FREE 2 Hour Middleman Course For Beginners | $0-$10k/mo In Government Contracting

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Government Contracting here let's get into it case you're new here my name is Dr KY parks and I've been awarded over $50 million federal government contracts there is this amazing side hustle opportunity in the federal government space Oh it's beautiful many call s middleman some call it brokering I always called it subcontracting I've been in this space um since I was seven so what is it you may Wonder does it take a lot of time is this legit can I really make money doing this and the answer is yes to all of those questions and I know you're thinking in essence the federal government needs to buy something and I'm going to show you because there's no other way to talk about this without showing you this is a great example so what you have before you and also um feel free to put any questions in the chat box I'm so glad that you all are here please feel free to engage with me so right here the federal government needs to replace Nema cabinets you know we case you're like what are those okay you can at least get an idea by gleaming here so you can see okay it looks like they're metal they look a little complicated but I'm sure sure there is an expert or two or three or four or five in this space and hello again to everyone who's here so when it comes to these different opportunities here's something to take notice and this is where the whole middleman the side hustle piece comes in you are not the one doing the work you are finding a firm a product an expert to provide the services so for instance we have a contract with Department of interior for radical collaboration training we have team members who provide those specific radical collaboration training that's what they do that's all they do is radical collaboration that's their expertise that is no different than what we're looking at here cabinets you can sub this word these words for training for it for trimming trees Paving cment for Staffing and it's a side hustle because I want you to see how quickly this can happen Okay so I looked up Department of interior because they're often overlooked most people think Army Navy you know little Wayne kind of agencies and you can see here it's a toal total small business set aside which we always like and it only has a couple of attachments which we also really like so there's a PDF and then there's an Excel sheet so if you do not have PDF or you do not have Excel look into a way so you can look at these documents and you also will notice the point of contacts email and phone number are listed this is really important because if you have any questions you simply call and email the person now with anything in life I can't guarantee they're going to write you back I can't guarantee they're going to pick up the phone but at least you have a phone number and you have an email address and hello to everyone hello Melody I'm glad you're here and everybody's here okay good good I love that people love the Park Service okay so I'm going to switch to the attachments so so then you can take a look at what they desire okay so right here is the attachment the PDF remember there's only two attachments a PDF and in Excel what I like to do is first and foremost look for the evaluation criteria because I want to know how are they judging this I just need to know and you see right here and I'll zoom in in case the font is kind of small and I also I know all the questions are there and I will definitely answer your questions so keep them coming I will go through them you will notice it says the criteria is below or criteria they are below so so far this just says they need to replace the cabinets they're electrical cabinets it's at Wolf Trap national park for the Performing Arts in Virginia Vienna that's in the DC area they've included the wage determination which I will talk about the deadline is February 29th and all you need to do is send one electronic copy to John and to Kaylee they also want the price quote broken down as well as lump sum which makes sense imagine if you called me and you said hey I would love for you to paint your house and I'm like okay great it's going to be $4,000 and you're like $4,000 what does that include what what kind of pain am I getting why is it $4,000 it's the same thing your quote must be valid for 90 days you must acknowledge any um amendments can't send anything late and this is the n's code which I'm going to put in the chat so it's n's code I know the screen went black blank black 2382 one Z see if it came back up okay just give me a second I'm going to replace this okay perfect so that was just me typing in evaluation and then what they basically did is although they said based upon the value valuation criteria noted Below in reality this section is really instructions to offer like what you need to do so think about it with a with a full-time job with a part-time job you are looking for somebody to replace electric cabinets in Vienna Virginia that's all you're looking for so far there's nothing that I've mentioned that sounds ridiculous other than if you're not in if you're completely new then here it says this is how they're going to evaluate okay so price it's reasonable remember you have to break it down and Technical it says that you're able to meet the requirements in the statement of work now at this point in time some of you may be thinking well wait a minute kazy I don't have any background in cabinets why why would they go with me why well it's a total small business set aside and they just need the cabinets replaced that's all that they need so you are brokering you are the middleman you are subcontracting this out no different than Amazon the Amazon delivery person more than likely they don't work for Amazon and so they go with you because this is a small business set aside so by awarding it to a small business they're helping small businesses and remember the vast majority of companies in the United States are small businesses so the steps are very simple and you may and and what I want to also emphasize is don't get discouraged when as I'm scrolling here don't think like oh my gosh this is so much think about it in terms of okay what do you want to eat for dinner maybe you're like oh I'm feeling like Chinese okay well which Chinese do you have a favorite Chinese are you going to go to Yelp are you going to go to Google are you going to ask a friend are you going to go on Instagram this is no different you're just simply finding a company to provide what the government needs that's all you're doing so it's Wolf Trap so we can then type in so next step and you all are so amazing yeah KPC yes that's um my Flagship company okay just a second okay so what I ended up doing is you'll see here in the other screen I'm just I just simply typed in Vienna Virginia electric cabinets and you're going to see a list of companies who are in the cabinet business so what you want to then do is contact you want to contact a minimum of one I would contact a maximum of five because what you're doing is you're getting different price quotes no different than okay you want Chinese food so you go on Yelp you're on your phone you're like okay this one has three stars this one has four okay this one's open late oh I like the pictures on this one you're narrowing down which vendor and quote or which price you're going to submit based on what you get from them okay so all the information all of the details for the opportunity it's in that PDF so what's key is for you to be able to put it in layman terms hey looking for electric cabinets to be replaced at Wolf Trap National Park so then when you call okay let's say we call find a good one jdc Fab well maybe not jdc Fab I don't think they're in America sorry about that y'all let I call that one um maybe autom electric you can reach out to them hey autom electric I'm looking to talk to somebody in sales I heard that you are the go-to company to replace these NE cabinets I'm working on an opportunity with um the federal government and I would love to get a price cool is this type of work that you may be interested in is for Wolf Trap National Park they may say oh yeah and it may take numerous times because not everybody wants to be involved in this kind of work you may also ask yourself well why don't these people submit it s why are you submitting it because they're not interested in going through this their passion is with electrical things or whatever area that they're in this is that's their passion and so they're so deep in the passion they're not in the Government Contracting space necessarily and for those of you who maybe have the mindset of well what if somebody takes this from me what if AUM electric bids on it without me you can go to you log in and you can search their name to see if they're a government contractor and guess what chances are they may say yeah we're a government contractor but we don't really want to do with all the paperwork that's why this is a great side Hustle the majority of your time is on the searching and contacting these firms and the tighter you come across and the more professional you come AC cross the more app they're going to be like oh my gosh of course hey yeah so you know for instance I learned of this opportunity from a colleague and while I was sitting at his desk he pulled it up he made a phone call the guy on the on the phone was like oh my gosh because he he dial he took the call from his computer so I was able to hear everything and the guy on the other end was like oh my gosh I'm very familiar with Wolf Trap I would love this opportunity you know I love when young people call me I've been in this business like 40 something years like the guy was really cool so with this particular opportunity you're getting the information from them you're getting the technical information from them you're getting the pricing information and this particular um bid let me get this for you all they actually provide you with a bid sheet not every opportunity does that but this one came with a bid sheet so you would ask the company that you're going to go with all the companies you're getting quotes from to provide the information accordingly hey can you break it down by hours your rate you is there there's electrician what who else is involved what else is involved and the other tip is when you give them the information don't just email them that PDF here you go can you tell me what what it would cost I mean like that's a lot imagine if somebody did that for you like let's say imagine you you make cakes and I'm like oh I just I'm getting married I just want a big old chocolate cake you're going be like what what am I supposed to do with that right you want to make it as easy as possible because you want multiple quotes it' be cool to get five quotes So then you can adjust because you're putting your profit on top of this so if they say oh well we usually we charge $85 for an electrician you can bump up that to $95 $110 because they already said they are evaluating this by looking at the cost and your technical response since these are companies who specialize in electronics and cabinets