DWG vs SN - Game 1 | Grand Finals S10 LoL Worlds 2020 PlayOffs | DAMWON Gaming vs Suning G1 full

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will damn one choose to prioritize the tf oh okay i actually like this adaptation a lot from sunning they're choosing to leave the awn open they're saying that they do have an answer if nogaree decides to go for that pick but you imagine in this situation that the greys will be the lock and of course even without that kindred being banned away you had already alluded to the fact that looking at canyon looking at that jungle pick graves was an option that they wanted to consider it is now locked in and soon they need to find an answer now i wonder if sooning will continue their trend of prioritizing ezreal they did this a lot against top esports but that was large in part because they wanted to take it away from dracula however it is a strong weak side champion the other option of course is the ash but i like this lock in it shows comfort from sunning in game one it's something that juan fong is very comfortable on as well and now given that the graves has already been locked in they can immediately answer with a kindred as well knowing that they have sofm on a champion that he's very comfortable on and is a pretty good matcher and of course 4-1 fun ezreal is his most played champion at the world championship five games five wins he has played gin five times as well looking at sword arts leona it is one of his most played champions in the world championship five and also it is his most played championship competitively over the last two years with 23 competitive games okay wow the the picks coming in fast from damn one so to quickly talk about this leona as you rightly said it is a highly contested pick about from both of these teams they love the leona but we know that down one has an answer to it in the form of the set they've played it multiple times before they're willing to play things like ash set into it and we'll see if sooning looks to try and remove some of those options meanwhile dan will have gone for a very straightforward team fight comp orianna given that the syndra has been removed it's a pretty safe blind pick and they've also got the on to now they can just ban away counters because sooning are not locking any in so down have already a very well-rounded strong top side of the map with the ability to save their bot lane counters for later so this is the second time that angel will be playing here at the world championship and i'm really interested to see what happens in the top lane with phase two bands coming in the possibility of removing some of those match-ups into on is something someone could consider and straight out the gate beryl will lose access to thresh as uh the bottom lane for suiting is already locked i wouldn't be surprised to see a set removed as well but i really want to highlight this azir pick i think it is a great option for sooning because already you have this very long range composition coming out from suny a comp that kind of keeps you at arm's length which when you look at a graves that wants to get in your face wants to close that gap with the amount of disengage that they have with the azir with ezreal being able to shift away that hard engage from the on becomes a lot weaker as well so i think the tuning are already adapting well to what they're seeing down one bring out and now their game plan is to give their bottling the best possible matcher now what are you leaning towards for sofm jarvan has been banned away we saw that on countdown just a little bit earlier today one of the red bull plays from worlds to celebrate you can see the coaching and support staff running through the options they're gonna ban away ghosts caitlyn and obviously that thresh from earlier honestly i wouldn't be surprised to see his lee sin i think that when i think about the kindred she's a pretty short-range champion unless you can get a large number of marks and when we're already looking at this long-range comp what sunning i think would like is more disengaged and ability to offer more peel protect the azir and the ezreal on the back line and make sure that this on ultimate can't really threaten them so i think that if they do go for that you can just use the lee sin kick to provide more peel provide more disengage and basically make it much harder for the graves to access the back line remember and has already done a great breakdown that showcases that sfm doesn't play lee like many others he is the tank lee his role is to be obnoxious be a front line by time but of course there are a number of other options things like the shen jungle is something that he has brought out before and can offer a very similar form of peel in the way of his ultimate river shin or top shen options available to them can decide in a moment or two now we'll look at those last two picks here from dom one gaming they need to find themselves ready carry and their support for ghost and for barrels i imagine the ash pantheon or ash set will be the direction that they're looking at the great thing about set against the owner is when the leona comes in he then gets to take the leona right back out with his ultimate it's a combo that darwin have used a lot we saw a fair amount of set from beryl so far in this tournament but they are going to stick with the more aggressive option in the pantheon beryl is a player that in the early game loves to roam he loves to cover for his lanes and he loves to provide that setup and we'll talk a little bit more about that game as we move into the final picture soon give me a guess on what barrel's win rate is don't bother 100 career win loss on that champion 11-0 he's played it twice at worlds and barrel impacting the lanes is something we have seen many many times before the last lock-in is going to be wukong so wukong into on i'm furling my eyebrows right now what do you think of the pick i mean i'm a little surprised usually you pick uh the wukong into an 80 top match up wukong does a surprising amount of ap damage in lane it can actually trade pretty effectively i imagine that uh on will actually be able to do quite well but you know what i'm going to trust bin on this if there's any top lanes you know he's clearly we know that he's confident on this pick we know that sooning like to draft carry top laners for bin and he already played this in the semi-final up against top esports and he had a fantastic performance on it they have like quite a few different options because they have some dive with the shen wukong combo but they also have a pretty long range comp with the azir and the ezreal so i feel like the sunning i'm gonna look to play a very straightforward front to back comp and i think that that one's going to look to do the same thing so i imagine that we're actually going to get a pretty slow early game and a lot of this game is going to be focused on the team fights team fights early dragons see if there's going to be fights around those objectives taking a look at some of the research as far as been in the woocon goes he has played eight times this year a win ratio of around 63 percent he's played it once here at the world championship so it is a pick that he falls back to very very frequently and you can see in the stadium from shanghai this is game one and the best of five the last series of the world championship for a shot at hoisting the summoners cup it cannot be understated how different the environment is now in a stadium with 6 000 fans very clearly in favor of sooning as well and it's going to be up to sooning to show us what they can do with this shin with this wu kong videos we talked so much about draft coming into this how important was gonna be how do you feel after you see the pieces that are put together wow the positives in my