Franklin D. Roosevelt’s Network of Spies | Secrets of War | Timeline

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[Music] on a warm summer night in July 1940 a sedan carrying agents of g2 military intelligence and the presidential Secret Service picked up a defector being held in The Bachelor officers quarters at Fort Myer Virginia the prisoner was a German national named Ernst Hanfstaengl known throughout his life by the infant nicknamed Bootsy humphs tinker was an agreeable fellow of considerable charm well known throughout the salons of the Third Reich beyond his engaging personality and the piano virtuosity that had made him a fixture at dinner parties there was another reason for [ __ ] popularity [Music] since the earliest days of the Nazi Party put see humphs tingle had been part of Adolf Hitler's inner circle puts he served as the party's foreign press secretary and together with his wife heléne witnessed firsthand Hitler's rise to power [Music] it was said that nothing could relax Harry Hitler like the music of other especially the way put see plenty loud and bombastic his enormous hands pounding of the strains of Taha 0 or the Meistersinger [Music] puts he lost his prize standing as the Fuehrer's piano player and court jester in the mid 30s when his attempts to soften Hitler's political and racial views ceased to amuse the Fuhrer then had been they knighted a crowded reception when the court jester had gone too far he called dr. Goebbels of the swine the outspoken piano player escaped to Switzerland one step ahead of a plot by other members of the inner circle to drop him from an airplane without a parachute not long after his escape Pudsey received a letter from Hermann Goering urging him to return home all was forgiven that's it as for the plot to kill him it had only been a harmless joke [ __ ] declined the opportunity to return and went instead to London he knew the Nazis well enough to understand that even the word of Hitler's second-in-command could not be trusted on the day after the German army invaded Poland Ernst Tom Stingo was arrested by British authorities now world away from his Nazi cronies put Sea Hunt Stengel was being escorted to a meeting with another powerful friend a man he'd met while attending Harvard some 30 years before President Franklin Delano Roosevelt Roosevelt was less interested in renewing the old friendship than he was in getting information about the Nazi hierarchy a subject on which Bootsie was an expert there was a man who knew Hitler's court he knew Gehrig's weaknesses he knew gurbles character he knew Hitler intimately for the next two years Ernst Tom Stingo provided Roosevelt with secret written reports containing profiles of the Nazi leadership their biographical backgrounds personality traits interrelationships and behavior under pressure ernst humphs dingo is just one of the many acquaintances advisors and intelligent sources from home President Roosevelt sought information in the dangerous days leading up to World War two in the years ahead he would come to rely more and more heavily on a variety of sources as the times and mistakes grew ever more perilous in 1940 the United States was the only major power in the world without a dedicated professional Foreign Intelligence Agency even military intelligence the g2 branch of the army was reduced in peacetime to stepchild status and the General Staff a largely ineffective network of military attache to American embassies in most foreign capitals was in place but since public funds were not available to support them only officers with independent means could be detailed to these posts and they were more often chosen for their social acceptability than their capability as the prospect for global war grew ever stronger it became critical for President Roosevelt to have solid intelligence information regarding the activities and intentions of foreign powers not only abroad but also within the United States [Music] Roosevelt didn't have quite such a passion for intelligence as Churchill or rather had a different passion Roosevelt had been actually responsible for naval intelligence during the First World War but the only thing that really interested him was spies and he sort of dabbled with spies between the wars even when he becomes president in 1933 continues to dabble with spies and the sorts of spies that he dabbles with are really not very good in the years following World War one the United States for the first time in history found its own destiny tied to international events during the 1930s a secret society of wealthy and widely traveled Eastern aristocrats began to meet regularly and informally to compare notes on international developments as they might affect American interests when Franklin Roosevelt himself a member of the same East Coast establishment became president this secret society acquired direct access to the White House and became a sort of kitchen cabinet of international intelligence this gathering was called the room they had rented a run-down apartment on the Upper East Side they had an honest telephone and they had a secret maildrop now it sounds like dilettante amateurs playing little boys spy games but by virtue of their prominence and their connections these men were privy to some very good intelligence the members of the room included winthrop aldrich head of the Chase Manhattan Bank William Stephenson head of British intelligence in North America Kermit Roosevelt Harvard professor of history and grandson of Teddy and Vincent Astor a multimillionaire publisher and property developer who as a child had been