in this entire space they're the experts they're going to give you that information and I saw some questions already on and I'm going to answer some of these questions about like general liability insurance and things of that nature all you have to do is do a control on my computer is a command F to see do you need bonding do you need a license do you need insurance and a tip is those may be no goes for you when you do a control F if you're like oh my gosh it needs bonding and this insurance and a special license from New Hamshire then don't bid on it this is one where the requirements are quite nominal for what they're looking for so then for this one you would fill out that Excel sheet you would have a cover page then your second page depending on how long your document is the second page may be a table of contents it may not be the second page you talk about your company you include the past performance again the past performance of your subcontractor and then you go into yes we are going to use blank blank blank cabinets we're going to do this we're going to do that you can get that information from them Andor from chat GTP everyone I use chat G GPT quite regularly you can also use chat GPT to ensure that you're able to describe how you know Loosely how you're going to go about doing it because at the end of the day for something like this this is a oneandone effort it's like you deliver the cabinets they're going to check off on the cabinets you invoice then you get paid and in this space you should be able to negotiate a net 30 or you may say listen I'll do a net 15 and um by doing so can you give me a 5% discount on the price I quoted you so those are some things to think about so when it comes to middleman side house in in the government this is one opportunity there are thousands of opportunities like this they all are not cabinets but that's basically how this works and those who really get it they lean into it they have their processes and procedures in place they have other people doing it and then they're able to scale and scale and scale but if you're like I'm not I just I just want maybe one win or I just want two wins or I just I just want an extra $3,000 this is a great one to start with that's why I was so eager to share it tonight so I'm going to go ahead and start answering questions do you send them the bid bid sheet yes uh who's they do you they are you talking about the subcontractor or the middleman if you mean they yes so they and the federal government what if the company you're subcontracting has all the bonding assuring would that work as long as the opportunity allows for that sometimes they don't sometimes it's the prime so for instance this is a great question Kimmy some um someone had messaged me on Instagram about an opportunity it seems amazing it's for school buses you to have them you got to drive them however comma it explicitly said the prime contractor must have experience as a prime or as a sub with school buses and then there were all these other things like licenses other things so they're telling you you you you gotta have this what if someone sends you a sheet for credit uh for you um flushing the left are you are you referring to a sheet for you to apply for credit with them if so then fill it out unless you have the money to pay them okay Mike hello to you too I love all my govcon winners here I think this is a really good one too is the poverty talked about there's always a fear of bidding you know there's and there's like this interesting connection to your name because you have like poverty Zar in your name which could reference a lot of different things but the fear is is it it's just fear because you don't have the experience in order you just don't have that experience yet so you're just going to let fear hold you back and fight for your excuses no we don't do that here yes there's a a fear of bidding but if you don't do it then you're never going to win anything there are companies right now making millions of dollars a year doing this I have different subcontractors we bring in millions a year a gentleman who I saw here in Tulum Mexico he showed me one of his contracts here I'm even gonna I'm gonna share it with you all I met him here when I was leaving the gym in Tulum beautiful Tulum Mexico and I was like oh wow there's a a black dude riding a bike and I was like oh I wonder that's that's so cool listen there Ain a ton of black people here so and then he's like Dr Parks and we started talking and he's amazing so I'm gonna I'm gonna look at this because I don't want to share all of his information in here and he won a contract for $612,000 two 612 26915 he won this contract and he sent me a copy of the award details the award is in and he's also has a full-time job and so you know let's just say low he gets 10% of that would you want 10% of $612,000 I I think we all would and so yes it can seem scary it can seem like Well it can't be that easy there's no way I didn't say you're G to like get a bunch of wins out the gate they's still work I have the mindset of ease but it's still you got to find the opportunity you still have to call you have to email you got to get the information you have to do typing you have to you know you have to do some of those things but at the end of the day to me this is a better side hustle than getting paid to click a button or I remember once I was paid back in the day to be a secret shopper I used to love it because I was like really overweight and I loved eating fast food so I love that I would I think I had to go to popey's and I mean this was like Popeyes way before that chicken sandwich so I love stuff like that but how many times did I do that I don't know I think I did it twice three times you know there are people who drive Uber and don't make a ton of money there are people who drive Uber and make a ton of money I just think this is an awesome side hustle because you can do it 24 hours a day and even if you're working during normal business hours have somebody make the phone calls on your behalf because the thing is when some somebody reaches out it's a blessing I had a large company reach out because they know of me and they're like hey we want to partner on this opportunity with the Florida National Guard and I was like say less you know it's like sign me up because they did all the heavy lifting they wrote The Proposal um we negotiated the pricing we submitted it like everything was beautiful and we ended up being the prime contractor it was gorgeous it was an awesome opportunity because we didn't have to do all the heavy lifting now of course there are people out there going to be like no this could be a scam I got it but just move on that's why I can't emphasize enough the mindset piece of this I know we're going to win contracts I know you're going to win contracts everybody here there's no reason you can't there's no reason so I just I just want to share that P passionately um I'm going to go back to these questions okay let's see National Park yeah it's great I I love that you you submitted one in January yeah and and learning to love feel free to contact them that's the other thing even when you submit a bid feel free to contact them email call them if you have a question about this one contact them do you use any proposal writing software uh no I mean I it's Word documents converted to PDF cutting and pasting from previous contracts and chat GPT so I guess if you consider chat GPT writing software it's you know depends on um but I use it all the time and I by and by no means am like the prompt Queen at all I just come I just do the best that I can do and it works yes the prime has to submit the proposal so you you must have a cage code for those of you who are like super super new to this you just go to and get a cage code all you need is a legal business and a physical address that's it you don't have to pay anything like Uncle Sam with the hat. goov that's it yes and then they work for you this is one of the many reasons I use the word team because I have people who are employees I have people who are 1099 I have different vendors everyone is part of our team excuse me so for instance with us we have some work right now we're doing some research for the FDA most of the people on that contract they don't work for me like in the sense of they're not getting a paycheck they are contracted to provide the services happens all the time TSA because I just flew earlier today TSA has contracts for TSA security chances are the TSA in your area they don't work for the government when you call the IRS with a question they probably don't work for the government when you call with the question they probably don't work for the government either I dare you ask them ask them hey I'm just I'm just curious do you are you government employee or are you contractor let me know what you find out with this type of approach which firm needs to submit the proposal okay got it so again the prime contractor submits The Proposal any no matter what it is you're submitting whether it's cell phones because I interviewed um Isaiah who won a contract he sold cell phones whether it's training whether it's Staffing whether it's HVAC whether it's tree trimming it doesn't matter it's F fixing fences fencing is another big one too um you you're the one who's leading all of that okay Damian okay good that's so sweet of you I appreciate you okay and I love this is there a certain NDA or contract that allows the prime to um Minister their liability considering we handling admin side not the physical so you can go to gcw do. gcw docs. and there are some documents there for free so typically this is what we do so we win an opportunity and we're like oh we need to onboard a trainer we will ask for um sometimes we'll ask for the resume a bio have them fill out a W9 unless they're a corporation with corporations you don't have to give them 1099s legally and you also only issue a 1099 if it's if either paid over $600 that number does change every year so please make sure you are working with a CPA tax attorney a financial professional we also have them signed an NDA an independent service uh independent contractor service agreement and we provide them a purchase order sometimes we will also issue them a subcontract depending on the the value if it's a contract where we're talking about multiple Millions we'll issue them a subcontract agreement otherwise it's an NDA independent contractor service agreement the W9 and then we ask for um information other information about their firm they have to fill out all of those documents and then we have calls the team will have a call with them hey this is what you need to do make sure like for instance case in point for this opportunity it is at a park right so hopefully they're not going in there at 10 pm to Wolf Trap national park for the Performing Arts right they're going to be they're going to be asked to go during C hours so you want to make sure these are the hours that you go you also want to just double check is there any kind of a um requirement for attire is there anything special that they need to do to gain access because the company that you're sending in is a reflection of you and the more