Fr. Michel Rodrigue Talks about Sin and the Warning. Why Not to Fear the Devil.

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[Music] I was young when I encountered the devil but you know the first thing I learned it's not to be scared no this is important not to be scared because you know the one who is scared of you who know who it is the devil because you bear Jesus in your heart in your and you bear ho so the power of Christ in you when you are in state of grace this is why it's so important to keep the state of grace you know you are shining Jesus so you don't have to be scared and he tried to scare you because he's scared of you and when you know I will tell you a story I was with I was not not tall you know but we have a big horse and I cannot fit you know I was on the horse but the horse is bigger I cannot fit I cannot reach nothing and you know I just have the the I don't know the core to me but my my leg was not entering in there so we were going and our neighbor and we have a big hill like that you know and the neighbor was at the top and I was about him with the horse going like that you know and suddenly there yeah this is suddenly a bear came out you know and the horseman won't withstand and me I was and I cannot do nothing and I grab you know the hair of the bear and he was of the the horse and he was doing so so fast finally the neighbors stopped us so I have to return at home I said I will returned by feet you know I have to work so I walk down the hill and the bear still there it's so nice so I saw the bear I was young you know and I was scared and I jump you know because we have a fence we have the defense and a full set I don't know a creek so we have a creek and the fence there I jump in the creek and I pass through under the fence and the bear was so scared he jumped over and we crossed together so the bear was scared I was scared it's teach me a lot of thing you know it's the same thing with the devil the devil scare is scared of you so he try to scare you that you will be no more focusing Jesus you will focusing yourself and this is where you got the power you know you got where but this is true you had the power of Jesus so how we can reach back your power it make scare this is what you do and this is why you know when you face in just the sign of the Cross make him a way you know before in Jesus he's like a dust you know and but to experiment that I'm honest with you we must be trusting in Jesus this is the basic of faith Jesus I trust in you so this is how we we have to face many struggle in our life happened because we don't trust in Jesus this is the basic you know when I get the last cancer now the the I don't know it was the last now you have some so one of them nobody if you remember when the memo gave me the last right are you we're not there oh you're so young you dead fraternity [Laughter] but you know hem all came and because I have the cancer big cancer the Keeler cancer the call in three months know you are here in the fall with the father you know I was so happy but in the same time I have the fraternity it was just the beginning God is so good so I received the last ride and the Ramon cake came you know he make a special he want to do something special so he make the prayer he read the reading and after that he explained the meaning of the sacrament and after that she said you know now you can die you know that I can die in peace I was already in peace and he gave me the last right the problem I don't die but during this time I was operated everything the face of the devil came oh yeah you know how through some of them who want to be the first the superior and Jesus let me lay down like that guru and looking everything teach me everything and when I stand I was not died Oh problem now they have to face the superior so all of them are gone now not because of me but because of their false desire because they were not committed in the fraternity for the true reason you see and this is often like that that the devil will act in your family you know you seem to have good friend and for it sometimes whoa they jump and broke with you you said what's happened to him or what's happened to her I did nothing wrong because you are not thinking in the same way that they think you know they have not your thought they are the thought and fluence by the world in the spirit of the devil and when they use they see that you belong to Jesus they prefer to go away it's happened often like that now it's happened many times in our family because of the teaching of the school the influence of the society around you the values who are outside the all this you know teaching about the false identity you know father through so talk about the identity today you know every 163 now identity the guide the journalist was saying that on the radio when I was a going home he said now we have 63 division about the identity of a person and he start to laugh he said I cannot understand nothing inside of this me I think I will need a course if everything it's something wrong so this is what the devil do one of the smell of the devil you need a good nose for your art you know one of the smell of the devil its division division you know he divided everything so this is his name Satan the one who brings division this is the first step when you are in your family anger jealousy trying to interfere in the life of the other without you know no manner and no more values you got division soon this is important so this is the face of the devil and when you have someone near of you who react because you have good values of life and good values as Christian person you see the face of the devil and it's easy to see today this is the message that I have you know in the in the message of the year - Oh 18 it was January the 6th 