How to Write a Proposal as a Middleman, FAST - Kizzy Shopping Network (KSN)

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a proposal as a middle man oh we have a lot to talk about today everyone so as you're joining as you're joining this live if you're watching the replay my name is Dr kizzy parks and I've been awarded over 70 million dollars in federal government contracts and what I'm going to need you to do is get ready and I have a big ask of you because all of you are amazing or you would not be here so I want to make sure you can hear me okay good Don you can that's awesome and what I'm going to need each and every one of you to do two really important things super important things okay I'm gonna break it down I'm gonna be here for a while I'm going to show you the nitty-gritty of how you write a proposal as a middleman however if you don't believe in what you do and who you are then this is all pointless don't forget to hit like hit the notification hit subscribe hit all of that so first and foremost You Must Believe In who you are and what you do okay that's number one number two write these down we are going to cover and this is what's important for all proposals middleman included evaluation criteria cover page 1449 pricing q a amendments reps inserts and how to submit and for those of you just joining or watching the replay this is the kizzy Shopping Network Edition of how to write a proposal as a middleman I have a special for each and every one of you today so here's the special I want to make sure my title upgraded here I think it did let me just double check perfect okay great so here is the offer for today because those of you who know you know and those of you who are new and like what has she been talking about this is where I make an offer for you during the kizzy Shopping Network and this offer the goal is to help you elevate your business take your business to the next level so this is what I'm doing for you anyone who purchases during this live during the Replay for the next let's do 72 hours you will get access to my free how to write proposals class that I'm going to create that's what you're going to get anyone who purchases anything and I'm going to list all of these items here okay so there's a lot for you to choose from and if you've purchased everything then you need to send me an email and I'll still give it to you for free but how amazing this is and we're going to double check a purchase like you have your purchase in the last 24 hours so 24 hours from the date that I have here okay so I'm going to repeat that for everyone here it says kizzy Shopping Network I am offering you products and services that are going to take your business to the next level if that's what you're interested in cool if that's not what you're interested in that's cool too because I know there's greatness there I'm going to pull a card just so you know how amazing fast period the rapid fast period card represents a time of Rapid Financial growth and abundance there's more to it but you get the point fast period JT y'all know I love some JT so one you purchase the seven dollar download and any of the upsells two you purchase this item right here that is the jump start or the starter kit excuse me this is the starter kit for 97 dollars it's amazing you get checklists videos it's amazing there's more options for you next option you want to know what it takes to really be a middleman and to make more money get this video if you've already received the video I will be we will be emailing to you shortly a recreation of the spreadsheet that David uses get this video and for those of you just joining my name is Dr kizzy Parks been award over 70 million in government contracts anyone who purchases tonight and in the next 72 hours you get my how to create proposals for free you give for free I will be selling it for 97 and I think 497 97 297 497 something of that sort but there's more if you're like okay I already received that then purchase an executive ticket to my upcoming challenge it will be held at the end of September five day challenge executive you get one hour a day with me I'm going to cover amazing areas um being government ready ready we talk about set-asides we talk about everything you need to close contracts for cash and if you're like me VIP always better VIP you get an extra hour with me where you can ask me questions the first hour then you join with everybody else and you get all the recordings as well as access to everything including the bonuses lifetime plus just for purchasing in the next 72 hours you get for free the proposal writing class all I ask in return I would love your feedback what can I add to the proposal writing course What's missing what else would you like that's all I asked for and if you purchase within the last 24 hours send me an email we're going to validate the purchase though okay so you all ready so just to repeat card for tonight fast period JT city girls fast period card represents a time of Rapid Financial growth and abundance this card May indicate that you have the opportunity to increase your income or make significant gains through wise Investments be open to New Opportunities and stay focused on your goals to make most out of this prosperous prosperous Prosperity prosperous time okay so these are the areas you need for your proposal and we're going to go through a proposal as I'm reading this I want you to note them down okay I want you to note this okay awesome Shawnee um awesome J Trend 1000 hello to everyone blessings to everyone Modi Mr Mrs Fox Anastasia Dawn everybody sand um pepper pack and ship hello hello blessings abundance amazingness okay I love it I love it I love it so here is what you need evaluation criteria cover page 1449 pricing q a amendments reps and certs how to submit and for those of you just joining this is a kizzy Shopping Network where I'm always offering a product or service to help you elevate take your company in the next level because we need that here in Government Contracting there's over 500 billion dollars you should be able to win a contract it's easy to win a contract we have a mind of abundance fast period that's our card any purchase of any of those links that I shared if you you need me to share the links again let me know I'll post them anything seven dollar download 97 starter kit 97 executive 297 for VIP VIP always better you get for free how to write proposals I'm asked all the time here and in the Facebook group how do I do a proposal how to write a proposal how much is it going to cost how much does it cost you if you want to write a proposal I charge five thousand dollars I hate writing proposals for people I'm just keeping it real I don't like doing that I barely enjoy doing it for myself but doing it for training or on a live is completely different Okay so if you want us to do it it's a minimum of five thousand dollars so for making a seven dollar purchase you get a free proposal writing class and I'm going to end up reselling it and the price is going to go up let's get into it this is what I would love for all of you tonight okay Unison or Sam type in there Unison or Sam you guys get to choose your adventure y'all remember that choose your adventure Unison or Sam let me know which one you want me to go to Unison or Sam and if there's those of you where you're like I don't what are either of those that's okay too okay that's okay okay we got laurae what's up Lori Lori Davis oh man this one oh man can you do a poll in here I should have done a poll oh man we got okay it looks like Sam is winning okay we're gonna start with Sam okay let's do it so I asked for your patience while we're doing this I'm in restream and it's a little wonky with how I share so I just ask for your patience okay so let's get into this we are we are here and I'm going to go to Sam Sam hey terrific I want you to see exactly what I'm doing okay okay great we got this and we're in Sam excellent we're going to go to advanced search is where we're going I want to make sure that everyone can see me just give me a second I was going to look on my phone but that didn't work out terrific great great great you all can see what I can see this is perfect now what I want you to do actually I'll handle it so what we're going to do this is really important okay because you gotta learn how to you have to know how to find the opportunity okay so in Sam this is what we use to find Opportunities okay I'm going to focus on janitorial tonight is where I want to go and or something of that nature let's put in got this we got that so what we have in front of us this is a a source of sought so we're not going to go into that one just yet instead we are going to look for a solicitation around Janitorial you go to notification type solicitation combined okay so you can see there's 65 here now some of the deadlines may have passed but you you get the idea and also what I want to say for everyone here and that is I will answer questions because I'm in the platform it may take time to get to your questions okay so I just want you to know that I'm not trying to ignore you uh does a proposal need to be written if you're using a sub we're going to go over all of that that's a great question Damian okay let's just take a look it's the first one right so this is with Forest Services as you can see thank you total small business so basically everyone here you are a total small business you don't have to worry about your um set aside so if you recall I gave a list and for those of you just joining my name is Dr kizzy Parks this is the kizzy Shopping Network we're going into how to write a proposal as a middleman and it needs purchases that you make tonight any of these any of these purchases you will get for free my proposal writing class you're not going to get the templates but you get the class you get the how-to videos you'll get checklist you're going to get all of that for free will be sent to you as soon as it's created all I ask and return is that you just give me feedback okay and I'll post these um during the restream and also if you haven't already please join my Facebook group excuse me so let's take a look at this I want to also make sure you can see the attachments as I'm streaming the first thing that we want to find out what are the evaluation criteria okay that's what we're looking for what are the evaluation criteria and for the purposes of this proposal I am going to make up numbers yes there is a link that you can go to to estimate the square footage of cleaning um for janitorial services there's tons of resources online but for the purposes of this I'm just making up a number okay so I want everyone to be very clear on that as you can and can somebody already see this you already see what the evaluation criteria is no no worries Kayla has it popped out or is it too small on here it's like here I'll highlight