and more you win the easier it is for you to not only win more but to dominate in an area it's just how it works so those are some things that I like to do uh it really helps and just having expectations nothing crazy now just want to put it out there nothing crazy oh minimize not Minister it's okay I had a quick question so I try to get into my Sam I forgot to update my number before I replace my phone number okay well you're going to have to call and I'll give that phone number to everybody but you're going to have to do that yeah that's unfortunate okay Sam help line 866 606 8220 866 606 8220 okay I have a a sdvosb so when I submit the info for the reply I submit the subcontractor's info with my info okay so in terms I'm just looking for something you all I think it's behind here so in terms of the opportunity I just shared as a total small business so being sdvosb uh doesn't have any play with this it doesn't have any bearing so you may want to clarify and also if y'all haven't grabbed a copy gocon winners way book winners way winners wayb please check out a copy okay we already asked that we have somebody appreciate this I will not get into government contracts cool I hope you do in my opinion it's one of the most overlooked side hustles it is nobody talks about Government Contracting as a side Hustle but many of the people I come across many of the people I've interviewed they work I I actually have somebody who recently won and I asked has to interview him and he's like I really can't because of my employer say less I'm not here to get you fired you know it makes complete sense uh can I recommend general liability insurance companies um Geico I mean there's so many out there there isn't one that I'm like Ed that one use the one that's best for you also uh USAA you might want to check with them they may offer general liability there's so many options out there okay we had that one Kendall yes can foreign companies do US Government Contracting yes you just need an n as a Nancy cage en cage so we have Jamila do you know any website builder an agency asked me to make a website as part of the phase in of the contract I hope I won the bid that's beautiful I hope you have two girl go on Fiverr go on upwork and then take their credentials and say hey look here's some of their examples because usually in Fiverr Fiverr with v and rs um they usually have their examples there so then you can quickly turn it around like show them hey because we like to see you like the other thing with the federal government is thinking the terms of Instagram we love Instagram even if it's videos doesn't matter if videos or photos because we like the visual we love to see it so the more you're able to be like oh yeah here take a look at their work and you can actually give them work from both ERS and then once you win you then get to choose hi Sarah Albert handp Gustavo you all are amazing okay so miss LC Daniel do SBA certifications matter when I'm acting so me best answer that I just shared an opportunity with everyone I'm going to put the link here so you can take a look and I'll actually share my screen so you can see what I'm even talking about okay perfect so for this opportunity it is a total small business pretty much everybody watching this you are a total small business there are thousands of opportunities people have multi2 3040 million do a year business just off of Total small business now here's where the set aside comes in handy I'm going to go to go back here and kind of reset things contract opportunities advanced search set aside so let's do certified WB and sdv OSB and we only want to look at solicitations so so for those of you who are really new to this we're looking at what they want to buy right what are they looking to buy so and then you can even drill it down even further so in the next three months there's 668 in the next three months so for Miss L and for everybody else watching when you have this set aside you're narrowing the competition so under total small business some small businesses are doing 40 million a year some small businesses are doing zero a year now when I now that I put in woman owned and Veteran it further narrows it down so now there's 668 opportunities but only companies with either one of these can bid predominantly the VA uses the sdvosb and um you'll see let's see there's 141 for woman-owned Paving supervisor community of practice support I mean there's several of them here and for many of these you can use the middleman approach it's just now you're only competing with a small segment that's pretty much how that works okay there's other tips and strategies but I don't want to I'm not here to overwhelm you or for you to be like ah I don't know about that so um is the government space becoming saturated I say no what I found has happened is that if everybody is what's up Stefan uh if everybody is bidding on something similar because of Tik Tok then yeah it's going to be saturated but it's not the market it's like that one thing so I don't know that V answers your question but that's how I see it yes thank you Kimmy like subscribe hit that notification button for this video please do that get a copy of my book goom winners way winners way winners way it was an Amazon bestseller under a variety of Cate stories thank you for calling me beautiful hair is popping we're here in Mexico oh no there's only three likes yeah you guys let's get more likes thank you for that Miss L if everybody would be kind enough to hit that like button hit that notification button share I am so eternally grateful y'all hit the notification I mean hit the like share please do so please please please do so I'm going to go back I'm going to answer all your questions I'll probably stay on like another 10 minutes or so I got so close on a bid for trash removal thank you for everything don't give up don't give up okay and this not only goes to Stefan Stefan Stephen uh hopefully I got it right one of those but it's for everybody here don't give up there's no way no reason you shouldn't Steve okay thanks you you shouldn't win a contract you know there's a lot of well but I yeah but then fight for your excuses then then keep fighting for them you know but but and I get it you know it took me a long time to get to where I am and I I'm still messing up doing wacky things but I keep getting back up dust myself off I keep going forward you know and I ask the same of y'all too okay so hit that like button y'all thank you so much use your video good good good I'm glad that you did that simply Sora Senora I love that like button like button like button okay um somebody asked if something was blurry sometimes it may be blurry when I'm changing screens so sometimes that does happen Okay your advice is is always great thank you so much it's real world I have about a 100 people who work for me I bid on a variety of things I'm also going to start releasing some videos like KY tries to try and on different things that I've never been on before plus there's some new offerings plus there's even more things that are going to come out because what I want to be able to do this is great this is this is groundbreaking I've never shared this ever before I want to be able to provide to all of you everybody out there who's like man I would love to earn some extra money or I want to leave my job or hey I'm just interested in this space because of my personal my financial my professional Prof and my family goals provide to each and every one of you a system that gets you there in four months I'm not saying it's getting you a yacht and hanging out with Rihanna but a system giving you the the plan so that you are set up to win within four months and to continuously win I remember this one woman reached out to me I mean this was probably a year or so ago and she was like yeah you know I'd hired um a coach and I won a contract and I was like oh my gosh that's amazing okay well but I don't know how she won it for me and I think about her a lot because being able to repeat is key without being able to repeat it then it's like okay I won three contracts okay well that's beautiful you won three contracts are you going to be able to repeat that maybe you don't want to repeat it maybe you're like no that's good I got a money I want to go on a girls trip I want to go my family trip I want us to go on spring break I want to be able to have money set aside for the holidays that's cool too what's important though is you at least are able to do so because I see people doing this all the time this isn't just like a oneoff I don't know about all the people on Tik Tok and stuff but the people who I surround myself with are doing way better than I am and that's how it should be I never ever ever want to be the most successful person in the room never so flushing flushing the left your screen name is so funny you can find financing if you have a Government Contracting government contract you find a lot of places I'll give you a loan against it you know that's something it really varies I mean Bank of America probably not but um highin loans you can do factoring there are lots of options that are out there the differ or has to do with your credit if you have bad credit I mean you already know and I I had bad credit at for a few years so you know it's it's not like this is news like breaking news you're G to have troubles getting loans so you know maybe it's you Shadow a government contractor maybe you work for a government contractor maybe you work for the federal government and then once your credit gets to a certain point you then step out who knows or maybe you only been on certain things where you feel really confident like the one I just gave like the example here oh I I got away from it but like the earlier example um where you're going to be able to do a net 30 or even this example let me show you all this one right quick this is a service disabled and thank you all for your service anyone who's watching that's a who's a veteran I mean this one is from for housekeeping at a cemetery I mean it does have a lot of attachments and I know that there's some people out there that don't like to bid on things with a lot of attachments other people are cool with it nonetheless it's an opportunity is the point that I'm making and it's low risk and you know that's just pulling these things up while talking to you all here don't forget to like the video share hit the notification button subscribe can you 1099 subcontract whole company to do half of the work yeah you subcontracted to them to do this the cemetery cleaning to install the cabinets you're the one managing You're the One overseeing You're The One invoicing oh where can I get or how can I generate an agreement between me and the prime go to gcw docs. gcw docs. docs. you want an NDA an independent service contract agreement and you want to give them a purchase order you have to issue them a purchase order it's best if you issue it through like a QuickBooks well this is amazing I love this uh K might be Ki I want to contract with my city and I want to know if okay I'm gonna take a picture of this because I'm so excited okay I'm so excited so tell me put the question that you have in here let me see if