Frank Lampard speaks to Gary Lineker | FULL EXTENDED INTERVIEW | Part 2

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and the Chelsea players the Chelsea youngsters in particular perhaps better than you thought they would be when you signed when I work closely with Mason so I know Macy very well he's probably taken to the Premier League and this top level say quicker than what I thought but I've been really pleasantly surprised by how well he's taken to it I didn't have any doubts long term I just didn't know it would be the start of the season that he would put me under pressure to play him in pre-season that he did the way you performed with Tammy I think was a striker and you'll know better than me on this one but it's you don't know until they are scoring those regular goals you don't know you know he can score goals in a championship last year the expectation the the level of defenses he's playing against what that means his confidence for him to hit the ground running a guy impressed have you been with him because he just looks like he's got the all-round centre forwards game yeah really impressive really impressive his personality his desire to work I knew he had great attributes I've known Igor goals throughout he is an academy and in the championship now twice but the big question marks what can he do at this level up and from from day one he's enthusiasm to improve he loves scoring goals and training he loves growing goals and he has a great team mate he's big it's a powerful we wants to run behind it's a big thing we've worked on him probably this year is making sure that he's not just a target he uses every little bit of his attributes to be able to run and stretch defenses and I think he's taken to that your young players they have been terrific there was obviously the transfer ban over a couple of windows which may or may not have influenced your decisions in that way but you are you know they are keeping one or two big names out Giroux Pedro for example yeah I think transfer ban on no times have been I've decided for sure that I wanted Mason to be ranked on him closely and I wanted to tell me to be around because of what he did last year and I mean strikers are gonna be very critical to what you do when people sometimes talk about Mason tell me a lot they tend to overlook to Morrie and for me tomorrow he's probably my not the proudest one for me because he's pathway went astray he how well he did last year I can't even describe the companies rawrr attributes and sent it back and then at the end of the season to be someone it was confident in the ball part of a team a bit of a ladies personality came out and this I trusted Sakai oh there's no way I you know the David Luiz could have moved to Aston when we left herself with three so I had to trust in him every one of them has got competition with other players they're all it's all up to them how they prove themselves that I can pick them because this is cutthroat young boys are not great potential normed and it's not gonna be enough for a too much chosen let's be quite exciting to be part of something seemingly fresh people actually enjoy watching the team play and enjoy the freshness of the of the side fans appreciate young close when we saw that we know that so to see them come from in a batch and come from a bit of personality you know I think they're all they're all nice stories in our mind I think people have taken well to that but my worry is that we staged too and we're only very very early we're not even in stage 2 maybes is that the the test will keep coming and you know we've had this lovely breakthrough we started pretty well but we want more next stages are we gonna go from here and so we need to make sure that the curve keeps going in the right direction do you feel a need to invest perhaps in the in the winter transfer I think with Chelsea you would always be potential to invest and improve yeah and I think if there's one thing about the transfer ban it was obviously stopped as bringing people in it also stopped me being able to bring in which I definitely felt a divert last year that when I could bring in my own Flyers that were kind of aligned with the way I wanted to play in terms of the attributes that you bring them in with and I think that helps set the tone of what you want to do and I didn't have that opportunity but as we go forward in the way I want us to go yet for sure I would like us to improve in certain areas and and this has given us a six months or a season to look at it and see which has probably not been a bad boss of breath for us so the young boys are coming in done well but we must remember that we do want to improve in certain areas Roman Abramovich is he he's there's still as involved as he was he doesn't seem to come to as many matches these days obviously had you know issues with visas etc apparently um is he is he still as keen yes yes my point of view do you have a lot of conversations with him or not particularly no I speak closer than arena who will be my yeah Shh my boss Bailey at work and we speak a lot and it's important for me that relationship because you know I think for the club to move forward in a healthy way that needs to be very honest back and forth and then that basically is speaking to Roman he know that he still cares about the club he's you know always asked environment for my thoughts and what we do in hopefully one day all over you can come back to games more what will be will be but I definitely feel the support anyway is he on board with the trajectory the fact you know bringing some of these young players because they've invested massive in the Academy over so many years yeah it always seemed to be not a waste because obviously lots of players have done pretty well everywhere else but it did seem a bit of a shame yeah not to actually get many of them into the Chelsea thing about me not I thought that from the outside and when you know if you're gonna invest like that and and working closely now with the Academy the the staff there are amazing they deserve so much credit you know Tammy and Mason and fukaya have been there since underwrites breach James it's under eight so they've really gone through the system and then produced great young men and very talented young footballers so yeah would have been a waste that's what that's what the Academy Jody Morris intimated that it was it was really frustrating that not too many of the Chelsea managers even probably knew the names of these yeah young stars yeah and you know I get it to a degree and particularly where we you know have probably recruited a lot of managers from from far afield foreign countries who come to him and that this is a Chelsea job everyone stand do a dive if you don't succeed in six months or a year you can get a sack all this stuff so I think I get the first prior to being let's look at what I've got in the first-team squad but what I do think is overlooked was that that either building across the road which is really close where you can actually see what you've got give the clever feeling