FREE Closet Organization Hacks to get your Home Organized Fast (ideas from a pro!) 😱 Budget Tricks

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I'm going to show you one of the most amazing closet Transformations that you have ever seen I'm actually going to be taking you behind the scene of one of my clients homes and this closet organization is on a budget my friend I shop the best deals and steals when it comes to Target Amazon Walmart everything will be linked in the description box below and nothing in this video is sponsored plus I'm doing a hundred dollar giveaway so that you can get a jump start on your closet organization or if you need to pay bills get groceries do all the life sort of adulting things too but if you want to treat yourself when it comes to your closet I got you covered three things are very important to me when I organize closets for clients and for myself and at the end of this video I'm actually gonna take you behind the scenes of my house I afford children if you are brand new here so I have tried almost everything when it comes to organizing all the things assuming that we're shopping things on a budget I also wanted to look Chic I do not want things to look cheap I wanted to function I wanted to look nice and I want to make it easy for my myself and my clients to be able to maintain what I have done I'm going to reduce the overwhelm when it comes to organizing your closet and show you the best gadgets and goodies the first thing I had my client do was declutter yes you must declutter the closet and go through all the items that you have not worn in a very long time I'm also going to show you a little trick here at the end to help you do that I have to show you this little hack and trick that is going to save your back it's called easy moves again nothing on here is sponsored my client uses to move a really really heavy chest a hope chest if you will and let me just tell you she's almost 60 years old and she was able to move this thing entirely by herself she likes to call them her hot moving men what's great about this easy moves it comes with a power bar which allows you to have 10 times your natural strength you can move couches cabinets and it slides on all floor surfaces so if you have anything in your home or your closet that you need to move out all by yourself this is a great little tool this client has only been in this house one year so she did do a declutter before she moved but I knew there was room to kind of part with a few more things let those items be re-homed by someone else show them a little bit more love because when you have an excess of item in your closet it's hard to really appreciate everything that you had it was important for myself and my client for her to be able to see all of her items and I made sure that that happened once I got decluttering out of the way I wanted to really maximize the floor space and one of my favorite items to use is this tear organizer where it's a shelf organizer let's call it a cube organizer shall we I think that's what most people refer to them as I'm also going to show you how I've used this a little bit later in the video in my daughter's room but I love this because the bins are big and I purchased the bins from Amazon because they are quality and I love the leather detail handle and they had a variety of different options available when it comes to these really durable bins but my client had a ton of sweaters I had never seen so many sweaters in my life so I was able to use all of her sweaters and put them in this bin system the really nice thing about it is when you open the drawer of the bin you can still see how I've stacked it it vertically you can still see the sweater that way you're not digging around trying to figure out what is actually on the sweater you just pull up in your drawer and ta-da you can pick your sweater and because it's so nice and organized when you go to put your sweaters away you're like well I might as well fold in and put it back in the little section so it looks nice so we maximize the floor space I was able to clear the Clutter on top of her closet because that's the first thing that you would see when you walked in there was all these just sweaters and I don't like things just hanging and shelving I want it neat orderly and tidy okay the next part of organizing your closet so I had this really big item and I wanted to maximize and clear the shelving on the top so I thought to myself I am not going to tackle the clothes because that is a huge job I'm going to save that for last I want to get some momentum going you hear me so I started with the shoes yes my client has a ton of shoes and she lives in a climate well with her summer winter fall spring so she's got sandals she's got boots she's got all the things luckily she already had some shoe organizers on hand so I was able to maximize those but I just tied guided them up organized them a bit better got the shoes off the floor because I wanted to clear that floor space and really maximize it we got some over the door hangers on the back and she had this white shoe storage system that she has had for many years she also has some shoe storage underneath the closet I know she likes her shoes I'm obsessed with coffee and she's obsessed with shoes the next thing I wanted to move on to were the scarves I thought I can tackle this there were a ton of them the way that she had them hung up you couldn't really see the scarves that she had so I thought here is a better way that we can organize them and make it more functional these bins I actually got from the Dollar Tree and they were three dollars a piece the quality is awesome I was able to fold these scarves very nice and orderly and quickly which is key and lay them in these baskets now all she has to do if she wants to style her outfit with a scarf is just take down the basket pick out which one that she wants and she can easily put it back when she has done handbags was the next thing I wanted to conquer how can I best organize all these handbags so I found this most amazing organizer it holds a ton of handbags so I was able to actually fit every single one of