Foxwoods Resort Casino 301 from New Hampshire | NASCAR Cup Series Full Race Replay

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the nerves are starting to get up the anxiety rising bush leads them off of turn four waiting for that starter to wave the green flag we're underway here in new hampshire [Music] see if drew using every bit of the race track they did not apply any pj-1 like they have here in years past but there is still some residual grip there from that pj one in the top groove in the very bottom groove the middle never had any pga one applied so it's still usable for part of the racetrack but the drivers will enter high and then exit low off the corners to get drive off let's watch his 12 car ryan blaney why is it so hard to pass here all the way to the bottom of the racetrack but down there the trap does not have the grip it has above that nice move to clear the car though the red car there a bell but now still a battle with hamlin bell all in the back now a stack up yeah larson into the back larson almost in the back of the car they're very careful to not get any damage we see stack ups here all the time particularly on restarts we had a big one yesterday in the xfinity race happens a lot at these tracks the bottom groove was really good early in the run yesterday christopher vela guy who we saw learn a lot in the xfinity race yesterday trying to move through this field take advantage of what he learned before all these other guys catch up the very first lap of the race let's ride along with the 22 of joe logano watch the 21 car on the outside drives in the corner gets on the brakes got really loose carr hit those bumps bottom out incredible save usually that ends up in a wrecked race car but those bumps are very difficult to get across car wants to wheel hop or lock up the tires across those bunks getting into turn three you do not have that issue into turn one see william byron completing the pass for the 21 of matt navedetto now running that middle lane trying to keep that momentum on corner exit 21 gonna contest continue on the inside down in that left rear you guys talk about into this rough oh you see the left front sparking that's how rough the racetrack is that'll get better as that air pressure we discussed builds up in the tires and it's kind of the that's like the slide up with mittens on alright i didn't hit you but you see me coming you're gonna have to leave me a little bit of room in the river really good just be easy here in the wall that's two cars it all of a start and started right all of a sudden just started raining really quickly in turn one bunch of the leaders there trouble bunch of the guys up front kyle busch leading the race first one to the corner in the rain you see the damage heavy damage to the 18 car the 19 of 2x another joe gibbs toyota i think hamlin has some damage too some damage on the 42 car ross chastain hamlin was backwards down in the middle of 1-2 not sure if he had any contact with any other cars yeah denny hamlin said his car is damaged and it was raining a good lap and a half before that so that's what all the drivers of course are going to talk about when uh we do have a chance to talk to him as it's still raining here on pit road [Music] heavy damage to the 18 i'm not sure this is even repairable and where they're at currently with multiple wins on the season i'm just not sure you know the value oh he's got the wind in that now pushing the pace car i don't believe i would do that yeah i wouldn't either it's definitely going to draw the attention to nascar there it goes some frustration let's take a look you know how this started why this started but look at the lack of grip everybody in the corner way up the track more cars back here with contact look at kyle bush just drives in the corner expected to have grip and it's just not there tracks wet big damage i've grown cars for two decades and i'm shocked at the lack of grip that you know i know that it's raining pretty hard out there we're in a we're in a booth and we don't really know exactly how much participation is coming down but i am shocked at the lack of grip that those cars have on that surface out there so when you talk about how nascar makes a decision whether the track should stay green or not they have both someone on the roof with the spotters they have the black man they also have workers spread around the racetrack they report into the tower on whether there should be rain or there should not be rain and it's a little surprising to me that i could change that quickly at a one mile racetrack you know a pocono a michigan a road course road america huge facilities it's hard to tell what could happen at the other side of the racetrack but it was very clear by the amount of devastation we see right here the track was too wet to continue i just don't know without understanding all the radio from nascar what the officials in the tower knew well what's needed makes it even more challenging steve is they just went through three and four and nobody had trouble down you know in three and four then they went in one and two and you saw everybody that was early had trouble and that the rest of the guys could react to that and get slowed down let's listen to denny hamlin's in-car uh so the caution wait but they're brought racks up on the caution from the beginning it's been raining since the beginning of the race nascar was trying to keep the cars on the racetrack keep it running hoping that uh the situation would take care of itself but unfortunately uh we've got some drivers that are gonna have uh have a lot of comments and opinions about that decision well and as a competitor you're relying on nascar to make that call right i mean it's one thing right it's one thing i said you should have just slowed down well nobody else is going to slow down and you're relying on them to make that call and clearly they didn't make the call as quickly as they needed to yeah crack track conditions overall been a point of conversation a couple weeks this year i mean here it was whether the track was dry enough to continue you go back to coda the question was was the rain too heavy to continue you know conditions on the racetrack and the communication between the drivers and nascar has definitely been a point of conversation this year yeah yeah look at the radar there's not like a sail that's been on its way here it's pop-up stuff around the racetrack that you see it i'm with you junior i'm shocked that it got that slick that quickly from where we are i mean we're on top of the grandstands in a booth looking onto the racetrack and i didn't even know it was raining i could not see out the windshield that it was out of the window that it was raining shocked that it was raining that entire time you know we've run here for years and years and as competitors and as broadcasters we see we see guys you know one small mistake in the corner and it's all it takes at this track to find yourself in the fence a bobble a lock up or anything we see guys going to backup cars and practice when we used to have practice here we'd have four or five guys going to backup cars with issues of practice just making mistakes and so forth so there's very very minimal room if none for an era or any kind of issue like that so any kind of dampness on the track at this particular track uh i could kind of see how this would have the result that it had thinking about how easily it is to get in trouble here we just started the show talking about kyle bush right here the guy that could take the momentum away he has been taking the fight and he had to go to sports and now he's sitting there saying i had nothing to do with this i had a chance to win this race i had a chance to change the momentum of this championship and here i am done potentially done for the day it could have done nothing different and that i don't i understand he's going to be frustrated and i understand that's the point of the frustration right is is as a competitor you want to be able to make some notes about how you could do something different what do you tell the 18 the 19 the 11. i mean you see the nine going straight up the track as well i guess he had a little bit of a heads up that because he saw the two in front of him not make the corner look behind a really nice job of see maddie d william byron chastain was up the racetrack it didn't make contact all those guys did a nice job not piling into each other so yes there is going to be some major frustration fun during the rain delay always expect these two guys out there throwing the football gunner that was a solid play right there pretty nice so uh there's corey right there oh see he can do he's gonna need some ice i knew he was slinging that thing up there too hard gonna need to rest nice it up we got a rain delay now the guys are getting back out on the racetrack here getting the car get back to their cars and it is going to be about five o'clock or just a little bit after before we get back to green uh just a few hours three hours possibly before sundown is that plenty of time for us to get this race in and what kind of other things are the teams dealing with in this situation so it normally takes about three hours to run this race so we're going to be right against darkness so we'll have to wait and see like if darkness starts coming and this race gets running longer nascar will have to make some kind of decision on how to deal with that but you know right now you're pushing it right how how are you going to have to deal with it you don't know right it may not be a problem so don't fix it unless there is a problem right that's what i was going to say is i don't want to get too far ahead of myself we're going to worry about that later right now it's all about trying to get back in your routine this isn't even really like a rain delay halfway through we've only run eight laps so wow some cars are affected the majority of the field got a little eight laps of practice and that's it so my biggest concern now is i'm making sure my driver is re-engaged whatever our normal pre-race routine is we're probably going back through it again making sure the pit crew guys didn't get a little relaxed make sure we know the tires are dry the lug nuts are dry you know this is a short race regardless if we run to completion or not it doesn't matter the point is is you know if you have a hiccup good luck trying to dig yourself out of a hole in only a 300 lap race i mean it is hard to do well you see pit road just a little bit damp they'll soon fix that up as soon as they get the cars off the pit road and onto the racetrack we got weepers down in turn one and two that they've been working on all morning long they've been cutting into the racetrack trying to release some of that water pressure they've been using the blowers here to to some effect and uh you have to imagine that that could be uh the only thing that really would drag this delay out and we're hearing now from nascar that there was a scheduled lap 30 competition yellow uh they basically said look you got a this is the comp yellow you have the opportunity to now put fuel in which is the big difference uh and i think that's them jeff looking at the same time of day as we are it's like listen these guys may wreck 20 times we can't change that we're not going to give you the freebie we're not we're going to leave that one in our pocket all right so we knew that some guys in the race last year stayed out at that comp yellow lap 30 lap 20. at lap eight is any i mean right now is anybody coming to pit road to do anything get gas or i think the only reason you would come is if something in the first eight laps felt so poorly so off that you've had now an hour or so to figure out hey we're going to make some adjustments we have this plan we're going to make big packer changes but you know maybe a big car change but strategy wise there would be no reason i would come back down road see alex bowman putting on those heat shields gives him a little protection of floorboards and these cars still get really really hot without those heat shields you can get blistered up heels really uncomfortable especially at a track where you have a lot of brakes all that brake temperature those brakes get to 1500 degrees and all that temperature is coming through the firewall into the right into the boot of that heel steve i think i think your point about getting refocused is really important i mean this race it's you know we only ran eight laps right just a few laps on the green and you got an idea what your car was like got a chance to sit down with your team and say okay here's what i'm dealing with and now you've had it now the team's had a chance to really start thinking about okay here's what he's dealing with here's what maybe we can change but also they also this track's gonna change a lot where it is right now to where it's gonna be when the the checkered flag falls there's gonna be a ton of rubber built up on this racetrack there's so many unknowns going into today it's been forever since we ran this racetrack without the traction compound on it so this just adds to the questions in my opinion uh because that early comment i made to you as a driver this is what my car is doing you know it's gonna completely be different 100 laps from now yeah i was only taken with a grain of salt even without the rain in the jet dryers that early in the race and we got to remember when we look at the playoff standings entering this race five races including this one remain in the regular season we have 12 names a lot of names that are in yellow for winning the race denny hamlin comfortably on points but danny and harvick they've got to they've got to think they have to win a race before the playoffs to at least have some momentum but now it's a big name kyle bush is out mark drax jr damaged let's just assume he seemed like his car