Francis Chan | Session 3 | The Altar Conference 2019

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all right if you can't make it back to your seats we are not through we've got another man of God with a word for us he needs no introduction will you please welcome our brother Francis Chan [Applause] can I get that podium over here someone you guys let's uh let's thank you you guys let's spend a moment praying either there's been a couple passages in my mind where Jesus and John I believe it's five eight and twelve where he talks about how he doesn't do anything or say anything of his own initiative but like like so so he didn't just go and say and do what he wanted he would only say what the father told him to say and I've been praying I'm going God is that possible for me to actually hear from him and then only say what he says no because there's so much pressure when you walk onto a stage you're so much expectation like in your mind right now there's certain things you expect from me then there's my own flesh where I just heard one of the greatest sermons I've heard in a long time you know through Damon and I'm just going I gotta follow that even though friends that I brought that have known me for years ago you have to follow that and and so guess what's going on in my flesh and yet Jesus says I don't say anything out of my own initiative there are things I want to say in the flesh the things I want to do and they're not bad things you know it wasn't like that but like their biblical but I really want to stand before a holy God right now and say God I want this to be about your agenda and your words so if you would join me in a word of Prayer and really pray that I would have the courage to be as quiet and to say as little as he wants me to say or as much as he wants me to say but not to be afraid of people not be afraid of backlash but just to fear him and him alone that's right the verse I keep hearing in my head is how he did not give us a spirit of fear father you are so strong you fear nothing nothing and we are your children Lord it's got right now in the name of Jesus we claim this power that you've given us there's nothing to fear you alone were God you're holy I praise You God I thank you thank you thank you that you're about to speak through me that your spirit will manifest through me for the common good as your word says God I want that please Lord would you kill anything that comes from Francis Chan and may this all be birth of your spirit for your glory Lord at the end of this time may your name be lifted up alone may we all have a higher view of you blown away by you not thinking about humans Lord thinking about Almighty God please Lord reveal yourself to us right now that we just just worship and then even more pure and reverent way through the cleansing through your word wash us Lord sanctify us by your truth your word is true in Jesus name you know there's a there's a passage of scripture that for the last month I have been addicted to this passage I love it so much and anytime there's an ounce of like sadness anytime there's an ounce of confusion anytime there's discouragement or fear I've been turning to this passage and it not only gets me over it but it just gets me so fired up afterwards and it's it's in Hebrews chapter 12 in Hebrews chapter 12 because it describes God see sometimes I can I can close my eyes and just start talking and not think about who I'm speaking to and especially in front of a crowd you can just you can just start praying stuff that you forgot to mention in your sermon or whatever else and you just say stuff or you say stuff that you think people want to hear but there's other times where you actually take the time to think about who you're speaking to man and there's such an intensity about it but this is to me some of the best news I've read or meditated on in a long time it's a description of God and in Hebrews 12 verse 18 listen to what he says I love though I hope you love the Word of God man I hope you love this book because we live in a time when everyone's throwing out their opinions and their thoughts and they think they're so profound even Christians and authors and speakers and everything else is that we've got to get back to this book because this book is so beautiful so powerful this is the way that the church is going to unite is through his word Hebrews 12 listen to this for you have not come to what may be touched a blazing fire and darkness and gloom and a tempest and the sound of a trumpet and a voice whose word made the hearers beg that no further messages be spoken to them for they could not endure the order that was given if even a beast touches the mountain it shall be stoned indeed so terrifying was the sight that Moses said I tremble with fear but you have come to Mount Zion and to the city of the Living God and the heavenly Jerusalem and to innumerable angels and festal gathering and to the Assembly of the firstborn who are enrolled in heaven and to God the judge of all and to the spirits of the righteous made perfect and to Jesus the mediator of a new covenant and to the sprinkled blood that speaks a better word than the blood of Abel see that you do not refuse him who is speaking for if they did not escape when they refused him who warned them on earth much less will we escape if we reject him who warns from heaven at that time his voice shook the earth but now he has promised yet once more I will shake not only the earth but also the heavens this phrase yet once more indicates the removal of things that are shaken that is things that have been made in order that the things that cannot be shaken may remain therefore let us be grateful for receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken and thus let us offer to God acceptable worship with reverence and awe for our God is a consuming fire man that gets me so excited did you understand like when