it and which is great you don't even have to open an attachment you see this right there that's step number one how are they going to grade this lowest price technically acceptable okay great so now you know you need to be the lowest okay okay it is a bit small I'll have to and I'll make it bigger okay just a second okay let's see how that looks okay there we go lowest price technically acceptable so here's a bonus strategy and also why I'm not just like the mad cat here's the proposal okay and I'll tell you why because there's so much more to it than just the proposal there's so much more to more it's fast period it's going to happen fast this is a card we chose for tonight but here's the deal if you review the um video with Angelica she had phone conversations with them the same would apply here you would want to call and email this point of contact to find out Brandon who's the incumbent and also you're going to find out is there a site visit and if there's a site visit you want to make sure you go or you have someone go on your behalf and here's why okay we like to do business with people we know like and Trust you can turn in the most raggedy proposal mess everything up and still win because they know like and trust you one of my coaching students just won some janitorial work and one of the main reasons is when she went to the um the site visit she was very organized she had the printout she had the map she had great questions look they have a map right there there's a map and so she stood out so I want to shift this mindset yes I'm going to talk about the proposal but shift the mindset it's not just oh I just need to write a proposal I write a proposal because when you have that mindset then it's a volume game then you're writing 500 proposals now look if you're making a million a year I mean shoot hey do what you need to do but the point is you want to put yourself in the position where you're winning where your win rate is high okay so again for those just joining us is kizzy Shopping Network all purchases that y'all make tonight you're automatically going to get um my free proposal writing course you won't get the templates but you get the course I just asked in return for um feedback anything you purchase tonight just take advantage I'm not doing that again uh anything that you purchase this evening and please note more and more amazing things are coming we are in the fourth quarter this is where everybody wants to sell a buy buy buy sell sell sell so this is the time okay this is the time and for those of you asking questions don't worry I will get to them because we're hey I got my proposal writing sweater on this is my sweater I've been wearing this for probably 20 years this is what I wear when I write proposals and when I do work okay let's go so we already know it's lowest price technically acceptable next we need a cover page right what is the cover page so just bear with me a moment because I think I have to change the screen when I open an attachment okay just bear with me I'm laughing at my Adobe okay as my Adobe has decided it wants to do different things that is perfectly fine so we're going to restart the Adobe and what I am doing is opening oops it cannot the combined synopsis page which I want to share with you all here in one moment okay terrific awesome so they reiterate what you need they also are saying at the time of the due date you should be in Sam they list who you need to email okay terrific so what we're doing right now is looking for a 14 49 form or equivalent that's what we're looking for okay so that's step number two that is what we are looking for so yes you have to open the attachments there have been some that um will say well okay there's so much I have to read and well I mean they're giving you potentially a two hundred thousand dollar contract I mean wouldn't you want somebody to read the documents too I mean I'm not trying to be a smart butt or something I'm just like it's just what happens right so I'm going to look through the different attachments okay this one's important I'll get that to you guys in a second it might be in here okay let me show you all so you can see what I'm doing and it's okay they might they may not even have that form as I said okay so remember it's evaluation criteria check is lowest price technically acceptable the next is the cover page so what I opened is this statement of work which details what they're looking for has the technical requirements so for the sake of this activity right I'm not going to call and do any role play with calling a vendor so we're going to pretend magically that we did that but in case you're like well how do you even do that it's very simple okay very simple and I'm going to zoom in on this there we go you simply identify cleaning companies in this area because they're telling you where they want the work performed Smokey Bear Circle you reach out to them and all you do is cut and paste what the work entails and ask them if they can do it you can cut and paste in and put it oh did it stop sharing oh y'all are probably like what happened oh hold on that wasn't good okay there we go make sure you guys can Okay Google good so you're going to just cut and paste the area that says contractor requirements and let them know five days a week 14 30 to 2100 it's military time if you're on familiar with military time just Google it just Google it that's all you got to do and let them know hey you know I'm I'm in the middle of bidding on a government contract and I would love to partner with someone like you I heard about you New Mexico clean uh may I you I would love to be able to send you this information if you could give me a price quote of what this would entail this these Services would be performed five days a week um 16 30 2100 and I'll provide a list of everything that's needed that's all you got to do and call at least three even if they say hey 20 people have called if you go back to that on Jerica video she said you know six companies called this one vendor and guess what she didn't do she didn't give up and she said in the interview I was really surprised kizzy Moore didn't bid it's like everything in life we don't always believe in the card we pulled today is fast period JT city girls y'all know so it's happening it's going to happen fast okay oh State free Mystery Gift no it's not Mystery Gift you get a free you get my proposal writing for free light light white uh water that's what you get any purchase now in the next 72 hours that's what you get any purchases of any of my stuff anything that we have at gov con winners is you're getting you're getting some good stuff you're gonna get and be like damn I can't believe she gave this to me for free all I ask in return is feedback is this kizzy shopping network is here to elevate you to the next level I spend tons of money on my growth and development and lots of it I give away to you and I incorporate and what I give but what's important and what I've learned is the more I pay the more I pay attention so that's the step so we're going to pretend like we already have pricing okay so what you would do is you would get pricing but here's the fun part by calling and emailing the point of contact and asking them the following to copy this down y'all is there an incumbent if so what is the contract number because that way and you can also ask what's the contract value so then that way if they say yeah for we had a company do it in the past because this is for five years and the contract was five hundred thousand dollars now you have an idea of what this is going to cost regardless of the quote that the company gave you because here's another bonus strategy when it comes to pricing here's that bonus strategy you are the business owner you set the price so you call three companies hypothetically they say let's say there's a company called New Mexico clean and they say oh it's going to cost um four thousand dollars a month to do this again making up numbers okay and you're like okay well actually you run your numbers you look at what was paid for in the past you're like no I'm going to give them three thousand and I'm going to charge the government fifty five hundred a month and you don't have to tell them out the gate I'm only going to give you 3 000. after the contract win because when you have that money in your hand that's negotiating power you have more to gain because you have the contract okay so we're gonna get to pricing because that's on our list but first evaluation criteria we went through and then cover page which we're looking for because this is Forest they may or may not have something but we already know it's lowest cost technically acceptable you don't have to worry about oh my past performance my set asides you don't you don't need to worry about any of that and SPC you're on point you own the only what they need to know that's all you have to give them that's it that's all you got to give them they're not asking for resumes you know we're going to find out what else they may ask for but so far any of you watching this can bid on this if you have a cage code you can bid here's what's also beautiful let me make sure you guys can see it do you guys notice this the government will provide the following look at all that stuff the government's providing do you see all that am I the only one that's looking at this I feel like I'm I'm misreading this what's up the government will provide the following materials supplies and property as set forth below you are responsible for loss damage in other words make sure your people aren't stealing or breaking stuff and the materials are stored on site in the janitorial closet at the reserve ranger district you're totally on point Lord Laura Davis this is super rare they're like listen just come in here and clean look at all this that we're giving you you don't even have to factor this in yet you have to provide Personnel supplies and equipment gloves mask but look at all of this that's why I promise you this is a live one here I'm going to give you all the link just give me a second so I can cut and paste it okay because I think it's due you still have time it's not due until the 13th and that's why I wanted to show you all this I want you to see that this is possible this isn't pie in the sky this isn't like oh God I have to have resumes and a cyber security certificate okay and for those of you just joining us kizzy Shopping Network it truly is somebody should grab this up y'all Kizi Shopping Network any purchase that you make today anything you're going to get for free access to um my proposal writing course then I'm in the middle of developing for free and you know I didn't put the book on here that's included too anything you purchase today anything in the next 72 hours you get access to the proposal writing for freaks everybody asks how do you do proposal writing and yes