Francis Chan - On favoritism... James 2

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we're going to talk about the James chapter 2 talks about favoritism favoritism and it kind of relates to what we've been talking about about who we care about who we lift up I remember last week that the passage ends with true religion being caring for the widows and orphans and keeping oneself unpolluted by the world that means unstained you're you're just pure you think the way God thinks you see things the way God sees it even though you hear these messages from the world and you're bombarded by the world all week long you're not stained by it you think the way God wants you to think you act and live the way God wants you to live that's what God wants of us now one of the areas that we get stained and polluted is what he goes into here in chapter 2 which is the area of the way we view people and so in chapter 2 verse 1 he says this my brothers as believers in our glorious Lord Jesus Christ don't show favoritism suppose a man comes into your meeting wearing a gold ring and fine clothes and a poor man and shabby clothes also comes in if you show special attention to the man wearing fine clothes and say here here's a good seat for you but you say to the poor man you stand there or sit on the floor by my feet have you not discriminated among yourselves and become judges with evil thoughts okay so basically he says my brother's because don't show favorite um the word favoritism is literally translated respecter of persons don't be a respecter of persons don't assume that one person is more important than another don't treat people differently and it's interesting because I love the phrase use because as believers in our glorious Lord Jesus Christ don't show favoritism that's very important as believers in our glorious Lord Jesus Christ see if you believe that right now if you are a believer like he's talking about here if you were believing that right now in heaven there is this glorious being okay right now as we're sitting in this room there's this being in heaven who who the Bible says do ELLs in unapproachable light this is being where we would look at just go all we would just be in awe in fact if we saw him in our human bodies the Bible says we would just die because he is so holy and so unapproachable in that sense and ego so if you believe there's just being sitting on the throne up there that's so glorious then you should not show favoritism toward people you should not have be a respecter of people you should understand of all people that there's God and there are people there's not different levels of people when we are in the sight of God there's just God and then there's just a bunch of little flesh and blood you know people that walk around the earth like Isaiah to says you know why do you regard man who has but a breath of life in his nostrils you know why do you why would you lift up a person when he doesn't even know if he's going to take another breath if there's God and there's man and as believers the Lord Jesus Christ we shouldn't have any distinction amongst ourselves as people and honestly this was an embarrassing passage to me embarrassing because I always assumed in my pride I assumed that I was not one to show favoritism I just thought come on you know I see people that are starstruck oh look there so-and-so I'm like what you're weird you know I mean who cares it's like Oh will you sign this you know and they're so starstruck by different people and I'm just like I am so not like that but then I'll talk to a famous person and suddenly it's like I'm like thinking about what to say I'm thinking about everything I can't talk you know and I'm just realizing okay so what does that say about me I'm loser you know I I I do the same thing like wait a second why am i speaking to this person differently because I'm a respecter of persons the Bible says we we can't be that way we shouldn't be that way um it's going to happen everywhere else right there's certain people on this earth that wherever they go they'll get special treatment right and at the same time there are people who are rejected by the world and wherever they go they'll be rejected and that's okay what's not okay is when they come to church and it's the same thing and that's that's been some of the frustration you know and I admit it's in my it's in my heart too but for example here at Cornerstone we've had over the last 12 years we've had some pretty famous people visit the church and they'll sit here and it's sad because they get treated at Cornerstone the same way they get treated outside of Cornerstone people like did you see who I sat by you know and so hey will you sign my Bible you know whatever it may be it's like there's a flocking there has been the famous people have come to the church have gotten no different than what they get in the world that maybe they were coming here just hoping maybe they'll just treat me like another person here maybe I can I can blend in because they believe in the glorious Lord Jesus Christ that they'll see me is just another person and care about my eternal well-being rather than a signature or a picture or whatever else or maybe but but it hasn't been the case and in the same way Durbin people who typically have been rejected in the world and they come here and you know what it's kind of the same thing here I mean oh we got to somehow get past this I mean that's what the Bible saying we shouldn't be shown this special attention to people whether it's because of their wealth their fame or anything else we just should not be