FPX vs G2 - Game 1 | Grand Finals S9 LoL Worlds 2019 | FunPlus Phoenix vs G2 eSports G1

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even the jungler kobe and this is a champion pick that will be reverberated around the world bash losing their minds and i said attack damage papa smith you're right that is attack damage for you looks like at the last second you have to wait till 20 seconds actually for the last swap to come through but it could be either of the solo laners here expecting it to be a top a mid lane choice as ryze beats gangplank waiting for it we get the confirmation will be pike mid lane against nordics final plus phoenix versus g2 esports the team compositions are locked in caps is running it in the mid lane in game number one now we have to go over some of the unique things about pike because it was even nerfed since g2 last use it in a prolific manner among all these lanes the aoe is much less so this bike is not about winning lanes by the way this is about the road game caps and during the setting up teammates sharing gold and creating plays and the crazy thing is even though it's been dominant the nautilus is too [Applause] resolved we are back on summoner's rift for the 2019 world final kobe and papa smithy thank you so much for setting up those expectations on both team comps papa can i ask for a quick refresher because it was about five minutes ago that we lost heard it from the team absolutely with fpx it is very much a mid to late game team fight comp but it's at the price of early laning phase i think there's a lot of inroads that can be made in top and bot lane here for g2 as king goon finds wonder tion backing okay sonic wave will find him down flashy is available he's not going to be able to get away just yet they're not needed and it should take some damage looking at the mini map no responses yet now it's incredibly important to look at the aftermath of this invade it is a split map here fbx trying to invade on the top side and take away red buff here g2 doing the same on bottom side defensive vision has been in place very often that we'll see fbx go for these lane splitting strategies at the cost of their bot lane but with super thresh you weren't expecting lane dominance anyway so they seem to be wanting to give breathing room to the gangplank bryce can't take aggressive trades with no jungler top side it's exactly as we mentioned in champion select the gangplank is very vulnerable to dives early on ryze can use the range advantage and go for that but bottom side of the map fbx are trying to defend against the even split map usually you'll have red traded for red side but crisp denies the krug camp the one with the most experience and gold on it in the entire map actually in the g2 griffin series in groups saw how a delay in snow is at this can have huge cascading effects on lanes as the jungler isn't there at level three at the same time back in bot lane lwx and chris just being super respectful zombies are already walking while they're being respectful in game perks was not too respectful out of game do and b won't even be the second best mid in the final carlos reiterated that but if you look at the mini map doom b has already roamed very early on i'm looking at the minions kobe and wonder is still under pressure tianzo are nearby but zombies gone back to lane it's really worth highlighting how top laners play when they do not have pressure when their jungler is the opposite side of the map wonder he didn't go forward for the chase tian is still nearby and it's highlighted because wonder knows that this is a split map and it's a possible dive being set up also as you can see on the mini map during the has started to move all right tien has pulled the wave he's got himself the red but there's the overload teleport starting to come in this is the three versus one wonders got mana he's got flash but it's a reply already that's the root down wonder give some first block to fbx caps gets to stand under the tower jump still doesn't go down now captain's in trouble fun plus phoenix are looking for the double caps is trying to swim to safety teleport begins to channel in the top lane wonder joins but fpx are on the ball hey two things to look in the aftermath the teleport's both used there but the big minion wave also forces wonder to teleport back you can see cap's actually now rotating around for a possible answer here looking to interrupt the back if he can but for now it will be a blue buff steal potential three buff here for yang i really want to highlight how duanby had started to roam up and walk his way there but because they needed the extra second starts teleporting on the minion under tower even though he admitted halfway up the map as you can see now he's almost there already but they know that because caps is going to answer they need the extra second flashes in then you can have the w from tien to guarantee the execute damage there just really nicely coordinated coordinated here by fpx but a very extended setup that's the fbx way they don't mind to surround you put up the spears and say you're in trouble just give me a second to fully set this up g2 are usually more instant about their plays but this time wasn't in position the elise to punish it's to the prophet of an extra blue buff all right kev takes a little bit of damage and do and be the first one to move now wonder flash the sonic wave if it's a resonating strike he's trying to escape he's going down jankos arrives it's too little it's