called the richest boy in the world Franklin Roosevelt was a frequent guest aboard asters yacht it was on this same young that Astor cruised the Caribbean and later the mid-pacific reporting back to the President on what he had seen Astor took a cruise in the Pacific and used the the cruise as sort of an excuse to play this romantic spy image dashing off to do islands that the Japanese owned in the Pacific and reporting breathlessly back to the president about what the Japanese were doing it was fundamentally silly and useless intelligence other members of the room provided more solid information Winthrop Aldrich through his banking contacts was able to provide secret details on Japanese commercial transactions and Russian bank deposits Roosevelt's attitude toward intelligence was incredibly unsophisticated even juvenile he could appreciate important signals intelligence he could appreciate important covert operations but somehow the world of Matahari the world of spies and inside dope and special information and people talking to national leaders was much more exciting and it was an extraordinarily juvenile attitude toward intelligence but it's stuck with him throughout the war in 1939 as the German war machine rolled over Poland and turned toward France President Roosevelt knew that time for amateur spying had ended in July of 1940 just weeks after the fall of France Great Britain asked President Roosevelt 450 World War one destroyers to bolster its depleted Navy the American President wavered concern that should Britain surrender the ships would wind up in German hands Roosevelt's man in London ambassador Joseph Kennedy was dead set against the transaction the English cause was lost he told the president Great Britain and neither the will nor the means to carry on against the Axis powers but Roosevelt wasn't so sure he sent a special envoy to London to gauge the English commitment to war that envoy was another personal acquaintance the highly decorated World War 1 hero and a successful Wall Street lawyer named William Donovan Donavan loved travel he was a bluff Irishman who loved to tell stories Donovan was FDR's kind of man he was easy to talk to he was nobody's fool a smart man he learned how to survive very well within the labyrinthian Byzantine Washington bureaucracy Wild Bill is he'd been known to his troops in World War one and traveled on many long distance fact-finding missions for American presidents in London Donovan met with Churchill and other officials who convinced him that the British would fight to the last Donavan recommended the United States go ahead with the 50 ship transfer in September 1940 Roosevelt signed over the ships to Great Britain in return for leasing military bases in Newfoundland the Caribbean and Bermuda in July of 1941 Roosevelt by now swamped in a sea of often conflicting intelligence reports instituted the COI coordinator of information William Donovan was appointed to head it the mission of the COI was to collect analyze and interpret intelligence the President had not consulted J Edgar Hoover the heads of military intelligence or the State Department before commissioning the new office possibly because he knew what their reactions would be Hoover and Army and Navy intelligence simply did not want a new boy on the street the army had army intelligence the Navy had naval intelligence Hoover had everything else and the last thing they wanted was a new organization in particular they did not want a man of Donovan's personality and from their point of view ambition only a month after Donovan's appointment a conflict developed between the FBI and the British Secret Intelligence Service the one that would have far-reaching implications for all concerned a Yugoslavian businessman named Dusko Popov had been recruited by German intelligence to spy on the British but mi5 the British security service had turned him and now he was working for them when German intelligence and pop off to the United States in August 1941 his orders were to obtain specific information about the Pacific Fleet at Pearl Harbor but even though the British vouched for Popov J Edgar Hoover refused to believe he was a double agent and would not permit him to visit Hawaii Hoover maintained Popoff was a German spy who'd succeeded in duping British Popoff's instructions from his German handlers shown here were written on a microdot concealed on a telegram he carried the microdot was the latest development in German spy technology a sender could shrink a message photographically to a mere fraction of its size which could then be reenlarge by the recipient if you put it under a microscope you can read it but only under a microscope or under great magnification and then you can print that and then you see develop it into a photograph and you can see what it is well on the microdot is a request from the Japanese to find out what's going on in Pearl Harbor Hoover had already discounted Popoff's credibility and now he was set to compound his mistake Hoover upon having discovered this mode of transmission wanted to boast about it white house he therefore sent over to President Roosevelt a sample of a microdot that had been intercepted J Edgar Hoover actually showed a microdot from the Popoff telegram to President Roosevelt what he did not show the president was the part of the microdots message which revealed that the Japanese were showing great interest in Pearl Harbor how did Hoover miss this well I think it's essentially insight into the Hoover character here was a man obsessed by technique and detail who missed the larger strategic implications