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hey guys how you doing it's henry of mowers and blowers good morning it's a overcast sky kind of day kind of chilly actually and last night i got a text message from my friend over at wemo how you like it go check out his instagram anyway uh years ago i actually sold him a toro um pro line uh walk behind commercial landscaping mower um and we've kept in touch over the years you know he's had some equipment here and there that he gets a hold of and he doesn't have time to fix whatever and so he uh gives it to me well uh last night he told me that his friend has a noma big snowblower you know kind of like a craftsman it's orange he says that the drive train is locked up so the wheels don't move but the engine runs good and it's got to be like uh eight nine or something horsepower tecumseh snow king engine you know which is always great and the thing looks like it's in great shape so i'm off to lake ronkonkoma to go and uh pick it up for free that's right free okay fellas it's been about 20 minutes 25 minutes something like that and i think this is the house oh there it see is i'm gonna back into it okay i'm backed up into it i don't know if anybody's home but um guy just said to take it so there it is it's uh normal performance free flow looks like uh 24 right oh it's a nine horsepower like i said and it's a 27. that's pretty good it's got the halogen light on it shoot tilt control okay it kind of works yeah it does work need some a little bit of lubrication for the chute here's the transmission shifting gears this seems to be good too this seems to be good and as you can see there's a tag here what does that mean means that this thing is regularly serviced so this is a tecumseh snow king nine horsepower that's a good engine it's got a fuel shut off electric start it's got gas in it good earl nice machine good tires good body they obviously kept this in the garage good shape a gearbox scraper bars looks okay side snowshoes look pretty good too uh obviously you know that this is regularly serviced you can tell hasn't been really used all too much if you look at the muffler there's not a lot of exhaust residue around the opening so it looks like it's in great shape he said that it was locked up so it doesn't move i didn't bring my tripod so just using my phone hey rolls what the hell oh it doesn't go forward but that's pretty good that it rolls which means it's the disc the friction disc all right well anyway i'm going to get the ramps down and uh try to pull it up without having to take the uh i was gonna if the wheels were locked up i was gonna take this nut this bolt out so it free wheels but it looks like it rolls backwards i'm gonna pull it up backwards anyway [Music] do [Music] so pretty easy uh i was expecting the wheels to be completely locked up but as you saw that does kind of roll you get to a point where it does slow down and stop but for the most part you can move it um i'm thinking it's the the friction disc contact with the wheel where it has the rubber lining around it that i just fixed uh last winter i did did it for a neighbor and it's kind of a pain but it's not really that bad um the engine runs that's a big part of it and also the auger gearbox if that's all good then that's good but i'm hoping that it's something so simple as that uh we'll go home now and check it out and we'll put it on its service position open the plate on the bottom and just check it out because i'm curious no matter what even if i don't fix it today i'd like to know what it is so uh 25 more minutes and we'll be back home we'll unload it in the driveway and then see what we get okay guys i'm home 25 minutes it was great because we beat the rain i thought it was gonna rain um hopefully i'm gonna be able to just roll it down because it does roll [Music] [Music] okay i pumped up the entire liquidy split with that uh one of my review things and uh right now i really can't tell you what's wrong with that i don't really think there is but let's try the drive and the auger and see if everything works uh they said the engine works right there's gas in it you check the oil it's good a couple of primes it's on choke and also throttle's high here we go hmm doesn't seem to have any spark maybe oh maybe this shut off maybe that's it triple triple trickle trickling maybe i think if you do that it's closed like that it's on i don't feel anything now if you do this then i feel like there's something let's try the electric start hold on looks like a new plug looks very clean maybe a little rust don't want nothing to get into there [Music] spark plug looks good see if we get any spark i just sprayed into my face [Music] see if there's any spark there [Music] [Music] so i did feel a jolt but i didn't see any spark so maybe the spark plug's bad so i'm swapping it with this one it's the same uh half inch that goes in it's a little bit bigger but it's the kind that goes on here sort of let's see if we have spark now from this newer spark plug [Music] we got spark now see [Music] so when i usually say it's never the spark plug looks like this time it is