too late and the top difference from pressure is fantastic for fps and it's a different look they haven't gone mid lane to try to work with the nautilus it's been tian setting up a camp he's back again he absolutely is remember we said fpx a greater diving bot now they're showing us they're great and diving top jankos is caught out and he's going to get squashed like a bug underneath fbx's boot because what goes up must come down but the flash gets into safety jankos with the quick fingers i was convinced he was dead and he survives for now and look at the pace the fpx are setting here they're not letting g2 reset from the loss of pressure that they have accrued on top side they keep chaining play after play into g2's weakness this is something that both of these teams have been so good at once they get an early lead and fbx mining that top side advantage so heavily and it means that the kill involvements for gp and puts him in basically parity maybe a small lead over the rise here trades are still going to be very one-sided to wonder but it's definitely been a lot of top-lane focus from the split map level one on the side of fbx i like the attitude from fbx they're not trying to defend where they are weak they are attacking g2 to force them to change their game plan wonders putting so much pressure individually here onto gimbal and despite 0-2-0 yankos waiting in the wings as a potential dive the overload comes out after the room prison as well that's a lot of minions denied plus 10 cs for now and as it stands even on levels yankos is looking for the cocoon into the bush and he won't find it so g2 will be content with pushing back the pressure they are still down 700 gold but papa smithy they concede the drake so great heads up play from fpx both teams kind of ahead of plays here good map root matt reed sorry from kim goon that is definitely his trademark often playing on the weak side hasn't been that way so far this game but they're reading the change in tempo the way the wind is blowing when it comes to the aggression they'll take the drake at chris oh dear sentence comes down as does the boomerang blade mickey's waiting by with the devour piercing arrow tags chris i'm keeping my eyes on tian to see if he wants to go under the tower flash is available for both bot laners on g2 sides yeah i mean one of the nerfs to tom kenz was the uh the cool down on the devour there so it does open up a bigger window early game but as you can see we're highlighting now back to champions league where we talk about the varus and tom ken synergy you know shoring up that weakness of the varus if you get caught like that can come through and save a disastrous play we're still waiting on the fbx standard playbook which can still be re-entered this game it's usually boots of mobility first back from lane for crisp where we do see that trio mid lane might be a duo because tian's level six exactly you have to keep tracking the junglers this game is so much about playing where you have the numbers advantage and the one that moves first is able to open up that opportunity of chaining across the map let's take a look at how they can change things across the map on the g2 side because papa smithy if you remember back at msi g2 started to fall behind s18 it was the pike mid-game plays that brought them back into it right now caps is not activated the first one to leave mid is doing b again with that superior push he's come up with the help of tion and this plate's being taken down and we're seeing the exact opposite play here it is push up through a big minion wave seeing that wonder backs off there's a roam up through the jungle from both duan b as well as tien that means g2 no on the bottom side yes they did lose a minion wave on top side but they're going to try and deny that same minion wave on bottom and you notice perks actually has a back timing here rather than trying to cash in blades so plate gold is certainly not going to be equalized i actually don't want the minions to push down this plate otherwise perks would not get involvement all the gold goes to tom kenshin he backs now this game is really highlighting that ebb and flow of pressure once again the flow now on the side of fpx if they have overloaded topside i was a huge fan of some of the missing pings there from g2 kobe you talked about overloading top sides you're too aware of it missing pings as tian was sitting in the tri bush du mb could have roamed doomy by the way plus 15 cs moby boots just completed so i'm expecting more running to the side lane and that's when you start clicking your fingers because you should mention that with the tier map pike can actually push out doesn't just fall into a huge cs hole like it has been so far about 20 cs and match because the nautilus having the ability of the earlier roam on the moby boots rush means that predator pike has actually been caught farming in mid lane a lot yeah this is so exciting to me because we're seeing the the peak of fluid league of legends where it's all in on roaming around no first couple of item purchases four caps do highlight that strategy now bottom will they go for the dive on perks there's no time catch there's no tom kenz right now perks has done some work to clear the minion wave out i think the piercing arrow did its job he held on to the hail of arrows dredge line will catch out mickey blast code sends do it away now all of a sudden how did he go down i didn't even see it happen g2 on the ball fbx disconnected there trying