Fr. Michael - One of best Healing Adorations (English)

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hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah the brothers and sisters will be entering into the moments of the adoration these are moments when they able to ask Jesus to touch and heal us the more we believe in the power of the Lord the more we see the miracles of Jesus the one reason why at times we people don't get to experience the Lord's miracles a bhikkhu is because of our faith sometimes our faith is just not enough we have a faith in which maybe a faith bringing us to church or faith leading us into prayer but we've got to ask ourselves do we have faith to move the mountains the Lord said if you have faith like a mustard seed you can ask the mountains to be moved and it will be moved please Lord Rezo hallelujah hallelujah do you know what a mustard seed is praise Lord do you cook and your coke you use mustard seed praise Lord hallelujah you know how what a mustard seed is why does the Lord say do you if you have faith like mustard seed what is the significance it's not just about the the size of the mustard seed it is more about how compact the mustard seed is there is not one bit of gap in it its compact its tie and from there great things can happen and that is what the Lord wants us to have it's not about having great faith it's more about having the belief in the power of the Lord having compact faith there's no room for doubt don't doubt in the mercy of God don't doubt the power of God believe that miracles can happen if the Lord could do all those miracles 2,000 years ago if the Lord could heal the blind if he could heal the Deaf if he could make the lame walk again if he could make the paralyzed walk again why wouldn't the Lord do it now praise Lord hallelujah hallelujah is God dead praise Lord is your God restricted to just a few pages of the Bible No remember your God is alive and that is why the Bible says the word is alive he's not dead so therefore don't think to yourself that that what happened in the Bible happened because Jesus was walking in the face of the earth at that time it isn't true what happened at that time is actually hope for each and every one of us that what I have done then I will continue to do if you believe in my power praise Lord hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah during this moments of the adoration you pray with a lot of faith now it's left up to you it's between you and God how much faith you have in God we can proclaim the word to you but we cannot live your faith you have to live your faith you have to live your belief you have to believe that the power of Jesus can work miracles in your life in the life of your family that's left totally up to you praise Lord hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah so during the moments of the adoration to give you everything to Jesus you cry out to Jesus with all your heart mind and soul don't worry about shedding tears in the presence of the Lord sometimes we are so we always want to look perfect we don't want people to know that we have pain and sorrows and that is why the moment a tear comes into our eye a first reaction is taking out our handkerchiefs and wiping it off we don't like people seeing that tears trickled down arise we don't like to show people that they are broken within during these moments of the adoration don't think about the people around you think about the God in front of you and you believe in the power of the Lord you will see his miracles don't be too don't try to be too perfect in God's presence be as broken as you are just as Bartimaeus was he was as broken as he was and he looked at the Lord and he cried out Jesus son of David have mercy on me all the people around Bart Mia said told him to be quiet they told him that he was sounding like an insane man he wasn't sounding dignified but Burton his new sounding dignified wouldn't lead him anywhere what he had to have was faith and if that meant that he wouldn't sound dignified he didn't mind not sounding dignified but ultimately he walked away with a healing there was a huge crowd of the day that Bart Jesus and that huge crowd was very dignified they were very dignified and all that they had in the end was that dignified their dignity they walked back home with that what bartmess walk back home was he walked back home with his healing dear brothers and sisters in the presence of the Lord walk back home with your healing you believe in the presence of Jesus you believe in the power of the Lord and you will see God's miracles therefore during these moments of the adoration give your very best to Jesus when we sing sing with all your heart then we praise Him praise him with all your heart give your very best to Jesus nothing less than the best for God praise Lord that's not your best hallelujah that's still not your best hallelujah that's still not your best hallelujah hallelujah are you worried about losing your your voice are you worried about when you scream out you will lose your voice don't worry even if you lose your voice screaming out the praises of God lose it at least you can go around telling people I lost my voice by praising God in the world we lose our voices by praising every person other than God we lose our voices praising everything other than God if you want to lose your voice if you want to really make it worth it lose it for the glory of God but when you give it to Jesus give your very best you will see great miracles hallelujah you're hearing the Lord's presence today because Jesus wants to touch your life and he wants to touch your family through you and therefore remember when we are here in this adoration pray for your family as well they could be across the oceans they could be in different parts of the world but your faith over here will touch their life wherever they are in whatever situation they are in today your faith over here will touch their lives in the Bible it says many people bought brought a paralyzed man to Jesus when they came into the house they saw that it was packed what did they do they climbed up the roof have you ever thought the man is paralyzed you know how heavy it is to Carol I carry a paralyzed person that person cannot support themselves at all nothing at all and they carried