I'm going to create a more detailed a more structured and more straight to the point video for my channel but for the live I want you to really experience and take this in because this is the card we pulled today y'all fast period the fast period card represents a time of Rapid Financial growth and abundance this card May indicate that you have the opportunity to increase your income or make significant gains through wise Investments look and look at the first one we pulled up this was number one on Sam this isn't just some BS some stuff that was planned this ain't that kind of listen I'm gonna try I'm gonna hold my curses I'm gonna try but damn I'm so fired up I want you guys to see this this is exciting and no in case you're wondering I'm not bidding on this and I appreciate that I'm often asked like oh are you gonna bid on this or hey Dr Parks I found this diversity one I'm no we're very laser focused on what we're going after and I promise you this is this is not for us these are your blessings okay and I appreciate y'all bringing stuff to my attention that's very sweet of you so let's get into it let's keep going so bass plus four this is a multiple year contract you have the hours okay how many pages is this thing six very short and then they're also telling you I mean I'm not trying to laugh but like is it the mixture it still shows so if you're for those of you like because this is middleman how to write a proposal as a middleman so these are the rules that you would have for whoever's doing the work for you whether it's a cleaning company um the My coaching students they just hired some college students whoever it is you need to let them know don't open the drawers don't bring no kids up in here don't have animals don't smoke you see all of that it's very simple I mean I'm like this is amazing didn't plan this I didn't want to plan this because it's like it's not like that you know not for this not for a live this is amazing okay let's keep it going turn and lost articles do not use office equipment phones or radio I mean I laugh but here's the funny part okay maybe not funny you know I want to give you all another bonus strategy when you see things like that it means somebody did that in the past that's why they had to write it down that means somebody was smoking in the building it means that um I don't like it like that sorry you all I was trying to think of the best way to to frame me uh somebody was smoking in the building somebody had kids in the building and here and here I want to also give you another Kizi strategy take notice of this because this is I believe in New Mexico right right here I don't know what the labor laws are but maybe you have a 16 year old 17 year old I got my first job at 15. I mean I'm not trying to suggest that you don't have the most how am I I want to put this like this you are the business owner and just because somebody's 16 17 18 does not mean they're incompetent just like somebody who's 30 40 50 60 70 80 does not mean they're wise and talented okay you're the business owner I want you again to see when we talk about middleman is not just simply okay let me call up some janitorial yeah that's part of it but it doesn't have to be them because they're going to put a markup on there or they may bid on this on their own okay so let's keep going so remember one was evaluation criteria's lowest cost technically acceptable for those of you just joining here on how to write a proposal middleman Kizi Shopping Network second is is cover page and it may not it may be just the cover page from canva We're typically looking for a 1449 but they may not have one okay so I don't see anything here and again don't let nobody in I mean they and like somebody just wrote it ain't common sense okay so again when you win something like this and I'm asked well what do I do how do I on board there are 10.99 they fill out a W-9 and independent contract service agreement and you make sure they know the rules and you could easily cut and paste these into a document or you could even cut and paste them into chat GPT and say turn these into a policy now done done you see how easy this is so easy I want you to see how easy this is check out on Jerica's video what's up Health fit and wellness check out her video she won a janitorial over a hundred thousand dollars didn't even have her cage code yet because she did the things that most don't do and the other bonus strategy call and email because this isn't the deadline hasn't passed y'all this is live I want one of you there's no reason one of you shouldn't win this and I want you to come back and be like I won and I'm gonna interview you okay so um those of you just joining my name is Dr kizzy Parks because he's shopping network any purchase that you make today in the next 72 hours from when I end this you will get for free my proposal writing class you're not gonna get the templates but the proposal writing class and in return um I would uh in return I just ask for feedback Tony yeah um on Jerica uh just give me one second and I'll give you the video just one second one moment okay so just click that link it'll take you there she drops a lot of gems she sure does so now we're going to go back into it and also keep in mind if I wasn't providing all of this narrative this would be like a 20 minute thing okay so keep that in mind okay so we already took a look at the combined synopsis we looked at the statement of work there's a map okay I'm going to open up some of these documents for you guys okay just give me a second and I'm going to share these with you all so this is the map again this is something you could give the vendor that you're looking to middleman to okay perfect oh good good that's perfect this is the pricing so when it comes to doing this evaluation criteria lowest cost technically acceptable a cover page since there isn't a 1449 all you need to do yes everybody here should bid on this you definitely should bid on this everybody here should bid on this it's a small business set aside all you need for a cover page what are the requirements for out-of-state bidding nothing because you're going to 10.99 to people you just have to make sure your business is legal in your state where you operate I don't know why it blacks out sorry you all that's so weird I may have to get um yeah I don't want to get the other program I like restream a lot so what you'll need to do is to create a cover sheet you can go into canva and create a cover sheet you can get a Word document and create a cover sheet uh let me do um let me show you one just one second I'm gonna oh good good you can see it okay good I wasn't sure so you can see this is just a basic cover sheet we are feeling very Festival festive so this cover sheet it has the agency this is Forest so you can put their logo you put the solicitation number you put the name you put your company you put the date you put your logo this one this one was a middleman so you see the name of the tree service you could put the name of the the um company that you're middle Manning to if you want you don't have to if you don't have a logo that's perfectly fine you can create one for free or not even put one and then you put your contact information on the bottom that's all you have to do you can put it in canva you could just create a basic one in word it's simple simple simple so so simple to do that's all you need so then what's oven next thing here is the pricing right evaluation criteria cover page or 1449 we just went through that next is pricing this is pretty simple so I'm going to make it a little larger here for everyone to see you have monthly janitorial service you have quarterly biannual and annual now I want to double check something okay good you guys can see that and that is I thought it said every day maybe I misread it five days a week Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday and then this one says monthly okay so in that situation basically you would take your week so you would you would have what you're charging per week and then multiply that so that it covers every month that's what you would do so and you know you're more than welcome to take in consideration holidays things of that nature and for those of you just joining here in the kizzy Shopping Network how to write a proposal middleman Edition we are hypothetically using pricing right so I'm showing you how to write the proposal but I want you to know that we're just using fake pricing okay and this is a live opportunity any of you can bid on it and you should it's a small business set aside okay um yeah just times it by four whatever however you want to do the math it's up to you because the evaluation criteria is lowest cost technically acceptable the next thing is in here um I have Adobe Pro and you don't have to use Adobe Pro but you would put your total so let's say every month you're charging six thousand dollars and then you have quarterly you would type in that amount I've I'm just again I'm making up numbers there are different websites that you can go to to check out and get estimates for janitorial there's all those kinds of things that you can do but for the sake of this video I am simply making up numbers okay so please be aware of that and this is a live opportunity so any of you watching live and you of you watching the replay you can totally bid on this also keep in mind the document before you the government provided it remember evaluation criteria step number one it's lowest cost technically acceptable check step number two is a cover page or 1449 we didn't find a 1449 so you can create a cover page I showed you an example you can create something on canva you can create something in a Word document you there's even AI for cover pages y'all it doesn't have to be beautiful it just has to get the job done that's all you need okay so the next step is pricing so what you would do is you would fill in all of the pricing and you do the totals you create the totals calculate the totals remember this is for five years then you enter in your name your UEI and then you sign it and then it says we just want this form anyone else excited about this if you're excited about this opportunity type yes type yes in the chat that's that's a great that's a great example Sharon this is this is one where you can ask for references you can go on Google you can go on Yelp you can do things like that yeah hell yeah right yeah I'm super excited about this too this is a I mean this is real y'all this is real it's totally real oh my gosh I did deep conditioner today wow my hair is so it's always so okay so let's see oh thank you yeah I know I had a deep condition because this Michigan water is a whole nother story it's not my Florida water okay now I want to go back just to double check if we're missing anything in the attachments do you use DocuSign to get the contractor to sign no now we're