Fr Robert Spitzer: Near Death Experiences

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[Music] okay hello everyone and welcome to another parusia podcast i'm tribal ratio host and we're very excited about about our guest today and the topic um as you know um in november it's the church dedicated to the holy souls and uh let's talk about what is a soul do we have evidence of a soul um and have you ever heard of near-death experiences and are these true do we have evidence of them our guest today is yes we know him uh from the major center father robert spitzer and he joins me live from california in the united states hello father how are you i'm doing great charbelle how about yourself very blessed very blessed um thank you very much um for joining us and uh yeah quite an interesting time uh in our world at the moment um i mean elections covert 19 you name it all sorts of things uh uh many viewers from the philippines have just experienced a tragic um typhoon so our thoughts and prayers are with them uh a few days ago um a lot lots of damage there um so we're praying for them but just around the whole world uh which which brings to mind our life how short our life is and the church dedicates the the month of november to the holy souls yes father um i'm excited about this month you are known as a scientist um you talk about the existence of god and and evolution theory but now let's get to the core of a soul i mean how do you know a soul is real what is a soul well first of all a soul is what we might call a trans physical that is to say uh you know what beyond physics beyond the laws of physics a trans physical entity which is both conscious and capable of interacting with uh the world around it so um you know this would be significant for both christians jewish people and of course we can also have very much evidence of this scientifically medically uh from two phenomena one called near-death experiences and another terminal lucidity and of course we probably have heard and maybe in our religious education courses or catechism classes when we were younger we've heard that we are born into the world with a soul or we might have heard you know in in class that catholics can believe in evolution so long as we do not uh deny the existence of a trans physical soul that's unique to every person created by god and and uh so we might have thought of that and then maybe in this culture some people thought well wait a minute you know i don't think there's any evidence for a soul i don't think there's any evidence that we're going to survive bodily death i mean after all we're just a bunch of molecules and atoms i learned that in my biology and in chemistry class so you know why not why shouldn't i just reduce myself to a material physical organism that has a short lifespan here and then it just dissipates it moves back into its own physical and chemical constituents at the end of my life and there's a lot of good evidence for why we ought to do that why we uh ought to think that we really do have a soul that the the church's traditional teaching has been right hello these two thousand years there's nothing kind of medieval or uh mythical about uh the soul whatsoever that in fact it does exist i'm just gonna go to uh three modes of contemporary evidence right now i'm going to give the primary emphasis to a phenomenon called near-death experiences secondly to a phenomenon called terminal acidity and then talk about some other evidence that has been generated uh just in the last few years ghettos proof and um and uh uh david chalmers uh over at oxford university uh his evidence uh for some form of trans physical soul for self-consciousness the so-called heart problem of consciousness and a few other areas like the five transcendental desires so let's just start for a second what's the evidence for a soul why why would it not be valid to believe that you're just a bunch of atoms and molecules uh that will dissipate at the end of your biological uh life why would we hold the contrary well this phenomenon called near death experiences occurs and it's been occurring and we have a really good record of them now over the last 30 years for sure not just starting with 2090. it actually goes all the way back to 1978 um you know and i mean 1990 but the 1978 um with you know the studies that were done by a doctor named raymond moody but this day and age now we have at the in the united states um a whole medical uh a whole department of a medical school at the university of virginia that's devoted uh to near-death studies and looking at the survival of the soul from bodily death the reason we have so much data today is basically cardiac resuscitation and that's where it all started and so as more and more cardiac cases came to be uh obviously the the data that we have been able to receive of what happened to people after they reached a state called clinical death uh we've now got that data pretty much cataloged and we have thousands of cases but let's take a look at the phenomenon itself so you know about 15 seconds after bodily death your brain because it's not getting any oxygen due to the heart attack or some other thing maybe you're in an automobile accident or you drowned or something of that nature but your brain begins to shut down and the reason it is is because without oxygen you're not going to get any electrical activity in the brain now when electrical activity in the brain ceases it eventually goes to what's called a flat line a flat eeg and that's an electroencephalogram which measures the electrical activity in the cerebral cortex if there is electrical activity in the frontal cortex it probably detect that as well but the the main thing uh to remember is um when you have a flat line there's no electrical activity in elect in the in the cortex and the cortices and because of that uh what you have is no judgment function no consciousness no thinking function no memory no ability to recall uh basically you are in a way lights out um in in the sense of uh of your brain not being able to receive or give off or process any data whatsoever furthermore it extends beyond the the frontal and and cerebral cortices what you get too is um the uh the lack of oxygen proceeds into the lower brain and when that happens you get what's called fixed and dilated pupils no gag reflex and other kinds of uh basically uh just motor functions that are controlled by the lower brain that don't require any cerebral function so when you see a person with flat eeg fixed and dilated pupils no gag reflex etc you say technically they are clinically dead that means they're as close to brain death as you can possibly get without crossing the line into brain death because once you you're