FREE Camping 15 minutes from Crater Lake National Park!

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fun little overnight at the Harvest host there in Weed California it was the Shasta Mountain Brewery Company and it was pretty good we had a few sours some decent food played a little beer trivia so we're a little bit smarter this morning we did walk away a little bit [Music] smart I want a shout out to the world so they know my sweet baby love the so she got me going yeah she turns me on and she loves me yes she loves me and this morning we are headed to Oregon and our first stop is Crater Lake you can definitely feel and see the smokiness and the haze from all the fires that Oregon has been getting this summer so Crater Lake is a national park and we've never been there before unfortunately because we don't have the proper permits to film in a national park we can't really show you guys and film that uh but we are heading to uh like I guess a BLM parking lot I think they're called snow parks and also I think we need to scout out the national park today at least get out there and see it because we really only have one day one full day tomorrow and have the dog so we never really have a full day anymore but at least we're going to get out and do some hiking and see that beautiful deepest lake in [Music] America she loves me yes she loves me and it blows my [Music] mind yeah blows my mind she's [Music] my coming up on the end of our short 2hour drive up here to an Creek snow park it's called and it is basically just a parking lot for the big rigs and then there is uh like a small area for uh smaller Vans and some class season stuff down by the creek which I don't think we're going to go down there I think the cell service is harder to get we might have to use starlink but we are coming up just one mile up on an Creek Road and uh I'm excited to be here I am super excited to be here Crater Lake is a lot of people's number one site to see and we're about to see it for the first time and I couldn't be more excited yeah hopefully the smoke doesn't interrupt that seeing it for the first time so you do need a permit to park here in the winter time to early spring but not in the summer time so that's cool and uh can definitely see it's a big parking lot to the left over there there's little pit toilets this is interesting okay so I'm going to go around that way let's pull up to that sign you know there's a big red X in in lights there yeah we should probably check out what that's say let's read that sign hopefully it's just about fires Avalanche Beacon ch point oh my gosh we're in an avalanche Zone uh the Red X you are not transmitting it's like a beacon for Avalanches what does that mean though um I don't know you I'm not transmitting an avalanche yeah like I think you'd have to hit an emergency button to make it transmit which we're not going to do so straight ahead there I believe is down to the creek okay which uh I don't know I don't know we might we could check it out but I we do want some cell service and some possibly Starling so I think we need to be up top for that looks like the whole parking lot for ourselves and keep in mind we're only spending two nights here so we kind of have a rule where if it's like a single night or a two night we like to keep it easy yeah you know like if we were going to be spending whatever the max is here let's just say 14 days then we might be a little more adventurous and spend more time into finding that beauty shot spot to park yeah this is all about visiting crater this is all about in and out keeping it stressfree and maximizing our time here so it's right now it's 1104 getting in we'll have half a day today a full day tomorrow and just using that [Music] time a little snow shelter so interesting like you can come in here and start a fire and warm up quite like this before no we're not used to snow shelters and then there's like outlets and stuff I heard people say like you could charge your cell phone interesting van life to the max F life yeah it's always nice to have bathrooms and plugins if if you're a little rig that's you know you can add on some days to your stay by using those things yeah pretty cool so I think we're going to uh just swoop around and pull up alongside that building cuz we want to point uh our star like North so we got to avoid those big tall trees and uh Chris said we might as well Park the direction leaving so that we don't have trouble getting out if it gets busy I'm always thinking ahead of how do we get out of this spot if it fills up yeah which obviously this isn't an issue it's massive here but you never know like what if what if a big party of 10 rigs comes in and it gets a little tight yeah yeah you don't [Music] know so I use this manual level on the on the auto system but by using the manual mode you can kind of see how level you are to begin with and uh we're nose down 1° which is good and perfectly level left to right and you can kind of tell that it NOS down so it's just hard to tell how far but one degree is good the auto level is good to uh 1.5 degree of being off so if we're within that we're good to go with the auto level [Music] system [Music] I don't know where all these bees came from I don't know if you can see them or not but there's about I don't know a dozen of them swarming around the RV checking it out it's got me a little nervous there's a nest really close by that we probably don't want to park next to okay yeah slightly worried about the bees but we moved back only about 20 ft and again we want this side of the parking lot so we can get starlink off to the north and we also didn't really want to go too far in that back corner just because that communal cabin could be pretty busy and we don't really want to park our front door right in front of that we're not going to use the fire pits so we'll leave those open for people that do want to