Franklin Graham Yangon 2016 Part 03

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ladies and gentlemen let's welcome the Reverend Franklin Graham good evening Ling lang yan nickimja we are so grateful for mi hija de 8002 memory this is our last evening in Iran now Sonia today I wish that it could go on for many nights I don't know navami oscidyne coma bellows and achieve are a many people have come to know Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior the my aha issue could revoke a DC and the Canton a teach language yaki doggie Bobby and tonight you can come to Jesus and know him in ela Teja he took a Dogu teach angry yeah she named up today you see God sent His Son Jesus Christ from heaven to this earth he looking at the Adaro ichika go go medieval would see you later ha they enjoyed the body he took our sins maria Kim young-woo used on top of the day he died in our place in order to a deacon getting he died on a cross the water day my troop who's not he can get it he was buried for our sins Naru yet you do it the Jew jingle can get it but on the third day God raised his son go life so we enjoy Dyneema elegant yet Dawood gen Lee Samuel T getting and tonight God will forgive you of your sins in India yelling at you Diggle Quinn Lucini he'll welcome you into his presence he a mode Oregon II yelled angle to Suvari and tonight I'm going to invite you to do something this evening Jordan anomaly in no go zone who will be my aunt can all copy Cheney if you're here tonight and you're not sure that your sins are forgiven in in yah-yah-yah duplicity kdeeny diligently Shambhu Miyagi Bui I'm going to invite you to get up out of your seat in just a few moments teeny agony table aroma here Tala Voyager Queen B Jenny and make your way to the front of this platform Ichi Semyon ama her libido and to confess Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior PS you will get the chains I can't hear la Kamui Andre Hakeem PG&E tonight I want to thank all the churches in a 10 ohm iago Kazuki nebula body I want to thank the general committee no way to enjoy a comedy all of the executive leadership team Alton gonzo me on to the choir my opinion incredible choir the only quiet witty and then all of the musicians this week I want to say thank you de Bello chikipede are a newbie Knights in yellow and I want to thank our Usher's and counselors the agility camp in seniority and also the staff of the arena here the convention center MA now in Haleiwa green and all of the volunteers they'll be ready alone I want to say thank you Allah Allah which is ooki na dokyun money tonight I want to look at a man who called on the name of Jesus Ania here you go Cory do th on butanol wing ogyny and what Jesus did for him he to go to dress blue cubic a laser Dargo TCGA and as Mark chapter 10 module cooing I need to say verse 46 again these days tough then they came to Jericho is Jesus and His disciples together with a large crowd we're leaving the city a blind man Bartimaeus that is the son of Timaeus was sitting by the roadside begging when he heard that it was Jesus of Nazareth he began to shout Jesus thou son of David have mercy on me many rebuked him Toland be quiet but he shouted all the more Jesus stopped and said call him so they called to the blind man cheer up on your feet he's calling you throwing his cloak aside he jumped to his feet and he came to Jesus what do you want me to do for you Jesus asked him the blind man said rabbi I want to see go said Jesus your faith has healed you immediately he received his sight and followed Jesus along the road shimabukuro in Canada saying lej chuggineer papa men yo yo yo yo jolly fellow romasaa hazard Oh Lou bond o neg wa kunu ma Karamu syndrome he Meza Hajime mashite all do Gandhi Lana Mata Nui counseling Nasser Ramos Alicia she django tireless TOWIE star aishu Tanaka came at an aroma bahu patchouli Toto go th one is aging a Lumia Rudi Nagi sujod Olay Hawaii taro trope okay Martin ro move a hooter he Toledo issue D yatta-mole a todo go kagyu amend OG to de Barros e du kanga Koyuk masu NE ha lo tengo cora moody huge a todo de Mimico tumble a Toyota no doy issue gala tonight a bed o fusillade me who me Romilly Hashem here tanomoshii messaging app you removal lugash Aledo yoga paulo de aqui en d tengo que ma vie whom indomie token agenda to do the Maison de la night no todo like a E I was very interested in the blind choir tonight Ania mmm wega choir so Dory's not alone singin zawari their singing was so pure and beautiful Rita sue raga I'm