when you pray you're not speaking he says you're not coming to what maybe touched look at this description of God you're not coming before a being that you can just go up and grab you're not coming before someone who can be touched but he refers to him as a blazing fire and darkness and gloom and a tempest then when's the last time you heard a message where the guy teaching was describing God as darkness and gloom and a tempest yet this is the Word of God it's it's terrifying isn't it the thought of come easy is making reference to the exodus when he put darkness over the land and and the storms of the the hail storms where people would be because men do you understand who you're coming before this isn't just another person man but but he's a blazing fire and darkness all at once and gloom and a tempest this is this is crazy this is who we are coming before and you got to understand something this is great news okay now I know people say wait how could God being a blazing fire and darkness and gloom and a tempest be good news because the world twists everything and they want to believe in a God that's soft and cuddly and would never harm anyone you know but you know why this is such great news when I think you know cuz people go gosh you know God can't tell me what to do I have dreams I have desires I'm like I'm pretty sure he can I mean you know he refers to himself as a tempest in a job he answered him out of a whirlwind can you imagine standing in an open and field and seeing a tornado come at you there's not a lot you can say right you can't look at that and go I have dreams this is the God that I got you know why this is great news is because if this God is for me are you kidding me that is for me man who could be a guest that's great news [Applause] you know before I came on the stage Maddie gave me a hug and just said I love you so I believe if someone came on the stage to try to attack me you're there for me right okay I mean that's that's cool um I don't know if it's good news I mean it's news it's you know there's you know you you bigger than I am so that's good but the thought of this being here a tempest a blazing fire darkness gloom saying Frances I'm with you I'm for you I'm your Shepherd you want to see my rod might you if you walk through the valley of the shadow of death you don't have to fear any evil because I'm with you man this is great great news this is our God you guys the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom that's why Jesus says he goes don't fear man what's mian gonna do to you kill you he goes fear god who can destroy your body and your soul in hell like you feel this is a good thing it's a good thing that we have a terrifying God he says that we've come to the city of the Living God the heavenly Jerusalem to innumerable angels in festal gathering try to imagine that so as I'm on my knees and I'm praying to this blazing fire darkness gloom Tempest a voice that made the hearers beg that no more messages be spoken at the same time he's in this heavenly City with innumerable angels in festal gathering and I'm speaking to knit to him on his throne see so often when we pray we just think about us what we want what we need what we feel I'm going man is so much better to take your eyes off of yourself and just stare at him do this sometimes I mean I I say sometimes you know these things are the worst right and especially panthan selfies okay it's it's amazing that when I was a kid if we would go to someplace like the Grand Canyon or out to Yosemite right by here and we see a waterfall we would stare at the waterfall and nowadays your thought is I'm gonna take a picture of myself like do you ever like just escape you and get out of selfie mode seriously one of the best things I couldn't do as a pastor as a leader is come over to you and push that little button that takes you off of selfie mode to where you can't even see yourself and all you see is him and others man it would be an amazing thing that that's what pray are supposed to be for is that we go oh my gosh in heaven you kidding me there's a this he's like a blazing fire a tempest he's got innumerable angels and festal gathering and you are look at yourself but to just stare at him and worship Him that's why it's so beautiful watching you sing because you're taking your eyes off of yourself and gluing them on this God who says worship me in a way that's acceptable which is with reverence and awe for our God is a consuming fire you know one passage a few chapters earlier this this blows me away in chapter 5 verse 7 it says in the days of his flesh Jesus offered up prayers and supplications with loud cries and tears to him who was able to save him from death and he was heard because of his reverence Jesus was heard because of his reverence she ever notice scripture says that I mean honestly wouldn't you expect to say Jesus was heard because he's the son of God Jesus was heard because he's Jesus and yet revelry I mean Hebrews 5 says no Jesus was heard because of his reverence think about how we pray as we set up these altars at home as we said which I sure hope you do because this stuff when everyone else is around is wonderful but as someone mentioned earlier man if it doesn't get to where you are alone with him then this is all a waste you have to know him you have to be coming before that blazing fire with reverence and awe man if this is the only time you worship is when you have a killer band here man versus what was said earlier where there's tears in this book because you get alone with this book and you're going oh my gosh blazing fire oh my gosh I can't I can't touch a voice and make the angels I mean for you know they made the hearers beg no more no more Moses was trembling on that mountain man it says Moses come in I tremble with fear he was just in worship because of the person of God and that was before Hillsong like this was just