this paralyzed man on top of the roof they broke open the roof I wonder whose house it was that person must have got offended but they didn't care they broke open that roof and they placed put him down in front of Jesus and what is the Lord do he looked at the people and he told the man because of their faith you have been healed stand up walk and go home not you praise Lord hallelujah hallelujah your brother and sisters let your faith bring about a healing for your families back home let the Lord be able to look at you and say because of your faith your family has been healed praise Lord hallelujah let's all kneel down in his presence let's invite the Lord into our presence the Lord is interested in being with us and the more we cry out to Jesus coming into the presence of the Lord the more we will feel the power of his love God's love has power in it and the more we believe in that love the more we will feel that power of his love let's invite the Lord to let my vision Rainier flew away from the world I've come to the weaknesses I see Amy will be stripped away but the power let's your love grow me to your son yes I would and I will so you spiritless me wrong but Lord let me see you face the knowledge of you Oh you my my as you will inform every day with the pun Oh bless you sir great call me to your side arise love you're sterile easily but the power let us believe the vendee are filled for the love of God then be indulged for the love of God that is when we shall see the miracles of Jesus whatever be your situations however broken your family is however sad you are within however much you are struggling with depression believe that when the love of God and Garcia when the love of God in folds you you will not remain broken you will not remain shattered your family will not remain broken because the love of God will heal and mend it believe in the power of the Lord as you look at him and tell him draw me close to you lock let your love surround me right and maybe throw me to your side arises of blood and I'm sober you spirit lays me for the power whatever the Lord holds in his hands he will hold it close to his car he holds it close to his heart it will turn into a blessing it will turn into a miracle as the Lord el those five loaves and those two fish close to his heart as the Lord held everything that was broken close to his heart it turned into a miracle the Lord will hold your life close to his heart he will hold you close to his heart and it will turn into a blessing in a miracle you cry and desire as you thirst until the Lord hold me close Lord let me be close into your heart Lord Jesus let me be engulfed with your love Jesus cry and tell him let your love surprise me grow me to use somewhere horizon and I'm a sword your spirit leads me but the power of I'm sorry let your love surround Hey grow me to your son her eyes look like and I will show you spirit leads me on but the power of you but the power but the brown Oh you all your heart enjoy praising God the Bible says the Lord enjoy the Lord enjoys the praises of praise God as David Darst and praise God even his wife would look at him and tell him why are you doing this people are watching you and Davidson I will not cease I will not cease to praise the Lord who has given me victory I will not cease to praise the Lord was given in life and therefore do not be ashamed do not be ashamed of praising God you raise your voice and you praise him these are the moments let go of yourself and freeze it because the Lord enjoys the praises of his people is series is holiday but I'm a lil sure but I'm honest yes put it in here crazy law really your very face of God and therefore praise it with all your heart praises like a little child don't be embarrassed don't think of those who are around you you praise God because the Lord is watching you at this moment the Lord is listening to you at this moment it is between you and your God and never embrace it with all your heart Marcus Marcus praise your God with all your heart Maryna praise God with all your heart Steffie praise God with all your heart at this moment alert it is not here Gennifer Gennifer raise your voice and praise him the Lord is listening to your praises which a raise your voice and praise if the Lord is listening to you at this moment raise your voice impressive oh my gosh oh please your life we praise your doll away yeah Jesus how they haven't learned Lord is touching in many of you it's touching many of here this woman there's a person here who's been having a problem on your right knee the Lord is healing your right knee a person who's been having a problem connected to the right side of your brain the Lord is healing you now Sebastian my child believe in my power and you will see my glory says the Lord feel the power of Jesus rémy Mathilda rouhani my children not by power not by might but by my spirit evil conquer Michael Silvestre the Lord is listening to your prayers for your family person here having a skin infection the Lord is telling you you accept me completely on my terms says the Lord and you will see your healing a person here who had cracked your ribs in an accident and from that time onwards you've always had a problem around that area the Lord is healing him a mother weeping for her son who is sick the Lord is healing your son let us be seated in his presence you're looking forward to that healing we are looking forward to that financial blessing we are looking forward to that family blessing but the Lord looks at us and asks us today where is your heart you come to me for blessings you come to me for healings says the Lord but where is your heart you praise me and you pray unto me but where is your heart are we a set of people giving only lip service to Jesus as Lord says these people honor me with their lips but their hearts are far away from me these people honor me with their lips but their hearts are proof will the Lord be looking at us and telling us the same thing you honor me with your lips you praise me and you worship me with your lips but your hearts are far away from me he's the Lord pointing a finger at us where is a heart is a heart with Jesus or has a heart gonna be far away from God at this moment at this moment be honest with yourself is my heart completely with Jesus or has my heart gone away from