Adama gamma ray I've always been impressed with how blind people are able to navigate without their eyes Yemen en el lugar Emir Yoma Sheba melee well that's him who you know night - no imitating wind ah beret I travel and stay many times in hotels where the rooms are very dark Accardi imagine Oh daiquiri oedema imagem Almighty Nia go to Abu day you turn the light off me Pele be to me and you can't see I'm a yellow I'll turn the light back on ETF will Emma and I will go to the window and open the drapes just a little bit so a little light will come in Oh buddy Milani de nearly Leo yonder holodeck I dunno maybe I can Ollie Ollie I want to be able to see any Kodama be mean any not long ago in California United States majority no American and California MA there was a terrible accident on one of our highways yo se llama dima su lado Nate got a mood today and it was over a hundred automobiles crashed Eddie got a mood Emma CTL out yes he so chill moody tre and the news media came out and interviewed this one woman hey MA today honey honey lava dome are using media God this'll me Mangano day she said I was driving down the road all of a sudden there came fog across the road and I couldn't see and I was blind and I wrecked my car my yellow majority came with hidden layer so you know Marie got you tak aa jicama come on and recover my yardage on Lou Eddie do pips k re one of the things I do is I'm a pilot general arrow Limone pilot the LP buddy I have flown airplanes for 45 years you know Limone nibbled is an analogic a Bobby and many times we fly in clouds through rain and storms Nicki Minaj a danger late Hema Malini's Auriemma don't we gave you rain you can't see any come on mama Mia you don't know where the ground is giving up I'm honest and I'm a two-year-old you cannot see the sky going on enemy arrow and you have to rely on your instruments any camera Pouilly created a blog over Theodoric you cannot rely on your sensations oh yeah I oh no miko Lumiere oh you have to follow your aircrafts instruments and Nina Czechia Senegal where a buoy on it you see there many of you here tonight in your going through life blindly Eenie honor Africa DeMolay bawa a Manu we'll get that meat lasagna renewed energy today and if you don't change the direction of your life tonight Dao de agua don't even a sepia ammonium of the autonomous we know your life could be destroyed be able that you see animal a tsunami it's a night you have a chance to come to Jesus Christ and that Indian ro the key issue G gold lava Hydra a clinician a he will cleanse your heart being alone with tensions email or guide you and direct you he will not harm a single photon beam a and in a few moments I'm going to invite you to get up out of your seat you know matagi ma DNA run it from nabo quickly me and if you're willing to believe by faith Jesus Christ tonight eh ago Lonergan every know my Yuki let engineers oh he'll forgive your sins who got the ax Tico could not be me you can have a new life and a new beginning Erica Martinez it's all the d'água yamir a tip-top oh I thought you yummy you prepare to come she was one of a hundred kissing huh Bonaparte mayor sublime buddy Mahon miss Akane the only job he was begging a Domino's Ouya no don't IRA they did have schools for the blind back then Eddie tomorrow yo keed re address Johnny McKee table he was a beggar who ha dollar deal today and in his blindness he cannot see is fill for his rags yes he can edit a domino to happen all Tina paneer in yet penniless origami ni mu nor courtesy beauty do you love Ariana girl Emma meaning outside of Jesus Christ you are spiritually blind to God you know Yeshua Messiah the waddle a winger Yama come yesterday the Bible says you say that I'm rich and I've acquired wealth and do not need a thing Jairaj or a 10-gallon adios Tejada a banana goes see boobies and accumulo hoop Yasui but you don't realize that your wretched pitiful poor blind and naked quarantine man gene Sanaa we're teaching senior year Missy Gagne which is each identity go Timothy body God the Bible says the god of this world that devil has blinded the minds of him who believes not alone si no tiene la diarrea know God's we are a pure Sodom monogatari and yes people quasi lay nor could he see the joy and have peace of knowing Christ yucca devotee Johnny a genius identity anyone know Jenna Gollum Machinima's ego quasi de navarra Maris was poor but him ago buddy may I see it it every country has pockets of poverty it is tiene que viene de Bouree but you see where we are poor