I'm in the presence of him and that's all I and I love those I love all these bands I love I'm just saying when we grow dependent where it's like that's the only way you can worship Him you need a speaker you got innumerable angels and festive gathering worshiping this being powerful but I love it it's such great news you know what else is great news is what he says when he says in verse 25 of Hebrews 12 eases see that you do not refuse him who is speaking for if they did not escape when they refused him who warned them on earth much less will we escape if we reject him who warns from heaven then he goes on and talks about how could try to imagine this he says at that time he shook the earth pray says there's a time that's coming I don't even understand this but it says God's going to shake the earth and the heavens and then he says everything that was made is gonna disappear it's gonna be removed everything that was made the removal of things that are shaken that is things that have been made in or the things that cannot be shaken may remain what does that even mean like try to imagine God shaking the heavens do you understand the being we're talking about right now he's talking about things we don't even get how dare we come with any pride as if we have something profound to add to the discussion we stand before him with reverence and awe because he's a consuming fire and that is great great news because he is for us and you know what else is great news he's coming to judge again remember we live in a crooked and twisted generation like Isaiah 5 says we take what's good and make it sound bad we take what's bad and make it sound good so when it comes to the judgment of God we don't even talk about that as believers because we don't believe it's good news anymore don't talk about the judgments of that that doesn't know but he talks about it and be well that's Old Testament no this is he bruises in the new revelation is in the New Testament ok and listen to what he says in Hebrews 10 because this may dispel it a lie that I believe from when I was young in Hebrews 10 verse 26 he says if we go on sinning deliberately after receiving the knowledge of truth there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins but a fearful expectation of judgment and a fury of fire that will consume the adversaries anyone who is set aside the law of Moses dies without mercy on the evidence of two or three witnesses how much worse punishment do you think he will be deserved by the one who has trampled underfoot the Son of God and has profaned the blood of the Covenant by which he was sanctified and has outraged the spirit of grace for we know Him who said vengeance is mine I will repay and again the Lord will judge his people it is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the Living God this is the Word of God this is good good news man I know some of you are going that does not sound like good news it is great news my God is a consuming fire it's a terrifying thing to fall into the hands of Living God this is the Word of God the Word of God is good news you know what's good news in him in 1st Corinthians chapter 4 listen to what he says here chapter 4 verse 3 he says with me it is a very small thing that I should be judged by you or by any human court in fact I don't even judge myself for I am not aware of anything against myself but I am not thereby acquitted it is the Lord who judges me therefore do not pronounce judgment before the time before the Lord comes who will bring to light the things now hidden in darkness and will disclose the purposes of the heart then each one will receive his commendation from God see he says because this is so freeing he goes I don't care what you think of I don't care your judgement of me or any human court's judgment of me he was I don't even care about my judgement about myself because I feel good about myself my conscience is clear he goes but that doesn't make me innocent I've got to stand before him and he's gonna bring to light what's been hidden in the darkness and he's gonna expose the motives of men's hearts man is there anything worse than that feeling when someone accuses you falsely that's happened to you right happens to us all we get judged all the time and God saying hey don't worry about it don't try to take vengeance you don't defy him he goes vengeance is mine you know Paul Paul say I don't care you can say what you want about me I gotta stand before this guy it's so freeing to know there's gonna come a day when everything's gonna be exposed he's gonna say here's Francis is real motive here's what he was really doing I know for some of you that sounds terrifying I get it but there's also some great news and that we understand so you really are the only one that I have to please because if you're gonna spend your life trying to defend yourself in front of other people and maintain the right world you know like a reputation man you're in for a long long life a life of misery man nowadays when people can just say anything and just throw it up you know and text it around and get it around where do you spend the rest of your life defending yourself it's good news there's a terrifying judge who's coming and let's not let's not get that twisted around like that's bad news and let's let's let's get rid of this lie that well that was in the Old Testament know what the writer of Hebrews is saying is like if you think it was bad then right he says that then he goes look if if you set aside the law of Moses how much worse punishment do you think will be deserved by the one who was trampled underfoot the Son of God the one who's outraged the spirit of grace he says vengeance is mine this is who God is you can understand we've got to get to the word because we live in a world that is going to twist it and say well how could a loving God judge and you just go he just says that he does you know we we