RV Life in the Florida Keys with an Unexpected Surprise!

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[Applause] oh my dogs are going to be so jealous when I get home oh good girl oh that's a good one June yeah I just got sprayed by a dolphin I didn't wake up saying that this morning good morning we are still in the Florida Keys we are true Islanders now and we have a fun-filled Friday today we're going to start here at the Farmers Market at the RV resort we're going to hit up Pigeon key today we might even go to the turtle hospital and we're definitely going to end the day on a high note with a Sunset Cruise I I could sit and hang out with these guys till sunset oh my God but no I just don't want to I just don't want to wow Sun yeah we are starting here at the RV park there's a little farmers market and it's really fun to go to and I'm going to pick up some fresh fish which I look forward to doing every single Friday when we're here it's a really great convenience and it doesn't get any easier than that I don't even need to go on the water to catch my fish I just need to go to the market and get it and then after that we're going to go into Marathon which is a city that's very close to here it's about 20 minute drive up the keys we're going to hit up Pigeon key and we're going to do some bike riding on that nice beautiful Bridgeway that they have there and then we're going to get on the water we have a special 2hour Sunset Cruise booked that I am so excited for and then finally we're going to fry up that fish that I buy today so we have lots to do smells so fresh in there I just like to go smell it I'm all stocked up at home so we're just going to get the fish I got grouper and I got shrimp and I'm so excited to cook [Music] it [Music] we found a great parking spot across the street by the Sunset Grill not in the sunset grills lot but on the street just outside of it and it's a lot roomier parking down here versus up top which up top there is really great parking as well because it's nice and close but the spots are really tight and the spots fill up so if it's too tight up there for your truck or if it's it's just too busy and you can't find a spot come down here to the Sunset Grill which is where we are and having bikes there's this super cool cut through where you don't need to cross over the highway but rather you go under the highway and even more exciting when we're done and coming back I think we're going to pop in and have lunch here because why wouldn't you when you're already here and it has this incredible [Music] View I standing in front of the famous 7mile bridge it is the epitome of the keys when you think of this big massive overseas railroad system that we learned a little bit in our beia Honda episode um Flagler built this overseas train system from I think it was 7 years like 1905 to 1912 and this is the longest stretch that was built over water it's 6.7 miles and this part here where you can see pedestrians and bikers getting their activities going is open to the public you can come here for free and walk it or jog it or bike it and take in the amazing views of the water now if you want to go all the way to Pigeon key it's about 2 miles and once you're there you do need to pay an entrance fee to get in there and use the amenities that they have and do some learning while you're on pigeon key and that's exactly what we're going to do is ride our bikes the 2 miles there as you go through the Florida Keys you'll see a lot of these old Remnant bridges that have been damaged by just normal wear and tear and also hurricanes and they're never opened back up and that was the case for this bridge here the only way you could get to Pigeon key up until a couple of years ago was by boat but luckily they invested some time to repair this walking part of this section and it is available for us to use currently [Music] today we made it to the end of the walking bridge to miles of pure awesomeness if there's one thing that's just nearly as close as being on a boat on the water it's being on this bridge over the water because it's 360° of blue and turquoise and emerald and it is breathtaking up here and it smells like sea salt and fresh fish and you just really feel like you're a true Islander so now that we got to the end of the pigeon key area we are going to go down into pigeon key key and see what they cost for admissions we don't know how much time we have to spend in there we're going to have to make a call on if we're going to pay to go in or if we're just going to take a peek and maybe come back another day to explore more in there Aaron heard that there is a Shark Feeding at like 1:00 and it's 12:26 right now so that might be a determining factor that makes a swing one way or another I've personally been keeping my eyes out for shark and manatees I'm just dying to see some big rare Aqua life in these beautiful Waters I've seen a lot of fish hanging my head over but I didn't see any sharks and I didn't see any manatees I know they're out there I would still uh settle for seeing a Shark Feeding here just to see something different and [Music] unique okay here's the skinny on pigeon key it's 12:30 they don't feed the sharks until 2:30 so it's kind of a long wait it's about $15 per person to get in and the history on this place is very very interesting so we're kind of thinking about coming back at another time so that we can spend more time here on the island they're open from 9 to 4:00 and that $15 get you in you can do snorkeling swimming uh there's guided tours little gift shops you know it could be a fun place to spend a few hours but we're as usual not great planners and the timing is kind of off but you