500 Frases Comunes y Muy Usadas en Inglés con Pronunciación Lenta | Clase de Inglés Americano

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hello hello hello good morning good morning good morning good afternoon good afternoon good afternoon good night good night good night what's up what's up what's up how are you how are you how are you i'm fine i'm fine i'm fine fine thank you and you fine thank you and you fine thank you and you what's your name what's your name what's your name my name is my name is my name is i'm i'm i'm nice to meet you nice to meet you nice to meet you what's your last name what's your last name what's your last name how do you spell it how do you spell it how do you spell it what's your address what's your address what's your address what's your date of birth what is your date of birth what's your date of birth when is your birthday when is your birthday when is your birthday what's your email what's your email what's your email or what's your email address what's your email address what's your phone number what's your phone number what's your phone number what's the best way to contact you what's the best way to contact you what's the best way to contact you how old are you how old are you how old are you where are you from where are you from where are you from i'm from i'm from i'm from what are you doing later what are you doing later what are you doing later what are you doing tomorrow what are you doing tomorrow what are you doing tomorrow where do you want to meet where do you want to meet where do you want to meet what do you want to do what do you want to do what do you want to do where are you where are you where are you i'm here i'm here i'm here have a nice day have a nice day have a nice day see you later see you later see you later see you soon see you soon see you soon see you tomorrow see you tomorrow see you tomorrow it's time to celebrate it's time to celebrate it's time to celebrate congratulations congratulations congratulations happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday happy new year happy new year happy new year merry christmas merry christmas merry christmas good luck good luck good luck be careful be careful be careful be quiet be quiet be quiet be safe be safe be safe close the door close the door close the door come here come here come here come in come in come in come over later come over later come over later do it do it do it don't do it don't do it don't do it good job good job good job don't bother me don't bother me don't bother me don't cry don't cry don't cry don't give up don't give up don't give up don't lie to me don't lie to me don't lie to me don't tell anyone don't tell anyone don't tell anyone don't worry don't worry don't worry get in get in get in get out get out get out get ready get ready get ready get up get up get up get well soon get well soon get well soon have fun have fun have fun hold on hold on hold on how did you learn english how did you learn english how did you learn english do you have any questions do you have any questions do you have any questions hurry up hurry up hurry up i agree i agree i agree i arrived early i arrived early i arrived early i arrived late i arrived late i arrived late everyone's busy everyone is busy everyone's busy i can do it myself i can do it myself i can do it myself i appreciate your help i appreciate your help i appreciate your help i can't do it i can't do it i can't do it i can't do this anymore i can't do this anymore i can't do this anymore i can't find it i can't find it i can't find it i can't go i can't go i can't go i can't talk right now i can't talk right now i can't talk right now i can't wait to see you i can't wait to see you i can't wait to see you i don't believe you i don't believe you i don't believe you i don't care i don't care i don't care i don't like it i don't like it i don't like it do you speak spanish do you speak spanish do you speak spanish do you understand do you understand do you understand i understand i understand i understand i don't understand i don't understand i don't understand i can't hear you i can't hear you i can't hear you can you repeat that can you repeat that can you repeat that i enjoyed my time here i enjoyed my time here i enjoyed my time here i forgot i forgot i forgot i get it i get it i get it i got lost i got lost i got lost i had a busy day i had a busy day i had a busy day did you hear the news did you hear the news did you hear the news what happened what happened what happened can you believe it can you believe it can you believe it i can't believe it i can't believe it i can't believe it is it true is it true is it true how is it possible how is it possible how is it possible this is worse than i thought this is worse than i thought this is worse than i thought i had a dream i had a dream i had a dream i had fun today i had fun today i had fun today i hate getting up early i hate getting up early i hate getting up early i hate it i hate it i hate it i need help i need help i need help can you help me can you help me can you help me may i help you may i help you may i help you how can i help you how can i help you how can i help you is there anything i can do to help is there anything i can do to help is there anything i can do to help what are you looking for what are you looking for what are you looking for i don't need any help i don't need any help i don't need any help