okay so once this is imported I can close this down and now if I select my interior walls I'm just going to hold the control key and select multiple walls here perhaps these ones as well okay now I can go here to the menu and as you can see this is the wall type that we have uh imported so I can just switch to this wall type and now as you can see it has been placed here inside of the the model and of course another really important thing to mention is that now with this wall if I select it and go into edit type you will see that the layer structure uh is exactly how it should be from that uh uh from that actual product that is available for canav and UK uh we can see all of the uh layers here with the proper materials applied with all of their proper properties and also if I cancel out of this here under ident the data we have some more information on this exact product uh so everything is included in the actual system family now I'm just going to click okay and now let's search for a wall liner so I'm going to go back here to system finder let going to open it up again let's make it a bit smaller okay perfect and then let's go here to wall liner open that up uh then for the uh parameters here I'm only going to go with the wall lining height and for this I'm going to set it up to 3500 mm hit enter and that's going to refine the search a little bit then let's go here into refine results and here I'm going to set the framing to canow wall liner uh then for the number of plaster boards uh or uh layers I'm going to go with one uh then for the profile I'm going to pick this one and and for the system type I'm going to pick this one and now I'm going to pick this wall uh liner I'm going to click on import so it's going to bring that into rabbit and here as you can see it's loading it in so now when I go to architecture when I open up walls for the wall type we're going to pick the uh wall liner which we have now loaded in then I'm going to use the pick lines tool for placement and for the location line you want to pick the core face exterior and now when you hover over the interior edge of this wall it's going to allow you to place that and as you can see it's just placing that on the interior side of this wall just like that uh now once you have placed it then let's place it here as well and then hit the Escape key a couple of times you want to make sure that you use the joint geometry tool to have a proper connection so for that let's go here to modify and then let's use the join geometry tool and then you want to join this with the interior walls or at least I like to start with the interior walls but then you also want to join it with the exterior uh walls uh the reason for this is if I just open up the 3D view uh what you'll notice here that it can sometimes as you can see here these windows are being blocked so we cannot really see inside so if I switch this to realistic for example you can see that these are being blocked so now if I tile Windows just like this and then if I use the joint geometry tool here between this wall and this as you can see it's going to create that opening uh for that uh window so you just want to make sure you do this with all walls you want to join the wall and the uh wall liner and then you can just hit the Escape ke a couple of times and then of course this wall liner will have all of the parameters and all of the identity data that we need as well as the uh layer structure that's necessary now it's time to go to ceilings so here in this section view as you can see we have this ceiling here here and also for the uh upper level we have an additional ceiling there so let's load in some actual can products for the ceilings I'm going to go to the can blender Suite go to system finder and then let's go back to restart and now here I'm going to search for ceilings so let's open that up then for the fire resistance I'm going to use the same category as I did for the walls which is this and then let's refine the results a little bit so for the Blaster board uh thickness I'm going to go with the uh 2 * 12.5 mm then for the Blaster board type I'm going to go with the canav fire panel for the profile uh let's go with this one and then for the system type I'm going to pick this one and that's going to refine everything down to one result and I'm happy with this one so let's import it into the project and now I can minimize the planner suite and here inside of the project I can select hold the control key select these two ceilings and then let's find the uh Canal ceiling and I'm just going to apply it there so there we go let go we can add the ceiling and then of course if I want I can use the uh join geometry tool in order to join these ceilings up with the walls and everything so everything uh looks the way it should and the layers are properly uh set up so uh of course as with the interior walls if I go here into addit type you will see that the layer structure looks how it should we have all of the materials up apped and then also we have all of the identity data now all of this is nice and well and US Architects enjoy this part of building the actual model however there is that documentation and specification part uh which can be really annoying and it can get really complicated especially if the documentation is not up to dat uh luckily with the canav planner Suite if I go back to the system finder open that up uh here I can go and find the export button here in the menu and then I can select the items in this case let's select the two walls that we have used and let's say I want to export this data I can see the total quantities or the area of these walls which is really nice uh and then I can uh also highlight and model so I can see them but in this case I just want to export and most importantly we do get the K10 specification uh file format I can also include the uh project name client name uh execution start uh end and so on and now if I click here it's going to start the export and I can just Define where I want to save it so if I just want to save it on my desktop I can do that uh so let's just hit save and once we have saved it this is the actual document as you can see we have all of the upto-date specifications uh the K10 specification format and uh we can use this for our project and we don't have to worry about is everything in order do we have to call them and so on and so forth again if you want to try the canav planner Suite I've included the links down in the description of this video and then also up in the cards above there is also a web app version if you're interested in that too thank you for watching guys make sure to check out my website balcan for more uh ravit courses there I have over 120 hours of content uh and I'm adding more each week make sure to subscribe and for more videos and also I've added a video over there that might interest you as well
Channel: Balkan Architect
Views: 13,391
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Revit, balkan architect, BIM, tutorial, Autodesk, Knauf, Revit Plug-in, KnaufPlannerSuite, Interior walls, Wall Liner, Ceilings, SystemFinder
Id: H2TA7e5K3Iw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 42sec (822 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 16 2023
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