Frank Rudolph Young Using The Mind Navel For Psycho Astral Power

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welcome to the reality revolution i'm your host brian scott today we're going to return to frank rudolph young i've had one episode dealing with a writing by frank rudolph young about the kudozanta which essentially is just two words it looks like he made up but had a pretty interesting technique on controlling your own self this time is something even more remarkable there's a book that he wrote called cycastra the key to secret esp control and he's talking about psychoastral power frank rudolph young is a little different than these other new thought authors he comes from a training background and seems to talk about physicality in a little bit different way i found this interesting because he's talking about accessing the astral body and introduces a concept called the mind navel the portion of your body that connects to the silver cord it reminds me of the discussion of the platte or plate and so there's some different stuff here some techniques that you can use and i found it very compelling so i wanted to share it with you using the mind navel for psychoastral power by frank rudolph young cycastra psychoastral power is the magic key to unsurpassable secret power it required relentless search by my ancestors spending over 140 years and extending across every continent of the globe to at last find the magic key to it they discovered it concealed in the innermost sanctums of the psychic masters of egypt india africa and the west indies the author himself set out early in life to uncover the science behind the workings of this magic key after 35 years of investigating it in university after university library after library discussing it with big money people and ex-presidents of north and central america famous film stars and producers who had happened to touch it and make enormous successes with it and dozens of businesses and professional men he was satisfied it could be made to work for his students in this book he reveals the unsuspected science concealed with this magic key and teaches how to seize it and use it with supremely gratifying results in the western world with a mere touch of this magic key a man with less than a grammar school education started with practically nothing yet in a few decades he accumulated a fortune with an income which approximates a million dollars a young athlete has remained the leader in his field and gross is almost a million dollars a year from his many business ventures stemming from this secret power an american marine fought in the thick of action in one danger spot after another in the pacific in world war ii and was discharged after four years without a scratch suffered in the armed services an unbelievable unpopular unpre-possessing young woman captured a strikingly handsome young certified public accountant as a husband who climbed swiftly up the ladder into the vice presidency of a giant corporation a frustrated college student who had failed in two colleges returned to school after several years earned highest grades in every subject a poor starving man of 83 who had reared six children made himself young again and returned to life he retired seven years later at 90 with one hundred thousand dollars and ready to enjoy another 20 years a leading professional athlete with several bullets in him was expected to die in the hospital or at best never be able to compete again but he came right back and lived and competed again about as good as ever even with one bullet still in him the number of such examples is startling with a cycastra many equally startling things can be accomplished frank are young how locking secret esp plus control within you can make miraculous changes in your life how a poor man of 83 made himself young again and retired at 90 with hundred thousand dollars jim cowan had come to chicago at 40 years of age and had married and reared a family of six he was a poorly paid clerk and his family had barely subsisted on his wages but his six children had grown up and married and settled in different parts of the country and his wife had died the depression of the 30s had been a nightmare to him because of his age he had done little better financially during world war ii he had never turned radical but believed in rugged individualism and was convinced that america was bursting with opportunity for anyone with industry and ambition every five years he repeatedly stated everybody has at least one big chance to make a fortune but too many pass it up and let somebody else make it at 83 jim saw his own every five years opportunity come up and for the first time in his long life he seized it mutual funds were advertising for salesmen and he answered the advertisement and landed the job he had studied the stock market reports for years but had never possessed the means to buy as a mutual fund salesman though that study made him convincing to prospective customers and the bits of cultural information from his vast reading which he dropped naturally during his sales talk aroused great respect and esteem for his recommendations and he signed up an amazing number of new members he soon moved from his shabby rooming house quarters into a neat hotel he stopped subsisting almost exclusively on carrots lettuce and beets and started enjoying better balanced meals his back remained straight and his weight lean but he took on just enough extra poundage not to look and feel decidedly younger jim also started investing heavily in a special situation mutual fund something which no broker advised the man of his age to do but he also invested in promising stocks when they dropped way down due to the time of the year adverse rumors and other causes of mass hysteria jim's life became so interesting that he could hardly wait to start out in the morning for another big selling shares day and also to step up new bargain stocks that he had spotted in the paper the night before he dressed dramatically now went to barbers instead of burning his long hairs off with a lighted match held beside the comb and felt and considered himself as a successful man of forty who had finally struck it rich jim retired at ninety with an accumulated sum of more than a hundred thousand dollars the capital of the special situation mutual fund in which he had invested had multiplied many times over most of his promising stocks had risen too a few of them as much as 10 to 12 times what he had paid for them jim meanwhile had been investigating retirement in mexico at 90 he retired and went to live there like the lord of the land ready to enjoy another 20 years of healthy enthusiastic life so young did he still feel how jim's touching the key to secret esp plus control can do the same for you by merely touching the key to secret esp control you can do for yourself what jim cowan did for himself and much more just do it the way jim did it first of all refuse to see yourself as growing old seize your opportunities whenever they appear so as long as you remain within the law by never feeling old jim kept his back erect he lived simply and took care of his health and therefore never felt outside the picture and you must have bound with confidence in yourself jim did even though his life had been a financial failure up to 83. like him too keeping up with the times most important of all for actually seeing the opportunities and making money fast is to refuse to let yourself be carried along with mass hysteria profit from mass hysteria instead as jim did by acting repeatedly contrary to it but do it conventionally jim also sold most of his stocks when they made a decent profit instead of hanging on to them greedily and watching his profits go down the drain he bought promising ones with the profits and made money with those two he trained himself to sense the times to feel the public pulse and thereby to capitalize on it again and again had he begun doing that at a much earlier age say at 30 40 or 50 he would have been a millionaire many times over jim made all that money at that late age starting from nothing by just applying those very principles again and again so can you why because your astral body will absorb those repeated communications from your physical body and make itself useful to you just as jim's did to him and since he wanted to buy the right stocks for him his astral body brought him the sense of those astral stocks for it knew the past present and future and therefore knew which stocks would rise fast how unpopular donna changed herself into a fascinating young woman donna wilson had no looks to speak of and her personality was the kind that attracted nobody she was 25 years old now and clerked in an unseen department at her work she had gone to dances beaches lectures concerts bars popular travel resorts dude ranches night colleges taken group bicycle tours gone to skiing resorts and to wherever else men flocked hoping to meet and capture an eligible bachelor she had even spent two years helping out in a hospital hoping to land an intern but she had no luck she had come into contact with hundreds of attractive and desirable bachelors but none had sought her company for long her friends