have to go back to the Word of God how do you twist this and say he's not a judge and he's not to be feared it's just the Word of God I've got more good news this is a this one you'll probably even see as good news okay I have loved Ephesians two lately also when you love Ephesians two as such a beautiful beautiful passage he says in Ephesians 2:1 he says you were dead in the trespasses and sins in which you once walked following the course of this world following the Prince of the power of the air the spirit that is now at work in the sons of disobedience among whom we all once lived in the passions of our flesh carrying out the desires of the body and the mind and we're by nature children of Wrath like the rest of mankind but God being rich in mercy because of the great love with which he loved us even when we were dead in our trespasses made us alive together with Christ by grace you have been saved and raised us up with him and seated us with him in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus so that in the coming ages he might show the immeasurable riches of His grace in kindness toward us in Christ Jesus man are you seeing that so that God the blazing fire Tempest he's also rich in mercy that is the best news on earth imagine if that Almighty God was not rich in mercy and we are just dead in our trespasses and sins and he says we are by nature children of Wrath again is that what the world teaches no the world twists that and says no we're not children of Wrath we're good people and when we come before God he's gonna see that we're good people that's not what the scriptures say the scriptures say that we're dead in our trespasses and sins that means we just do what we want he says we follow the course of this world we all did it and it says that we were living in the passions of our flesh carrying out the desires of the body and the mind okay this is what we want to do and the world is saying man I have every right to do what I want to do what I feel like doing what's in my heart and what God says this man that's the very reason why the wrath of God is upon you as you're carrying out your own desires you can't control yourself whatever you feel like doing you just start doing it and God says you're following let's listen to what he calls it though he goes you're following the course of this world because that's what the world's gonna teach you do what you feel like doing him he can't tell you what to do do what you feel like doing carry out the desires of your flesh and of your mind he says you understand you're following the course of this world following the Prince of the power of the air the spirit that is now at work in the sons of disobedience he's talking about Satan do you know who you're following when you follow your own desires because you're following the pattern of the world which we know that he goes but guess who the world is under the influence of first John 5 says the whole world lies in the power of the evil one and he goes so you're actually falling right into his plan but God being rich in mercy because of the great love with which he loved us even when we were dead in our trespasses made us alive together with Christ by grace you've been saved so God in heaven that blazing fire Tempest darkness gloom looks at me an object of Wrath following my own desires following Satan and in the midst of that he is rich in mercy and he loved me he so loved me man so that God he actually is rich in mercy it's like I want to forgive so so this terrifying judge wants to forgive he wants to pour his mercy out on me he's rich in mercies like I gotta use this mercy it's Who I am I am rich in it and I'm full of love for these people even though they're they're by nature children of Wrath and I want to make them alive in Christ why this was my favorite part of that verse he goes so that in the coming ages he might show the immeasurable riches of His grace in kindness toward us in Christ Jesus so do you understand what he wants to do in the coming ages he wants to show off just how much mercy and how much grace he has by pouring it out on us in kind this is my destiny as God's gonna show you I want to show you just how much grace I have I want to show you how much mercy I have I'm gonna pour it all out on Francis and you're just gonna watch that's my destiny wait so I went from a child of Wrath an object of Wrath to an object that receives his kind of so that he can show in the coming ages just how much grace he has and what did i do what did I do nothing it was him it was his grace it's because that Almighty holy God that consuming fire that coming judge it's because of his mercy and His grace you know the verse for by grace you've been saved through faith it's not your doing it's the gift of God not as a result of works so that no one may boast so we have a terrifying God who is a judge who wants to forgive us and the crazy thing is even that the world will twist and make it sound like bad news like I don't need to be forgiven I don't don't call me a child of Wrath that that God by His grace saved me and and so so don't tell me that thief on the cross just from one word is now gonna be in paradise after that a whole life I'm gonna earn it man this is great news I'm a sinner saved by the grace of God you're telling me that having a terrifying God up there's bad news you're telling me as judgment as bad news now you're telling me that him coming as a judge who wants to forgive me is bad news and not only does he want to do that but he wants to lead you which again the world calls bad news because we don't want to be led we want to control our own destiny we want to build our own Kingdom we want don't want to seek his kingdom we don't want to be about making disciples like he commanded us to but what God says is he'll put his spirit in us to lead us this is a very intimate thing where he says I'll enter into you and I'll actually