Fred And Rose West: The Couple That Killed 12 Girls | World’s Most Evil Killers | Real Crime

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25 cromwell street in gloucester has become one of the most infamous addresses in britain for 20 years fred and rose west quenched their appetite for sex and murder inside this house of unimaginable horror when police began investigating the disappearance of their daughter it led them right to the west front door detectives were only just beginning to unearth the murderous history of fred and rose west it was on a scale that was really unprecedented children are their things to play with they are disposable they're things they're to be used and abused i've never for one moment doubted that frederick west was a truly evil man but he found in rose the perfect sorcerer's apprentice this is the story of how fred and rose west became two of the world's most evil killers [Music] fred and rose west are one of the most notorious couples in british history for two decades they sexually abused tortured and murdered nine women including their own daughter in their house of horrors and between them were responsible for another three victims buried around gloucestershire when the news broke in february 1994 the media were only scratching the surface of the couple's terrifying life behind the closed door of 25 cromwell street five days and nights into their excavation and forensic teams have now unearthed three sets of human remains all buried in separate places five feet under the garden patio of this gloucester home it's horrible to think that there are you know dead bodies in a garden just down the road it's it's just thoroughly disgusting i mean it's it's horrifying to think totally shocking especially around you know in gloucester i mean you wouldn't expect this to happen but fred and rose's horrifying story began many years before in 1969 28 year old fred west was married to his wife rina with a young family of his own but he had his eye on a 15 year old girl named rosemary letts rose and her family had recently moved to the gloucestershire area where as fred was born and raised in the local village of much markle well fred was the eldest boy in in the family and he was very much the the target for for quite a lot of abuse at the hands of his mother so his mother sexually abused him essentially and he lost his virginity to her and the family was a very self-contained one rose's childhood was similar to fred's in many ways in that it was completely dysfunctional and anti-social and and abnormal so she was abused by her father who started raping her from from a very young age so so what she took to be normal what she took to be acceptable in terms of behavior within a family really was anything but fred pursued rose he was used to getting what he wanted when the couple met there was instant attraction rose lived in the same village that fred had a caravan they met at the bus station in cheltenham she said that he could charm the birds off the trees even though his appearance was shabby he had not very clean teeth well these were two incredibly damaged people they'd both come from from abnormal families and i think when they met what they saw in each other was something familiar so they both would have realized that the the childhoods that they had were far from normal but with one another they felt that familiarity maybe it was something that rose gave off implicitly but something in fred connected with what had happened to rose and the way she was and the way she'd been treated by her father and it was like a union of two souls i think it was the perfect storm you know the chances of these two people meeting was it must have been a million to one but unfortunately they did by 1970 just a year after meeting they were living together in gloucester with fred's stepdaughter charmaine his wife reno was nowhere to be seen rose was pregnant with the couple's first daughter heather i think in the early days perhaps the more dominant partner was was fred he was older he was more experienced he'd seen more than rose had you know she'd come from this incredibly contained family but i think as their relationship developed um she started to find her feet and find her confidence and and i don't think that fred ever really trusted her for rose and fred it was all about sex from the very very beginning fred was the originator but he found the perfect sorceress apprentice the perfect partner someone who shared his lust and someone who understood him and wanted to perform for him i think we have a lot of trouble making sense of fred and rose's relationship and the reason for that is because we are people with emotions and normal feelings and ideas of what acceptable and unacceptable boundaries are around relationships so i don't think i'd describe their relationship as a loving one fred and rose's traumatic childhoods had a lasting effect on the couple and their twisted approach to family life together it's always very complicated question to answer how many children fred and rose actually had because if you count fred's daughter charmaine along with fred and rose is eight it's nine but then you've got to add rose's three mixed race children all of whom were fathered not by fred all i would say is that all of them were deeply hurt almost ruined by the parents i think rose's early experiences within the family of being abused by her father wrote the script for what would later play out so what she took to be normal what she took as boundaries and rules really weren't going to work in in the wider world so what she was learning about in those early years would set her up to be somebody who who didn't quite fit in and it was to some extent what fred then adopted as a family habit it was if you like a west tradition i don't mean to say that that wasn't disgraceful but it is nevertheless part of the family history and helps helps to explain something of west's behavior two decades later it's 1992 and gloucestershire police are searching for heather west in 1987 aged just 16 fred and rose's eldest child vanished from the family home fred had claimed heather had run away but she was never reported as missing but after receiving allegations of child abuse