Free Gamedev Tools I Use

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up until now I've only used free software to make my games I recently bought a sprite but I haven't even used it yet at six years of game development using free software since I get asked so frequently about the software I use I decided to make this video to go over it links to all the software I'll mentioned can be found at a description first up is music software music software is the category a lot of people just can't seem to find stuff for sometimes I'll start off with beginner friendly stuff first and move on to more advanced stuff personally I found that the full dogs can be a bit daunting and hard to get into it's awful for learning how to compose music in general because you've got too much to work with and too many ways to cover up your mistakes I honestly think that chiptune is a great way to start because you can't get away with good instruments and nice effects you have to make good tunes and your mistakes show much like low res pixel art the first tool I used in the most simple tool with the bunch is beatbox this one is actually a web-based tool and music is saved in the form of insanely long URLs although you can't export it as a WAV file it's meant for chiptune and it's super easy to jump into you can just click around for a bit and figure out stuff pretty easily beatbox has been updated many times since I first used it and it appears to have quite a few more features now even with the new updates add more customization to the sounds it's pretty limited in its instruments I originally stopped using it because you couldn't play chords without it sounding horribly however that appears to no longer be an issue with the new updates here's an example I found on Twitter by jumba's of what can be done with beatbox [Music] the second music to live uses busker Kyle it's got a pretty massive library of instruments yet it's only slightly harder to pick up and use than beatbox this is what I've used for most of my games I've released and I only recently stopped using it busker kyle is a great choice if you don't want to learn to use the full dose here's one of the tracks I made using best Kyle for super potato bro [Music] and finally there's a tool that I currently use which is LMMS lmms is the best free dog that I've tried it's loaded up with features and it's a huge step up from busca kale unfortunately as you'd expect with it being free there are a few annoying bugs that I've run into it also has compatibility issues with a lot of bsts even with the issues it has it's still a pretty great dog lmms itself is somewhat popular so there are plenty of tutorials online if you're looking to get into it here's one of the tracks I made for drawing down to this using LMMS [Music] next up is our work software the most advanced tool I use for artwork is credo I use it for anything that isn't pixel art in game dev I mostly use it as an aide for various portions of promotional materials such as my trailers I also make all my thumbnails for these YouTube videos with it although that's not game dev credo provides many advanced tools and is a great for general artwork I've tried both carita and but I prefer Kriya for its tools and better performance credo can also be used for pixel art but I haven't really done it outside of a few card images I've used for John Ben abyss there are two more tools that I use for pic floor the first one is actually a tool I made for myself because I never found a tool for pixel animation that I liked it's called px editor or pix editor I'd never decided on how to pronounce it and I use it for all my pixel art animations it's a bit restrictive in some areas and heavily dependent on key bindings it's important to read the manual text file if you decide to use it otherwise you won't know what you're doing it's got quite a few basic useful features for pixel art animation as onion skinning arranged both palettes basic selection tools flood fill layers and opacity it only has a way to set a universal frame duration not a frame duration for specific frames this was because I normally write those in when I configure my animations not when I draw them if you've got $15 it's probably worth it to buy a sprite I've never been able to find a good free paper or animation tool and my own tools rather lacking in many areas the final tool for our work is the tool I use for everything that isn't animated I can't really recommend it but it gets the job done believe it or not it's mspaint I use it because simplicity who saves a few seconds and opening and saving files and here's a fun fact about and this paint in game dev the original risk of rain was actually made using it according to the team page on the games website well Emma's paint can be used I won't cover it any further because everyone knows what it is and I doubt anybody wants to use it now that I've gone through the music and artwork software it's time to discuss software for sound effects creation there are two tools I've used for computer-generated sound effects both of these tools so super properly were among people competing in game jams because you can make all the sounds for a game jam game in about a minute the first one is SFX R the second one is B effects are they're both easy to use and quite powerful VFX R is just a better SFX are coming at the cost of being something more complicated SFX R is pretty much only useful for retro style games both of these tools have you can quickly generate calming sounds just look at this well it's pretty easy to generate sounds using the software I find it preferable in many cases to take the Foley route where you make sounds yourself and record them with a microphone if you do this you may need some software to make slight edits to the recording I use audacity for this audacity is fantastic for pretty much anything you need to do with audio when it comes to Foley I mostly use audacity to cut out specific sounds I want modify the pitch and speed and reduce background noise I also apply some other minor effects here's one of my favorite sounds I've made which was actually done with my mouth and edited in audacity finally we've reached the last category video related software you might be wondering why there is a video category in here the answer is similar to the reason I included Korea in the artwork section it's because making trailers and other video form emotional materials are absolutely essential in game development especially if you want to make money for video editing I have to recommend hitfilm express I've never seen anything that even comes close to it when it comes to free video editing software there is a butt here and it's the reason why it sounds like I did air quotes on the free it's not a super big deal and I'm not entirely sure if this still needs to be done but after making an account I had to make a post to social media advertising it to get access to the download there weren't any issues when I deleted the tweet that I made which is why I don't consider it a big issue I can't say much as to the extent of the features of hitfilm because I'm not super experienced with it I can't say is it's definitely got everything you need to make a low-budget indie trailer all my YouTube videos are edited with it and you can make stuff like the animation I've got at the end of my tutorial videos the one warning I'll leave you with regarding the application itself is that it uses quite a lot of RAM if you're watching this video in the first place it's pretty likely you don't have a super beefy PC when I was on my laptop with 4 gigabytes of RAM I'd occasionally experience crashes when my laptop would start using the swap space just make sure you say frequently if you don't have much RAM gifts are a pretty big part of promotional materials for games and yes I'll be saying gif and not jiff I recommend gif cam for recording gifts it's pretty easy you just moved the window to the right spot and click record video editing and ER streaming I recommend OBS it does both and it has things like scenes you can switch between and that you can build up from different media sources for time lapses I recommend chronal apps I've only used it once but almost all the game developers I know that makes time lapses use it the time lapses are recorded through periodical screenshots so you'll need to convert it to a video which can be done through Corona lapse itself if you're doing something short-term you may just want to use OBS and speed up the recording that pretty much wraps it for this video with my personal experience in game development I can confidently say that if you're a kid with no money who wants to get into game development it's entirely doable to make enough money off of selling games made with free software to make a decent wage and to afford all the fancy paid software that everyone use oh and uh a sprite it's like $15 so you might not want to skimp so hard in that area if you didn't pixel or hopefully y'all will stick around and I'll see you in the next video
Channel: DaFluffyPotato
Views: 97,008
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dafluffypotato, indiedev, independent game development, game development, gamedev, free, free tools, free software, free gamedev tools, free gamedev software, gamedev tools, gamedev software, tools, software, ms paint, paint, krita, px editor, lmms, bosc ceoil, beepbox, sfxr, bfxr, audacity, hitfilm, hitfilm express, obs, open broadcast software, chronolapse, gifcam, Free Gamedev Tools I Use, pixelart software, chiptune software, video software, sfx software
Id: ung_U17kxDI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 59sec (539 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 14 2020
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