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welcome back to another among us video today we are going to be framing people that's right i'm going to make it look like other innocent players are actually the imposter when in fact so that's going to require some very sneaky tactics like killing people that are next to others and all those sorts of things now if you'd like to see more videos of me playing as the imposter in among us click the like button if we get 50 000 likes i'll upload another one and anyway let's get into it hello it's trainer it's crazy why does this always happen why do you always press the emergency every time why don't we just vote jelly out let's just vote jelly out no it's trainer listen guys listen i saw him doing so we just started the video jelly what would any pasta do that you saw me do jelly an imposter would be bold do you want to yell at each other is that what okay guys guys this is not a healthy way to start the video okay wow that's a lot of brands i'm sensing a lot of negativity in this one yeah what's going on jelly why do you have beef with me jelly sauce bye okay i'm happy i'm away from them as you guys probably can tell already i'm the imposter but i'm a bit scared uh i everyone's getting a lot better at this game now which is which is bad which is very bad very bad indeed so i'm gonna see if i can frame some guys emergency what now jelly is stalking me and he is definitely the opposite i'm more than happy to vote jelly out let's go come on no it's crainer i was telling him i don't get one moment to complete my task with you guys and what are your tasks josh i didn't get a chance to see oh that's a little ugly hard jelly we might be honest oh my last my last two brain cells having a conversation goodbye oh my goodness i am with the worst people in the world apparently all right well reactor is up and running let's just get that going everyone's going to be running to the opposite side of the map and while they do that we're just going to kill this person uh and now we need to try and vent our way as far away as possible hello crainer okay actually let's turn off comms okay i was looking at cameras and then yeah i was on camera me and crain are on cameras wait you weren't with me yeah i was on cameras with you i didn't see you josh well i know what to say but i was on cameras with you i was actually i just walked past swift how long were you on cameras for crainer uh i would say like a solid uh 30 seconds jelly was in electrical wait where was the body taking on cameras into camera room no i haven't seen josh at all no i was right in cameras swift fox swift raven where's the bar i literally walked up there we go see so fox wait i'm so i was with you remember can anybody clear josh's name because it seems a little bit anybody locked into camera 02. that's like the opposite side of the map i haven't seen joshua cameron's admin i think yeah see i was with swift fox i don't know you're just blind which is a bit sus too cleaner no i'm always blind oh my goodness he could have vented into cameras as i walked into the room who ukraine that might be why you didn't see me walk in what are you kidding me now are you kidding me yeah but then just don't wait hold on you wouldn't be able to vent from o2 to never mind well guys just so that i am clear i am in electrical uh together with nasa girl where does o2 what if raven self-reported guys well i mean that's that as far as i can tell they're the only person on that side of the map so i'm gonna go i know where to put my gold i'm [Music] i've totally mispronounced that yeah wait no one got ejected are you kidding me yeah it was a tie all right well that was a good first round that was solid i like that we um we managed to pull that one off quite well uh which is good this is very good jelly's here now what are we gonna do what are we gonna do we could lock some people in like med bay it'd be great to get jelly locked in somewhere like away from us all right let's pretend we're doing a task here jelly i think is watching us right now which is bad so we can't do anything there let's do reactor again uh okay that's good i just wanted to get jelly away from me okay all right this is good we can accuse joey of not doing the reactor this is good it's always good okay that's been done all right let's jump on cameras for a bit now everyone is sus a raven it wouldn't be too bad if we could oh i wonder if we could blame raven for something somehow i don't know how that would work actually let's maybe we'll stick around with raven for a bit it's tough everyone is everyone is quite spread out oh this is typical okay there is a vent in here i i guess that was i thought there wasn't one that was my bed okay orange is up here this is a this is a good kill this is a good kill see what i just need to get away from the body oh raven's gonna find the body that's perfect now oh i'm with jelly yes they're gonna find the body okay i'm with jelly this is good let's stay with jelly for a bit and see what happens they still haven't found the body okay someone is in cafeteria so they might find it soon all right we just locked cafeteria i'm trying to hope that someone inside finds the body already but no one's finding the body so that's a problem jelly's watching us outside the room probably seeing if we vent and we haven't so that's good all right well there's just a body hanging around um i guess we'll go onto cameras or something and wait for it to be found i think it's gonna be a bit dangerous killing someone else at this point but i don't know we'll see ravens here i don't want to kill raven because people are going to be so suspect oh there we go perfect who died guys i found a body in cafeteria wait that makes sense i was actually in the admin or not at the top right corner and the closed into the cafeteria and then somebody died in there apparently okay well then who came out well josh you saw we were together in admin when the doors were closed in cafeteria no i never saw the doors closed you didn't jenny you're are you lying what do you mean i was nowhere i wait you were saying that i saw we were together in admin oh that's when the doors closed i thought you meant it just closed no the doors were closed hmm and we were outside at cafeteria so let me know where were you when the doors were closed wait i was in admin though i was in the top yeah josh you were in admin we're clear oh you've got to listen when i'm sorry sorry go on yeah i was in the top right you know that seat where you can sit down and there's like yeah get weapons who else was going i was on the way into the cafeteria and door closed okay so me and jelly were together who was with ukraine who was with me i don't know nasa swift crainer uh who we've got left we've got um raven raven trenches it couldn't it literally could not have been me or those two okay so raven or trent are the two that we've got that's us why are you just clearing yourself that easily because i was with jelly jelly can you confirm because what we're assuming here is someone has murdered someone in cafeteria cafeteria doing a kill and me and josh were outside a cafeteria okay raven says bottom off do you have anyone to who can clear you for that yeah can anybody clear raven at all