at 25 cromwell street detectives began to look into heather's whereabouts chief constable tony butler was in charge of gloucestershire police one of the children uh told a friend at school about what was what's happening to her that friend talked to a patrolling police officer in fact about what her friend had told her and it was a result of what the police the police officer then took that back and it initiated a child protection process which led to the evidence being gathered five of the west children were placed into care and the police began their investigations they were interviewed about the darker side of their lives at 25 cromwell street what it brought to light was a family joke and the family joke was a simple one you better watch out because if you don't shut up and stop causing your dad or your mum any trouble you'll end up like heather two down and three across in the patio threaded lane and patio behind coronal street was in squares which rather like a crossword the family joke was that he buried heather at two down and three across this issue this heather's under the patio continued to to be raised and so we started to take this point seriously we knew heather had disappeared and left the home so we tried to trace her and despite massive amounts of inquiry to try and find it she just literally disappeared off the face of the earth in february 1994 the police decided to find out if the family joke was more serious than the children realized armed with a warrant they began to dig under the patio of 25 cromwell street when they arrived with a warrant fred and rose were at their house they went into the back garden and the officers started digging the garden sensing the end was nigh fred asked to be interviewed by police fred asked the um the officer if they could go down to the police station and so they left fred said that he that he admitted that heather's remains were in the garden but the police were looking in the wrong place and later that day he returned with the officers and indicated where um where he thought heather was buried the following day officers digging in that area recovered a femur and that was taken for examination by the forensic pathologist who confirmed it was human remains and that turned out to be to be one of heather's remains rose was being questioned at cheltenham police station when the news reached her and her solicitor leo goatly when rose was told that heather's remains had been found she gasped loudly and was very distraught how did you interpret that was that a mother's shock and distress or was it a murderer's distress at being found out at that time i i believe that she was shocked and distressed and that she didn't know that the extent of fred's activities and of course at that stage it wasn't about serial killing it was about heather but of course the thing unraveled pretty quickly with the excavation the police found more than they'd bargained for under the patio at 25 cromwell street when they found remains they found not just two legs or two thigh bones but three the interrogating detective said to west well unless heather has three legs there's another body oh yes fred says without drawing breath or hesitating that must be the other girl that'll be shirley the police were about to unearth all the secrets that fred and rose west had been hiding at 25 cromwell street for over two decades secrets that would shock the entire nation fred told the investigating officers the other body was of his former lover shirley robinson shirley hadn't been seen since 1978 when she disappeared she was heavily pregnant with fred's child west also admitted that police would find a third body in the garden who he claimed was a friend of shirley's throughout the questioning he insisted on one thing that his wife rose knew nothing about any of the bodies i think when fred was protesting rose's innocence and and taking the blame completely upon himself i think yes at that point the power had changed in in their relationship from him being the dominant one in the early years to her really putting the strings in those later years and i think he he really didn't trust her at this point in time he was really quite afraid of of what she might do so so i think that that was definitely something that had flipped in this relationship well i found him quite a creepy bloke he would always be trying to endear himself to people in a rather smarmy way a little kind of giggle making light of things um but he was very unconvincing doing that and he would very quick quickly realize if you weren't impressed by him and then he would withdraw and i i would sense there was a this other side him that would scowl and be probably quite nasty whatever his sort of murky machinations within his mind were once he realized he was probably better able to actually charm women than blokes it's possible that um you know with a little smile and some sort of soft talk he was able to persuade some young women that he was safe to be around to make things more complicated fred's story kept changing he alternated between admitting and denying the killings and told detectives that all the deaths were accidental he wanted to get charged with manslaughter and not murder it would be a hard job for pathologists to prove otherwise it's very difficult when somebody's been buried for years to look at them in detail as a pathologist you haven't got the skin you haven't got the muscles you haven't got the organs the things that you'd see injury or disease in so you really have to comment on what may not be there it makes a pathologist's job a lot harder finding the cause of death was difficult and so was identifying the third victim buried under the patio there were approximately 10 000 missing women recorded at the time by using dental records experts identified the third victim as alison chambers who was just 16 when she went missing in 1979 meaning she cannot have been a friend of shirley robinson as fred suggested marx found on her body proved beyond doubt she'd been tortured someone's behavior is more in the realm of psychology than pathology but quite clearly there's potentially the aspect of torture there potentially of sexual violence and when a pathologist sees findings like