the Lord have the desire to come back to the Lord with a heart like that of his and therefore and look into those areas of your life where you know you're going wrong where you've made mistakes it could be relationships that have gone wrong in our bitter today unforgiveness is there in your heart you feel that your heart has gone far away from God you feel that you've not been faithful to God all those who have that feeling that your heart has truly gone away from God that you have broken relationships and you have unforgiveness within yourself those of you who are struggling with bitterness towards others those of you who know that you've been going away from God and your heart is not truly unto God even at this moment your heart is not truly unto God those people with great humility you stand up in his presence those of you who feel that your heart is truly away from God you know that you've made mistakes there's so much of bitterness in you so much of anger and unforgiveness maybe you are a person who has been denying God in your heart you've denied Jesus the freedom to take control of your heart because you wanted control of your heart that means your heart has gone away from God that your hearts have gone away from God you stand in his presence it takes a lot of humility to acknowledge that our hearts are far away from him but this humility this act of humility that we show will be respected highly by the Lord it will be honoured by the Lord and therefore be honest to yourself and be honest with God do not worry about what people around you will think of you when you stand but if you feel that your heart has gone away from God and your not your heart is not true unto God at this moment you stand in his presence if you have any kind of anger or unforgiveness towards anyone it means that your heart has gone away from God as well you stand in his presence those of you who are struggling maybe you've given your heart to God but you've only given it partially you've not given your heart completely to God because you are accepting God according to your terms you cannot accept God in your terms you have to accept God in his terms if you have been accepting God according to your terms picking and choosing what you like about God picking and choosing what values you want picking and choosing what Commandments you will you will answer what Commandments you will be faithful to it means that your heart is not totally unto God if you think to yourself that I accept certain teachings of the Lord but I don't accept others that means your heart is not truly unto God if your heart is not truly unto God at this moment if you're struggling to give your heart unto God you stand in his presence you close your eyes you hold your hands close to your heart and you thirst and tell the Lord Lord this heart has gone away from you it has been stubborn it has been arrogant Lord this heart has forgotten you so many times this heart has satisfied my own bodily pleasures it satisfied my ego and I held on to my bodily pleasures and I've held on to my ego and I justified it telling that I have a good enough reason for it but Lord there is no good enough reason there is no good enough reason Lord I was wrong humbly I acknowledge it Lord in your presence I was wrong I was mistaken I was wrong and I was mistaken Lord I satisfied my ego I satisfied my thirst for revenge I satisfied my own bodily pleasures I walked away from you I tried to put a mask by coming to church I tried to put a mask by praying unto you but Lord the truth was my heart was far far away from you today Lord I cry out to you can you change this heart Lord this heart that has gone so far away from you can you change in Jesus and give me a new heart a heart that will accept you according to your terms not according to mine oh Jesus I humble myself here standing in your presence and I thirst and cry unto you change my heart O Lord change my heart make it she's my heart design change my they get air she sees my I mean think an offer unto Jesus that heart of yours maybe at times a heart has been hardened over the years it's so hard that it's difficult for that heart to change but remember one touch by Jesus and that heart will melt and therefore you offer yourself that unforgiveness bitterness that you're struggling with towards people who have hurt you and destroyed you give it to the Lord that struggle that you're having within yourself with your weaknesses to sin give it to Jesus and you tell the Lord Lord change my heart change thirst for that change of heart then you can change my heart she's my may I be like him may I mean Lord Jesus you created me you give me life but Lord I got arrogant and pride enter into me I walked far away from you Lord Lord it was my own fault it was my own mistake there are so many times that I forgot you Jesus I got so engrossed in the world I got so engrossed in the pleasures of the world that I forgot you Lord I did away with you at times purposely I pushed you to the sidelines and my life became all about myself Oh Lord today when I look at my heart and I look at myself I see myself so far away from you lord I want to come back home like the prodigal son who was sitting in the pigsty far away from the Father he had a desire to come back home but as he had the desire to come back home there was an anxiety in his heart when he made that journey back home there was an anxiety in his heart will my father accept me again I made so many mistakes will my father accept me again Oh Lord today I'm in that stage I'm making the journey back to you Lord but I'm anxious I'm anxious Lord will you accept me again I made my own mistakes and it was my own fault but Lord will you accept me again I was arrogant Lord and I went far away from you but Lord will you accept me again I cry Lord in your presence and I tell you change my heart touch Lord make it a veneer change my making everything Jesus make it air change my heart she's my heart may I be like you may appeal the hosted design of them all she's my heart make it a she's my heart may I Lord is touching me many of you is changing your heart he's touching your heart you draw the sign of the cross on your heart this is the heart that God has touched it will not be the old heart of sin any longer it will be a heart of gold a heart filled