I got I don't see anything from you okay where do you find dbe or MBE Federal contracts it doesn't exist so Mark you have total Small Business Service disabled veteran owned veteran own small business economically disadvantaged woman own buy Indian from buy indan act hubzone AA that's what you have and the adaa it's based on social economic disadvantage and your net worth just like with woman own your income plays a role your Hub Zone where you live where your office is located play a role oh aarin you're so sweet thank you so much for the Super Chat I love that Erin you're always so sweet to me with the super chats can I quit my job being a middleman can you quit like can you quit your job and be a middleman yeah hell yeah you can listen if you spent all your waking hours okay maybe not all your waking hours now this is this is so this is kind of taking the side hustle and turning it into the main hustle you spend eight to 10 hours a day honing in on opportunities and getting quotes and submitting bids you submit five a week there's no reason you can't I haven't even talked about the um real estate pieces I even talked about that you can flip hotel rooms there's short-term housing there's a lot of Opp opportunities out there there's a ton of opportunities so yes oh Bo de Pro I love it and I interviewed Bo I'm so glad that you're here I enjoy you too and congratulations again on your mold uh removal contract so I love that okay let's see I know there's more questions I'm gonna go back totally new new new just receive the book does the prime let the government know they're using subs and gives them that's a camil Camila that's a really good question because this comes up a lot so I would say most of the time but but also it most of the time everybody knows what's going on they know like if you win a cabinet I let's say I win a c that cabinet opportunity I started off talking about and Eileen's cabinets show up they're GNA be like oh okay it's through KY it's through KPC the only time where they don't let them know or they're trying to pull some smoke and mirror is if they're trying to scam the government there was a situation with the VA with a Construction contract where the aties did that they made the government believe that the subcontractors they were using were also service disabled because with the VA they're very strict if you go after service disabled work you have to sub to STV osbs so usually yes um there has been a situation where I was asked to make sure my Subs all have the same email as my company so that was requested of us they never said to anybody like I work for KY it was oh I'm on that contract so they wanted the uniformity that regardless of if they were an employee or they all still had a KPC email address I've had that personally happen what industry I Gustavo you know I've been asked that and I'm kind of torn part of me is like HB back Paving training you know then there's this part of me like put in weird agencies like Department of interior nobody's like oh I want to do work for fish and wildlife and we have a million-dollar contract with them I mean I I say it's this balance because you could have two completely similar opportunities with vastly different requirements and you may see like oh wow fish and wildlife their requirements and putting together these proposals this is way easier than with army or than with Department of State so sometimes you got to you got to taste it it's like a buffet you know there are things that you may say I don't know if I want to eat that but then you taste it and you're like oh my gosh I love it right that's really how this is Antonio yes yes yes and I just inter interviewed Antonio your videos dropping um or people who are watching this after the fact your video will be have dropped would have dropped so I'm excited for that yeah I love fish and wildlife I mean I had never really bid on anything with them until less than a year ago go definitely don't sleep on FDA USDA fish and wildlife how do you find Opportunities to flip hotel rooms um letia Laticia I put a c in there there's no c um you H let me get the n's code just give me a second so here me show me show you all what I'm doing one way to search for specific things are by nakes codes I go in here all the time I I do not have these things memorized so I'll put hotels copy it then ins I go to contract opportunities advanced search product or service information I cut and paste you can see it matches I I didn't do anything else I just cut and pasted now all of these opportunities may not be active so you can go over here and do within um three months so you can see there's a conference in Louisiana lodging for 52 people in Poland um air uh no Army lodging program for different drills 300 nights let's see that one's now due in March event coordination Blue Ribbon lodging Hotel birthing you get the gist so the key to these are the government doesn't pay for tax so you're going to need to um you're going to need to get a document from from that location making sure that your tax exempt Andor you may be able to work directly with that hotel and they may say oh you're this is for the federal government don't worry we'll just give you the GSA rates okay which is what the government bases their hotel rates off of uh I also as with most ml man just be careful because sometimes these hotels they also have um cage codes and they may bid on it themselves but that's that's all you know it took a couple minutes and also you know work with the hotel and say hey is it all right if I pay you after the fact and I want you to hear something y'all I want you to hear this because I do you know I do love me some anad delie and uh she she's she's a trip and if you watched anything about her or any of the shows or movies about her basically she scammed these hotels so she so she would go to these hotels and she was like oh I'm this ays and I'm we're going to wire transfer you the money and she would stay in these very high and hotels for like 30 days she would never pay them she there was one hotel she paid but even during that time they weren't like hey you need to give us that card you know we need to swipe the Visa city girls or anything they just let it go and and I remember watching thinking like oh this must be some privilege thing or you know where are these places she stayed you know every time I check in for a hotel first thing they say is can we have your ID and your method a payment right unless somebody has put down a credit card on your behalf so I was like man this is this is privilege right until we started flipping hotels for a Fortune 500 company that every single one of you would recognize and these bills were pretty large hundreds of thousands to seven million and this particular company they would cancel the rooms and then they would leverage us to pay the cancellation fees uh they would leverage us to pay when the rooms were used and these hotels wouldn't be paid for months on end months now unlike an delie who seemed like she wasn't gonna pay him anyways this is not the case my point is if there are hotels who allowed a woman not to pay and then you have a Fortune 500 company who's able not who who has a setup where they're able to leverage hotels and all these services and don't pay for months why can't we do that why should I be treated differently as a business owner so I just want to put that out there and this is where negotiation persuasion sales skills play a role and I'm speaking from what I've experienced okay so those are my thoughts about hotel rooms I think it's a good play I'm close to closing my first USA USDA contract awesome Joshua I love the USDA they're my f one of my favorites okay Sarah Sarah do you do webinars webinars how to write capability and how to bid it's the whole new world I love that Cheers Cheers made to you too um I plan on doing things I have videos I plan on doing more I probably will create like a community in school like to cover all of this and more so the answer is it's forthcoming but there are things that are out there and here let me give this to you guys too um profitable contracts. cfree you can get a free um capability statement I put it in the chat too profitable contracts. Co back slf free and hello Sosa hello to all of you um do you have a walkthrough or info on the a a ews ewsb um I'm laughing at myself I'm like I can't even I'm like Christian Christina I don't know why I'm messing up names to get today please please Overlook that but please hit the like button y'all hit that like button winners way don't forget get winners way y'all so I don't have like an elaborate walk through it's something that I just don't there's no other way to put it I will say this if you are looking to bid listen if you are looking to go after the 8A the 8A program please make sure you have anywhere from 150 to $250,000 in sales if you don't then don't even worry about it if you do please use e that's who I used over 10 years ago they're amazing they're going to get you in I think it's between five and 6,000 it's worth the money if you want to do it yourself then just tack on like eight months the process but I mean I would pay somebody want to invite an advanced program okay Joshua well then send an email chat at KY uh we have a couple of things like I like I I've said said for anyone just joining I said my biggest goal is to be able to offer a solution so like in four months you're like on fire that's the goal I mean I've had people go through my challenge which I'm revamping and offering it soon so that's why I haven't talked about it gone through my Challenge and um won a contract so I I just want to keep making things B and better okay Aaron Aaron I appreciate you so much do I need my cage code yes you do just go to Aaron doesn't you know okay this is Anon 16 started watch your videos not sure where to start navigate are you able to help me with a starter pack video okay yeah I mean I do have a starter kit um I'll probably have to put that in the chat after the fact the answer is yes and that's why I'm I'm in this like development phase like this in the lab phase and that's also one of many reasons I'm here in Tulum Mexico I'm in in Tulum Mexico so because I want to put together the best package for you so I have some things this is what I'll say for you to do right now this is not just for Anson 16 but this is for everybody watching you get a cage code be ready to be resourceful to talk to people to read and to write if you're willing to do that you have an abundant mindset you have a I'm going to make this work then you're going to win contracts because the best the the rest is just mechanism you're GNA be able to win them in a few months I promise you I promise you so send an email Joshua like I said earlier send that email chat at KY okay going through all of these questions questions can you win contracts in states where you don't live heck yeah Raymond or countries you don't live you can do so I'd post it in my Facebook group and make sure you join if you haven't I'll put that here in the chat I met a woman who does purchasing for Jamaica and I put the link in my Facebook group why couldn't you been on work in Jamaica that'd be fun okay thank you