2018 this is what he said to me watch and listen regard you know watch look and listen the devil never listened he argue the devil the devil make noise you know and you have a way to walk so and the devil don't look Eve not eyes he said use the look of the devil it's a look of seduction seduction sorry you know I think you know I was invited how 3sat that card and we I was invited by my friend to go and have a beer at a bar doesn't mean too much for me but I said to please them I will go so I arrived in I I said you know the Lord is so gorgeous so I sat there and when I looked I saw Halldor II you know passing through the eyes of the people to another they were just looking for a match where I am here and they said what you have I said you don't see these people they are just looking for a match he said this is normal we are in a bar I said go away from her from there because you know it's not good but for exempt was normal for them it was normal but not for me but the good question is who is normal or not normal and today they try to put you on unnormal you know when you try to have a good discourse about life about something you know who is normally logic you look at you strangely what you're thinking like that because it's normal no it's that it's not like that they want you to think what they think and you who is the new priests endow associate a journalist they have the pulpit of television and then they are you know making news for you they are not making news they want you to think has this thing so they are giving you an opinion they are not making the renews with the fact they are interpreting the fact for you because you know you're not sufficiently intelligent according to their thinking that you can make a whole opinion by yourself you have to give you one it's amazing huh they are the new priests in this society they preach they are not giving you news and he said learn to look this is just the first learn to look amazing yeah we are going so fast that we don't learn to look the situation we are all waiting you know because of this computer you know and you have to be going you know thinking this faith this famous email godless I hope this email will burn in Holiday all this instrument you know of the cell you know bringing picking every time you know more you answer picking become it's clearly you don't look no more you just that time to to to answer and when you don't answer they don't like you and they said to me Father we we sent you an amazing you know and serve and I said I have something helps to do I do you believe that I will sit on my chair and answer around 300 he made per day and for he made but do you mean do you think how many phone I am you know I'm sad and sad about the day when we have this old letter we can you know we can write a letter and send a letter and when we express the problem in the letter between the time that the theater was sent direct the letter was received we have time to resolute the problem and the other gave an ID and when it came back to us oh it was already done so this is the problem today we are not looking of what happened we are just you know reacting this is the problem in our society and Jesus you know does the father this one so look learn to look with the eyes of faith and my Holy Spirit will reveal you my presence my signs and my word that will not pass without being fulfilled this is important you know we must look with the height of our faith the highs of our faith with always through the knowledge of Jesus in the gospel more we will not we no Jesus through the world of the gospel more we will see with the eyes of of our faith and to see with the highs of our faith we must encounter Jesus by meditation by prayer and by making silence in our heart this is the only way look at the earth sin breaks over people the end of misery Earth's my children because of their hyphens Satan rave ravaged art and hearts close to my grace men act under the impulse of temptation and these are their desire sorry you know when I was young and we have a dog you know so when we want to please zero to play with the dog we take a little bit of minta and we were doing like this come come and because the dog was reacting to the meat you know you know yes yes ding ding so here as you was reacting and sometime we have meat and sometimes we don't have me you know which yeah we just come come anything that we have me this is us today we are reacting like dogs because we are so much a bit to different things that well now we are acting under the impulse of our passion we know more reflect and this is the sin they follow their passions fed by bad desire you know as a man who said to me father when I go down of the hill I always commit sin I say go up [Laughter] what is wrong with you you know co-op sorry father you know this place there Hoover there I said no I don't know he said you never went there I say why he said you know this is not a good place I saw oh you went there [Laughter] if you you go to left and at the left you are you better to go to right brain you know between the years greed stuns them look many people think they are gods they manipulate life in his genome they enact laws for abortion and euthanasia Satan use their science to achieve his ends and integrate bodies form against my will this is something many body now they are not human there are different bodies and the receptacle receptacle of the devil you know sometimes we met we met I don't know who it was a person we met I said to Louie Rene I said why is that he said I cannot identify or a man and a woman you know the way and but you know not only the way you know the-the-the something will make the difference in front and on the side or the other side what is that this is a question I have some time you know what is that