this is this is just us I Lori um she works for me and runs my businesses and oh my gosh she's the goat with client relations Lori have we ever used DocuSign with any federal agencies and as she's responding um for the percentage you automatically put it in that total so let's say you're like oh they gave me the price of four thousand dollars my cut is going to be 2 000. so your your profit is included in this and for never so we've never used DocuSign with them you we use DocuSign with our team members also a bonus strategy for those of you who are just joining these documents were provided by the government they're in the Sam um solicitation also a bonus strategy is questions and answer getting them to know like and trust you I would call I would email this point of contact and ask them hey at the reserve ranger district have you did you have a company doing this before if so what was the contract number how much was the award are you able to share your budget get to know and like them because then you're going to stand out and they're going to be like man that person was really cool like they asked some really good questions um and then that way you have a range of the pricing so in case you get a janitorial company who's like oh it's going to be 20 000 a month you're like okay then you already know it's not because once you win you can decide whoever you want to work with just because you get a quote from that company it doesn't mean you have to give them a teaming agreement you don't have to give them any documents unless you want to marry them and say don't partner with anybody else that's your call which janitorial I'm kind of torn as far as should you or shouldn't you do that you know and then also this could be something where like my students who just won a janitorial contract where you decide to use college students I don't know I mean you have to it's your business and also to Lori's point when you win the award what they do is they send it back to you and then you will sign it again so be prepared for that so it's really good to make sure that you um this one's a little blurry here I'll zoom in there we go I think it's just how it is and that the numbers automatically typed in as red I didn't do any of this I didn't make this red I didn't create this form it's all here on Sam all of it is found right here everything is here this is the easiest proposal ever this is it and I love what you you wrote Jason the biggest tip and the in if you want to win this okay if any of you want to win this this is what you do you get the agency to know like and trust you because you already know what they're looking for um they also want they so here's also what's key although they said it's technically acceptable a technical proposal isn't required interested vendors should provide documentation that demonstrates the ability to provide satisfactory service did y'all did y'all pick that up okay I'm gonna pause for a second because there's a question here about profit okay so work with me okay work with me I love okay wild sand Bath and Body Works you may not be able to see it because I'm using my computer it retail price is 8.95 for this right how much do you think this cost put some numbers in there what do you think this cost a dollar fifty cents 250 a quarter how much do you guys think it costs to make this like seriously for those of you who are here how much do you think it costs to make this lotion a dollar 25 cents 50 cents 10 cents 19 cents two dollars 75 15. right the profit is in the 895. six it's in the 895. when they ring me up they don't charge two prices they don't say oh I'm only I'm gonna charge you 40 cents and then you know the difference is our profit so we're going to bring you up twice they never do that whether it's lotion it's my nail file it's a pen they don't do that now here in Muskegon they do this weird and I love this 35 cents two dollars 250 and Muskegon they'll do this weird like 40 Cent charge if you use a credit card at a restaurant but they add it into your bill and they tell you listen I don't know what the heck is going on in Muskegon but 75 cents a dollar fifty 250 50 cents so the same applies here that's why I love your question the same applies here so when you are doing your pricing this these dollar amounts include your profit just like this hand lotion just like the hand lotion but keep in mind they are going with the lowest price bid that's why it's important to get them to know like and trust you because when we know like and Trust we might say well this was the lowest one if you know what I mean because I know this happens okay so take this some of you may say I am not paying 8.95 for that little bottle of lotion that's cool I would pay twenty dollars for this little bottle of lotion because they know they know okay for the margins that we want the expenses that we have the market that we're going after I I don't know why it keeps blacking out 8.95 is what we can charge thank you all for being so patient with me with this weird sharing thing that's what we can charge so the same goes for you just because you're like oh well I can add a profit it doesn't mean you add a hundred percent profit because then nobody's going to buy it are there lotions out there that are this size that are potentially three hundred dollars I'm pretty sure that there are but how many are they selling right so keep that in mind the your profit is built into this and I've seen from Moses and for a couple others you're asking about past performance they never ask about past performance they never ask about past performance so you don't have to put in here past performance where was the it was here this is where it is it's over here that's why this is so important and I break this down like this during the live because the mistake is oh you just you just write a proposal you do a proposal you submit it right you you have to do that but what's key is understanding what it takes to win that's why that's item number one that is item number one is to understand what it takes to win and what it takes to win is highlighted before you it's highlighted before you although a technical proposal is not required you should provide documentation that demonstrates the ability to provide satisfactory service so what you could do you're not late and I love it a dollar I love all that you guys said and I love what's being said that McDonald's um soda food paper has a 70 profit I used to work for their corporate office you know you because there is the services act with here I would say yes and no like yes you're supposed to employ them but it's this is up to you I'm just going to put it like that because what you could do is you could employ people to do this that's why I mentioned my coaching students are using college students so you can use you could employ college students you can have 10.99 you you can do what makes sense for you right but just keep in mind in order to win this this is what it takes so to demonstrate the ability to provide satisfactory service and demonstrate technical acceptability all it is is you could take a Word document and just put some information in there about you like here I'm gonna do it for y'all let's do this live let me get just give me one second okay did they say that they wanted oops it's over here just give me a second okay okay so I have chat GPT open I put write a summary on janitorial services okay [Music] and listen I'm not the prompt Queen Government Contracting Queen but not the prompt Queen right so I'm only giving them what they asked for but what I like doing with this is it gives me an idea of what does this entail okay cool I could play put at company X janitorial services play a pivotal role in maintaining the cleanliness hygiene overall aesthetic appeal of facilities like yours um we provide Premier Services and then I I may list here's a list of clients that we've worked with and those clients could come from the previous company you don't need tons of past performance it could say we've had clients such as this our team is their their um they receive training so it's basically like you taking what's here before you and you plug in and playing and you can play with the prompts we could say okay again not the prompt Queen but I just want you to say just just to see on the Fly how easy this is like look at that there you go that's that's that shows them enough right there right and just like Jason said you can run it again and run it again and run it again because remember what they asked for the government asked for provide documentation that demonstrates the ability to provide satisfactory service and demonstrates technically acceptability that one right there definitely does it here I'll zoom in a bit and replace company with your company name and you can actually put your company name in here and it'll put it in there I do want to note because I don't want anyone to say well I tried this and I do pay for chat gpt4 you don't have to do any of that however this is kizzy Shopping Network so just so you know any purchases that you make tonight you get for free my proposal writing class okay so any of the purchases whether you go to you go to closed contracts for any of those and I'll leave them again any purchases in the next 72 hours from when we finish you will get for free my proposal writing class okay so we have the evaluation criteria the cover page or 1449 so the cover page is something you create on canva very simple easy peasy I showed you an example pricing they provided the sheet for you you include your profit in the pricing okay good good good good good that you got the book I'm loving that you got the book um q a you want to contact this is awesome glad you got it too and um um you want to call and ask them if they can inform you of the who won this before get the um oh good okay good good good I'm glad you all pre-ordered it okay well maybe what I'll do is just add the course and I'll probably just add the proposal writing course for free into the free for all the people who purchase the book maybe I'll do that who knows because all of you have done so much and I appreciate that um what did um hold on what did he say what do you think about basing my business and providing um Moses I'll address that here in a second well if if you're looking for a middleman the easiest way to build past performance is just winning or any kind of government contracts it's you winning okay it's you winning so um what was I going to say so we have the Q a you want to call and find out who had this in the past what was the contract number what was the evaluation criteria you want to find all of that out also because in case I'm sure you probably have it but in case you don't one of the greatest videos ever on middleman real life what does it take what goes into it somebody who's made over three million dollars in one year it's right