urged her to glamorize herself to bleach and curl her hair to wear thick makeup and teetering high heels and smile much more but donna insisted on remaining her natural self one evening while helping at the uso she perceived a tall dark handsome young officer of about her own age he fascinated her and she made up her mind to catch him and she was always determined to catch him just as she was so she gazed at him visualizing herself meanwhile as being the most enchanting young woman who was ideally fitted for him their eyes met and she visualized him beholding her as being just the girl he wanted just the one who suited him in all respects just the one he had been searching for all his life she filled her eyes with a deep yearning for him too to convince him that she herself felt he was the very man she wanted the young officer gazed back at her and despite his excellent vision perceived her as looking like the very girl he had been searching for all his life she filled her eyes with a deep yearning for him two to convince him that she herself felt he was the very man she wanted the young officer gazed back at her and despite his excellent vision perceived her as looking like the very girl he had been searching for all his life they met shortly afterward in donna as she associated with him continued visualizing her personality as being the very one that fitted his ideal girl he in turn accepted that vision as his own their relationship matured fast and they married within four months the young officer's term of service ended shortly after and he was offered a splendid position as a cpa with a major united states corporation and before long put in charge of a branch office with donna's eager interest to back him up he rose fast at 45 he was one of the vice presidents of that big concern with his salary and stock options that made him a wealthy man he and donna had three admirable children in the meantime unbelievably unpopular unpre-possessing donna wilson had achieved her ideals by seeing herself so vividly as the very girl she imagined that young officer wanted that her astral body had automatically created that very picture of her for his eyes to see how you a secret esp plus control can win anybody you want to with a touch of the key to secret esp plus control you can do for yourself far more than donna wilson did for she could hardly have started with less nor did she change herself to catch her prize either like her you have to refuse to let yourself believe that you don't have enough good looks personality or anything else you think you need to win anybody to you just gaze at the person you want to win and visualize yourself as being his or her ideal whether you are that creature or not do that with everybody you want to win to you just visualize yourself right there before that person as being suddenly converted into his ideal whether it be romantically socially professionally or in business at the same time visualize yourself as looking exactly like his ideal no matter how different from his ideal you may look fill your eyes too with a strong liking for that person since nobody normally likes the person who despises him your astral body will receive this picture from your conscious mind and will superpose the very likeness of such as individual over you the person you want to win will instantly see with his psychic power center only that astralized picture of you and will accept it as you and be instantly enthralled by you how richard foley loafed through college but passed his examinations with a last-minute miracle memory richard foley was not an ideal college student he was indeed the type of student whom no one should imitate his tardiness and absence and intention in class infuriated the instructors and they were ready to flunk him out at the end of every semester they considered him an overgrown donkey who should never had been admitted to the school in the first place but richard constantly aborted their plans by scoring high enough in the final examinations of each semester to get by he did it with a carefully worked out secret he took good notes during classes but ignored them in the textbooks until the night before the examination in the meantime he never worried about passing and teased his serious classmates for studying at all during the semester when they could be having a whale of a good time going to plays downtown hockey games baseball games and taking girls out the night before examinations however richard closeted himself alone in his room with his notes and textbooks and opened them seriously for the first time he raced through his notes in subject after subject then he skimmed through his textbooks covering mainly the captions the definitions the underlined and italicized sentences and anything which the instructor had suggested or directed the class to look up he went over nothing twice he just raised over the material on the alert soaking it into his mind like a movie camera he questioned nothing and deliberated over nothing he just absorbed everything he looked at exactly as he saw it and he did so with the overwhelming conviction that during the examination he would recall it exactly as he had seen it richard went to bed about midnight and enjoyed a good night's sleep next morning he awoke refreshed bursting with confidence that he would pass without trouble he put the whole thing out of his mind and enjoyed himself until class time when he read the first question instantly the very page and paragraph and lines upon which he had seen the answer flashed into his mind and he just copied it down he did so with question after question he did not cheat nor glance at his classmate's papers he only kept his mind cool calm and clear he failed to answer only the few questions whose answers he had overlooked during his rapid skimming his astral body had absorbed pictures of everything he had glanced at the night before and automatically reproduced them now right before his eyes the moment his conscious mind requested them richard foley went all the way through college that way and graduated with ease but of course he had cheated only himself in the end for he had studied nothing how you can easily have access to knowledge like a computer with a mere touch of the key to secret esp plus control you can do for yourself far more than richard foley did for himself for he used this great power for a limited and self-cheating purpose you yourself though can use it to achieve the highest pinnacles in life you can use it to pass the examinations required in your career for speedy advancement to reveal to you the winning unsuspected aspects of new original ideas which can save your business or convert you into a millionaire to bewilder and fascinate others in social life and be sought after everywhere richard foley's whole secret was to extract just what he wanted or needed out of the universal material and nothing else he did not try to learn all of it he just scanned the parts which he considered necessary for his purpose and while extracting it he did not pause the question or deliberate over it to do so would have disrupted his memorizing rhythm to memorize instantly then you have to blot it in only to the material you want to remember so that it forms a clear picture in your astral body's brain richard foley's astral body received these pictures and held them in readiness to be released to him as soon as he wanted them since he had not confused them with thinking and questioning while gathering them this is the way to do it how original shook off 60 pounds of unwanted weight reginald owens was six feet one inch tall but weighed 350 pounds he desperately wanted to lose weight he had tried everything including skipping meals and dieting although he lost up to 15 pounds that way he felt weak and dizzy and ate more than ever to regain his strength then he grew heavy all over again by omitting breakfast altogether daily he managed to keep his weight down to 308 but he wanted to lose at least 100 pounds reginald was in a quandary for he was far from affluent yet his clothes kept him poorer still because he had to have them taylor made he had studied the human body though and held a college degree the possibilities of ruling the body by controlling the nervous system intrigued him and he couldn't see why his nervous system couldn't rule his way too since the flow of digestive juice in the stomach could be increased eightfold in laboratory experiments why he asked himself could the mind just as effectively be used to reduce his digestive juices enough to curb his appetite significantly he should then regularly consume less food and steadily lose weight in that way too his digestive glands should shrink until his very appetite decreased permanently and then he would eat anything he wanted to and not get really fat again his sympathetic nervous system his fighting nerves reginald knew when stimulated decreased the appetite in order to enable the organism to defend itself against apparel it did so by drawing blood away from the digestive organs into the skeletal muscles reginald at once filled himself with the absolute confidence that he could lose weight by intensifying his sympathetic nervous system control over