perspective for sooning is that they've got comps that they were able to play against top when they played against top and that bestified it was very drake focus for a team five focused and i felt like that if they can play that style that's their best opportunity for excess uh success whereas the big concern i have is this bot lane beryl being on the pantheon they're a very aggressive two versus two and i feel like that jackie love and uyanja didn't punish this bot lane from sunning as hard as they could have but you know that a duel like ghost and barrel will so i'm gonna be keeping my eyes on how aggressive they're gonna look to be in this two versus two with the pantheon how barrel roams around the map and what these two junglers what their plan is going to be in the early game a lot of pressure and in the world championship that has been so heavily determined by your jungler's ability to impact the game sofm taking on canyon dom one gaming taking on sooning the 2020 league of legends world championship final welcome to the rift for game one in this best of five straight out the gates catching a quick glimpse yeah defensive start across the board it doesn't look like any shenanigans a foot of canyon just step forward ben and sofm are waiting just behind the river entrance but i don't think anything will play out here so you can see the two wards in the bottom right of your screen just at the entrance of the river from both supports to try and cover it looks like beryl actually went for a very early back i wonder if he's actually grabbed himself the sweeper will be able to have a yes he has um so he's gonna have that option and something that we've been seeing a lot throughout worlds is actually leashless starts the main reason why you do this is to not give your opposition that much information but as you can see there's going to be a leash on both sides before sooning it's going to be a leash on the blue buff to assist the shen with the clear this is going to give priority for ghost and barrel immediately in the lane meanwhile nogari is going to be doing the same thing now i imagine the main reason for this is because it makes sense for sofm to want a path towards the top side he has a carry top lane he wants to make sure that this lane is stable and safe for him so given that the bot lane knows that the jungle is going to be pathing away from them they're going to be playing much more on the weakest side they've already accepted and conceded this lane is not going to have that much cover so we can already see he's likely going to do a full clear on the bot side of the map then path towards top where his canyon is going to do a very similar thing as he passed towards the bot side of the map now let's see whether or not ben and marguerite can see his shenanigans as a footer fester with him is able to get some early advantage there in that lane can absolutely play into his favor if you look at the mini map angel already starting to shove into orianna early on right now this showmaker's gonna start to fall backwards and this is something that you would expect as well because sofia wants to try and pass towards the top scuttle crab when he has a pushing mid and a pushing top that's the easiest crab for him to secure and meanwhile canyon is going to look to do something exactly the same thing except on the bottom side of the map already beryl is looking for roman mid using the priority bot level 2 to alleviate some of the pressure angel though just going to disengage and we're going to be seeing a lot of this quick shot because canyon is a player he doesn't actually gank for his lanes a lot what he likes to do is focus on himself make sure that he's farming up and it's kind of how the meta is but that's also what darwin is so good at but sometimes your lanes are not in a great state sometimes your lanes need assistance from someone else and this is where barrel comes in what damn will do is they will ring the barrel when they need help hold it okay ring the bell it will ring the barrel if top lane needs a little bit of assistance barrel will base you'll look to roam up top if the mid lane needs to be pushed out as we just saw he will run and that is ringing the barrel from down one so keep an eye on that throughout this series because it's gonna happen a lot because canyon all they care about is making sure that he gets as much farm as possible look already hitting that level four he's done a full clear he's going to get his skull crab now he can look to reset or he can look to get a little bit of deep vision maybe even look to contest the enemy and exactly like you talked about that so we're filming canyons parking and focus i will be keeping my eye on that mini map and vedius you let me know when you think don juan are going to ring the barrel as it were on this pantheon with that grand starfall he will have an ability to impact these lanes and when you combo it with an oriana or canyons graves there is a lot of cc and or damage to work with but we consistently see juan feng and sword up being pushed in they're down eight cs already if all three are picked up it's still a five advantage to be expected and also because of the fact that they had that very strong leash with their slfm on the blue bar certainly that now as you can look across the map you'll see that the bot lane for ghost and barrel right now is not actually that safe but they've already invested this deep war towards the bot side of the map so they know exactly where sofm is and they can react accordingly they've also got the whole bot river warded and notice how showmaker is playing towards the bot side because that's where his vision is so all of dan 1 have the information that they need to continue playing through their lanes and again like they're making sure all the laners are making sure that canyon can just farm freely they want to make sure that he's getting as much farming xp as possible and you can already see hitting that level five mark has they taken his first base and now they can even look for an early drake given the mid is pushed and bot is keeping the pressure up that's something i'm gonna keep my eyes on venus you talked in the draft how both of these comps can be played out sort of front to back and you know you set expectations which we're seeing slightly slower laning phase with uh maybe a focus on these team fights and and battles around objectives the fact that the cloud drake has already been started by canyon see with the pressure that barrel and ghost have in the bottom lane they've unlocked the ability to stop the drake off show make a tp early which means angel's catching a wave he hasn't been able to back and this would be an uncontested first drake going the way i've done one game so already in this early game it might not feel like it but down one already has a number of advantages number one they've been able to use their strong 2v2 in the bot side to generate a lot of pressure they've been forcing juan fong and sword out to play very defensively but also in the top side of the map with the bounce back in the way of noggery played very well in the 1v1 and forced the tp out from bit now inaugurally is going to answer i didn't think that he needed to but now it's sword art's turn to move around the map he's gone his first base off because barrel was helping and now noggery is in a bit of danger let's have a look at the mini map and see if anyone is coming to assist already the barrel is being wrong he's already making his way towards the mid lane but it looks like norgree's just gonna say right i recognize the position i'm in my wave is not a great space but i'm on it's fine if i lose a bit of farm i can play defensively and i'll just wait for this wave to come into me i mean he had flash caller the forge guard still had the access to the