Anson for your kind words Channel's purposeful and you're doing an awesome job I appreciate you you all are doing an awesome job I promise you I think again this is one of the most overlooked side hustles is Federal Government Contracting people make it seem scarier and more difficult and more challenging than what it is it doesn't mean you're G to oh start winning contracts but definitely within a few months you definitely will win it faster than if you were doing it alone definitely okay so JS shizzle can you please send me an info to get started now rest your business on Sam got it so at the end of the day you have to have a business that's basic you just have to have a business as long as you have a business just register it on Sam that's all you got to do just start with there and then the next thing is as far as like what do I sell you sell I say you sell what you're comfortable with there are areas there are areas and there are agencies that are going to be easier to get wins than others so here so here's a great example so and this is this is hot off the presses so soon I'm dropping an amazing offering all about selling products okay there's a special website you go to go and the gentleman who I partnered with on this Steve he shared this great anal this this great situation where the government buys pencils pencils like maybe I don't even know if kids still use pencils but pencils you know they don't write in cursive anymore I don't know what they're using guess the school could be a fancy school and they're using iPads who knows so the government buys pencils but that market it's really challenging to win and the margins are super low so he doesn't bid on those types of opportunities so you may be somebody who's gung-ho about products but why bid on pencils unless you're able to get the pencils at such a great deal that you can further decrease the price right so that's where some of this comes in like yeah you can sell products but maybe you're not selling PR pencils yeah you're interested in facility management maybe you're not doing janitorial you know it it's just a lot of that and some of it is with you like you know when I first started out I did diversity and inclusion we don't really do diversity and inclusion anymore at all and has nothing to do with anything around diversity and inclusion it's just that I've evolved and I love Staffing you know I want my goal is to have 300 people uh that's really what I want want to focus on and partner with an AA so if you're an adaa watching this please make sure you contact me chat at KY DM me reach out to me so I'm gonna answer a few more questions few more questions is there a software that you can recommend to stay organized Excel Google Docs this is really for you there is a log let me let me send let me share this link too profitable contract . backlog I'll put this here oh man Lorraine dang big bucks I love it thank you no lorine thank you for all being here thank you for I mean sincerely y'all each and every one of you being here at this hour like it it warms my heart so man this is this is amazing okay Betty I have a cleaning business and I'm ready to grow let me let me share Betty how let me share the game with you and everybody else who's interested in cleaning number one you're gonna have to go low on your price that doesn't mean you're not going to make a profit you're G have to go low number two you're probably not GNA be doing the work you're going to have people 1099 number three the work is going to be in remote places and like Idaho and New Mexico and Western New York and kak Iowa like that's where these opportunities are going to be so if you're willing to bid on that type of work then by all means one of my students who I interviewed Anna um out the gate their first Prime contract Janitorial in the great state of Texas so I mean it's definitely doable I mean I ran across a woman named Kim who was in the middle of potentially buying a janitorial Government Contracting Company who within I think 16 months had built their book of business to over $2 million but the play is you're going have to go low you're going to have to 1099 the people and it's not going to be your own people doing the work for the most part okay so um Aaron you're so sweet so the mentorship it varies I I would say send an email chat at KY there is something right now that I'm selling but then like I said I'm building new things so y'all I'm in this place and I've said before if somebody's like I just want you oneon-one it's half a million and you may be like half a million that's crazy yeah and it's crazy because I'm on 10 extra money okay I took your log and put it into okay cool he put it into a CRM or she whoever I am I am make moves is this is this like DOA cat moo get out the way no that's not how that goes why am I mixing song See this is what happens this is what happens we gotta get the clown and the hook take me off okay but that's cool yeah I just talked about the oneon-one Garland I love that's a beautiful name garland that sounds so beautiful but so seriously if you're if you want something more advanced send an email chat KY and I'm building new things I'm just being honest because again my why is not to pay my bills my why is not because oh this is a hot spot let me start selling a bunch of I'm sorry y'all I'm so sorry bunch of stuff I'm so sorry yes subscribe hit that notific ification like please hit the like button winners way don't forget winners way get a copy get a copy so my why is because I'm my goal is to help you through my content through my my experience through the experience of people that I'm teaming with to help you achieve your family goals your per your financial goals your personal your professional all the goals that you have that's my objective is to help you and especially for those of you interested in a side hustle because everybody else talking about buy flip on you know Amazon drive for Uber deliver pizzas go to this website and click here do this go on Fiverr go on upward well you're going to end up making more money with federal government now the only difference is for some of these you can make money like that with I mean if you need money today well Government Contracting is not g to be the thing you you got to go on Uber or ask somebody if they can use extra help but with Government Contracting within a few months you're going to end up like oh my gosh I can't believe this has happened it happened with Joe who I interviewed and he's also um in my Facebook group he thought oh maybe in a couple years I'll be able to quit my job and do full Government Contracting full-time check out his interview he was able to quit his job before he knew it you know again it's all about what you desire if you want to build aund million business you can and I'm not bsing you I'm not bsing you if you're like I just want to win a couple contracts you can win a couple contracts if you want to be like n this is hard then it's gonna be hard what you believe will be Jasmine well you get access to me you get access to my team you get access to me full-time you get access to every tool Under the Sun to 10x your investment that's what it consists of okay and that's a great question is it easy to get funding for government buying government products it depends on your um your credit history ginda I understand have familiar value okay get it good good good yeah start with the book like there's other offerings that I have and more and more is to come but just start with the book what I preach time and time again learn apply adjust learn apply adjust learn apply adjust that's what you have to do I don't care who you're learning from what you know it's just learn apply adjust that's all it is that's all it is every time there's a contract where we're on a qualified vendors list oh my gosh we've lost and lost and lost every single time we learn we apply something new and we adjust it to the next one every single time because guess what we're not giving up we're not giving up that's what matters just don't give up we all start somewhere I started out with free stuff going to score uh sbdc Small Business Development Center um the today's Apex things like that yeah ke I would love that too how hard is USDA or FDA it's not I don't look at any of them as being hard they're just all very different he's so I love Antonio's I love I love Antonio because you're like you ain't playing send them to me for membership mentorship Antonio's crazy um yeah okay um my why is I want to submit contracts while I live overseas yeah that's great and you can there's no reason you can't yeah please subscribe yeah would I mean this it was like 15 oh that's so cute that's so cute okay let me go earlier ones I'm a non-med Home Care Agency in drug screening okay so Reena here's what's key for when you when somebody like Reena you have something really really specific the government may not federal may not exactly need these but there could be something similar or you could bid on paving road pay me you you see what I mean like what I want you all to understand and this is why this side hustle is so amazing and I didn't even drop like the federal government spends over $800 billion dollars a year on contracts I so should have mentioned that in the beginning what's so beautiful is you do not have to bid on the things that you have some expertise or degree in you know unless there's something really high level like cyber security I mean they're not like oh you got a certificate off of Google I mean come on but just keep that in mind but I'm glad you you mention that okay yeah we already did this one so this is great for month midle man program I'm looking for I already have my cage code okay Coach Rob 619 yeah like I said I'm it's something I want to build it's it's just there's a lot I want to do and it's all about everybody here and don't forget to like please please like this live okay I'm just going back through this okay do you offer man help managing the contracts if rewin them yes Neo yes yeah I had one of my clients Daisy who's actually coming here to Mexico in a couple weeks and I'm going to interview her here uh helped her after she won some contracts the medical uniforms okay so for the medical supplies a lot of those are procured for the VA and it's a service disabled small business set aside now but at the state level take a look I think I have my air on yeah I'm have to make it a little warmer in here okay I think I ah I'm almost gone through all the questions when you submit is it private can another company see your bid is it private well at the federal level other companies won't see your bid but you know government employees have been known to share documents just based on my experience this is not pinging any government people in the eye I'm just saying I've receive contracts from government employees I mean proposals my contracts too but in general it's private so for instance I've been on an opportunity with the great state of Florida and I guess unbeknownst to me they shared all of the all the contracts there were like 15 of them I mean all the proposals with with all of them so I was like wow so you I still have it to this day I have everything I have their