Fred West's Brother Reveals How He Became A Gruesome Serial Killer | Fred And Rose | Absolute Crime

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foreign Mysteries of the past Century how did Fred and Rose West become Britain's most prolific and sadistic serial killing couple they derive so much pleasure sexual and otherwise from the pain of others at their height they murdered a girl every three months claiming at least 12 victims but how did the evil begin it was suggested that his mother told him when he was 12 you know now YouTube grown up you could have sex with me there's evidence Rose also suffered sexual abuse as a child we have incest here we have incest being repeated through the generation in their first in-depth interview Fred's own family cast new light on the couple I always thought she was possessed with the Devil but was Rose's lack of morality caused by shock ECT therapy given to her mother when Rose was in her womb ECT at this time was still fairly brutal and did the head injuries Fred suffered as a teenager distort his personality his dad said he didn't seem to think that he was the same person with so many girls and young women disappearing how did Fred and Rose get away with murder for so long the police never particularly joined up the dots Social Services never particularly joined up the dots this is the dramatic account of how Fred and Rose met and became killers what was it in the backgrounds of Fred and Rose West that spawned them as killers much of Fred's childhood was spent in the west Country Village of much Markle we grew up in the countryside amidst the sort of the muck and beauty of the countryside the mud and the flowers it's a very very beautiful place and the local church is where the wests have been baptized and married and buried for Generations Fred's parents were Walter A Farm laborer and Daisy who'd been in domestic service the West were essentially the rural poor so we're not talking about people who are well educated I don't think Fred's father could even read and write and they live in a tide Cottage on a farm when we were smaller our water used to get pumped up from the farm up into a big tank at the back of those you're running so toilet but there was no bathroom so we used to Bath in front of the fire on a sudden you know but something obviously went very very wrong behind closed doors something very odd starts to happening something's very dark and sexual and perverse Fred was born in 1941. he was followed by three brothers and three sisters Fred wasn't the first child there was a child before Fred Violet who died in infancy and then Fred came along and Fred was Daisy's first born child that lived and he was her favorite Fred would paint an impression of his mum being a rather formidable character who would shoot rats for instance and discipline the children she also defended her eldest in disputes years later Rose would fit this role model Daisy provided Fred with a backdrop of powerful females that you must appease but that may protect you and provide for you Fred's farmyard background also brought him into regular contact with blood and Slaughter claimed it had to Slit the throat of the family's Pig but his family say that was Pure Fantasy he never killed a pig in his life because if locally was the pig killer he used to work with Dad on the farm and that was it none of us touched any of that in his most serious allegations Fred blamed his parents for his Twisted attitude to sex Fred said in interviews with the police at various stages in his life his dad had had sex with underage children girls and that Dad took the view that this was acceptable behavior he also claimed his father had introduced him to bestiality that his father had actually taught him to have to have sheep also it suggested that his mother told him when he was 12 you know now you're tired of your grown up you've got to have sex with me I suspect that there was a lot of shame in the family and it's perfectly possible that those early experiences would have led Fred West to want to get his own back to shame others in the way that he may have been shamed within this family but Doug West agreed to appear in this program partly to deny all allegations of abuse I can sit here and tell you that is not true because none of us was ever abused anyway by anybody I mean as far as Mom and Fred and that Anonymous well that's just Fantasy by somebody well the allegation came from Fred himself he said that yeah well we all know what he fantasize he is don't we from earlier about the pig Rose brought up 150 miles away at Northern in Devon had 15 years of turbulent childhood before she met Fred Jillian job than a Child live next door would you say theirs was a happy house no definitely not never saw no laughter going on here no they went to school they were home and they were in occasionally you saw him in the garden just sort of walking around not playing I don't know if they had any toys when then Rose's mother called Daisy like Fred's mother had married a man called Bill lets Rose was the youngest daughter among seven siblings from the start of his marriage before Rose was born Bill was a tyrant I know you are you are to eat surely you're right just get on with your jobs and do a good job he would run his finger along those Ledges to see if there was dust and so forth and he would always find something then he would smash the kitchen out beat his wife the children were beaten up here he didn't tell his wife he'd been diagnosed as schizophrenic in childhood get downstairs he wants through one daughter