bellows breath we were watching him for some time so a difficult gank to pull off um you know opportunistic maybe at best on the side of suning and as you've alluded to vedia some early advantages here going the way of uh dumb one and when we look across their games 13 games here played at the world championship they pick up the first tower in 85 percent of their games i want to see if they can once again secure that first objective and then start to move their uh pieces around the map well the way in which they're going to do that is going to be the rift herald it spawns in a minute and 15 seconds and these are the pieces that you're gonna be looking at once again number one barrel he's always going to be trying to move first he already moved to help secure the drake and that was sought out window to look for a roam where he wasn't able to find anything but notice that they're continuing to push push push and they're always getting this deep vision in the bot side jungle so when sofm is pathing up towards top to get this clear they're getting that vision now they know exactly where sofm is they know where angel is because he's just done his blue buff so they're gonna look to i imagine try and keep this pressure up and then have barrel roman have ghost play on the weak side they may even bring ghost up with them something that we have often seen but they need barrel there first so they can look to start that object and venice look at the cs difference between huanfang and ghost it's already at 15 with some minions pushing towards ghost and barrel for the first time it feels like in seven minutes one fang and sword they're actually able to get past that first barrier they've been sitting under their tower for so long also a brief note three minutes to mountain drake that means for game one of our finals we're gonna be playing for a fernal or ocean soul and that will again just increase the pressure to ensure that the the the soul is not secured by darwin on from the perspective of sunni for sure because i think that this game is ultimately going to come down to a lot of dragon fights and with the first dragon already taken very early you know that we're going to get to that point where um first items from both teams they're like okay let's look to fight let's look to set up and already down one up towards the top side they're going to start the rift on spawn barrel has done his reset as we talked about sword is going to be a little bit late but looks like canyon is getting a little bit creative here he's instead rather than starting off the objective actually pathing up towards top and i think for the time being he is just sitting outside of vision but sooning is suspicious instead they're going to wait beryl has now arrived as we talked about and now as they're setting up they have the numbers advantage orianna's going to push in mid and let's see if sooning looked at content and remember if don won start a fight so fm does have access to that stand united so he can jump in at a moment's notice i think ghost may be respecting the potential of a dive not level six on sauro yet but he's already backed away from that lane from the wave that was away from him at the tower the canyon will be able to pick up this rift herald uncontested cs advantages again ghost in the bottom lane bin in the top lane a very small advantage for the time being it is a minute and a half till the dragon i don't see strong vision yet for either team really around that objective so let's keep an eye on whether or not damon wants to start pushing that vision again deep into sooning's jungle to secure a safe mountain drive well what i imagine is the down's going to continue to do what they've been doing pretty much throughout this game which is path towards bot and then invest more resources there try and get a couple more plates into ghost back pocket because they don't really care about noggery they're just like hey you're a tank your responsibility is the team fight inaugural's like okay i get it and so i imagine that what they're gonna do is try and look for a window where showmaker will have the push in mid he's been actually able to go back to base just now and he's going to grab himself both the tier and the lost chapter of course he had one beforehand but now azir is going to get the reset and this is exactly the window that they were looking for azir just reset orianna now back on the map ghost also just picked up the cutlass is going to be able to get the push in bot and now i expect to see push in mid the return of the bot lane cannon grabs his red buff they throw the herald bot and then through that pressure they're able to convert it into a drain it feels like i'm one of just one step ahead but it is still deadly close a thousand sorry uh at the 10 minute mark less than 100 gold difference and sofm will show his head top at the moment cyclone does get chucked down but look at the damage onto bin he's losing out for the time being caller the forge guard comes out the knockback is interrupted thanks to the secondary cyclone nagari is not going to be able to survive much longer has been flashes forward first blood to sunning in the finals so this is the crossmap play that you would expect sooning recognized that downward is going to be passing towards the bot side of the map playing for that second drake and they needed to make something happen top i was concerned forbid because you saw the amount of magic damage that inaugurally can do i guess you hear the fear in my voice it was gonna get turned around but they're able to get the kill it did of course cost bin his flash but they will be able to convert this into some place now i love this teleport from show maker because it's actually going to mitigate the number of advantages that sooning can actually get and look canyon is now path towards the mid lane now of course what this will do is it means that they can't drop the herald but it doesn't matter because what they've gotten was the drake and that's what they wanted to two drakes on the board now 11 minutes and we're looking at a 20 minute fourth drake uh and this third drake is definitely going to be a very contested uh objective so you can see how much damage is mitigated but also nogger using his bell his breath to avoid the initial knock-up yeah then it's here where the second knock-up comes through from bin so that noggery cannot use his second proc of the ultimate and then i like this use of the w uh from sofm to mitigate any potential auto attack damage that would get that lethal 500 gold lead and a kill to sooning four minutes until the infernal drake spawns and we are playing for the infernal soul now and as you pointed out vedius 20 minute timer for that soul so sooning will need to contest on the third drake um it's something we were anticipating in our prep for this series that if these front to back team comps came through that then you throw down at drake three and if not you absolutely have to do it at trade four so three minutes time we'll check what the state of the math looks like so uh it's funny because we've been talking a lot about damn one and what they've been doing well in the early game and some of the expectations but sunning's also doing what they're supposed to do patient play respecting their opposition not falling prey to any early mistakes and recognizing where their priority is and where they should be getting advantages the best thing that sooning could do in this position is trade for a kill on the top side of the map they don't need to fight for these early drakes they don't need to fight for these heralds because that is the point at which they could put themselves at a bigger disadvantage and the thing about down one is they're the type of team that they only need a single moment to take over the entire game and we