literally brain dead uh you're not coming back but now what happens is person who is at that stage is resuscitated and these people start reporting um you know quite frequently in about 20 percent of the cases that they left their body so there was like a trans physical soul which left their physical body and that trans physical soul could see in fact it could see 360 degrees around it didn't have to look at where the eyes were pointing they could see behind and to the sides and and furthermore it could hear the this transversal so it could hear uh it could also think it could remember all of its memories were intact in fact uh more lucidly than when when it's when they were in their their physical brain they just remember this great lucidity that that that takes place and in addition to that they're not subject to physical laws so they can basically go up and down irrespective of gravity they can go right through walls which will become really important in just a moment and so uh you know and go outside the hospital go out into the waiting room next door et cetera et cetera so this group of uh of uh people and patients about twenty percent of patients who actually record them among uh this would be among adults uh adult um about twenty percent of adults have a near-death experience when they hit clinical death about 85 percent of children um have a near-death experience and this will become important relative to what you mentioned sherbell purgatory in just a moment but i will uh hold on to that for just a second to finish describing the phenomena so during this time there are basically two stages two phases in which this occurs first the body leaves i mean this trans physical soul leaves the the physical body and it's stan it's kind of hovering up above the body looking down on the physical body and they can see people working on the body maybe this is in a cardiac unit maybe it's at a car scene and now if you want to see some videos on this uh all you need to do is go to and we'll put that in the comments below yes okay go to click on the seven essential modules big red button there seven essential modules and then after you click on that then go in and go to volume go to module one and when you go to module one just it'll summarize what i'm saying to you right now but it'll have these embedded videos so you'll see a a blind lady who has been blind from birth describing what's happening to her during her accident that she's leaving her body she can see the whole scene that's going on around her and so forth you can you know a blind person a blind boy you know is going through the hospital walls and is able to report the exact you know uh position of a train that's moving past the outside of the hospital at the exact time that he has uh you know he had his uh um near-death experience and um of course this is uh measured um you know in the uh in the operating room and so uh they can see that he has no brain functions you know with a flat eeg and during that time there uh he's reporting exactly what this train is doing how it's going around the curve what the orchard of trees looks like and he's never had it you know seen before in his life that'll become more relevant in just a second as well so the phenomenon itself is exceedingly difficult to explain and i'll i can can go into that in in a moment but first of all that's the phenomenon and phase one then is you're in the world around you the operating room or maybe outside the hospital walls or you went into the waiting room next door but you're still in this world in phase two so i'd rather can i just jump in there just before we go to phase two everything you just described there we know this because these people have told us those experiences we can't actually it's not re yeah that that that's the the main uh source right they've waken up or or come back and explain this is that correct that's right they came they come back they explain it but then you can verify it and the reason you can verify it by four different uh indicators uh the first is just plain verifying what they told you actually happened so for example um you know a nurse comes into the room after this man has been resuscitated and says oh you know i'm sorry to tell you we lost your dentures and he goes no no you didn't lose my dentures at all as a matter of fact um you know if you you know i saw what was going on in the operating room the nurse before you put the paddles on me the nurse with the red hair took the dentures out of my mouth she opened a drawer that was next to a machine that looks like this put the dentures in there and slammed the drawer if you find that machine you can find the drawer you'll find my dentures and sure enough there it is or one woman says you know when i left my body i just went right through the hospital walls and uh i was hovering above the third floor of the hospital wall uh of you know outside the hospital wall up there in the third floor and i'm looking down on this ledge and i saw a tennis shoe right there on the ledge it had a worn uh toe and a worn little toe and um it was a left shoe and and the uh the um the shoelace was stuck under the heel and it's probably been out there for about 20 years but it's not visible to anybody on the outside but i saw it sure as can be it's right there on the ledge and one of the researchers for dr melvin morris goes crawling out on that ledge and sure enough um there is the shoe exactly as uh uh identified click you know take the picture of it uh this guy really knows that's amazing um that's that's uh the amazing thing there what you're describing is the only way they could have known is if if if they literally were were there now this is during the time that they're they're they're out of their they're not conscious right or they're like this is phenomenal that people may think they're just on life support or or not with it or potentially gone and and here we go they're describing things at the time that the only way they would have known is if yeah this was possible having an outer body experience of some sort or the soul as you described this is that's fascinating father wow i mean there we have there's a dr janice holden wrote an entire book trying to consolidate 32 different studies on this with about a thousand cases noting that about 80 percent of the people who are making these reports of what's going on when they're um uh when they've died um is uh when they're clinically dead is um they're 100 accurate i mean that's so far beyond what you'd ever get in a courtroom with uh you know from witnesses so i mean you can pretty clearly see i mean some people go right into the waiting room next door so they pass right through the operating room wall and go to