to make plays in two areas while the nautilus was taking speaking of nautilus all right the cocoon lands onto the target abyssal voyage is going to be cancelled mickey was looking for the dive need to catch a quick glimpse on how tion was caught on in so crucially for g2 it's perks that picks it up yeah beautiful chain of corruption there from perks to lock him down that was a big difference in power too because it was completed jungle item for tien while only pieces for yankos and perks makes a big play for g2 all right we need to find the cocoon from yankos crisp is aware of the situation and he plays the defensive thresh more than a screen away throwing down that lantern to safety kim goon takes a good trade in favor of wonder and now all of a sudden tian again present on the map he has been everywhere this game yep looks like he's headed top again with doing b here as they push mid and look for another opportunity here you go trevor asking you shall receive perks able to land the corrupting chains right on the gromp and then of course caps is there to ensure that they get it and this is a tendency that i'm sure g2's coaching staff have noted it is that when they go for these players when they threaten the dives they tend to stay around for a long time and check a second time a third time they're definitely the sort to check the weather report multiple times before planning and outing this time caught a little bit there and that pick does reset some of the good work by fbx all right jankos waiting in the bushes here the gold is just about even 300 the difference jankos will get caught up the cocoon into the tanglash but he's caught by the dredge line crisp goes in for the death sentence there's the ignite thrown down camaros comes out as well to do with the ultimate what goes up must go down there goes cats death from the low gets interrupted that was a fantastic stopwatch fbx escape we are going to have some of the best team fights this planet in game has ever seen as both of these teams are trading blow for blow a lot of tools used by both teams we have to remember so very opportunistic that tiana start up the rift herald that's not going to be a go of for now and fpx back off yeah that was very close to that for chris you mentioned quick shot the stopwatch they had to use and then immediately he had to flash coming out of it because perks almost timed a cue from varys to be able to finish him off afterwards now though as you're talking about four resets are coming out oh look at the mini map one two three members if i count correctly in the top lane for fpx g2 sports are pushing forward tian is still snuck in the bush he's got the dragon's range available if perks continues to step forward and he does he's caught for the dragon's range the kick throws him under the tower and lwx picks up the kill it's knocked down yesterday and goes what's a cocoon from yankos may have just saved mickey's life doombee continues to change he dredge lines a little spiderling and now all of a sudden caps is waiting in the wings level nine to level nine and he's gonna get spotted out here as he steps forward now all of a sudden jankos is the one caught by the queue those spiderlings doing some work for doing b bone skewer pulls and backwards but i don't think there's enough damage just yet fpx a thousand gold up three kills to one and they reclaim the lead tien here is the highlight getting credit here for the brush attempt from him chris actually able to land the hook and set the whole thing up but because jen is there he safeguards in dragon kick back getting the kill and also chasing down the rest of g2 members thus not letting them get the play on the map here we go they're all headed mid oh very cheeky play from caps waits for the mini wave to go down but he's already caught out flashes away to safety the rip tide the riptide from derby you don't need to see him when you've got aoe now mickey continues to chase forward round warp from wonder dredge line to safety but you can't get away from the rise q jankos goes up and goes down perks has rejoined the fray g2 get their second kill of the game and they will get some chip damage onto this mid outer turret keep your eyes on the mini map kim goon is uncontested in the bot lane and pushing forwards always a jump scare around every corner in this game always the backup the grouping faced out about eight minutes into game number one man the darkness in this game we don't need a knock turn for it to be just so scary you have to consistently move your eyes towards the next objective chris right now is setting up the vision game for the setup here on ocean drake fbx are on attack once again take a look at the cs differences by the way 123 in the mid lane for doing b that superior push early has accrued him a 40 cs advantage g2 will be taking the rift herald in the top lane while another dragon is secured by fpx in the bottom and wonder and caps under some pressure if fps decide to push so harold secured it still a thousand gold game kobe and the second dragon picked up by fps i like this move from g2 because they're trying to get the rift out on top side in exchange for the dragon and get some value out of the extra teleport but wonder now stuck under the tower 1v4 all right let's see what he can do rune prison into oberlo gets caught up by the death sentence and that was just flawless from fpx they pick up an easy kill they'll be able to pick up the tower but the tower first blood bonus goes to g2 esports with