without God in a I am Nishita blah delay to date ability a table up today regardless of our earthly possessions we are all poor without God in a know gamma Osaka City to Bobby Mellie Mohammed II you know CNN Keaney FC man has a problem luma didn't actually and that problem is called sin Eddie get inada at in local money then is disobedience to God appear as a pious Godwin Amma County today to his standards he is hanging woman me in today and the Bible says we've all sinned and come short of God's glory maternal god you're a loop oh no did you say go do a PR hit on a take ap HIV Jesus told about a young man he is you a lunatic Opio Gary who came to Jesus he should he go la get it do nearly you have money here power to God which is an array the pools are to worry but didn't have a relationship with God I may be on arrow I said I'm a Hebrew and he asked Jesus if you could not Eagle Lobby meeting what must I do to inherit eternal life Horacio Yahweh a noble ooyama lady maybe you have that question tonight in engine and michiga eddie'll omega l'm your chi gong chili man Jesus told him to get rid of his money and come follow him they have treasures in heaven he into our ATM machine arrows that you see de llamada Monica like hey love you're a the young man chose his riches attended a soiree but healing uh we attended a llama go you in you lady he turned his back on Jesus the key issue was talking idea you see tonight you can have your sins forgiven being a mystic win looking or looking at seen any but you have a choice you can accept or reject and then they see my um you today now on the camel ah nice Omaha and I asked today that you would accept Jesus Christ by faith into your heart into your life in energy no Pico janai desuka da Gama me a que tiene que viene you chilakamma you see for many years I didn't want God in my life general Kuna Yala pneumonias opiod Oh Matty Galen duty of today I wanted a party I wanted to have fun - nobody said that wasn't our body pure ah reactionary Gaussian it wasn't about it it's not that I didn't believe in God hey yo me llamo Babu but I did not want to commit myself to him tonight at Balad I hope we are now managed in obey and there was an emptiness in my life another one MRO hog witty who I seen it yeah Dickens Annie Annie there was a spiritual blindness in my life then Oklahoma wing Yee argh yes he can e devil of him idiot and I was 22 any time I do not know sendin it when I confess my sins to God and ask for his forgiveness any team madness antennapedia tomorrow crypto Jima a pinnacle we talk on marketing and by faith invited Jesus Christ to come into my heart yo DJ idea you could know what annoys a no-name a Coppola can get it at night I asked him to be the Lord of my life and in Yama tannoy yet the canyon it ohto boy and ready to go let's hang get it that night God forgave my sins any yama-chan oh yeah did they go to quit no beginning and they opened my eyes then I yet people put big it is spiritually winging you see and he'll do that for you ninguna tinea Nassif will be made you see the Bible says that we are blinded by the god of this age the devil ten sahaja yoga so you are a pure saruman a gallery a mystical quasi ray he wants to deceive you he wants to lure you into sin Solomon a guru regal a pitiless own a yoga his Amore's tangos says honey and maybe you're here tonight in Europe you're hopeless in a messy Bhandari mom you need immediate Inigo 3r element eternally see Bartimaeus was hopeless body megan immunogen mary lou today no one could help him do pata go mikuni yahoo many of you feel hopeless tonight in indonesia many locales are already machine any why do people commit suicide modular origami Megami meet they don't and a delay why do people use drugs we use hero by your souls sound a delay or turn to alcohol I know yes village a delay if the evidence of hopelessness that I'm yawning gave me a la cañada Tabari the papers are full of young people who are hopeless little injury model in imagination immune engine Medellin area bloody goo tune any more amazed was hopeless muddy mayhem UNITA many no one could hear his blindness yes Connie novel beta-gamma mokuba name of you expected to die in his blindness Kouga musica never never see a machinima Yoshi need a there were no doctors there was no clinic CR Winnie Lam pounamu said they steal my money Magoo named Abu and there's nothing that you can do to rid yourself of the sin in your life outside of Jesus Christ Gennaro never wanted re my second idea critical hey Sonny Boy yeah the