i have a problem i have a problem i have a problem i don't have any problems i don't have any problems i don't have any problems i wish i could help i wish i could help i wish i could help can i talk to the manager can i talk to the manager can i talk to the manager i have a question i have a question i have a question thank you for your help thank you for your help thank you for your help i have good news i have good news i have good news i have homework i have homework i have homework i have to go to work i have to go to work i have to go to work good idea good idea good idea i hope so i hope so i hope so i hope to see you soon i hope to see you soon i hope to see you soon i hope you can understand me i hope you can understand me i hope you can understand me i hope you feel better soon i hope you feel better soon i hope you feel better soon i just got home i just got home i just got home i know i know i know i don't know i don't know i don't know i know what you mean i know what you mean i know what you mean i like how you think i like how you think i like how you think i like it i like it i like it i like listening to music i like listening to music i like listening to music what type of music do you like what type of music do you like what type of music do you like i'm watching a movie i'm watching a movie i'm watching a movie i like watching movies i like watching movies i like watching movies i like your shirt i like your shirt i like your shirt i like your shoes i like your shoes i like your shoes i live in live in i live in i live in florida i live in mexico i live in argentina i live in brazil i live in a house i live in a house i live in a house i live in an apartment i live in an apartment i live in an apartment i live with my family i live with my family i live with my family i love it i love it i love it i love you i love you i love you i miss you i miss you i miss you i like you i like you i like you i like talking to you i like talking to you i like talking to you i like your honesty i like your honesty i like your honesty who needs help who needs help who needs help i need help i need help i need help i need a minute i need a minute i need a minute i need a pen i need a pen i need a pen where's the restroom where's the restroom where's the restroom i need money i need money i need money i need to borrow some money i need to borrow some money i need to borrow some money do you have any money do you have any money do you have any money i don't have any money i don't have any money i don't have any money i have enough money i have enough money i have enough money i don't have enough money i don't have enough money i don't have enough money i need some privacy i need some privacy i need some privacy i need time to think i need time to think i need time to think i made a mistake i made a mistake i made a mistake i need to go i need to go i need to go i need to study i need to study i need to study what are you studying what are you studying what are you studying i need to work on my pronunciation i need to work on my pronunciation i need to work on my pronunciation i practice every day i practice every day i practice every day i'm learning english i'm learning english i'm learning english i'm trying to improve i'm trying to improve i'm trying to improve correct me if i'm wrong correct me if i'm wrong correct me if i'm wrong it doesn't work it doesn't work it doesn't work i took a shortcut i took a shortcut i took a shortcut i trust you i trust you i trust you bless you bless you bless you cheers cheers cheers god bless you god bless you god bless you it was an accident it was an accident it was an accident it's against the law it's against the law it's against the law it was bad it was bad it was bad it was amazing it was amazing it was amazing it was great it was great it was great it's a lie it's a lie it's a lie it's a miracle it's a miracle it's a miracle it's a beautiful day it's a beautiful day it's a beautiful day it's a rainy day it's a rainy day it's a rainy day it's cloudy it's cloudy it's cloudy it's raining it's raining it's raining it's snowing it's snowing it's snowing it's cold it's cold it's cold it's hot it's hot it's hot it's delicious it's delicious it's delicious it's fine it's fine it's fine it's getting dark it's getting dark it's getting dark it's getting late it's getting late it's getting late it's me it's me it's me it's mine it's mine it's mine it's not mine it's not mine it's not mine what time is it what time is it what time is it it's too late it's too late it's too late it's never too late it's never too late it's never too late it's no big deal it's no big deal it's no big deal it's not fair it's not fair it's not fair it's not important it's not important it's not important it's okay it's okay it's okay it's boring it's boring it's boring i don't have time i don't have time i don't have time it's the wrong size it's the wrong size it's the wrong size do you have a bigger size do you have a bigger size do you have a bigger size do you have a smaller size do you have a smaller size do you have a smaller size does it come in a different color does it come in a different color does it come in a different color can i get a discount can i get a discount can i get a discount can i have that one can i have that one can i have that one i regret coming here i regret coming here i regret coming here it's time to get up it's time to