FREE Blender Octane 2024 -Setup Guide

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oh guys welcome so we're going to basically show you how to set up blender octane in 2024 and download it first thing first you're going to need to go to the old toy website make an account if you're new sign into your account get that all done and out of the way click on render go to Octane render and then we're going to scroll down here to free trial once we're on free trial we're going to click here on octane render Prime free trial now again this is free to use use as long as you're using blender Daz Unity or Unreal Engine and the one thing is I here are some of the things so use this is available using this is only on the internet like you have to have an internet connection for you to access the octane server to initiate the renderer okay the paid version you don't need that so if you don't want to have it connected to the internet like here connected via to the internet pay for it and you don't have to worry about that only a limited substats of plugins are available I'm haven't had any plugins that weren't available so I don't know what you're getting into if you hit that Mark octane render Standalone is not available in the prime tier uh octane offline USB doggles are not supported a maximum of one GPU on the free version so if you got multiple gpus you can only use one and that networking rendering is not available in the free trial version okay now not even trial I mean it's just the free tier the free trial version up here octane X offers a little bit more but I'm not getting into that because I don't use that what we're going to do here is you're going to go ahead and click on try try now go ahead and again there is a couple of different versions there is the octane plugin which I initially downloaded and again if you're using like the latest version of blender blender 4.0 you can download the octane plugin and then works but I've had a lot of issues with it it kept crashing on me I went back to what was working so I'm currently at the moment of January 19th 2024 I am using the blender uh octane Edition it's a standalone version of blender and it's U I'm currently using the 23.11 and I'm using it on Windows okay so that means the version of of blender is a little bit dated it's not upto-date it's not a 4.0 but I don't have any issues with that because most of the stuff that's in the newer I do have another version of blender 4.0 on my computer and if there's something that I really needed I'll just use the standard vanilla blender with cycles and stuff so it's not like you have to commit to uh one render or the other like I have to only use octane I don't use anything else I use everything I use octane I use Cycles I use Eevee it's just I save my octane renderer blender version just for octane okay download this and then make sure you also download the server we're going to need the server this is why we have to have an internet connection right once you guys have those downloaded next I would advise you downloading the new version of octane node Wrangler okay this is mandatory so go to this website here I will also put a link down in the description of this video download this I just updated to the 4.1 1.41 version okay so make sure you download node Wrangler okay once you guys have all of that we're going to jump into blender all right so now I'm inside of blender I'm inside my version what I'm going to do here is set this back to the default version that you will have and I'm going to go load factory settings make sure you install it make sure you install octane server okay and then I'm going to come down here to the octane server mine is already logged in make sure you log in with your password and your name for that that has to be running in the background for octane to work okay so once you got that running you're all good to go so what we do is we immediately jump in and everybody always does this they hit the re the render button and think like it's magically going to be running and it's not right it's basically cycle running okay so we need to change our render well that's easy let's go over here to Octane boom Oh there's no octane where's octane we have to initiate it just like we do in the other plugin we go to preferences kill this camera here we're going to go to preferences I'm going to open this up big I'm going to come in here and type in OCT and here it is octane blender I'm using the version 28.6 2 right now I want to activate that there it goes and then I'm also going to activate my node Wrangler custom built for octane no activate that now if we come in here and scroll this tab down this is pretty much everything everything I use is stock the only thing if you want to change is your default material maybe you like to have a glossy material all the time or I just leave it on universal it's no biggie for me and it's the same thing with the node Wrangler I don't change anything here is the node Wrangler documentation if you want to go into that I have looked at that I suggest and recommend you do go ahead and look at that to find out some quick keys right so once we've got all that go ahead and save our preferences we'll close this now if we scroll over to our list boom there it is octane render and again let's fire it up and it looks like nothing we're in the darkness right well we need to change the world the world is still set up from octane this light from Cycles trash it can't use Cycles lights they don't work okay so what we're going to do is change our world settings and what I like to do is just click on world settings right here press the X and we're going to add in a new world new world and I'm going to go texture environment I'm going to go daylight Environ that's the octane daylight system some of you guys may be familiar with this nasida light model which is also in Cycles you can select that if you want or you can just use the standard octane one these are your daylight systems okay and this is how we move our sun around now again if we go ahead and fire up the render W that doesn't look right it's completely blown out right I'm going to add in a plane here just so we're not looking at the void of the Matrix here scale that up grab my plane my little Cube gz one drop that in there okay this still doesn't look right something's off right it's our color space now we're going to scroll down here all the way to the bottom color management go to color management right now we're look reviewing fumic octane doesn't need anything it just wants raw it wants the rawness we click on Raw boom okay there we go that's looking great now we've actually got something that's working okay so from here the next thing that most people want to do is well I don't want to use this guy system I want to use my own hdri and then another thing is hang on well what you know what renders are we using what render settings are we using at the moment we look here like I can't select any of these kernels this is where we used to come in here and select the kernels right so let's kill the render all right quickly so I forgot to show you guys the kernel setup the kernel setup is actually very easy go to the shading tab switch to Octane kernel once you're in the kernel you're just going to hit this button here quick add not tree that's going to give us our kernel seting here and you can see we're set up to direct lighting we don't want direct lighting or you may but you want to use the best one as be path tracing so from here we can go over to kernels select path tracing kernel and then you can see there it switches so now you're able to switch and change all your