the help of the rift herald keep in mind it's still a 1400 gold difference papa smithy the golden different corners but remember this is a very healthy healthy rip tower it could be two turrets here an advantage that it's gonna be felt and a gpo is drawn already you can see fbx trying to rotate the sivir into mid lane to hold this wave and allow the rest of the team to push on the mini map you cannot race with a rip tail and perks is just ushering the rifle straight up to the inhibitor before fbx had even broken secondary turret and it's even more big than that they've been behind this entire game behind the skirmish behind the eight ball and they are losing the turret tempo race they're getting it slower as this rip terror draws a huge trap duke's cheer from the paris crowd paris are loving it it's five kills to two but make no mistake if px are currently in control as we now transition into the the mid-game phase where a lot of skirmishes and fights can break out kobe i have to ask fbx you said they were a mid to late game team fight team they have to feel happy with the lead they've generated already fbx are very happy right now because they have trinity force on gangplank level 11 for the level two ultimate that can come through so all they have to do is give that sivir speed boost to the nautilus thresh and look for those two hooks onto g2 now g2 has a harder deal but they found a pick of their own yeah they absolutely have that will be secured by perks nikki arrives just in the nick of time now this will give some pressure into the mid lane we've talked about the importance of timing trevor every pick is another 20 seconds of extra pressure and g2 will use that to try and get half of mid turret maybe even the full thing the dredge knight doesn't find a target and doom b maybe he wants to be happy death from below thrown out from a cat and that's the tower sleeve now in favor of g2 the gold lead as well and one simple ward one simple pick gives g2 control of the mid lane and that's the thing that g2 have regardless of gold laid as a bone screw is there just to show doing b that caps is around is they have an insane pitch if they're ever shrouded in darkness they get those picks and they subvert team fights here we go yeah they have to do real wolves coming up but it interrupted that's already a kill on to wonder lwx threw down the ultimate six kills two three two dragons up but the gold is irrelevant right now kim goon however will equalize the towers and if you look at the mini map there's a lot of wards in the northern quadrant in favor of lpx and look at these two teams going blow for blow quick shot one pick into a turret answer here from fbx as soon as they see wonder in the river the flash no hesitation from crisp to answer it and get exact same back now g2 power play on bottom half and look there's just not much gold to separate even though you'd love it as an fbx fan it's only about a thousand gold between the two teams we see where it's centered a lot of that rift herald play has reset what was just a growing snowballing lead in terms of map play and also just gold lead from the side of fps now i'm very interested to see how these next five to ten minutes play out because when g2 esports fell behind skt in the semi-finals they found crucial team fights to bring themselves back into the game i feel like at this tournament fpx is a different beast and it will be a more difficult challenge for g2 exactly you have to play to the champions that your enemy has drafted here and g2 have a lot to highlight because they've got rise for side lane they've got the predator boots plus the ghostblade four caps so if they can rotate varus over to hold the mid lane then they start to look for those picks to get back into it one of the unique things to look for for the fans at home is we don't have wave clear mid laners here they have teleport they have hard cc they don't want to be caught in a side lane at all so that means we're going to see a lot more fighting as often we'll be playing around one or two lanes maximum rather than the three lane fan out you often see in games like this and there's a very very big difference between having your 80 carry in mid lane clearing waves with the mid turret and without now caps going for a play under tower oh it takes so much damage when you miss the skill shots you can't go for those dives and caps walks away with his tail between his legs all right here we are power play on the blue buff side of the map but there is a ward to scout it out all right so fpx have got some sort of a numbers advantage did you sniff it out look volatile spiraling i think that just spotted up two members of g2 crisp is now making his way forward teleport coming in from one on the tower the bone skewer catches chris that's a death from below as g2 will even the goal but what can they take they can start up the drake here and stop the snowballing g2 are so smart at sussing out these combat puzzles that often games of league of legends and this meta turn into the moment they got an inkling of their being members on the flank they took them out as five and once again vision will be so important because both of these teams rely on the picks chain of corruption will tag do and b dredge line pulls him to safety the cocoon from the ankos it will not secure the kill it will not secure another it's 20 minutes on the map this is such a tense game but g2 they continue trading blow for blow and i want to highlight what's not on your screen