enjoy a fire and otherwise guys pretty decent spot still a few V's checking our checking our rig [Applause] out [Music] battery's charged up to 87% I think we're at 60 something when we left this morning still getting 15600 watts of power so that's pretty good and should be an easy travel day for us so doesn't look like much has moved around get the big slide out [Music] first looks good kitchen slide out next slide number [Music] one okay definitely nice and easy to open up this house we definitely enjoy the two big hydraulic slides those come out fast easy and haven't had any issues with any of the slides so far and let's see where where the family's at are you out here babe yeah you ready yeah come on in I can smell the smoke hi guys you want to go inside yes they do they love going inside oh good job they got that duck down don't they yep home sweet home home sweet home keep this door closed for bees all right we made it this is it short travel day easy setup what a cool spot you know this is something we would never know about a parking lot 10 minutes from a national park that you can camp in for free yes I didn't even see a limit on it but I'm sure it's the typical 7 days or 14 days yeah and we talked with a ranger on our way in yeah uh just a couple minutes after we parked and he was just a super nice guy he super friendly are giving us recommendations on where to go and what to see and talking about about the smoke yeah he's bummed about the smoke and uh hopefully we didn't we tried not to park too close to this building but again we needed the the space and uh for starlink and the view but it looks like that is for the snow plows in the winter time Ranger didn't say anything about restrictions on parking pretty much anywhere on the lot is fine but we left the driveways of course open for that shed in cas they do use that not sure and we definitely talked long enough for him to give us like instructions if he had any yeah super chill super chill so here's the little uh road that goes down to the creek definitely looks like it's rded out a little bit um probably wouldn't mind taking our previous travel trailer but the fifth wheel a little unknown actually some really nice sights at the bottom of that road so we just walked down and uh there's a handful of sites down here nice and nice nice ones for like Vans or smaller smaller RVs and that Road's not as scary as it first looks no we could have made it down that road if we had to toally totally could have made that and there's a stream down here somewhere I think my stream my streamr tells me it's that way yeah it sounds like it's that way yeah look at all these little tucked away campsites it's really cool to be down here like in the trees super private yeah these trees are great yeah you just have zero sell service and no chance at probably starlink at all and little less solar yeah a lot less solar all your resources goodbye water totally opposite direction of what I was sensing your stream D was way off yeah you couldn't hear it it sounded like the wind blowing oh look at that people actually cross on that log yeah that's super cool I would I would not cross over that it's pretty big oh there's another one up there here's the creek see you're right all along it smells very fresh and crisp St kind of a funny feeling here in the parking lot because this is what we used to do in our Sprinter van a lot was hang out in parking lots and we haven't been to Oregon basically since we had our Sprinter van and yeah we were just trying to figure out when was the last time we were actually visiting Oregon and not just driving straight through it which was like 2019 our first kind of year on the road and I was just thinking like yes this fifth wheel is harder to tow around we're getting obviously a lot more used to it we're now on 3 months and 4,000 M of travel already yeah and it's just when we get somewhere we have this huge huge kitchen and living room and an apartment style field with these big windows and the big office and it's like you know the parking lot's not that bad it it uh it's it's not that bad it does the it gets the job done it gets us close to our destination and it is you know there's some definite nature out here so that's the best of both worlds yeah we got a truck now to go explore and we have large roof space and capacity for a large electrical system which allows breakfast to happen like air fried potatoes air fried potatoes we do these I don't want to say every day but almost every day they're just so satisfying and so easy and I like to put a little fresh Rosemary on salt and pepper 15 minutes at 315° and then I throw some green onions in and crank it up to 400° for another 6 minutes and that you usually gets them nice and cooked so you don't have any bony potatoes in there and that's our recipe for breakfast we do some eggs some ground chicken that's on today's menu and I think we're both really hungry our stomachs have been been growling all morning mhm late is it noon does it say 12:00 what time is it yeah it's 12:15 what day is it what time is it what state am I in these are questions that I frequently ask myself Lulu are you happy in your new home you're kind of grumpy yeah you're grumpy grumpy today Jun [Music] Jun it's like why do you guys starve me on water so [Music] fun look at those smells amazing yeah so it takes you know a good 20 minutes which isn't the quickest breakfast but it's inactive time so when the air fryer is working I sit down and do something else and it's just so good we're both addicted would you say yeah they're pretty good pretty clean pretty good pretty tasty that's it bone appetite [Music] mhm it's like an extra salt on top so last night we went to Crater Lake National Park just check it out see what's going on up there and the very first time we walked to the rim of the crater and the lake wow is all I can say absolutely amazing it's