respecters of people we respect God and then we just love people all equally the same can we get there I mean just imagine if you came in this morning try to imagine this you sat down in your seat okay and then what if Tiger Woods sat next to this morning okay just try to picture that you sat down your normal seat and suddenly Tiger Woods sits down on your right side whoa that's weird right and then Oprah sits in the next seat next to you and would you be distracted right now okay now why see we gotta get to this heart of why would that distract me so much but it would now let me ask you another question they're still sitting next to you okay Tigers on your right Oprah's on your left and then suddenly God appears on the stage the glory of God this being who just let's say he allows us to get some glimpse he allows us to live through seeing him in our in some veiled form he's on this you know throne just filling up this whole place you know just lorry of God at that point will Oprah and Tiger be a distraction to you at that point suddenly doesn't matter right because all you're interacting with is no way God and me God and me why because we have in our sights the glorious Lord Jesus Christ see that's the problem here is that we forget we forget who guys we take our eyes off of God and suddenly we become a respecter of persons all we see are the people we put them these different systems in these different classes because we forget as believers in our glorious Lord Jesus Christ all we should see is there's a great God out there and then there's people and our job is because of all the mercy that God has shown us that we're out giving to people sharing with people showing mercy to people that's all this is that's all this is and then and that's why we can't be consumers we got to come here and say you know we're going to give and if a famous person comes I don't want anything from a famous person why do I need to know this person the Lord is my shepherd I shall not want I'm not going to look at them the way the world looks I'm hey can I can I have a picture can I have you know some money you know can I have this or that I'm not going to treat my boss so everyone else treats them you know of trying to get something from them of oh man maybe I'll kiss up to this person because they can help because I want I want I want I want that's the core of the issue is where people who want something from other people where the Bible says the Lord is my shepherd I shall not want if we are people who really get all of our fulfillment from the Lord and satisfaction from that glorious Lord Jesus Christ then we can walk into the church and give and show mercy as God wants us to but we don't instead we show favoritism and you go no that doesn't happen at Cornerstone uh-huh I had a hidden camera okay last night in the lobby okay and I just wanted to know okay how friendly are we as a church let me just stand at a table and then we put someone else you know next to me and you know one of our high school kids kind of a punk looking guy you know not too bad just a little ring through his lip you know let's just let's just see you know what do we show favoritism or people gonna greet me and not him and and so here's here's a video from from last night this is this is this is fun and we had a little counter on it shows young people say hi to me so they're there I am and you can't really see so just standing at the table and there's the other kid ah there's some people greeting me interesting now they actually talk to the kid for a second they ask him to take a picture of us um so that doesn't really count as them talking to him was ie another guy coming up greeting me and there's lonely boy still only go so we're talking talking talking cool here's a book read it okay try it alright see later oh here's another guy hey I brought you something cool okay okay good good thanks no I appreciate that all right you want to talk to my friend now okay oh hey buddy what's up man good to see ya all right cool rock on um here's and hey brother I love you man it's good good hey what's up empty you know Wow yeah yeah yeah good yeah yeah yeah no way and then an usher here is talking to him so good job Edie one or usher is talking to him ass guys doing yeah yeah okay there's some more people talking to me ignoring him see what else happens Hey what's going on Oh Todd yeah Todd and Lisa alright okay so you guys that that's what I'm talking about it's like are we really that different from the world honestly we'll walk in and we'll zoom in on maybe someone who has something to offer us someone that we'd like to talk to you but are we looking to show mercy or we shalt looking to care for people or even in the church are there these classes and different people that will talk to other people that will ignore it it feels like high school sometimes you know you're Mary walking there's the popular kids they're the you know the geeks there's whatever else you know and there's just certain systems like that and the people that are you know popular in high school or popular in the church you know it's the same type of thing and the Bible saying look there shouldn't be a difference if there is a difference if we do show preference we should show preference to the poor to those who are typically rejected like it says in verse five listen my dear brothers has not God chosen those who were poor in the eyes of the world to be rich in faith and inherit the kingdom he promised to those who love him but you've insulted the poor isn't it the rich who are exploiting you aren't they the ones who