Fred Rash's electric circle plane

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all right so show is yours i'm fred dreich kingsport tennessee this is a little electric powered plane it's more novelty than it is competitive but it's been a fun uh little device and no the ideas weren't mine i modified those from somebody else so how's it built here it's built with a very thin carbon fiber a rolled balsa tube and it uses a thumb thumbnail size battery for power which is 10 milliamp hour so this is per ama rules yes it meets the ama rule but it doesn't uh compete but it's fun oh yes absolutely so where's the uh where did you get the uh where can people get the prop and motor for this airplane and the battery for that matter the battery came from some supplier in florida whose name i can't remember at the moment that's nick d because i got mine from him yes nick liked it and uh i don't remember where where the other pieces parts came from because i had a large collection of pieces parts from previous possibly didel possibly possibly died all right let's see it do its thing okay so let me get uh oh by the way what's the covering on it the covering is uh a uh very thin polyester uh sheet that's been dyed with uh rit dye over a long period of time it takes forever to get any color in the film exactly forever how much what how much for how much is forever half a day no not a month but it was cooking in a slow cooker okay let me see no regulator no gear box no he's just running open circuit i have some regulators but i wasn't sure i could stand the weight and i didn't have the time to get it really good and away it goes a little bit too much up in the thing and i lost about half my power in the air the hard lab yes definitely definitely oh i'll be in trouble wants to do oh well thank you fred for showing off your marvelous little airplane it's been a fun machine not competitive at anything but it's a fun machine doesn't have to be competitive just has to be fun thanks josh hi i'm josh finn this is hope we are j h aerospace if you like this video hit the like button also how about subscribe to our channel and check out for new free flight products and all of the tooling that you'll need to build them thanks for watching
Channel: joshuawfinn
Views: 4,011,402
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: r3BNV9p36uE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 58sec (358 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 19 2022
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