the waiting room next door where their relatives are and they can report the entire conversation that is taking place while they're dead literally another room in a totally different room completely separated from the operating room no possible way if you didn't pass through that wall there's no way you could report that conversation accurately and i mean there's literally thousands of these cases which have they're called it's called vertical data which have been verified after the fact by independent researchers so that's the first kind of data the second kind of data that's even more important is that blind people 81 of blind people 81 that's a lot of blind people most of whom were blind from birth see for the first time when when they're clinically dead that means no you know no flat eeg fixing dollar people so okay these people are clinically dead and of course these the videos that i was just talking about are all of blind people so basically you know um uh this uh lady is reporting this uh blind lady from birth she's blind for birth she's uh reporting she's in the automobile accident and she can tell you exactly every single thing that was going on what the medics looked like you know what they were doing to her she wanted to say to them i'm okay really i'm okay you can stop you know i i'm fine here you know i'm conscious but of course couldn't communicate with these people uh because again kind of a barrier and then of course the uh i don't wanna you know the phase two part of it is you go to this heavenly kingdom you meet your deceased relatives and friends and you also meet you know a beautiful white light which most people identify as either christ or jesus or god so um essentially um this is a very common phenomenon that you you know people go to heaven i'll talk about purgatory in a moment but the main thing to remember is that's a second phase but not everybody goes through the second phase into heaven um there's about fifty percent um stop the their their experience stops just in the operating room and like i said with adults eighty percent of adults do not have at least a remembered near-death experience but here's the deal 85 percent of children do have a near-death experience and only 15 percent do not so that's very interesting um but get on to that in another moment exactly but 81 why why are the blind people so important the reason is is because blind people can't hallucinate a visual image and the reason they can't hallucinate a visual visual image from their physical brain is because they have no visual images in their physical brains so this takes the whole hallucination hypothesis right oh he lacked oxygen he was given more feed and started hallucinating you know and and here's the problem with the hallucination explanation number one blind people don't have any visual images to hallucinate with their physical brain so the physical brain is never going to be able to explain how 81 of blind people can see secondly even when blind people are in their physical bodies they can't see so the fact that they can see without their physical body this indicate and can report data accurately the train passing by there's a an arrow pointing to the right it's the train is going around a grove of trees to the right et cetera et cetera this happened at this time you know after my death and so forth you can tell very clearly that you know these blind people are seeing but they're not doing it with their physical brain or their physical lives something has to be surviving that's right so uh so it can't be a lack of oxygen stimulation of the temporal lobe besides anyway hallucinations are notoriously inaccurate and very disturbing whereas near-death experiences are the opposite they're very accurately describing data around them and by the way they're peaceful not disturbing so they bring peace that gets me to a third piece of evidence and the third piece of evidence has to do with a phenomenon called death anxiety now death anxiety it's important to know is a subconscious exp you know it's subconsciously generated in other words people who have death anxiety don't do it because they're afraid in their conscious mind their physical brain they're afraid that they're gonna die or they might be uh but really we're all scared even people like you and me who have a high degree of religious consciousness i mean in my brain i do not doubt for a moment that i'm you know that god has the right and jesus has the resurrection in mind for me i don't one single second in my conscious mind however in my subconscious mind i cannot control my fear of death it's impossible to control it i mean if you put a inkblot in front of me that you know is is reminiscent of something like a shark or something dangerous i'll still if you put on a modified polygraph on me and and you measure my uh sympathetic nervous response i'm gonna basically respond with anxiety right i'm gonna basically you know register high with those symbols now here's the deal you get a a person who's had a near-death experience or even as a child had a near-death experience and you're now measuring his death anxiety her death anxiety when she's 50 years old there's not a single subconscious death anxiety response measurable by a modified polygraph no kidding wow the death anxiety on not just the conscious level on the subconscious level disappears completely it's inexplicable we don't know how this happens but something happens to them both consciously and subconsciously in that experience which removes the death anxiety altogether i could show you images of sharks and skull and crossbones and macabre scenes it wouldn't affect you at all i mean that that's bizarre fourthly uh that's the last phenomenon that i was describing about meeting deceased relatives in the kingdom of heaven uh the university of virginia uh through two people dr bruce grace and dr emily kelly both of them actually started cataloging these um experiences of meeting deceased relatives and what they were saying now in a fair percentage of the cases people didn't even know the relatives who were meeting them they were people who had died 20 30 years maybe before that child was born but nevertheless maybe it was an aunt of the child but the aunt had died young and the mom had gone on and so forth to have this child and then the child has this near-death experience and meets beyond and the aunt says oh here's you know we had a teddy bear whose name was you know this and we used to play this game called this and you know i'm your aunt so and so you know so the child comes back and uh you know and says you know hey mom you know i met on so and so and of course the child never even knew about bonso and so because you know she didn't want