are dragging a court are they not the ones who are slandering the noble name of him to whom you belong because hasn't God chosen those rejects on the earth that to be rich in faith hasn't God chosen them to be his own children don't you understand God has associated himself with the poor with the rejects of the earth God's associate they're his children now suddenly you're rejecting God's children the glorious Lord Jesus Christ gone those are my kids those they love me they're crazy about me and you're rejecting up and he says it's the poor that have chosen I mean isn't it he's just saying in general it's typically the poor who are crazy about God doesn't mean that there aren't rich people who are also rich in faith it's just it's rare typically we're complacent we've got God for you know we've got so much stuff and we believe that we've built the security for ourselves we don't need God as much and so we've got all this other stuff to distract us but for the poor when you go like some of you went to Mexico and you're blown away by the joy and the happiness of some of these people that have nothing but they have God and they find so much that's the way I felt in Africa I'm like man there's so much happier than we are you know with nothing but God is everything to them and they're so rich in faith and God says you know some of the rich people that are material wealthy materially wealthy or or have this fame or you guys lift up even though they're exploiting you even though they speak against me I mean like if someone like Lance Armstrong we're here this morning he'd be like no way Lance Armstrong seven-time Tour de France winner you know and he was sitting next to you and you found out it's like whoa just what what do you say to Lance right I mean never mind the fact that he rejects everything we teach here professed a theist it would speak against Jesus but boy can he ride a bike fast so let's lift him up let's do the same thing in the church so we do everywhere else rather than being more concerned about a person's salvation you see it's it's this whole idea of who do we lift up versus who does God look at and who does God see as pure don't you just want for one day to see people the way God sees them you know just like I'm totally unjust seeing people the way God sees them not lifting up one person or the wrong person or whatever else I want to interview someone from our church ian is Ian in here other you are buddy this is Ian hey Ian just see you man I'm gonna I'm gonna grab the microphone I'll be right back this is Ian Ian's been with our church from day one I mean literally day one dianna his mom plays keyboard she's playing keyboard this morning she's been with our church from the start in fact she used to be like our only musician and I remember the day she was having she was having a and she was in labor and it was Sunday morning and she was supposed to play and she asked the doctor between contractions or anyway can leave seriously and go play a cornerstone and come back and he just said you are crazy cuz he end up giving birth like 20 minutes after she made that statement and and Ian was born now Ian something happened to you when you were 1 what happened when you were one ever sees this hodo seizure disorder and and so um so does that make some things tricky for you yeah what I have no good speech yeah so you can't speak real good everybody needs kids right now seeing a lobby yeah now you help out with the special needs kids here right you help out in the class what do you do there I do do crafts and storing see me so you help with singing and crafts and now what what else do you do to help out here at Cornerstone help with the Donuts big to purple cloth song you'd be safe with domes mm-hmm good you help the donuts he said he put gloves on there because he wants to be safe with the donut what else do you do on Sunday morning I hope with poor things every morning and you pass our bulletins every morning now you want to Mac you got your imagine shirt on so you want to imagine what did you do when you were there it gave you a house to pursue nice except where we'll have seizures so you helped other kids who had seizures what did you what you do at the Gabriel house I'll push down my wine my den and break it down so you help push them in their wheelchairs and Dylan play guitar that's awesome now um now you worship God right yes what do you like to sing what's what's like your favorite songs to sing to God teen Judah kindergartener no no no not not that one that's a every move I make right yeah um now um what what what what has God done for you in arts studio sound goes for every scenes and he'll that's right thanks buddy Thanks just just for one day to say okay God let me see what you value and what's what's beautiful to you as God looks in this room how does he view us who who does he look at and go well now there's a person after my heart there's a person that's pure here's a person that I would lift up I'm willing to bet that it's different from how we view people and the people that we places first or probably many times last in his eyes and vice versa just like he says in Scripture in verse eight he says if you really keep the royal law found in Scripture love your neighbor as yourself you're doing right but if you show favoritism you sin and are convicted by the law as lawbreakers for whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles at just one point is guilty of breaking all of it for he who said do not commit adultery also said do not murder if you do not commit adultery but do commit murder you've become a