wasn't going to be good enough we'll take his word for that you have to ask you know is this the chance for hamlet or harvick or i didn't have kurt busch guys last week i'll admit it i i was wrong he proved to us they could win a race who else are we are we maybe not giving reddick or busher maddie d can he off you know overcome the news of the week kind of like hey that's what kurt bush did they bought his team bad news and he went to victory lane well if this is a track maddy d could run well in and have a chance to win he's run well here in the past been one of his best race tracks penske has been really fast here so yes i think they came into this race thinking this is our best chance for the rest of the regular season to get a win so it it and it's never easy but it got a tiny teeny little bit easier with two of the big names falling out of this race early yeah i think one guy that is on that list outside the bubble is ross chastain and he's not only looking to win a race and prove everybody he belongs here but he's also trying to you know secure his next ride right we know that he doesn't have a contract right now going into next year with the sale of ganassi to track house so he's trying to audition for maybe a ride at track house or somewhere else so he's very confident wants to be here and we know that he will do whatever it takes we know that he's aggressive on the racetrack and just like kurt bush he's shown more pace in the last five or six weeks so i think he's a guy that could surprise and win a race he's got pace he might have pace here today but he's also been really quick at the road courses which has been a surprise too dale jarrett and i were standing down on the grid pre-race before the pre-race show came on and he was looking down in turn one he said you remember when the whole kind of run this race backwards pit strategy started you know like hey we're gonna run that long that last set of tires really long because that was a day i had a car i thought could win the race and all of a sudden there's some guys that just stay on the racetrack and they beat us and i bring that up because that's what can happen here you can have a great car you can have an awful car and we can see a string of cautions in the last 60 or 70 laps and it can change the entire complexion i'm not willing to call this a wild card because i think anybody who can win here is an impressive race car driving a race team but i think it is much less predictable than at some of the other racetracks we go to i'm just talking about ross chastain last week atlanta motor speedway ross chastain was close to going to lap down his teammate said hey i want the bottom so ross chastain decided to get him the bottom but when he did that he took the groove away from kyle bush kyle busch was not happy to race but not happy after the race but the result her bush going around his brother to get the win with the assist from his teammate ross chastain ross chastain being really good to i'd say a great teammate everybody high fiving him kyle bush didn't agree he didn't think it's so cool i think ross's comment was pretty clever where he said well i gave my you know kurt the bottom he asked for the bottom so i gave him the bottom of the track and that's he's telling the truth without really telling a lot so it was pretty interesting he was quick to quick to have that uh equip ready to deliver well i watched uh a couple things posted on nascar social media and they had a great replay with the spotter audio and the spotter down the back stretch was say hey you know your teammate wants the bottom so i i mean it was definitely without i won't say it with without controversy kyle didn't like it other drivers i'm sure didn't like it but in the end he controls his own race car and as you said he's driving for a job so maybe he's auditioning for another owner so look at me i'm a team player i'm a guy you hire me and i'm going to be part of the team i think one guy you said that you thought could win here today steve was willing byron and marty's caught up with him down in the pits let's chat with william junior as uh you mentioned drivers trying to get refocused before they strap in the car here so how does one kind of refocus after eight laps of chaos and then a bit of a rain delay it's tough i mean honestly not much to look at or review so uh you know our liberty university chevy felt okay you know we're we're loose but i think we're loose in the water spots mostly so i feel like we're gonna have a fast race car today we've been fast at all the 750 tracks so just got to go out there and feel it out feel like i can get more aggressive with it now that the track is dry so we'll see what happens so i saw you kind of looking at the racetrack wondering well is it dry is it actually dry how aggressive do you play this restart then are you gonna be honestly a little cautious to at least start you know i i think honestly it felt like low air pressure plus moisture before whereas i feel like now you're just gonna have that low air pressure new hampshire feel that the car kind of walks around for a couple laps so honestly for us just try to get through that that segment hopefully get some some more heat in my rear tires i know i didn't get a lot of heat in them to take off there so try to do a little bit more better job with that and and see what we have so i was talking to kyle larson before the race we were talking about how you all had been chatting about how henry it's been a tough race track for hendrick motorsports kind of what's been missing you feel like for hendrick here just the turn you know we just we just have to get our cars to turn i feel like we i feel like this week we took a little different approach to get it to turn and um you know it's it's so tough because you don't want to be out of the track with the rears and and you want it to turn it's it's like the perfect balance uh the toughest race track to do that at so uh hopefully our car turns well today and we can um you know have that kind of magic that it takes here at new hampshire so we talked about nascar kind of making this a competition caution if you look at pit road brad let's show pit road it's wet still so pit road still has a lot of drying to do so that's one of the reasons nascar smart call to say hey you know what let's give that a little bit more time to dry pit road's still very wet dylan and marty we saw martin trurex junior's issues and heard from him just a little while ago after that incident on the racetrack so the crew is waiting and they can't obviously work on repairing this damage until the red flag is lifted which we expect to come any minute so martin is behind the wheel of the race car and talking with james small the crew chief he has been up on the box since we got back out here since the rain stopped it and really since it started he's been up on the box overseeing the race car making sure that they have a plan in place so that as soon as they can go to work on this race car they're as efficient as they can be to lose as little time on pit road as possible so the left front is going to be the main area of emphasis you can see down at the bottom of the car there on the left front the splitter or the the bottom of the car has kind of been ripped away so that's dragging when martin drives onto the race track which is uh is obviously not a good thing so that's gonna be the main area of emphasis they got all four corners damaged though so they got some rear damage to work on they've got some right side damage to work on but this left front is going to be the primary area of focus and hopefully they can get it sorted out and truex will be able to get back on the racetrack and contend so that's the main the main goal for these guys right now and right now they're just waiting on that yellow flag to wave so they can get to work oh pep talk there by dylan they got all four corners damaged but i want to go back to william byron he said here at the 750 track so he's talking about that's the horsepower we're back at these types of tracks where they have all their horsepower right they're not really restricted down anymore they have 750 horsepower low downforce and the teams kind of categorize those right certain track 750 certain tracks 550 i think you saw right off the top of his head that's what he was referring to and you see from martin trex jr this dvp time remaining three minutes and 50 seconds basically that's total time allowed on pit road you start at six minutes the only way to get rid of that clock it doesn't reset it it throws it away it doesn't exist anymore if he can go reach minimum speed unless unfortunately he gets another incident then he'll start again at six minutes you know we're just talking to william byron and william byron's year steve has been really good i mean he's he's done a really nice job the last three races haven't gone very well but prior to that william byrne and this team have quietly had a really really strong year you see this 24 car in the front five a lot and they've just done hey that's such an improvement this year william's doing a nice job yeah when you go back and look at henry motorsport's decision rudy fuegle coming to join the 24. we don't know where this car is going to land in the playoffs but but that could be the move of the year so far from the 24. i mean here's hendrick here the fans getting fired up that can mean only one thing the drivers starting to crank the engines on these cars towards you making fun of me about track drying which i'm just going to say it's not dry yet i haven't thrown the towel in yet well listen i'm keeping a timer so okay right now right now by the time they go green i'm gonna say steve's gonna be closer to the wind i don't think that's really what the bet was but uh i'd like to lose this one i won't lie i like to see these cars get going again everything's competition up here well the fun thing is while they're you know the cars are on pit road that's slowing down the process of drying up the front half of pit road but the interest of pit road they're getting ready they have been working on that and that's actually driving pretty well looks like they've moved on from term one where the weepers were uh and had that taken care of pretty well once we can get the cars out there and circling around creating a little bit of heat of their own hit road dialed in should be throwing the green flag we talk about jet dryers we've got two different types of jet dryers that was the old-fashioned actually it's a jet engine just strapped to the back of the truck blowing hot air onto the racetrack drying it up we also have the airtight to just blow air it's compressed air across the racetrack to move the water off they don't do as good of a job of getting getting wet spots dried up they just move the water remove the red display the yellow so that means the crew in the 19th get to work what dylan welch was just talking about and that means the rest of the field can roll off i always get a little nervous in these situations as a crew chief i want to see my engine fire i want to hear my radio communication work i want to make sure all the parts and pieces are still working let's listen in to uh the number five driver kyle larson and they just announced to the field that they may shorten the race depending on time and or weather or both so they said they're going to try to get it in like normal but if it gets too dark or if rain comes back they will call it short okay well jeff that's what you talked about that's nascar letting the field know that hey you know sunset's around 8 20. we're gonna do everything we can but we want to let you know what we have going on and we've been in these situations before you know i remember time one time at charlotte motor speedway we went late into the night one time at uh texas we went late into the night i'd like to say that one great rule change that esker made is the official race used to be the end of stage two not so much anymore they came back so that might be a little long what we're gonna do is the end of stage two or halfway whichever is sooner so here at this race it would simply be the halfway mark at lap 150 remember no lights here so we need daylight to run getting to watch truex boys go to work try to repair that car he's gonna pull off pit road before the pace car comes by and puts them a lap down they're trying to lead the 22 car though coming on to pit road joe logano yeah i'm just really shocked by this well they're gonna they're gonna pit steve because they think they have a piece of rubber that might be caught somewhere they're going to go under the hood and it might be somewhere near maybe the throttle linkage and they're worried there might be a hung throttle situation and actually they just came on the radio as he was coming down pit road and said if we pit here we might get a two-lap penalty so they're saying asking joey to check the throttle joey gave him a thumbs up i'm gonna ask paul wolf exactly what all is going on here but they really felt like they had to come down pit road here and get that situation fixed well pit road is closed so i mean they told him it would be a two-lap penalty if they came down pit road so that's gonna be a big penalty obviously they felt like it was significant and it's closed because as you pointed out the jet dryers are working on pit road there are crew members trying to drive pet road right there i mean it's clearly closed with the red lights that's a shocking i was just saying how i get nervous about things not running and then the 22 pits that's going to keep me up at night for a couple more weeks i mean that's just an awful turn of events so it was a piece of debris steed in the throttle body that's what had happened i don't know how they found it or diagnosed it but they were worried it would get lodged in there and possibly cause a hung