with His Holy Spirit after you've drawn the sign of the Cross on your heart you be seated remember one thing you stood in the presence of the Lord not only were you standing in the presence of the Lord you were also standing in the presence of so many people who saw you standing it was a great act of humility to acknowledge that your heart had gone away from him the mask has been taken down it was a very important step you were truthful to yourself and he would truthful to God and I tell you the Lord will honor what you have done you will not go away from here empty you will not go away from here empty the Lord will honor what you have done have faith in the power of the Lord have faith in the miracles that are in store for you for one who humbles himself or herself in the presence of the Lord in front of the whole world will be exalted by God be assured of it the one who humbles himself or herself in the presence of the Lord in front of the whole world we'll be exalted by God the Lord has a lot in store for you maybe today you're struggling with your pain and your brokenness maybe you're struggling with your physical ailments emotional pain and sorrow don't worry don't worry God is with you your Lord is standing beside you Anita blessing the Lord is there beside you touching your heart now at this moment John my child you are mine I will not let go of you I've touched your hearts as the Lord offer your worries and Jesus offer that prayer that is dear to your heart you offer it to Jesus offer the miracle that you're looking forward to offer it to Jesus maybe your life is filled with a lot of pain it could be physical it could be emotional it could be spiritual when you look back into your life maybe sadness fills your heart there is so much of fame there there's so much of sorrow there there's so much of brokenness there there are so many ailments there but the Lord tells you my child in spite of all this pain and sorrow and this in this brokenness haven't I brought you till here haven't I taken you till here haven't I'm laid you till here look back to your life how many times as God's seen you through when it was impossible God saw you through the Lord is asking you to remind yourself of the days and the times and the moments when he took you out of difficult situations he saved you from those painful situations that is what the Lord would do with Israelites time and again the Lord would tell these realize when they were making their journey to the promised land in the wilderness the Lord would tell them recall recall what I did for you recall that the Red Sea parted recall that the water came out from the rock remember what I did for you the Lord would keep reminding the Israelites remember what I did for you remember how I saved you in spite of your difficult situation the Lord is telling you and me today remember remember the days and nights when it was impossible you thought you would not even see another day but I took you through says the Lord remember the times when your family was so broken and you thought that not one one day more will your family be together again remember I saw your family through my child if I've done it in the past how much more will I do for you in the future if I've done great things for you in the past how much more will I do for you tomorrow how much more will I do for you today there is a lot more of blessings installed for us gay brothers and sisters don't be disheartened we is hardened when you see your problems rather be strengthened when you see your god handling your problems remember what God has done in the past and look with hope to the future but there is gonna be a lot more of blessings coming into your life your God is with you he's not gone away he's with you there's gonna be a lot of blessings in your life for I believe there is more Lord in store for me to me you have been good too you have been fed eg Lord it's so plain to see to me I give so much I can't begin to think and still I believe there is more I will leave their stop I believe so I hope the they're stone and still I believe every slow I believe every slow I believe so why after we see all the hasn't stone I all that upset and some lifting your stone give that's just the way father I know there were small to heal and more stone miracles wonders blessings unknown love still I believe every slow I I me so I open my hands to receive Oh love and sister see me - you are based on they have to do still around no I leave there is no eye so why when my hands to receive all that you love Sixto until I'm I believe there is no I so uh to receive all that you love some school let's remember that the Lord has great things in store for us he has a lot of blessings in store for us and therefore you believe as the law has been faithful in the past the Lord is going to give a double portion of his blessing the more you believe the more you will see the glory of God the more you will see the blessings pour into your life and therefore extend your hands towards the Lord open your hands in front of God and tell Jesus I still believe that is more Jesus for me and still I believe there is more I believe there I believe and somewhat open to receive all that you love as in stone and still I believe there is more I believe there me so I opened my head Oh Lord your dreams the Lord will fulfill all your prayers and then will believe that whatever prayer you have whatever dreams you have for your life for your career for your family the Lord will fill and give you pour and pour still I believe there is more I'm still I believe there is no I believe there is more so why my hands to receive all that you love as in store but still I believe every snow I will I believe so what open and to receive all that you love as in stone No what do you the cycling slightly Jesus I believe and verticals will take place I believe Jesus hallelujah I beat small cheese's on me holiday all of Jesus's even you Blissey the Lord is touching in the healing your mouth Missy all allele Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus all the Neil he's is Loredana me Jesus yes Lord I believe Jesus holiday Liyana deal I very soon I will leave so and to receive all the truth is though hold that belief within you hold that belief within you because the Lord is going to use that belief to