his digestive juices with sheer mind power so he made himself artificially angry immediately preceding every meal he recalled some despairing experience he had suffered and his brain secreted serotonin and adrenergic substances which stimulated his sympathetics simultaneously he sent his stomach a stern conscious mind command to secrete far less digestive juice than it did normally that day reginald ate less every day thereafter he ate steadily less without even trying to at the end of a month reginald's appetite had decreased so much that he had lost 20 pounds the next month he lost another 20 pounds during the third month he lost 15 pounds more he then went to work on the outlying farms picking fruit for jobs were hard to find then and disappeared from the vicinity but he had already reduced a total of 60 pounds just by turning pleasantly angry shortly before every meal his astral body had absorbed that picture by repetition and had infiltrated his digestive glands with it and shrunk them how you can control your weight with scicastra with a mere touch of the key to secret esp plus control you can control your own weight just as reginald owens did by turning angry at your food immediately before a meal you discourage rabid hunger from your stomach and replace it with moderate hunger even when you stop indulging in this artificial anger routine soon thereafter your hunger will not turn rabbit easily again because your digestive glands will be atrophied to a degree and will therefore secrete less digestive juice when you approach the dinner table maintain that routine for a while and you will reduce your calorie intake to the normal point without even trying to like reginald owen your astral body will have invaded your digestive glands astrally and blunted permanently the excess hunger feeling in them note the research of nutritionists suggests that the intake of food is regulated not by hunger contractions of the empty stomach as was previously believed but by say or a feeling of fullness in the stomach which comes about during feeding it is caused by a feeling of fullness in the stomach which comes about during feeding it is caused by a satiety factor a blood-borne inhibitor which appears during feeding and which triggers the appetite in the brain in fat persons it is believed that this signal does not reach the epistat or is screened out by the liver or some other organs this sessiety feeling is created however by the sympathetics which dilate the stomach that's exactly what reginald owens was doing to himself by turning artificially angry not long before each meal the foregoing are mere samplings of the miracles which you can easily bring about in your life with a mere touch of the key to scicastra learn how to seize hold of that key as the following pages in this book will tell you how to find and seize hold of the magic key to secret esp control what esp plus is webster's dictionary defines esp extra sensory perception as perception outside the realm of the senses apart from sense perception esp plus consequently obviously means a greater infinitely greater power than esp the psychic master explains the difference between the two even more specifically as follows esp he states is primarily concerned with the mind and body contacting the astral body but not uniting with it nor bringing it under its absolute control with esp plus the mind and body not only contact the astral body but also unite with it and assume complete dictatorship over it and make use of any of its miracle powers at will zycastra is the magic key that unlocks the secret pathway for your uniting with and assuming complete dictatorship over your astral body you can then control anything of yourself or of others or of the earth or of anything pertaining to the earth in any form or manner you wish and you can do it instantly without the necessity of previous practice or preparation such a power is miraculous to you because you don't know where to find the magic key nor how to seize hold of it if you did with the sb plus though you would at once acquire domination over the atoms and molecules of your physical and astral bodies of those others living or dead of those of other forms of matter of those of the atmosphere bordering the earth of the sound waves and light waves that bombard you from outer space with it you could control your mind and body as you wish as well as the minds and bodies of other people and animals you could control the natural elements and domineer on the astral plane you could tell the past and foretell the future and plan your whole life accordingly and reap the greatest possible gains in anything you undertake the mouth of your silver cord the secret lock of esp plus control your silver cord is the astral channel or tube which connects your physical body to your astral body it commences at your navel and passes unto your astral body it will retain this union between your two bodies until about three days after your death then it will be severed and your astral body will depart from your physical body even when your astral body transports itself thousands of miles away from your during your life as an astral body projection your silver cord remains attached to your physical body although thinned out into a microscopic tube the empty channel within your silver cord is walled off from your physical body by your silver cord valve constant uninterrupted communication between your physical body and your astral body is thereby prevented your silver cord valve in fact normally moves in one direction only it moves away from you into your silver cord or toward your astral body when any communication tries to flow from your astral body into your physical body therefore it pushes your silver cord valve back again and that shuts your silver cord that effectively prevents the communication from reaching your physical body little that takes place in your astral body as a result is conveyed and registered in your physical body accepting rare spontaneously experienced psychic phenomena your physical body as a consequence remains a stranger to your astral body and cannot unite with it and usurp its unlimited powers with cycastra the key to secret esp plus control you unlock this secret pathway and reverse the normal movement of your silver cord valve at will and allow all communication from your astral body to flow into you with that well-guarded secret the psychic master uses his unlimited secret esp plus control to perform consciously any miracles he wishes where the magic key to secret esp plus control is concealed from the very beginning man has desperately sought to find the magic key to the incomparable secret of esp plus control mystics found it through their faith in the absolute psychic masters found it through dedicating their lives to meditation it has been called nirvana kundalini and of late the super conscious mind nirvana though includes mainly cosmic ray powers kundalini has no physiological basis since the only fluid that flows upward in the spinal canal from the base of the spine is the mild lubricating cerebrospinal fluid the superconscious mind has no more basis than that for there is no significant magnetism existing between the bodies of the widely separated pineal and pituitary glands it required the relentless investigations of four generations of men extending over every continent on the earth for nearly a century and a half studying the sciences for years and leading colleges and universities researching in countless libraries and searching through one psychic master hideout after another to uncover it with the help of the psychic masters of egypt india africa and the west indies they found it concealed in the mind naval the carefully guarded secret of the mind navel the mind navel is the one inch long astral channel outside between your navel and your silver cord it is hitherto unsuspected connection between your physical body and your silver cord before your silver cord proceeds to join your astral body a handful of carefully hidden psychic masters have known about it for centuries but they guarded the knowledge of it with their lives to the inquisitive who surprised them staring at their navels the science of omphalo psych it's in the oxford dictionary they simply replied that they stared at them to achieve one pointedness or for the total concentration necessary to unite their minds with their bodies actually they were not staring at their navels but at their mind navels they were concentrating the energy from their psychic power centers or from their third eye in their forehead in temple areas of their brains through their eyes into their mind navels and thereby controlling the magic key to esp plus control which their mind navels housed the most advanced psychic masters whose technique you will be taught here don't even assume that crippling position of starting at their physical navel but contact their mind enables through a secret route within them which you will be taught later how the unlocked secret pathways let esp plus control flow into you the one inch long astral channel of your mind enable which houses the magic key to esp plus control contains only astral air something very much like the ether or