them in her closet and then I could maximize the vertical space rather than having them scattered all across the top shelves just in a big muck and I did want to take a precious real estate when it came to any sort of drawers or bins now she can easily look at her purses and say eeny meeny miny moe winner the next thing I moved on to were pants I thought okay it's time I can tackle the pants it's pretty simple pretty straightforward and something I did in this closet which I don't typically do is I actually color coded it and I'm loving this she had so many items that made it easy for me to do and the best part about color coding your closet when you do it the first time it will take a little bit longer but when you go to put items back in your closet you wouldn't want to put the red one with the black one it would just look weird so it makes it easier to maintain now I wanted to do all velvet hangers in my client's class as it but we had a compromise she loves acrylic hangers so I thought okay let's use the Velvet hangers for pants because there's a little hoop so you can Loop the pants around there and again she wanted to be able to see everything so that's why we're hanging the pants and she has summer stuff and winter stuff so I really had to maximize all the seasons within this closet I opted for a cream hanger with a silver detail on it in my closet which I'll show you a little bit later I did something a little bit different but I was able to use these velvet hangers on two sides of the closet one for the pants so nicely organized and then the next plan of attack was all of her Cardigans legit a whole row of Cardigans but what was really nice about these velvet hangers is they're so slim and stylish you can flip the handle back and forth so you can turn it either way which is really convenient when you're hanging up stuff and putting them away but it's non-slip that's what I love about it and it looks Chic once we got the pants out of the way we got all The Cardigans out of the way the next thing I wanted to organize were the belts I thought let me just do belts that seems a little bit more manageable than all the t-shirts and sweatshirts and all the other dresses and shirts that I thought oh I just need some time to think about that and actually this belt organizer I got at the Dollar Tree recently I showed this in a previous video where you could put tank tops on here you could put belts you could put scarves you can put jewelry but I am loving the look of this belt organizer in her closet and now it's really easy for her to take her belts on and off next plan of attack were all of these short sleeve t-shirts for these ones I did use the acrylic hangers and I organized these by color as well and I just think it looks so beautiful in her closet and because I had the Walmart cube storage system underneath I knew I needed to put items that were a little bit shorter under there so the perfect spot was for these t-shirts at this point everything is coming together so beautifully when you start with just small projects one thing at a time so you start with the shoes and then you go to belts and then you go to purses things are a lot more manageable so I knew I would not have enough hanger space because all that real estate had been taken up it's like trying to shove 3 000 square feet of items into like 500 square feet of items so I needed to get creative and again she wanted to be able to see everything so I found these pink bins from Target I actually have similar ones in my closet and in my girl's closet and I know that they hold up really nicely and inside of these bins I put all of her sweatshirts and these are things that she's not going to access as frequently that's why I put them up on the shelves but again with these bins I layered them vertically so that when you take the bin down you can easily see what sweatshirt you want to wear for that particular cold snuggly day this next part was probably the hardest part because there's a lot of mismatchy things like we got short sleeve colorful floral things and then we get like long dresses and I'm like how am I going to organize this and make this look all nice and tidy but again using the acrylic hangers I was able to find rhyme and reason I put all the dresses on one side of the closet again so that she could easily access it and it was nice and organized is that she could keep it that way and then all of her summer dress shirts in the middle again I wanted to utilize the space above the cube storage system now for organizing those tank tops because I was running out of closet space again I wanted to access that vertical space so I found this really cool tank top holder I'm going to show you a different version of it in my closet in just a second I want to give a huge shout out to Gwen thank you so so much for your coffee cheers my friend and thank you for supporting this channel I appreciate you immensely now previously for all of her sandals we're moving into warm weather here I had them in a storage bin underneath her bed and that worked great I found this perfect affordable friendly organizer from Walmart by the way don't buy the Dollar Tree ones mine ripped the first time I bought it so that's why I bought the Walmart one but I thought again I need this closet to be functional for her so I found these really cool stackable bins from Walmart and they are a great size so I was able to put all of her sandals and just lay them vertically in there and then if she needed to put another bin on top let's say she had some shorts or I don't know something else that she wanted to collect in her closet she could stack these bins on top and be able to easily access what's inside and see it I didn't want her to be reaching under her bed every single day to pick out the sort of shoe that she wanted to wear that just did not seem practical for her or for me or anybody for that matter I mean if you're not wearing these items for like an entire season I could see that everything she owns stayed in this closet however there were two exceptions to this she had a lot of these poofy vests that she would wear and then some outwear outer jackets like