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it's out final episode for the year ahead break island one of me mates has decided to come over for the weekend you were sick of paying the barge price bringing his own barge with the F truck do you think of me mates mugger it's crap there's no flies anyone floss [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah and running welcome back to another episode of the Explorer you wouldn't read about it it's our final episode for the year this time we're doing a local trooper only one hour from Brisbane Stradbroke Island now meet rusty Navy's let me down I got TIFF riding shotgun on this episode where you're Simon from custom off-road lane from track of our campus old swifty from ARB and dhania states from airing down in the big 200 it's going to be one hell of a weekend here we go Strabo college straddie noir straddie whatever you want to call it it's a beautiful island located in the Moreton Bay region it's actually the second biggest Sand Island in the world you jump on the barge at a place called Cleveland which is about 40 minutes outside of Brisbane City a short 45-minute barge ride over to the island and it's game on [Music] yet I left the name distract you it's only a short 15 minute drive from the barge to a place called Brown Lake it is absolutely stunning it's an inland freshwater lake that is 100% worth checking out while you're over at strategy [Music] [Music] well we've got a little bit of time to kill swifty spent too long doing his bloody hair this morning mr. barge this is too nice to turn down so we're going old skimboard out kill a little bit of time and then we'll go pick up old swifty oh here we go what do you reckon Simon I'll give it a go I think lunch at the pub tomorrow whoever skimboard to the least distance [Music] [Music] [Music] always my I'm skimboarding skills unreal say did you hear from sweetie to see which fairy has to catch now since he missed it yeah Mike you got on on the hold skimboard that's for sure MA - family Swifty's finished doing his hair he's makeups on so you'd be on the 930 barge i reckon by the time we head back now maybe a sneaky sausage roll the bakery and now you should beat it sounds good my thread like always not real keen to head there with a nine but that was all i really yeah my brand like octopus I thought I was gonna be shocking but it's like a oh I wouldn't call it a McKenzie but she's not bad well I lost one of the the bakery they can buy me a sausage drop [Music] hey what's going on ladies gary is going on hey looks good what that's why I'm a little bit like let's get let's get have a crack at this Inlet track and get down onto the beach you know man what's the hair okay so we're making our way north up towards the Amity point turn off just before that you take a right-hand turn onto the power line track that will give you access to one of the last remaining inland full drive tracks we head north for a little bit then we swing in Yui and head back south across the island towards Main Beach triangle track as we call it it's a beautiful 20-minute drive that shows you some of the stunning Hornet and flora that the island has to offer there we go we've come as fast as we can it's a little bit too windy down here we're going to make our way up north to find a nice little campsite Tom's lunch [Music] pulled off just off the beach beautiful water views however we're out of the wind so I think this will be lunch and probably camp for the afternoon pretty chilled out arm I reckon we'll get the boat in the drink and enjoy it I knew all the names jazz well [Music] take it loneliness right here yeah Tommy I was pulled up at 3 o'clock we can't focus whenever I ever have didn't the big horse had to bring it I just put it out there the fun because it's windy all weekend we can't go fishing how's the flames on the bag actually came with so supercharged but super charged so we can do some time tomorrow all right are we into got the surfboards swifty brought tubes and even enabled epic so we'll do that all day tomorrow over Flinders tomorrow game on skimboarding experience mate he was unreal off twisting and well not on the board we try skim board behind this yeah all right check it out darling here's his uh where is it Simon in action let's go it's got skills bono so one of me mates has decided to come over for the weekend he was sick of paying the barge prices and he's bringing his own barge with the air truck in his barge he's meant to be coming in shortly we're going to go down see if we can't see him unload this it should be interesting let's go how smooth Jionni's down himself bishop he's going to paint up to help him it's sort of interesting [Music] meaning who among them I would love it is upon the context [Music] take it up into the sunset now - nobody goes out there everybody missed our long time so is the body's gone but I was relaxed five we missed it all [Music] Oh everybody's walking toward the dead roll on a place in a far Tarot isn't broken like a star I was me [Music] I was me [Music] stickin zeros giving breakfast on I was made to [Music] Oh [Music] do you think it is made smart girl it's crap there's no flies any lower floors right actually we've just pulled up for a bit of Reiki it looks so glad he good out the front I think we're gonna have to drop the skin see how good you are behind the ski you don't terrible getting up but my old rod is back I'm on this penny I don't know if we should let drawn Solomon drive the ski he can't even handle chart recovering leader [Music] just gathering Oh [Music] it's better you could [Music] all right well it's bloody blind leading the blind out there Donny's skis [ __ ] itself the boys left him it [ __ ] itself again they've gone back out I don't know what they're doing honestly bunch of peanut I think they've managed to get this skied in now so wait for the boys to come back we're supposed to be doing some scarfing lotto thing that's gonna happen so I don't know we might pack it up and go to the pub for a beer I think [Music] did Karen help we got a book ha ha sounding jet ski and feeleth watch it all over the beach a merchant's for books or what have you having a great holiday good time I let me explore the jet ski sank and I know how the tire I pull you need and now they the other trucks Bob trying to get it in then the TV's washing I love it and we're now going to check out a bit just my god yeah if the boys ought to just stay with him the first time then they wouldn't matter wait till he started sinking so apparently the jetski started sinking and then they got the jet ski back and they left one boat sitting out there all right now the tides coming when he's done himself amid this should burn the most insane 20 minutes of my life we got a bogged up air up here we got old Baker over here bog down and basically Donnie nearly sunk his ski out there we have to get the 10 e pick him up it's just been acting out there we're just through the rope and we're like go go go and there was water just brushing in by and