saw that multiple times against g2 one mistake and the game was there so i love that we're seeing this respect and restraint from sunning because it's what that comp needs and it's what you need to do against the team like and look at what they have been able to do in the top lane so ben is now up around 20 cs and a while you know juan feng does continue to struggle in the bottom lane cyclone chucked out here defensively from ben and caller the forge guard comes up great interrupt once again but here comes canyon been no flash remember nuggery's already committed his and the stand united from sofm will dissuade any further engagement but nogari with the sunfire cape and free ass boots is doing a lot of damage to ben we can of course see the inaugural was quite confident making that play because canyon was on the top side of the map we'll drag him away from his clear a little bit but i think that in this situation it is absolutely fine and he's gonna go back to clearing out his caps he's actually going to be brought mid lane now this is a little unusual not something that we usually see as barrel goes for the all-in-one oh ashero directly tags one fight he flashed in a straight line but sawdust re-engaged has locked up dom what ghost is going low he's in trouble true shot barrage not gonna be enough just yet as the first death is sword art after nagari completes the tp turns the damage back onto juan fung and he's forced away with his life the volcanic rupture not going to stop hwanfang escaping and darwin on the board and crucially showmaker interrupted the teleport from angel on the mini map angel was trying to match the tp that was coming out from noggery and as he tried to get sent to the bot showmaker was the one that got in the way interrupted it and prevented that play from being turned in soonings favor because they were doing a great job that two versus two did not look good for ghost and barrel initially but if it wasn't fort inaugury arriving turning the play around then that could have ended in disaster for damn one so a lot of small pieces there working out down on once coming straight out of that replay i'm keeping my eyes on the mini map the shock wave and the tp whether or not angel you know how aggressive show maker needed to be too interrupted and there we go thank you to the observers for catching it yeah so that's what we were talking about and again that interrupt was really important because you can see how low barrel and ghost were in this situation and had angel arrive this would have been a much worse situation for the dam one bot lane but they were able to pull it off one minute until the next drake there's a couple of wards from darwin placed inside sooning's jungle no teleport for angel no teleport for ben and juan fung is now swapped to the top lane interesting whether or not sooni are gonna contest this dragon in 40 seconds that's what remains to be seen so sooning did this against top esports as well where they said you know what we're not actually gonna fight you until the fourth three we we don't care too much about the third one both play on the edge i mean it worked against top they were able to pull it off um but i think that they've just accepted that right now they're not stronger blade of the ruined king having been already completed for ghost they seem to want to try and make the cross map happen and look it looks like that they're going to trade the rift herald for it instead get the rift out try to get the top tower and you've got to remember that with both these mid laners they are heavy wave clear mids usually what this rift held is used for in compositions like this is to break that mid tower when there's so much wave clear on either side it's a lot harder to approach and so they're going to need that objective to actually break into it but look the ezreal now pathing down so if i'm on his way as well let's see i don't think that they will contest this based on the map state right now um and i'm actually quite surprised that they've actually sent the israel mid rather than just keeping him top it looks like they want to try and move angel off onto a side lane which is not usually where the azir wants to be um but for the time being when playing up against an on they probably think that for now it is absolutely fine and what we're building towards quick shot is that fourth drake fight that will be the play that ultimately i think is a large part besides the game because if sooning when that fight i think their composition shows like how strong it will get as the game progresses how much harder it will be to deal with given how long range it is whereas if darwin is able to win that fight obviously they're getting a little straight and a fight happening gage flash cyclone coming out stand united brings us to him to the bottom lane barrel's already down bin stays alive a few seconds longer before ghost is able to take him out canyon continues the chase he's already used the collateral damage and sword art is waiting in the wings he's got a solar flare available to fire but not a lot of damage to follow up on he manages to get his inner blade that's a catch down to canyon answer with him with the help he's gonna be able to find it that's a double kill for river shin on sooning beautifully done from sooning and look at how quickly they've ballooned this gold advantage the game has been very even but a bit of a skirmish happens in bot lane and sooning use the shen to their advantage we like to see these type of players it's getting get a little bit more gold in their back pocket and look at sofm three zero and one he's been involved in every single kill so far this game and when we get the replay up we'll have a look at exactly how that broke down style of me the vcs player last one standing is making a statement again he's one of the most talked about players at worlds and all started here with ben so bin knows that he has the shen ultimate so he dives in recognizing that he can actually go for this all in of course with canyon's arrival it may have been something that darmon initially did not anticipate but knowing that sword art was on the way as well meant that they could actually go for this re-engage darwin want to try and secure this tower and that's what soon take advantage of beautiful e from saunders just at the cusp of canyon using his e they're able to get themselves two quick kills so beautifully done from the side of suny and right at the beginning of that replay i actually missed live that show maker shockwave was sort of dodged quote unquote by han fern was able to use the arcane shift and this time around does it again summon a hill has already been used and ghost with the blade of the ruined king and zeal is putting a lot of damage down but yeah juan feng escaped the ultimate commitment from show making as we get into 20 minutes it is a 3 000 2 000 gold lead rather for sunning they are down three dragons and it's two and a half minutes so they have to fight in the pit in two and a half minutes but i think they're feeling pretty happy because one of the things about pantheon is you want to try and use him to get early advantages because he's going to get outscaled by the leona later on notice that solar is actually very strong at this point in the game and beryl is pretty weak oh shockwave comes through wave catches on to sword art the tower falls as well and that solar flare will not tag anyone so i'm one happy to just break the tower the second of the game and against the wavelength sort of like azir even though he hasn't really been assigned to that lane for the last few minutes opening up access to sunning's jungle is very important for dom one but i think again we're just going to be focusing in on this dragon trinity force has been picked up by ben almost uh the iceborn gauntlet