Free Energy Water Pump - How to Show Details install Drum Pump Step by Step - No Electricity Power.

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hello everyone today i will show you how to install free energy water pump by using this drum so i also noticed that a lot of people confused between drum pump and seafoam so today i will show you how to install the drum pump how to install step by step detail how to make it work and the next video i will show you how to make the c phone system how to do it to make it work also so today i will make this video first to show you how to make it work step by step so please see my video thank you so the past we're going to install the stand to make sure this is stable and steady so now it's not steady fine let me try if it is silly or not so i take this one okay all right this one okay okay i can't take now it's balanced so we can start to install the input pipe and output pipe so let me show you step by step so we start to install the intake water pipe so the intake water pipe actually we see a lot of video that already detailed how to set up this one this one is one but i already made it from home because i don't want to waste your time to watch my video so i already set this one and i just connect all set into the water and what i need to do is we need this glue so we use the glue to make sure that protect the air the air proofs not leaking make sure not leaking so we put this stick we put this glue and all this one we put all together to make it [Music] this one and make sure emma it correctly and i have this is intake water pipe that i already put the zinc away while this one that is never go the water never returned back so when it come it will always go this way not never return so to have them suck you need to make it feel full in this pie so for my style i will use like this come up to your hand here here coming see all right okay so now the water is at my hand now and okay oh very happy okay so i use cloth to install to make sure my glue is working well not wait the water is not wet off okay well done okay a little bit okay if that's all i will okay to my steady have to use something down and hide firmly okay and another another one is here this one to make sure you have two way when you feel the water by this way or this way it will be need the air replacement so the air will go this way and we put the water in this way at the first time we did we need to put the water or some time your tongue is empty the water empty you need to fill in again in two chairs make sure you have two both of these if you have only one maybe not working because no way the air is no way to come in the water cannot install inside the tank we need two two valves up here so i put here okay well done so that's all for the intake water pipe and i will show you how to install output water pipe how it works step by step please taste okay so now we already set for the intake pie intake water pipe and what we're gonna do is to install the output water pipe so that i'm going to be edible down here and we already made it make the hole is our original hole from the drum and we already screwed we already installed the 60 millimeters while in inside and steady here with the airport and i'm going to install this one to make sure the ipod is going to my farm okay so don't forget to use the blue this is the pipe glue that we to make sure that the waterproof and air proof if you if the the air not proof it will not working very well so make sure you put a lot of glue here all right a lot of glue and install it carefully ah okay all right i use the hammer all right okay so what we gonna do is just connect the 60 millimeter wire to my farm about 30 meters from here to make it success to make it gravity from the tank okay so let me show you [Music] now is the last one that we need to connect the 60 millimeter pipe okay this one is just waterproof because no air anymore this one i use the valve here to stop the water when i don't need any more water for my farm okay [Music] okay now it's well done everything is installed so this is we put the valve to make sure the water in this pipe is always full when we want we don't need any more water in the fill we just close it and when we need we just open it just paint it and we open all wire over there it will be the water will sucks and so so now we're going to see what i'm having done connecting the pipe so i use all this metal here to make it stand carefully to make sure it's not fall down and all the connected pipes use this glue to make sure that the waterproof is not it's not leaking and this one is the special one the special air pie this is the clothes pipe this one and very important when the the bubble come back from the ipod pipe to the tongue this one is to use the bubble come back to the tank so all the balls will be coming in and the ear and press the water stronger to the [Music] [Music] will not suck will not suck the water because have the bubble come back so this is very important everyone i'm sorry oh my god one so now i'm going to uh the installation is complete right now and what i'm going to do is just refill the water into the tongue until full or until 80 percent so right now i'm almost fall down into the river but i'm okay because i can swim all right so i need to claim it here and i put this way and i make sure that the pipe the wall is open both valve is open to make sure that the air is detailed okay clocks all while here this is the air wire if you don't close the air will come come by this way and the water never comes from this way so we close firmly to make sure the air proof this one this one also close it firmly to make sure it's no air leaking from here into the drum and i'm gonna show you how it works when we open the master wall and the output wire okay so right now the master bar i already opened to make sure that this pie is already full the waterfall and this also full actually we can use only 70 or 80 but if full is okay we just open the ipod valley the water will be gone so let's see the waters not come about 15 minutes if not work it will finish the water it will empty the water so now okay so now [Music] maybe maybe 50 kilograms from here so when the water is coming it breaks the tank the tank is almost deformed because of the water pressing and the intake intake water pipe is stuck fastly fast from the river so i can tell you i can prove you that over there the water is already dropping down into the tank so it's going to be [Music] [Music] together okay having this one oh this is almost explode because [Music] almost explode because the the bubble come back and and this one is stopping the bubble by here and it never goes to the drum [Music] and you can hear the water dropping down all right you can hear the water dropping down okay maybe you move and you can hear the water is always dropping down from here because the tank almost before now and wow very fast water drop to refill the tank okay it worked right now i have been done and i just want to show you detail about sea phone because now is the drum pump the drum pump is the the output water is higher than intake water about two meter or three meter we can do it very easy with drum pump but the sea phone system we need to we need to put the output water lower than a little bit even just just a half meter or one meter we can do it with the sea phone system but for the drum pump it's different meaning i put water always higher okay thank you very much for watching my video today and i will show you next video with the c phone don't forget to click subscribe hit subscribe and put the notification bell to see more video about the free energy water pump and seafood thank you very much bye [Music] you
Channel: Free Energy DIY
Views: 34,121
Rating: 4.850163 out of 5
Keywords: diy, creative ideas, creative simple ideas, diy wall decor, how to videos, diy for home, water bottle hacks, new technology inventions, technology and food, technology video, daily life hack, diy water pump, homemade water pump, master diy, free energy water pump for plants - pump water without electricity, aquarium water pump, water the plans, water the plants, water plants, सिलाई मशीन का धागा बार बार क्यों टूटता है, free energy water pump, learn for life tutorial
Id: _owSma0rT3U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 4sec (904 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 01 2021
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