know what it doesn't bother me at all to come back like if you're close to this and you have mornings to burn what a great way to come spend it and just walk this every day for your steps and I would love to come back again again with my swimsuit and a lunch packed and just camp out here all day yeah and they do movies once a month and you can come out and watch that like you get to watch the sunset and then they play the movie after dark right cuz normally they close at 4:00 so these movie nights are the special occasion where they are open during sunset and I hear that the sunsets are pretty spectacular here just because there's nothing nothing around to block your view of the sun setting over the water yes and this portion of the highway here on seven old 7M Bridge used to be the main Bridge coming in until like 1982 when they built the new bridge so this has a very interesting history where it was just a rest stop off the highway yeah and they had a pool where you could go swimming um also the University of Miami uh took it over after the new highway came in and they used it as a research facility so kind of cool interesting history there well let's not forget Aaron they also filmed True Lies here yes the scene with the bridge blowing up that was out here on the on the old bridge so much information that we picked up and we didn't even go inside imagine how smart we're going to be next time we come here and we actually take that tour and we're running out of time like we mentioned we have our Sunset Cruise at 4:30 we need to be there and we got to get back to get the puppies out so we really need to be back by like 3:30 so we're just running out of time to squeeze in lunch so let's head to the Sunset [Music] Grill well as usual I worked up an app TI and I can't wait to [Music] eat well that was the Sunset Grill yes not 100% what we were expecting but actually it kind of was because I read some reviews and this is the type of place you go for the atmosphere for a drink and not necessarily for the food the food menu at lunch was a lot of classic bar food so mostly deep fried appetizers and handheld sandwiches for your Entre yeah and we're trying something new where we want to split more meals I don't know about you guys but the last him I don't know it seems like the last couple years eating out is more and more expensive like lunch is now like $100 if you add in a few drinks sometimes dinner you know if you put a bottle of wine on there it could be like $150 easily but sometimes that happens and it is a really great atmosphere like Aon said when we first sat down the view is incredible and if you want to have a nice spot right up on the water this is it 3 to 6 happy hour every day they have a pool in the middle of their bar you know they have a beachy area that we're kind of in now all in all I think the Sunset Grill is a great spot to come check out have a drink watching the sunset here would probably be really really beautiful so we're going to finish the rest of our drink here and then we're going to head back to the little puppies because we only got about an hour before our real Sunset [Music] Cruise hi Louie hey buddy you've been sleeping okay good girl you guys been sleeping oh hi hi puppies she going to Bar for you back back oh good girl oh that's a good one June yeah that's a good one oh a couple of them good girl okay back let's go back back back back back hi oh good [Music] puppies we made the grueling 3 minute walk here from our RV and that's one of the really big reasons why I wanted to do this Charter is because it's right on site at the Sunshine RV Resort so we don't have to drive in the dark or any of that we could just walk to and from super quick which is our style for sure and I am so excited for this Sunset Cruise I've been looking forward to it for about 3 months ever since we got to the keys back in December so I am literally on Cloud9 right now can't wait to finally get on the water and it was a steal of a deal for the couple we're paying $150 to go 2 hours on a boat ride there's going to be up to two other couples joining us which is how the rate gets so low for this Charter service and I don't know who the couples are going to be and hopefully we'll get to make some fun friends and meet the captain and we are right on time so we're going to go check [Music] in that's an actual two-lane road that was used until like the 70s 80s as the highway wine and water don't mix [Music] see one [Music] yes [Music] [Music] wow that is so cool I think I just got sprayed by a dolphin it's like a once in a lifetime magical experience so cool this really this really is the experience of yeah cuz you can't predict it you can't predict this so is it unusual to be this this many of them here or they're just kind of all usually I see three or four at a time maybe [Music] five [Music] yeah cheers that was really good the dolphin cheers show of a lifetime that was absolutely amazing [Music] Absolut [Music] hey girl hey girl Lulu back home to the puppies after the absolute most amazing Sunset Cruise actually we can't even call it a Sunset Cruise now it's a dolphin cruise it was a dolphin cruise it was the most amazing dolphin cruise ever so when Captain Dan asked us what we wanted to do Aaron said I want to see some Dolphins I'm just like on Cloud9 right now I'm blown away it was pretty amazing I'm so excited to go back and look at all that footage my hair is wind whipped like I smell like sea salt I feel like I'm a true Island person in this dolphin experience put it over the top I am actually quite hungry and we are going to pan sear up some of that [Music] grouper so here is our beautiful grouper that we bought from the