throttle certainly not what you want here at new hampshire and now there's some urgency to get them off of pit road or they're actually going to hold them here and make them serve their penalty now so marty why two laps did nascar say why two i i don't know that was tj major saying that over the radio i'm gonna try and get some verification on that but you can see them serving at least the one lap right here so take a look at this replay here let's watch the lower right that piece of rubber on the ground oh right here i know you guys have been waiting to see my improvements whatever that is man that was a big piece of that's crazy debris or something maybe that came in there maybe during that accident down in turn one it was a big enough issue for joey logano he felt that and they were concerned even under caution he could hang the throttle that's the only reason you would serve this penalty knowing you were gonna come down and serve a two-lap penalty i'm assuming steve that the two-lap penalty because of the trucks on the pit road the safety hazard of having trucks on pit road is a huge penalty they had a major concern for joey's safety i guess if if you're in joey's situation you're going to you know hope there's those opportunities early in this race to possibly you know get those laps back before the field starts to lap cars until multiple cars one lap down then he's trapped by himself two laps down and will not be able to get that wave around yeah because currently he'd be the only car lab down or even multiple laps down so a quick yellow he'd be getting his laps back right away so already in this race we're only 11 laps in three of the favorites with major issues joey logano now two laps down along with truex in the race in the wreck kyle busch in the wreck so the pit road closed no opportunity for for truex's guys actually get down pit road and do more additional work on that car okay paul harvey has showed up on the scene with the rest of the story it's not coming down at close pit road that is the trouble for the 22 of joe logano we are sitting under red flag look at the crew member open the hood flap and then reach in at no dice can't work on a car under red flag conditions nascar saw that and due to that you see the other crew members coming out but they have covers they have some other things this right here is clearly more than covering the car marty so that is the reason they have been held for two laps yep that is the two lap penalty i'm standing here with paul wolf and he's shaking his head yes that's what happened so he's talking to joey right now what exactly was it paul yeah it was unfortunate a piece of debris or something flew up off of the racetrack got up in the linkage there and when we went green there initially just uh wasn't getting wide open so uh we just had to fix it feel like our cars auto trader ford was fast but we're gonna need to get wide open throttle to be able to win this race there you go and obviously now down two laps they've got their work cut out for him steve i i don't know how they would make that up but putting all that puzzle together we appreciate paul wolfe's time there what a crazy start to this race today at new hampshire yeah first of all i agree with marty really appreciate paul wolfe i'm not sure i would have been in such a state of mind where i could have gave such a good interview um couldn't get wide open jeff i assume they saw that in the data like hey man why aren't you going to wide open what's the deal right they had that whole red flag or maybe they saw it live so an unfortunate situation but you called it two laps down what joey logano needs now junior is a quick yellow he wants a green a couple laps a yellow because the wave of around you know free pass is not just the the guy one left it's whoever is the closest car to the lead lap cars you can even be two laps down if you're the only guy yes no as long as nobody goes a lap down then he gets that pa he gets that free pass but uh you know he's gonna have to truex has some good pace in that car and they're able to repair it and a few of the other guys to back the field can continue pace and he gets that early yellow something something you know brings out that yellow i'm curious though steve you know you can't work on the car on the red flag and you know there's a caution you know you're going to come down pit road and work on the car without penalty so was the decision they maybe they don't see us you know what i mean like to me that was a mistake that was an unforced error in a bad situation it could have come down pit road and not served any penalty other than starting at the back of the line but working on the car in the red flag they're going to penalize you well what we don't know was that a crew member who thought he was in the right was a direction from the team marty you know those those bits of information never ever seem to come out but i do agree with jeff it was a uh unforced error we'll see we talked about 10 cent parts all the time let me show you the debris that's all the debris was it was in the throttle body and obviously joey could not go full throttle with that debris just that little piece and it's like a piece of rubber that's come off of a tire maybe and that's the debris that caused joey logano to lose those two laps man it's been an intense day and i know this felt pretty intense up here in the booth kyle petty dale jerry down in the bench what's the move down there well i'd have to say this might be the strangest uh 10 12 laps of start of a race that i've ever seen and been a part of with all the crazy things that have been happening here but as from a driver's perspective i think the biggest thing getting your mindset back right to go racing again on this racetrack trusting in the fact they've got it dry now and seeing what your car can do yeah trusting in the fact that the racetrack's dry now we know the tires have a few laps on we heard william byron talk about air pressure and all this stuff all everything's been washed off again so it's a green racetrack how tentative are these guys or how aggressive because you're gonna have both ends of the spectrum some of these guys are gonna make it up in this first turn as soon as we go back green some of them are gonna slack back a little bit uh it's crazy to think we've lost two cars we've had a car belt last two laps the only thing working right now is the coffee maker over in the truck that seems to be the only thing normal this week yeah we're going to need that but you know you were talking about joey logano and needing a quick caution i was always very hesitant as a driver knowing that a caution would help me out because i either was the caution or i ended up in somebody else's caution and we were in worse shape than we were so we'll see what happens here but i expect things to be a little bit on the calm side as we start back yeah junior i'm going to throw it back up to you and i hope you guys are a lot calmer during this race than y'all were during that rain delay right there because it was getting a little out of control oh man i have a lot of fun with the rain field but uh let's take a look at how we got here it's been quite a while so if you're just tuning in got the race started kyle busch jumped out to an early lead over martin trex jr just eight laps into the race we had weather on the racetrack down in turn one and two too much rain slick track accomplished in the wall multiple cars out of control heavy damage to both the 18 and the 19. the 19 made some repairs to their car the 11 and then handling with a little bit of damage goes around this is on board with truex watching work the steering wheel just no grip and nothing to do unfortunately the night team's able to work on their car still some heavy damage but still on the racetrack the 18 on the other hand though heavy damage stylish not happy with the nascar showing his displeasure at the expense of the pace car then they just do not have enough to be able to do to this car so they had to load it up going home and then under red flag joe logano wasn't able to get wide open the crew member goes in gonna try to fix it but you can't work on the car in a red flag two lap penalty so joey logano starting this race two laps down well now the competition caution is finally official the pit road will be open this time i don't think we expect to see anybody pit towards the front of the field cars cruising through turns three and four so approaching the entrance to pit road we've run six green flag laps and i'm i can't imagine that we've ever in a race has been this confusing in six laps i mean it's so much happened already so far nobody taking the turn down to pit road the road still closed actually guys they did not open pit road that time by and i think it's because down here turn one and two we still have some trucks on the racetrack that are drying the weepers that have been a problem all morning long down here turn one and two they've been grinding into this racetrack cutting holes drilling holes trying to relieve the pressure in the water underneath the surface right there it's still continuing to give us some problems and we see that they'll i've seen this before they get this fixed then they put cars on the track the pressure of those cars pushing down on the track around those weepers pushes that water up out of the surface and they continue uh to bring moisture up on the surface of the racetrack so hopefully he'll get that riveted up we'll be able to hit road well with all that excitement chase elliott leads kurt bush second bowman third bell fourth blainey fifth kozlowski reddit larson harvick and maddie deeds the top ten looking at the radar luckily there's no more thread of rain and uh just the threat of darkness is what most of these teams are worried about a new nascar every lap they run under caution that delays the end of this race a few more minutes later into the day so that's this is already a difficult race to call as a crew chief strategy wise steve now you got to throw in the idea or potential that you may be not running all 301 laps today so you know nascar is going to officiate it and let the teams know if they can't run it all can run it all i'm already hitting my engineer hey man you google when sunset is i need to know when that is let's put that little clock on the on the pip box because you know they can't change the world they can run this race as hard as they want to run it and we try to get as many laps as we want but with no lights here darkness is darkness so as we run here barring the cautions barring how this race runs i'm making sure my engineer is staying ahead so i'm going to call a race to the sunset even if nascar hasn't told me yet because you can't run in the dark so once you get inside of the window to make it to the finish of a 301 lap complete race you're coming to pit road asap that's yellow i'm on pit road for sure and to your point i may start guessing if it's not 301 right if it turns into a 280 or a 260 i'm going to try to be the first guy to figure that out be the first guy to figure that out yeah you were you were quite the gambler that final season so i think you'd probably guess pretty good you know you have i mean it's uh all that technology is available to all of them you just have to take advantage of everything you can find right now so they're coming down pit road got to start in the back anyway so going trying to get work done see parts and pieces flying off the car but they've got to be careful we have not restarted so that damage vehicle clock continues to run it was at 350 earlier it takes 30 seconds or so to run pit road plus as long as you're sitting in your pit box does pretty good work to get that thing raceable on the racetrack and i think the biggest question for for them and performance wise for the performance of the car is probably that left front splitter the damage to it and how that's gonna affect the handling of cars it's really critical at this racetrack as flat as this place is that splitter works properly gives you the advantage and downforce you want but also isn't so low it's all over the racetrack taking away front grip yeah we're here and he's looking around a minute left on his clock so i'm not very close i don't know if i would come back down pit road let's listen to tyler redick's radio what these guy's talking about well i'm officially cold like freezing it's chilly in here it's always something either too hot too cold way way i don't think too cold in here just give it a minute just give it a minute it's about to warm up see the temperature it has been chilly i mean 67 degrees i looked at my phone this morning at 62 degrees and walked outside and it was going to stay under 70. i was pretty surprised those temperatures here this time of year but uh humidity is really high party what you got let's chat with adam stevens christopher bell sits in four so this is an interesting start to the race isn't it so how do you play this comp caution do you think many of the front runners will come down at them or not i think we're close enough to the front that we'd be a fool to give up our track position you know we only have a couple laps on the tires we're damage free we didn't lock tires up really no motivation to pit here but a lot of guys in the back have no reason not to so they can come get some tires and some fuel and see if they can make their way forward so what advice do you give christopher on this restart because obviously with how things were the track seems to be ready and fine but there's still weepers down there in one and two you just got to be careful you know he's done a really good job so far keeping us out of trouble and just staying under it you know you think you have a little margin but if it gets wet that margin gets going in a hurry there you go and christopher sits in four so don't expect