is the mini map both side lanes pushing in opposite directions here 4g 2 as well of fbx we mentioned these teams have a lot of similar strengths so while the mid core of both teams are looking for the picks with the elise with the varus there with the tom kench they are also trying to get the side lane pushing in their advantage to get the extra standing goal and i love that you pointed out with the arrow there because the sort of thing that's lost because people say oh it's a death match oh they're just fighting all the time but it's the setup and the silence that allows it to happen and speaking up fantastic setup papa smithy teleport comes in fbx has to get a numbers advantage chris will arrive and captures in so much trouble he's going to get taken out from wanda but now they're not done just yet all of a sudden the death star just comes out ignite goes down wonders running for his life tian gets the sonic wave does not follow the resonating strike caps tries to escape goes for a swim and does so for now g2 get up but fpx's play to set it up managed to avoid defeat this is definitely a world championship game quick shot so close the margin of error here capps able to just utilize the full mobility of pike to get into the edge of the rail warp as it was about to disappear now it's a reset as they're trying to hold lane though i'll take a look at the mini map there a lot of members of fpx sitting in the northern quadrant as caps catches the top lane wave he sees fpx on top of that control ward and now g2 looking for a hunt baron won't get tagged by the skewer nor will another champion and the volatile spiderling goes wide timing is in the favor of fpx because they're the ones that have the split push going for them they've got kim goon on the gangplank in the bottom lane you can see on your mini map so g2 trying to force them off of baron but fbx gaining one extra lane of momentum and you look at the wards here you can see the g2 are leaving the vision behind as they fish for fix gonna go to bot lane here the flash was super necessary because the moment this round warp is on i didn't think caps could even get in yeah exactly because he got slowed down there even with the mobility of pike barely flashes to the edge the margin there of error is so incredibly small one is screaming i'm helping i'm helping and caps manages to make it out he by the way one one and three just sitting on one and a half items for now but cheetou has sneakily picked up a thousand gold lead i think it's gonna be the least important stat in this game because setup and execution of these team fights as we have already seen is what's gonna dictate who comes out on top but trevor i feel like the eye test you'd be surprised by it right wait it feels like fbx spin on top where did this gold lead come from those were the fundamentals that allowed them to stay competitive against skt in the first game of the semi-final they are so smart about always playing the side lanes and keeping competitive in cs numbers which keeps them competitive in goal and remember people should not just look at gold because there are other things gang flank extra gold pike shares extra gold with the ultimate here is a setup though what's very important is the control of that setup vision around baron train of corruption tags a target there's no follow-up remember if g2 picker fighting the baron pits against nautilus siva gangplay that's not really a place you want to be canon barrage is available and chain of corruption was just used so gim goon steps up to the plate does not find a fight yet but one of the things that we are seeing is fpx need to find an answer when g2 put pressure down they are gaining a few more benefits outside of just the dragons but it's fpx with control of the baron picks and while these teams are very similar there are some key differences where g2 have very good burst damage more for single target fbx have a lot of aoe that they can try and bring to brunt this is what you want to do if you can funnel the enemy team into a smaller corridor where they can actually get more value there another difference is the fact that ryze would just outmatch any opponent in the side lane as the scaling comes up another six minutes on the rod of aegis to complete that so even with some magic resist incrementally put in they're gonna have to try to force those fights and maybe over force as otherwise wanda will take side lane objectives love this point because if you can open up the map papa smithy one of my favorite strategies that has evolved over the years is the trailing split pusher and caps is a is on a perfect champion to play that role if you hover behind the split pushing rise and then opponents send two people you surprise you go for the burst kill we have to align on the language i call it piggyback ganks where you don't have tp to pick you back over let me know here we go i'm a fan of the piggy back against this game and that's the third dragon secured by fbx double clouds is definitely going to benefit them as they want to continue to move around this map caps does get spotted out by an fpx ward but important to note the synchronized recalls on the side of g2 allows them to re-group up on the map push back for some control around that barren pit and now we're moving into this barren phase of the game and for chaotic team fights one thing you should look for as a g2 fan is the fact that we have a rage blade build here coming through from perks he actually needs to warm up on