of togetherness I think it's much appreciated I know that so I don't want to sit and look at X managers and and criticized the fact cuz that you know we're all doing our jobs but there's certainly been times over the last four or five years where you know Ruben lost his cheek and these people could have been given opportunities and I think they would have had similar outcomes to what we've seen was having my snitch right Joe so Mourinho we surprised when he got the Tottenham job yes and that I mean this is football so there been some rumors about him coming back he's a man for the for a big club yes or no because of what was I used in the modern day so I think it's a massively interesting for the Premier League I think he's personality is and these reveled is something that needs to be in top-level football I love Pasha Tina I have to say I met Marie a few times and he was incredible with made classy man he'll move on to some real nice challenges wherever he goes but having Jose there back is obviously gonna mix it right up there perfect how will that change Spurs from your experience of working with him well I think that Josie's you know we know the the records of Jose it has as a winning manager he's won wherever he's been and I think you know he's he's a pragmatic manager and that could be seen as a negative but I don't minutes wholly negative we used to get criticized the early Chelsea's him I played him for being somewhat boring but we weren't we had Robin and Daffy and that we had some tools that could really hurt change but we were also really organized but I think Jose first thing is to be organized is to be structured so I think he'll work on that with Tottenham and then on top of that year some really talented players day you know he's coming to a club and it's squad that were probably tipped to be somewhat in a title race issue at the beginning of season and had a difficult start but I still had those players and so with the freshness of a Jesu Maria of course they're gonna be challenges for sure top four what would it be like something the opposite dugout will it make any difference that it's Joe so Mourinho that you spent so many years we then brought also success together of course it will be special I think it will be special I think you'll make a difference to me or make a difference to him because we're both professionals we're driven and sometime when you come across them when you work where they're all club that you work with it pushes you on that a little bit more and they're in the in the best possible way and it's hot and chosen you know so that game has enough any game and then you have Jose Mourinho yeah he's gonna be desperate debate mean a little bit more for you because he's there with my professional head yes cool so I want to go up against the best you know when I've gone up against everybody Jurgen Klopp this season yeah of course you want to say can I can show again these incredible managers well what I can do what my team can do so it'll be a similar failure is there a target has anyone set you any targets or have you set yourself targets no I haven't been set times evident to the fact that to know that this club needs to be competitive and what does that mean it's it's a hard one and the Premier League is much more competitive now when you talk about here who's fighting for these top four spots or top one or two that'd be a great achievement your first season it wouldn't it top four yeah given the circumstances yeah my transfer windows yeah and the amount of young talent that you've got playing yeah I think I think so I think so because I mean I always want more I find it hard to say that yeah you have to be a realist and when we look at what Liverpool and what see I'm not just doing now what they've done for two years and the gap that have opened up it's the challenge there for all for us to close considering you know we lost ed and hazard it was huge for this club last year I'm a huge fan they don't know what he's input in terms of goals and assists was was massive and we had to find a way around that and the young boys are still win that we're still about working programs so to do that and then Sagarika where do we go forward when we can invest and when we do see these younger players one year further down the line then then that could be a good position for us what's been the most enjoyable thing this season managing Chelsea you know winning games is an obvious answer I think probably to see the team and when you have performances where you see the team that you want to say just a team that has spades I want a team as fast I want them to be fast on and off the ball which takes a lot of work the lads have to work alone training in pre-season I got quite a few faces from a few of them and a few question marks when we were running and it said it was important for me to so slightly break them at that point and let them know that I felt that we had to train how we wanted to play so there have been some performances this year where I've seen a team with speed and an ability to give everything and run and move the ball quickly and when the ball back because we're so aggressive and when I had those moments that's when I come home really happy yeah what's the worst part obviously losing games yes in that side what is the most difficult thing leaving players out possibly yeah I mean that is easy that that's always there that's always there and I don't care who you are as a manager I think this I mean unless there are some people have no emotion in their science because you know you have to do it every few days and pretty much so that can be difficult but you have to do with your things best for the club but your job depends on it you're enjoying it on you yeah I am you are yeah yeah you seem to be no I am and it's the the intensity of it makes that not an easy question to answer I've benefited a lot now in there I think you would to say to you enjoy every moment of every day it's difficult to say that because you're striving you're always striving for more but at the same time you feel I feel very proud and honored to be managing the club depth stays so close to my home my football life so that's that gave me a great sense of enjoyment well you're giving there's a lot of pleasure anyway watching the development of your young side so and continues expensive things lately you
Channel: Goalhanger
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Keywords: frank lampard, lampard, lampard interview, frank lampard interview, gary lineker, lampard chelsea, goalhanger, lampard lineker, lineker, chelsea, mason mount, tammy abraham, mourinho, football, tomori, chelsea v leicester, leicester v chelsea, reece james, chelsea fa cup, chelsea fa cup highlights, chelsea fa cup 2020, ziyech, ziyech chelsea, chelsea ziyech, chelsea transfer news, chelsea transfer, chelsea transfer targets
Id: Ze7YAtWcuqA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 0sec (720 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 13 2020
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