the spark plug oh man um all the people that you hear on those forums and people talk about well i changed the spark plug honestly it's like five percent 95 of the time it's not the spark plug very seldom do i ever have to change a spark plug but look now we just change the spark plug it looks like we're getting spark so i don't know if we're getting gas but let's see if it starts [Music] nothing spray something in there huh i have opened up the choke and i'm going to take this ether i'm going to try to squeeze the straw into the carbs isn't it into the mouth of the carburetor you can hear by the sound that it's that's right so it's getting fuel we have spark let's see now isn't that strange huh usually you have fuel we've shot it in there intake manifold we have spark right it's not igniting because no compression right that's usually the case i don't understand why it feels pretty good i just took the spark plug out again just to check i sprayed some ether into the hole spark plug hole all right well there it goes so it's not getting any gas huh [Music] looks like we might have to take the um heater box off okay so this carburetor is the kind that has the fuel adjustment screw on the very bottom the older tecumseh carburetors it also has a little push button where you push it and it drains whatever's in the carburetor bowl and i pushed it and there was hardly anything that came out what did come out doesn't smell like gas smells like water maybe that gas tank is filled with water let me drain the gas tank and see what it is obviously this is not going to be one of those short videos where i go pick up something and uh i go pick up something and that's it you know i don't do anything about it i merge it into another video but this looks like one of those videos where it's a complete all-in-one video picking it up and this is the hose is broken all right uh it looks like gas it look like gas looks like yes and obviously the fuel um shutoff is vertical for it to be open all right and then i'm going to turn it to see if it shut off shuts off and it does shut off okay and it looks like it's good gas with maybe a drop of water a little bit of water not really a lot so carburetors filled with water we're going to take that heater box off and check out the carburetor [Music] so [Music] [Music] so it's very interesting i took off the heater box removed the carburetor from the intake manifold it's the easiest way to remove took the bolts out of here plan on replacing the carburetor because as you guys can see this carburetor is why is the float look like that like it's compacted i'll tell you why uh in the winter it could get very cold here in new york and when you have either water or fuel or the combination of both filling this bowl when winter comes it freezes and it pushes in this bowl and look at all the corrosion and rust this was definitely not going to work because when i took the bowl off the needle was stuck in there so it wasn't getting any fuel you know uh here's the bowl it's full of water when i poured it out it's just water so it was water it froze in the winter time squeezed the bowl like this completely rusted and corroded this carburetor so i'm going to replace this carburetor and i'm also going to replace the fuel line because when i remove the fuel line on that other side it broke it's very brittle and stuff uh it's a pain in the butt to it's a pain in the butt to change the fuel lines on these snow blowers because it has to go exactly perfectly through the engine block to the other side and so i'm going to kind of try to attach uh the new fuel line to this one right and then pull on that side to pull the new fuel line through the following i'm gonna try to do that i haven't done that before um so that's it and uh get a new carburetor and then we'll uh change the fuel line first of course it started raining so now i've brought it back in here to the garage it's hardly any room to work now i'm having a dickens of a time trying to get that new hose through the engine block it didn't work the way i wanted it to so i might have to take the recoil starter off just to see what the hell i'm doing over there so i'm going to go and charge my phone while i do that and hopefully when we come out again i would have the fuel line through the engine so while i was charging my phone i went ahead and swapped out the carburetor i had a brand new carburetor from my friends over at it's the regular eight horsepower and up tecumseh replacement carburetor looks just like this yucky one except it doesn't have the fuel mixture screw on the bottom that thing right there it's just a fixed jet you know so i had to take off the front bracket here so the knob clicks this thing here you have to take that off of this and put it onto that you have to uh it's easier when you take off the intake manifold to get these screws on this part so oh i got to take this part off too this is the bracket that holds the heater box so you got to take off this and put it on that replacing the fuel line on one of these snow blowers is a complete nightmare if you're not able to attach the new fuel line onto the