the 20 car on pit road during this comp caution all right so i can confirm green light on pit road now and what adam stephen said makes perfect sense right so bell and fourth isn't going to pit but who will newman in 20th eric jones 21st maybe stenhouse 22nd if you look even farther back though hello bubba wallace had to start at the back he's up to 27th fresh tires could help a car all the way back there we'll see if anybody hits from the back of the field diddy hamlin's gonna come down pit road involved in that issue and he brings everybody behind him that's always something that happens you get one guy coming down pit road and everybody follows him marty you see the 11 denny hamlin coming down pit road and you guys mentioned pretty much everybody behind him including the car that he owns bubba wallace so some four fresh goodyear tires here for denny hamlin and again remember they were part of the cars that spun on that incident very early on in the race but no damage for the 11 car unlike his teammates kyle busch and martin druid jr rest of the field finishing up their pit stops getting back onto the racetrack mark strix jr and his team trying to make final adjustments to the damage on this car so impressive what these teams can do so impressive what these teams can do to get these cars repaired using a lot of that clock yeah i mean it's really not a lot of time to make those kind of repairs he's going to finish with a few seconds left he's got to get off pit road though so what the crew chief does is he logs on to a website nascar provides the competitors and he has this same clock on top of the pitbox that's how he can cut it so close now five seconds that's a little bit too close for me maybe but hey you know take advantage of all this time you have and uh you know right there james small doing a nice job managing it all but that's why he knows with some confidence what the time situation is i'm impressed by the the quality of repair i think that that to me is something teams spend a lot more time on uh and usually you know they're you come down pit row that kind of damage and cutting everything off uh and now you guys can almost repair the car perfectly and even beyond that knowing when they had to send them off pit road to be able to meet that time before he got right he had to leave his pit box and james smalls knew if he runs a spit road speed it's gonna take him this many seconds to get to the end of pit road he got him there five seconds to spare that's using every second you've got now a little risky little gamble what if martin truex would have stumbled the car leaving the pit box little problem their day would be over so pushing all the limit but gambling at the same time nascar is asking the drivers thumbs up or thumbs down for track conditions looks like the flag man's preparing to give the field one to go well we'll get a little choose right here be our first use of the day yeah this is the first time that the cup series has used the choose rule at this racetrack this was implemented last year after the race here in new hampshire last year's race the lead control car typically the top lane was popular yesterday in the xfinity race jeff me and you both saw both lanes be an advantage for whoever controlled the restart so i think it matters who's behind you whether where the teammates you have are at where they're lining up at but typically i think we're gonna see that that leaked car picked the top and chase elliot he's on the inside with kurt bush on the outside i think the bottom of the racetrack on low air pressure without that traction compound up in the third lane appears to be where you want to go because it seems like that less bacon in the corner you would think is a disadvantage but it's heating those tires up quicker it's working those tires and you just want to drive as much heat into your car as you can at this racetrack one of the most difficult race tracks to get restarted on no grip whatsoever when they enter 37 car round priest has to go to the back field too fast exiting pit road the field comes to the restart geico zone for the restart of this race lap 23 of stage one and we're back underway cross-chest dane three wide entered turn one on the apron sure it is i've never seen that before it's gonna work out for him though down the back straightaway kurt busch takes the lead away chase elliot working the bottom of the racetrack here trying to get up on the inside of this number one car off turn four how about kurt busch last week's winner lead early today never count that guy out look at christopher elliott all over the he loves this racetrack seems to be a great match for him he's worked his way up into the top five going after chase hilly right on the bottom christopher bell in the xfinity race yesterday use that same move look at chase elliott trying to keep christopher bell from advancing on him yesterday i thought it was christopher's car that was so good that was allowing him to roll that bottom of three and four but it's something that christopher knows and utilizes at this racetrack he can wrap the bottom against that apron so well patience in the throttle i was just gonna mention as we watch this battle right here now for the lead the 19 of martin trex jr all that talk about the clock he met minimum speed so he's all set take as much time as he needs under the next yellow continue repairs think about this racetrack you can make up a lot of time on corner entry christopher bell that time did not do it but down in turn three really drove deep into the corner let's see if he does it this time chase had a great one and two put a big gap on him to ryan blaney try that car way in the corner doesn't even try to stay on the bottom just slides right up in front of curt having a little bit of trouble here as he's starting to fade back through the field brad keselowski on the inside of this 48 it's gonna allow reddick to get to the outside of his car great little battle between these guys ready doing a little bit of a crossover now underneath the two car brad kuzlaski down the back straight away good-looking race car brad's got brad now trying on the crossover move on reddick to the inside of the eight car down the front stretch what a race track man this place is so much fun for drivers now ready for he tried again not gonna cross over he's gonna stay on the outside try to push this 48 guard down the back straight away maintain the outside on the two car brackets last getting to three brad's gonna dive down in there we saw blaney do the same thing now brad needs to wash up in front of the 48 take his line away he's gonna do that right behind them ross chastain five car of kyle larson have been battling watch about three wide chat staying at start on this race look at him drive underneath matt devendetto goes all the way to the apron on the racetrack something see that up when he transitioned back onto the racetrack vapor you can use here seeing a lot of restarts yeah there's no out of bounds at this racetrack chastain working hard trying to stay on the outside of kyle arson sends that car hard into the center turns one and two great momentum off the corner here good pace a little bit of a bobble off the corner a little bit of damage on that left rear the 42. i don't think anything will hurt him yeah that happened in that issue we had with the rain in turn one and two larson just can't quite get clear of chastain a little more pace and a better better speed through the corner but can hang on that outside and frustrate kyle clap after lap here caution's out on the racetrack we've got a car spun out on the front straightaway exiting turn four 38 car anthony alfredo got turned around you see damage to the right front the left or the right rear as well big break for joey logano we talked about how do you get back in this race if you're the 22 car well unfortunate for anthony alfredo you mentioned a junior big damage but that will be one of his two passes back for the driver the 22. yeah if you're two laps down it's got to get to one so frustrating trying to get those laps back but this is going to work out perfectly and you see anthony getting loose up underneath bubba wallace spins himself out running 25th when this happened onboard the 19 car bubba's trying to do a traditional exit where you enter the corner high and kind of come off a little bit lower and straighter and then he makes contact fit himself out there and bubba wallace after that came down pit road must have cut the left rear tire on that 23 car it is cut you can see how the car's sitting on the race track so he was fortunate that in that contact alfredo actually spun if alfredo hadn't spun he would have that flat tire under green conditions into turn one that had a bit tough would have felt like rain on the racetrack it would have been the same results hey man too soon sorry sorry nascar drive is your last race day companion follow your favorite driver with high-definition in-car cameras or select an alternate camera angle to see more action select up to eight different cameras or watch four at a time with a malta bolt-out camera view visit drive or download the nascar mobile app today let's go back and watch this great battle for brad keselowski tyler reddick tyler reddick running that outside line what that allows him to do right there allows him to turn left keslowski having trouble getting off the corner because he's got the car pinched off trying to turn that's an advantage to redick so kazolowski says hey you know what i watch what you did so he runs the car up the racetrack now he turns left knowing tyler redicks will have the same problem on corner exit and goes and takes spot back great fun racing by those two guys now the stress of new hampshire's kind of starts on pit road because nine laps on that run right there 42 laps to go in the stage i was kind of watching some of the cars that pitted frisco was the last car on old tires but eric jones mcdowell hamlin they were making good moves through the field i said good but they had passed six or seven cars and eight laps that's pretty good in my opinion so uh we'll see if anybody decides to pin and if the guys that have hit decide to stay out i'll be surprised if anybody in the front you know half of the front top five or so gives up that track position but if one of them does come does it peel the rest of the field down pit road similar to what we saw with denny hamlin when he brought half those guys in one of the toughest things about calling this race junior to be quite honest is to try to understand what everyone around you has yeah because you're like well is that guy fast or is he on new tires i mean there's so many different strategies marty it's hard to just keep them all straight from pit road you see bubba wallace on there on pit road trying to clearance the left rear william byron meanwhile says he ran over something on the racetrack i don't see any damage on the front but he said i think i might have a flat potentially rudy fuegel said hey just feel it out for a little while i think it you should be okay everything to them looks up in terms of the tires but william's certainly concerned that he hit some debris on the track i think the reason pit road may not be open yet guys there's a lot of concern about one and two especially below that line on the bottom of the racetrack is here comes pit road and now it's finally open dylan and a couple of hendrick cars in there's alex bowman who pissed from inside the top 10 his report car just a little bit tight he needs to point better to get off the corner going to make a couple big adjustments air pressure tape and track bar on the 48. marty kyle arson has been pretty happy with his car dylan he's pitting the other hendrick car coming down pit road here more fresh goodyear tires for kyle larson william byron also going to take advantage of this caution just to make sure that if he did indeed hit some debris those four fresh goodyear tires should take care of it all the crew chiefs telling the drivers be careful on pit road exit it is a little damp below the line now we've got multiple cars multiple strategies three or four different strategies going on throughout the field the green flag coming up after this [Music] so nascar on nbcsn is brought to you by credit one bank the official credit card of nascar visit and by toyota [Music] aero coverage brought to you today by geico so many fans here at new hampshire a lot of camping this is such a great race track for fans to come see concerts going on on saturday night kind of a carnival atmosphere steve you know this place pretty well a lot of fun oh i love it up here been coming for years even before i ever was part of the sport as a little kid up in new england this was it when and i'm telling when the cup series came here this was the mecca of motorsports for new england it continues fields coming off the turn four getting ready for another restart [Music] chase elliott christopher bill bring him to the start finish line bryan fellaini pushing his friend chase elliott down into turn one look at christopher bell though wow he's gonna clear almost clear the nine car down the back straightaway chase elliot making a rebound here we got a spin off turn two the 51 car it's cody ware still battle for the lead right here stay under green on turn four chase elliot using that third lane to clear christopher bell bell and blaney both still running the bottom of the racetrack right behind these guys you got brad keselowski kurt busch kevin harvick working his way through the field that four car has struggled all year to deliver the results that we're used to seeing from this team looking great out of the gate here early in new hampshire down into turn one big big racing back here three wide well these are the guys that decided to come to pit road william byron bowman larson all with fresh tires