a minion wave or targets before he actually gets that double hit passive and gets going in a team fight and this is a sort of game with as many threats as there are that you actually need a certain type of terrain to fight around to get that amount of time and also when you are thinking through these possible picks and these possible team fights you actually have to opt into who is going to burn cooldowns from your opponent because there are so many critical ones and squishy members on the team if you are g2 you're looking at yankos he's got the fully completed zhonyas and elise also has repel built in so while not a tank you do want the elise to bait out some of those big cooldowns if you repel a nautilus ultimate yeah it changes the game for your team they also have to talk about the positioning of mickey with the rest so continually press tab look for these stopwatches look for these zhonya's completions but also the positioning on the members with that stasis and when it comes to these vision wars where someone puts down their wards they have to back away and reset the boards and go and buy when the enemy can then take over vision i actually think fbx will struggle to reclaim vision against a g2 camp because even the lantern control war down you're going to be caught going for a face check and you already mentioned g2 have multiple ways to make them untargetable light the repel and light the tomcatch develop now there is one thing that is always a huge benefit on the side of mpx outside of just doing v setting up a fantastic play the protobelt into the hook and mickey gets chunked out while that's going on kim good almost picks up a solar kill in the bottom lane fbx have found themselves a gigantic advantage on two sides of the map also important to note rapid fire cannon picked up by lwx the 600 cs civil win condition is always a possibility quick shot the rewards for that pick are enormous mid tower the last of the outer defenses going down for g2 make it incredibly more difficult to try and defend in the vision wars around baron that was doing beat using the proto belt to get into range to try and land the hook on to mickey what a big critical play from the star player of fps and a 27 minute mid lane doesn't sound like a big thing but kobe you're right on the money look at this siege comp they've got almost no range on the side of fbx so they needed a pick like that to ever actually get the turret that's core to baron defenses that mid lane out all right kim goon will now run into wonder both of them level 15 wonder got the first trade but doesn't follow up with any more and outside of just clearing out the vision if px weren't able to get more than the tower it is a huge win for them doing b making the move that counts yeah i mean people have criticized the champion pool for so long uh you know some people advocates that want to see doing b on the world stage proving his style you see proof right there in that play this is why he plays these types of champions to create openings for his team in this case now fbx have to look to the next step for themselves they want to use that speed advantage from sivir ultimate whenever it is up to enable those two champions to try and find that hook caps by the way level 13 it's matching at doing b top laners have got most of the experience this game wonder is up 80 cs over gimgun and still playing that side lane but we haven't had that huge explosive team fight it feels like if one team is able to win it they could either take it in him or a baron and get huge control in this game and it's getting much more difficult now for g2 to play to their champions because fpx have such a good possible team fight here sivir as you mentioned quick shot extremely good and well protected uh damage output for that force it's gonna be very hard for g to actually find that kill onto the back line and remove those aoe crits and that's the really important point is that in the open you just can't win as g2's comp in a 5v5 where everyone opts into it it's not going to work but they always have that big cc opportunity if they get a vision reset so actually look down the middle here look at the scoreboard see the control awards put together stomping could be caught all right who's catching who though because i think there's more support for fpx to respond escapes from the trench line we are 30 minutes into game one of the championship final and truthfully we still don't know who's going to come out on top fbx i've got prior with the mid lane they do not have control once they don't want to face check so again this awkward setup all right here's the potential team fight don't be stepping forward zona takes some damage from that volatile spiderling with a banshee's veil wonder feels more confident to step up a 30-minute infernal could be very valuable dredge line is dodged away from it the drake is secure now g2 are split that's at least some cc to interrupt the chain of corruption will start to spread and it's mickey that gets tagged he's locked down he's knocked up he's dead lwx is on a rampage the siva is terrifying there goes the teleporter [Music] gets the double kill for fba the flash the gap close but time he might die here he might just indeed two more teleports slowing down round warps coming out and then managed to escape wandering kept run for their lives three members of g2e sports are down death from below is available for caps can he snipe doing b he does he gets the kill ten kills to five now it's a two b