there forty nine dollars that'd be a huge blessing okay good I'll probably just do that okay cool I'll probably just do that after all um so you would ask them those questions then what you would do is literally just create I'm going to show you so simple there we go okay all you would do is if you have a logo like you put your logo in the center so I'm just in a Microsoft Word document then what I'm doing is I'm going back to chat GPT and if you wanted to you could put you know a list of our clients include if you wanted to because they didn't ask you for that they didn't ask you for past performance or clients and then you could play around with this of course replace our company but that's it that's that's it that's all you have to do then once this is fine what you want to do is convert it to a PDF and it's saved as a PDF and we'll cover here in just one second what goes into the submission okay here I'll give you the link for the book just one second it's and I'll type it in here again so it's kizzy Shopping Network and thank you all for being here my name is Dr kizzy's part because he parks been awarded over 70 million government contracts and today we're talking about how to write a proposal middleman and with all purchases you will get free access to my proposal writing class not the templates and I'll ask you all for feedback but you'll get access to the class um oh just Lane what's up just laying you better you should vote you should bid on this just Lane just laying ship in on this okay so um let me answer your question so let's say there is a site visit what you would do is make sure you have the names and contact information of the people who are attending let them know about any thing they should rules regulations like they need to check in typically you can't have firearms on you um they need to have ID things of that nature and some of you may think like Firearms well I mean people could have firearms on their person in their car I didn't see anything about insurance I know I've been asked a couple times about insurance you would have to go through every document to see if you need any insurance so I don't see anything in there about that um Jason on the federal side they they're not going to want anything they shouldn't want anything handwritten on the federal Side Federal Government state and local is a little different okay so what you'll do just saying is you walk them through all of that um and you make sure they sign in and you also will give that information to the point of contact so you'll say Bobby Smith he's he's coming on behalf of me he's with uh cleaning clean right and because you want to have a record that they intended the cover page that I showed earlier in this live from one of my coaching students they had a requirement you could only bid if you attended the site visit and he had a company who attended so keep that in mind okay so evaluation criteria going back through what you need to bid lowest costs technically acceptable cover pager 1449 showed you example of that it's just a quick cover page off of canva on a white piece of paper simple simple pricing the government provided it for you all you have to do is type in your pricing and you save it as a PDF if you don't have Adobe Pro or anything like that you can easily find software online for free questions and answers is the next one so you want to ask reach out to the Contracting officer the point of contact and ask are there any incumbents who's incumbent what was the contract value that helps you with pricing and where we are and for those of you who are just joining or watching the replay we've magically made up prices okay so the whole front end of you calling three vendors and getting pricing or going online because there are websites you can go to to look up pricing for the sake of this video that magically already happened it's like cooking like we slice up the potatoes now we have french fries you're like what you know the magic of Television this is the magic of YouTube and the Detroit Lions so that's what we're working with right now next is any kind of amendment I didn't see uh let me double check on here to see if there are any amendments let's see what we're working with I don't see any amendments there are clauses here and it didn't state that you needed to fill any of these out but here's what's great never assume with the government never assume so feel free to contact Brandon Brandon Jones just remember Brandon's in New Mexico keep just be mindful of the time and just ask Brandon Jones hey um do you want a copy of my reps and certs and in case you're like what in the hell does that mean it's in your profile under your workspace that's where your reps and certs are located okay but you may not need to fill out any of them when it comes to a proposal you only give them what they ask for that's it when you go to McDonald's and you get a Big Mac or you go to wherever you eat do you get a five Big Macs surprise you got five I mean now don't get me wrong you know if the person is flirting with you you might get five but normally you're going to get a Big Mac and hopefully a Big Mac and now fish fillet and then you're mad because you're wanting a Big Mac and you got fish fillet hi uh new great got it our contractors expected to get emergency mandate meds is that needed I'm not really sure what you're referring to D we're talking this is a janitorial contract so just clarify what do we need the Clauses for so these Clauses this is a really good question and also did I answer your um profit question did that help and then with the the person who talked about McDonald's I'm assuming that's helpful but let me know because I never want to assume the Clauses will ask you and let's dig into them okay because you are the prime contractor so I want to clarify I use the term middleman because it's very popular but I want you all to understand you are the contractor so when you go to McDonald's somebody's providing those cups and the plates and the fries and the burgers and the sauces but it's McDonald's you're not dealing with sauce King in Louisiana again making this up okay making that part up so the same applies for you so you bear all of the requirements of this contract the term middleman has become really popular because people have won a couple contracts out there and now they believe they know exactly what you need to do that's why getting the um make more money approach getting David's video for 49 is the best way to go if you haven't already because he really breaks down what it takes to subcontract and to bring in over three million dollars a year doing so and I just show put the video here because regardless of whether it's janitorial it's illegally caught fish it's baby bottles it's training it's I.T you are the prime contract holder and then your subcontractors may be executing the work or your employees may be executing the work but you are responsible so no that's you're that's okay we're all good with math so okay I'll go over it so here's the deal we're all amazing here because remember the card we pulled fast period the fast period card represents a time of Rapid Financial growth and abundance so let's say based on my research it it's going to cost me four thousand dollars a month so I want a two thousand dollar a month profit so I'm putting in there that's not the grand total so I didn't do my math so every month it's six thousand dollars right so four thousand dollars would go out to for expenses two thousand dollars is mine so six thousand times twelve that would be seventy two thousand dollars hold on I gotta get in here seventy two thousand okay is that clear oh it stops sharing just a second it doesn't like that sheet I don't know what's up with that sheet but my computer is like we do not like that sheet okay so you see that so I I so four thousand is the number that they're being paid so that includes everything yeah I mean you definitely may want to get you can have liability insurance and get all of that I'm just letting you know what's based off of the requirement by all means we have all of that insurance all those kinds of things I'm just for bare bone basic that's how I'm looking at this so hypothetically it costs four thousand dollars all of your expenses four thousand dollars a month you have added two thousand dollars a month so that's six thousand dollars a month times twelve then what we did here is we did a thousand so that would be four thousand let's say two thousand it would be I mean yeah four thousand and then one would be two thousand and then you add all of that up eight ten eighty two thousand right it's a dollar sign but the reason it's so important to find out if there's an incumbent and if so what was the contract value is well what if the previous contractor they only charged thirty two thousand dollars a year and remember it's based on price right again I'm throwing out hypothetical numbers but this is how you would do it you take your number including all expenses you multiply it according to the sheet that they gave you and there you go that's it so just Lane make sure you bid on this I love David's video too if this video is amazing okay so that's that's how that works and then you would just simply type all of the numbers in here because this is a multiple Year award you can add usually the increased percentage is anywhere from two to five percent that you would add on top for every year that's what you would do and also I want to reiterate again um based on we didn't look at every document but it doesn't seem that re insurance is necessarily required however they did talk about you are responsible for any you're liable for anything that happens so yes definitely it's important to get insurance it typically is maybe a thousand dollars a year so there are different places that you can go to find the insurance so something to keep in mind but the thing is this if this contract doesn't require that you have it upon award then once you get your first payment you can get the the insurance or something of that nature the thing is I take the mentality of you have to do what you got to do if you're just starting out for those of you where you're more advanced or you have contracts or like this person is a former insurance agent I'm all about it I'm just sharing with you and I want you to understand how easy it really is to win a contract this the insurance is usually at the prime level it's up to you as the business owner if you want the sub to have it it's up to you yeah of course of course I'll send it to you jesling um so we had there were two primes that we've had where they required we had million dollar liability insurance it's up to you not every Prime has ever required that of us so again I want to reiterate this is when when we talk about middleman you hear a lot of noise you hear oh it's so this it's so that I want you to