market this morning and as I mentioned earlier I get this every single Friday that they're here and I love getting fresh fish from the market it's a steal of a deal this is literally caught here in the keys and every single time I go I ask him when was this caught and he says well it was fed yesterday so they process it in their facility and they sell it very fresh so even if I can't cook it today it's going to last a couple of days in my fridge now this is $28 per pound and they sell it in half PB fillets this is the same portion that you would get in their restaurant but rather than spending like $ 20 to $30 per entree sometimes even 35 you get everything in this pound for $28 and you can cook it as healthy as you want it to be or as gluttonous as you want it to be whatever you're craving so tonight we're doing it with some quinoa so tonight we're doing what did you what what did you just say so tonight we're doing ome quinoa I literally never called it quinoa before I don't know why I did that tonight we're cooking it with some quinoa it takes 15 minutes to make super fast and I'm going to put some broccoli in the air fryer so I got 7 minutes on the air fryer this is going to take like 7 8 minutes the quinoa is almost done and then I also have some salad that I'm going to have with mine that I have prepped ahead typically on a fish like this Super Fresh salt pepper a little garlic powder and I always like to put a little paprika and I want to talk about paprika because it's the number one dried spice that I use it gives flavor it gives color and the tip that I want to give is buying in bulk for high use spices and herbs salt pepper I always buy them in bulk containers like this so my everyday paprika thing I fill this up it's plastic it's lightweight and I use this for every day and then the remainder of it rather than carrying around a half full bulky container I transfer all my bulk spices to plastic bags and I label them so I know what's in it you could date it like I dated this one 2022 we're not getting into Canada with that bag it's starting yeah so yeah I mean this is starting to get a little old but honestly ly I'm going to use this whole thing I'm not really concerned about it could you imagine if I had 10 of these no it would be horrible you couldn't do it so take buy these save money pour them into these it's like my number one hack for people that like to cook in an RV you need spices you need it to be affordable and you need it to be lightweight and space friendly so after all that I'm actually not putting any of those spices on the fish because Aaron wants old baay and what Aaron wants Aaron gets so we're going to put a little old baay on the grouper we're going to panser it I can already smell that celerin now are you ready but isn't Old Bay pretty much just like paprika salt pepper it's everything that you just said it's just Aaron knows that because I just told him the ingredients on it yes so if you're interested ingredients it's actually a pretty clean spice blend celery salt spices which include red pepper black pepper and paprika that's it let's get cooking let's get [Music] cooking so usually anytime that I'm pan steering anything whether it's fish pork chicken so basically any type of protein what I do is as soon as it hits the pan I set my timer on my watch and I watch for it to be halfway cooked up and I'll show you when I think I see it on this but I pay attention to the halfway point and when I flip it so then when I do flip it and it's cooking on the other side I just cook it for approximately the same amount of time maybe a little bit less than that amount of time so if you look around the edges you can see it's opaque on the edges that means it's thoroughly cooked you can see it's like starting to cook through more than halfway that's when you want to flip it now these are kind of fat this one's night not quite to we this one is but I'm going to flip them anyway I'm 6 minutes in and I'm not going to go the whole 6 minutes on the other side I might go 5 minutes but look how beautiful that that is and beautiful that is these tupperw are great and when I'm cooking any sort of rice or quinoa I always fill my entire pot because they take so much effort to make I love having them ready to reheat so cook once eat twice at [Music] least super good do you have a certain piece you want you want this one whichever one looks crispier and more Brown food tastes good this [Music] one yeah definitely that one that look great M that looks so good and then I always finish it with cracked salt and pepper the quinoa has zero seasoning on it so got a salt and popper that and that is it so fast the cost of the broccoli and the cost of the quinoa is small compared to like normal food costs the group as I mentioned was $28 so we got this full meal for $28 compared to going out it's a steel as we saw during lunch you cannot get an entree portion at all for a good deal so this is going to be our best meal of the day right here at home and what a perfect way to wrap up the perfect day thank you so much for watching we will see you on the next video long drives nothing here but Moonlight rain drop on the red dust it's never smells so good lay by my side keep your eyes wide watch all those Stars f after midnight all my head so light just like the fir in the [Music] shelter all need is love all Need Is Love in the [Applause] sh it is love
Channel: Irene Iron Travels
Views: 23,996
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Oa8fOY9DEjk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 49sec (1549 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 27 2024
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