this is a good question not what it is oh well who is well who she is but what is that and the answer you know they are receptacle of Satan to poison pollute life and spread is whole is whole yeah is whole sorry Oh ash welding oh okay they are now in our society Satan II they are in our society you know they are there already they possess people some people are possessed you know you don't need a big when you go forward where you will put your armies where is the the troop of the others are means but when you have already conquered a town you will put not put your armies over there they are already under your control so Satan is like that sometimes you can have a town of twelve twenty thousand people just a demon is enough because they are whole acting in a mortal sin but he will put his army where where you are this is sometimes why you feel so many thing thing go we are in HS his name oh love [Music] we are in f6 there you will see after you will feel who something else clear you know no more bad influence around you this is why when you know at the time in history of the church in France when they were killing during the Revolution the French Revolution they were killing the community you know a lot of sisters and priests and they they were saying they were going to their death saying singing the tedium today whom la la la who they were going because they were in peace the devil cannot attack them yeah this is important to know that now we have a lot of people who are under the influence of Satan but we have also some creators on the earth who are receptacle of the demon greed greed jealousy hatred and demons break hearts hurt consensus and debase and pity chance you know sometimes you talk to you some people and they are supposed to be intelligent and you seem to it they have just one cell you know and you are waiting and they look at you and when the cell passed you know it says my Lord what he says it seemed that the people have lose sometimes their comprehension their intelligence their judgment they are just you know blind you have to react three example but her will not give it's too hard so look and see have you see the first word he said look learn to look and now he said look and see this is another perception here you know when the the man who was blind was healed by Jesus he was healed and after that he was joyful and he returned at Jesus you know because he was confessing him in front of the the rabbi's there and he continued to confess him until the time you know II met him he look he can look but he was seeking for him after to thanks him and he met him and he see he have a new vision and this is important this new vision I am NOT late says the Lord everything is moving do not say that I forgot you it's an it's 1 2018 this one I am NOT late other stressors talk about the sign of the coming of Jesus tomorrow I will talk about the Holy Family and I will talk about also the chapter the Gospel of Matthew this this chapter of the Gospel of Matthew chapter 24 you know Jesus gave not only the sign but he gave also with the evangelists is a pair you have separate to movement one is regarding in our time and one is regarding the head of time this is what we have to see inside and the one who are regarding in our time will be the trial of the Virgin Mary the microd part of Mary as she promised in Fatima and the one who are regarding in the end of time will be the trial of sacred art of Jesus Christ the King there will be so I am not late look just make a look not a see now just not the vision already just look observe the Airmen are going to talk my angel and Saints already they are with you to help you and protect you they are ready for the mission of the earth the mission of the earth I saw you know the court age of the sayings coming down on earth and the first who opened this you know who it was ma of Jesus Saint Anne st. and st. in st. Anne I don't know what you say that but it was her okay and it was a grand mouth Jesus the first and how the others was coming and with the others you know behind whole the Saint and all our people who are in heaven come down or so for this final battle you know your relative who are in heaven they will fight with us and they are already fighting for us and plus the angel of the Lord and at the end of the cartridge was the Virgin Mary yeah st. Joseph just be beside her you know coming down so my daughter mother of my beloved son and newer mother will come out of the cleft of the rock to bring in my faithful children the cleft of the rock it's the heart of Jesus was pierced both art are moving together you know and this is the refuge of Mary it's the heart of Jesus and our refuge is the art of Mary and Jesus my son will be recognized the manifestation of his glory will illuminate the sky and no one will be able to escape it he will come from the iniquity and evil erected in structure in your society John Paul the second given a letter according to the Sacrament of Penance and inside of this you have described that the evil now is erected in a structure in our society what is these structures this is the body of Satan what is the body of Satan this is the one who have consecrated themselves to Satan to bring the darkness on earth because they feel that they will be important but when you will finish with them where they will be in hell you know when I did my seven hate my seven heart attack eight I was you have hate but I went I felt my 7-1 you know under under seven one okay when I was I was going on the seven one you know the guys with the ambulance came to pick me at the hospital and then you know I was almost dying and coming back then because they showed me with the nitro truth you know I have an event shot between the the ambulance and the hospital so and the guy was yelling