to tell the child about a deceased on you know when he was so young and of course he knows everything about her everything about the their secret name for the teddy bear everything about you know what the the the games that they used to play uh you know has you know a a complete idea of where they grew up or you know what they did and so forth and so you start cataloging this time after time after time where you get so many people who meet these deceased relatives mostly deceased relatives sometimes a deceased friend but mostly deceased relatives and they accurately report these data that they had absolutely no cognizance or access to prior to their near-death experience so when you start putting together all four kinds of evidence particularly the 81 of blind people who see for the first time when they're clinically dead it begins to look almost in indubitable that everyone out there has a fist trans physical soul and everyone out there is likely to not only survive bodily death but you're likely to come into one arena or another now about four percent of of near-death experiences are quite negative dark filled with e evil and for voting then you have uh that that's really about four percent of the 20 that i mentioned then uh you know the other uh 96 are of the 20 are heavenly but this leaves us with a question what about the other 80 percent why didn't they have a near-death experience why do they not have seemingly any memorable experience of what is going on during this time when other people are having near-death experiences well i've got two speculations you know i can't be sure because they didn't say anything but one speculation is maybe they suppressed the memory maybe it was unpleasant and maybe they suppressed it and that can happen memory suppression can be remarkably acute but more likely than not maybe they didn't have any experience at all maybe they are awaiting some other kinds of things that need to be determined either here in this life or what we would call as catholics in purgatory and the life beyond because you know obviously since these things haven't happened there's no way that they can have an experience of either hell or heaven at this juncture god still has to allow them to be free to make certain decisions to do certain things maybe there's need for repentance maybe they have to get their act together you know and so forth and so on so why the people who have the four percent who have the truly negative experiences um i'm not sure uh whereas other people just don't have it um but i have a funny feeling that purgatory or god suspending any kind of a judgment until um some other decisions or things are made probably is the most likely explanation and that probably explains too why children um you know almost universally 85 of children have a near-death experience and of that 85 percent almost 100 percent have a very very um blessed you know experience where they see jesus or they see deceased relatives isn't that interesting father just so just in in summary of those four uh i guess um types of evidence of assad can we just list them just in bullet points just for people if you want to jot this down this is fascinating to have a discussion with family members and friends and and whoever but the four again what are the four just in just in one point right number one is called for radical data that's where a patient responds 100 accurately about what's going on during the time of death when that data could not have possibly been guessed in other words it's highly unusual couldn't have been guessed and it was verified by an independent researcher after the fact that's called vertical data number two 81 of blind people most of whom are blind from birth see for the first time when they're clinically dead see for the first time when they have no brain functions when they have no visual functions whatsoever and they never had a visual function anyway and of course that can't be explained by hallucination anoxia temporal lobe stimulation etc the third area is the lack of death anxiety in the subconscious level so people who uh basically if you know in the ordinary population i show you death images you will respond with death anxiety almost immediately people with a near-death experience you can always tell that they did have a near-death experience they have no response whatsoever and so of course something has been altered on the subconscious level something profound has happened to them in their experience number four they can report data that they have no knowledge or cognizance of um and previous prior to their clinical death and they can report that data that comes directly from deceased relatives and friends and of course you know the fifth uh part which is not really you know proving it but there is a huge uniformity in the experience of the tunnel the experience of leaving the body the experience of going over to the other side and the part of 50 of the people and also the um the white light the meeting with deceased relatives etc this is across the board across all religions uh faith-based non-faith-based people this is not just catholics coming up with this uh this is anyone across the board is that correct that's correct and by the way um only about two of the major researchers uh that you know um i've mentioned are catholics um a lot of them started off as atheists or agnostics um and these are medical doctors a lot of them started off as you know like uh um uh well i you know i better not i can't remember you know which ones were the the atheists of the agnostics but of course all of them now are believers every single one of them so uh yeah um yeah and then i know um you know some of them were protestants some of them are jewish uh so when you go across the board i believe dr evan alexander said uh you know that he was agnostic before he was you know a doctor who uh you know a neurologist as a matter of fact and a brain physiologist from harvard and and from i believe it was cornell and he was the one who had the experience uh himself while his colleagues were monitoring his flat eeg uh his brain during the time that he was actually having the experience so all those things um uh you know um are pretty relevant beautiful father how um and i might take this opportunity invite those watching and you've probably got a lot of questions right now pop a few in the comments if we've got time at the end in the last five or ten minutes we may be able to get a few in but uh but just you're probably thinking like myself um how has this impacted the science uh the industry the whole industry i mean i mean scientists around the world who discover this um is science collectively um i guess reporting these these this phenomena and