of what he was seeing both Hoover and FDR would suffer criticism in the years to come for mishandling this intelligence the pump of microdot affair was exactly the type of problem William Donovan's new coordinator of information agency was intended to prevent but information not in hand couldn't be analyzed and there was little likelihood J Edgar Hoover would be sharing information with an organization he considered a threat to his own the problem breaking Japanese codes before Pearl Harbor is not as it's often believed that there was a conspiracy it wasn't there was immense incompetence with the attack on Pearl Harbor the question of America's commitment to the war was no longer an issue the gloves were off in a clandestine war the game of Fox's was on Pearl Harbor had been a very costly lesson for President Roosevelt and his intelligence-gathering organizations within weeks of the surprise attack the US Navy code breakers were able to decipher jn-25 be the most secret Japanese naval code but for the American fleet the breakthrough came too late [Music] we now know but up until Pearl Harbor never more than five and usually only two American code breakers were put onto the breaking jn-25 B soon as Pearl Harbor happened a whole lot mobile product and it was broken within a month had a Roosevelt been prepared to put as many resources in a code-breaking as Churchill put in to code breaking in 1941 the United States would have broken the Japanese naval code no question and the United States would have known in advance about the attack on Pearl Harbor as important as code breaking was to fighting the war Roosevelt appreciated less the significance of intercepted enemy signals than he did the more old-fashioned ideas of cloak-and-dagger schemes and intrigues [Music] for example 1942 he got absolutely fascinated by the idea that the Japanese were scared of bats Japanese weren't scared of bats but on the other hand Franklin Delano Roosevelt great president he was didn't understand very much about Japanese so he actually began personally interested in the idea that the United States would win the war by scaring the Japanese absolutely rigid by dropping tens of thousands of bats on them from a great height the responsibility for testing the idea fell - Donovan's group a payload of bats was flown to a high altitude and released unfortunately no one had considered the temperature at that high altitude and the bats froze to death the plan was never tried on the Japanese another example of Roosevelt's naivete in the area of espionage involved his support for Sumner Welles the number two man in the State Department in 1943 it was discovered that Welles was homosexual and therefore a target for blackmail [Music] homosexuality is much better understood and more widely tolerated today certainly than it was in World War two here was a man who by virtue of his position was privy to the highest secrets in wartime America and he was blackmail about because of this homosexual bent Roosevelt resisted but finally yielded the pressure and accepted Sumner Welles resignation then ironically as a fallback he wanted to name some nur Wells as a special envoy to the Soviet Union and one can only imagine how vulnerable to blackmail he would have done in a situation like that fortunately Wells declined the position Roosevelt had good reason to be wary of Nazi spies for at least in the early days of the war they were indeed everywhere and it was getting harder and harder to keep a secret Pearl Harbor day one of those people who comes to consult with the president at the White House is the vice president Henry Wallace Henry Wallace has a brother-in-law who he favors very much and he reveals to the brother-in-law what was said in the White House and the day of Pearl Harbor the Brethren law happens to be a Swiss diplomat in Washington and does what a diplomat should do he reports to his foreign office in Bern Switzerland in that burned Foreign Ministry's a German spy the German spy passes along this message to Berlin so odd off Hitler is able to know what was said in the White House on Pearl Harbor Day six months after America's entry into World War two William Donovan's COI was incorporated into the military with a new name the Office of Strategic Services or OSS with the new name can new duties besides its intelligence gathering and interpreting responsibilities the OSS prepared to engage in acts of covert aggression and sabotage American spies were dispatched to the far corners of the globe their mission was to subvert and Harris the enemy through any means at hand while at the same time bringing back vital information which might prove useful to Allied military strategists one of the most experienced of the OSS by masters was Allen Dulles during World War one Dulles had gathered intelligence for the US State Department in the city of Bern Switzerland notorious haven for spies he returned there in 1942 as the OSS is chief spy master in Europe his mission was to obtain any information he could from inside neighboring Nazi Germany once his presence in Baron became known a host of expatriate Germans came to this house to meet with him Dulles enlisted their help in recruiting anti-nazi agents living inside Germany one of these was a timid Foreign Office official who handled cable traffic between officials of the German High Command his name was Fritz cold Kolbe smuggled secret cables to burn from Berlin where he offered them to British diplomats but the British suspected he was a provocateur and showed him the door in frustration called turned to the Americans in a meeting