and looking for real estate it's the most dangerous part of the race if you went back there to get tires you're in the middle of this chaos do not need to get damaged right now could mess your entire day up battle for second on top ryan blaney takes that away from christopher bell christopher looking really good on that restart but starting to fade back here in the third position fortunately larson knew he was three wide didn't move up the racetrack and get into the side of amarola you mentioned the spin but we stayed green right here 51 of cody ware just gets loose that's off turn two looking up the back straight away spins around but no contact nice job right here straight the car right back up kept underway mata benedetto getting around kurt busch for seventh spot looks like that one's struggling dylan they are junior kurt busch just reporting on that last run that he is just loose everywhere so falling back here you see him under fire from his teammate something else that they're battling though is the radio so every time kurt presses the button inside the cockpit it sticks for a little bit it'll eventually kind of sort itself out and the crew can talk to him but while the button is stuck he has no communication with the pit box because nobody can talk because the buttons hung up so kind of a product maybe of the weather and the rain that maybe got inside the electronics something that we a lot of times see when it rains at racetracks like this but just another hurdle for this one team to overcome today marty a little further forward matt de benedetto sitting in the seventh position at one of his better racetracks he's finished top six in the last two races here talked to maddie d obviously the tough news this week that he will officially not be back with the wood brothers and jonathan hassler as crew chief talked to him before the race and said listen i know you need to go feel like you have to prove things to the garage area you want another ride just don't try too hard i know you put a lot of effort in give it your best don't over try trying to get another gig certainly a good point by the young crew chief hassler to matt de benedetto trying to get a job for next year marty that is a great point everybody works so hard in this sport to be able to be successful and move forward you can try too hard and make things worse get yourself in bad situations gotta temper that great advice from a young poochie the battle back here in the pack between these cars on tires and trying to work their way through the field getting around slower cars is fascinating rick stenhouse right here in front in front of the 22 car of legato looking at truex getting around him in that 19 car and it stayed consistent here you mentioned the tires the top 11 are all the drivers that have yet to pitch everyone who has stayed on the racetrack has stayed in the top 11. so coming to pitt road and getting fresh tires has put you back in this mess and with 29 to go they still haven't overcome really anybody who decided to stay on the racetrack yeah look at the truex fans they got to be happy with the pace in that car he closes in on the 17 car chris busher and i'm surprised 2x's car is as good as it is left front splitter is completely gone he won't quit he'll fight all day right in front of them six car ryan newman ryan newman may be looking for somewhere to go next year maybe not done racing in this series here's the battle for third brad keselowski christopher bell brad trying to take it away christopher trying to stop that from happening that two car kind of looks like the tron car marty what you got on this two pretty cool looking car hitting it for back keslowski this weekend you know steve we had that debate last week in atlanta when brad told me before that race hey new hampshire must win for us i asked him again this morning new hampshire still a must win as he gets the third spot there from christopher bell maybe and he said yes it still is he said listen what i meant was if we're gonna have a shot at phoenix we need to run well today we need to show the 750 package this tire the same exact one we'll use to run for a championship we need to run well in that and prove it to everybody else too but mostly ourselves to show that we can do it that's what he meant by that obviously they did it last year and they were in that championship for and arguably had the fastest car in the championship race as well yeah marty you know i would say with some good pit stops that two car kazlowski could have won that race defeating us last year won the championship led the most laps here won this race last year you know that he wants to repeat that another car that has another drive that has a great car today is denny hamlin in the 11. he was in that accident in the rain in turn one came in made some slight repairs pitted at lap 20 for some fresh tires and now he's driven all the way up into the 10th position he's the first guy junior to pass some of those cars that have stayed out austin dillon in the three custer and the 41 right behind him they are still on the original tires of the race so he's a little bit of a tire advantage but the car just looks like it's handling pretty well mr toyota driver update denny hamlin 10th right now he started in six has fifth hit it on the early laps of the race to get down pit road and get off sequence worked his way back through and that's no surprise man we see this guy run up front at this racetrack it's almost an automatic when you come here and you're going to see denny hamlin either winning the race or in the in the picture when they cross the finish line the question what what is it about danny hamlin that makes him so good at richmond martinsville loudon phoenix the short tracks i think he's a short track you know his roots his his roots are from the short tracks uh the lemon stock race tracks from north carolina south carolina virginia so when he comes a place like this he feels at home he knows how to get around it another thing i think that makes denny hamlin so good is he's able to repeat lap after lap he's a precise driver he can do if you do it once he can do it 100 times and he can hit those marks and get off the gas exactly at the right time rhythm matters at these racetracks that's what he's so good at 300 cars still trying to get their way back up through the field almost working together and working their way toward toward the top ten bowman in 13th and byron getting around eric jones in that familiar 43 car look at larson it's so fun to see a driver just attack the corner drive way deep in the corner roll the bottom see if he does it to his teammate these guys have kind of been in this order since they came off pit road now with a little bit of clear traffic to be able to race with each other instead of other cars they're trying to get around see who has the better car kevin harvick man he has run some really quick laps got around tyler reddick he's closed in on christopher bell this has to create some excitement on top of that pit box rodney childers kevin harvick we're used to seeing them win races right up front you know that rodney childress is loving what he's seeing right now [Applause] [Music] [Applause] we got a great battle for the lead brewing here between two great friends chase elliott but ryan blaney wants to take that away from him down into turn one blaney's been closing in lap traffic's been creating some opportunities for blaney laney strength has been on corner exit been able to beat chase elliott leaving the corner this time he's able to turn underneath him let's see what he can do on corner entry front brake road is glowing red washes up the racetrack couldn't keep it on the bottom but right here is where blainey's car has been good but having to pinch the car off in the middle hurt the ex at that time let's sit back there and try to regroup rebound close back in on chase oh chase with a big moment right there in the corner back steps out from him we saw that earlier on quarter entry from the nine car slipping that right rear in the middle of one and two now his teammate has a little more position on him he's just going to take that lead away i think chase says all right man i need to i need to calm down here and get back in the rhythm ryan blaney your new leader we saw this some yesterday where tires would kind of get overheated you had to just calm down and cool them off or you'd continue to lose time let's take another look at this move right here blaney underneath the nine that glow the brake rotor pretty common when a driver especially is trying to push hard and pass another car for the lead or another car for position running behind that car you have a little less air getting in those ducts you're pushing hard as you can see chase getting loose behind them go back live see kevin harvick trying to take third place from christopher bell why is it hard on the bottom of the racetrack there's just less banking down there there's less grip card just does not stick the way it does in that second or even third groove barbic using that bottom just left sides on that white line hoping to hoping to use alfredo as a pick right here he's going to hope to catch that 38 car and be able to up the 20s going to be able to clear now he's able to get around the 38 of anthony alfredo but this has brought reddick into the battle here reddick showing some great pace here early in the eight car for richard childish racing reddick talks about how he's had to work really hard to learn how to get around this racetrack it's pretty technical and difficult and he spent a lot of time trying to understand how guys like kevin harvick and denny hamlin have so much speed and pace here looks like it's paid off oh loose right there saw the back of that eight car step around see it's still wiggling typically what you fight here is a very tight car in the center of the corner so you see those guys using that apron turning down low off the corner under that line to try to de-wedge the car put the left front on that flatter banking and it helps the car turn sometimes they can shear or slip the right rear tire and get loose so you see what harvick's done he's changed his approach he's now running high entering the corner of course now underneath bell he's got to run that low entrance but not all the way to the line like we saw him before use a more race track hoping now he can turn and that allows him not to turn the wheel as much right here keep both rear tires equally planted so it doesn't spin the rear tires [Music] this is where his weak point has been that time he just overdrives the entry able to still keep it on the bottom oh i think chris he showed christopher bell the bumper a little bit on the back on the front straightaway left before christopher says here you can have the spot mr harvick here comes ready taking advantage of it [Music] reddick's gonna try to get two for one here i don't think it's gonna work though harvest gonna get a great run here christopher bell back to the outside of the eight car down the back straight away [Music] reddick's in a difficult position because he's as he moves forward and can clear the 20 he's up under the four car then and can't finish the corner and you see what it caused [Music] oh harvard trying to negotiate a lap car there reddick trying to stay the inside of chris robel fighting hard low on the racetrack [Music] i get so nervous when we watch guys drive into the corner on the inside of each other that that car on the bottom is going to get loose up into the door of the car on the outside we see that time and time again here as you talk about the grip level on the bottom of the racetrack it's heretic right there see what he's able to do he went up the racetrack something they didn't try to wrap the white line it's kind of just to say in the bell hey look man this is my track i'm gonna run you up there if you're in my way here comes kazlowski trying to advance on yeah elliott got great pace same as last year a race-winning car we haven't seen good speed from brad it's quite a while since he's been sort of negotiating his future and what that means for him i think it's taking a focus away from their performance and he's at a track where he dominated last year run really well and won the race seems like the team's back on track again today okay elliott clearly has some work to do on his race car not bad but not winning speed right now between the cycles track changing as well as well as all these laps on the tires see the 53 car garrett smith league getting well out of the way of these two as they battle for second [Music] brad's still working that bottom still trying to hassle this nine car up off the corner here getting his mirror a little bit down the straightaway gonna go in the corner with him trying to upset the arrow on the back of that nine up the track the nines slips a little bit that's going to give brad a position here on corner exit quite able to clear so you saw him sort of go in the corner on the back bumper on the left for quarter panel the nine it set the nine just up over that that last seam brad really had the spot could have taken it away finally in three and four he completes the pass right out in front of these guys blaney's out to a 1.8 second lead all that work there helps blaney out a little bit as we close in on the end of the stage blank lady's going to come around and get the white flag [Music] bj mcleod in the 78 does a nice job it's a hard track to stay out of the way i mean the line's so wide these leaders could not go anywhere ryan blaney right here down into turn one on the final lap of stage one great pace from this his piskey car him and brad keselowski both out in control of this field [Music] should be good momentum for blaney if he can win this stage and maybe continue to have a successful day exits turn four all clean lap traffic ahead and ryan