uh and is it getting out there to more public are you are you finding more and more uh stories like this and and is this starting to become a bit more mainstream or is this sort of quite exclusive any of you seem to care about this topic and and and cover it how is it across the board in your experience um among scientists yeah very mainstream now um especially anecdotal accounts so in the united states we have lots and lots of anecdotal accounts of these things but also there are really excellent studies samuel parnia from the university of southampton did a marvelous study for a peer-reviewed medical journal called resuscitation i believe that was a 2014 2015 study 2014 study right in that area with 2060 patients it has every imaginable safeguard in there you know it's like almost double blind uh studies and it's very well conceived and i believe that is free online so if you go to parnia p-a-r-n-i-a um samuel parnia university of southampton study that one um is uh really excellent uh he had an excellent team of physicians he worked with another one is by a dutch physician his name is dr pim von lammel and that was published in britain's number one medical journal called the lancet and so if you just go to the lancet you can see his 2001 i believe it is his 2001 study of 360 patients in the netherlands um and um and in europe uh there's dr janice holden's study which i just made reference to um she's the one who compiled those uh multiple studies of the vertical data uh you know using the most stringent uh criteria uh for assessing it and then there's another one i think all these are free online uh by the way and uh dr kenneth rings study of of the 81 of blind people who see for the first time when they're clinically dead so there's really good uh solid studies with excellent statistical uh bases safeguards etc verification of data um that's that are part of the study so that is available but there's a lot of anecdotal uh you know evidence as as well and um these continue to be you know the ongoing subject of research at the university of virginia medical school uh which is has a department as i said fully uh dedicated to it so there it is becoming quite mainstream and um every now and again you can actually see on just popular television programs where um these near-death experiences are are portrayed but i think people sort of look at it well that's just a story but actually there are really good studies out there that show i think conclusively i mean i just don't see how you can explain the 81 the vertical data from 81 of blind people i i i there's just no way i've seen any physicalist explanation that's been able to do this so i think odds on um you're gonna you have a trans physical soul that's gonna survive bodily death um and uh you may um you know it tells us we're to have a a judgment and it tells us that we're going to encounter not only deceased relatives and friends but we're going to encounter a being you know that we might call god or christ or jesus and that's a cross the religious spectrum and across the geographical spectrum praise god praise god this is amazing um can i ask maybe um and being in the holy souls month and it'll be nice to touch on purgatory and you hear um many stories it's starting you know um visions say of of of ghosts and people who claim that there are ghosts and but has there been any link so now what about um witnessing sort of uh spirits has there been any way of proving or or showing evidence of other people seeing ghost sightings or and is there a link to to purgatory here is there a link to those souls who are sort of not in heaven not in hell they're waiting um do we have a link with these sort of sightings well i think ghosts are uh definitely they're not as the studies of of ghosts or spirits you know are less uh careful than those that have been done on near-death experiences because you get near-death experienced patients right um uh you get them in a clinical setting uh which is ideal for testing brain function and everything else and so forth the uh the difficulty to make the ghost studies accurate is um uh is you've got the the problem of uniformity uh you know it's difficult to say well is this person just reporting a story is there other kinds of evidence now with ghosts you do you can get certain kinds of uh electrical responses uh that show that there is an energy in the room uh you can also you know get some phenomena that seem to uh be uh voice-like uh certainly um you know there is prayer natural philosophy phenomena has definitely been you know verified again and again and again and again i mean i just wrote a book called christ versus satan in our daily lives in chapter three of that book is devoted to a couple of well-known exorcism cases but you know in the vast majority of exorcism cases paranormal phenomena is phenomena are very common indeed so with respect to ghosts you get basically three kinds of evidence for ghosts um tough to sort of standardize it tough to kind of uh put it into the kind of rigor you have with near-death experiences taking place in a clinical setting but nevertheless i think it's almost unquestioning that you do have definitely definite changes in electromagnetic phenomena in response to certain kinds you know so somebody speaks to a ghost uh you can see that um you can get emotional reactions definitely there's prayer natural phenomenon associated with ghosts where objects are moving all over the room correspond you know i mean like we're talking at a distance here right nobody's moving them there's no physical explanation but you know the chair is moving around the room or you know the bottle is flying through the air on its own you know if you get a you know thousands upon thousands of such phenomena um you know people say this is associated with the spirit of joe blow you know then pretty much uh you can begin to say you know just by sheer number of testimony uh testimonies you know ghosts are probably um you know a well-documented phenomenon and then of course there's people's testimony uh as well uh you know what this ghost has said or the ghost that appeared and so forth and so on uh chesterton had a very witty remark dk chester nano everybody remarked a while back he just said well he said you know the physicalist is a strange person he just said the physicalist would rather believe his theory than millions of testimonies to the obvious so uh and he was talking about of course the phenomenon of ghosts but uh so yeah i i do think that it's not like i said as well documented but yeah spirits are there they certainly manifest prayer natural phenomena that we cannot explain by any known law of physics definitely can talk about data that people report later