downstairs and banged ahead of another against a wall we're already together are you all against me now are you when Daisy intervened he threw boiling water over her one day their neighbor Jill took Rose's older sister Joyce down to the seafront we were always out here anyway playing riding horses swimming in the sea this is the road here every time and you're looking back into the village there and we came out we brought Joyce with us and when we went back home um she had the hiding of her life poor girl and she was hose piped down in the backyard Lots shouting and screaming and I remember my mum saying to me and listen you've caused this don't ever take her again for which you didn't know in 1953 Rose's mother Daisy entered a deep depression she was eight months pregnant with rose but this didn't prevent doctors from giving her brutal electroconvulsive therapy [Music] could Rose West's personality have been damaged before she was even born in 1953 15 years before Rose's fateful meeting with Fred her mother Daisy was given ECT for depression Daisy was eight months pregnant with rose in ECT at this time was still fairly brutal electrodes were clamped to Rose's mother's skull and a current passed through her brain Rose was probably affected the damage may have been mental but the genetics from a cold withdrawn schizophrenic father and a mother who is depressed would probably outweigh the damage Rose was born on the 29th of November 1953 she was this absolutely beautiful child with these great big eyes and dark glossy hair she was known as dozy Rosie and as a child would rock herself physically backwards and forwards as if um she wasn't quite right in their head at school she quickly fell behind and was teased she found it very very hard to mix with her peer grew and she was held down here and she was kind of quite friendless and bullied at school her father showed a surprise affection for his youngest daughter she has the singular quality in the family of not being knocked about by her dad and this leads to a suggestion that there was something sexual developing between father and daughter many have suggested this lay at the root of what followed to abuse others to control others to hurt others to see others in pain is all she knew as a child and that would be normalized Rose played in a world of her own cutting up sheets to make clothes for dolls children who've been severely traumatized repeatedly to manage that experience often dissociate [Music] Rose they go off into another place a place of safety so they often appear as though they're not quite there they're a bit dozy Rose was protected by her father so she learned how to manipulate to get what she wanted she knew she had to have an older man as a protector it would be another decade before Rose met Fred West 12 years older than her and a willing protector by 1956 Fred was 15 and had left school with the reading and writing age of a seven-year-old he was working on a farm at much Markle in herefordshire nearby at ledbury the market house was a magnet for teens Fred had realized he could attract girls if he's cropped up his appearance and came here often with his brother John he totally reject the lad now he he enjoyed life first time I remember Fred was when used to go to dances and I used to go to the girls were looking at him but Fred was already developing the crude approach with young women he'd adopt in future it's not a kiss and a kind of chat up and let's go out let's go to the pictures it's grabbing a girl for sex he was also a coward he wasn't a man who had confrontations with other men you wouldn't defend himself the John was just opposite he'd be in and deaf and then you'd know about it but fed would never did that's why you can never understand that we was like he is Fred loved motorbikes and age 17 he bought one he did look after the bike he cleaned it on a weekend and he he took a pride in his bike but one evening when he was riding home a girl was cycling in the opposite direction [Applause] the girl had cut some bruises but Fred came off far worse these were the days before compulsory helmets Fred skull and many other bones were shattered for seven days he lay unconscious in Hereford Hospital Dr Keith Ashcroft is an expert in the impact of brain damage on criminal Behavior if we consider a force acting on the front part of the head then the energy would transmit through the brain causing damage because the brain is actually a jelly-like substance and what would be interesting to note would be if there is any damage to the orbital frontal cortex which is involved in impulse control and emotional decision making this is one of the main areas of the brain implicated in psychopathy giving rise to very serious offending behaviors such as what happened with Fred West many around Fred felt he changed after the accident Dan said like he didn't seem to think that he was the same person well the same personality then he now had a limp Long John Silver and they were the first signs of the aggression which would later lead to many murders with rose but she was still nine years away in 1960 aged 18 Fred met another girl prepared to listen to The Tall Tales he now used as shut up lines he could have buried me or anything and I I came back to life no I'm being serious I came back to life Rena Costello a 16 year old from coatbridge near Glasgow came from a broken home and had been in court and sent to Boston she was now staying with relatives in England this is quite typical actually of the women who fall into Fred's orbit they were suited actually