flannel ones so I put those in a separate closet because again those are just seasonal and temporary and those are usually things that you would put on top of your already established outfits so you go in your closet you get ready you put it together and you're like oh I want something a little bit warmer and I didn't want to shove everything in that closet because again if everything's all mixed matched and shoved together you can't appreciate what you have very well when it came to organizing her hats she already had a hat storage container you don't have to use this for your your hatch I put our workout wear on the top and then her hats and such on the bottom and again maximizing that vertical space in the closet without taking too much of that precious real estate when it comes to hangers she had some pre-existing bins in her closet I just went in and organized them a little bit better one for her socks and then I purchased a separate one from Target I have a similar one in my boys room I wanted to put all of her long sleeve shirts in there and then organize them with some drawer organizers you're going to see here in just a second so even though you're putting things inside a drawer you're like oh I'm talking away I'm hiding it you do want to keep it organized because then it's much easier for you to maintain that organizational system it becomes like effortless at that point that's why I come to your house organize it all set up the system for you get you excited about your closet again now that the closet is all set organized and tidy and decluttered although I may recommend that she go through again one more time just touch every single item in that closet and see is this something that you really want to keep that you really want to wear so this is where my hanger trick comes into place if you wear an item what I recommend doing is just flip the handle of the hanger around turn it backwards so you can really see which of these items in my closet am I actually wearing and what most people find is they only maybe wear like a quarter of the items in their closet we tend to gravitate towards the same things over and over again hence like the black bodysuit that I wear all the time they're all different but I have them in different shapes colors sizes not really sizes and things you get where I'm going so if you're having a difficult time decluttering or if you're realizing that your closet is overflowing it's like busting at the seams it's like help me let me get out of this closet try this hanger trick so you can really assess what you're actually wearing visually be able to see it big and rationalize a lot of things in our minds can't we my client actually had a ton of other organizers in her closet that she was utilizing so sometimes less is more yes so declutter get yourself some matching hangers these two things are going to be ooh pivotal when it comes to organizing your closet if you can do none other you want to do those two things and it will make such a difference in your closet and again I found the most affordable hangers for you and here comes the really fun part when it comes to organizing your closet I like to add a little style detail so I looked around my client's home her bedroom and her bathroom and looked at the color combinations and then I found these really beautiful prints from the Dollar Tree in the five dollar section the canvas prints I thought these are going to be absolutely perfect especially because I cleared the Clutter on that top shelf and I wanted something nice when you walked into that closet like oh this is like a place you want to hang out in for a while so I styled those I also went to Target I went to the bullseye playground and found some really cute items for like three dollars in five dollars in fact I don't know if I actually paid five dollars for any of those items but the sea glass jars that you see in here were from Target and then I found these beautiful florals from the Dollar Tree all you want to do is grab yourself some clear Elmer's glue and then a vase if you have one on hand you can also get a vase at the Dollar Tree I actually just ordered a big pack from Amazon because I love giving flowers away to people but I want them to have the base already to go to put on the Shelf I don't want to just make them have to do all the cutting and get where I'm going and it was pretty affordable that way but put your glue inside that vase and then arrange your flowers how you want them to look I wanted to create a little bit more height so that your eye went up and then it just adds a little nice Greenery a little pink a little extra touch in the closet and all on a budget I know the next thing I did is I wanted to put a mirror in this closet so that when you're getting ready you could just quickly say oh does this look good what do you think about this what does my hair look you know whatever you needed to do just a quick Glimpse in the mirror and I found this really affordable one at Walmart I wanted round because the rest of the closet is like square square and more square and then all the details that you see here on the shoe organizer were from the Dollar Tree this really diffuser recently I purchased and showed in a previous video was from the Dollar Tree I love this rose colored one and then all these sort of little knickknacks were from the bullseye spot or bullseye's playground if you will I didn't want to put too many items like I'm not a big trinket person because then you gotta like dust around it and it's a hoe to do but I just want to just warm up the space a little bit and then this green jar that you see was three dollars at Target and this could be just a little Drop Zone if you needed to put some jewelry in there maybe some money maybe some chapsticks maybe a little something maybe a little nothing I am so impressed with this closet I cannot wait until she comes home a little bit later today and I think it's really going to elevate her mood I think it's gonna clear any sort of clutter both physically and mentally that's why I love organizing because it does so much for your mental health okay we gotta raise a satisfaction