that you know has been told to them that how would they know this data etc and so i think for these reasons you know i you know 88 of physicians practice religion that was you know this past time in the united states anyway and the nih uh study in finkelstein study showed that yeah 88 of uh physicians practice religion and 67 of the that eighty-eight percent uh practice moderately too highly so um and and get this seventy-two percent of phys or maybe seventy-three percent seventy-two seventy-three percent of physicians believe in miracles past and present a pew survey which is very reputable company uh here in the united states you know shows that 73 believe in miracles past and present now you have to ask yourself these people are empirical people right they're trained to observe they're trained not to sort of rely on psychic explanations for things they're trained to be dispassionate and objective and most of them pretty much are in order to make an appropriate objective diagnosis how why why would 88 of physicians practice religion why would they believe 72 or 73 believe uh in miracles past and present why you know it's just there's something i think you know intrinsic to the medical profession near-death experiences terminal acidity which i haven't yet explained uh you know the phenomenon of ghosts or spirits which is just you know it's so obvious and omnipresent that frankly it's almost undeniable even to a strictly uh observational empirical observer amazing so much evidence out there um it how is this not getting to i guess if if we're understanding it today and maybe you can correct me if i'm wrong about the stats but we understand more and more um statistics are showing there are more people got leaving religion than ever in in in recent history and and the numbers of people who say they don't belong to a particular religion and the increase of atheism agnosticism it's on the rise you know with with with topics like this evidence like this um is it that just that people are just not coming across these stories i mean just this alone what we're talking about today should be enough to get people questioning is there a god we actually we uh we made these modules like module one on near-death experiments um in the seven essential modules we made them for middle school and high school classes because that's the point at which the kids are making their decision to leave the they're while the doctors are all becoming uh religious um the kids on the other end um the seventh and eighth graders and the high schoolers are are leaving um religion and religious belief and even belief in god and so um you know at a pretty high level and so we the first the first module we have deals with near-death experiences i can tell you this right now after that module is over those kids are jaw-dropped they basically you're going wow do you have more of these videos and that we go we have a whole plethora of them right there's a gun out there to to you know for you to watch and but the main thing is to emphasize the studies because boy i'll tell you it's really hard to deny that you know you're gonna live after this life uh as mooney put it life after life so the the idea um is uh to get the data out there uh into the seventh and eighth graders because they watch a lot of fictional and cartoon things and a lot of uh what i would call more entertainment tv so it really is necessary to get these things into the classroom and that's why we made the seven essential modules i'm glad you mentioned that father and this is probably a good opportunity by all of you watching now go to if you are looking at the links below um go to credible catholic um there's also the margin center as well to look at all the articles there's free modules courses we are literally saying these are free and you've got you are able to take these modules if you're a teacher watching this now or a catechist or someone who's in charge of young people bible sunday school whatever it is you could take these modules and present them to your class to your students and and it's free of charge this is which is mind-blowing it's amazing um and father's put so much effort into this um father can we talk about and by the way parisia has been uh very privileged and blessed to partner with the major center and we've got a page on our website a partner page and you've got some video samples there links if you um go on to the producer media page you'll actually see under partners the major center there and you'll see some more information so please take advantage of that and of course share these podcasts here this is now our third one with father we had our first one i just sort of talked in general we spent a bit of time on uh the evolution theory and creation and improving sort of is there a god our second one was on the rosary and that was phenomenal we touched on miracles and and and and and actual evidence of of stories of people who claimed of miracles healings through our ladies intercession we then and now today um we're talking about the soul uh we we have another one down the track coming up and and lots coming uh coming your way from different angles to show that god is real this world is created there is an intelligent designer we have a soul there is life after death all these things that we take for granted can be actually showing evidence from science which is what i am so excited about um father let's talk very quickly about your modules so so just correct me if i'm wrong they are free anyone can go on there now watch them download them please talk about them yeah right now we have what's called the 12 plus modules so that's for seventh and eighth graders and above uh then we also have the 15 plus modules which are for what we might call you know underclassmen underclass high school students so that be freshmen and sophomore students we have just finished what we call the advanced modules uh this is for seniors uh in high school or college students who want to use uh these modules so the advanced modules are are really good for college students uh who want to study this thing in a much deeper level a little bit more intellectual level but also you can make a senior capstone course in it like in a catholic high school uh just devoted to these modules in fact the whole country in ireland is going to be using uh these modules the advanced modules for their senior cycle courses wow they're in in ireland starting next year so um it's a good um uh you know senior capstone course it you know it can really help solidify faith uh before kids head off to college oh yeah how do you get there uh go if you want the modules all three sets of the modules go to and then when you click on the seven essential modules