that we're looking away from manslaughter more into some sort of active cruelty this proved that west hadn't accidentally killed these young women he tortured sexually assaulted and intentionally murdered them but was fred doing this without rose knowing the police weren't convinced the most important thing of course was that his bodies were recovered in the house that she shared with fred and it would appear inconceivable that she wouldn't have had knowledge of this the house itself was very very small it would have been inconceivable that you could have kept a young woman or women in that house without every occupant knowing that something was going on no matter how much tape you would have put over their mouths no matter how much they've been concealed in the cellar you would know it would have been impossible not to know the police began to look into missing persons files to try and find any more potential victims but with about ten 000 missing women in the country it was a seemingly endless search throughout that time we were trying to trace uh trace people from from children's homes to make sure they were safe we were dealing with forensic materials and massive amounts of forensic material searching it was on a scale that was really unprecedented two of the missing people stood out lucy partington a 21 year old student last seen at a bus stop in gloucester in 1973 and linda gough a 19 year old who went missing in the same year her last known address 25 cromwell street fred and rose adopted a sort of modus operandi they would identify young women on the run if you like run away from home run away from a children's home run away from their parents they were vulnerable they would offer them a home and time after time fred would pick up with rose often at bus stops young women who looked a little lost so they would always choose people who would be in that position of vulnerability and the fact that they were a couple i think was quite helpful to them in luring victims in because the women that they they targeted would be more likely to to trust a couple so when they would pick somebody up who was hitchhiking that played to that idea of well there's a woman there so i'm going to be safe rose already knew the language of grooming she was quite used to it and when you hear the victims talk about how she spoke to them in this sort of quite soft pleasing voice you knew that again that was something she'd learnt linda gough was never officially reported as missing but her family searched for her at the time of her disappearance linda garf's mother she'd been round to the house not on the dawn had been answered by rose west uh and she asked where linda was and she was told that she'd gone away i think to to western super mare she was struck by the fact that there was rose standing there with with her linda slippers wearing linda slippers and she also noticed on the clothesline there were articles of of linda's clothing linda's mother believed rose when she said her daughter had moved on from cromwell street but as the press coverage began to reflect the sheer enormity of the unfolding story other women who'd encountered the west came forward the police got a break when caroline roberts contacted them to offer her help in the investigation she'd seen the investigation on the news and revealed to police she'd been sexually assaulted by both fred and rose in 1972 she'd known them for a while after they picked her up while she was hitchhiking and even worked for them as a nanny for a short time it was one horrifying incident that caused her to lodge a complaint against them they invited her back to the house and when she got to the house um having been assaulted in in the car by by fred and rose she got back to the house and she was then bound and subject to to some rather aggressive sexual activity she managed to escape subsequently and reported it to a mum who then told the police both fred and rose were arrested for rape and other and sexual offences at the time she was scared to face them at a trial and ashamed at what had happened the west were charged with indecent exposure instead of rape they were fined a hundred pounds but with the information caroline gave to the police they could link rose to the crimes and bodies at cromwell street so we had that evidence that there was an aggressive sexual nature to her personality the details of sexual activity that taken place had a number of similarities particularly talking about bindings and gags and so on that were very similar if not identical to the material that was recovered in association with the victims when they were discovered this case was much more about the accounts of people and what the survivors were saying than what the pathology can tell you there are things that they could say that the bodies were no longer able to speak to and that was a bigger element of this case than maybe the physical findings by the pathologist on march the 4th 1994 police moved their search inside the house they had a feeling that down in the dark cellar they may uncover even more bodies on the same day when news reached fred west at gloucester police station he made a stunning admission in a handwritten note given to detectives it read i frederick west authorized my solicitor howard ogden to advise superintendent bennett that i wish to admit to a further approx nine killings expressly charmaine rina linda gough and others to be identified signed f west can you imagine the scene it almost defies belief they weren't sitting across the table from a monster a man huge man with bare hands and able to kill him a little insignificant chap who nevertheless confesses to nine murders it's at that point the police realize i think probably for the first time that they are dealing with someone truly evil fred was again taken back to the house and he indicated where some of the bodies had been buried and particularly the area of the cellar and so what happened then was that we undertook a methodical search of the whole property fred maintained a position that rose was not involved in these cases you know that's the inference that he was trying to keep her out of it fred took the rap for it they had an agreement that she would stand by him and