plasma of the atmosphere it does not contain oxygen hydrogen nitrogen or any of the other gases of air astral air though fills the channel of your mind navel so unobtrusively that your physical body is wholly unaware of it when a communication is sent from your physical body to your astral body your mind navel contracts and pushes your silver cord valve into your silver cord the communication from your physical body as a result rushes through your silver cord into your astral body and registers itself in it your silver cord valve then immediately returns to its original position and seals the mouth of your silver cord again now take the situation in reverse when a communication is sent from your astral body toward your physical body it tries to push your silver cord valve into your mind navel instead or backwards into you so that it can pass through your silver cork and your mind navel and flow into you your mind naval though just contracts as it did before and that prevents the communication from your astral body from reaching you if you can keep that from happening you can unlock the secret pathway and let your astral body communication flow into you you can achieve that with secret esp plus control by dilating or opening your mind navel instead of letting it contract as it normally does then the resulting suction created in your mind navel sucks your silver cord valve into it that at once opens your silver cord in the reverse direction of normal the communication from your astral body will then pass through the mouth of your silver cord and then through your mind navel into your physical navel after that through your cycastral route the secret use of which will soon be revealed it will be drawn up to your conscious and subconscious minds in that same manner you can draw into you all the unmatchable miracle body power knowledge of the past present and future wisdom of any subject power of divine like healing of inescapable mind reading of limitless sight and hearing of instant transportation any distance of accurate prophecy of astral body possession of others of superhuman ability to meet any emergency and save lives and any of the other miraculous powers of secret esp plus control cycastra the magic key to open the secret lock to esp plus control zycastra is the magic key with which you dilate your mind navel with esp plus control and let the suction created in it open your silver cord valve in the reverse direction and allow the communication from your astral body to flow into your physical body sarcastra achieves this miracle simply with astral suction it actually sucks the ether within your mind navel away from your mouth of your silver cord and toward your physical navel thus creating an astral vacuum at the mouth of your silver cord your silver cord valve as a result is sucked very wide open into your mind navel and the communication from your astral body pours into you that astral suction creating a vacuum within your mind navel is cycastra the magic key to secret esp plus control how to seize the magic key to esp control sit alone in your room or lie down on your better sofa on your back and relax close your eyes and visualize your mind navel and your silver cord with the silver cord valve between them effectively blocking all communication to you from your astral body at the end of your silver cord estimated about three feet long for this exercise visualize another you your astral body which knows everything and can do anything instantly visualize this other you as being perfectly ready and willing to do anything worthy that you ask him to do but that your silver cord is stubbornly wedged between you too preventing you from communicating with each other your silver cord valve is wedged stubbornly between you two because it is an astral valve and your own conscious and subconscious minds keep it shut by doubting and scoffing about your astral body and any supernatural powers it may be said to possess immediately now halt all your doubting and scoffing by filling yourself instead with absolute confidence in your astral body and its power to do anything whatsoever on earth do not merely pretend to acquire this confidence in it but saturate your whole body with it from head to foot feel this confidence in it filter through your whole body from your head down to your neck to your shoulders to your arms to your chest to your waist to your legs and your feet until your entire body tingles with it practice saturating yourself with this confidence until you are thoroughly convinced from head to foot that your astral body does exist and that it stands there facing you ready to obey your command the nerve endings at your physical navel which until now have been desensitized against anything astral because of your habitual mental attitude toward psychic phenomenon will suddenly acquire an abnormal super sensitivity and draw astral sensations from your mind navel for a change the ether in your mind naval will as a consequence be drawn to toward the physical body end of your mind navel and thereby create a vacuum by the mouth of your silver cord your silver cord valve will then snap open toward your physical body and allow the communications from your astral body to pour into your body you will then have seized the magic key to esp plus control practice and master this exercise so that you can seize hold of the magic key to secret esp plus control at will any time you wish how to unite the magic key to secret esp plus control to your conscious mind through your scicastral route the nerve routes which your astral body communications pursue through your body to your conscious and subconscious minds compose your cycastral route it consists of five individual nerve pathways running like the lines of a musical bar parallel to each other until they reach your brain there they diverge each one continuing to its respective cerebral destination the five individual nerve pathways of your cycastral route are composed of sensory message-bringing nerves which convey separately to different areas of your brain astral messages of muscle coordination pain and temperature touch and pressure propioceptive or sensations of the pull of gravity and of horizontal planes of the earth spinal visual reflexes or reflexes of equilibrium and writing to keep your body erect each of these five nerve pathways receives its specific astral sensations from your mind navel and transmits it to a site about midway down your back or about one half below a line across your back uniting bottom of your shoulder blades or into that portion of your spinal cord located within the space of your eighth and ninth thoracic vertebrae from there the astral sensations are transmitted up your spine parallel to each other in different sections of your spinal cord under such neuro anatomical names as the tract of gaul the tract of burdock the tractive lasaur the lateral spinothalamic tract the ventral spinal thalamic tract and so forth one of them proceeds to your cerebellum your muscle coordination center others proceed to your thalamus your sensations recording center the remainder proceed to other parts of your brain all terminate in your conscious and subconscious minds all of them together create your psychostrial route and that is how the route unites your magic key to secret esp plus control control your conscious mind your scicastral route will be described more thoroughly as you are taught how to use its miraculous power how to put the magic key to secret esp plus control under the domination of your conscious mind your conscious mind itself erects the most formidable barrier against your dominating the magic key to secret esp plus control with it by its instinctive doubting attitude even jesus demanded full faith from the sick before he ventured to heal them it is difficult on the other hand to order all doubt of the magic key to secret esp plus control out of your conscious mind because some doubt will remain in it in undetectable ways the animals and the unsophisticates uneducated don't possess these lurking doubts and so they are easily receptive to esp plus communication you yourself can never hope to seize hold of or use the magic key to esp plus control unless you can absolutely put all doubts of it out of your mind fortunately it so happens that your physical body possesses a secret proved ability which can put all lurking doubts out of your conscious mind and enable you to acquire secret esp plus control the secret proved quality is the integrative flexibility of your central nervous system your brain and spinal cord integrity means the ability to pass into another form or kind by a series of intermediate grades with the integrative flexibility of your central nervous system you can suddenly change any thought or impression you receive into the very opposite one instantly furthermore you can halt and change it before it even reaches your brain you can do so by halting it at one nerve gap one of a nerve pathway or by weakening it at the nerve gap and immediately strengthening the opposite thought either right there or at nerve gap 2 of that nerve pathway so that you practically exterminate the thought you don't want your brain to receive the nerve gaps or