lever up a notch let's get a good before of this closet transformation so that we can see it one last time you can see all these items are screaming within the closet help me help me but now it looks so tidy and organized and everything has a home they are saying thank you Namaste that just feels good again affordable functional easy to maintain and it looks dang good I didn't want it to look like you know when you go on a pantry sometimes and you're like this is the Dollar Tree Pantry nothing wrong with that I want to pay a little money but I want it to look real nice and Chic thumbs up if you can relate to that one let's move on to my house and then we're gonna talk about the giveaway moving on to my daughter's room remember when I talked about the drawers you want those organized so that it's easy to maintain when you are putting your clothes away yep these drawer dividers are excellent for organizing your pants your shirts basically anything within that door and you can easily see because of how it is stacked up on the top of this I love these little I guess we'll call them honeycomb sort of organizers for putting your socks or your panties or your little this that or the other things but rather than having like in a big ball and not really organizing eyes and then you're swimming around trying to find what you need yes I love this in fact I actually I love laundry at this point because putting these things away makes me very excited it wasn't always the case moving into my daughter's closet here again you can see that Walmart cubed storage system that I'm utilizing with some Amazon bins these are the same bins that I just showed you in my client's closet but a different pattern loving the leather handle detail on there and again I organized some sweatshirts in here and you can easily see when you pull out that drawer what sweatshirt is which another place to utilize is the back of the door yes because you can free up some real estate in your closet this organizer is from Amazon and I loved all the hooks on it it was stylish it's fun it went with her bedroom and then I love the little bamboo knobs on the end of it moving into my closet if you tend to collect a lot of sunglasses I have something that I enjoy this sunglass organizer is great you can use this not only for sunglasses you could use this for nail polish you could use this for trinkets you could use this for whatever I showed you a Dollar Tree belt organizer but this one here is from Amazon this is another great option alternative if I had to pick between the two I actually prefer the Dollar Tree ones because it's just easier to pull them out whereas the Amazon one which is great as well if you want a belt in the middle you have to take all the other belts off to get that one belt you know what I mean I run a fitness channel here on YouTube so something I tend to collect a lot of are workout pants workout shorts way too many leggings this Amazon organizer is great you can see here it is holding a ton of leggings so rather than taking up bin space or drawer space I don't own a dresser or more real estate within the closet this legging organizer is fantastic but you could also utilize this for t-shirts or scarves or anything that would roll into a ball very nicely I showed you a different tank top organizer in my clients closet that one was from Amazon this one is also from Amazon it's just a different color a different style I have a ton of tank tops and I want to easily be able to find them in my closet I could just see them right there which one do I want to wear I it's easy to put things away I don't have to fold anything I just hang it up on the loop and I believe that two or three came in a pack on this one which is an excellent deal previously I showed you sort of the cream beige hangers with the silver detail but I opted in my closet and in my girls closet for the Black Velvet and the gold tea tail I love both options it just depends upon what sort of vibe that you want if you want something a little bit more bright an area if you want something a little bit more I don't know sophisticated if you will not to say that cream and white are not sophisticated I love doing giveaways on this channel it's a great way for me to give back to you and it brings me so much joy so if you're interested in winning the hundred dollar giveaway which I will announce in a two weeks couple things that you need to do give this video a thumbs up just let me know in the comments box below what's your favorite part of this video was and then last but not least in that description box below this video just make sure that you enter your email address there's going to be a link next to number three it's going to say enter your email here that way I can contact you to let you know that you want and make sure that you are checking your emails I do tons of giveaways on this channel and I can't tell you how many times I email the winner and I wait for business days and nobody responds and I like have to keep trying to find new winners so check your email oh and always I will never message you via telegram or YouTube saying contact me at this number because you want no I'm just simply going to email you if you want I recently partnered with timu in fact it was the first partnership that I've ever done in this Channel with over 500 000 subscribers my friend I've only ever done one brand deal yes but you better believe it's good it's an organizing one so if you want to see some more affordable organizers not just for your closet but for your entire home I will link that video in the description box below or click it on screen now thumbs up subscribe and I will see you my friend in the next one
Channel: Andrea Jean Cleaning
Views: 97,361
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Andrea Jean Cleaning, How to, Dollar tree, Dollar tree organization, Marie mondo, The home edit, Crafts, Dollar tree DIYs, Hacks, DIYs, Thedailydiyer, Doitonadime, The deal guy
Id: l9_TOswoJag
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 15sec (1275 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 30 2023
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