top in Emma Mayen a mu the Bible says there's no one who's righteous no not one the marginal I gotta tell my little mushy PL mama t boo the Bible says we're dead in our trespasses and sins Montana Roger a dude oh I do the AB unites the alleged a and we have all sinned and come short of God's glory general dude aha you take off you ta âlâ Cosima I think he attended re and the wages of sin is death yet the ayat Allah teach you today there's no hope you're Lindsay Michiru outside of Jesus Christ the King Yeshua Messiah vada your ninja him any day see sin is a disease of the human soul a pitcher or Julius II William are sweatin in a yoga term you'll obey when the first man Adam sinned tomorrow Saluda Elena if you get a then came into the world and infected the entire human race any ta-da-da-da he Logan Emma appear when abhidhamma the morgue Aloha Vietnam okay re then separates us from God a pickle una be evoke in plaza de with Olson Luna EPA and the penalty percent is bad Pierre Qaddafi he did a separation from God for eternity bayonet power gig was in today Bartimaeus had no hope not even my own agency whoo there was a ray of hope though yo needed him any reported a now he had heard rumors of this man from Galilee by the name of Jesus any team ah Ghani leg on e o kunio-kun Allah raise any issues angle to Tolyatti he heard stories out here raise the dead any poco hysterical skeleton OCD he made the lame to walk Lambert on analytical ya neva domination city then he cured people of leprosy new now yoga cylindrical joke eternity no PDA that is even given sight to the blind miss Amanda Nelligan Jessica New Zealand a Bartimaeus heard his crowd coming you do to Namit Alana go to tae RA and if somebody was passing by he said what's the commotion who's coming you dear Watson Amadeo nakama you Zulu we use that there's enough barolay no to me lady the stranger pulls away says it's Jesus I didn't do what you're a issue Jesus of Nazareth is coming Nazarene Road on Youku Tel Aviv or mass would have never heard it it hadn't been for this stranger body mega any today well you know how to come a macabre game ooh and bartimaeus reached out as Jesus passed by you I love technology my buddy mega Amelia to Varna quarry the same Jesus is here tonight and he's passing by for you any youtuber to a teeny teeny managed anonymity so Connie will you call on his name any issue animal Kolya mis'ess in the hippie lon jesus said have not come to call the righteous but sinners to repentance es una carrera el Modelo de boku wa anata mo who appeared on ago no not oka voyage Inari will you come to Jesus tonight you need the key issues ago miss Adina chicken Amla you come in repentance now Donna sushi goes la mala notte in god you're sorry the other games you know don't mind but I look yeomen are now in desperation bartemaeus cries at the top of his voice body mega a theater Mohammed ah yeesh you go Cory Jesus thou son of David have mercy on me a leotardo you to know potent ro move on Oh Cory now are you willing to cry out to that same Jesus Christ tonight for mercy DNA that you need me I'll give you now evoke a new voyage a reality no Kamala other beggars told him to be quiet Oh be led God he kneel on is good this ship keeps still me with on Eva but the more they rebuked him the more he cried out piano negative of Oviedo matatini Laguna del estado ma attend Romina ma only man he cried for the right thing Kouga mando addresses ah teacher EcoRI he's a self son of David have mercy on me now ESR o ye Xu Talia taro taro became a tanara move on oh there are other things he needed to watch italiana go to town we Avari he needed a better haircut ah de Novo's Davina Voyager Knievel okutani RA he needed his teeth plain Oh audience I'm Eeva Lola tubular Yara new clothes a weird thought if we wanna let the Donnelly on it but there was one need that surpassed them all that man ne-yo idiot Don Luna yah go to Tony God have mercy on me de novo tanara move ah look at Donny why I don't a bartimaeus realized he was a sinner I don't as a body mega to the pizza today sir I go to the ball body are you willing tonight to come to Jesus Christ in inna lemme see Eddy ukitake go la mala did you come the price tonight you've got to be realized that you're a sinner you've got to be willing to confess and turn the key is Eagle lying in a row a pizza tears when I go wig Hayama today we've all sinned general Aloha is she got it we're all guilty Aggie she daddy and bartimaeus put all of his hopes in Jesus Christ's body military engineer