synapses are the spaces between the endings of the different nerve segments which form a nerve pathway each nerve pathway has from one to four nerve gaps depending on the number of segments which form it the usual function of the nerve gap is to slow down or weaken inhibit the intensity of the message which is being transmitted along its nerve pathway and it can do so by four times or more your central nervous system though is so remarkably flexible that it can likewise develop at the nerve gap excitatory power or the power to accelerate or strengthen the message it is transmitting instead of slowing down or weakening it a scientist call that seemingly miraculous reversing power the integrative action of the central nervous system how your central nervous system your brain and spinal cord possesses that remarkable ability is a matter of dispute among physiologists and is too involved to be gone into here this remarkable ability nonetheless makes it possible for you to rid your conscious and subconscious minds of all lurking doubts about esp plus and thereby enable you to dominate esp plus with your conscious mind you will consequently be taught how to apply and speed up applying this remarkable ability within you right now how to apply and speed up the integrative flexibility of your central nervous system the faster you apply the integrative flexibility of your central nervous system when you want to put the magic key to esp plus control under the domination of your conscious mind the faster you will acquire secret esp plus control so study and master that now lie on your back in bed or sit on a chair and shut your eyes again visualize your astral body right before you connected to you by the silver cord again fill yourself with absolute confidence in your astral body and in its power to do anything whatever on earth and let this confidence saturate your whole body from head to foot that dilates your mind navel and your astral body flow rushes into you through your reversely open silver cord valve right away now your conscious mind will give vent to lurking doubts that your astral body can indeed do anything whatever on earth for you and these doubts will bounce your astral body flow right back out of your physical body through your mind navel and prevent you from even hoping to gain esp control to prevent that from happening the instant your lurking doubts tear loose in your conscious mind implant the very opposite thought the absolute conviction that your astral body can perform at once any miracle you ask of it in the nerve gaps located halfway down your spinal cord or where your cycastral route transmits the communication from your astral body into your spinal cord practice to affect this so fast that your implant your absolute conviction in those nerve gaps before the lurking doubts in your conscious mind can reach them and block the communication you are receiving up your cycastral route from your astral body you do this regularly already when you participate in any kind of athletic competition the boxer has to think and dodge or block the blow coming his way after it is on its way to him and even thinks so fast before it reaches him that he can beat it to the punch with a counter blow of his own so does the fencer the basketball player does likewise when he intercepts the ball after a rival player has thrown it in a different direction from which he had been expected to in sarcastra you do the same to yourself by beating your own conscious mind thought to the punch when your lurking doubts subsequently reach those nerve gaps they will be routed and exterminated from your central nervous system all the communication from your astral body will find the way paved for it to rush on dynamically to your now unresisting conscious mind and implant itself full strength into it you can then consciously easily communicate with your astral body and put it under your domination and acquire secret esp plus control how people have locked secret esp plus control within themselves and brought about success in everything they undertook history is full of successes of the fortunate thousands all through the ages who have brought about actual or seeming miracles and everything they undertook with secret esp plus control even though only comparatively few of them had found the magic key to it religious mystics are not the only ones who have acquired secret esp plus control psychic masters in india and egypt have parted crocodile infested rivers and crossed them safely with their followers others have let loose torrents upon villages that had mistreated them some have cured lepers with a word or mowed down a gang of thugs with a command they have killed man eating lions with one move or tamed them with a smile the late edgar cayce disease in people from different parts of the country whom he had never seen or heard about and whose letters begging for his help had not even been mailed tony agapoa the filipino healer not only diagnoses disease accurately although he knows little about the human body or pathology but performs bloodless painless surgery without instruments or anesthesia modern prophets including gene dixon predicted president kennedy's exact assassination long before it took place and many including casey who knew nothing about stocks foretold the market with astounding accuracy some even warned about abraham lincoln's assassination even caesar was told to watch the ides of march nostradamus swedenborg and many others have envisaged world history with mystifying exactitude for centuries beyond their time in africa and in the west indies medicine men have flown like giant birds for miles right in broad daylight psychic masters in india have lived as long as 450 years totally rejuvenating themselves as many as five times meanwhile they regained their teeth their sexual powers the color of their hair and their muscular and other physiological powers polynesian natives have run over red hot coals in their bare feet without being burned yogis have slept in the air without support for hours at a time or drawn swords through their cheeks or their bodies with little loss of blood and showed no after effects or scars hawaiian pearl divers have made sharks completely ignore them more material-minded individuals have made millions become unbeatable in their careers or in sport or have cheated death time and again some have overcome holy the effects of crippling strokes even though their physicians had declared that only a miracle could improve them some have kept themselves looking and feeling young well into their seventies others who looked and felt their ages at 70 married young partners and altered their outlooks and reversed their physiological functions and turned from 20 to 25 years younger still others have gone to war and fought in the thickets of action for years and returned without a scratch indeed there is no miracle which people have not done with secret esp plus control summary of this magic key secret esp plus controls a greater and infinitely greater power than esp with it you actually unite with your astral body and assume complete dictatorship over it and make the use of any of its miracle powers at will saicastra is the magic key to the secret dictatorship of your conscious mind over your astral body and it is concealed in your mind navel with cycastra psychoastral power you seize hold of this magic key to secret esp plus control and reverse the normal movement of your silver cord valve and permit full communication from your astral body to rush into your physical body then unite the magic key with your conscious mind through your cycastral route with the integrative flexibility of your central nervous system your brain and spinal cord you put the magic key under the domination of your conscious mind and acquire secret control you increase the control enormously by speeding up applying the integrative flexibility of your central nervous system you are now ready to lock your esp plus control firm within you with psycastra and get ready to use its various miracle powers at will how to lock your secret esp plus control firmly within you with cycastra now that you have drawn esp plus power into you from your astral body through the cycastral route you have to lock it firmly within you so that you can use it consciously anytime you wish you also want to be able to project it in any manner or form you wish and with any intensity you wish so that you can execute any of the different miracle powers you will now be taught how to do that how your conscious mind receives the communications from your astral body through your cycastral route after the astral body flow which you have drawn into you through your cycastral route reaches your brain each of its five individual nerve pathways terminate in its own brain center each decodes itself there just as it does your thalamus decodes your sensation of astral pain temperature touch and pressure your cerebellum decode your sensations of the pull of gravity and of the mental horizontal planes of the earth your tegmentum decodes your spinal visual reflexes those of keeping your body erect when you are upside down and your olive decodes your reflexes of equilibrium and writing all these