blaney will claim stage one lady's four stage win in 2021. you mentioned it penn state teammates one and two in this stage joey logano still a lap down from that earlier penalty bell hamlin chastain maddie d larson top 10. larson restarted 19th on those tires took him that entire time to get all the way back to 10th there's the lobster everybody's trying to win today not for these guys trouble early but a lot of racing left a lot of great action here new hampshire we'll be back so welcome back nascar cup series action fox woods resort casino 301 pit stops up coming up so let's get down to marty snyder in the pits hey i just want to make a real quick point kyle busch had the number one pit stall today there you see it on the right hand side of your screen well they're out of the race look who has the number two pit stall brad keselowski what an advantage that is steve they will have in essence the number one pit stall for the rest of the day they'll be able to shoot straight out of their pits dylan and the first pit stall at the head of pit road is the nine car chase elliot a little bit loose as his report but doesn't want to change too much cars pretty good to make a track bar justin you see there add some tape to the grill four goodyear tires and sunoco fuel as well for our defending champion ryan blaney and as well said he was a little bit tight wanted to roll the center there in the center of your screen and kevin harvick just said he needs more rear grip as you saw him struggle to get out of his box there marty sit outside can take advantage of whatever they have inherited that's the number one pit stall now he said the car just way too free for much of that run for him and he slides he's actually going to lose spots in that transaction they made a fairly big adjustment said he was way too free for much of that run needed the left rear in the track a lot more race off pit road brought to you by pnc bank hamlin plus five laney you see it right there christopher bell how long's it been since you said harvick first car off pit road that's crazy picked up three spots let's check in with kyle petty and dale jared see what's going on guys that's i don't know who we talked about how crazy this race was when it started who figured or who had in their fantasy league three fords in the top five at the end of stage one the forts have shown up here i i mean it's been fascinating to watch how well they work in the corner through the center of the corner and can get positioned yeah and it's going to be interesting to see with your adjustments made as this racetrack continues to cool off as the temperature goes down out here what's going to happen uh with all of that so i think we saw some drivers that are needing some really good runs to step up here this afternoon and really do the job in that first stage the other thing cal fascinating to watch drivers especially the veteran drivers work and work and work to make a pass we saw brad work so hard there just to get that second spot if you're a young guy watching racing you're watching guys set up each other and that that's the amazing part watching brad he set up the non-car he took advantage of it he tried he tried he figured out where the weakness was and was able to do it i know we're getting ready to go green but who would have figured that we could mount a camera on top of mount washington in the northern part of new hampshire and catch us on the back of this truck i mean i would have never believed that either yeah we've been a little bit everywhere it's really fun racing and to watch this and i think the intensity is only going to ramp up as these drivers really don't know how long they may go here this afternoon yeah well kevin harvick leads the field down the front straightaway he's got to think his pit crew for that great piss stop work does the first laps he's led since darlington back in may so and he's got great pace in this race car today we've seen him drive up through the field i mean i didn't see him coming out here and beating denny hamlin and the rest of these guys to win this race but he very well could do it you and i had a conversation about fantasy teams how's he going to run i had him in the top 10 you know six seven eight i i just didn't see this out of the four doing a nice job you see stage one points blaney with ten larson comes in with one so that can help your fantasy team and you know kyle petty picks on being everywhere on the racetrack i can assure you of one thing yeah reddick right there red x points right there that's critical for that team as they look at a potential win for harvick or just themselves just trying to fight to stay above that bubble that's really important for them anytime they can get any stage points uh they're a few far between for that team days capitalizing i was gonna say oh kyle petty and dale gary if we could have a camera on mount washington they would be all the way down to foxwoods sponsor of the race yeah it's beautiful i've been there good place to hang out you know think about that if somebody were to you know outside that top 16 win at daytona or or pull some great strategy somewhere and that makes that interesting battle between reddick and austin dillon very important teammates yeah because then we got those rogue daytona for sure but i mean chastain rums you've mentioned it a couple times he runs pretty good at the road courses got the clan and indy see the guys negotiate the choose rule right here [Music] so now are we gonna finally set into a little bit of a rhythm you know that first stage was broken up of any stage we have seen this year this second stage longer it's a hundred and you know 10 laps 104 laps to go currently so now will they be able to sit into a little bit of a rhythm dylan guys real quick pit road's a tricky place take a listen to what chase elliot battled on that last stop and that box was super slick leaving like a broken axle or something yeah it's a common complaint here unfortunately yeah we heard about that uh yesterday with uh your son harrison burton complained he's like i knew we had that in the notes i should have done a better job in the pit stall right there so unusual challenge for a certain track here is very slick stalls getting in and getting out coming up on the restart guy goes on echo restart zone is denny hamlin on the inside and kevin harvey's going to get a great start then handler had big-time wheel spin ross chest stain takes a 3-1 down into turn one again on that apron through the water he's not scared now three wide into turn three everybody's got to be aware chest ain't deep down into turn three and blaney's like i was leading race and now back into this mess now blaney fights back to the inside see up ahead the battle for second between the eight car of tyler reddick doing an amazing job today chase was pushing the limits right there got his right front tire almost over that third seam no grip outside of that yeah you wouldn't think there would be much difference you could see the difference in the color of the asphalt in that third seam that the nine car runs to the middle of the corner you can tell they're very faded on that outside really old asphalt if you put the right front tire the right rear tire out there it's definitely going to go for a slide you saw that left front splitter dragging on the eight card down the straight look how loose he is that's just super low air pressure that's gonna make the car drive really well late in the run but early in this run the car just wiggles all around feels horrible and look who's in the top five here trying to take advantage of the mistakes denny hanlon in this 11th car holding in on this eight tyler reddick down the front straightaway into term one running to the bottom of the racetrack he's going to give this 11 card to any hamlet an opportunity to create some momentum he's getting a little bit of a hassle by brad keselowski maybe not allowing denny to finish the corner the way he wants to 12 card laney working his way back up through he's gotten around a few new cars including ross jastine ross has fallen back to ninth place that's a pretty bold move right there looks like kesalowski thinks he's got a little more pace than denny's gonna try to get around this 11 car off the turn too then he's going to fight back on the outside and i'm surprised at how those cars were able to get down into turn three that deep and it sticks look at where he comes off the corner he loses almost no time making that much of a commitment to the entry was this battle continues up front one driver who had a little bit of trouble i wasn't sure what happened to 14 of chase briscoe that's him rolling that's not the slow motion that's he's rolling around the apron and now he's about two-thirds of a lap behind and sensory fire let's listen in so he had some sort of low oil protection the engine shut off or wouldn't run the full song he apparently reset it or the car corrected itself he's now underway but 24 seconds behind the leader last car the lead left that's so frustrating that's that check engine light you keep ignoring at home the official bikes look at this good last key is all over the back of tyler reddick tyler's going to be a difficult pass watch kozlowski let's see if he tries to turn that car on corner exit to get a run that's what he's trying to do redick with good exit speed though you see it help keslowski so now he learns something can if he gets close enough to tyler reddick can he use that to ultimately try to make a pass i'm surprised by the amount of grip these guys are finding in that bottom groove i wonder if some of that temperature you mentioned earlier in the 60s i mean this is a track that i think you know we come up here entire test in the spring when it's cooler and it seems like the car has more grip i think it's that but it's also the applications of pj-1 in years past now we've applied it to that very bottom groove in the third lane but we practice we run xfinity cars we run modifieds and all sorts of vehicles you can see the difference in the color and that third lane is a little bit lighter i think that the pj-1 is still pretty active on that bottom groove maybe giving these guys an advantage you think you can help design a sweet paint scheme for kevin harvick well butch beer we're going to give you that chance follow bushbeer on twitter and tweet the hashtag buschliteapple and the hashtag sweepstakes during the last three laps of the remaining stages to enter pretty awesome run for for this guy as he continues to lead he's got us over a second lead been a long time for harvard to have that view hasn't it oh but you know it feels normal to him yeah hey do you want to give this team a minimum i mean you've had them on the ground do you want to let them up and give them momentum they can become really dangerous really quick i do think there are some teams though that are going to be players in the races that if they could go back and do stage one over again they would not come to pit road i think teams thought those new tires were going to help them i think of larson who came down pit road gave up a little track position the 11 didn't have a choice he kind of got in that accident uh blaney just hasn't executed the best at the this stage kind of reset so harvick has the lead right now but there's some players that are going to cycle to the front larson getting himself back into the battle he's got good speed third fastest on the racetrack that lap making up ground from that pitch strategy from early in the race we talked about steve been a big weekend for larsen two won the king's royal huge sprint car race in aldora excited to see him win it oh he got in the corner a little hot right there way up out of the ground driving like sprint car good save right there gives up a lot of time though have to clean the tires off i was going to add it not only a sprinker win but contract extended right henry motorsports comes out so this guy's so good which we all saw from the results that we're gonna sign up for a few more years to drive this five car not only that but saying hey we've gotten so much positive results from this sponder ship this car's not for sale anymore we're going to take this car we're going to commit to being on the quarter panels of this car yeah it says a lot for nascar where it's at as we see denny hamlin move by the eight of reddick now redick had an opportunity to do the crossover there and turn back underneath denny hamlin chooses not to do it we saw him doing that with brad keselowski earlier in the race and maybe that's tyler reddick saying you know what i've made a lot of mistakes than making too many mistakes he has said that i'm making too many mistakes maybe that's tyler reddick saying a long way to go let's be smart let's keep making this car better see if that's better for him rather than trying to push so hard all right fellaini trying to work his way back up through the field dylan and guys yeah just a quick note on blaney so they lost all that track position on that stop they had a wheel gun malfunction at the end of stage one so took them from the front back to inside the top ten and blaney's continue to march forward here as he works hard in the left rear reading but cars really pretty good ryan's been pretty happy with it it's doing exactly what he needs it to allow him to advance forward so far with relative ease so that car there tyler reddick gives up that position and tyler reddick had great early run speed i think they can work on that that was that's a huge move bob laney right there we see it time and time again how they sell it off down into turn three i didn't we didn't do that we didn't we did not do that i think that pj-1 down in that bottom groove gives them that ability and etiquette because when you two raced if someone overdrove the corner and slid up in front of you you would have hit