Fr. Mike Schmitz Reviews "Cabrini" Movie

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whenever there's like a church movie sometimes there's a little bit of a hesitation of like ah is it going to be any good I've been wrestling with how what to say about this movie uh for for days and days hi my name is father Mike Schmitz and this is a sense present I recently watched the movie Cabrini it is a historical like you know biopic that's about the life of St Francis Xavier Cabrini and so it's a story of how she leaves Italy and she comes to the new world right she comes to the United States to serve primarily the underserved Italian immigrant population in Manhattan originally at that time in the United States Italians were the most recent wave of immigrants and so they were at the bottom of the Heap so she first uh started an orphanage and then there's a scene where they're going to make uniforms for the children and one of the sisters comes to mother gabini and says well we have this kind of fabric Which is less expensive we can get more of it or this kind of fabric which is more expensive but much nicer and mother gabini says we're going to get the more expensive fabric because these children need to know that they matter essentially I'm paraphrasing but we're going to reveal to them by how we treat them how we feed them how we clothe them that they're deserving of dignity that they have dignity and they're deserving of respect and there's something about that that just that that's so Catholic at its core so we're going to give the best we can to every person around us we're going to give our very best to God and that was something that came across that yeah in serving the poor serving the underprivileged we're not going to give them our scraps we're going to give them the very best we can afford to give them and that was something that just it hit my heart it was just really really powerful but there's something really cool about watching people desperate to come to this country not just because they wanted a new start not just because they wanted uh a new opportunity but because they believed in this idea called America there are a lot of things that built this country industrialization that builts this country farming that built this country we have uh Westward Expansion that builds this country but when it comes to what civilized this country it was families and it was the church here is Mother Cabrini and she came to this country that she brought orphanages to care for those who were not cared for they built hospitals to care for the sick school system to care for those who W uneducated also this movie is a great reminder of of of this piece that I think is so powerful and so important for us not to forget as she comes to serve the Italian immigrants by this point the Irish immigrants had already kind of been established a little bit by this point um Jewish immigrants had been established a bit at this point you know English and Scottish and all the other immigrants have been kind of settled at least in the east coast and so here are these people and there's a scene that's as mother kabini goes to like the Next Generation second or third generation of immigrants and says okay you're established right now but remember when your parents and grandparents got here how they were kicked to the side remember how they were pushed to the the fringes of of society that's what's happening with my people now that's what's happening with these Italians who come here to be Americans she said don't forget and this is one of the things for all of us it's just like I mean not just when it comes to like life when it comes to our countries when it comes to where we sit when it comes to who we sit with to not forget that yeah just because I have a place to sit at the table just because I'm taking care of that doesn't mean that everyone's taken care of doesn't mean that everyone has a place to sit and she was talking to those people the second third fourth generation said yeah you have your place now you have your homes now you have your jobs careers whatever you're established now you have your place at the table don't forget that there are people who don't have a place yet and in this movie Cabrini it reveals that it reveals that sometimes we can get into that that mindset that oh I'm taken care of I don't need to be looking around to ask the question who else needs to be taken care of because I'm okay mother gabini is a great example of someone who said yep you might be taken care of but there are people who aren't you have your seat at the table who is still looking for a seat last two things uh if there's one CRI I have with this movie it is that there should be more God what I mean by that is mother gini was a force right she she was a she was she had a lot of oomph a lot of Verve Verve she had a lot of vi vi and bger she had a lot of drive and she got a lot of things done but we know as Catholics that that's not why she's a saint that's not why she really was able to accomplish all these things it was because of the grace of God working in her if there's anything that's missing from the movie it is the reality the presence the working the action of God and mother cabrini's deep profound trust in him at all times sometimes in the movie she comes across as kind of a 19th century um girl boss who just could get get it done on her own power yet mother cabrini's own life demonstrates she's like I actually am weak but when I'm weak he is strong her actual life points to Jesus the movie it could have emphasized the presence of Christ the reality of the holy spirit that the fact that she was Reliant upon him and everything could emphasize that more this is not a church movie this is a mainstream film that's about one of our own right this is a mainstream film that's about a Catholic saint last thing I don't know how more to describe this movie other than this I was able to screen it right on my computer and about a quarter of the way in I took my computer and brought it into our Chapel I said I want to watch this movie I want to experience this movie in the presence of Jesus and then for the next three qus of the movie I just cried and and I was like why am I crying because I mean there's not like there's this massive conflict that resolves it's not necessarily like this this massive scenes of of of you know resolution that makes us cry in other movies but I just found myself weeping for most of the movie and I don't actually know why but I knew I needed to say that and you might go to the movie and be completely have completely dry eyes and like where's the part part that father might cried at like I just kept weeping knowing all this goodness all this truth this is a real story about a real Saint who is your sister and my sister your mother and my Mother Mother Cabrini I just know that I felt something in my heart and it wasn't like overly dramatic there wasn't because of the great soundtrack that just you know tugged my heartstrings it was just something about the power and Beauty the simple life of this woman again our sister and our mother so you know I give it a thumbs up and I hope that if you go see the movie Cabrini that you allow the Lord to speak to your heart and that he also touches your heart like you touch mine anyways that's all I got for today for all of us here to sent presents my name is father Mike God [Music] bless
Channel: Ascension Presents
Views: 324,221
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ascension, ascension press, ascension presents, fr. Mike, father mike, catholic advice, catholic inspiration, catholic motivation, fr. mike schmitz, fr. Mike schmidt, father mike schmitz, fr. Mike advice, fr. Mike videos, angel studios, Cabrini Movie, Angel Studios, Cabrini, Mother Cabrini, Cabrini movie Angel Studios, Movie review, St. Cabrini, First American Saint, Legal Immigrant, Immigration, angel studios movies, angel studios cabrini, cabrini movie review
Id: 5QxTbeR7pZA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 3sec (423 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 06 2024
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