with Allen Dulles in August 1943 Kolb produced 186 pages of documents and cables he'd smuggled out of Germany Dulles also suspected Kolbe of being a double agent but he was willing to take a chance the chance paid off handsomely as over the next 11 months called codenamed George would put no less than 1200 documents into the hands of the OSS none of which was more than two weeks old Dulles fought a tremendous battle with the British who insisted that they the documents weren't unreal if Dulles all were ever insisted to the contrary and they proved to be true and it was a great coup for Dulles and for Donovan [Music] among the secrets Kolb's material contained were the battle order of the Japanese Imperial fleet the fact that the Germans had cracked an Allied code and the presence of a spy in the British Embassy in Turkey it was called scabbit to photograph the documents in the basement of a hospital where he had anti-nazi friends one night at the hospital he got an urgent phone call telling him that SS chief Heinrich Himmler had asked to see the very cable he was at that moment photographic cold brushed through the blacked-out streets of Berlin to his office where he pretended to pull the cable out of the file while actually taking it from his coat pocket Kolbe managed to escape detection that night but he was forced to cease operations soon after when a Gestapo increased security by that time dollars in Kolb's by master and agent were the most successful combination in American intelligence the German spy that Colvin described - Allen Dulles was working as a valet in the British Embassy in Istanbul codenamed Cicero this agent whose real name was Eliezer Bosna have shown here after the war was exposed by a co-worker [Music] but before he was uncovered he was able to provide his German handlers with details of Allied bomber operations as well as information about the Casablanca conference between President Roosevelt and Prime Minister Churchill and there was one other significant piece of information he had for the Germans it consisted of only a single word but it was a piece of the puzzle the Germans were desperately trying to put together that single word Overlord was the codename for the Allied invasion of Europe now the Germans were sure it was coming but they still needed to know where and when in June of 1942 President Roosevelt had picked General Dwight Eisenhower to command American forces in the European theater of operations in February of the following year those forces suffered a setback at the hands of the German Afrika Corps the German surprise attack at the Kasserine pass in Tunisia in February 1943 had caught the green American troops off-balance Eisenhower's commanders were slow to react once the attack was underway in the following days Eisenhower attributed the American defeat to faulty intelligence reports and the inability of his intelligence staff to assess the situation as it developed within days Eisenhower replaced his head of intelligence with a British officer Brigadier General Kenneth B strong as the first time so far as we know in world history that a Major General in one country has insisted that his intelligence chief come from another country Eisenhower had already developed a healthy respect for British intelligence gathering during a visit to London the previous summer he'd set fascinated while Prime Minister Winston Churchill briefed him on intelligence sifted from broken German codes Eisenhower's fascination with code-breaking begins on that day and it lasts for the rest of his life he was fascinated by imagery intelligence image in the jargon the intelligence which nowadays is obtained by spy satellites but which in those days was obtained by reconnaissance aircraft and he's fascinated by human intelligence Winston Churchill once said in wartime truth is so precious that she should always be attended by a bodyguard of lies bodyguard was the codename for the overall deception plan for the Allied invasion of Europe in June 1944 Roosevelt and Eisenhower knew it was essential dat the time and place of the invasion be kept secret the German army had no e60 divisions and occupied France in the mo countries the most the allies could be expected to put on a beach in a week was five or six divisions for the landings to succeed the German army would have to be deceived into thinking they would take place not at the objective the beaches of Normandy but farther north in the pas de calais the deceptions began long months before the invasion was to take place they were part of an elaborate double-cross system were literally thousands of bits of false or misleading information were intentionally leaked to the enemy perhaps the single most critical element of the d-day deceptions took place on d-day plus one at center stage for the Allies was a German spy master operating in England who was in fact a double agent under British control there is a turned german agent who was given the name Gobbo why is he given the codename Garbo cos Greta Garbo was the greatest star of her time and this guy is a real star now under British control he sends a message to the German High Command via the app fair their Military Intelligence Service saying 6th of June 1944 Allied troops are just about to set off for the Normandy beaches now that is carefully timed so that the message arrives yes as the landings beginning to take place in other words too late to do any good but she asked in time to establish his credibility garble have shown here in 1979 would see his finest hour the next day the d-day deceptions were to be supported in