different types of kernels so make sure you do that it's super easy again access that through the octane kernel Tab and then that's how you can switch it and I'll switch back to the Shader editor and boom I'm going to jump into to the shading tab K the render now within the shading tab here we can also see oh we got us material this is a Cycles material that's on this Cube trash it doesn't work same thing with this plane okay there's nothing on there we'll click on it add a new material there is the octane material and another way you can always make sure you're using it if you go to all check it out EV Cycles octane there's our octane material okay boom right there easy so what we next need to do is set up our hdri okay I'm going to switch over to the world tab make this full screen and here is our daylight environment now what I like to do is add in my hdri delete that shift a press s and we're just going to type in E let me scroll that there it is texture environment we're going to go ahead and plug that into environment and then what we need to do is we need our image I'm going to go shift srgb pick an RGB image I'm going to drop that RGB image into the texture I'm going to load up my hdri Bo okay that's loaded now again make sure your legacy gamy is set to one if you're using the older version of node Wrangler octane it's going to set it to 2.2 by default again that's why I use the update now it's set to one which is proper then we're going to add in a projection I'm going to go shift a s matter of fact no I'm going to show you the menu shift a go down here to projection octane projection here's all of our projection types okay we want a spherical projection take that plug it into projection and we're going to want to be able to move our hdri around right so we're going to grab this UV transform and drop that there now I always will go to rotate up here for some reason I don't it doesn't work right I come down here to translate this top one here was going to rotate our hdri okay so now let's jump back in let's fire up the render and see what we've got going here now if I look updating Let It Up update boom there it is there's our hdri and that just looks gorgeous doesn't it doesn't it let's add a little bit of materials on this bottom plane here I'm going to switch back to my object World new material I'm going to grab this just darken it up a little bit with malbo here something like that and then matter of fact I'm just going to grab a little bit of roughness into that just tad bit there I like to switch my deep BFD model to ggx energy preserve just gives me a little bit of better of a look there and then there it is so we've got that set up okay now if we go and let's jump back over to our world settings really quickly here make sure everything is ready this is what we've got going but now like you said let me jump into my camera hey I want to move around my hdri so how do I do that okay well that's easy we come to this top tab here hold shift and now we can just rotate take note of the Shadow see the shadow rotating around there there it is that's how you rotated the scene around you guys want to see what that's looking like Al this bottom one here I use to move my hdmr up a little bit or move it down a little again we're using that spherical projection that's why it has that little bit of bow to it but again if you were trying to put like an image another background here that's going to be very easy to set up so for example we would do is visible environment we're going to take this same setup here we're going to take this RGB duplicate that and then we just going to put that over here we're going to plug in another text TT environment I'm going to go ahead and duplicate that plug that into here grab this and then I'm going to plug this into my texture just like that and then whatever texture that you use here I'm going to go ahead and just change it to a different one okay and then once that's loading waiting for image whenever it says that just let the computer do its thing don't add any inputs in you may crash BL uh octane okay that's a note that I've gotten actually from the actual official uh user manual says whenever it says waiting for image just let it do its thing and don't add any inputs in okay so now that we've got that now you I don't see anything I plugged it into visual environment and I still don't see anything well we need to let it know hey I want this to be the back plate we come here to visible environment back plate now there it is I have a different background but I'm using the light from the other hdri okay that's how you can add a different background into your scene and again if we wanted to move that around we need again add in our UV transform this time I'm not going to put a projection on it because I don't want it to be distorted and now we can rotate it around there it is totally different look and then I can move this up and down here kind of so that's how you can add that or maybe don't you want to do any of that wonder if we just delete all that come back here to texture envir now we just have a white background or we can just do this boom there it is now you just have a blue background okay so that's how we set up pretty much our stuff from beginning to end let me jump in here and bada bing bada boom jump over to the Gum Road guys I have plenty of free stuff there for days literally I have this uh mastering basic materials with blender octane guide where we'll build this little whole computer setup using octane systems I got a bunch of free materials and and here's my startup file again I have a different startup file let me quickly show you what it looks like in my startup file so when I load up my startup file make sure you save a startup file otherwise you're going to have to do that whole process every single time you turn on Octane and you don't want to do that so here is my setup file again I have my little render window over here which I'll just fire up and then it allows me to come over here and work I have this little guy set up in the scene for reference whenever I'm building things I want things to be to scale because working in octane one thing that I learned on the website from the usual manual it says work at real world scale that's how octane is designed designed it was designed to work at real world scale so if you're making a a building don't make it the same size as this guy because that's not real world scale and the lights won't interact the way they were designed to interact okay so you'll have access to this definitely at the gumro you can download this setup file go ahead and load that up I got shaders free shaders in here free materials a lot of free stuff take a look at all these resources guys and of course the channel here make sure you smash the like subscribe and I got plenty of stuff actually I'm working on a video right now after this one about octane's fog system which I've been researching for the last week so stay tuned keep filming or wrong Channel sorry keep rendering I'll catch you guys in the next one Patrick Lavar peace
Channel: 1 Polygon With Me
Views: 6,459
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vfx blender, blender, daily render, visual effects, daily renders, how to improve your renders, blender 3.3, blender 3d, blender beginner tutorial, blender tutorial, blender Octane, Octane render, Octane setup blender, octane render, octane c4d, vfx, blender vfx, blender vfx tutorial
Id: edZHalbQmGM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 13sec (853 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 20 2024
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