almost comparable to talking about going to the Grand Canyon and standing at the rim of that it's not as vast but it is such a an amazing abundance of like deep blue in the water to like the dark green of the trees and you could just kind of feel the historic prehistoric significance of that land so reading the plaques up there uh it was a 12,000 ft volcano you know this giant super volcano that erupted and then created the crater which then filled with water making it the deepest lake in America pretty cool so we're going to be heading back today back to do a nice big long hike and try to see Crater Lake from larger perspective and I just wanted to go over a couple of the things we do when we leave the dogs uh we haven't talked about some of this stuff for a while I really like these gov products on Amazon they're pretty inexpensive and they work really well so for example this is a Bluetooth and Wi-Fi temperature sensor uh and humidity so this allows me to see what the temperature is while we're gone and also receive alerts if it gets too high or too low so that's for the dogs just to check the temperature as well as I'm still using the wise cam this is the Pro 3 I think these are really inexpensive USB uh reliable little cameras and I've just always loved these we've had these since the van I think I've upgraded to a new version since then but it just plugs into a USB and it basically shows the entire living room here because now we're leaving Louie outside of the kennel uh it took us a while to trust him to be home alone these bassis are known to be anxious dogs and they can also be destructive uh when left alone so June is still a puppy uh she's about 9 months old she's still chewing and so she stays in the cage still while Louie gets free range and he basically sleeps on the couch and what we do now is we leave the the curtains half open so they can both sit there and look out the window and that really seems to keep them entertained and happy while we're gone we've had no accidents in the house Louis has not chewed anything up which is amazing and basically uh he's getting more more comfortable with us leaving which is good for us cuz now we can go out and do some of the things that we need do without the puppies cuz we're so used to just bringing Louis like everywhere with us but national parks are notorious for not being very dog friendly is the hiccup do you got hiccup and then lastly on the security cameras um I bought these blink cameras a maybe a year and a half ago or at least a year ago I have five of them four of them are mounted permanently on the outside of the RV and then I have this one that can be moved around and you can kind of put it anywhere you want inside outside just kind of a a handy option and these are cool cuz they're completely wireless uh the downside of the wireless is they preserve battery so they don't quite uh record as long as like the wired version of wi's that I have up there another downside to the blinks is you need uh basically a hub and that is you know you have to have 110 on that so while the wise camera uses a USB up there the blink uses 110 but now that we leave our inverters on that's really not a big deal but it does seem a little bit slower to connect so that's kind of the extent of some of the security stuff that we've been using over I don't know the past couple years really like it it's been working fairly well so far and I wish we could bring you guys along with to the national park but again unfortunately we can't film in there without the proper permits which can be quite difficult and expensive to get also for the doggos I like to put uh just one of the air conditioners on auto um the temperature today is only supposed to be like 75 but obviously in a closed up RV it could be like 85 um sometimes I'll set this around somewhere between 80 and 85 kind of depending on the outside temperature because uh when it's kind of cool out if it actually did hit 85 in here this air conditioner is going to be going off for a while and uh it'll be much cooler than than 85 we used the electric uh fireplace space heater for a couple hours this morning um along with uh quite a few other higher loads with cooking and stuff this morning so the batter's actually down to 51% which is that's quite a bit of power um you know just over the the over the night and into the morning uh but early right now we're getting 860 watts of solar that's going to continue to climb close probably to 2,000 depending on our shadowing out there and so that's going to charge up really nicely and if the AC needs to go on it won't be a problem you ready to go I'm ready Aaron's picked out a couple of hikes for us to do and I think we're going to make a decision on the drive there right yeah yeah yeah I'm not sure we have a 3 and 1 half mile hike and a 4 and a half mile hike and um both of them have great views of Crater Lake so we'll kind of see which one we end up going to it's all about the views on this one yeah I'm going to pack up the truck well this is a first on BLM or US Forest land to have a helicopter land 50 ft from from our RV right next to us the dogs have never seen a helicopter we don't know what's going on it's crazy so the pilot got out and he ran to the side of the building um he gave us a little wave so it didn't look like it was an emergency at least nothing like our RV is not on fire or anything but he did jump out he had come T in his stuff yeah I thought he had to go to the bathroom or something wish I had a mocking bird I wish I had a diamond ring I wish I had a pink brain coat wish I had a pretty thing like [Music] you
Channel: Irene Iron Travels
Views: 31,494
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: o5eOJ2jy-aM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 52sec (1492 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 28 2023
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