start to manifest through you let me read a from first John three first John three verse six says this see this is such good news see when he puts his spirit in you he empowers you to get rid of all the sin that was in your life in fact he says this no one who abides in him keeps on sinning masks good news I abide in God I won't keep on sinning thank you no one who keeps on sinning has either seen him or known him little children let no one deceive you whoever practices righteousness is righteous as he is righteous whoever makes a practice of sinning is of the devil for the devil has been sinning from the beginning the reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the works of the devil no one born of God makes a practice of sinning for God's seed abides in him and he cannot keep on sinning because he's been born of God man that is such great news that God wants his seed to abide in you and when that happens you can't keep on sinning because his seed abides in you in fact he says if you keep sinning then that just shows you that his seed doesn't abide in you if you can just keep on sinning and not feel anything not repent he says whoever because man don't let anyone deceive you whoever practices righteousness is righteous as he is righteous and whoever makes a practice of sinning is of the devil for the devil has been sent this is I know some of you guys are hearing this made for the first time because you're not in his but and some of you is going what were you what are you saying are you saying that if I'm an ongoing sin right now that I'm of the devil no I'm not saying that John is and we have to do something because this is in the Bible and it's this idea is this is how you can tell he says when his seed is in you this is why such great news is today you can come before that terrifying judge he wants to forgive you and he wants to put his spirit in you so that you'll stop sinning man God I'm telling you something happened in my life when his seed came into me when his when his spirit came into me where the things I used to do by nature once I start going that way it's like ah I can't do this it tempts me but it's like ah I can't stay in that he says when you have the seed of God abiding in you he just comes out that's why it goes on all through first John going that's why if you're if you see someone in need and and you have the means to help them and you can just walk on it goes how could his seed be in you how could a love of God be so then you start loving the poor you don't even try it's almost like it's just it happens because it's in your DNA his seed is implanted in you man I can't go back to my sin I can't walk away from Jesus why cuz I'm such a great guy no because his spirits in me this is such great news I mean I remember when my second daughter was born I was actually if I'm honest I was I was scared when I first saw her because her face looked so much like mine I seriously I was like oh no you know there's a joy of a child being born but there was this fear of oh she looks a lot like me and and she's still to this day and and when she was you know five six years old people would always go you look just like your dad and she would burst into tears she wouldn't this is not exact she would just start bawling and I'd have to comfort I know I know like I don't know I'm sorry you know like a girl version of me like this is crazy I did that we didn't want this either and I mean crazy she's like 19 18 now beautiful so I don't know how it worked out but but I remember just as a kick I'm sorry honey my DNA is in you you put on all that makeup or whatever you're still gonna I'm gonna come out of you somehow like this is coming out because my seed is in you and that's exactly what John is saying here in first john god's holy holy holy spirit is inside of me so i can't hate my brothers is that you can't do it it's not in you anymore he keeps coming out i can't just walk by the people that are in need i got to do something because it's inside of me and whenever sin creeps into my life is like i've got to get it out why because i've got his spirit inside of me you guys the son of god came to destroy the works of the devil that's what he did on the cross as someone quoted earlier he made him who knew no sin become sin on our behalf that we might become the righteousness of God through him so I'm perfectly righteous now because the seed of God abides in me because I believe with all my heart that God so loved this world that He gave His one and only Son and that anyone here who believes in Him believes in that act down on the cross and trust in him we don't have to fear death we have eternal life we're gonna have to fear sin I've got his spirit in me now that won't let me go back to my sin this is great news it is great news that a terrifying judge longs to forgive you enter you and lead you right it's great great news [Applause] you know when I came up here initially and just during the break before this I had a different message in mind I was going to talk about unity because I was tired of all this fighting and bickering in the body and as a dad with seven children like we we have so much peace in her home I don't like like our kids fighting and stuff like that and what the Bible talks about our Father hates it when we fight he hates when someone stirs up dissension among brothers he says it's in Titus 3 you better warn the divisive person warn him again then have nothing to do with him because he hates those who break up the Brotherhood the sisterhood his children he wants us to be one okay and Jesus said it's when you love one another when you become perfectly one then the world is going to believe that the father sent me and that he loves you like he loves me there's something about our unity that is so precious to God that he says that will be the apologetic to the world but as long as we come with arrogance saying