get up it's time to get up it's time to go to bed it's time to go to bed it's time to go to bed i slept like a baby i slept like a baby i slept like a baby it's too loud it's too loud it's too loud can you hear me can you hear me can you hear me it's true it's true it's true it works it works it works i wake up early i wake up early i wake up early that's wonderful that is wonderful that's wonderful i wanted i want it i want it i want to go with you i want to go with you i want to go with you i want to travel more i want to travel more i want to travel more i was busy today i was busy today i was busy today i was thinking about you i was thinking about you i was thinking about you i was waiting for you i was waiting for you i was waiting for you i was worried about you i was worried about you i was worried about you i wish i could i wish i could i wish i could who cares who cares who cares i would like to see you again i would like to see you again i would like to see you again i'll be busy i'll be busy i'll be busy i would like to make a reservation i would like to make a reservation i would like to make a reservation i'll be free later i'll be free later i'll be free later i'll be right with you i'll be right with you i'll be right with you i'll be right with you i'll be there soon i'll be there soon i'll be there soon i'll call you later i'll call you later i'll call you later i'll call you when i leave my house i'll call you when i leave my house i'll call you when i leave my house i'll come back later i'll come back later i'll come back later i'll do anything i'll do anything i'll do anything i'll do it tomorrow i'll do it tomorrow i'll do it tomorrow i'll pay you back i'll pay you back i'll pay you back i'll take care of it i'll take care of it i'll take care of it where is it where is it where is it i'll tell you later i'll tell you later i'll tell you later i'll think about it i'll think about it i'll think about it i'll wait for you i'll wait for you i'll wait for you i'll write it down i'll write it down i'll write it down i'm about to leave my house i'm about to leave my house i'm about to leave my house i'm allergic to i'm allergic to i'm allergic too i'm almost ready i'm almost ready i'm almost ready who are you with who are you with who are you with i'm alone i'm alone i'm alone i'm with my family i'm with my family i'm with my family what do you do what do you do what do you do where do you work where do you work where do you work i'm unemployed i'm unemployed i'm unemployed i have a business i have a business i have a business are you hiring are you hiring are you hiring i need a job i need a job i need a job i lost my job i lost my job i lost my job i work for i work for or i work at i want to start a business i want to start a business i want to start a business i would like to apply for a job i would like to apply for a job i would like to apply for a job i'm looking for a job i'm looking for a job i'm looking for a job i got an interview i got an interview i got an interview i love learning new things i love learning new things i love learning new things i want to learn from you i want to learn from you i want to learn from you what did you study what did you study what did you study i'm bored i'm bored i'm bored i'm busy i'm busy i'm busy i'm cold i'm cold i'm cold i'm hot i'm hot i'm hot what's going on what's going on going on what's happening what's happening what's happening what's new what's new what's new i'm doing my best i'm doing my best i'm doing my best are you busy are you busy are you busy are you free are you free are you free are you in a hurry are you in a hurry are you in a hurry where did you go where did you go where did you go what are you doing what are you doing what are you doing i'm driving i'm driving i'm driving what took you so long what took you so long what took you so long where do you live where do you live where do you live can i ask you a question can i ask you a question can i ask you a question do you have a boyfriend do you have a boyfriend do you have a boyfriend are you single are you single are you single are you married are you married are you married i have a boyfriend i have a boyfriend i have a boyfriend oh girlfriend i have a girlfriend i'm engaged i'm engaged i'm engaged i'm single i'm single i'm single are you on facebook are you on facebook are you on facebook i'm free this weekend i'm free this weekend i'm free this weekend are you interested are you interested are you interested i'm not interested i'm not interested i'm not interested i'm glad you came i'm glad you came i'm glad you came i'm going to sleep i'm going to sleep i'm going to sleep i'm going to take a shower i'm going to take a shower i'm gonna take a shower i'm happy for you i'm happy for you i'm happy for you i'm happy to see you i'm happy to see you i'm happy to see you it's nice to see you again it's nice to see you again it's nice to see you again where should i park where should i park where should i park i'm in a hurry i'm in a hurry i'm in a hurry i'm in the middle of something important i'm in the middle of something important i'm in the middle of something important i'm lost i'm lost i'm lost do you want to talk do you want to talk do you want to talk i'm here for you i'm here for you i'm here for you i'm nervous i'm nervous i'm nervous do you want some do you want some do you want some yes please yes please yes please i'm on