pricing I have their proposals I have everything so um yeah but the federal government no you can Foya requ you know requesting information that way but even with Foya I'm not sure if they will give you the actual proposal they may but they're going to um Reda a lot thank you for saying I'm the truth yeah I'm not here to BS you or give you some was it hyper hyper Bowl because I've won three contracts you know I'm not I'm not here for that checking out the questions okay any stipulations on a citystate contracts not started service in a year it's for Staffing okay so if I understand this correctly it sounds like you won this and they haven't used the contract is that what you're saying to me if that's true then put yes and I don't know if you're still on here or not um and feel free to email me because there's one thing that people don't talk about because they don't know because they don't really have contracts is like you have to be able to work the contract and this is a contract you have to work see if you wrote anything okay can you ask the co not disclose the information or submit I mean you can but I mean to me I have this abundant mindset I'm like take a look at all my stuff an what's God has for me is what God has for me that's just my my my personal belief okay so thank you Aaron you're so sweet okay um when registering my business today asked if I'm a LSA I said no should I change it to yes um when registering your business which state did you register it and give me the acronym for LSA I got too many acronyms and and heads yeah I I'm in my head I I love pencils too okay um hold on K keante you said yes let me go back to your earlier thing so with K this is a great case study and plus I love Staffing so often what will happen it's kind of like [Music] um I feel like this is the best example I can give so I was really gungho I'm like man I'm here in Mexico I'm gonna learn Spanish like I I basic understanding of Spanish and so I signed up for this tutoring app and I bought all these hours but the thing and I found a tutor but the tutor only gets paid when I I use the hours I really haven't used any hours with him so he's not GNA get paid so this company would need to work that with me like give me incentive to use it or text message me every day or you see what I mean so the same happens with them with this agent with the state except they haven't paid anything so with with you it's calling the p point of contact finding out you know I've had this contract what are your plans for this do you guys no longer need this did you already handle your staffing needs are there other staffing needs that you have did you just and you calling to find out what's going on because like if they did that with me I would have said listen I have no problem with the fact I spent the money at this point in time I've decided to put my attention elsewhere my focus is not on becoming proficient in Spanish it's just not my focus right now and they would have been like oh okay whatever maybe they have a sales Spiel who knows and so the same goes with the state they they'll tell you so then that way you're not in this place of just like you don't know you have more information and this doesn't just happen with Staffing at the state and local this happens with other kinds of contracts too but don't let this discourage you okay so please don't get that Vibe do you offer a course Natasha I do I'm there I kind of I'm like because there's things I'm building so I'm working on perfecting and building so I can get you all the fastest result in four months okay so Aaron I love you eron oh labor are you in a labor Supply area uh I mean labor Surplus um hold on one thing about the government is you want to always find out what is the definition and they may have had a little box that popped up so that's what I found online so and you can always change it you know that's the other thing they're not gonna be like ah got you like this isn't like some old school Dave Chappelle skit okay okay no I don't want to wait three weeks listen New Vision I can't blame you that's what I said learn apply adjust learn apply adjust I know but I have to do what's best for me I'm not going to rush and it's like food I'm not going to serve you undercooked chicken you know I just I want to I I have to do what's best for me so I appreciate you and I understand and all I can say is keep coming back keep coming back join my Facebook group if you haven't and when you join the purpose of the group is to help everybody out give motivation answer questions okay so and I appreciate each and every one of you for not only being here but for you know asking about these things because I know you have a ton of options and again it's learn apply adjust learn apply adjust okay oh um Camila Camille are you GNA have a beta group oh yeah I mean maybe maybe I that would be that's a really good idea to have let me I'm going to take a photo of this I really like that idea of a beta group I may do that I honestly I don't really know I just I don't so it's a good idea yeah good I love that Erin Erin I mean anen sorry it does take time and that's why I just I want to make sure I give you the best because I just that's what's important I I mean some of this stuff I'm like it's it's not as good as it should be and I have more things in works so okay I love the I love the Facebook group too I love it okay Nick B do you have a script that you use when calling companies you know I I think I've shared some scripts and I know that there's some scripts in the Facebook group but after spending time with a colleague you know he was so nonchalant when he called the cabinet company and he really emphasized knowing what they need what the requirement is and being able to say it in like two sentences like that's important I think the other thing is just sounding professional giving them the least amount of information to get the most amount of information back you know so I would I I know what you're getting at Nick there there are scripts in my book though there are scripts in here there are scripts winners way so check out the script so take out the check out the scripts and then kind of adjust them based on what I just said okay yeah learn apply just it really is it it truly is okay active duty how fast should a letter of no objection take oh from your from the military is that what you're asking am Amber of 64 let me know because I don't know um Natasha yes look I love it Melody is like hang I love that you're on here um yeah we will definitely talk about proposal writing because it's it's it's so imperative whether you're doing like a middleman side hustle whether you work you're bidding on Staffing whether you're interested in the AA like you you got to know about the proposal oh AMW I can feel your I feel your pain so I I have this the wait list because I'm I'm truly like I said I'm working on what works best and so my intent is once I get that release then I'll end up Pro I'll just end up re like changing that govcon site so but there are offerings if you're like listen I can't wait especially those of you who have already said that send an email chat KY chat KY Melody will get in contact with you and she will offer you something that we're doing this is this is definitely one time thing she'll talk to you about it and then my new offering and the new offerings are going to be various price points probably like 97 a month um maybe 247 197 stuff like that okay how did you how did you come to get where you are today and what did what do you call the position that you're in okay I'm do Anon oh then Aeron hold on let me do Aaron because I got the Super Chat Aaron how long did it take you to get your level oh look at that you and anen are on the save wling I mean it's ongoing so I started out in ' 08 I didn't know what I was doing well 07 Tech I started out in ' 07 and then I Incorporated in '08 started out didn't know what I was doing I subcontracted so for me as my spiritual adviser said to me she was like oh you a late bloomer so I that's why I'm so passionate about this because I have made a lot of mistakes I've even made mistakes of recent like in the past couple years and so how did I get to where I am I made a lot of mistakes and when I first started out I was like this expert like I'm going to be the smartest I'm just going to do diversity inclusion and I was all over the Department of Defense uh I have a book managing diversity in the military uh I have all these things I have coins of have all this stuff and then there came a time where I I looked around and and I was like it was like that moment where I was like man I'm not going to be the trophy wife much longer like there there's going to be another diversity and inclusion person coming in and I need to figure that out plus a lot of mentors in the Orlando area were like you're making this money and you'll make more by doing Staffing or doing this and doing that so then I was like oh man I need to do that so then I started doing Staffing right right and I started doing like Staffing and services kind of opportunities so in 2011 I got my adaa we got our first s source of $4 million um that um it was July of 2013 and we've been we've had that contract ever since since graduated from the adaa had a formal Mentor through Mentor prot program and I was still like just not really doing what I needed to do there's no other way to put it then those things change then I was like oo I got to fix this oh I need a divorce oh I need to lose weight oh I'm not happy oh my life sucks oh my God everybody's a narcissist this is like the I'm serious this is all the that went on and then sorry sorry YouTube don't hate me don't hate me so um like like this live y'all like this live and so um then I was like I could get my life together and I'm not happy and I got to figure things out so I came to Tulum in this in the um the fall and then now I'm back now so with all of that it was a lot of just living so it it so my story is not like I got in the Government Contracting it's not it was like it was more like a cartoon and then when it came to like this whole middleman I didn't even know it was called middleman I I was always doing this I always had subcontractors or interns working for me so it was really within the past five years where I was like okay I got to get things together because I was I had a scarcity mindset so I didn't hire I didn't train appropriately I didn't bid on things I should have bid on I didn't even know about like being able to bid on Paving nobody taught me that all of my mentors taught me what they did and so what makes me different is I'm bringing into the fold other people people are doing things a little differently or people who are bidding on things that I would never even look into so hopefully that makes a lot of sense I mean it really was like that's really how it has been so this is the best version of me and I'm over here crushing it I got my little weight loss to do I gotta get my body fat down to 20% hair is popping look how long this hair is don't be playing with me y'all 28 for life living my best life so how long did it take a long time for me and I'm not done though you know not done at all I had i' said