at me swearing at me saying every kind of stuff yet you cannot imagine and saying to me if you can die I hate you I hate you you know and the guys in from the shut your mouth you cannot talked like that to a patient and it was you're yelling and so I was coming back and house and I hear everything so we arrived at the hospital and he was following you know the doctors and the nurses work trying to make me alive and you were swallowing and swearing and the doctor said go out of here you don't have to be here and you cannot talk like that and he was swearing and finally they put me on the bed and you know and after death you know he said me I want to go to hell you know and I was awake a little bit you know I said you want to go to hell you will burn right now in the name of the Father and of the son of the Holy Spirit and I gone forward later you know so I opened my eyes my hand while my head was down and I my feet so when the doctors because you know you have a longer rope I don't know that what they call that you know this thing so I I was able to take and do it with and he looked me either away so he put the bell coming up you know because it was in this circle yeah and I was coming huh he sat on the bed it said to me Father please don't do it again I look at him I said I will do my best but you know he said we have a problem father Oh I said which problem he said you know the guy the the ambulance guy because I miss oxygen you know I cannot recall and he described him suddenly came back myself to him back away I said yes what's happened he said he burned I said oh yeah let him burn I said no no father is burning he said he's nude we put him in the room and you know it was wintertime we opened the window and he warmed the room is burning and he said I put TMO meter and he blows the TMO meter and I said I don't know what to do with that you have no mattress under the bed because he will burn the mattress so he's no dare any burn I said this is good for him he said father we must do something I said but it is good for him he said please father okay I said bring him here so they bring him on the road chair without the mattress on you know I know I rent one so they bring him and two nurse was each side of him with bed cloths you know in front because it was noon and they were work working like that you know and the other was pushing him so me I was just like yeah any bring name lamentation of Jeremiah it's so suffering please father so softly I said good for you know you don't burn is that yes Father but I know you don't burn you don't know what it's mean to be in hell you will not burn like that you will burn by inside by outside you will be kicked you will and you will burn thousand times like that you know oh I don't want to go there I said you were baptized and the doctors how do you know that I said just a Catholic can burn like that so and and he said yes I'm baptized I said you must confess your sin this is yes father one go inhale he said okay so doctor said I will let you with him and I no no I said stay here you will forgot everything so and I confess him and after that I make him professing the the fate of the Catholic faith you know and and when I gave him the absolution by the authority of the church in the name of Jesus I cast out the devil and when I finish everything was gone he was healed no more burning but Mia was tired so I went back euro and three months after I was at home and we have a big festival in Montreal and then you know at the festival I said to my friend who has a presence and I would like to go slowly to the festival to change my mind you know because I'm always in the room he said ok no problem so we went together and I tell him the story he said Michel I don't believe in devil he was a priest I said how come you don't be even devil you you're a priest he said no no no this is story this thing and and he said nothing happened to you you know it was if they give you too much medication they drug you and you imagine that you know and this is your imagination I said no no no it was real I assure you no na na insolently I said listen somebody called me he said what I said somebody called me he said some possible Michelle you look the crowd here and the music how can you hear your name I said listen somebody called me he said it's true somebody called you so we were looking in the crowd and suddenly this man and the woman came you know and he said our Father do you remember me I said no he said you know I was the one who cursed you and I was burning at the hospital you have the devil in me and you cast out the devil you remember that oh yes and my friend hallelujah and I stand the ladies beside him she said can I kiss you I said here so she kissed me you know and she said her father I'm so thankful you know my man I marry demanding and few weeks after he become like a devil I don't know what's happened to him until the dog cannot recognize him I said well yeah and she said yes and I prayed during ten years for him and the day he came back from this hospital I found back the man that I marry and she said this is why I want to kiss you so I said be happy and I bless them and he go I looked my friend I said what you have to say now he said yeah I think that they will exist I said you know why I suffer that way I had this heart attack why I was this guy who all the way down you know cursing me and after that all the things that I suffer it was for you because you don't believe in the devil so God want to put your nose in [Laughter] he said the manifestation of his glory will illuminate the sky he talked about his son and no one will be able to escape it he will confound the iniquity and evil erected in structure in your societies I come in the power of my mercy listen that fire water cold air hot hair