you know you've got this wrong you've got this wrong you get I'm not talking about we don't have discussions but we've got to talk through this as family and love you know what I come from a different background than most of you maybe a lot of you and I've had to confess that I used to ridicule and mock anyone who spoke in tongues anyone who saw it prophesy because I always I was just kind of taught that you guys don't love the Word of God you just love your dreams and then you just kind of check your mind off at the door and you just go with your emotions and you don't care about holiness the last few years I've been spending a lot of time repenting and coming to my brothers and sisters who believe differently than me and just saying I am so sorry that in my arrogance I used to ridicule you and now I see these men of God who loved Jesus with all their hearts and look there's still differences I'm shouldn't throw it out there like like yeah okay okay like I'm still uncomfortable I'm just I'm just throwing out there like when everyone starts speaking in their prayer language you know in an assembly like my understanding of Scripture is different from that another thing when I read scripture I see like a man should be the head of the home and I know other people don't see that and that makes me uncomfortable but then I meet those people and we start talking about this stuff and we start talking about their love for Jesus and and when we come with humility that's one thing I found as a pastor for the last 30 years if you bring a humble couple like a married couple if they're humble we can work it out if they're arrogant nothing I can do God opposes that arrogance but if we come humbly like I come before you go look I'm doing my best I'm sorry the best I can understand this book is that I am you know what they call complementarian that there's there's a male leadership in the church in the home I could be wrong but it's the best I can understand it best I can understand it what our prayer language if it's like something that's private you know and it has to be done work but I could be wrong okay that's the best I can edit and we can talk about these differences man and and and and I just I just I feel horrible because there's so much of my life I just mocked those I didn't understand and they did the same thing to us but I believe that blazing fire I was talking about he knows whose theology is perfect and there's stuff we're gonna have to work through but he wants us to be perfectly one somehow amidst theological differences and I believe there's a new generation rising up and I believe the reason why God had me preach that message was he was saying don't just preach unity preach my gospel okay preach my attributes because unity doesn't come from us hashing through our differences unity starts with us both fearing a holy God and and me going okay you're a blazing fire your thoughts are we're way beyond mine Who am I and you tell me that Derek is your son I'm not gonna mess with your son if he's your son he's my brother we're gonna figure this out whatever is different let's figure it out you know it starts with us uniting under the attributes of God and the gospel of Jesus Christ and that's why I came up here and he said just preached the gospel just preached the good news and we unite under that and we become brothers and sisters because we have his seed in us and once his seed is in you you won't be able to hate me you can he says anyone who hates his brother the the Spirit of God must not be in him this was the safety that's why I meet some people and you know hearing Damon I heard the Spirit of God speaking through you I can't hate you I don't even know your theology dude you know but I saw the power the Spirit of God and everything else I don't know every detail that's the first time I've ever even seen him and honestly I did not expect that message to come from your mouth I I mean it's it's awful but you know it's just I don't know you I hate anyways I love him it's weird though because like when I go to England and people with like a British accent yeah you all sound smart it's like the dumbest Englishman can sound brilliant just cuz his accent and then and there's people from the South no okay [Applause] and it's like well he's actually brilliant and his mind is way beyond mine I just wasn't expecting it you know so love you man but to me I just go I'm so excited about this because we in this room agree that there's a holy holy holy God up there right and we believe that he's a coming judge and he's going to expose what was really right and wrong anyways at the end and that he wants to pour His grace out on us right now because he's rich in mercy and he wants to fill us with his spirit so he can lead us into unity and holiness and into his mission and don't you want to just worship that God right now this worship Him we have the worship team come on up and let's just has one body I think was mentioned last night we have people from all sorts of different denominations and let's figure out those differences I'm not saying that we just brush everything aside I'm saying let's just hold hands and talk about it and let's act like children of God who believe in the gospel and believe that we were once objects of Wrath and now we're gonna be recipients of His grace the riches of his kindness he's going to just pour grace on us for all of eternity and that's something to rejoice about and we have to keep the main things the main things and that's why God called us to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to one another and unite under that and to worship Him [Applause] [Music]
Channel: The Altar
Views: 26,609
Rating: 4.8734794 out of 5
Id: e2W_RNFqiAM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 2sec (3362 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 21 2019
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