you'll see uh three things you'll see the 12 plus ones you'll see the 15 plus and you now you'll uh see the advanced modules they're coming by the end of the month and you'll see them there they're all free of charge the workbooks are also free of charge um and uh the workbooks really are tantamount to uh um you know you know there's seven you know rather big workbooks and even a workbook on starting a spiritual life which you would call module eight and that amounts to a free book honestly just online you can download it print it off as you wish uh but it's the latest contemporary scientifically validated evidence uh and the great and the latest contemporary uh philosophical rational evidence for god the soul jesus and these miracles you mentioned and um uh module one uh really is devoted to the soul uh that's the the the uh studies we've been discussing today module two um is devoted to uh the evidence for god and i think about two months ago uh we talked about the evidence for god there um on your show uh charbelle and so um that was uh the board of lincoln and guth proof the entropy evidence the fine-tuning of universal constants etc then the third module deals with philosophical proof of god as well as the big questions like evolution god and science the god particle galileo aliens etc etc so these are the big questions that a lot of kids have we give a very good rational scientific but very catholic answer to all those questions and then module 4 is about jesus that's where we get right into the shroud of turin but also the latest historical evidence very fascinating that's another jaw dropper for the kids module 4 on jesus especially the evidence from the shroud just nails them very nicely and gets them not only thinking about god and the soul but also jesus then in the fifth module that's when we bring up the church we look at those miracles that um you just brought up with respect to our lady also eucharistic miracles also miracles associated with the saints that have been scientifically validated over the last 30 years or so and so the these are contemporary scientifically validated miracles that are specifically katherine uh catholic doctrines so for example the eucharist the real presence of jesus in the eucharist or our lady or the saints so that's module five module six is what's called the four levels of happiness that takes a little bit longer to describe but it's really about getting meaning and purpose in life solidified uh for the kids when they're younger so that they won't make what we call a level one and level two error which is so prevalent in our culture trying to put their faith and ego comparative identity in their facebook profile or their instagram profile so um and then finally module 7 is why would an all-loving god allow suffering and how do you use your faith to suffer well and to get into heaven so that's basically uh what the seven modules deal with and as i said the advanced modules has an eighth module on starting a spiritual line wow that isn't that that's a mouthful i mean you've got a lot of work there and i highly highly encourage if you're watching this a teacher i'm challenging you right now teachers out there please take full advantage of this and bring this to the classroom imagine the impact this will have many many people have come to me uh in our bible studies in in the lot lots of work how do i help my children how do i help my young people well this is a classic way to start if you've got people falling away from the church people doubting start here really show them the evidence that god is real there is a he does exist and father's done such an amazing job in in doing this and presenting all the arguments the evidence and it's all there in an easy to follow format there is an exciting program that you're promoting a brand new release um uh could you talk about that as well because on the home page is sort of um talk about that as well yeah we've got a resource now called the most asked questions and what um we have done is or tried to do is is to put um um there's eight categories of questions that people have all kinds of uh you know um you know their kids ask them questions or their students are asking them questions but it generally fits into this hundred questions that um uh we've given a basically an eight-minute answer to it sometimes a little longer sometimes a little shorter but around eight minutes each and so it would be well do aliens exist and what does the church teach about you know how can the church um you know you know does the church preach against evolution if not what does the church hold about evolution or what do theistic scientists hold about evolution and do you know you name the question whether it's has to do with you know you know difficult moral doctrines in the catholic church today concerning homosexuality or concerning uh you know cohabitation things like that that seem to be normative within the culture yet at the same time is there any statistical evidence that would seem to militate against that or sometimes it has to do with jesus how do we know he's real what's the historical evidence what did jesus do why is he different why would we consider him the pinnacle of revelation or some you know of the areas that even of the devil you know uh is the devil real is hell real if it is then you know what what is uh um you know the significance and what's the evidence for it uh then we also have the the whole area too is you know uh of um you know uh the soul that we've been talking about today and a variety of other things so there's about a hundred of these questions and we look at those and honestly i could almost just tell you about 90 percent of the questions your kids will ask you or your students will ask you if you're a teacher i'm telling you about 90 of those questions are right there we've heard them all we've been in the middle schools the high schools to colleges for years we've heard them all everything from wait a minute if everything needs a cause then what caused god typical question there's a really good answer to this question you don't have to be you know fiddling around there's a good incisive answer that kids can understand just click on it you get the answer and so forth fantastic thank you so much we are um we've got one minute here um i want to see can we squeeze a very quick answer for this we just got one question for janine paul and she talks about here um about the visitation dream so explain visitation dreams from deceased relatives uh more often than not it feels as if um the person was truly present to you um is there any yeah anything we can comment here about dreams and and especially of deceased people yeah visitation dreams do have uh a