four inside the pits the g2 solo laters all that's left for them to try and defend the baron quick shot there's a death from below available to caps he manages to get the skewer wonder takes so much damage from the barrels go straight in but the ulti does nothing baron's putting listen to help g2 and finally wonder goes down kim goon is low on hp eight seconds left before perks survives but it's fpx that get the baron they will claim it their prize of baron buff to empower the bush all right kim goo will he find trouble from caps yes he does and not gonna go for the kill just yet caps now continues to chase abyssal voyage comes in from mickey but the tongue lashes sidestep king goom escapes three zero four on that gangplank it started with him and it may end with him i just want to highlight how quickly the decisions have to be made after this play instantaneous from all teams infernal traits picked up by two they go into evasive maneuvers trying to tie it down towards the bottom half combat but with the zipper ultimate and with nautilus immense crowd control they are split apart papa and then it becomes just a buddy story here trying to allow perks to escape the kick to interrupt with the knock up there beautifully done you see the cheering here from backstage yeah jankos wanted to get in between so that uh the q wouldn't land but you just kick him right through still gonna get the dock up there and that led to what we're seeing on screen burned up fbx coming for those inhibitor turrets it's unbelievable performance from fbx if you look down the kill scores three zero four three one six one two six four zero three on the team's 11 kills the kill participation is extremely high it's what we wanted to see from fbx push out elaine roamed to a side lane the difference is it was gimgun's gameplay with the canon barrage that was the recipient of this game and he set lwx for another kill 386 cs on that siever with the baron buff empowered the inhibitor is going low but wonder is rattling across the damage onto fbx but he's caught out the dredge line into the flame wonders looking for the round wolf and he won't escape six zero three lwx is dominating g2 did so much damage but they couldn't finish it all fbx are able to get what they came for as well quick shot inhibitor in the mid lane is down will be constant pressure for them to get off and getting the baron which was such a difficult ask for the team cop they had is the tonic to actually get those 5v5s in open areas where we already outlined early there's just no response from d2's comp the moment caps fishes for a hook his health bar is deleted again so much of this game has been about finding picks hitting skill shots and then using those openings immediately to get more from your opponent look how fbx do not hesitate to burn all their cooldowns to look for one more advantage this is the way that you can snowball one play into the next and get the most out of it and you see how low fpx are had caps been alive with death from below in the melee in the aoe that ultimate reset could be a game changer but he was not so the inhibitor goes down g2 of 4000 400 gold behind and you can see that gigantic spike from the dragon fight to baron and papa smithy fpx are in complete control of game number one and i think the one consistent through this topsy-turvy game of action has been that we felt the impact of doing these nautilus above caps's pike style pick at the end consistently you understand the theory behind it starting boots going predator and having the ability to roam but never getting the lane control to actually match doing who was three four times ganking top and bar and this is doing b's most iconic champion for the mid lane because it is so abnormal because no other mid laners fully embrace it to this style and everyone has always posed questions and say okay but prove it on the world stage here you go papa smithy i submit exhibit a and yet oh when you see the oh bow and by silver they want to catch anger absolutely flashes over the wall now look at the mini map the rest of fbx we're setting up for a potential elder drake perks gets caught by the northless ultimate and while the cannon minion is still there g2 esports concede the altar they're going for the inhib but the dredgeline tags down wonder he's in trouble doing b goes golden another death sentence comes out to fall from mickey buys enough time counts death from below kills down two and pieces of five before but the hp is low chris gets tagged caps goes down it's another one but look at the damage from wonder he's looking for lwx kim goon turns around with a paul a lwx gets the boomerang gets the ricochet the round wall comes out a g to escape oh gee to remain on the attack even while mpx have the upper hand and in that they open up the base and just remember during skt they conceded the barons to get the inhibs this is a game about pressure and control of the map and this is why g2 is so beloved they never go quietly into the night they will always try to find a counter punch they are impossible to ko exactly papa smithy they will always look to surprise you by remaining on the attack on the offensive and even if fbx closed this game there will still be lingering doubts not often the case when you win game one of the world fight mickey looks like he's going to get caught out by gimgu once again 4-08 on that gang play throws it down another stopwatch and while caps is arriving to see him go down that is another kill another death that