old fuel line and pull it from that side into there which didn't work for me because i just put duct tape around it and when i pulled it just pulled out it's rubber doesn't really stick well not to mention it's raining so it was wet wouldn't stick so i had no choice i had to take the uh front recoil starter i didn't take it all the way off but i took off all the bolts and just let it move like an inch that way if you let it move an inch that way you'll have plenty of room to shove the line in all the way to the other side i had to remove the gas tank also to [Music] you know see what i was doing right then connected it onto the fuel shut off and then that was good so uh fuel line was replaced we checked the gas there's no water in the gas tank clean it's a brand new carburetor i'm going to take this bracket we'll put it on here and then we'll start it up and see if it works of course it's starting to rain again just figure i'd do this in front of you guys so you can see [Music] there's a quarter inch screws for this bracket got to be careful sometimes the aftermarket carburetors they don't drill out the holes right so it doesn't really fit but this seems like it's fine uh so far so good uh before this i'm 100 success on hipaa carburetors so far everything they've sent me has worked not one error or fault so i highly recommend hipaa and not just because they give me free parts hey if the parts suck i would tell you they suck you know what i mean but it seems to be good so here we go uh so i need to put the thing on for the kill i just won't have a skill that's all all right we won't worry about that right now uh throttle up choke i'm gonna release the hounds meaning i'm gonna let the gas flow so i'm a little worried about the fuel line when the fuel line comes out to the fuel shut off it goes down like two inches and then the fuel line goes up through the engine so unless you have a lot of gas the pressure of pushing the gas through see if it primes yes it is getting fueled and it is priming all right let's see if this baby starts eh all right so that's uh on choke pull it again put it in the middle now let's see if it goes forward and backwards [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] there you go carburetor works great uh throttle when you put it all the way up it's really high you know so i want to kind of lower in and adjust a little bit well the whole reason why we got this was because the drive had some problems as you guys saw it goes forward and backwards at all speeds with no problem yes the carburetor was corroded and filled with water maybe they think that's the reason why it didn't work whatever it was just the carburetor replacement this thing seems to work just fine [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] so there is something wrong with the drive just now when i made the turn it no longer reacted to the drive lever so it doesn't move anymore but uh we're going to continue this um on another day but today we swapped out the carburetor tested the fuel got a new fuel line through there engine runs great but the whole reason why the guy threw it away was the drive which we haven't addressed yet but we had to get we had to get this thing at least tested and running before we could see what was wrong with the drive thanks a lot for joining me on today's pick and really fast carburetor replacement from my friends over at we'll see you guys wait a minute wait a minute when i pushed it into the garage i was turning it and i realized that there were it was not locking in other words the differential looked like this was rolling forward the rear one was turning backwards when you were turning it and i looked closely and this is missing the linchpin well that's the reason why the wheels don't move is because the linchpin is missing from this wheel if i put a pin through there maybe it'll work after all and that there's nothing actually wrong with this uh snowblower today other than the fact that the carburetor was trashed new carburetor got it running well maybe that's the entire problem with this snow blower not a big deal at all so i'm gonna find a bolt i don't have a lynch pin but i'll find a bolt that goes through that hole and then we'll test it real quick again and see if it uh the drive works okay i put the heater box back i put a pin through the axle let's test the uh electric start so [Music] okay so there is something wrong with the drive system we'll see you guys next time on mowers and blowers we'll check it out on the next episode ups guy screw this up i'm gonna see you guys next time [Music] you
Channel: Mowers N Blowers
Views: 2,187
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: NOMA, Murray, Dual stage, Snowblower, Carburetor, Replacement, Frozen bowl, Float crushed, Water, Fuel line, Drive, Broken, No start, Free, TECUMSEH, Snow king, Engine, Triage, Troubleshooting, Repair, Fix, How to, DIY, Tutorial, Lesson, Small engine
Id: Aq97JERzPpk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 18sec (1938 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 01 2022
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