for juan fang i'm just trying to see whether the big items have been picked up as we see uh we'll be able to interrupt barrels and gets the rift herald down in the mid lane i don't think they're gonna be able to take this tower yet though uh the last gonna come in from ghost but beryl wants to get the reset and i think that delaying support resets is very valuable because you look at the supports in the uh uh and the inventories right now zero wards in the back pocket of barrel he wants to get on the back foot but sooning know this which means they can invade in the enemy jungle get deep vision and they can start setting up for this straight a minute and a half in advance nagari of course does have the teleport but sofm just gonna cover so they can they can take this bottom tier one and the great thing about azir is he can take these towers very quickly especially with the nash's tooth completed if you just kind of look at the atomization quick so you can see lots of things are starting to be done we need to see that reset come in from juan fong to get that iceborn gauntlet and then he should be good to go i think that sooning is saying right we've got all the items that we need look at the minimap look at that beautiful vision i'm actually just going to bring it up right now because they just use this opportunity to set up all these wards they have the entire entrances covered and now darwin is going to have to invest their vision to clear which means that when you get into the river it's all going to be dark sooning is in the best possible position to set up for this drake let's see if they can secure it luden's echo just completed by angel a moment or two ago the hurricane picked up by ghost black cleaver picked up by canyon the power race as well as now iceborn gauntlet it's 20 seconds until the infernal spawn sword art steps just into don juan territory that is painted picture for me and how this fight can't stop because it looks like sunni may be the first ones into the river well it's the choke points that sooning want to try and control if they can force people into these entrances to the river then you can utilize the strong poke that in azir and then ezreal does have they've already gotten the mid prior they're gonna force noggery to tp in and he's gonna be reliant on acting as the face check tool notice that he's gonna be the one to enter the river he's gonna be the one to face check along with beryl to make sure they can soak up the majority of the damage the dragon is being started angel and soda are looking for a flank there's no flash on bin just yet if this drags out over time he will be able to flash cyclone the back line for dom one sword arts looking for an engage he's got himself with a solar flare beryl gonna jump onto bin cyclone already used barrel about to die he flashes away defensively stays alive a few seconds long enough in trouble it's a trade of a jungle for support but it's time one gaming that are splits up they're surrounded so with him catches the taunts onto nagari here comes sword on an angel one thong running for his life blast going over the wall he canyon is sticking onto juan fung the rest of suning are in the river and dom one control the map they control the river and they take down one fung i think sooning tried to flank when they just didn't need to they want to be playing front to back but angel and sword just weren't involved in the fight the good news for sunning is that they're still alive so sofm still has the smite let's see if they can take away this effect glide the divide the emperor's divide is available there it is jumping one two three court goes golden and stays alive a few seconds longer but the damage and the survivability from showmaker and ghost is wrecking sooning they get themselves kills they set themselves up for the soul but here comes ben he's going to teleport in grand stafford comes down the infernal drake has been stopped for now and ben will get dropped once again with don juan now turning their attention back to the infernal drake looking to secure the infernal soul i think that in that fight damn one just played better they recognized that they needed to stay grouped they saw bin out of position and his ultimate was forced very early on to a single member there wasn't cohesion coming out from sooning in that fight and dom one looked to take advantage of it and this is the crucial moment that i want to draw your attention because look at the minimap azia and leona are just nowhere in here right now they're trying to set up a flank but darwin warded for it which means that they know they have a numbers advantage in this situation they can take bin out and like the fight is split for sunning there is no front to back there's easy access on to huanfang because angel isn't doing anything so soon while they did have a really good setup i think that they tried to do too much in the fight and they end up getting punished by dharma a little too over eager maybe a little too creative you know we talked in draft 20 minutes ago about how both comps could be played front to back and bin didn't have that flash i wonder if it was a consideration so we come out of the play eight kills to six it's still two towers a piece and don juan have got themselves the infernal soul this makes the elder dragon 28 minutes a terrifying prospect but we have seen this world championship already it is possible to win a game when you concede the soul to your opponent sooning fairly you know they'll remember that okay familiar with it thank you but it is a very uphill battle because of the benefits and the bonuses that darwin have accrued for themselves certainly well now the arrow will come out from ghost as they look to push up mid because now baron is obviously the next objective to play for they're keeping nogari on the weak side of the map while keeping ghost and barrel in mid to keep this pressure and have them move in through the river and you can see how dark it is for sooning they're very afraid of approaching this objective and just look at the positioning of canyon right now he's walking into the enemy jungle stealing away camps where he can and he's incredibly powerful at this point in the game as well like down one even though the gold is very even it's obviously very deceptive yes because noggery is the one that's kind of at that deficit but he's still like there to do his job where the gold is right now is on top of ghost on top of showmaker and they are of course very strong that doesn't mean the angel and juan fong don't have any damage but this infernal soul is really going to make the difference between the two infernal surplus graves orianna ash pantheon i think they're very happy uh with that buff but now they just need to pick up the uh baron and try to move it down we've already talked about the wave clear that angel zazir has on the rift obviously the ezreal as well from relatively long range can do it okay but once you get that baron buff secured significantly harder to hold on to your base so hold on to those inhibitor turrets and they're still out of touch it's two towers a piece at 25 minutes this is what we expected from the drops you know fighting around dragons skirmishes and team fights that then lead to big advantages and so this was something that uh we heard the analyst desk talking about and how flexible damn one actually are as a team because what they'll do is they make these pivots in the draft to try and counteract what you like to do and they're like okay as soon as you like to play for drake then that's exactly what we'll do and we saw how they approached it they controlled the early drakes they were the ones utilizing the strength of their early lane prowess to build these advantages but now sooning is back on the offensive they've caught showmaker out of