sensations will be different when received from your astral body than from your physical body and will therefore be decoded differently your astral body for instance is free from the influence of the pull of gravity it has no trouble keeping itself erect when it is upside down it is unaffected by pain or temperature and has no difficulty with equilibrium when you or different brain centers make these decodings and accept them without question your mind and physical body are ready to put them into execution or to project the proper astral force and form necessary to duplicate them the decodings are then transferred from those different brain centers of yours to your psychic center in your forehead and temple's area your psychic power center converts them into electrical transmission and sends them to your conscious mind that is how your conscious mind receives communications from your astral body through your psychos how to unite your astral body to your conscious mind and seize complete secret esp plus control your astral body is actually a different person than you but it resides within you and so it possesses your own size and contours it is composed though of a different substance than you it is weightless and it has powers which you hardly believe possible the powers of esp plus it can tell the past and foretell the future with exactitude it can leave your physical body and appear anywhere on earth instantly and return instantly and it will never die actually it weighs about an ounce when you are alive and it resides within your physical body however it does change much like you and personality since it is constantly bombarded with communication from you and is thereby burdened after your demise with your own conflicts you are therefore astrally united to it in every possible way because while it knows everything you think or do or know you know nothing about it except on the rare occasions when it manifests itself in you an unexplainable psychic phenomena otherwise it keeps its superhuman abilities knowledge and powers to itself although it knows what will happen in the future for instance it does not keep you regularly informed about the future except occasionally and unexpectedly when you live through a mystical experience such as through a prophetic dream or through a strange impulse when you are wide awake that is a pity because it prevents you from using esp plus power even after the latter happens to reach you occasionally and unexpectedly so you have to unite with your astral body and also to enslave it to you so that it will always cooperate with you learn how to achieve that next as follows how to enslave your astral body with your conscious mind lie quietly in bed with the room dark and your eyes closed get the feel of your astral body lying within you all through your body like water soaked up in a sponge yet it is not you no more than the water is the sponge but only something that permeates all through you it lacks the fierce life instinct of your body cells since it cannot die nor is it physically alive but only asterally alive but now make it feel as if it were alive as if it craved to be physical to endow you with all its seemingly miraculous astral powers to do so tense your arms beside you and inhale drawing your astral body deeper still into your tissues like the not yet saturated sponge drawing still more water deeper and deeper into its every pore feel your astral body flowing fully into you you through the open valve of your mind navel saturating your every body cell from your heels up to your calves your knees your thighs your hips your abdomen your back your chest your shoulders your neck and your scalp till it tingles the very hairs on your head and lastly on your face pressing hard into your cheeks then relax and exhale rest half a minute and repeat this astrophysical exercise this time though as you draw your astral body into you feel it also drawing into you all its staggering esp plus powers its powers of clairvoyance prophecy knowledge infinitesimally greater than your own and the capacity to travel any distance through space visualize these powers very clearly and draw them into you relax for another half minute and repeat the astrophysical exercise this time though draw your astral body flow into you as if you were drawing life itself into you as if your astral body will never again be allowed to depart from you but will have to remain within you always and keep you alive eternally your astral body will savagely resist this foreign idea to it for the flesh is not immortal but continue drawing it into your never less until you overcome it and it obeys your conscious command battle it down if it resists by repeating this part of the astrophysical exercise several times if necessary until your astral body calms down and accepts its fate like a struggling weakening swallowed prey then relax completely you will have enslaved your astral body to your conscious mind it will soon recover and reassert its independence but you know now how to re-enslave it anytime you wish to make use of its tremendous secret esp plus power how to trigger the might of your secret esp plus control to trigger the full might and variety of secret esp plus control with your conscious mind you have to bring into play the limitless chemical kingdom of your brain you do so through the medium of the successive inhibitory excitatory subtrans your brain physiologists have concluded after decades of experiment possesses substances which when released into itself and your body can bring about volcanic changes in both of them among these are y amino butyric acid substance p norepinephrine cerebrotonin serotonin a variety of adrenergic substances as well as a steadily growing number of newly discovered substances some of them like why aminobutyric acid have been found in a greater free concentration in the brain than in any other organ examined and are probably concerned with the maintenance of normal patterns of electric activity in the brain others like serotonin and the variety of adrenergic substances found in it particularly in the hypothalamus the pharmacological museum of the brain are powerful inhibitors at the nerve gaps and combat the normal cholinergic excitation acetylcholine secretion found there which facilitates the transmission of the message across it indeed these powerful inhibitors decreased the secretion of acetylcholine so effectively in the more susceptible nerve gaps that they could cause psychic power disturbances in the individual such as fits your brain in other words contains far more mysterious substances in it and is capable of synthesizing far more still than you dream of it is this multiplicity of action of which your brain is capable the physiologist declared due to the apparently fantastic number of physiological active substances it can produce which makes the semi-isolated brain a chemical kingdom largely sufficient to itself when you project your absorbed esp plus control back into your astral body to perform something miraculous for you for instance in the following ways to provide you with information that makes you the wisest person or the power to spell behind the person you love or to restore you to health or to endow you with superhuman power or to trim off excess weight or to cast off a terrible but obstinate habit or to return to you a remarkable degree of youth or to stay the hand of death off someone you hold dear or to protect you against assailants or to tap a concealed source of staggering wealth for you in all these ways your brain automatically synthesizes the very chemical transmitter agent it needs to project the right astral force and form which your astral body needs to convert that desired miracle into a reality provided you accompany the projection with the successive inhibitory excitatory sub-trans how to apply the successive inhibitory excitatory subtrans and trigger the full might of your secret esp plus control the successive inhibitory excitatory subtrans is not exactly a trance but it is the powerful medium for triggering the full might of your secret esp plus control all the psychic masters who performed miracles applied it krishna tandy for instance applied it when he fed his 30 star followers by breaking up and multiplying the bits of a quarter loaf of bread the prophet cantabinda applied it when he parted the waters of the crocodile-infested river and made a pathway for himself and his disciples to go across safely the successive inhibitory excitatory sub-trance is done in two steps these are step one fill yourself with a fierce rage at all doubts against the reality of supernatural power get so angry at them that you tremble like a wild animal about to counter-attack its worst tormentor your brain will instantly fill with serotonin and with the variety of adrenergic substances the powerful inhibitors of transmissions across the nerve gaps and will prevent all such conscious and subconscious mind impressions from devitalizing your esp plus control step two fill yourself with an overwhelming conviction that the miracle power you wish to acquire can be acquired that you merely have to command the miracle to become a reality and it will the chemical kingdom