we picked the perfect harmony come through the way I did not think we were going to make that fall together these things happen we'll fix it we get this old we got hit targets lunch it's a cup um I can have well I didn't exactly go to plan but it was a bit of fun anyway maybe tomorrow a better walk [Music] oh boys well that was a bit of a debacle I don't know about you but let's go see if we can't find a pup my arms are shot from on that jet skiing it was a work out I think Donnie oh here be you though yeah look at it now I quite go to plan my stop all a bit of fun I reckon we'll try and get that ski fixed up and having a hovercraft tomorrow yeah but also looking for to get the chip ever on it yeah mate maybe somewhere a little bit karma nice it's probably the biggest difference with strata compared to some of the other islands more than Fraser it's a little bit more populated there is pitchman on the island which is a little bit disappointing there's a couple of major parts we've just pulled up for a cold beer and a fade here at the beach club at our Point Lookout beautiful spot for a bit of lunch to see what happens after lunch we might go and do the boardwalk let's play man well I will try and fix this skate so we're gonna have another crack and I'll get a few other toys I'm going to pick up so I'm gonna make that has a place on the island we'll go try and fix the ski you go find the best campsite you can on Flinders get the boat set up and we'll have another crack is our photo let's count down there all right I'll see us down there all right right so we've just pulled up at Ben's house Donny's just back to ski down we're gonna give it a real good rush yet since half of it was underwater throw the jump back on hopefully we can get the bloody thing running again we'll have another cracker salvo could be stolen okay could have sucked in water Wow ready watch this our kitchen cook oops well it's not looking real good by Tom we've got the battery on charge so we're gonna hook it we'll just drop it here let her charge up see how we go but it doesn't really want to kick over I made I heard every man and his dog was over in Flinders dogs and food yeah so look it's not as windy over this side it's beautiful on it and we chucked that tinny back in jet skis out of action let's throw the tube on done happy day [Music] all right so we're going to put the two behind the boat everyone suck and no one wants to have a go only one way to decide it to rock off this is one you do not want to lose because someone's getting sent right we'll go first this is a rock rock yes [Music] one thing that we've learnt this year is to take at any with us absolutely everywhere we go it adds a whole new level of adventure whether it's mucking around with the tube heading out for a fish or just going exploring through some of the creeks systems do yourself a favor come in 20 or mates to piety knee and drag it with you everywhere you go [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] what a day boys absolutely nothing when to play home bar breath off every window was a bloodbath Italy oldest pretty color okay skating body work Flinders was packed and the older you know true behind the team's L by July war all right offices Harris you swim over brief oh yeah oh oh next time I think we'll use the old rubber ducky [Music] [Music] oh alright okay three final day unfortunately it looks like that's going to be a bit of rain coming this morning so we're gonna get up it's about 6:30 we're gonna get everything packed up see if we can't find a coffee up on the hill and try and get this boardwalk done before we get drenched [Music] here we go an absolute must while you're overage straddie is the North Gorge war it's a short one point two K walk that follows the head led of Point Lookout it is absolutely gorgeous this is the place to come if you want to catch a glimpse of some marine life turtles dolphins whales rays you name it this is the spot to see [Music] promoted about halfway around the hall walk and we've stopped on this headland it's such an awesome dude the waters crystal clear there's actually a beach tucked right in at the end so we're going to chuck the gear in there and go for a dip [Music] our hearts are just pulled up to Flinders Beach beautiful day today absolute Mill Pond out there we should get a few toys out and have a bit of a play for you afternoon whether you reckon yeah Matt's gonna fight out Lions got the boat it's gonna paddle ball down line and Donnie got an awards look at your scoop around a thing you got don't need about that as well if it's a doughnut in line of just gone to get to skate and they've got all the toys after some slip slop slap and a quick dip the boys have finally arrived let's give you up [Music] so I'm quick thanks to the boys at our MC service center how they booked us up one of their brand new I are quite stingrays what a epic Peter kick this thing is it'll pump along in 21 kilometers underwater let me tell you you feel like you're absolutely [ __ ] it'll go as deep as 30 meters this thing really is the ultimate little underwater toy for all your Explorer [Music] [Music] I will how good's this the very last episode of the year we've been everywhere from taozi all the way up to Darwin and everywhere in between if you've enjoyed this series make sure you subscribe leave a comment can't wait to see you next year on the Explorer [Music] well there you go I cannot believe it that's a wrap on 2019 what an absolutely massive year I want to know what you guys thought leaving the comments what your favorite episode for the season was also what would you guys like to see more of next year we love hearing your thoughts a couple of real quick thank yous to the team Berkey Simon Lane you guys have killed it this year too a couple of special guests Jacque Oh Stacy and Donny Maddie Swift from ARB my epic film crew Maddie and Mo you guys have absolutely smashed it and the behind the scenes you don't get to see Kylie mom dad tiffen rates you guys are put in a huge effort this year it's much appreciated now look last but not least my sponsors these guys are the best in the biz and that's why we teamed up with them so make sure you get around them now look that's about it I hope you guys have a cracking Christmas in New Year's you might just see us sitting up on the beach somewhere having a cold beer till next year make sure you get out and live the explore [Music]
Channel: The Explore Life
Views: 172,490
Rating: 4.8994975 out of 5
Keywords: 4x4, 4wding, explore life, explore 4x4, 4wd action, all 4 adventure, australia 4wd, 4x4ing, explore, overlanding, queensland, 4wd qld, landcruiser 76 series, v8 landcruiser, Straddie, North stradbroke island, Camping, chopped 200, jetski straddie, flinders beach camping, flinders beach, main beach straddie, 2nd biggest sand island, camping qld
Id: lVpP67Anxhs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 32sec (1592 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 01 2019
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