to myself I was like you know KPC is like an appetizer when it comes to business my next few businesses are going to be the grand slams that's going to be like my moment so that's just for me you know I'm being honest I'm being open with you that's been my life so um I did I did go to the Tulum jungle gym I actually have a couple T-shirts in there yes and I'm GNA keep so hopefully that answer questions you have to have an LLC you can be a soul proprietor did that answer y'all's question Aaron Anson okay yes um yes yes yes I know you're like whoa that took a that took a young in the Restless turn didn't it I did my Sam SBA vet Hub oh gosh I love it man Amber 64 you're doing it all so what amber so when you were talking about the you said clearance or something tell me what you're talking about are you talking about like permission from the military or are you talking about getting all your um set asides oh yes you did answer from the military yes please like subscribe hit that notification button oh my gosh we almost have 200 people this is crazy but I have to go to bed soon because I gota work out it's very important to me so amra and anybody else watching if you are in listed military you have more leeway as far as being a government contractor but you still should look into getting permission because getting permission is much better than asking for forgiveness if you are a military officer don't even try it if you are a civilian employee I have a great interview with Mr dur Mr Al dur on the channel and what he ended up doing was um sub Contracting to State and local okay and I think he notified whoever HR that he had to but watch that video because for those of you that try to do the run little game be careful be careful yeah thank you it is 28 for life I firmly believe in the power of our minds and manifesting if you say to yourself listen I'm going to win I'm gonna win a contract I'm gonna be successful I'm 28 for life I'm Aging in Reverse that's what you're going to do oh look at you Wes you're so sweet if you're if you say these things that's what's going to happen if you say some stuff like this is hard and I ain't gonna get anywhere and my life sucks and I hate my baby mama I hate my baby daddy and I hate life and then that's what you're going to get and I know this because that's how it used to be I was always like nothing was enough and I hyper work because of all my childhood trauma this is no joke you know you can make all the money in the world you can be successful and do all these things but then if you're you're struggling you struggling like I mean like I think about Kate Spade you know I just saw that there were some influencers I went to one of her shows I mean she committed suicide you know there's a lot of people like that and it's not to make this dark it's to be real this is bigger than freaking government contracts and a side hustle this is life you can't have an abundant life if you think life is terrible and your mindset is crap you can't have an abundant life if your health is so bad right having an Abundant Life the finances are a part of it but then there's your spiritual part you know there's your health there's your family there's love there's the your giving part there's so much in there you know your family if I didn't already say that so that's why I'm so passionate because this is way bigger than some middleman this is way bigger than some side hustle this is some stuff that can really take you to places you never expected okay so factoring company I inter interviewed One Republic Capital go to the video though because there's another Republic capital and sometimes people pull it up and it's not the right one however I know that there's certain contracts they like to factor so that's the only one who I recommend because eons ago I use them otherwise you're um you're GNA have to you're have to look it up yeah I love 28 for life I I see 25 28 21 14 18 9 two whatever it's all I'm like 28 for life and it's so fun too because my brother I call him my twin we have different dads and every time somebody meets me they're like oh my God so Stephen is older than [Laughter] you he hates that too and I'm nine years older okay so let's keep going we're going to go a little longer does being a city employee stop you from getting contracts well I mean look at the mayor outside of Chicago I mean seems like over there it'll help you get some contracts okay now technically the answer is yes within that area check with them if it bars you from getting City contracts anywhere else I mean I'm about asking permission you don't want to ask forgiveness okay um republ hold on let me let me see if I can get the video for you just give me one second I'm gonna pull up the video and just share the link the question is around um is around factoring companies and I just want to make sure you have everything there so you can reach out to Matt again they fund certain types of contracts so uh maybe they can send you somewhere else and you can also look it up uh but here is who I you here's the video okay there you go okay awesome in talk what say is going to it is it really is it truly is okay uh Alicia I love that Alicia Fuller what's up Eric I love that you're on it I love apply yep learn apply just okay do middleman take okay do middleman take home the balance so his leftover of the subcontracting has been price so Kimmy you pay so let's go back to the initial opportunity I shared at the very beginning which is for cabinets right for a um at a park so let's say you get five quotes and you're like you know what basically I'm going to bid this at $30,000 you know you're like $3,000 covers the spread um sorry you're like let me rewind you're like I'm gonna pay out 30,000 and maybe you add in 10 20,000 for your profit to this opportunity okay so when you go to invoice you are invoicing the award amount so let's say it's $50,000 so you invoice 50 you get paid into your bank account the bank account you put into you get paid and then you pay the vendor whatever you agree to and you keep the rest and it's none of their business think about Amazon does Amazon know the profit margin of OtterBox I don't know I mean it's Amazon they might know but maybe not do they need to know the profit margin is it really any of their I mean you know so it it's like those types of things are are sacred that's why you don't see a lot of people saying like oh on my fural wrist guards I'm making a 90% profit because I get these for five cents in China you know like people aren't always talking about that you hear about it on Shark Tank you know or some people out there but this is across the board you know I know in the restaurant industry I think they profits three to five percent no but not everybody shares it you don't hear Kim Kardashian Fenty I don't know what ranna's profit margins are so that's how it works Kimmy okay I'm G answer a couple more keep it moving I'm a non-resident alien register and Sam as a foreign entity however I don't think I can get SBA credited nonresident alien um I would just focus on getting your cage code and being labeled a small business that's that's what I would focus on and if you are in the US you can call the Sam hotline 866 606 8220 if you are outside of the US you can call 33426 7828 okay so check with them about that but that's a great question and when it comes to cpars good old Pi system and IP they love to help you so when they have a phone number and email they want to help you how do you build a relationship with a point of contact UM Apprentice prinus pretus um it it varies it really varies on your goal so for instance let's take the one with the cabinets I may call the point of contact and be like hey Fred you know I just want to let you know um I'm looking forward to submitting this for the cabinets um we currently have a contract with Department of interior um I just wanted you to be aware and you know hey how are you doing like maybe start some small talk tell them about this work I'm doing it all depends on their Vibe because a lot of times they're not going to answer the phone or they're not going to respond to your email now if we're talking about it's a an event like a small business event it's a networking event then that's completely different you know you're wanting them to be your biggest cheerleader so I could go on and on and I definitely got to go in a few minutes so um it's a really good question make sure I talk about that I don't I don't do one-on-one calls anymore International flea [Music] flight so I don't do one-on-one calls but what you can do is join my Facebook group post questions there was Apex accelerator Apex accelerator is a program under the Department of Defense to help small business owners um help y'all help us help us all get some contracts that is the goal oops hold on I'm gonna give you the link to it y'all it okay when you're on often and I'll show you show you guys an example just one second okay I appreciate your patience please like hit the notification button share subscribe so this is just an arbitrary opportunity that's available and it says right here looking for contract help free government expertise it's through funded in part through a Cooperative agreement with the Department of Defense they used to be called a procurement technical assistance program and you can find your Apex here now you may Wonder like why is it blocked well I am in Mexico and I did not put my VPN on so let's say oh oh amre girl you in Hawaii um we have contracts in Hawaii so if I had my VPN on it would take you to a list it would take you to a website that will then you'll be able to search so please don't let my lack of putting my VPN on prevent you from going there now I do want to say something every Apex differs so I mean again it's learn apply adjust learn apply adjust the information it it's it may vary but just take it and just run with it it's all I can say dibs I'm not a fan of dibs I'm not a fan at all I believe I'm interviewing somebody who wants some stuff on dibs I think I am because I asked a few people to interview them and they were kind of um they should want to be on camera I understand that it is a an agreement uh you just you just have a business agreement we have them sign an independent service independent contractor service agreement so they're they're your subcontractor so we have them sign an NDA non-disclosure independent contractor service agreement uh we give have them give them we give them a W9 unless they're a corporation then we don't do any of that because then they don't get a199 and we typically issue a purchase order so then everybody knows you're getting 5,000 you're getting 150 you're getting half a million you're getting 25,000 so there's no like wait a minute you know the text message two weeks ago you told me I'm getting this amount we we don't we don't play like that we run a tight tight ship um there it's it's based on the legalities around the document so I had my legal team create them excuse me fing Larder shout out to them keeping me undefeated in court since the beginning after you win a contract as the middleman how do you get paid AC direct deposit into the bank account listed in your sam. gosite Anon thank