Aloha Sukumar machinist or a suitable body will you do the same thing tonight being old case you go Eddie Lou aguma nah the Bible says salvation is found in no one else Daniela Dora khuda ke na mono Madiba no cocaine anandamide zone Takumi ah but there's no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved Tony out Ludo read my poem he knows karate jesus said I'm the way the truth and the life no man comes to the Father Peter Noddy lankey today at alleged a tamale alleged enemy minion but do not immediate and oatmeal Yahoo now he cried at the right time we know medulla I can't get you got him orange Jesus was passing by he is eupatoria tema tonight that same Jesus of Nazareth is here Annina a general Emma 18,000 images you could achieve re what will you do Missy boludo Kemeny will you caller's main Vietnam evoke Roman ah now you have to understand there was a large crowd Unni nah I am a little anything my luodian on ebay now there are a lot of people saying Jesus look at me over here duniya do ma they owe you much each UT bar now if it has been in today's climate Jesus stopped let's take a pic sure Oh the key is you cannot any vowels in Arizona whn has a regulation mama but there was a lot of commotion yo-yos added any renewal gr but there was a blind beggar that may edit him a music anybody man who cried for the right thing to the mando Yahoo Tony Jesus thou son of David have mercy on me Howie I thought oh he's huge no golden arrow move on he was the only one who cried for mercy good day o king of it hey you Naruto honey and with a large crowd you ot got on yonder hearing Jesus heard boar America's voice any new ot Ganapati may echo tango G suit re he stops to yell ad he said call him semi to Corey and then they said Chirac via Utica but Serena he's calling you hakuna single issue Pia Corey is Jesus Christ calling you tonight in Indiana any issues I think O'Connell a as I've been preaching is there a little voice inside of you saying that this is what you need to do tonight you know who do need a team of it I don't see him out sandy who you are a he Levitt who need to give away end up yellow chili suppose you've said I'll wait and learn a little more about Jesus - Nene organ cannellini video mono McCoy call me Lucinda Nene I'll read the paper tomorrow to see what the scribes and the Pharisees say Manetti indeed seminoma party Garriga people who inevitably bamyas gomez and I go singing oh man or token any maybe he would say I think I'll wait until he comes to Jericho again oh no the cul unicornio good cannot excite on Marvin not we call me Lola - since on a knee Jesus was on his way to the cross any team asking issue out gonna go OD be 20-day he was never coming to Jericho again he dekomia would not the Pantheon malleable Bartimaeus would have never had another chance Eddie Lewis amazing body may another car Queenie Yamaha boo and for you tonight you may never have another chance tonight Missy ta-da-da-da male hello Quyen yo no to call Yamaha boo will you do what bartimaeus did will you call upon the name of Jesus Christ and faith body mega you Gerda yes you see I will call the gate obey miss Lila ringing Alicia go : the Bible says now is accepted time now is the day of salvation 10 a large Oreo cookie mr. Poirot te yaqoob' Katie honey a kolache e for Bartimaeus that was his time but he made Recaro king of e and for you tonight this is your time to need to make theater lady Nina ha a TV now God warns hugging a teddy be today a man who remains stiff-necked will suddenly be destroyed I tell ya so mugging will condole a Mimi leaving okay mother da doo dee doo ba Mei you PID a silly me there is a judgment coming they are seeing ye Lali me but today God wants to forgive he need up yelling I could not keep media name but the only way you can be forgiven is to come to Jesus Christ by faith Eddie quit knocking oh yeah you name one day garage ye Chicago utility oddity body Jesus Christ died for your sins hey you got the idiotic hunger he was raised from the dead thinking on a meter but Tommy okay he's alive he's here tonight Kouga auditioning you need night alone at UGA he'll come into your heart into your life if you let him Theater dilemma see Abaza dilemma think okay miss me we owe Peter money are uniting notice what Jesus did the King is about you - listen I would give all is the callin you look Oh Lady now he comes with Jesus if you he will yell re Jesus Stood Still he is you got yet Oh movie MA all these people around him even when you're my new lenient even many