my way i'm on my way i'm on my way i'm on vacation i'm on vacation i'm on vacation have you been here before have you been here before have you been here before how often do you come here how often do you come here how often do you come here how was it how was it how was it how was your day how was your day how was your day how was your trip how was your trip how was your trip how was your weekend how was your weekend how was your weekend i'm open-minded i'm open-minded i'm open-minded i'm open to criticism i'm open to criticism i'm open to criticism are you ready are you ready are you ready i'm ready i'm ready i'm ready i like hanging out with my friends i like hanging out with my friends i like hanging out with my friends i'm so excited i'm so excited i'm so excited why are you sad why are you sad why are you sad why are you crying why are you crying why are you crying why do you ask why do you ask why do you ask i'm serious i'm serious i'm serious i mean it i mean it i mean it i'm confused i'm confused i'm confused what time do you get up what time do you get up what time do you get up i'm sleepy i'm sleepy i'm sleepy what time did you go to sleep what time did you go to sleep what time did you go to sleep did you sleep well did you sleep well did you sleep well i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sure i'm sure i'm sure i'm hungry i'm hungry i'm hungry do you want to eat do you want to eat do you want to eat can i see the menu can i see the menu can i see the menu what do you recommend what do you recommend what do you recommend this is not what i ordered this is not what i ordered this is not what i ordered i'm thirsty i'm thirsty i'm thirsty would you like something to drink would you like something to drink would you like something to drink is there anything to eat is there anything to eat is there anything to eat enjoy your meal enjoy your meal enjoy your meal let me know when you're ready let me know when you are ready let me know when you're ready let's eat let's eat let's eat would you like anything else would you like anything else would you like anything else no thank you no thank you no thank you no thanks i want more i want more i want more which is better which is better which is better which do you prefer which do you prefer which do you prefer which one do you like which one do you like which one do you like i'm ready for the check i'm ready for the check i'm ready for the check how much do i owe you how much do i owe you how much do i owe you can i pay with a credit card can i pay with a credit card can i pay with a credit card where do i pay where do i pay where do i pay how much is it how much is it how much is it what did you do today what did you do today what did you do today i'm tired i'm tired i'm tired i need to rest i need to rest i need to rest i need a break i need a break i need a break i'm very grateful i'm very grateful i'm very grateful i'm waiting i'm waiting i'm waiting are you still there are you still there are you still there what's the problem what's the problem what's the problem i'm worried about you i'm worried about you i'm worried about you where are you where are you where are you how do you feel how do you feel how do you feel i'm okay i'm okay i'm okay i'm sick i'm sick i'm sick i feel great i feel great i feel great i don't feel well i don't feel well i don't feel well not good not good not good i went shopping i went shopping i went shopping what did you buy what did you buy what did you buy can i have one can i have one can i have one i've been here since this morning i've been here since this morning [Music] i've been here since this morning let me know let me know let me know let me know if there's anything i can do for you let me know if there is anything i can do for you let me know if there's anything i can do for you let's go let's go let's go let's go out let's go out let's go out let's meet for lunch let's meet for lunch let's meet for lunch make yourself comfortable make yourself comfortable make yourself comfortable can you pick me up can you pick me up can you pick me up maybe later maybe later maybe later did you like it did you like it did you like it me too me too me too no one told me no one told me no one told me what should i do what should i do what should i do nothing nothing nothing not much not much not much one moment please moment please one moment please open the window open the window open the window over there over there over there pay attention pay attention pay attention please don't argue please don't argue please don't argue please follow the rules please follow the rules please follow the rules let me know if i make any mistakes let me know if i make any mistakes let me know if i make any mistakes please sit down please sit down please sit down please speak more slowly please speak more slowly please speak more slowly raise your hand if you have any questions raise your hand if you have any questions raise your hand if you have any questions i'm scared i'm scared i'm scared excuse me excuse me excuse me where should i sign where should i sign where should i sign sign here sign here sign here fill this out fill this out fill this out someone called you someone called you someone called you someone is calling me someone is calling me someone is calling me i left your voicemail i left you a voicemail i left your voicemail take a deep breath take a deep breath take a deep