understand you are winning the contract and you are subcontracting it out or you're having people act as employees under you that's it that's that's all it is all kinds of companies do this all the time all of the time they do this Okay so um what kind of questions do you have and as you're doing that put in your questions here and I will look at these and I'm gonna I think glean those attachments how can a small business set aside subcontract a majority of the labor a labor a large company yeah I think I saw I think Daryl did you post that in the Facebook group too you can sub out whatever you want is about it's like here I know that there's some of you like what their services act and then there's these laws and rules it's your business yes there's the services act there like yeah you should in theory have people as employees or pay them ex I think it's 16 20 an hour that they're supposed to no I think it's 19 20. uh 16 20 an hour things of that nature yes you can sub out to a major company it happens all of the time happens all of the time what's vital is you as the business owners making sure the work is getting done you don't win this and say oh well New Mexico clean they're doing the work I don't know why you're calling me okay then you're not gonna that's you might as well not even be in this business think about Amazon the people with the blue vest how many of those people do you think work for Amazon if you think a lot of those people delivering your package work for Amazon type yes in the chat charvette charvette is the request for quote process basically the same pretty much the other thing I want to emphasize every opportunity is different there are janitorial opportunities where they ask you to talk about the products that you're going to use they ask you to give really in-depth responses to questions every opportunity is different I think through faith the grace of God that's why we picked the one that we picked today because we got the card a fast period you know JT you're right no these people don't work for Amazon it's the same for us they seem to work for Amazon they have the vest but it's no different than us what's key is you're not underpaying you're making sure the work is getting done you're adhering to the rules and regulations yeah they're subcontracted their Amazon business partners right code for what um Latoya said yeah it's wild so that's why when it comes to proposal writing and it's such a good deal for all of you who are purchasing today or you pre-ordered the book that you really dig deep into the proposal writing course when I put it in there it doesn't include templates and it will be sold at a higher value because the mistake that people make is oh I need a proposal I need to hire somebody I just need a proposal so this this take a look at this without going through this you might have put in past performance you might have put in a bunch of stuff you might have added a 75 profit and they're going to get this and be like next and you wasted all that time when in reality all you need a cover sheet a paragraph or two written by Chad GPT pricing and then ask them the questions about reps inserts and ask them the questions about who the incumbent is and the price that's it yeah I would say two to five percent because it's lowest cost technically acceptable right they're contracted people who work for Amazon contracted TSA contracted you all ready for this one firefighters in the space coast contractors thank you so much Rick triple seven Triple Eight so you know what and that's why I say a lot like you're the business owner you're the business owner I'm not going to come here and tell you what to do or what you shouldn't do I come from the perspective of I am an entrepreneur that's why we have law firms that's why we have accountants that's why we have like I have a chief of staff that's why it's important to leverage these professionals because it's easy for somebody who doesn't have a business I had I've worked in a call center for a really long time I should have addressed this in case you're like why she got a bowling mid on no I worked in a call center uh GSI Commerce has a different name now in Melbourne for a really long time I got carpal tunnel but I don't have nerve damage so but I wear this so a point is people who don't have businesses can easily say well this is what you need to do you have to follow this Rule and you have to do this and you have to do that and then and it's like okay thank you it's your business kizzy can you clarify during this process when you sign the NDA for a site visit there's no signing in NDA or anything for a site visit they're just going to the site visit like it's it's that simple it's truly that simple because you don't even know they don't even know if they even want to do the work what if they get there and they're like oh no so with my student whose cover sheet I showed you he had three companies go to the site visit two of them said nope it's too much we don't want to do the tree trimming so what if he would have signed documents with them it's waste of time and that's the point of the site visit is so then you get the Intel to decide do you want to bid and it gives you the opportunity to get them to know like and trust you because the more they know like and trust you then the more they're going to want to do work with you like on Jerica or even one of my other coaching students she just won a religious opportunity I can't stress enough those religious opportunities are easy to win and she just won one because she got the Contracting officer to know like and trust her so a proposal is what is needed to win it's the equivalent to I have my nail file in a retail shop I have my nail file on maybe Amazon right a proposal is the equivalent it's the equivalent to a brick and mortar it's equivalent to having an e-commerce store so that's cool that you have the site visit make sure you follow the rules you know play it by ear every site visits different I had another student go on a site visit and it seemed like it was really messy you know so also keep that in mind we're guests in their homes or guests in their homes so I'm going to answer some more questions this has been amazing I'm gonna do so much more in the um course for you but what did you guys think so far was this helpful like be honest with me helpful y'all better put yes okay was this helpful put yes if this was helpful in the chat if this was helpful if it if it really helped clarify and and show you fast period JT City girls time of Rapid Financial growth and abundance I just showed you a contract you still have a good I think 10 days 10 days 10 days watch on Jerica's video get revved up she did this she hadn't she did this you can do this too don't get caught up on this stuff don't get caught up on that I have a real question uh let's see okay great yeah I'll do more um okay hold on Vivian let me see what questions you have okay Vivian tell me what question you have so I can I'll answer their questions um here I'll put my email here but put the what question are you referring to I'm going to go back to the questions what a Vivian okay Vivian put yes up here I did post earlier as confused because I thought set a size or majority of the words is going to a big business was considered as a pass-through well a lot of things are considered pass-through but pretty much we're all small businesses so just to show you let me make sure it's sharing it's not it is not that's a small business set aside Janitorial due on the 13th so um you could theoretically subcontract to a large janitorial company okay let's see it's too Vivian it's a challenge still going on yes it's too Vivian okay I'm a little confused but just clarify for me foreign LLC is a challenge still going on yes um you gotta sign up for it anybody who buys anything today next 72 hours you get the free proposal class needed for other no no that's a good question Vivian no you you don't need any of that you only need that if you may need it if you're running payroll if you decide to employ the people like let's say you hire students to do this and you employ them then yeah you may have to do that typically you you don't always have to register your LLC you have to register with the state so um let me give you all the links because this kizzy Shopping Network I'm all about VIP VIP always better 297 and also sometimes I have Lori join she's our director of getting things done she is the master at getting additional money opportunities and just a whiz with people and I'm oof it's the way to get second money helps you cut through looking on Sam 97 if that fits your budget instead of two hours with me you get five hours and the recordings are available for 24 hours on the private Facebook Channel Facebook group the David video as it's been called 49 he breaks down exactly what it takes to do the middleman and you'll see he's bidding on things like paintings and art why because how many people are thinking about painting and art nobody that's why he's got three million anytime anytime Lori uh you're amazing oh you're so sweet and thank God for you and thank God for everybody here it's fast period that's our card for today City girl this is a JT she's my favorite oops I also have the starter kit for those of you who may be interested I have some big offers coming up I'm going to be doing a ton of webinars right get ready A lot's going to happen especially this is the end of the fiscal year this is also really important because it's the end of the fiscal year bye bye bye sell sell sell sell so this is the time to bid bid bid this is the time for that yes I'm so glad you got the gar the David video it's amazing he's amazing he's such a blessing I love David so much um thank you hold on not that one I love you I know I do I love JT I love her I love her she's probably like who is this Government Contracting lady with these beautiful curls obsessed with me so deep condition so it's not it's a little it's healthy though that's a good thing oh it's healthy today okay a teaming agreement versus yeah of course I can do that good because I want to get into questions and um I'll make sure just Lane I send you everything and I can't emphasize enough if you if you're watching this now or you're watching the replay don't forget the book at you get the free bonus order now and in the next 72 hours you get the bonuses um keep that in mind keep all of that in mind so here's the deal if you want to win a contract been on my opportunity okay watch this replay watch it so uh when Tony call them who's called them the fiscal year ends the end of September so we we have a few more days thank you thank you Denise okay so yeah just clarify Tony I would say email and call the point of contact I think just his emails there but call contact get in touch with point of contact excuse me a teaming agreement states that you guys