position he has no flash but they're too afraid to commit for now yeah look at the respect as soon as tuning realize they're stepping into the darkness the call was to back away you could clearly see the comms deciding that factor with um so much at stake in game one of the finals of the best of five i respect that um ability to pull back they did get the grand starfall out of barrel it's not the biggest win of course because we're still two and a half away from elder and it it's felt to me all game fed us that don't want it pretty comfortable just play this at their pace they've been very calculated i said many minutes ago they're like one step ahead of sunning and um they're now just going to play this patiently push some vision into the northern quadrant and once they've set up some vision then can make some plays for baron yeah and i think that they're afraid of just starting baron blindly because that's how they lose right um they may even wait for elder but like they kind of have a number of options right now for the time being beryl has to be very careful what he's doing is a little dangerous same a little over extended call of the forge card comes out cyclone will buy some time flash is still available side steps away from the collateral damage that's the secondary knock up onto canyon and so with him stand united brings in the supporting canyon goes down the ash arrow right between the upsides angel committed the teleport for this as now beryl is down as well noggery continues to be the target as angel and sofm look to run him down and sword arts coming in from behind solar flare has already been you show maker's got the flash available but there's no shockwave shield of daybreak to the face two shot barrages dodged by the out of the hourglass and there comes so asm the taunt the first death on the side of sunning is then going to be sword art as they turn around and nookery goes down ghost is the last man standing and sooning find a team fight after bin was caught excellent use of the teleports from sooning and just a great play from the shen darmon were afraid to just commit to the baron so they wanted to try and find a pick the problem with trying to find a pick is that there's a shen in the game his ability to join from the other side of the map means that it's not as easy as downward would want to be able to just find an easy pick on a side lane sooning are able to punish and they were even able to catch ballot you notice they're in the river quick shot but they were able to find that pick and now they're on the baron they're going to be able to cleanly take this one down and all of a sudden sooning are back in the game well not only back in the game they've got uh 30 seconds before the elder is up dom one can feel that one they're going to interrupt at least one of the recalls remember teleports were committed and stand united is still on cooldown do don juan try to rush the elder it does look like sofm and sort of are still in the rift and it feels like soon should be able to contest yeah they will the baron buffer recall timers is going to give them more than enough time to be able to go back to base get back out on the map but i love what sword art is doing right now standing in mid lane just so that there are baron empowered minions so ghost cannot clear the wave as quickly as he wants now dom 1 do have an initial setup on the objective they got a couple of control boards in barrel he was forced to reset to replenish his wards notice as well death camp not yet completed for show maker whereas angel has already finished his third item but lee andrews has come through and now you're kind of looking at this conference tuning and you're like well i do think the scaling is pretty good on their side we already talked about the front to back and this is just what i want to see from tuning no more fancy flanks just take them uh face them from the front and just kill whoever's in front of you initially i think that they have the tanks to do they have the backline damage to do it and i like what i'm seeing from bin now pushing in the bot lane generating that extra source of pressure forcing down one to make a decision damn one what's the choice gonna be well they haven't committed yet one fund's not with sooning either if i'm gonna pull the trigger right now one funk will be a little late to the party bin starts to back away and it is still just this standoff at the elder drake uh juan fung stepping back ghosts enchanted crystal arrows available and that is gonna be one of the tools that darwin can use to initiate his starter look for a pick sooning three thousand gold up but the elder dragon buff with four elemental drakes is not something you can concede orianna just did a sneaky base i think that john one is trying to take advantage of the fact that sooning don't have full information here and they're trying to buy time orianna getting that death cap is gonna be so huge for the upcoming fight and sooning are not gonna punish down one for it so a bit cheeky there from down one barrel now gonna do the same thing as he looks to replenish his wards notice that sword are also out of vision for the time being is he gonna reset as well he's actually gonna stay in mid so dom one they're gonna they played this well even though they recognize that right now they don't feel super strong oh this oh this was the replay that happened earlier this was them catching barrel as he tried to rope towards bart now suiting they're going to start this off they know that they don't have the restock on vision they're going to kick this one off they don't have the push in mids but bin now bin is on the flank and i think this is a much better position for damn one to uh for sooning rather to be in but they've watered for the flank well let's see what happens snogri has not used call the forge guard sword art has been caught out he catches a santa's blade jumps down onto ghost here comes ben the elder drake is still the focus of sunning and bin goes in with a cyclone he almost picks up the kill manages to survive a few seconds longer but sooning get the elder drake so far at the cost have only been they're going to try to escape and now beryl jumps in with the grand starfall gets caught up by the taunton angel will send him to the fountain angel gets blown up by canyon and now sofm is in trouble at the same time juan fung picks up a kill onto ghost and so fm is running for his life he will get taken down four deaths for two but the elder goes the way of sunning now this is a world final this is what we wanted to see both teams going toe to toe even though sooning it feels like they're losing they continue to accelerate the goal they're the ones with the gold advantage they're the ones with carries continuing to get more and more items one member gets the elder drake this is of course is not ideal for sooning flash is not available for showmaker continues to step forward juan funds mystic shots don't fight the targets he's shut down solo kill by show maker beautiful stuff from show maker punishing juan fong in the mid lane and now there are no elder drakes on the side of suning that's going to completely remove that objective and let's have a look back at how this fight all started off solar kind of gets caught off on the sideline not really in the river with his team but he gets onto the back line but also gets blown up immediately the power of the infernal soul right there then we're getting to see the damage have been on the back line but he doesn't have the support of the shen this time around so darwin are just staying together as a group now don juan's goal is to just catch off the stragglers they use the pantheon ultimate to stop angel from disengaging sfm wants to try and keep his mid laner alive and i think that if they do keep angel alive here