please because or else he's definitely getting kicked out raven was at the bottom of the map he says well that don't help you help nobody can clear you raven i know where to cast my vote maybe one of our easiest [Music] we're doing good we're doing good this has been a a tough round so far actually for some reason i don't know why it's been so tough um now no one's really been on cameras which is probably something we could use to our advantage i want to frame someone for a kill though see if we can pull that off maybe even trent would be a good person to frame let's see if we can find him so we got probably yeah it's a trend okay trent is on cameras okay jelly's waiting in here um okay let's let's kill communications to get trent off the camera why is trent still on the camera communications is literally dead okay i don't know what's going on here okay it's back on now okay well we can just stay in here serial box is here i really want to really want to make it look like trent's done a murder here if we can get the cereal box come back in i think that could work really well zero bucks no no no we want to kill you ah okay so no cereal boxes it's gonna be dead now trend is on the camera okay well cereal boxes walked in and i think this might be our moment let's go invent invent okay all right i think we can just probably stay in this vent if trent goes off the camera or maybe if trent actually reports it that would be perfect but i would be great to see if someone walks in and says oh trent seen it oh dead body dead body and cam oh my god how many people died what happened i actually saw a dead body and came and trent was standing right on top of it that took a while i was so close to completing a task there we're nearly at the end wait that makes no sense i have two more tasks to complete guys that took so long so what exactly happened trent you saw the body yeah i walked into the camp and there was a dead body and then trent reported it and i was going to report it wait all right so crainer where are you are you wait was it trent the one we were suspicious of last time james yeah it was either trent or raven and saying that he was on cams and then a dead body was behind him wait where was where was the body and where was trent it came cameras logo where are you wait was trent already in the room yeah he was just standing on the body reporting it when i walked he says he was the whole round in cameras josh where are you i'm down at like the south part and where the corridor is and where are you crater i'm he's camping he said he was in camps what else is wait were you both walking in the room at the same time no tren was already in there he's been on cameras the entire round he says if it's a camera kill and it's not trent all right well then crane is the last the next person in there no the killer probably okay okay where were you jelly where were you i'm i just gotta go i am in the cafeteria together with swift fox and i am just checking man wait wait wait wait wait you were trying to whoever's the kill hang on wait that's not true med bay has a vent okay and nobody could invent it out of that or you could invent it jelly you could have vented this train going to go together with swift i was together with swift oh okay like guys people can't just say anybody could invent it okay let's see it's not trent i am i'm like such a both of you now i'm so confused okay it worked somehow that worked i don't know how it worked but it did work so let's keep that up i guess i mean we should have framed someone for murder okay so jerry uh he's down oh crane is outside of security korean is watching me i guess crane is sus maybe we could frame crainer how could we try and frame craina though nasa nasa's in the hallway if nasa comes in here we could probably frame craner for a murder but they're just standing outside of engine for some reason okay um let's go on up here okay there's three of us here so that's not gonna work crane is standing by the vent we're just following crainer around a little bit making him a little bit scared oh jelly's in here that's the whole crew i just locked the door on them this is good okay um should we just okay i think we should frame crane josh josh just killed jelly josh just killed jelly just killed you i just walked in i just wanted to do electrical and found crainer next to him but you are so suspicious no you're not gonna put this on me josh you were walking with me guys it's simple it's simple jelly in there you lock the door we look around at each other for a bit and what's scared and then you kill jelly okay granite you're really trying this but look i walked in crainer had just killed jelly and i managed to report the body could i literally found the body trainer you're just realizing that i caught you and you're making up a story you were closest to her because you killed him what are you yeah why would i why would i self-report what are you talking about because you want to frame it you are pushing this as far as you can okay i'm talking to you you found the body in the last round as well i hope you i hope i hope that you're not too mad about it i can't believe i am oh 50 50 crainer you are so lucky okay we both have a team mate here you are so lucky i'm gonna i am going to avenge jelly's life because you are cruel yeah really all right guys i'm gonna be the next one dead and then you vote out josh okay okay um you literally i knew you would do that i walked out of the room and i walked back in and you literally killed someone i literally walked towards you where med bay was and i came back in and crainer had murdered okay listen nasa nasa girl it literally can't be you we know that okay i'm clearing your name you've been well i know it's not you nasty because i was right behind you and then i walked back in and training i mean nasty did you you nasa probably saw me walk behind her i think who's the most believable me or josh to be honest at the end of the day crainer i think the fact that you're freaking out so much just proves that you're an imposter i saw cold-blooded murder in front of my own two eyes you're trying really hard so i you know i appreciate that but i would have not freaked out when i see the name of jelly in the name of jelly you are going to be voted out no you do not get to disrespect i think that's uh that's a saw me behind them i it's pretty obvious that gets a lie on jelly's grave look look let's just let nasa do the vote i think that she knows what to do but we'll see yeah i trust i trust i trust boom i don't trust there we go and i will never trust again and you're out [Music] nasa [Music] [Applause] oh it was perfect i've never been more frustrated in my life thanks for watching the video do you think i did well let me know in the comment section down below and if you'd like to watch another one there's some videos on the screen tap those videos and it'll take you to the next one enjoy
Channel: Slogo
Views: 3,661,102
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: slogoman, gaming, among us, framing, perfect timing, jelly, crainer
Id: H7HEJ0rbo2Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 23sec (983 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 03 2020
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