him squaring the bumper on exit and been proud to do it free pass to run into the back of that guy absolutely everybody would say yep he deserved it yeah yeah but now it's just part of racing i will say though that the etiquette in racing for position in every position has changed as well too there was a lot of give and take back 10 15 years ago where these guys don't give intake as much anymore and they work hard to maintain and keep positions on the racetrack they didn't pay us points throughout the race great point they do do today unintended but it's and i'm glad that that's the change they made because if it makes them racing more intense makes the drivers work harder makes them fight harder throughout the entire race i'm all for it especially up here in the booth how about chas dana 42 you know he gave this position up earlier and has worked his way back to the back bumper the five is going to go around him for position here's a good battle on the racetrack between this 48 carve alex bowman yesterday's winner in the xfinity series christopher christopher had some good speed early in the race trying to work his way back into the top 10 now but have a little bit of trouble in this car pretty awesome stuff kevin harvick out to an impressive lead over chase elliot brad keselowski denny hamlin [Music] rybling [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] the race is on the first 500 fans to visit kids 500 and you enter the code sound get a chance to take home a nascar kids club toyota camry diecast car they're pretty excited to hear that promo i think they're listening to you see themselves on this big screen we're gonna ride on board with all these drivers right here listen to well listen all up at once [Applause] so look at them working there very challenging track we sort of got the experience this last week in atlanta how hard it is get around to track how much you're working the steering wheel mainly on corner exit these guys will be checking that right rear look at perfect down there leading the race and sliding the right rear off the corner well unless we are on board with kevin harvick he was laughing chase briscoe which was man harvick used the wheel a lot it was unfortunate for joey logano because he was hoping to get that one of those or that last lap back but now briscoe's the first car one a little bit of lap traffic's allowed chase helen to close in half a second here this is going to hold him up just a moment and remember briscoe had that problem right he's not as fast as the leader for sure but he wouldn't be getting laughed right now without that mechanical issue to shut the car down third place battle right here keselowski holds on to it over denny hamlin hamilton let that two car go earlier in the run but now he stalked him back down trying to put himself in position to find a weakness in this two car use it to get around him two car got in the corner pretty deep there see the 11 close up on the inside these guys finished first and second last year but keselowski winning right now a battle for third and fourth marty watching two of the better cars in the long run here with brad keselowski and denny hamlin problem is that let kevin harvick check out a bit here you know hamlin really hasn't been in the game much today jeff they're finally on the tiles tire cycle with everybody else but talking to chris gebhardt this morning he said then he has always been good at this racetrack you guys were talking about how it suits his style he said in fact i think without the pj-1 here it plays to his hands even more because how you work the throttle in and off the corner that's going to be even more critical today without the sticky stuff on the track so the thought being there barty is that with that traction compound that they used to apply it made more grip so was that an advantage to guys that aren't as smooth on the throttle they don't have the feel that a denny hamlin has it's an interesting conversation i have because laos get this morning he said it didn't matter it's gonna be the same track like he said same forever yeah he thought he just wasn't gonna make that big of a difference i love unknowns what i really like is teams didn't know till friday right but if they wanted the traction compound wasn't going to be applied and that made them make some really late adjustments i can see why brad might say hey the track's not changing it doesn't matter i won here last year it's not going to bother me it's not going to affect me danny hamlin is like i didn't win it's going to change the track now i'm going to win right you got to have that's like a lot of a lot of guys will say that this this tracks helps them for phoenix unless they don't run good then this don't help us it's not like phoenix we talked about kevin harvick leading with about a 1.3 second lead bottom of the screen his teammate the 10 of eric almorola has driven up into the eighth position so a great day for harvard leading but a solid day for shr you know up inside the top 10 and even cole custer currently running 14. so three of the shr cars inside the top 15. and eric had an amazing you know a good year last year he was pretty happy with the results they were having throughout the year good consistency well in to the top 16 fighting for a playoff spot and this year it's been a disaster uh the their situation in points is not very good at all not in the top 22 so they're in him they're absolutely in a must-win situation and we've seen him do it in place like you know daytona talladega going into that race having that pressure on him that might be one of the guys with the most pressure on himself when they go to daytona for that cut rate set final race the regular season you mentioned the difference between this year last year last year this tent car had 18 top tens so far this year two it's just been tough sled well last year eric camarillo's teammate cole custer finished eight in new hampshire i mean the young driver has won a truck race here we saw him down on pit road before the race man you like this place yeah he looked pretty excited he was excited to go run just you know just had a little pep in his step and here he is inside the top 15. got a one got a win in his rookie season um you know the sophomore season has definitely not been as smooth as he wanted but i think it's fair to say he's not sitting in the same equipment i mean the overall company is not running in the same place and but here he is you know racing racing inside the top 50. this was a racetrack where cole custer put himself on the map in a truck race late restart start about second or third row drove around everybody won the race and it was the moment i think when the industry took notice that this kid might have the talent still still needs a little more time i think and you're right this company isn't where they want to be to be able to give him the cars they need barty and speaking of this 41 team after eight straight finishes of 17th or worse steve is a team leader you just want base hits right and that's what they need at this point nice battle there finally denny hamlin gets by brad keselowski on the top of your team but for cole custer in this race team you know what would you say steve top 15 if they come out of here with the top 10 top 15. that's a good day for the team pointing them back in the right direction doesn't have to be a win just a nice solid day well they haven't run inside the top 15 since all the way back at dover so at some point you have to say hey man no dents top 15 let's try to move this forward you talk about that truck race that he won he was 16 years old he was the youngest truck winner ever and when he won that race and you talked about it putting him on the map it did it was a big win for his whole career still only 23. right we talk about him like oh man second-year cup he's getting older 23 years old just ride along the helmet cam with bubba wallace doordash cam man i love that yeah is it all the time but let's see what bubba's dealing with inside the car what it's like for a driver riding around this racetrack there's not many bumps you see a little movement in the helmet but really pay attention now as he goes through turn two down the back straightaway using that apron on corner exit watch the bumps right here at the end of this straightaway all the way down boom still going through bumps all the way down into the breaking zone turning the wheel that's when you really can easily lock up the front tires on these race cars if you're braking and turning and those bumps continue not just on entry but down into the corner one of the most difficult things about this racetrack for drivers trying to get through those bumps and if the car is hitting the splitter and doing all kinds of bad things there's nothing you can do about it also as you're watching look at his visuals on the right are breaking marks and on the track itself still seems see those white lines right above door dash on his dashboard that's his visual marker so off turn four down the front straight away you're immediately looking to the right side right there four three two one that's your breaking marks now you're picking up where do i need my left front tire to be where do i need to be on this race track great references here could really help put your car where it needs to go [Applause] [Music] love riding along these on boards especially that helmet cam one of the best cameras we've got see what the drivers are dealing with out on this racetrack [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] so so [Music] so [Applause] [Music] kevin harvick dominating the day and he's done it before 2018. he beats kyle bush with the bump and run then 2019 takes denny hamlin for another win i wonder if he can keep it going today and get that that win box checked for 2021. [Music] download the official app of nascar and follow the action with free live scoring in-car cameras and a radio broadcast upgrade to premium for full access to driver audio channels and a completely ad free experience search nascar in your app store to download and start a free trial today kevin harvick talked about it 48 laps lead the day most is led previously in 21 race this season 39 and we saw something similar last week kurt busch did the same thing led more to atlanta than he did the entire season goes on to win the race and you want to talk about the tale of two seasons a year ago harvick had 800 laps led at this point 800 i mean that is a shocking change from one year to the next yeah i talked to kevin earlier this week and he didn't really expect to come here and run this well he was concerned coming see where much he's working he's in that car he's leading the race still workloads high but he wasn't all that optimistic he said hey man look i know my team's working and we got good stuff i know how to get around this racetrack but we just haven't been near good enough it would take a big change for us for us to win this race in the wall yep we got a car on the wall quinn huff in the fence down in turn three and four looks like some damage on the left side of the left rear deck lids wrinkled up that was the longest green flag running 45 laps and austin dillon was on pit road yeah that's difficult for austin's gonna lose a lap doing that there you see the damage the permatex double zero yeah difficult looked like a couple cars bunched up down there side by side trying to get through that turn three entrance over those bumps let's take a look here oh he got a little help down in the corner looks like possibly ryan newman i hate this that looks like ryan newman yeah i hate this soon but o'ryan might have sent him down in the corner a little faster than he wanted to go first car lap down was chase briscoe so he'll get the free pass here austin dillon will lose a laugh i'm sorry junior step on you there you pointed out he was on pit road and again joe logano not able to put himself in position to try to get that lap back that he lost earlier in the race let's take another look at this this crash here so ryan newman from way back chases the double zero in and yeah i have to wonder i don't know if something happened earlier that upset ryan or if quinn didn't get into the corner as well as ryan anticipated it looked like the left front was locked up on the sixth car right trying to avoid yeah yeah either ryan might have overcooked the corner or queen just didn't get in there like ryan anticipated either way quinn's not happy no don't assure you of that permatex long time sponsor in this series been around sponsoring races forever they used to have the permatex 300 and daytona and you've been throwing it way back way way back in the 70s it was a big race for the sportsman guys and you just hate that you know the double zero we talk a lot about these smaller teams that are coming out here and trying to find their way through the sport trying to build programs and damage like this is more than just a bad day right there's a financial repercussion for that double zero so just unfortunate all right kevin harvick's team picked up four spots last time on pit road to get the lead in here just a little bit let's see if they do it again their back position is huge kind of the same boat we were earlier was right in the middle of the stage and uh i think everybody comes though to come down pit road and get these tires 55 laps on these tires no advantage to staying out here no everybody has to come to pit road halfway through this second stage nascar sports on sirius xm people stone back man nascar radio channel 90. jeff burke's going to be calling in august 4th live wednesdays 9 a.m eastern jeff you ready i'm ready that's the week of watkins glenn it's always fun talking to those guys it is fun they get some good questions yeah that's great great conversations and then we're doing radio style watkins glenn so out on the