Freddie Highmore on Being Pushed into a Broom Closet at a Talk Show & We Test His Medical Knowledge!

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our first guest tonight started acting when he was still learning to tie his shoes now he's a graduate of pretend TV medical school in a sixth season of the good doctor you can watch it Monday nights here on ABC please welcome Freddie Highmore [Music] [Applause] pretty good to have you here and I'm going to tell the audience a little something about you because you're very polite you're very friendly and before on Friday you knew you were coming here Monday he sent me a nice little email saying hey I'm looking forward to seeing you on Friday and no one's ever really looking forward to seeing me so I appreciated that I do look forward to seeing I also just look forward to the backstage it's the best setup back there I mean it's lovely did you send the backstage an email too I send them several no I mean you've got the bar set up I mean I've done other shows where it's definitely been more challenging back there yeah where it's not as yeah some of them are it's like um it's like being um like a prison at an amusement park sometimes right yeah I mean you responded for example to my email which is very lovely of you but other people some hosts don't even want to interact is that right with the guests please let tell me more oh no I'm really just like revealing too much what happened what'd they do to you show me on your body the bruises have now gone um there was I'm gonna avoid trying to trying to avoid saying the name oh okay this host doesn't like seeing guests beforehand and so I was coming backstage with a couple of the producers and they looked up and they saw the host at the end of the corridor and they were really really scared and they grabbed me and threw me into the next door that was right there by the hallway and it was a broom closet a dark room closet and I was there for about a minute and they would like these sort of Secret Service agents on their phone like I'm always are we clear are we clear have they gone if they're gone can we can we bring them out terrified you were stuck into a closet and then just walked out as if nothing happened um so so this is a much more pleasant way of spending time thank you for being a decent human wow Kathy Lee Gifford did that to you close that's terrible I'm sorry to hear that well it's yeah that's really weird and then you didn't mention it when you came out on the show I'm not sure if they knew right the host might not have even known I haven't I haven't said to this person I did I thought it was not a good moment it was probably nice to see you I was just put in a broom closet yeah I mean my initial inclination was to let the host off the hook but if everyone's that scared probably that's something else's fault yeah all right oh well boy well let people figure it out they're gonna be now going through your IMDb and seeing which shows you did exactly you shoot the good doctor up in Vancouver or where a lot of TV shows are are shot is there like a TV show after Community up there that you're a part of we have a lovely group on the show on your show um I guess with that for nine months there I feel like I don't see that many people because you're up there working though they're working and just moved out this uh yeah this last weekend where do you move to you go back to England so I go back to England and you never quite know at the end of the show if you're coming back for another season and so I moved all of my stuff into storage is that something you do every single end of every season most seasons I have really um and most seasons I make the mistake of not getting someone to help me and I just try and do it all on my own is that true I'm not a moving Man Jimmy I'm I don't have the truck I've got like a little rental car I don't even have one of those wheelie things to put the boxes on so I just take them down one by one and put them into the car and then head back up it takes me all day every nine months you do this after I sent you the email I just did that oh is that right for a full weekend why isn't anyone around to help you I guess what's the biggest thing you're moving well the biggest one this time the issue was the exercise bike okay this was a new purchase this season and it didn't fit in my car and it's too heavy to just carry yeah right so I had to wheel it through the streets of Vancouver to get to my storage locker you wield a stationary bike well you know it's got like there's there's two wheels on one side so you can like lift it up yeah it's heavy so you can't lift the whole thing so I got it down outside the apartment and then it was raining and I hadn't detached the screen so I took my coat off and like covered the screen up to protect it and people are looking like what is this guy doing you know is he stealing is he is he trying to pretend that it's not a bike and it's like another human that's just coming along for the ride um and so I keep on going I get it halfway across the first Crossing and there's this huge snap and one of the wheels has come off and I look up and it's just rolling away into the gutter so now I'm down to just scraping one of the wheels and like sort of wobbling around and someone stops me finally and is like are you okay what's happened to you and I said oh no being very British talk about the weather it's just raining it's not too bad I do this all the time it's part of the exercise I enjoy it it's it's just you know really does it for me and they said oh okay um I do like your shows and maybe you should just stick to that I said Thank you and I thought that was the end of it and then she came back very kindly and very honestly and said well it's not actually me who watches the show it's my boyfriend and he watches it every night to fall asleep so I guess it's good for the ratings as long as people tune in yeah but that is