are married you're getting married that we have agreed to basically be exclusive Partners on this opportunity that's what that means it's typically created before you respond to the opportunity and you can go to for some free documents they're on there I have to add well the email the independent independent contractor service agreement in the process of adding that but the documents are there so um oh of course I can offer I can replay or show show what I'm offering so today is a giveaway so it isn't anything new not yet so we have the VIP challenge for 297. any purchase that you make today in the next 72 hours you will get free access to my proposal writing course I just ask that you in return give me feedback also I you won't get templates with it but you'll get everything that you need it'll be nice and streamlined I also plan on doing a very detailed video on proposal writing so be on the lookout for that okay bam okay so any of the purchases you'll get the free course and for those of you who booked who purchased a book in the past I'll add that course when it's done uh Owen I would ask questions now this is the best time so my mom's love when you say on how to start I'm assuming you mean Government Contracting feel free to clarify how to start you need a cage code and you need to believe in what you do you have to believe and then you simply find an opportunity and you bid on it that's basically how it works correct the end date means it's done so I believe the end date it's September 13th at 5 pm Mountain Time so keep in that in mind oh good yeah I think it's good to take notes do all of that thank you um voter Pro yeah they are hidden is it appropriate to ask for a bid tabulation after the contract has been awarded it you can I you can ask for what's called a debrief say I'm writing to request a debrief I would like to know where my company fell in terms of pricing because remember this is lowest cost technically acceptable so they may say oh well you weren't the lowest cost they may just say that I mean when it's lowest cost they don't always give you a ton of feedback everyone's different OC after the questions period on the solicitation it depends uh sometimes they get mad sometimes they don't care that's why I say it depends you know for the longest and I want everyone to really take this in um I really want you to take this end take this in when I first started out over 15 years ago for those of you who maybe are just joining or you're like dang I know Dr kissy Park's been awarded over 70 million government contracts but when I started over 15 years ago I was told you only ask questions During the period that they list and you never contact them when the solicitation is live and you know you you can't do this and you can't do that it was a lot of like you can't then things started to happen like we formed a relationship with a government employee and he mailed me copies of training and he said that's what was used in the past can you do something better and I won contracts I was like wow this is interesting somebody mailed me something somebody worked at another company and they mailed me stuff about a proposal and I was like wow this is amazing you see that go Lions I don't know what Sphinx 706 is talking about but I do appreciate I appreciate you but you know we know okay so that's when I was like okay this isn't really as stiff and rigid as I thought and then people would tell me stories well before I started pumping out a lot of content I remember a woman contacted me and she's like yeah I was bidding on janitorial and I called the Contracting officer and I was like what she's like yeah and I was like when did The Proposal was live she said yeah and he gave me a copy of the last proposal and told me who won and the statement of work and I was like yeah that's how I felt I couldn't believe it and I see this time and time and time and time again and I'm like there's something to this now when it's a higher or medium risk opportunity that's a little different this is what I would call a low risk opportunity so um the fiscal year begins one October 1 October uh Ivy it it kind of slows down because they're they're waiting for their new budget we have a election year so there aren't as many opportunities and remember this opportunity that's due in 10 days is for five years so it's not going to be available again for five years so that's why this is a great opportunity state and local their fiscal year may be different I'm you'd have to research that I'm not as familiar with their buying periods as I am with federal government okay we got that I think no no not exactly pretty Beauty no not unless they ask and keep in mind there are times where they'll say like you can't subcontract so just keep that in mind if there's any more questions this is the time and as you're putting together questions this is kizzy Shopping Network providing you the greatest in products and services to help take your government contracting business to the next level so I'm putting all of these here just so that you are aware any Purchase made today right now and in the next 72 hours you will automatically get my free proposal writing course and all I'm going to ask for is some feedback might be a formal survey but I will ask for feedback you will not get proposal templates and the course will eventually go for sale and be hundreds or not thousands of dollars or be incorporated into something else so I just want to thank each and every one of you from the bottom of my heart for being here we started out fast period the fast period card represents a time of Rapid Financial growth and abundance okay this card indicates you have the opportunity to increase your income or make significant gains through wise Investments this is an amazing investment meaning investing in yourself bidding on something like that if this is of interest to you 297 is the five day challenge closed contracts for cash you get two hours with me an hour live where you can ask any questions that you want and then you get an additional hour um where we all come together and we go over five topics for five days and you get unlimited access lifetime to the class so that's the one I just shared for you Denise can I bid can I bid on anything uh uh that one's tricky so in the Angelica video that I have that was happening for her and she still won they still awarded her the contract if you decide to do that just realize you're taking a gamble that's it you know and so what happened for her she was able to expedite getting her cage code how can someone start small with Recreation Fitness it's literally you going into advanced search and you put in the next code to look so for instance we have an exercise physiologist who works for us at an Air Force Base typically a lot of it is products on Unison exercise equipment things of that nature um I know in the video that I have the um who I the gentleman who I interviewed he won two contracts for refereeing I think flag football and soccer so it's going to be things like that where your middle Manning your subcontracting you're sourcing someone to do it okay ah charvette I know what you think I forgot about you can you use past perform hell yeah you can unless it says you can't you definitely can and you can also use your past performance with private companies let's say you had experience cleaning for an office you can put that in there for five years I cleaned up 1900 building you definitely can do that as long as it says as long as it doesn't say otherwise okay let me see what we have all right thank you for everything good good good and I again I want to reiterate the ease not every single proposal is like that but I want you to see what is like that it is possible that's why you have that beautiful video with on Jerica and let me put that here again so you all can check that out uh let's see this is Albert I asked about completing the div application can I get help I am not a dibs person I don't like dibs and I'll just I'll go on my dibs thing so here's the deal I understand dibs and I actually helped out a gentleman with dibs because they suspended his dibs account because dibs is going to they're making sure that they're not um enrolling scammers so what's required with dibs is you give them all the information that they're asking for period but here's what I want to say if you are not going to use dibs and and sell the different products that they need and you can go on their website and see what they've been purchasing I wouldn't even waste time doing that why it's like setting up a Shopify store and you're like oh I'm not gonna really do it why I said that's why I do that no no need to do it but going back to divs in your question you just answer their questions simply just answer their questions what's key is you have a physical address and you're able to answer their questions I know they ask you questions like do you manufacture how are you getting the product where are you getting the products from just be open with them I am new to this I will Source the products accordingly I will follow all the rules and regulations I have a physical address all of that when submitting a bid for products what's the best way to determine your price point it's all based on the evaluation criteria that's why we started off with that if you are in a lead for contract this is regarding to Unison but you believe your numbers are wrong oh Maurice yeah I would contact them as soon as possible or edit them because you don't want to win and you end up with a loss what kind of contracts would a nurse look for it depends on what you're looking to sell I mean you could sell meat to bureaus of prison if you wanted so the question is what do you want to sell if you're looking just to sell medical a lot of the medical is Staffing and products I'm trying to I think it's Maurice again stop my bid because my numbers are wrong yeah I would call unison here I'll give you their number just a second there's units on call them on Tuesday they're probably not open on the holiday if I win a contract for products can I have the vendors ship their products to their Africa yeah yeah you definitely can you definitely can you definitely can again I appreciate every one of you the biggest takeaways to to bring this all together the card for today's fast period JT City girls it's only hard if you say it's hard it's easy when you say it's easy and especially right now we just went over an amazing opportunity for janitorial work that you could you could totally win you could pick up you could get this work okay so are every upper as each and every opportunity like that of course not is this what you do for every proposal of course not every single opportunity is different but the basics evaluation criteria cover page 1449 pricing q a the deadlines amendments reps inserts and how to submit those are the Bare Bones