there's a world in which they can turn that fight around but because dom won't get the shutdown they're able to take out sofm as well and they're able to remove all traces of the elder drake 26 kills in 32 minutes four minutes until the next elder drake a minute and a half until the next baron buff and i am loving this game one in the finals constant team fights around the objectives but you can also see and feel the respect the tension maybe the fear in terms of how they're treating these engagements sooning have come out on top for the most part on the last couple of engagements what i think we've been seeing here is that down one have kind of played that traditional style of control but they needed to take a bit of risk when it came to the baron and that's when they went for that pick in the bot lane and obviously things didn't pan out what we're seeing from sooning is that kind of young blood confidence that we've seen from them throughout the tournament where like they don't really play with any hesitation when they see their opportunity they're gonna go for it and i think that they've been doing a great job of that and it's keeping this game very close even though they're fighting against an infernal soul arguably one of if not these strongest dragon souls in the game like the fact that they're able to be this resilient is large part because of their comp because they're willing to go toe-to-toe with that one they're not conceding these objectives and now the next baron is going to be very crucial yeah but vedius sooning have been that resilient all tournament long freaks said it last week the most impressive run of worlds so far they find themselves in the final against darwin sooning have been able to upset and surprise at nearly every single stage and already in game one for me and my eyes i am surprised and excited by what they are showing in this first game it is still not clear which team will win it is balancing on a knife edge and it will come down to the team fights shockwave catches and sword art is dead before he can do anything no flash no solar flare no support for suning wow and dom one just blow up sword he's supposed to be the front line but again that is the power of the infernal soul it just melts through these tanks and the items are just so strong for dumb one a small mistake like that could be all that they need to secure this balance uh dan united was used by sofm that's a catch once again on to him from barrel ben is waiting in the wings now if domin can get caught by cyclone that is problematic ben has got flash available to him no vision inside the pit sooning starts to step four and barrel is the first target four thousand hit points on baron they peel away for a brief second and turn back here to chip away the ash arrow catches one fung don one pick up the baron now they're trying to escape with their lives angel has got himself the emperor's divide but no target and they get the kill on sword art they get the baron and they get out unscathed i like the positioning from showmaker a lot in that fight he was hovering towards the bot side of the river and just basically zoning both sofm and bin from the pits utilizing the ball it meant that if they got too close he was gonna look to one-shot them and it was a very real possibility we've already seen what damage he can do on to sword art so good patient play there from dom one sooning once again gonna be put on the back foot but you know what baron doesn't help with taking an elder drake so sooning they're gonna look to just try and stall for a little while longer they're gonna try and push out these waves they just took the mid tier one finally after 35 minutes three towers a piece and uh of course you do still get some small advantages from the baron buff which is gonna be beneficial for down one but in terms of itemization very close very similar across the board and it all comes down to the execution of these fights darwin can't have all the advantages that they could need to win this next elder fight but so far that hasn't really proven enough to end this game for them and all credit to sunning despite being down in infernal soul they are still keeping themselves relevant here i mean the war mugs are just picked up by sofm death dance sitting for both ben as well as one find the ga for bin as well and his stopwatch cyclone combo was almost enough to kill ghosts in the previous dragon fight 20 seconds till elder is up but if you look at the map state this time don juan have got control because of the baron empowered minions so this means it's significantly harder for sunning to not only contest but to actually start that fight if anything don juan's basically saying listen if you're going to fight you're going to fight on our terms you're going to play around our lanes and we're going to make it very difficult as you write they said to actually start that objective because we know that's the way in which we lose so instead we're going to leverage our baron but we still have a minute of it left we're going to take as much away from you as possible in the meantime we're going to gain full vision control over your side of the map look at all these wards in the enemy jungle now they're going to look for a pick on the bit all right bin does have flash available to him that's the ultimate thrown down he's holding on to what they wanted quick shot that alt is now gone from being that backline threat is disappeared and let's see if sooning i don't think they're even going to be in a position to contest this because it's already gone they're way too late they're way too late elder dragon with infernal soul picked up by don juan they still have themselves the baron buff as well and the ash arrow goes right between sunning they're able to escape call of the forge guard knocks up one fine but sword arts the target for now he gets dashed on and jumped on and shot in the face by canyon taking it down 16th kill for dom one and with the elder with the baron they're now going to start the plays top lane as well shooting pushed in mid and they pushed in bought and they tried to give dom one as few waves as possible angel and tp top to try and clear that one out but down was like no no no not that one showmaker with a fast tp to match and now they have the wave that they need to break into the base can they finish it on this push that's what we're gonna find out the inhibitor is gonna be the next focus baron in part minions for just a few seconds longer that will time out right about now elder drake is available if anyone from soon and goes low they will go down they will die true shot barrage fired from juan fine does not do a whole lot but the minions are cleared out someone have to wait for the next conga line to make its way into sunning's base taiwan have got themselves a tangible taste of victory after a hard fought 40 minutes wow well unfortunately for don juan because their baron buff disappeared they can't keep the push in they also will likely have their elder disappear which means that we're probably in for one more fight quick shot the game isn't quite over yet my word what an intense game one and i wonder if this will set the trend for the series will it be very much about drake's will we see an adaptation will we see more of this early game focused like still so many questions to be had about how these two teams go toe-to-toe but what we can say for sure is that juan in terms of their objective setup and their team fighting is still a monster that is difficult to deal with but sooning are finding ways the question is can they find a way when pretty much everything is stacked against them no soul like against baron and elder yes it's like they've been able to hold the line for now but now they also have lost their inhibitor in the top lane full builds are being