good a good deal of validity and that's because of um you know again taking data that people would not ordinarily have any access to and suddenly they know a whole lot of data about that person now that is a way of validating these visitation dreams so for example um you know these visitation dreams some of them are you're in your you know really deep sleep those are very hard to validate to be honest with you okay now you get some visitation dreams that are what we call half sleep or some visitation dreams they're basically you're almost daydreaming so you're very low state of sleep and then things you know begin to happen right so it's not like a ghost phenomenon where you actually have some pre uh you know paranormal phenomena that's happening around you like bottle flying through the air chairs moving on the ground a chester drawer chester door is moving across the room etc you don't have any of that physical phenomenon to verify or any sort of leftover imprint uh you know from the phenomenon but what you do have is something that is uh you know very cognitively deep uh where you something has been revealed if sometimes that um uh that visitation dream the person within the visitation dream uh says something for example or appears in a way that you wouldn't know so for example and in one particular example the person had um grown a beard while he was on a voyage but the person in question never knew that the person had a beard and so when he appears he died on that voyage unfortunately but he appeared with a beer and so she's looking at this person and she goes you know that's just like john but you know john never had a beard you know and then finally uh uh come to find out that um you know that all these things she thought she was uh you know seeing you know was she thought it was a figment of her imagination all the things she was saying she thought it was a figment of her imagination but turns out yeah he really did grow a beard while he was on that voyage and she found out after the fact so there are these little indicators but this is the most difficult phenomenon uh to validate um you know in any kind of a scientific way near-death experiences are the best terminal acidity is the second best both of those phenomena happen in a clinical setting where there's actually monitoring of the brain going on etc ghosts are the third easiest phenomena and i would combine with ghosts definitely possession phenomena because every single possession phenomena that you or the devil would possess somebody or something or an obsession or um hunting phenomenon where you actually have a demonic spirit there's always paranormal um phenomena that that are taking place at that time and so if you see those kinds of phenomena uh you know pretty much um you know that that something trans physical is is happening here so that alerts you uh to the fact but visitation phenomena pure and simple uh they're very hard to to to validate but yeah i think there's a lot of validity to a lot of uh visitation dreams but you you have to be so careful with dreams and the reason is there's like four sources of dreams one source of dreams could be a deceased relative appearing to you second source of dreams could be your subconscious mind third course of a third source of dreams could be god himself and the fourth source of dreams i hate to say this can be a diabolical spirit and and there's every reason why a diabolical spirit would want to give you a haunting and despairing visitation dream because of course they want you to believe it so i would say with visitation dreams be very very circumspect be very very careful many different sources one source of which um by the way may have as its primary intention to deceive you okay well thank you very much and thanks for your question janine we are out of time i want to thank you father for your time and uh if i could ask for a closing prayer uh as we close out before we do just a quick announcement again we are here every wednesday morning produce your podcast all completely free and consider if you have not yet subscribe to the email list every week we'll send you an email with the latest podcast article and then of course our youtube channel if you want to subscribe there we've got hundreds of videos i think we're up to 600 or 700 videos now releasing them every week there's a few a week completely free please subscribe if you click the bell that means you'll get the notification on those videos when they upload and of course we are less than two weeks away the advent pilgrimage so so many of you gave us feedback overwhelming feedback about the rosary pilgrimage you wanted another one here we go we've got one uh advent pilgrimage november 29 till christmas day over 27 speakers we've we're going from the journey from eden to bethlehem so salvation history the old testament and then in the new testament so join us for that completely free go to to know more and there's the jesus centered life as well we've partnered with rf in the philippines uh the foundation there over 5000 are registered so far and again free there's a paid and and free option as well so check all that out parisian for all the upcoming events and announcements and with that um in the month of the holy souls the last father if we could close in a prayer to sign off here in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit amen lord of compassion lord jesus christ you know the challenges that we face in this world and the challenges faced by those who are being purified in that state of purgatory that where you bring them into the perfection of love i ask you lord to please through these prayers be benevolent to our whole world be benevolent to our families benevolent to our culture benevolent to all the souls in purgatory benevolent to all those who are indecisive and unbelieving in our world today please just shower your grace down upon them give them a sense of hope a sense of real light so that the purpose surging within their natures may respond to your goodness and love and so put their faith in you we ask all of these things through jesus our lord amen amen and mere receipt of wisdom pray for us even the father and of the son and of the holy spirit amen thank you so much father spitzer from the might that's father speaker from the major center thank you everyone god bless you thank you very much father good to be with you sharabel god bless [Music] you [Music] you
Channel: ParousiaMedia
Views: 53,199
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Id: Ry0ETecH14w
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Length: 62min 24sec (3744 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 30 2020
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