speeches and statements by the Allied leadership to the effect that the Normandy landings were but a prelude to the main assault which would call it Calais this misinformation was designed to hold in check the vast army Hitler's generals had amassed in that area President Roosevelt and Prime Minister Churchill did their part in speeches in which they referred to the landings as the first wave of what would be the liberation of Europe but when French leader Schaal de Gaulle called the Normandy assault the supreme battle in his speech German intelligence contacted Garbo with new suspicions that Normandy was in fact the main attack Garbo convinced his German handlers on d-day plus one that de Gaulle speech had been a deception to trick them into moving their defenses from Calais the double agent was able to convince them so effectively and completely that nineteen German divisions remained in Calais four weeks after d-day up until the end of the war many on the German General Staff believed that the Normandy landings had been a diversionary tactic that had grown by sheer luck into something larger [Music] the Allied landings at Normandy could have been a military disaster that instead they constituted the most successful amphibious assault in modern history general strong in the rest of Eisenhower's intelligence staff had performed brilliantly erasing all memory of earlier g2 failures in North Africa now that the Allies were ashore in Europe beginning the final push toward Berlin and victory Roosevelt's spymasters began to work on a new plan it had no codename and needed none it was called simply get Hitler [Music] nearly a year before the Normandy invasion Roosevelt's OSS by master William Donovan said in motion one of the imaginative undertakings that would become his trademark he recruited an eminent psychiatrist named Walter C Langer for an intriguing assignment to construct an in-depth psychological profile of Adolf Hitler informants like Ernst Hahm Stengel had been helpful in profiling Adolphe Hitler for Roosevelt and his intelligence chiefs but only up to a point beyond descriptions of his personal traits habits and circle of confidence Roosevelt needed to understand the nature of Hitler's hold and the German people so that he might determine how to subvert it beyond this Roosevelt's people wanted to learn as much as they could about Hitler's psychological makeup what made him tick the more than you about him the more likely they would be able to predict his next move for months professor Langer toward American POWs camps interviewing Germans who'd known Hitler at various stages of his life eventually langurs team assembled 1,100 pages of raw material from which his findings were made according to langars report to the OSS Hitler was convinced he was a messiah he was a neurotic psychopath incapable of controlling his emotions he was not homosexual as some had believed but rather a masochist who found gratification in debasing himself in the presence of a woman it was significant that at least three of the women with whom Meade had a relationship committed suicide another made several attempts to take her own life the Nazi leader was afraid of horses and flying he was a vegetarian who demonstrated distinctly feminine patterns in frequent episodes of extreme sentimentality or weeping [Music] the OSS scandal angers report looking to exploit any weakness a short-lived plan arose whereby an OSS agent would inject Hitler's vegetables with female hormones in a less than scientific attempt to destabilize him but it was discarded as impractical the information the OSS was most interested in was Langer's prediction of what Hitler was likely to do once the tide of war turned against him he might die of natural causes he might be killed in battle he might try to seek refuge in a neutral country one by one each alternative was dismissed is unlikely until there was just one the most plausible outcome Langer's report predicted was that hitler would commit suicide to Franklin Roosevelt in his always ass this represented the most frightening prediction no one thought for a minute that the Nazi leader would go easily how many lives they wondered would Hitler try to take with him could they afford to wait for the answer in the early months of 1945 the intelligence reports filtering into Eisenhower's command indicated the Dallow of Hitler in the Nazi leadership were planning to make a last stand in the Austrian Alps Heinrich Himmler chief of Hitler's stormtroopers had supposedly garrisoned over a hundred thousand elite troops in a strongly defended mountain fortress near Innsbruck here in what was called the National redoubt the Nazis were expected to fight to the last man it was rumored that the stronghold contained a massive stockpile of gas weapons fuel for Hitler's Gotterdammerung the ultimate battle if professor langurs prediction was correct Hitler intended to kill himself taking as much of the enemy as possible with him while general strong in the rest of Eisenhower's military intelligence team debated the strongholds existence Roosevelt's OSS decided on a course of action the Special Operations branch of OSS was ordered to raise and train a company of German defectors for a daring mission to infiltrate the National redoubt dressed as German troops once inside the fortification they were to capture or eliminate Adolf Hitler before he could wreak further havoc if the mission failed the hundred and 3rd US Infantry Division was prepared to assault the redoubt or if intelligence reports projected an attack as being too costly they would lay siege to the