will require very great sacrifices until the time when the prayer will rise from the earth to me only prayer United to the Immaculate Heart of Mary will unite you in in the heart of my son Jesus and we'll call the plagues of the greed of men manipulated by the devil it was in 1918 2018 but the next that I will tell tomorrow you will see what's happened so the other message for the fraternity the coldness of sin in the art you know that the people now have more and more cold in their heart you can see violence they don't react the flame of hatred and war internal disturbance devastating winds all this is under my authority no one is reached without my permission to return to me no one is Richard without my permission to return to me what sadness when I must respect freedom and arrive at the sentence of the warning these two is this part of my mercy you know for the eternal father the warning it's an ultimate message an ultimate message no one pronounced it in the same way so in another word final message but you know this is one of the greatest grace will be given to humanity I said to humanity since the day that Jason's you know on the cross save the world it will be one of the graces one and the sign you know some said that the sign in heaven is the to chapter 12 of the apocalypse referring to the Virgin Mary but for me this is not what I saw the sign is Evan is the cross of Jesus and on the cross of Jesus will be the time of the warning what time is it 10 minutes can you have your book your book of warning because you know I tell you the truth I read what I said you know in the book of Christine of the warning I pass I mean not because it was B we said that you know I said you know I'm honest with you you know every time that the father gave me a message or I've gave an instruction and recall nothing when it's done you know it's it seemed to be and when I read back what I it was written what I said I said this is from God certainly not because of me but because of accounting you will read it Christine because you know I don't have the good pronunciation as you have in America the warning the one that you have right according to what your the father had given to me this is the one yeah I want I want you to hear that because you know what surprised me it's the detail details got a message from god the father to father Michelle retreat in 2018 concerning the warning I do not want death and damnation for any one of you so much suffering so much violence so many sins now occur on the earth that I created I now hear the cries of all the babies and children who were murdered by the sin of my children who live under the Dominion of Satan you shall not kill these words were strong pray and be confident I do not want you to be like the ones who have no faith and who will tremble during the manifestation of the Son of Man on the contrary rain and rejoice and receive the peace given by my son Jesus what sorrow when I must respect free will and come to the point of giving a warning it is also part of my mercy be ready and vigilant for the hour of my mercy I bless you my children Jeanne oh dear Hey you must country you mix keys so the following are excerpts from father's to us and this is in father's words over the last five years God the Father has revealed many things to me about the near future all of which I have shared with my bishop some of these things are events that have already occurred others are yet to come the times are urgent when the father gave me the fraternity the Apostolic fraternity of st. Benedict Joseph libera which God asked father Michelle to found he asked me to build it quickly because it will be a refuge for many priests who will come there one of the future events that the father showed me represents for me a Pentecost others call it the warning at the close of Pope John all the twenty-third convocation in Vatican two he prayed to the Holy Spirit for a new Pentecost not for the church but for the world soon the day that he prayed for will happen it suddenly the stars and Sun and the moon will not shine all will be black in the heavens a sign of Jesus will appear and light up the sky and the world he will be on the cross not in his suffering but in his glory behind him in a pale light will appear the face of the Father the true God it will be something I assure you from the wounds and Jesus's hands feet unsigned bright shining rays of love and mercy will fall unto the entire earth and everything will stop if you are in an airplane it will stop if you are riding in a car don't worry the car will stop if you ask me how can that be I will say God is God he's the Father Almighty Creator of heaven and earth do you think he cannot stop mattered do you believe that your small plane will outrun him No everything will be fixed in time and the flame of the Holy Spirit will enlighten every conscience on earth the radius from Jesus's wounds will pierce every heart like tongues of fire and we will see ourselves as if in a mirror before us we will see our souls how precious they are to the Father and we will see the evil within ourselves the illumination will last about 15 minutes and in this merciful prejudgment Oh will see immediately where they would go if they were to die right then heaven purgatory or hell more than seeing however they will feel the pain of their sins all of them even the ones they have confessed in the sacrament of reconciliation but the ones they have confessed will be experienced differently those who would go to purgatory will see and feel the pains and their sin and purification they will recognize their faults and know what they must correct within themselves for those who are very close to Jesus they will see what they must change in order to live in complete union with him for the ones who