completed across the board like it's gonna be tough for sooning but they've they've proven miracles before let's see if they can do it again and of course on the side of sunning um you know they did have side selection this game uh whoever loses game one picks the side selection for game two this is the best of five in the final and bin will be forced to run for his life grand starfall comes down once again call of the forge guard comes out we'll find a knock-up showmaker running from the side ben is going to continue to escape and the asherah from ghost was optimistic not going to be a long-range stunt this time but the cyclone is not available for the ensuing fight elder has timed out and the super minions are currently being caught by angel this is good for sunning but they're at a numbers disadvantage if a fight breaks out clever collapse from dom one as they actually tried to punish bin as he recalled and now the collapse they engage they jump on to sofm and not gonna be able to do much more damage through that spirit's refuge in the tower stays alive for now the minion wave was cleared out relatively quickly shooting 3 000 goal down 40 seconds to the next parent three minutes to the next elder and they live to fight another day they are losing every single inch of summoner's rift slowly more and more is being taken away from sooning and you can see even if they do get the elder that doesn't suddenly mean that they win the game they need a big team fight victory to be able to swing this game back in their control but it is possible just very very difficult uh wow what an intense game one now let's take a look at the vision set up ten minutes to baron do you think dog one need the baron to win look at wukong look at wukong he's being a little sneaky here he's just sitting in that brush hoping that someone from dom one looks to face check there has been a control ward every single fight at that point but the problem is that the baron is alive so domo don't really care about the bottom side of the map right now they care about the top side so much tension there are more elder dragons and barons killed in this game than we've seen any previous worlds and there's no indication it's over yet ben will go golden for a second where is he going vision there's a observer trolling me a touch there actually he backed away out of sight i was so focused on ghost and whether he was going to jump on him or not here we go good setup from don juan here they're using barrel to zone sooning out of the pits there is a control ward now inside soon you're gonna have to pull the trigger very very soon here comes juan funk ben is making his way up through the river keep your eyes on that mini map and done one they back away recognizing this time they don't have the same level of information and control so they don't expose themselves to the risk of the engagement well also sooning learned the hard way that if they face check an area of the map that doesn't belong to them they will just insta die yeah tb now coming in back to mid lane okay and this is they're gonna be the focus the next baron the next elder can win both teams have secured themselves in elder we've seen a baron as well and now canyon goes back to the objective barrel can come in with that grand softball so ben just reset but he does have the teleport what sooning need to do is reset forwards and that's the window that darwin is trying to take advantage of notice that there are no control what's left arrow comes through and so fm gets caught up flashes away and he's down nookery gets the final hit for dom one no smite inside the pit but the cyclone the emperor's divide the solar flare are huge they have to be flawless that is angel being forced away beryl is running him down the baron goes low true shot barrage is not going to be enough for the baron is secured by tom juan gaming they turn their attention on to angel who is forced to use the emperor's divide the slide the glide he's holding on to the flash and he gets popped by barrel two members of sunning are down and darwin with baron empowered minions they're gonna push into the base they might be looking for the nexus and it was the pick that don one have been looking for they shut down sofm the smite disappears the risk of a steal gone with it and now with darwin the kill lead the baron in their back pocket and an empty inhibitor standing in their way they're looking to end game one it has felt like a long time coming a hard fought victory and dom one are setting themselves up by taking down the first nexus turret they will get themselves the ga out of bin the knock up onto one finger he jumps away the cyclone goes up but it's just not enough damage a lot he's returned back onto ghost as ga is still up the first nexus toward us down and i think the showmaker shockwave did not really do much one fight is taken out in the backside of the fight in sofm will respawn only to die and watch his nexus explode dom one strike first in finals that was an intense back and forth between don juan and suiting but for the majority of it it really felt like darwin were in control it was sunni finding creative ways of delaying coming back punishing these small decisions that don juan were making and i feel like that if they just played that fourth drake fight a little bit differently if they didn't try to go for that clever flank if they just played more standard front to back this could have been a soonings game and i think that what this tells me is that sooning is ready to play one of the questions that yamato asked is like has this team in chat yet well they're at the old finals maybe they just can't be challenged i think sooning is showcasing that this team definitely can be challenged longest game at world 2020 clocking it at 45 minutes and 29 seconds two elder drake's three barons four elemental drakes and this entire game was defined from the get-go about those team fights and the objective battles that's not a huge surprise based on how we've seen the tournament these teams evolve but now side selection again stays with sooning and the the next question in my mind is what happens next what is the adjustment where does tuning go from here because i think if you were to run that back and execute differently it could have gone sooning's way multiple times do they feel that that's what we have to find out yeah i think that right now team fight execution just seems to be in don juan's favor they just seem to be playing those fights around the drakes a little bit better than sooning but in the course of a series you can get better you can grow and i think the sunix whole story of this world has been growth so let's see if they can do it within this series we're about to find out as we go to a break please enjoy this short preview of wild rift a new 5v5 mode before mobile it should look pretty familiar to league on pc but he's been fully redesigned for new platforms european fans keep an eye out for access in early december with the americas following soon after
Channel: EpicSkillshot - LoL VOD Library
Views: 912,174
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: final, finals, PlayOffs, LoL, LCS, EU, NA, 2020, china, Worlds, World Championship, S10 Worlds, #worlds, esports, #esports, Season 10, S10, 10.19, 2020 Worlds, lol worlds 2020, lol worlds, lol esports vods, e-sports, lol esports, lolesports, league of legends, epicskillshot, game, play, match, pro, full game, HD, 1080p, VOD, VODS, lol vods, worlds vods, SN vs DWG, DWG vs SN, sn dwg, Suning, SN, Bin, SofM, Angel, Huanfeng, SwordArt, DAMWON Gaming, DWG, Nuguri, Canyon, ShowMaker, Nuclear, Beryl
Id: MPlGWKm-jdg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 53sec (3173 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 31 2020
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