of your brain will automatically secrete the appropriate unknown chemical call it x which it needs to project the right actual force and form necessary for your astral body to convert that desired miracle into reality how to create the right astral force and form necessary for your astral body to convert a desired miracle into reality your conscious mind is filled now with secret esp plus control it needs to create whichever miracle power you wish it just has to alter your astral body flow into the right astral force and form necessary to incite your astral body to perform the specific miracle so learn how to alter your astral body flow into the right astral force and form necessary to bring about any particular miracle you wish sit or lie down quietly and visualize with absolute clarity exactly the miracle you wish your astral body to perform for you then visualizing it so that it will understand precisely what you want it to do for you don't let the least doubt or hesitancy invade your mind if it does exterminate it at once with the integrative flexibility of your central nervous system when that doubt persists into your conscious mind in other words at once you fill your cycastral route nerve gaps in your spinal cord with the opposite thought or with the thought of absolute confidence in your astral body's ability to execute the miracle you wish that will exterminate the doubting thought before it can devitalize your astral body flow your brain will then instantly secrete the appropriate unknown chemical substance with which to alter your astral body flow into the right astral force and form necessary to incite your astral body to perform the specific miracle practice this astrophysical exercise and master altering your astral body flow how your secret power packets facilitate your altered astral body flow to incite your astral body to perform the specific miracle you will tremendously facilitate the rush of your altered astral body flow to your astral body to incite it to perform the specific miracle you wish by reinforcing it before you project it back to it with your secret power packets what are your secret power packets revealed now will be the secret of this concealed dynamite within you first of all with the exception of your sensory nerves the nerves which bring messages from your body to your spinal cord or brain and of your sympathetic nerves your fighting nerves practically all the nerves which extend between your brain or spinal cord and your body are cholinergic they are called cholinergic because they liberate acetylcholine acetylcholine facilitates the transmission of any message or command flowing along a nerve to leap across the nerve gaps between its different segments practically nothing however is known about how or where the acetylcholine is synthesized or stored in your body before it is released in your nerve gaps practically nothing in other words is known as to where it is hidden or stored from the time it is made until it is used acetylcholine however does appear to be released continually in quanta or packets by cholinergic nerves mostly by your parasympathetic nerves your loving nerves for these stimulate the normal functions of your body when these nerves are resting acetylcholine is released in much greater amounts when these nerves are stimulated the more intensely you stimulate these nerves the more of their nerve fibers you will stimulate and the more acetylcholine they will release the more acetylcholine the nerves release too the easier it is for the message or command flowing along them to be transmitted across their nerve gaps and the greater it will influence your altered astral body flow to increase the quantity of acetylcholine being continually released in these quanta or packets by your cholinergic mostly parasympathetic nerves then is to convert these quanta or packets into power packets which can rush your visualized miracle or your altered astral body flow much faster across your nerve gaps and thereby remove all physiological obstacles from its path to achieve that you have to create those power packets and put them under conscious control how to create your secret power packets and put them under conscious control as you project your altered astral body flow back through your cycastral route to your astral body to incite it to perform your visualized miracle fill yourself with a feeling of the greatest contentment as if everything you want in life is about to come true instantly as if by magic your parasympathetic synthesize the most acidic choline when you feel happy and contented fill yourself with this overwhelmingly delightful feeling deep down in your bones and spread it through your muscles and finally through your skin until your whole body experiences the sensation of floating ethereally in the air practice and perfect this astrophysical exercise to acquire this feeling in a flash the instant your miracle power command your astral body to perform the miracle you wish why the multi-div is the secret formula to climax miracle action accompany the projection of your altered astral body flow to your astral body now with the multi-div to assure your incited astral body performing the miracle you wish because the multi-div is the secret formula to climax miracle action the basic difference between the commonplace and the miraculous is that the commonplace adds to and subtracts from while the miraculous multiplies to and divides from if you baked 20 loaves of bread in one hour for instance that may be commonplace but if you started with one loaf of bread and broke it up into 20 small pieces and immediately converted each piece into a full loaf you would produce 20 loaves of bread in a few seconds you would be multiplying to the speed and to the quantity of the bread with which you start and at the same time dividing it from its resistance to your command for it to multiply in the common place to be more specific you add to or create 20 loaves of bread from a certain amount of flour and with the oven you subtract from its resistance to the converted into bread within the short period of one hour in the miracle however you multiply or create 20 loaves of bread from just one loaf and with secret esp plus control you divide its resistance to be converted into bread within the very short period of a few seconds with miracle creating asp control in other words you always multiply your influence and control over the other person animal or thing to which you project it and always divide its resistance time it takes to respond to your miracle power command that is the multi-div the secret formula to climax miracle action by multiplying your own power and at the same time dividing that of your subject to resist it you acquire supernatural control over anything and everything you project it to astronomically speaking increased speed alone can multiply the destructive power of a thrown pebble to that of a bullet it even increases its weight significantly when you ride a merry-go-round of 10 revolutions per minute your weight gains as much as 11 percent do to the centrifugal acceleration or to the acceleration on your body mass due to the gravitational pull should you be shot out of a cannon like a human cannonball you would weigh at the time nearly 460 times your original weight and when you land on the net you would weigh due to the additional gravitation weight of falling 1255 times your original weight you would also weigh more at the poles than at the equator because then you are closer to the center of the earth since the earth is slightly flattened at the poles according to the theory of relativity too if you could travel at the speed of light your body size would decrease 50 percent undoubtedly due to the tremendous resistance of the ether to your body in all these instances multiplication of some quality such as that of your speed of movement or the position of your movement causes outstanding changes in qualities about you which are virtually non-existent in your everyday commonplace adding and subtracting life that is why the multi-div is the secret formula to climax miracle action because it can be multiplied or divided indefinitely mld n plus one until it approaches more nearly the miracles of the mystics and gods that is why esb plus is infinitely stronger than esp esp is limited by the mind power development of the person experiencing it but esp plus control has no limit the secret formula of the multi-div and how to use it to bring about the greatest miracle power you can conceive of very briefly stated the secret formula of the multi-div consists of your one multiplying the normal goal which you might otherwise attain by infinite proportions of it or by infinite varieties of it or by infinite combinations of proportions and varieties of it and at the same time two dividing infinitely the normal time it would take you to achieve your goal normally if it would take you 20 years for instance to become an outstanding physician with the multi-div you should be able like edgar cayce tony the filipino healer andrew jackson davis of the early 19th century and others to become one in five minutes or less for it is not your human self that acquires that skill but your secret