hylia hold on to that belief that there is more from Jesus awaiting me the Lord is touching many of you a person who's been having a problem on your toes the Lord is touching and healing you there are two people having a problem around your hips the Lord is touching and healing here feel the power of Jesus using your belief to heal you now many of you are getting touched by the power of the Lord he's using your belief a person here who's been suffering from acidity for more than five years the Lord is healing you completely of this problem feel the power of Jesus feel the healing of Jesus there is a person over here who's been having a problem of Tears there's a problem connected to your tears the Lord is touching and healing you at this moment feel the power of Jesus move around here he's using your faith your belief to hear you so let that belief and that faith be there in your heart he's using it to heal you there is a person over here who's struggling with that confusion in your heart and that anxiety in your heart about breast cancer the Lord is touching and healing you there is a person here who's been having continuous hair fall and you be very worried about that hair fall the Lord is touching and healing you a person you're having a bleeding of your gums of your teeth the bleeding of the gums of your teeth the Lord is touching and healing you the Lord is using your faith in your belief you believe in the power of the Lord you believe in the power of the Lord at this moment as you praise Him with faith as you raise your voice and you praise him with faith the more you raise your voice and praise him with faith the Lord will use your belief and even use your faith and it will heal you so at this moment let us all praise him with all our heart as you praise him with all your heart the Lord's will use your faith and your believed to bring that meaning holily praise Jesus Jesus a person having a problem on your lower back the Lord is healing you childless couples your three childless couples here the Lord is Lessing you with a gift of a child are the yearly all of you hallelujah Olivia Sylvia Loretto Sylvia Loretto please the Lord is touching and healing your Halloween yeah all the already ideas Lydia let the Lord use your faith let him use your belief as he touches and heals your this moment let him use your faith and your belief there is a person you are the stiffness on your finger the Lord is touching and healing you you had a stiffness on your finger the Lord is touching and healing you one person suffering from tuberculosis the Lord is touching in healing you keep one person suffering from tuberculosis the Lord is touching in the evening you wanna be on a person who's been having a problem of constipation a person who has been having a problem of constipation the Lord will heal you during this retreat the Lord will give you completely during this retreat the other the area there are more than six people over here who are having a pain on your shoulders and so you couldn't even raise your hands because of that beat on your shoulders the Lord is asking you now with faith you raise your hands those six people who are having a pain on your shoulders and you couldn't raise your hands at this moment you raise it up completely because the Lord is healing you at this moment claim that healing and believe in the power of Jesus hallelujah Lily on Annie let abused your faith and meal you let him use your faith and heal you bare ever you are you praise him and you believe you praise him and you you will see the glory of God you praise him and you believe you will see the glory of God nothing less than hundred percent your fails should not have any nodes in it you believe that you will see the glory of God Halloween there are three people here who were running a fever there are three people you're running a fever the Lord is healing you there are two people here who've been having a problem connected to your spine you've been having a problems connected to your spine the Lord is healing you completely of this problems other than lazy Jesus Jesus Jesus please Yugi a person who keeps misfiring very often you keep misfiring very often the Lord is healing you at this moment yeah more than 14 of you here more than 14 of you young who are in financial crisis the Lord is blessing you at this moment yeah I surely there are two people over here there are two people over here who are discerning a vocation to religious life or to the priesthood you were discerning a vocation to religious life under the priesthood the Lord is blessing joint tension now our Jesus hello Lord into them family there is a person here who has been having a bleeding of your nose you've been having a bleeding of your nose the Lord is healing you yo Jesus other day I see Jesus Jesus Jesus hallelujah praise You Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus the Lord heals many of him three people here were put in your application for visas the Lord is blessing you now one person over here who has had to stop your studies because of a situation in the house you have had to stop your studies the Lord is blessing your intentions very soon you will be able to start it once again Pramila nice chill the Lord is blessing the two of you person having a speech defect the Lord is touching and healing person having a speech defect the Lord is touching in healing person here whose just broken up from a relationship and you have been very depressed about it even getting thoughts of suicide the Lord tells you my child do not hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah that is all kneel down in his presence as we receive the final blessing of the Lord you keep your eyes focused on Jesus pray for your family the members of your family was sick oh my prayers you pray for them ask the Lord to touch them to heal them and bless them you stole Oh - we Oh fresh we should Oh
Channel: lovejesusdivine
Views: 265,536
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: divine, shalom, worship, jesus, god, lord, fr, michael, payyapilly, retreat, homily, sin, healing, adoration, eucharist, gospel, preach, talk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 36sec (4056 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 06 2012
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