basics so I want you to realize listen you can be the next on Jerica you can be the next Brandon you can be the next Steve Dixie as well people I interview you can be the next Leilani you can be the next you because you are you and you're amazing or else you wouldn't be here okay so Jason's like the city girls are killing me why I know why they killing you they're going to take your wallet but back to the next thing manifesting is always a strong no yeah that's right keep on swimming okay you're making me fall in love with govcon oh I love gocon I think it's a great thing I mean they always pay you know there's um how do you know if you can sub you just assume I mean listen here's the thing I speak from my experience of being in this space for 15 years I'm not sharing this because I took a course or I did somebody's Challenge and I won ten thousand dollars in contracts for a hundred thousand dollars and so I'm just gonna sell you some advice to pay my bills I'm sharing from experience you can sub unless they say you can't yes Moses yes I do well I live full-time in Miami Beach GPO yeah government publishing office um oh here oh put it in medical products from my experience oh we're talking about two different things Denise sorry you're talking about GPO group purchasing yeah I've heard of them okay how do I look up past solicitation awardees you would go on you can go on FP let me give you a link let me show you guys just give me a second so you can go in here and make sure you all can see this you can go in here and you can type in a nakes you can type in the key terms you can type in the cage code the other way is you ask you ask the point of contact is there an incumbent if so what is the contract number and contract value you call email and ask uh uh I'm not a huge fan of USA spending I think it's just me I prefer finding out the pricing of the previous contract is what I typically like to do that's what I like using I also like gov tribe that's just me but they're they're really great resources though this is not to knock them it's just not my preference and I'll go back up to the question nudists where can I start with Government Contracting get a cage code you're definitely going to be somebody I interview of course hear me stop sharing can you small can you clarify for the subcontracting I just don't want to get in any legal trouble you won't get into any legal trouble the people get into legal trouble that piss off some agency and for okay first and foremost I don't know anybody who's ever got into legal trouble with subcontracting I know of people who got into legal Contra legal well they didn't get into legal trouble they got fined because of their accounting system because they had issues with dcaa audits but um people get into trouble with their contracts when they say well this company won by that's when they get in trouble or they just act a fool that's when they get into trouble that's because they did something illegal we're not talking about like I mean they straight up committed fraud you know like Jason put about Jonah Hill uh so yeah you can sub to a big company we're doing that right now we're subcontracting to a billion dollar company good good good anytime anytime okay so with all that because this is kizzy Shopping Network y'all don't forget give you the best in products and services take your company in the next level so you can find Bid and Win profitable contracts that's what this is about I don't want you to have to go through the 10 years it took me to figure stuff out I don't want you to do that at all so any purchase you make today in the next 72 hours I was watching the replay restream you will receive access to my proposal writing course for free does not include templates and I just ask in return for feedback so I can make it the best thing ever can you come up with your own offer to sell the government yes people do it all the time they usually use a white paper they'll or they'll have people learn of something they'll hire a lobbyist to push some agenda happens all the time all of the time yep where the love for the I don't know about that Sean I don't know I mean love for the felons in the sense of love for humankind War Dogs was off the chain but it's definitely required viewing if if any of you haven't watched war dogs I suggest you watch the movie War Dogs but yeah these are great great questions great points um trouble also for not pairing up set-asides uh it can be yes yes Vivian there can be troubles if um like if you if you subcontract 100 to a big company there could be troubles they like when it's small to small there's also some situations on the service disabled veteran owned is they like if the sdv somehow sometimes they'll say an sdv OSB set aside can only sub to another sdb OSB so that's why it's important to read every single attachment because every opportunity is different there could be a similar janitorial opportunity for the VA and they may say you can only sub to an SUV OSB right you never know or that you have to provide all the supplies and the opportunity we went over you didn't have to provide anything they gave it all to you it's amazing so these are important things to be aware of so don't forget theme fast period we are here to take full advantage of the fourth quarter I appreciate every single one of you I appreciate um all of the purchases um that you all have made I was just looking at my phone and I really really truly appreciate everything you've done everything that you're doing everything you're going through because it's getting you closer to your goal and just realize it's happening fast what we say becomes okay so it's happening fast it's gonna happen fast for you so um I'll keep you all up to date as good I'm glad you watched War Dogs it's great it was funny and educational [Music] um which package can I opt in on the links I would say get the seven dollar thing to start out and I would get my book at I mean personally I think you had everything but um I would just start there and it's all based on your budget don't do anything crazy this isn't you know this is a journey is it more lucrative to cast a wide-net bit on several types via the middleman or do you pers um suggest picking a niche I don't know it's it's really up to you it's hard to answer that like we were really cleaning up on religious opportunities and if that was something we really just wanted to pursue we probably could win another five of those um so once you have a few wins you can take that Monopoly approach when it comes to certain opportunities I personally like a wide net because each opportunity is different I like the diversity you have to do what works best for you because middleman is just another term for subcontracting and Outsourcing that's all it is that's all it really pertains to what's key is you have multi multiple year multi-year contracts you have ongoing revenue and don't have a ton of one and done efforts one and done is oh they fixed the floor right because you're going to need a lot of that to have ongoing Revenue it's like okay I sold 10 nail files right so you it's like okay now what so um sometimes having the wide net will buffer that it's it's up to you it's up to you you can call here let me give you their number because they want to help you they're really nice people you go over that in your course how do you create your offer oh there we go um we go over what people are interested in it depends on what so there's many things that I offer so in yes yes I go over this okay cool Timothy Tim that's another one another Superstar Tim another Superstar you can get them those million dollar contracts you need that hook up with that Indian owned so yeah I'm so grateful to each and every one of you and love all the comments I think I got to everybody's question don't forget any purchases made tonight within 72 hours you get the free proposal writing have a glorious glorious glorious evening a pre um I appreciate you and I want you all to acknowledge yourselves for spending your amazing valuable time learning and bettering yourself because it's fast fast period you know city girls JT you know don't worry one day she's gonna be in my video with me y'all can be like no she's not yes she will I'm a manifested I love City girls I love city girls don't play with me don't play with me okay y'all um do you go over how to make an offer yeah yes kizzy Shopping Network all day every day yeah I adore each and every one of you also here let me give you this to close yeah I will don't worry when the time is right I got a lot of stuff to do so I'm not going to be able to I'm a Manifesto I'm gonna put it out there but if you haven't already join the Facebook group make sure you answer the questions in there um so I appreciate you appreciate each and every one of you okay y'all remember everything is possible hit like hit subscribe hit the notification button good I'm glad you're hitting your first you submit your first bid no you all are a jewel yeah yeah you will be you're gonna be on the interview there's no reason y'all every single one of you um can't be on an interview I just speak it I speak at Moses I just speak it I don't I I have a I have things hanging up but you know she yeah we'll make it work um I don't know grateful and John I love you I don't know I want to do a kissy News Network but I was I want to wait until the SBA provides the update on the a day and I was hoping I would find some information about that but um I don't know and I might go Thursday night while I'm in Chicago I just I I really I just don't know okay and just Lane I'm gonna send you that information and you ping me so we can work on it okay yeah no I would benefit from meeting her I'd be honored to meet her she's a very talented woman I love city girls and the reason one of the main reasons I like city girls is because in a very short amount of time they were signed and I also like city girls because you didn't really see Duos like that right it was always like a single female rapper and then they came out and was like whoa and then when JT went to jail young Miami she had to step up and do what she had to do and it didn't take away from their shine so don't get me started I love rap I love hip-hop I love music and I love people who persevere okay y'all all will be on here there's no reason you can't be on here when when something and you're on here you're I'll interview you okay bye y'all I'm out anyways let me stop everything is possible y'all everything is possible just like you're you're a blessing okay bye y'all I know no and then we're gonna talk about that
Channel: Kizzy Parks
Views: 54,113
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: E6nWP1Zmejo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 127min 51sec (7671 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 04 2023
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