visit him and he'd hoped to be out in so many years but the minute rose heard that he'd actually admitted to the murders and she dropped him that was he was gone and she never spoke to him again she absolutely refused to have any contact with him on march the 5th 1994 the world's media had descended upon the home of fred and rose west in gloucester police had exhumed three bodies from their back garden their daughter heather fred's pregnant lover shirley robinson and missing teenager alison chambers now detectives were moving their search inside the property and began excavating the cellar at 25 cromwell street we started the excavations in the cellar it was a difficult place to do excavations and we had to be very careful about recovering the bodies and on the first day we did find two sets of human remains one turned out to be teresa siegenhaller and the second remains was shirley hubbard it was clear to pathologists that much had been done to try and hide the identity of all the murdered girls with fred and rose's victims one of their hallmarks as it were was that the fingers and toes were removed i think we can hypothesize that there may be different reasons for that simple cruelty would be one but obviously most people know that fingerprints are a very good way to identify somebody so removing them particularly in the 60s 70s 80s before dna technology was really recognized would be a way to limit the chances of that person being identified and that was one of the big one of our difficulties in when we're doing the investigation trying to identify the human remains and in particular uh teresa's remains because uh there was no evidence she'd been anywhere near gloucestershire but we were able to in liaison with the metropolitan police and the missing persons to uh to come down to sort of a short list of people that it could be and then through using forensic techniques we were able to be satisfied that we had identified her her remains as the cellar excavation continued officers escorted fred to a field near his home at much markle he told them if they dug there they'd find the body of his first wife rina not seen since 1971 a year after fred and rose had moved in together reina and fred had been married for nine years but she was never reported missing so he was taken out to the fields and he pointed out in one field fairly close to a hedge line where he said that he had buried rena costello there were now six victims and back in the cellar at cromwell street even more bodies were being exhumed juanita mata formed a lodger at the house missing since 1975 and carol cooper last seen walking home from the cinema in 1973. plus two familiar names the police had been looking out for lucy partington and buried under the family bathroom linda gough this was a tragedy for these these young women i mean all murders are tragic for the victims and their families but it was a scale of this i think that took the media's attention i mean it it's almost incomprehensible that two people could abduct young women or lure them to the house and subsequently you know sexually abuse them and then kill them i mean it is on a scale that's almost incomprehensible by the 8th of march 1994 less than two weeks after beginning their search at cromwell street police had found 10 victims most of them had been buried two decades ago when fred and rose were at their most prolific aside from the sexual element to the murders they were becoming i'd say maybe closer in a way but i don't know whether closer is the best word to use to describe that i think they were becoming more cut off from the rest of the world this was something that only the two of them understood it was something that we refer to as a folly a duh a madness shed by two so i think it was kind of cementing their relationship they were to him no more than sexual implements a kind of doll if you like i know it's a horrifying thought but they had no more humanity for him than that he was a man capable of absolutely no conscience and absolutely no remorse and everything he did was with rose's help and the thought of having some young woman hung up in the cellar literally by her hands and a hook for fred and rose to abuse when they wanted to over a period of days almost advised belief it is that horrifying nine bodies had been exhumed from cromwell street and one more that of rina west fred's first wife in a field near much markle but fred wasn't finished although he didn't admit to killing her he told police she had a feeling that rina's friend anne mcfaul might be buried in a neighbouring field she's believed to be fred's first victim killed in 1967 when she was six months pregnant as he did with all his killings he dismembered the bodies before he buried them so he didn't bury them in a skeleton he buried them in a tube if you like in which the body was compressed the torso head separated arms and legs separated and shoved into a smaller hole it made the search for those bodies a very complicated affair the problem with anne mcfaul's body was that the whole land had been re-landscaped and so there was this top soil that had been put on there now when you're looking for human remains you can't just bring a big digger in and shovel it all out you are literally doing it by spade falls and sieving every spade full and we actually excavated a hole the size of olympic-sized swimming pool we were almost giving up hope that we're going to find the body and we set a deadline for ourselves that if we didn't find them by date x then we would stop but fortunately a couple of days before that deadline came in we found some bones and then subsequently recovered recovered the body during the two months of digging for ann mcfaul's remains the police had arrested and charged rose west with murder for each victim she claimed i'm innocent the police's evidence was circumstantial and defense lawyers felt there wasn't enough to connect her to the murders rose west said i had nothing to do with this and the crown is saying well we've got a statement from so and so who says that you were involved in an abduction and sexual abuse well to a point you say well so what what's that got to do with murder fred had said in his interviews he fully admitted them