as a match because they're both tear aways they were all together you couldn't separate them she has a low self-image self-worth she allows herself to be used by men and this is all part of what is exciting to Fred but Fred grew jealous they argued and after a few weeks she returned to Scotland with Rina gone Fred turned his attention to other girls almost immediately it landed him in trouble he tried to presented the girl Spirit went up his fire escape she knocked him back down them he fell 10 feet onto concrete and was knocked unconscious once again he was taken to hospital in Hereford with brain damage in Devon Bill lets his mental condition had grown worse rumors of his sexual interest in young girls had led to hostility so he moved his family to Bishop's cleave in gloucestershire Rose was now just 20 miles from Fred he entered adolescence and became highly sexual she would be walking around the house naked or parading in front of her father Rose now reacted aggressively if bullied earning a fearsome reputation if her younger brothers were attacked she'd protect them she began to unleash that pent-up aggression that over the years had probably been built into her by the comments and ridicule from others [Music] 15 and just months from meeting Fred Rose took a job which brought her into contact with older men serving at a roadside snack bar she was frequently seen emerging from cabs after having sex with them she was looking for someone who was older more in control more powerful police were called to investigate one older man who had sex with her but no charges were brought in the Autumn of 1960 Fred West in hospital with head injuries regained Consciousness after 24 hours those around him saw changes in both his appearance and behavior it becomes even more sexually active but sex was something to be taken from a person these changes Echo the classic case used in Neuroscience to show how a head injury can lead to increased aggression Phineas Gage was a railway construction worker in the 19th century he was well respected very nice guy an explosive blasted a three feet metal tamping iron through the left side of his cheek up out of the top of his head he appeared conscious and recovered quite well but in fact his behavior changed dramatically from a very presentable guy so to one who's irascible aggressive lying cheating we assume that we have the control of our Behavior but in fact in some instances our behavior is completely biologically determined in the years after the accident Fred showed clear signs of the perverted sexual behavior that came later 61 age 19. it emerged not only had he been having sex with a 13 year old girl but she was pregnant the reason why he's interested in younger girls is partly because that's who he can seduce people who would be his own age or Superior to him would be repulsed by him the police were called it seems by his testimony at the time that he'd been raping this girl for several months his responses were revealing no problem with that well I'm sorry but I've got a problem with that I don't know what I mean everyone does that no I'm sorry Daisy his mother was outraged by this the family knew the girl in question and Fred had to leave home but the trial at harryfordshire resizes in November 1961 collapsed the 13 year old refused to give evidence and Fred was released there was no formal monitoring by the authorities no sex offenders register police knew that here was somebody who was a pedophile you do get a sense in which a number of people in positions of authority had intervened and could have been intervened further a short time after the court case Rina Castello Fred's former girlfriend walked back into his life it was 1962 she was now two years older had dyed her hair blonde and had been working as a prostitute in Glasgow Fred's excited by prostitution and repelled by it he excited by women who would do what he wants but he's also kind of disgusted by them so there's some misogyny going on but also lust in Glasgow Rina had broken up with a nation bus driver after becoming pregnant with his child she traveled to England took a job as a waitress at ledbury in gloucestershire and met up again with Fred her unwanted pregnancy excited him at work he wanted to perform an abortion look you've got a little problem oh you've got to let me sort it for you I don't know this would have fitted into his sadistic sexual approach to females they were objects for his pleasure and his pleasure might not just include sex but the invasion of their body with objects at the time abortions were illegal Fred took Rina to nearby woods and tried to abort the baby but they were spotted the police were called and he had to stop Reno decided to keep the child and weeks later in ledbury they married it's a quick ceremony there's one photograph taken and years later when Rina went missing this was the missing poster photograph where is Rina they moved to rina's Hometown just outside Glasgow where the baby was born Fred was now married to a woman who'd had another man's daughter she called her Charmaine Fred immediately took against the baby [Music] Rina returned to prostitution with an instant impact on her sex life with Fred he would suddenly grab her and demand to have sex and this sex is really essentially rape and it would be very short and he often couldn't perform sexually as time went on he found it harder and harder to get excited sex became fetishized and one of the fetishes was that the women he slept with were sleeping with other men but outwardly they pretended everything was fine