people saying Jesus look at me Jesus over here Jesus dunya da da do do not go native on you you know they're gonna never all oh don't Danny mother but there was only one who was crying for mercy that we made de novo the Nawal okay you not all can and you got the ltaly and Jesus stopped on the way to Calvary hey granny go go you generally Hyuga any Quadrangle job Yama - yeah Desmarais Jesus was tensed over you tonight in in Gillette he is you a million Amish Avari Jesus said call him it is a mystical Pony tonight he's calling you Anini a single-issue Kannada and what is your answer the Higa Valley will you come to him - tengo la mala you confess your sins and tell him you're sorry then I did ago sorry Wilma Mario will come along and by faith will you invite Jesus Christ into your heart into your life yogi giv he is you go tell Emma Camila come along the Bible says he came to seek and to save that which is lost magenta gob you're a new da da da da couch Arkady and allah tala daddy jesus said behold I stand at the door and knock If any man hears my voice and open the door I'll come in and have fellowship with him and he with me the key to our Nadia gotcha my yeah Kalyani Hindu denies and retired God opener to duty are those now when you donate to sodomy who delaying our need to solder yalla me you may say he won't stop for me hang out with your mother tonight the goal to meet you guys you know nama ya Pamela I'm too guilty I'm too dirty shinola demyelination hola miss Maloney he won't stop for me to know that all the by mimicking boo the Bible tells a story of manasseh I met the Mohenjo daro sinner ooh goo he repeat honey it was one of the most wicked minima Bible nrnam not his repertoire madama sooth one opinion about today the Bible says that he filled Jerusalem from one end to the other in a it is NEMA trollese that camera book you get a with blood a twin a mean Uzi day he burned his own children in the fire lord azulon a poet an Amiga Rama me so very and gods since the Babylonians vamonos amigos hello Pyramus omaree we put Manasa in Chains to go and yonechi Nova Roma pantyhose on doggy hooks in his flesh innately azama taking it this wicked man any Susan and Eagle went to Babylon baba yaga Columbia locked in a dark prison Moni poni might turn on honey he confessed his sins to God Eddie Kenny Yokohama dua a bit ago which I know many ask for God's forgiveness theology aquino Chingo duncan a this wicked King any Sudan as him being God heard his prayer Sudan a cappella kaha not hungry heard his prayer - yay Sudan jingle PL get Johnny and God forgave him and he restored him to the throne to go win La Paloma - yes Panama p.m. in Oman Nelson Jana quick Oh big Eddy God won't do this from an a so think of what he'll do for you Eddy I am Minaj here that Dharmapuri fer ya tinkin agony naquin dojin a kiss would you tomorrow the only way to God is through Jesus Christ Eddie no pee allegation goes king upon a daiquiri Don Nehlen ROG sugar daddy today jesus said calling yoga corny day and Bartimaeus came running to Jesus if you connect on my body mega you should go feel re but gave him a cloak oh so yeah we dig okay lady you threw it away 3x don't giggle pain ID and Jesus said what do you want me to do for you if you got to go tonight I bet off you see losing IDO me lady Lord that I may receive my side you got to know yes he need him RLO that today Jesus said go your way you come out here to God voila CEO GD anything ok mommy look here a your faith has healed you be a yogi ding a single somebody baby immediately his eyes were open to Kimmie a municipal morning and the first person he saw was Jesus yes he poober yep or tomorrow me na po you should pick today and Jesus said you can go your own way your faith has healed you if the AUD ding I think okay mommy go boson at loyola you see that - look your lady Bartimaeus believed in Jesus Christ but he may not even WT day he believed that Jesus could heal him he ought to go tell my mp9 answer to you today he believed that Jesus could turn his life around he is um but why am i my devotee on this day be a limb penis is an IOT day and Bartimaeus saw Jesus but he made a yeshiva viene and then the Bible says he followed Jesus along the road tenaha voluma Daniel is in Alana yes you know Toledo Marie Jesus was on his way to Jerusalem to the cross Yeshua religiously Carnegie go OD be Madonna today and I believe bartemaeus following tonight you today buddy mega anything good night or day and I believe that Bartimaeus was there any buddy mega