region and starve the Nazis out while all this was happening another OSS reconnaissance team and this one consisting of three men parachuted into the Alps near Innsbruck by the time they made their way into the city it was apparent there was no Nazi stronghold the only pro-hitler German troops in the area had surrendered to Austrian Patriots the National redoubt and Hitler's last stand had been a hoax a final gasp of Nazi propaganda ironically as the Americans prepared to assault Hitler's supposed stronghold that the German leader was already dead he'd committed suicide three days earlier in his Berlin bunker just as Professor Langer predicted he would by the final year of the war at the effectiveness of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt's intelligence resources and his appreciation of the information they brought him had increased exponentially if you take a look at American intelligence going back to say the mid 30s and you realize that we had a Secretary of State who turned down all of the code efforts because he said gentlemen don't read other gentleman's mail if you start from that premise by 1940 we have started to get an intelligence apparatus it's going to be important during the war by the end of the war we have an intelligence apparatus serving the United States that we don't want to go away and it becomes not only the Central Intelligence Agency but the National Security Agency I mean all of the roots of present-day intelligence are right there in World War 2 Roosevelt's intelligence machine began as a gathering of rich East Coast cronies but it had grown in just a few years to the point where it was regularly outwitting the axis yet as good as the Americans and their British partners had become neither could claim to be the best in the war that distinction went to the Russians who spied on enemies and allies alike OSS was totally penetrated by Lee cage the Soviet KGB okay GB office is located in that place than anyplace else in Washington not long before he died President Roosevelt played an unwitting role in countering a Soviet penetration into the deepest corridors of the American government but neither he nor anyone else in his administration recognized the danger in 1944 Roosevelt though in poor health decided to seek an unprecedented fourth term Henry Wallace his vice president for the last four years believed Roosevelt would be elected but would die soon afterwards leaving him to serve out the term Henry Wallace it begun to plan who his cabinet was going to be his cabinet was going to include the brilliant young diplomat Larry Duggan as his Secretary of State and the brilliant young economist Harry Dexter white as his secretary of the Treasury recently released intelligence documents reveal that henry wallace's choices for these critical cabinet posts were in fact soviet spies Larry Duggan was agent Frank of the KGB and we also know that Harry Dexter white was agent jurist of the KGB what might have been a disaster for the United States was averted in the fall of 1944 when Roosevelt dropped Wallace as his running mate the president cited Wallace's alienation of the congressional leadership but it's now known that Wallace's left-wing pro-russian views had begun to trouble Roosevelt Wallace was replaced in the Democratic ticket by a little-known senator from Missouri named Harry Truman when Roosevelt died on April 12th 1945 three months into his fourth term Truman became president and guided the war to a swift conclusion in the years to come he would prove himself to be an able and decisive cold warrior at Franklin Roosevelt died before the 1944 election u.s. security might have been compromised at its highest level only the fact was that Roosevelt lived into 1945 prevented the United States having an administration in which both the Secretary of State and the Secretary of the Treasury were actually working for the of the Soviet Union Franklin Roosevelt died in 1945 without seeing the end of the war although his systems and sources for intelligence gathering were sometimes faulty and often second-guessed today one of Roosevelt's legacies is America's modern intelligence service Franklin Roosevelt by the time of his death had been in effect the father of American intelligence he created the OSS he had created his own small spy rings and he was perfectly comfortable doing all this I think he got immense satisfaction out of having private agents reporting to him seeing the Japanese correspondence that was in code almost at the same time that the Japanese recipients were receiving it being privy to what the British were getting through ultra he entered the world of espionage is something of a romantic amateur but he quickly learned this game of foxes came to enjoy the game and played it very well but the time he was through he had become a seasoned spy master
Channel: Timeline - World History Documentaries
Views: 239,984
Rating: 4.7726412 out of 5
Keywords: Full length Documentaries, Documentary, TV Shows - Topic, Documentary Movies - Topic, 2017 documentary, BBC documentary, Channel 4 documentary, history documentary, documentary history, secrets of war, secrets of war full episode, secrets of war documentary, world war 2 documentary, world war 2 spies and secret agents, roosevelt documentary, spy documentary, world war 2 spies documentary, nazi spies documentary, british spies documentary, american spies documentary
Id: S7vC_ggi3wc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 2sec (2702 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 26 2020
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