breath are you mad at me are you mad at me are you mad at me take off your shoes take off your shoes take off your shoes tell me about yourself tell me about yourself tell me about yourself what do you like to do in your free time what do you like to do in your free time what do you like to do in your free time tell me the truth tell me the truth tell me the truth who is it who is it who is it text me when you're free text me when you're free text me when you're free thank you thank you thank you it's my pleasure it's my pleasure it's my pleasure you're welcome you're welcome you're welcome thank you for asking thank you for asking thank you for asking thank you for letting me stay thank you for letting me stay thank you for letting me stay thank you for your support thank you for your support thank you for your support thank you very much thank you very much thank you very much that's all that's all that's all that's enough that's enough that's enough that's interesting that's interesting [Music] that's interesting that's much better that's much better that's much better the phone is ringing the phone is ringing the phone's ringing there are too many people here there are too many people here there are too many people here there has been a misunderstanding there has been a misunderstanding there has been a misunderstanding there's no difference there's no difference there's no difference i have a big family i have a big family i have a big family these are my children these are my children these are my children they're about to close they're about to close they're about to close it's easier than i thought it's easier than i thought it's easier than i thought this is easy this is easy this is easy it's harder than i thought it's harder than i thought it's harder than i thought this is hard this is hard this is hard i think so i think so i think so this is very useful this is very useful this is very useful that's great that's great that's great try again try again try again what are my options what are my options what are my options what difference does it make what difference does it make what difference does it make turn the light off turn the light off turn the light off turn the light on turn the light on turn the light on turn the volume down turn the volume down turn the volume down turn the volume up turn the volume up turn the volume up very well very well very well wait for me wait for me wait for me wait in line wait in line wait in line who was here first who was here first who was here first we are just getting started we are just getting started we're just getting started welcome welcome welcome welcome back welcome back welcome back can i call you later can i call you later can i call you later call me call me call me call me anytime call me anytime call me anytime call me as soon as possible call me as soon as possible call me as soon as possible you're so kind you are so kind you're so kind where did you get that where did you get that where did you get that you can order it online you can order it online you can order it online do you mind sharing do you mind sharing do you mind sharing you got here just in time you got here just in time you got here just in time can you explain this can you explain this can you explain this you have my support you have my support you have my support you inspire me you inspire me you inspire me you missed it you missed it you missed it you motivate me you motivate me you motivate me you need to be patient you need to be patient you need to be patient your house is beautiful your house is beautiful your house is beautiful you're a good teacher you're a good teacher you're a good teacher you're being disrespectful you're being disrespectful you're being disrespectful who do you think you are who do you think you are who do you think you are i don't want anymore i don't want anymore i don't want anymore i don't want it i don't want it i don't want it i quit i quit i quit you're making it worse you're making it worse you're making it worse you're right you're right you're right you're wrong you're wrong you're wrong what are you thinking about what are you thinking about what are you thinking about is something bothering you is something bothering you is something bothering you is this yours is this yours is this yours can i have your attention can i have your attention can i have your attention can i see your id can i see your id can i see your id how do you say it in english how do you say it in english how do you say it in english do you have children do you have children do you have children or do you have any children do you have any children how is your family how is your family how's your family how many siblings do you have how many siblings do you have how many siblings do you have how long will it take how long will it take how long will it take what are you waiting for what are you waiting for what are you waiting for what's today's date what's today's date what's today's date i'm done i'm done i'm done it's over it's over it's over see you next time see you next time see you next time goodbye good bye goodbye oh bye bye bye
Channel: Elisa Valkyria
Views: 2,791,568
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: xEqV1LkaYko
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 12sec (4212 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 22 2022
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