is unneeded and unnecessary at this point fbx strike back again and guess what the baron is soon to arrive in only 30 seconds with a elder dragon three elemental drake buff fbx have full control over the area they're hunting indeed yankos has got a banshee's no flash available to him now on the minimap we've got no vision of the observers building the tension highlighting what g2 can see fbx are putting pressure in the top layer and that's what we can see quick shot they're moving to the bottom side of the map again trying to remain on the attack even though fbx have more to gain with baron coming over from that side they still want to make the offensive play they rush the minions ahead with the rise well more and they're gonna race it look at the mini map though the rest of fbx they peeled onto the baron recoil's coming out for doing b that's a three-man baron step teleports are coming down no that's correction to the top lane perks manages to make his way up so baron will be conceded here as wonder can seize the flash to run away kim goon is chasing he's got himself the edge the essence river the baron is secured this is the second of the game in conjunction with elder fpx should be in control but g2 don't care about should and i love those conditional languages in a match like this where fbx has been packing the punch or have the scaling it's still conditional because g2 still gives you questions to answer and if you're too slow in this meta you can still lose gentlemen coming into this game we were discussing how fbx and g2 have redefined how league of legends is played and we are already seeing all of the arguments being made both of these teams continually shooting their shots taking their looks fbx have not buckled under the pressure where a lot of teams get surprised by the constant offensive moves while g2 is down fbx have remained calm and this is the key to game number one now with the baron and the elder dragon they're able to push on top side and they should be able to get the rest of the rewards g2 though throw another counter punch on the bottom half of the map you can see in the mini map i get the double tp down bot lane but what has to shake up on the top side and can a tp flank undo this three-man push all right we're gonna have to find out doom b is able to defend for now teleport is coming up that's the recall now coming up for g2 esports the top lane inhibitor is going to fall and the mid lane inhibitor is exposed as well fbx have used the teleport form 2 b they're going to try and get two inhibitors here g2 recall all right and hip number one hasn't fallen just yet but it will in a moment there it does both of them fall down caps manages to find the bone skewer and g2 are looking for an initiation by the way kim goon did not leave that bottom lane so two inhibs secured in favor of spx they still have a minute and a half on baron and another three minutes to elder if g2 can survive and you're in this awkward spot as g2 where you want to walk up posture and draw a gp teleport so your piggyback gank down the bot side your pushing game can actually work they don't get that tp gin goon holds on to it if all tps are down there's still a split push scenario for g2 fbx marching ahead here they have remained calm they still have a minute and 20 seconds to work with the baron buff as well teleport available for lwx as well as gimgoon and it looks like it would be a reset 40 minutes into the game and it is a 7 000 gold lead for fpx lwx sold his boots is at full silver build and 26 years shy of what is considered the win condition for silver 500 equals victory now he should be even more confident than that right now with a minute on baron ralph comes out and wonders gonna get caught up in the death sentence it's another kill it's another pick it's another moment where fpx are shining 60-second death timer kobe with super minions in multiple lanes and baron to defend that's probably going to be game number one quick shot fbx with the 5v4 advantage will march on the nexus turrets chain of corruption is available yankos gets caught out of the powers buying some time then goes catch forward chris manages to stay alive that was a fantastic flash the king of corruption is starting to sprint jake was buy some time with the hourglass and do him he goes low lwx gets another tn finds a second the nexus town falls as well fps are looking for one last kill not gonna find it just yet and the nexus gets focused the nexus gets killed after the ace and fbx straight first in the finals [Applause] [Music] [Applause] first blood first dragon first baron first nexus and truthfully it does not play out that easily big smiles on the g2 faces but fpx open the finals with a statement and i think g2
Channel: EpicSkillshot - LoL VOD Library
Views: 1,220,983
Rating: 4.8224912 out of 5
Keywords: Finals, final, mundial, LoL, LCS, EU, NA, 2019, Worlds, World Championship, S9 Worlds, #worlds, esports, #esports, Season 9, S9, 9.19, 2019 Worlds, lol worlds 2019, lol worlds, lol esports vods, e-sports, lol esports, lolesports, league of legends, epicskillshot, game, play, match, pro, full game, HD, 1080p, VOD, VODS, lol vods, worlds vods, G2 vs FPX, FPX vs G2, fpx g2, G2, Gamers 2, Wunder, Jankos, Caps, PerkZ, Mykix, FunPlus Phoenix, FPX, Gimgoon, Tian, Doinb, Lwx, Crisp
Id: 1VjyIsaUGEI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 46sec (2506 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 10 2019
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