Fred took Rina and Charmaine to see his family in much Markle that was it it was the family reunion because nobody met her not as his wife until then Fred dreamed up a number of stories to suggest he was leading a glamorous life in Scotland and there are all sorts of strange elements to this fictional life of Freddie Glasgow one of which is that he's mixed up in organized crime and one is that he's a pimp running prostitutes he boasted at the silk shirts he said he normally wore not today obviously I thought that was a bit Posh for much Markle [Music] the truth was very different Fred ran an ice cream van he found it the perfect way to meet the young girls he remained obsessed with but as we reveal for the first time he was about to find out what happened to pedophiles in the violent slums of Glasgow [Music] the goebbles in Glasgow was Notorious in the early 60s as a gang-controlled slum area it was here Fred West had his ice cream round bringing him into contact with many teenage girls the goebbles was home at the time to writer Colin McFarlane who was then aged 10 and remembers Fred clearly it was very very rough at the time so for a little Englishman to arrived at an ice cream van it was a completely incongruous thing to do Colin and his young mates were Fred's customers one day Colin witnessed Fred's temper he wanted to go around that he had a sort of Fascination for girls of age 12 or so there you go two singles all right any more of that and I'll brought you with it all right all of a sudden I just realized I was perhaps looking into the eyes of a potential murderer in 1964 Fred's wife Rina gave birth to their daughter Anne-Marie Fred doted on her in sharp contrast to his treatment of his stepdaughter Charmaine Fred wasn't at all nice to Charmaine no you can't have an ice cream you'll ruin your tea now get out of here and she was bullied and abused and locked up and knocked about and just treated like a like you wouldn't treat a dog from day work Rina knew Fred had been unfaithful and began an affair of her own with bus driver John McLaughlin Fred found out what's going on here then eh yeah he punched Rina and slashed John McLaughlin with a knife get on one side after that he stayed with Rina but became increasingly controlling towards her and the girls he took on a Nanny named Isa McNeil who was shocked to see how the girls were treated Charmaine is sleeping in a bunk bed at this stage and Fred builds a slatted cage around it so she's in a sort of a prison cell through Isa another girl entered Fred's life McFall was in her mid-teens and from a broken family like so many of the girls who would later become a victim of the wests Fred found her attractive but before any relationship developed his spell in Scotland came to an abrupt halt [Applause] [Music] in 1965 he run over and killed a four-year-old boy no charges were brought but local people were angry and until now it's been thought this is what drove Fred away from Scotland but writer Colin McFarlane recalls local people were already angry with Fred over his fascination with young girls foreign power on the streets of the Gobles lay with the feared razor gangs if you had a complaint of it the suspected pedophile you could actually approach the gang members who would sort them out for you Colin remembers how one day a senior gangster turned up where Fred had his ice cream round yeah sin that we've read about and I said no it hasn't been around for a couple of days he says well we are looking for him he'll let us know won't you the gangster promised young gang members that anyone who did Fred in would be rewarded minutes later Fred appeared the guy he saw him and that was a chance they were they all ran towards the van these big knives and razors Fred saw this panicked and sped off Fred Rina and the children fled South and in 1966 moved into a caravan not far from much Markle he was now just 12 miles from where Rose was growing up in Bishop's cleave Fred took a job with Macabre links to What followed Fred was used to the gruesome activities of a farmyard he reveled in them so his choice for working in an abattoir was not that strange he would learn how to dispose of animals their death and the skillful ways we will remove sinew from bone and release that bone from the rest of the carcass that actually is what Fred later did to human beings it was a fate which would befall two out of three women who approached the Caravan one day that June Fred's relationship with Rina was still rocky and she'd been spending time away in Scotland she came back with Isa the former Nanny and Anna McFall the 16 year old he'd found attractive they all moved in together Fred's existence in the Caravan with six people crammed in that would have intensified his sense of territoriality right I'm off to work you don't go wandering off right I was saying it will be stay here right he became increasingly violent increasingly demanding towards Rina he wanted to know what she was doing every second of the day at the same time Fred and Anna became close she'd longed for him to come back from the abattoir despite his often dark moods it's in the oven and I comes home starving he was increasingly ready to slap Rina I told you shut up Rina ranaisa secretly Drew up a plan to escape when Fred was supposed to be at work rina's former lover John turned up with a mate to rescue them but possibly tipped off by Anna Fred surprised them what's going on here you get back tomorrow yes [Music] you're not going anywhere with that Fred although he's show nothing but cruelty towards Charmaine he wants