would go to hell they will burn their bodies will not be destroyed but they will feel exactly what hell is like because they are already there the only thing missing was the feeling they will experience the beatings of the devil and many will not survive because of their great sin I assure thee but it will be for them a blessing because they will ask for pardon it will be their salvation after the illumination of conscience another unparalleled gift will be granted to humanity a period of repentance lasting about six and a half weeks when the devil will not have the power to act this means that everyone will have their complete free will to make a decision for or against the Lord the devil will not bind a person's will and fight against him or her the Lord will come everyone's passions and appease their desires he will heal everyone from the distortion of their senses so that this Pentecost and it all will feel that their entire bodies are in harmony with him the first two and a half weeks after the warning in particular will be extremely important because the devil will not return at that time but people's habits will and they will then be harder to convert all who have received the desire for the Lord the sense that they need his salvation will be marked on their forehead with a luminous cross invisible to the human eye by their guardian angel God has not given us three ways to travel only two there is no gray area in between the path of evil and the path of the Lord those who will say I don't know I cannot make a decision will not be able to remain indifferent as God says in the book of Revelation chapter 3 verse 16 so because you are lukewarm neither hot nor cold I will spit you out of my mouth people will have to make a decisive choice and you will understand why because after that they will be left with the consequences of their decisions the time of Mercy will end and the time of justice will begin jesus said this to Saint Faustina Kowalska the father said to me renew your consecration to the holy hearts of Jesus and Mary this is important you know that you are already blessed because you are mainly aware why do you think that God has chosen you to be here because you have a mission when you go out when you return to your home it will feel something on your shoulder what is it the burden of Jesus which is the mission of the Lord if he is making you aware now of what will happen it is because people will come back from their mystical experience of meeting God searching for help not knowing what to do some will be afraid others will be in shock you have been chosen for this time to help guide these people into the Catholic Church to receive the good news of Jesus you can be young old do not worry if you have problems with your legs your back there are plenty of maps in heaven and the Lord can know you better than any position some of you will provide brief categorical instructions for those who know nothing of the essentials of the Catholic faith first and foremost people will need to be reconciled to God so you will bring them to a priest for confession I assure you the priests who are not in a state of grace will have a hard time because they will be there in long lines for confession I saw the lines they will need protection and help please prepare the priests of sandwiches I assure you if people don't help the line we will not be able to go to the bathroom remember the cured ours Saint John Vianney who is in the confessional for 14 hours at times if people are not baptized you will bring them for baptismal preparation which will happen quickly because time will be short we will baptize on Mass as the Apostles did by sprinkling water on the crowds and making the pronouncement i baptize you in the name of the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit I assure you I saw this tomb when the devil returns after about six and a half weeks he will disseminate a message to the world for the media cell phones TVs etc the message is this a collective illusion happened on this date our scientists have analyzed this endowment it occurred at the same time a solar flare from the Sun was released into the universe it was so powerful that it affected the minds and the people on earth giving everyone a collective illusion the devil fools us even now through the new priests of the world television journalists who want you to think what they think so they present the news that is their opinion they twist the truth and you are hypnotized manipulated into believing them others have spoken on these times but I am accountable for sharing only what the father revealed to me I will have to answer to God when I die so I wish to be faithful to him I wanted her to read it because you know and when I read that I was pleased in front of the Lord because I you know I said everything's inside this the message was complete because I didn't recall myself with that equipment so thanks the Christine and thanks be to have is put in your book because you know it's for the people of God [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Queen of Peace Media
Views: 356,140
Rating: 4.9009838 out of 5
Keywords: Satan, the Second coming, demons, demonic possession, exorcism, the warning, the illumination of conscience, fr. michel rodrigue, fr. Michel Rodrigue website, fr. Michel Rodrigue youtube, fr michel rodrigue, fr Michel Rodrigue ewtn, fr Michel Rodrigue canada, fr Michel Rodrigue website, second coming meaning, countdown to the kingdom, Christine Watkins conversion, private revelation catholic, private revelations approved by the catholic church
Id: ZAhfOMuv4Hs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 19sec (3559 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 20 2020
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