law breaker speak and act as those who are going to be judged by the law that gives freedom because judgment without mercy will be shown to anyone who has not been merciful mercy triumphs over judgment so if nothing else really hits you he closes this section was saying here's a motivation to not show favoritism you're going to be judged and how do you want to be judged when you stand before God do you want to be judged based upon your works or do you want to be shown mercy you see why why do we show mercy toward others because God has shown mercy to us and we believe he's going to show mercy to us when we come before him at the end of our lives okay because you're going to stand before God and we will all need mercy at that point right right because God is going to go okay let's go through my commands your honor your father and mother did you do that perfectly you're going to want some mercy after that one right then he's going to say okay thou shalt not bear false witness you ever lied and he's gonna start running the tape let me show you time after time after time okay I need a little mercy here thou shalt not covet don't desire what anyone else has you ever desired what anyone else had let's run the tape we got time for this you know and it's like boom boom boom it's like okay okay alright yeah I broke that when I broke that when I broke that one when he says here in James if you even just broke one of them you're already guilty okay how many millions of sins were going to stand before the Lord on and what are we going to need at that point mercy please don't don't judge me about what I did because okay while I was on that earth I knew I knew I offended you but I believed you loved me so much that you you sent your son right didn't you you sent your son Jesus and he died on that cross for me and on that cross he was being punished for all of those crimes you just listed right and and and that's why I can have mercy that's why God says yeah you know what my son did pay for all of that and you did believe that while you're there on the earth that I loved you that much that rather than punishing you I was fair I had my son pay for it so someone paid for it and receiving that mercy and if you understood that then because you gave me that mercy let's look at your life did you then in turn show mercy to others is because people who get it people who have been fulfilled by God and understand the mercy of God they in turn go out and show mercy to others that's why James says that it's not a work salvation thing he's just saying the ones who get it the ones who've really been fulfilled by God they don't walk around wanting stuff from other people they walk around with the Lord as their shepherd they don't have ones you know that's the whole idea is we're so fulfilled in God then I shouldn't show up to church today you know looking at someone and saying oh okay there's Dave and Pat I wonder what I can get from them because I don't need anything I should be so content so sad I'm so overwhelmed that my cup is overflowing I can't fit any more blessing in my life my life is so good that I don't walk in this room and go I wonder if they can give me something see that's the way the people in the world walk around doing is like what can I get from him what can I get from him what can I get from him do you walk in the church the same way I mean it do they experience the same thing when they encounter us people wanting something from them I mean that's the reputation of church in general right churches once my money is churches one says churches one says no the church ought to be just a group of people that are so filled with love so we're flowing that we don't need anything from any one man where you just want to love we want to give to you we want to give to you this God that we've been so blessed with is that you is that how you came in this morning just gone man I've been so blessed my life is so amazing who can I give to this morning imagine how this place would just explode you know if that were our reputation that's truly who we were as believers so that's what I'd like us to pray for I want you to take a moment and just say God I want to be that type of person I don't want to show favoritism I want to see the glorious you and the rest of us here I want to see that I'm so filled by you that I can just spend my life showing mercy and so that when I come before you to be judged you'll see that I lived a life of mercy giving to people who didn't deserve it people who had nothing to offer me I was just giving to them that's the picture with God he gave to us while we were sinners to get that you love that you appreciate that so much that it makes you want to go out and give and show mercy to everyone you can I'm going to give you about a minute just in silence just to pray to confess any sins of partiality and ask God to change you and if you need prayer this morning if you want to get baptized you want to give your life to Lord if you want to just understand what it means to begin this relationship with God I'll be over there by the prayer room and some other pastors and counselors at any time during the worship you can go over there for now let's just spend a moment in silence and just pray to God and ask him to change you you
Channel: TheRaknerud
Views: 52,017
Rating: 4.8099174 out of 5
Keywords: Francis, Chan, Is, It, Wrong, to, Like, Oprah, YouTube2
Id: sp9NzZJLT9I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 36sec (1536 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 27 2012
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