and said rose had nothing to do with them so the first point is to say well what is the strength of the case against rose she's denying it where's the proof that she was involved while police continued their search at cromwell street they also turned their attention to a second address 25 midland road fred and rose's first home together in gloucester investigators believe that somewhere in the house or garden they might find the body of charmaine west fred's stepdaughter from his marriage to rena an extensive search began at the time of charmaine's death she was living at 25 midland road a house that subsequently fred rose had left but we went to the house and again excavating under the floor of the kitchen we found charmaine's body charmaine hadn't been seen since she was eight years old in 1971 and hadn't been reported as missing in the same year fred was in jail for nine months for motoring offences and stealing fence panels from his then employer the police were convinced they'd finally got a breakthrough they were confident charmaine must have been murdered by rose while fred was serving time rose was jealous of charmaine charmaine was a very bright little girl and i think rose could see that she was getting the upper hand of her and she didn't like it the younger sister knew to keep quiet it was best not to antagonize rose and charlemagne was quite a feisty little girl so there were slight differences in the modus operandi you know um certainly with the others you can imagine fred going about his work with a sort of builder's precision and uh routine you know severing the limbs and the head digging a hole in the ground and placing them in it charmaine was different nevertheless fred was charged with charmaine even though there were from the outset issues about whether fred was present or whether he was in prison so there was always that slightly nebulous issue about how old society charming was and the dates when she died with the high-profile trials imminent the police had to somehow prove that rose west was just as guilty as her husband fred but before they got a chance there was a major setback in their case in december 1994 10 months after police had begun to search 25 cromwell street for heather west the bodies of 12 young women had been unearthed across gloucester fred west was thought to be responsible for all of the deaths and police were desperately trying to find some evidence to prove that his wife rose was implicit in 10 of the murders both had been arrested charged and were awaiting trial but on january the 1st 1995 fred west took his secrets to the grave fred was in custody at winston green prison in birmingham and on the 1st of january 1995 he was found dead in his cell they died from hanging and it was subsequently determined that he committed suicide fred west was always a cunning man he planned his suicide as carefully as he concealed his bodies he groomed the prison officers into thinking that he was an absolutely safe harmless little man who could do no wrong and was very happy to collaborate with anything they wanted indeed he volunteered he said i'll mend shirts don't worry give me something to do yeah pass time for me while i'm waiting for my trial painstakingly over a period of weeks he stitched together a rope partly from bits of the blanket on his bed partly from pieces of shirt very carefully because he had decided that he was not going to trial and that he was not ever going to confess the true extent of what his crimes amounted to there was a total loss of control by fred over rose i have no doubt about that she made it abundantly clear she wanted absolutely nothing else to do with him and she blanked him in the dock independent of his relationship with rose he lacked empathy with people you know people were objects to be used and abused the fact of the matter was he knew the game was up he'd made the admissions the remains had been found the terrible story of those victims unfolded for those who knew the west family this is just another macabre twist in a story that first came to light 10 months ago in the words of one neighbor if frederick west really did kill himself then it seems almost appropriate that a man accused of taking so many people's lives should end up taking his own fred's suicide was a huge problem for the police it put the entire case in jeopardy with the death of fred we were concerned that the press might feel well the case against fred is now finished and therefore we can disclose information because the case is as closed that would have been a disaster for us because it would have then compromised the trial of rose west the police were desperate while fred had confessed to 11 of the killings rose had always claimed her innocence without any solid evidence there was a real chance that rose west was going to get away with murder i think it's the crown that need to review their case and decide where they want to take it from here um i would hope that the they will drop the case i thought it was possible the case might have been dropped there were a lot of eminent observers suggesting that would be the case the dpp had a different view though in fact the case got worse against rose they added on the murder of charmaine which prior had been a sole charge in relation to fred i thought that was very curious rose thought the case was going to go away as well but it didn't prosecutors needed proof that rose alone was responsible for the death of her stepdaughter charmaine they turned to forensic odontologist professor david whitaker the police brilliantly discovered i don't know how that a certain newspaper national newspaper had acquired a set of negatives and they were large professional negatives and they showed incredible detail in some of the baby teeth the deciduous teeth of charmaine which i was then able to match exactly using our facial superimposition technology ensured a that they matched exactly in terms of tilt and position and grooving and little rough ages were a perfect notch but the position of the teeth had moved so if we could calculate that movement and assess it of being able to determine within reasonable accuracy the time elapsed between the photograph being taken which the police had a date for it