esp plus control of your astral body man has hardly tapped the miracles he can achieve by controlling his actual body at will how to learn how to use the multi-div now that you have put your secret power packets under secret esp plus control to facilitate your altered astral bodies flow rushing much faster to your astral body at once again visualize that miracle coming true and now multiply everything about it if you want an increase in salary a promotion opportunity someone romantically or to heal yourself or somebody of an ailment more physical power confidence nerve control money to come suddenly into your life whatever it is so long as it has something worthy instantly multiply the gains you would like to get from the miracle multiply them by at least five times then instantly divide speed up by at least five times the time period in which you would like to get it if you'd like to get it in ten months say visualize yourself getting it in two months that is a practical application of the multi-div then practice multiplying the gains you would like to get from the miracle by ten times then a hundred times then a thousand times then ten thousand times and do it each time fully convinced that the miracle will come about like that you might not get a raise anywhere that size but you will get one considerably larger than you expected you will also get it much faster than you dreamed of for your employer will psychically feel that you deserve far more than he planned to give you summary of this secret here are the simple steps for locking your secret esp plus control firmly into you with cycastra step 1 know you are drawing communications from your astral body through your astral body flow up your cycastral route and decoding them in the five different brain centers of the five pathways of your cycastral route step two in order to convert these communications into miracle action first of all enslave your astral body flow to your conscious mind and seize complete secret esp plus control step three with the seemingly limitless chemical kingdom within your brain trigger next the full might and variety of your esp plus control through the medium of your inhibitory excitatory subtrance fill yourself with the overwhelming conviction that your hope for miracle will come true step four that it once alters your astral body flow into the right astral force and form necessary to incite your astral body to perform your specific miracle for you step 5 as you project your altered astral body flow to your astral body facilitate its rushing across your nerve gaps much faster with your secret power packets feel exuberant step six accompany the projections with the multi-div the secret formula to climax miracle action that ensures your miracle being performed by multiplying the gains you wish from the miracle up to ten thousand times and dividing the time you wish to take place by ten thousand times you will now be locking your secret esp plus control firmly within you with psycastra so there's several more chapters that are given after this but i thought that was a good beginning to talk about this and i don't know if i believe it there are times when i read frank rudolph young that it feels like he's making up words or using medical jargon to sound like he is an expert on something that he may not necessarily be an expert on there may be something to this he has several other books and i have not read some of them because he uses this sort of controversial technique which seemingly contradicts with many of the other writings that i have gone over on the podcast this idea of using anger controlled anger to change your thinking to increase energy to change the nerves i don't quite understand it but he does talk about this repeatedly in his other books it is an interesting thing to talk about i am putting it out there so that we can talk about it more please in the comments let's talk about it now what i'm getting is in the navel there is these branches of nerves that move up into the silver cord which goes up your spine and this particular connection to the mind naval can be manipulated i still don't understand exactly what he means by that i'm going to try some of these techniques but there may be something to it i've always felt like that we live in these highly advanced technological bodies that have ways of manipulating it through the parasympathetic nervous system so there's something to this and there may be some elements of truth in this that we can pull out of it understanding the interaction of the nervous system also it is compelling to me that this astral body that is a part of us is a separate person and integrating with this astral body or energetic body may be one of the keys to creating power and in the process you create miracles we may be accidentally doing this already but i wanted to present this as another way of looking at the astral now there are some comments here where he talks about feeling it in the back of the shoulders that seem to relate to the plat techniques check out my episode on advanced plat technique training in my platt meditation i don't think they're related they could be some people have asked whether the silver cord is related to the plat and i don't know they may be it certainly feels like they are but then i've had people say they're not they're two separate things so there might be something to this some of it i did not understand some of it i did clearly there is something that he had found along the way because he wrote about it in many books about utilizing short bursts of anger to manipulate the nervous system opening up certain valves and connections that connect to the silver cord if somebody else can help me to understand it then i would love for you to do that so but also you can check out this book it's available in several forums publicly available cycastra the key to secret esp control and you can find additional techniques and perhaps goes into a further explanation of these things i know that many parts of that were harder for me to read just because of the terminology that he's using and some of it didn't resonate as being correct so if anybody has some sort of medical degree i'd like to know how accurate the things he's talking about are and i want to particularly understand this concept of changing the nerve gap of stopping an idea in your body before it gets to the brain is that possible can we use an understanding of the nervous system to change ideas or to stop ideas from reaching to the brain maybe so so i want to share anything we can about reality creation and seemingly this may contradict with what other things i believe staying in a positive frame of mind and i don't necessarily feel like using anger but maybe there's something to it if you have ever heard of anybody utilizing controlled anger in short bursts as a form of reality creation let me know it feels as if that may have unexpected consequences if we understand the law of assumption and things like that but i do like this idea of multiplication it's as simple as just look at some books the 10x idea if you are wanting a hundred thousand dollars start imagining getting a million 100 000 seems a lot easier when you really enter into the 10x idea multiply what it is you want to do shorten the time hey i want to get this done in a year imagine if you can get it done in two months so there is something that happens when you divide and multiply using larger numbers that helps accelerate your own manifestations even on a basic level not worrying about the silver cord and all that other stuff so maybe there's something to this maybe it's not the actual body maybe it's another body there are five or six bodies and i've now been able to document through research and different things i talk about it in calling down the power meditation where we use hebrew names to activate different bodies there's an electromagnetic body and so sometimes one author may be talking about something that's the same as another author they're still the same but they're using different terminology so i just want to explore this as a laboratory with everybody out there this is a shared course so if you have some knowledge that can help enlighten me about this i would love to know more so i'll be definitely reading the comments and i just want to thank you for sharing this with me and would love to know what you think about it all episodes of the reality revolution can be found at the and welcome to the reality revolution
Channel: Brian Scott
Views: 23,613
Rating: 4.9245281 out of 5
Keywords: astral projection, belly button, astral body, mind navel, psychastra, psychastra power, psycho astral power, Frank Rudolph Young, etheric body, mind navel technique, khudd ozonta, new thought, post new thought, parker publishing company, robert b stone, david troncoso vibrasonics, silva mind control, subconscious wiring, brian scott, reality revolution, neville goddard, anthony norvell, mental domination, sadhguru, law of attraction, astral metaphysics, breath techniques
Id: RqYqfqY7udg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 30sec (4890 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 01 2020
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