taniyama chickadee when they nailed Jesus to the cross the water day marking in Chicago today prima athlete bartimaeus was saying he opened my eyes buddy Megara he poco hasta no Yenisei go beyond mere four go love your mommy I was blind but now I see you know I you know I miss Akane I put missing me me you're spiritually blind without Jesus Christ Missy humor he was a Whitney am i Mexican Lu a will you come to him tonight by faith like bartemaeus muddy men over UT Jannetty issue she gonna miss Hui are you willing to call his name Vietnam I would report enough you may call me to you my God will forgive you he'll cleanse your heart Pina Pina Diego Quinto pyramidion alone ago that his email jesus said I'm the way the truth and the life no man comes to the Father but by me eh ahadees Enki Sumeria assetid eggnog ome my puny but to walk Emilio tengo Mayo Yahoo now if you're here tonight it's edenia and you've never invited Jesus Christ into your life he is Sookie no Volvo yesterday Medina comic open Lacanian machine table - you've never trusted him as your Savior gay dating world karma yogi Lokhande mercy demuccio going right now yeah cool team at the Edit on the Canaan a God will forgive you tonight we are looking at the agenda cordoning a criminal image you can have a new life and a new beginning Yanina may assist thought that eternal owner is also shooting or missing action a knee and that's what I want to ask you to do tonight nobody need I said no mistake okapi tomorrow so get up out of your seat right now a Kachina enemy no momenta yeah Bob make your way to an aisle and come standard for nature oye Fatima La Paloma the DA go under mom and when we have all come through a low demodulator come on I'm going to lead you in a prayer channel acid on you shall be made now if you're in the back you come to the screens anomaly oregano a nice opaque on ozobot just come and stand quietly in front of the screen uni Guney Anissa Deepika no 10 years on a drama it's going to take a few moments a caning a UV Toma there's a large crowd do ot Guyana's at all so you come de Nina he shooting will commit a cation Allah come to Jesus tonight okay Godin in July all come nah come LA God loves you the allocating will today he will forgive you he has it a coke window PG&E but you've got to be willing to call on the name of Jesus to Madame innovate who the king go coil bartemaeus be my Dominical getting it changed his life buddy may he go call it a domino so you have to walk your knees warning your life can be changed you need theater dolly don't in any if you came with friends they're gonna wait on you missing a union a lot is a thorough I think was home Allah if you came on a bus they're gonna wait bus guarding our net English oh mama you get up and come right now Denis Healey agony be DOMA case you could go tangled log a bar if you're in the back just come quietly and spend in front of the screens na na Martinelli Delaney say yeah peganum at 180 if you're here in the front you just get up and come spanner from this platform la CIMA chilli oregano if seen you know money and when we have all come we're going to have a word of Prayer together on okay my hobbies ain't no you know what to do Sudan bow to you by asking God for his forgiveness Eunhyuk window Tingler general Duncan ma today and by faith believing on the name of Jesus Christ Eugenia be elegant ro Li Shu ku tago mago jihadi Sudama today come la [Music] coming [Music] now [Music] [Music] [Music] many people are coming Naza kima Peleliu beret we want to give everybody a chance to come do de la nuit and retinyl queen EP tomorrow we're going to have a word of Prayer just in a moment majora is in a rule Sudan booty you bombing tonight God will open up your spiritual eyes in India you know yet women yes here you go yeah like a whip in a tonight you can invite Jesus Christ into your heart into your life Pina the end alone Aragon is he a secret oh go get it buddy be a co-pilot come on tonight your sins can be forgiven teenager therapeutic window chick hey AMI you can be set free tonight he ain't got the aluminum King William Inge with a new life a new beginning the logical llame no no not in a it's not your DNA goes the yeah he may come to Jesus Keyshia tengo la la la we're gonna wait general Tony body come to the screens come stand here Enoshima niamh Evo's a big anima and he says Oh begun I would think about may never have another chance do it tonight now the party loco en yo yo moma New Guinea Ave Akihito má laga bah [Music] [Music] come [Music] [Music] by coming tonight tinea helical atacama you're saying that God I'm a sinner European king goobot you need a laser ooh ha de tolly today for a wink I need a today by coming to nitrous and the god I'm so sorry rody he la di da dee dee dee da da memory sorry we'd win Canada epic coming to nitrous Sandra god I want to turn from my sins in a single nadie VA general area Gilligan is Navy dokuro beh boo la marea you need a key day and by faith tonight I'm calling on the name of Jesus Christ yo g g RB k DG she could know go to the rule copy need a key body the Bible says whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved Tanana Jory Nam ro kupatana judo jujitsu D K Dee endo mu DN dojo gelada and I want to lead you now in a prayer adulthood imagine also down with some video Molly our prayers is talking to God sadhana internal apne a lagina is not good in today and if you pray this prayer in faith e to down jingo UTI in sudan Yama today God will forgive your sins and heal your heart right now yeah legaia dat Daikoku no pyrimidine alone ago kuta fema today so I want you to pray this prayer after me out loud I don t know Naga Navy te le Lai su Viva let's pray sit down Java zoo dear God hope y'all King I am a sinner to know da piedade body I'm sorry for my sins the know yet young Lladro will shut down my money forgive me - no give me a little moolah I believe Jesus Christ is your son not only you could know go to know yo t body then he died on the cross for my sins so no get to it no water Naima I think I'm gonna go UT vari I invite Jesus to come into my heart the know things are not in my way up or Kapila Kumari to take control of my life - no the water now go assalaamu bah I trust Jesus as my savior if you PL go Taniya Katie Katie yo chilakamma e and I want to follow Jesus as my lord to know yet occasionally soon Abu life on me and I pray this in the name of Jesus Christ key issue nam Aronian a suit on ye amen I mean if you prayed that prayer in Sudan jingle t let me shoot down this way it's about 834 Gua jin-ae oh the Nelly God just heard your prayer the incident I hope y'all get javi he's forgiven you hey I did a coconut be forgiven see happiness in Ohio be forgiven see how could a single hi Abby now I want you to get involved in a church I don't think whoa hey eyes on the cocoon etc power Z DNA I want you to tell the pastor what you did here tonight Janine yeah see you get a yard a goatee idea Pocoyo ba ba he will be very thrilled to hear it - ha Diane Wanda believe me God's got a plan for your life y'all looking out the enjoy a chassis today he loves you Callaghan tingle today he's forgiven you may I get a coke window baby so tonight we give God the glory da-da-da-da-da bono go to mama ray we give him the praise Adele Bianca kumoi money now I don't know if we'll ever see each other again on this earth he Logan our general pair of young women is an erosion of Matityahu genomic your devil but one day we will be in heaven together for eternity each other I got all power aghanim on general country mati tani and you can teach me Burmese I think I'd imagine oppa MongoDB whoa no it's going to take your turn easy for me to learn it not how I got on my generals tippy-toe Manila diamond but remember this God loves you he couid of the Diyala the elegant thing was today you're forgiven don't you think oh cool okay I will see you in heaven one day yo go get my daddy general gentry Tommy we got a book we want to give you you know Dee Sonia PG&E and standing next to you as a person with a badge around their neck eleven Menominee's sweetheart a papariga they're your new best friend in New Year this we did it didn't all and we want you to have this book animation you got T no nah materiality so Napa Valley me it will answer questions about the commitment you have made the night Amina Sudan la la la yoga barolay blue get lay down a new revolution ominous aura throw Cynthia believe me so don't leave till you have this book somebody so lame mayam chinna Connie if you get a bead on my cocoa bunny if you came with friends away you need sing again in a lotta editing edgenuity so mama god bless you delegate Gandhi be buzzy and we're gonna have a closing prayer and then we'll give the book it is Suetonius italy no Saddam banana diesel of evil amen you [Applause]
Channel: Sang Puia
Views: 1,381
Rating: 5 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 58sec (2998 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 10 2017
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