to keep the kids he's very possessive of his children throughout his life she's not staying here with you you show your face around here again and I'll kill you Rina escaped leaving Fred with the children and Anna McFall she became Fred's lover but at 16 struggled to cope with his children Fred has happened often put the children into care then brought them home again but Social Services didn't intervene the fact that he kept moving his children in and out of care should it should have raised the Lambos but on the other hand there were reasons in terms of his own personal life and where he was living that probably objectively he couldn't have looked after them on his own so in that sense there's some sort of logic in it it's the amount and the frequency that's the problem later that summer Rina returned to confront Fred and claim back her daughters how do you miss me look all in the head come on give us your hand she took the girls but also stole some of Anna's belongings and fled to Scotland when her thieving was discovered [Music] a gloucestershire police woman was sent to Glasgow to bring Rina back WPC Hazel Savage would later play a key role in bringing the West to Justice Hazel is the one more than perhaps anybody in the police who to some extent uncovers the story supposed to be my friend she's sleeping afraid anyway he doesn't seem that much of a husband no you're right he's not much of husband he's violent with me and the kids he's depletes actually if you know what I mean he's not normal in that way uh I don't know he's not right in the head I think he's probably mad what you mean but Hazel Savage never forgot her conversation with Rina and 28 years later she was the officer who insisted Fred's patio a 25 Cromwell Street in Gloucester was dug up in November 1966 Reno was given three years probation for theft by Gloucester magistrates started spending time at the Caravan when Anna wasn't there Fred was now having to juggle two women and he found it increasingly stressful especially when Anna became pregnant and began talking about marriage Rina didn't know that Anna was pregnant with Fred's child and Fred didn't want her to find out Fred's meeting with rose was still two years away for now his loyalty was to his wife Rina and he didn't want to lose her Fred kind of realized at this point that his overstretching of himself to try and maintain all these relationships was not going to work therefore Fred was brought to the brink of a decision in July 1967 Anna McFall went missing no one reported the fact to police Fred always denied he'd killed her but he did later tell police he knew the field just outside much Markle where she was buried Fred West's killing career apparently began with animic fall when Anna's remains were at last found in 1994 they revealed many of the murderous techniques also found on the victims Fred killed with rose come here Anna was dismembered using skills Fred had learned at the abattoir her fingers toes wrist and ankle bones had been kept as trophies if that body was mutilated in many ways and that was a body that was pregnant with his child the unborn baby skeleton was found curled at the side of Anna's remains this callousness shows the absolute depth of Fred West's psychopathy Anna's letters home to Glasgow stopped arriving but friends simply assumed she'd moved on with Anna out of the way Fred's relationship with Reno once more blossomed they moved into a new Caravan and for a Time lived peacefully as a family but the Caravan was in Bishop's cleave virtually on the doorstep of 15 year old Rose Letts who'd recently been having sex with any older man who took her fancy one evening in 1969 she and 27 year old Fred were at the same bus stop Fred and Rose was disaster wasn't it they're meeting really all right my love where are you two then eh Rose West was surprisingly pretty when she was in her teens you know we see pictures of rose West even now in which she's overweight and frumpy and has large Moon spectacles but there was a young girl there once she finds him repellent she um very memorably describes that he had green Ganky teeth even though she was repelled at first it only took a bus journey and they were bonding Peter farz soon work each other out and I think that they were coming from the same place [Music] here is this young woman who was pretty friendless suddenly being chatted up by a man who was giving her attention this fateful meeting would result in at least 11 more deaths and meant one young girl had only two years left to live it was 1969 and 27 year old Fred West had just met 15 year old roseletz he wooed her with extravagant gifts possibly stolen including a fur coat and lace dress you know what they say don't you fur coat no knickers his crudeness didn't put her off she asked if he was married but he said his wife was a prostitute in Glasgow and nothing but trouble in fact Rina was still around they just had a domestic row they weren't together in the Caravan so this was a lie he knew that Rose liked children and invited her to the Caravan hey girls girls the filthy Caravan was in sharp contrast to the meticulously clean home of rose's childhood this is Rosy well say hello then hello there girls or your name's then Rose became a regular visitor her father who which thought had been sexually abusing Rose from childhood now feared he was losing her look it's fine he said he's gonna pay for me for looking after the kids he's gonna pay for me there's nothing going on between me and him alright I'm telling you you stop this no you'll stop this fight now but Rose