you know that's a great tip for people I think especially when you're in a uh you're in Peril is what you were in when you're exercising bike is going one way and the other way there's no need to be so honest it's like I watch the show and then leaving is just great no need to double back and explain just want you to know I don't watch the show my husband watches it and it knocks him out cold it's been the last time you were here you'd just been married yes and I remember you telling me you felt weird saying my wife right it is a little odd are you still are you over that now it's just that's I get I'm used to the ring like I don't really play around with it yeah yeah right start you're constantly fiddling it and yeah um yeah that sounds okay um but but yeah my wife it's still still a little odd it's odd is it odd for her to say my husband no I think she's just got used to it she got used to it yeah can you come up with something else like you know well you can't say like my lady friend that's not um people say but then it feels like you're in business together exactly if you've got any other ideas then you know maybe just use your name that's probably the best way to go this is yes and then shove her into a closet in case you get really Freddie Highmore is with us to show the good doctors he doesn't want his tumor removed so I don't know what there is to discuss given the tumor's impact on his frontal lobes he might not be competent to make that decision I don't think I'm confident to be a doctor so oh no just to be a neurosurgeon the surgery should give Kurt about 20 more years let's recap 20 more years as a bad father versus one year is a good father there is no medical justification Sean yes there is there's an emotional one there's an emotional issue your voice is getting louder and your face is flushed are you upset that is you've been doing the show I was singing about it now typically medical school is like four years and then you have like I don't know between three and however many years of residency yeah so you're almost like a doctor now after six seasons right I should be yeah you should yeah I'll say yes yeah I wanted to test that do you like do you think if somebody was uh needed uh let's say CPR could you administer that properly I know what it is [Laughter] you know how much pressure there is like if you were to Save a Life it would be fantastic but if you were to watch someone die because you couldn't do the simple Night Fever they were staying alive thing yeah staying alive that's the one you'd be mocked for the whole rest of your life but um what we have here are some medical instruments and I'm wondering if you can now this one is pretty obvious you know what this is right yeah that's the stethoscope that is a stethoscope correct is it going to get progressively more difficult you know what these are these scissors well oh look here you can hold it you see what that is that kind of blunt scissors it starts with an H uh I know what that is see if we didn't we didn't do this one you really are the doctor you don't use it I think maybe it's a different one in the UK we have a different medical assistant oh excellent does that sound familiar now no not at all I'll take it back and try and use it next season oh now this doesn't necessarily have like a particular name but do you know what this they you do with this yes I do know that one what's that one you um you shove it into the chest and then you crank it open to do to get dig in your tools in like a hemostats the spreader that's exactly right a red stripe love them do you know this that looks like some people clearly know what it is [Music] it looks like a kind of kitchen tool for like making bread or um you could use it in the kitchen a gun I mean obviously it looks somewhat threatening when you point it towards me like that but this is a caulking gun this has no medical use whatsoever I mean I guess it could have some weird medical use but no this is for like um if your bathtub is leaking all right okay geez I don't even know what okay let's see what's on there um that's for the ears to inspect the ears you know what it's called oh oh to scope that's exactly right you seem genuinely surprised that I got that one reason you didn't get hemostat I had no hope for horoscope what is this that's the bone scraper close enough and finally let me get one more oh okay you know what this is and you know what this is for I know it seems like something you do in your own time [Applause] yeah yeah you're not wrong is it is it is it to share no it's not for sexual um it's not no it's not sexual no I mean I no it's not really exciting I'm still newly married so we haven't needed test wow for your wife this is called an orchidometer and what this is this is so doctors can put a numerical assign a numerical size to the human testicles okay so yeah vaguely coupling so what a doctor would do is give a little squeeze and then squeeze over here to figure out if you're a 15 or a 20 or a by God maybe even a 25. please give these to your wife [Applause] some news next time [Music] I feel like what we've learned is that television is pretend right the good doctor he's not really a doctor everybody if you are in need of medical help do not call Freddie Highmore but watch his show Monday nights 10 o'clock here on ABC thank you Freddie repeat foreign
Channel: Jimmy Kimmel Live
Views: 642,421
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jimmy, jimmy kimmel, jimmy kimmel live, late night, talk show, funny, comedic, comedy, clip, comedian, mean tweets, Interview, Hollywood, Los Angeles, West Coast, Celebrity, Actor, Freddie Highmore, The Good Doctor, ABC, Vancouver, Spin Class, Stationary Bike, UK, TV Doctor, Medical Equipment, Broom Closet, Marriage
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 16sec (796 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 18 2023
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