was written on the negatives and the time of death and if that fitted into the slot where fred west was in jail then clearly mrs west had a lot of questions to us on the 3rd of october 1995 the world's press flocked to winchester crown court to report on one of the most sensational trials of modern times rose's trial attracted worldwide attention as you would expect it's very rare for a woman to go on trial let alone for 10 murders i attended it from the first day to the last it was an extraordinary event as the trial began rose west pleaded not guilty to all 10 counts of murder the nine girls found buried at cromwell street and charmaine but the evidence against her was irrefutable so in court in front of rosemary west i had all the technology available to reproduce the imaging of charmaine dreadful thing to have to do in court but the judge and the prosecution insisted so mrs west actually saw this imaging developing in front of her and i think it was about the only time she looked a little bit upset she marched into the witness box like a very angry traffic warden plain shoes weighty woman angry demeanor this is all an outrage it was all fred i had nothing to do with it i knew nothing it was completely inconceivable i could have done this i couldn't have killed my own daughter a tissue of lies we think of rose west as this woman in the courtroom in her 40s great big glasses that she wore quite a frumpy housewife looking those murders had happened a long time before then she was actually very young when she committed murder she was in fact a teenage serial killer because she committed three murders before she was 20 and most of the murders were over by the time she was 26. the evidence provided by professor whittaker convinced the jury that rosemary west was guilty of all ten murders he was able to say and the jury accepted this that that he could pinpoint within a few days of when when the child had been killed and we had evidence that fred was in jail during that time so fred could not have killed charmaine at that time because he physically wasn't around he was in jail i didn't think the trial had gone well for rose and the jury took quite a long time it wasn't a five minute decision it was many hours they thought about everything very carefully they came back and it was pretty well unanimous on everything i mean she was totally defeated when the first guilty verdicts came back rose did not flicker not a sign of emotion she just simply stood there there was no histrionics no shouting no screaming there was no no sign of any emotion at all really and i was left with the overwhelming feeling that one had been in the presence of someone who had lost contact with humanity sentencing her the judge mr justice mantell recommended that rose west should never be released she was immediately returned to holloway prison rose has never confessed to me whether she's made any kind of confession to anybody else i don't know but she certainly hasn't to me i would say that tacitly she at various stages gave the impression to me with hindsight that she knew that you know under the floor in cromwell street there were a lot of secrets that's slightly different to saying that she murdered people but then the nature of the case it was circumstantial 300 miles from gloucester rosemary west on route to the prison that will be home for a lifetime today rose west is serving life imprisonment at low newton prison in durham in 1996 a year after 25 cromwell street had given up its grizzly secrets it was demolished in its place is now a public walkway but nothing can erase the painful memories of fred and rose west and their house of horrors this certainly was a unique case in my experience and i was involved in as a detective investigating murders right back in the 1960s and this is on a scale that's completely different and i think in terms of its complexity i think again it probably stands out as unique in criminal history they were all young women who had their lives in front of them and it was cut short for just brutal and selfish self-gratification of fred and rose i've never for one moment doubted that frederick west was a truly evil man i think he was born and bred i think he only ever thought of himself he was a psychopath and a sociopath no concern for society no concern for anybody but himself but he found in rose the perfect sorcerer's apprentice many of us reflect on serial killer couples and say well if they had never met one another would they have gone on to kill we know that fred had already committed one murder before he met rose so so i think he would have killed again when we look at rose i think she would have certainly gone on to harm other people whether that was emotionally financially a non-physical kind of harm but i think having fred in her life opened up the door to to a different kind of harm a different kind of abuse i've never been in any doubt that fred and rose committed far more than 12 murders i've always believed there are other victims and they were buried in other places or concealed in other places but to be fair to gloucester police they can't dig up gloucestershire in the effort to find more victims speculation about other possible victims of fred and rose west will always remain theirs is a case whose shockwaves continue to reverberate around the world even today the sheer depravity and the unimaginable terror of their victims is why we should remember them not fred and rose and their house of horror
Channel: Real Crime
Views: 1,587,091
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TV Shows - Topic, best documentaries on youtube, britains most evil killers, channel 4, crime documentary channel, documentary movies - topic, evil couples, evil killers, fred west suicide note, full documentary 2022, full length documentary 2022, hd crime documentary, hd documentary, murder documentary, real crime, real crime channel, rose west life in prison, rose west life story, true crime, true crime documentary, true crime documentary usa, world's most evil killers
Id: Sa-CE_B-2JY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 15sec (2595 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 27 2020
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