continued to visit the Caravan and soon became Fred's lover he introduced her to his family he said that she was the new nanny but she was too loud for my opinion and we never hit it off from the start with rose Fred could sink deeper into sadomasochistic sex he also introduced her to prostitution got a killer couple like Fred and Rose West what we are dealing with is that French phrase a foliada literally a Madness shared by two and within every foliada there is a dominant and a subservient partner there almost seemed to be no limits to Fred's sexual interests and very quickly one sees Rose adopting that world view Rose's Father Bill soon found out about the prostitution he's absolutely Furious and he's spitting nails and he wants this to stop oh my God you're mine you're my little Rosie you're my girl right stop seeing him you get a proper job and you can stay here otherwise it's up to you no truth Fred soon Rose was pregnant with Fred's child Rose saw the image of herself with Fred and some wonderful fantasy future in which she was both mother to his children and played the role of some kind of goddess in his life now the reality of this was day to day catering with and taking responsibility for children it was going to be hard work Reno wasn't living in the Caravan and Rose was often left in charge of two girls neither of whom was her child so how was she with the kitties a bit abrupt I mean if she if she'd been mine Nanny I'd clobbered her I'm not gonna have enough shut up Charmaine you know I'm sick of this Charmaine was very very bright little girl and would challenge her whereas Anne-Marie knew to keep the head down and even so you know both were victims of awful violence from Rose in the spring of 1970 Rina reappeared at the Caravan Marina on the kid's mum hello show me you need to get back please okay she wanted her daughters back she could have no idea this would be her last chance to save the life of one of them the details of her conversation with 16 year old Rose are unknown but she didn't get her way for Rose those children were objects of power those objects of power tied her to Fred and that she would not let go of in June 1970 Fred and Rose rented a flat on Midland Road in Gloucester and Rose gave birth to a daughter Heather Fred under new Financial pressure resorted to theft late that year at Gloucester magistrates Court he was jailed for nine months this is an important development occurs it essentially means that Rose is left alone with the kids and she can't cope do as I say Rose was barely 17. the main target of her stress was Charmaine as witness once by charmaine's best friend [Music] can you believe her I bet you're not so naughty Charmaine would not show Fear she would not cry in front of Rose this was a massive challenge it's almost like I'm not going to show that I'm vulnerable I'm not going to show that I don't feel good enough bearing in mind that she'd been abandoned by her mother well that's what she believed years later Anne-Marie would recall how Charmaine promised her Rina would one day rescue them come first in March 1971 eight-year-old Charmaine was taken to gloucestershire Royal hospital with an ankle wound possibly caused by a knife it was a last missed opportunity to save her life the violence towards children were spiraling particularly with Charmaine who presented a e with rose and nothing came of that there was no checks to find out what was going on Rose and Fred exchanged gushing love letters while he was in prison but they were deeply menacing sections about Charmaine darling about char I think she likes to be handled rough but darling why do I have to be the one to do it hate it in June 1971 days before Fred was due for release Rose's temper pushed her beyond the brink Rose has never said what happened that day or how she murdered Charmaine but when annmarie returned from school Charmaine wasn't there Anna Marie comes home and Rose tells the LIE which she would tell for the rest of her life she's not here where is she your mum turned up she's gone to live with her she remain wanted isn't it Rose didn't want Charmaine to survive because as long as Charmaine lived that was an excuse for a woman that Fred had had a relationship with to continue to be in Fred's life Fred was the only person told the truth there's no evidence he was angry with rose it was probably at this point he told her he'd killed Anna McFall Fred has killed and so has Royals and therefore they have this joint Enterprise from that moment on together that they are both Killers they're both locked in a deadly Embrace next week Rosa grabbed my legs and out them apart and he was beating me between the legs the dramatic stories of the women that got away from Fred and Rose and the ruthlessly efficient system which ensured many others did not when they were drawn into the clutches of Britain's most prolific serial killing couple foreign
Channel: Absolute Crime
Views: 444,445
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Absolute Crime, Crime Chronicles, Crime Scene Investigation, Criminal Evidence, Criminal Justice, Criminal Masterminds, Criminal Minds Analysis, Criminal Vengeance, Deadly Secrets, Forensic Science, Gruesome Crimes, Handcuffed Tales, Infamous Crimes, Jailhouse Stories, Killer Couples, Murder Stories, Prison True Stories, Psychopathic Killers, Rose West, Shocking Crimes, Violent Crimes
Id: e06ms-sgoEE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 38sec (2678 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 11 2023
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