you taking time tune in Facebook group awesome Yep teaming agreement um tiia so I didn't really mention I'm gonna I'm G hone in on this I didn't really mention a teaming agreement so much a teaming agreement is like okay we're going to work on this together but sometimes people don't work on the things together just because they have a teaming agreement sometimes they don't team with them so just be careful so you want a subcontractor agreement independent service contractor agreement an NDA and a purchase order so these are great they're awesome but like for instance there was a firm where they wanted us to partner they gave me a teaming agreement I learned some things about them and I ghosted them I'm not going to lie with y'all I'm not gonna be as you I mean I only work with people with high integrity so that's how I am thanks for the link great oh how about the prime refuses to pay the sub sue them or take it as a learning tax what are your thoughts on bookkeepers um Shania Shena shenina I I don't think I've pronounced it at all right I know pickleberry um by all means there was a woman um Ina who she started off as our bookkeeper and she has a very successful she recently graduated from the Ada program I know she bought a construction company I know she's done Staffing name is Inga so yeah the thing is she's not offering bookkeeping services to the government she offered to the government what they buy and that's a big takeaway and some people struggle with that it's like but wait a minute no I my my expertise cell phones that's amazing but maybe they don't want to buy that many cell phones so it's all depending on what you want to do okay I think I've answered all of these questions pretty much all of them networking events I have a list I haven't really made it Public public but I do have a list um there's no one place you can look them up on but they're they're not they're kind I'm like yeah they're under special notice there's really no one place I'll have to figure out what I'm going to do about my list but I do have a list of events okay I think we're good um Apprentice you just post questions in the Facebook group and we'll answer it people will answer okay yeah don't do one-on-one calls we talked about that okay a couple more questions can you offshore substantial amount of your in-house processes yeah I mean the far as then yeah Daniel you can offshore as much as you want don't worry about it okay I think we're we're coming to an end Q coming to the end sounds wait a minute that's me taking a shower and getting ready for bed because have to work out at 10: in the morning what is the difference between middleman and Prime Contracting so the prime contractor is the company who has the contract like your name is on the contract agreement the subcontractor the middleman whatever else you want to call it they're the people that you're paying to do the thing but you're the one with the contract okay does your book have start finish back office requirements does your book does your book like this book winners way winners way uh start to finish back office requirements I don't go into great detail about back office because that's really up to you I ran into a company and they were like yeah we started out doing HR now we all we outsourced it all I mean some people are comfortable with that I am not comfortable with that so I did not go into detail about it but you can Outsource it you can have an internal uh I'm all about a mixture what happens if you won the contract for 10K but then the sub ends up updating their quote to 15 get a new sub that's what you do because from at the very beginning of this of our time together today in the requirement it said you have to keep your pricing for 90 days so then you would notify the people you're getting these quotes from hey this price is good for 90 days now you could go back to the government and say Hey you know once you've been awarded I need a price increase but if they said hey it's good for 90 days it's only day 82 then you're gonna have to get somebody else and somebody else will do it that's the other thing people think well but they said it's going to take $50,000 for the cabinets if you call up somebody and say listen I have $335,000 for you to do cabinets cash right now oh oh when do you need them right oh I love Mexico I'm gonna be here for for very long time I'm gonna buy a place here I do uh the documents just one second oh gcw dos. gcw dos. now my book go con winners way how to win government contracts faster than doing it trying to do it alone that's the book you can get it at winners way winners way and you get a bunch of free Resources with this book if you buy it on Amazon you will not get any of those resources so buy it through winners way Insurance just Google like Geico if you need general liability use any of those they're all good it construction top areas you recommend for an a company new to govcon okay do you have an adaa firm if you do send me an email and tell me that you have an AA you have to have an adaa firm like the SBA like you're in the AA program so if you really have an aay that's there's more to this discussion and it's not because I'm not I'm just saying because sometimes people reach out to me and they're like I'm AA and I'm like and then they're not AA so again I'm just saying because I want to make sure we're all in the same page do you offer a list of funding and grants for startups so I don't because like it's all about why do you need the money what's the purpose of the startup money there are different grants like um uh shoot somebody won one actually one of myu um students who went through my challenge he's in a program right now uh through like his his state or his City so most of the grants for businesses like for startups you're going to have to Google it it's going to be through like for instance Sarah who started span she has programs Goldman Sachs has a program uh there was a program at Rollins College and Orlando that I was a part of so a lot of them are going to be local or or us-wide and connected to like Google Facebook somebody like that okay AA program here um basically and how long is it get through you get you're in the program for nine years so I'm going to quickly answer this and then it's time to say goodbye yes it is so AA program the AA program is a program that dates back many many years and today it is based on your net worth and if you have experienced social economic disadvantages I want to say your net worth um let me look it up because I don't have it memorized you can also look this up through the sba's website is what I suggest because of course there's tons of companies who um offer to do this at for a fee and I want you to be able to see everything and and not have to deal with all that so okay so they have some guidance so so you're going to have to go to certified. you're going to need to write a narrative that was super helpful so here are the qualifications and then I'll tell you what you get what you win at the end once you're approved and I do have a video about the a program thank you Sarah for sharing that you have to be a small business so for in since my colleague is not going to be a small business much longer so he could not apply you can only be in the program once unless you fall under the super AA category has to be 51% owned and controlled by US citizen says not you finding somebody make them the head of the company but they're not really doing anything yes this has happened yes people have been busted doing this please don't do things like that your net worth is 850,000 or less and your adjust to gross income of 400,000 or less because remember this is a program for social economic disadvantage so if you're somebody where your net worth is over 850 you're making 500 a year and you're and assets totaling your assets are over 6.5 you're not going to qualify you have to have good character and potential for success they like that you've been in business for two years but you don't had to have been in business for two years it's also valuable that you've had like 125 250,000 in contracts not from your former employer and it's great if you've had the contracts from like two or three different clients then you have to apply so you can apply through certified. because I'm not on my VPN I'm not going to be able to go on there this is the same site you apply for the woman-owned I'm not sure if they moved hubzone over there but it's a very crucial site but don't worry that's why I have my nordvpn I am not sponsored by them but the damn thing works and I love it there is a oh let's see what else they do it looks like they have different meetings to help you with the program I would take full advantage because if things happen with the election they probably won't have these much longer so uh this just came a real so um in essence with this the government has set aside programs I mean has set aside contracts that are AA so that means they're in the program they can only be awarded to AA companies you get it for nine years unless you're a super a day and they can also Sol s Source 4.5 um and then hire for manufacturing so that's the beauty of these but at the same time I will definitely put that link in there thank you for asking at the same time you have to understand what it takes to finds and win profitable government contracts because 9 years seems like a lifetime and in reality nine years goes by really fast so it's an extremely valuable program I graduated from it several years ago it's amazing however comma you have to be able to know how to use it and how to Market it and all of those kinds of things do you mainly use Google for subcontractors oh we use everything so y'all are amazing please like subscribe hit the notification button you all are amazing there's no reason this can't be a side hustle it can't be a main hustle it's what you want it to be at the end of the day it's here for you over $ 800 billion doll with the federal government so I love and adore each and every one of you I appreciate you being here winners way please please check it out there's going to be lots of links in the comments Amber nine years you better get five year contract so you can make that money in relationships yeah there's no reason you can't there's no reason so um and I'm always looking for AA to partner with if you are an adaa email me at chaty and I appreciate again each and every one of you for being here supporting supporting the channel we're on a mission we got a lot of good amazing things to come in up so I'm not here to play not here to play so Mahalo to you adios to everybody here got to get ready for that workout in the morning appreciate each and every one of you and keep looking at the things that most people would never look at and don't forget everything is possible y'all everything is possible keep coming back hit the 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Channel: Kizzy Parks
Views: 170,343
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: -Y-oXo6kGok
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Length: 117min 44sec (7064 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 19 2024
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