Frases con el Verbo TO BE en Todos sus Tiempos Verbales

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to be or not to be that is the question [Music] is [Music] yo soy feliz i am happy i am happy i am i'm d you are a good student you are you are a good student you're a good student you're a good student you're a good student number three is she is a good friend she is a good friend contraido she's a good friend she's a good friend she is she is it is time to study it is time to study it's time to study it's time to study it it is it it is time to study or it's time to study numero cinco ellios is they are here they are here contra they're here they're here they are here is they are here in they are here the simos are they here are they here is no noise tangaki they are not here they are not here usamos not despues they are not here but they're not here they're not here or they aren't here numero estudimos esperando por horas estudimos we were waiting for hours we were waiting for hours we were waiting for hours we were waiting for hours you were my best friend you were my best friend you were my best friend eras i was ready i was ready i was ready i was ready was was i was no established i was not ready i was not ready i wasn't ready i wasn't ready i wasn't ready i wasn't ready for were you not ready were you not ready weren't you ready weren't you ready como las vega para preguntas i will be ready at six i will be ready at six buenos i will be ready at six i'll be ready at six well i will be you will be he she it will be we will be they will be established it was about to rain it was estaba it was about to rain it was about to rain is necessary it is necessary it's necessary it's necessary it is is necessary it is necessary is necessary is it necessary is it necessary is it necessary is it necessary will it be necessary will it be necessary no sera necesario it will not be necessary it will not be necessary it won't be necessary it won't be necessary will not want it will not be necessary it won't be necessary you have to be more responsible you have to be more responsible you have to be more responsible you have to be more responsible you should be more responsible you should be more responsible i will be a teacher i will be a teacher i'll be a teacher i'll be a teacher estrella i'm going to be a teacher i'm going to be a teacher sere maestra i will be a teacher i'm going to be a teacher i was going to be a singer i was going to be a singer i was going to be iwa i was going to be a singer they were going to be upset they were going to be upset they were going to be upset molestos no they were not going to be upset they were not going to be upset they weren't going to be upset was that all you wanted to say was that all you wanted to say you have been my friend for a long time you have been have been asido you have been my friend for a long time she has been married for five years she has been married for five years entonces have been con you we they i have been you have been we have been they have been he she have you been to europe have you been to europe have you been to europe you have been as estado afimativo have you been interrogating have you been have you been to europe i have never been to europe i have never been to europe i've never been to europe i've never been to europe for the most i have you the seed i've i've never been to europe ange estado ocupados ellos angestado ocupados they have been busy they have been busy they've been busy they've been busy they've been busy todos ancillo tangenos comigo todos ancillo tangeneros comigo everyone has been so generous to me everyone has been so generous to me everyone has been so generous to me usamos has kung everyone e everybody el clima acido impredecible el clima acido the in has been unpredictable the weather has been unpredictable has been the weather it it has been unpredictable unpredictable unpredictable nunca obviously nunca avia estado tam feliz i had never been so happy i had never been so happy had is el pasado they have he they she had been studying for hours she had been studying for hours she had been she had been studying for hours he had been a doctor before he retired he had been a doctor before he retired he had been he had been a doctor before he retired por quince anos in marso he will have been a teacher for 15 years in march he will have been a teacher for 15 years in march he will have been he will have been is important it's important that he be here on time it's important that he be here on time it's important that he be here on time si yo fuera rica te compraria una mancion if i were rich i would buy you a mansion if i were rich i would buy you a mansion if i was cuando samos if i were in english usamos if i was situation for example i'm sorry if i was rude i'm sorry if i was rude if i were rich i would buy you a mansion if i were rich i would buy you a mansion he would be a good actor he would be he would be a good actor us he would have been a good actor he would have been a good actor he would have been a good actor you should have been a nurse you should have been a nurse you should have been a nurse you should have been a nurse estoy siendo la mejor estudiante que puedo ser estoy i am being the best student i can be i'm being the best student i can be i'm being i'm being siendo i'm being the best student i can be miss my friends are being immature my friends are being immature my friends are being immature establish sarcastica i was being sarcastic i was being sarcastic i was being sarcastic i was in pasado estaba siendo sarcastica i was being sarcastic i am being sarcastic i'm being sarcastic they were being mean to me they were being mean to me they were being mean to me and pasado they are being mean estanciendo malos they were being mean to me estaban domalos negarlo no estabanciendo malos comigo they were not being mean to me they were not being mean to me they weren't being mean to me they weren't being mean to me ella esta hasta was she being fair to you was she being fair to you was she being fair to you was she being fair to you ella estaba estaba siendo amable she was being nice to me she was being nice to me she was being nice to me she was being nice to me be nice be nice be kind be nice be nice no see yes don't be lazy don't be lazy don't be lazy don't be lazy especially adios
Channel: Elisa Valkyria
Views: 1,399,154
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: verb to be, oraciones con to be, oraciones con el verbo to be, verbo to be, ingles para principiantes adultos, inglés para principiantes desde cero
Id: mkWh_PFhAG0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 30sec (1410 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 13 2022
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