racetrack steve you and rick be up in the air conditioning but should i be out there working that's right well i'll be listening baby dylan we got cars coming to pit road buddy yes we do and chase elliot will be the first one in so last time down they made an air pressure adjustment and a track bar adjustment maybe went a little bit too far on the air pressure but the track bar change was good they're going to do more of that to give chase a little bit more rear grip along with four good years kevin harvick will pit as well from the race lead said that he doesn't have rear grip at all and it's getting worse at the top of his screen for good years and fuel as well marty you see the wedge adjustment for danny hamlin he said i could stand to be tighter and so free i can't get pointed in the middle of the corner meanwhile he talked about how slick his stall was on that first stop like a lot of other drivers did including chase elliott we'll see if that first all helps brad keselowski here he said the last change didn't help me at all harvick holds the lead keselowski in hamlin game one spot great race off of pit road again for kevin harvick and his team they hang on to the lead here in new [Music] hampshire so nascar on nbcsn is brought to you by ford built ford proud and by doordash get more from your neighborhood well we did some investigating watch quinn that double zero card hand out the window like saying hey man i'm giving you the inside just and we'll get out of the way and give you the inside and then as they go down in the corner ryan newman gets into the back of him and rex quinn see right here the only thing i can figure is that quinn was trying to get out of the way and ryan just misjudged you know how slow he was going and quinn's like man i told you to bottom what do you want me to do just understand the frustration i like how quinn used the damaged side of his car to go retaliate now i probably wouldn't have thought that well and probably would have used the right front but he's like you know what i'm gonna get this guy i'm not gonna make my car any worse than it already is pretty smart seeing the field handle the choose rule here guys that's some issues on pit road the aid of reddick you said jeff had some issues and the 24 environment lost some spots the eight he was six he slipped through the box the 24 was 15th and he made contact with either a tire or a crew member we'll get an update from pit road just to see what happened either way it was a slow stop yes steve it was ryan patton the tire carrier for william byron he's fine give me a thumbs up we are digging for the replay right now but he's all good that's great news ryan the longtime hendra crew member so it's great to see you get checked out by rob lopes pinstall in front of him long-time pit crew employee years ago fields wrapping around turns three and four to the exit of term four approaching the geico restart zone kevin harvick didn't he handling up front we've seen this before kevin hartman gets away to a clean restart look at reading back there making it three wide harvick is unreal out of the restart zone acceleration oh reddick trapped down on that apron can he make it work you dive down there and try to get all kinds of positions sometimes it works out for you sometimes it doesn't d3 starts i think the guy on the outside has the momentum on corner exit has the drive off the guy on the bottom is fighting oh there's gonna be contact right there between the ten and the nine chase dove into the corner and got to the inside leaned on the tent car another three wide larson down on the inside a little blocking in the back here between the 42 and now varela's got to recognize their three wide just use all the racetrack chasing to the side of him again i believe he knows he's aware fights hard to get back in front of that nine man you get ticked off when a guy does that and you fight him hard you're like you gotta take this spot for me first you're not gonna hit me again i'm gonna take this spot back and on top of that i've had a bad year and i've got i've got to fix it right now see bell more shot about cars sparking over the bumps into turn three there's oh christopher bell almost contact between him and matt de benedetto getting a little bit loose reddick still in the apron back there he's around about three laps on the apron let's see this eight car gonna try the apron again he runs a low lane how abruptly will it turn for an exit these restarts are physical contact right there chris busher comes around bubba wallace so lucky they spun down the entrance of the road course missed that interior wall damage to the left side there's that right front tire down on the 17. chris bush is forward this busher was looking so good in the points about a month and a half ago and since then nothing's gone right long time sponsor fast and all on board for this roush ford trying to get his way back to pit road yeah we talked to chris this week you could just hear that regardless of what he was saying you could hear the disappointment just trying to figure out what to do now the concern here is no inner liners at the one mile track so we see some sparking you know that could be the sway bar arm could be other pieces of suspension let's take a look at what happened guys see the contact with the eight right there but something happening behind them 23 just gets loose off the corner i don't know if he had any help there but he just gets loose off the corner and nowhere for the 17 a pusher to go and you're right they were very lucky where they were on the racetrack not to have worse contact i don't know maybe bush got into the back of him and helped him around and got above a loose off the corner i can't really see i feel like busher there's some contact behind from stenhouse just as buscher tried to slow up sent house couldn't get slowed up so you see right here just a tight battle it looks like i don't know if yeah 23 had much help didn't seem to be upset bubba's car a little bit it's right there the 99 and bubba get together and that brings the back that kind of whips the back of his car around suddenly chris busher with nowhere to go job by all these guys back here 24 byron a few other guys could have been collected in that with a few wrong boots and then orange and blue number 22 that went through the smoke he was going to be finally after 140 laps joey logano has found his way back into the lead we were talking about it earlier in the race how it must be frustrating he continued to miss out on that opportunity every caution but here he is with a position to put himself back in the lead lap and now he has to figure out how to get creative to find that track position he's not going to pass all these cars and just drive to the front but what can his crew chief do to try to get creative for track position well with a free pass here once he gets his lap back he'll absolutely come to pit road no penalty not to he's gonna have to start at the tail of the field so then you're kind of on your own window see what kind of yellows come in to your point see how far he can drive up in the field right right now i'm thinking i need to really help him out but if he can drive that car into the top 10 top 15 top 18. you know don't gamble your way out of a good run like sometimes just be happy you're back in the lead lap come on you know what if we get in the top 50 wings don't be concerned now i mean steve yeah depend let me see how fast he is and i'll give you my answer there's 27 cars in a lead lap and then why i've been watching legano like he hasn't really been able to pass a lot of people it doesn't seem like he has a ton of speed although you know he's back in the lead lap and anything can happen but you know with that many cars only lap you got to go through and without a really fast car you're gonna have to play some kind of tricks all right so we mentioned on the last set of pit stops the 24 of william fire long time crew member ryan padden had a little contact let's take a look right here they're coming to the right side you know this is what you're going to see the six of ryan newman entering his pit stall catches the tire that ryan patton was carrying spun him around so that was a very fortunate situation for no crew members being injured either by the contact of the sex or those tires i mean you're talking about 50 pound tires slinging around down there that could do some damage there's mr patton right there i want to get on tv but not for this want the game-winning move for them look he's hiding he's like nope those guys definitely you know it's it's kind of become very similar to what we have in in stick of ball sports where there's a there's a backup someone playing a backup position to him right he doesn't want to give that guy an opportunity to step into that role he doesn't want to have to sit out a week or a few weeks and allow someone else to come in there and perform and take that job away barty what you got before this caution junior we had a little action up front between the ten car of eric amarola and chase elliott so what did almarola think about that move by the nine take a listen what the hell was it not he just dove way down in there if i didn't give him a lane he was going to just destroy us they're just not used to getting passed but they might as well get used to it oh how about that from eric almarola i would say burton that's new hampshire right because that's what it is it's fighting for every inch you can on the bottom of the track yeah it is it's also a driver a team that hadn't had a good year they're like look i'm not taking it from you right i'm not taking it i'm up here i've earned this spot i'm going to race you hard got to stand your ground that was always the defuse type though not the because i don't believe it i was you know the only thing i'll say is i like almorolo standing up for himself but you know i don't want to make him any more frustrated than he currently is let's you know unfortunately we need the good run perhaps more than chase does so let's just remember that try to keep this thing going straight fans getting ready for premier lacrosse league the all-star game that coverage is going to begin for you folks on cnbc coming up at 7 p.m eastern speaking athletes those guys there are some incredible athletes are coverage brought to you by geico as we roll up to the echo restart zone again kevin harvick man he's going to have an advantage before the green comes out denny hamlin doesn't look like he's even ready here comes ross chastain again to the inside to the apron it's like denny was sleeping a little bit it's going to cost him a few spots here chase elliott slips a little bit off the corner and that was just an odd odd looking restart for that inside road mean kevin has the ability to go anytime inside the zone and he was ready and firing well keslowski's ready to go too he's putting all kinds of pressure he's underneath kevin harvick down the front straightaway brad being really patient with the throttle trying to stay off of the back bumper that four car he did a good job there he could have easily got into the back of him harvey's gonna let him have that spot better move there let you go man i'll try to catch you later car doesn't feel really good right now for the four firing off on these sticker tires fell into the back of chas stain and a sideways off the corner everybody stayed straight but it's definitely stacked this field up you know who loved that was a tyler redick on the bottom of that eight car kind of cleared the path for him got my two cars pretty quickly ralph's been pretty aggressive today trying to take every opportunity on these restarts and that's what you got to do this is one reason why we talk about track position here as we take another look at it the 20 big contact with the left rear of the 42 big save and kurt busch great job great job by kurt busch not to get in the back of bell right there what i was going to say that's what makes it so difficult junior to come get new tires or whatever just there's no clean racing back there i mean they're too wide three wides it's not like a big wide sweeping mile and a half or two mile track you can get away from one another that's your chance you get everybody in a big bunch man you got to go on a restart everybody gets aggressive look at the different grooves oh manny d on the outside really loose on corner exit william byron right there back up to 14th after that pit stop we showed you we lost a few positions [Music] thought by their doing contact from another car to the crew member but we'll even get them back in this race here it's a difficult position to be in where do you go look at look at bowman trying to make it three wide driving underneath kurt patty d saying you stay down there i'm gonna take the outside try to get on the outside of you holy on the racetrack it's crazy there's any grip down there whatsoever see bowman has nowhere to go right a lot of times when you see a guy drive in the corner like that he can slide in front of someone but kurt was on the outside they were all lined up on the outside now bowman is hoping he can clear this if not that outside line could just freight train him here and look how the one of kurt bush kind of run him a little shallow on that corner entry and takes away any advantage he has dylan what you got on that 48 well it's amazing junior when you look back at the history of alex bowman at this racetrack he's never scored stage points or led a lap here this has really been a thorn in his side so talking with greg ives the crew chief this morning he said hey we're confident you know we may not go up here and win but we have to feel like we do we have to have that confidence that even though this place has been our nemesis that we've done all the right things to put us in position to contend so i know they want to be a little bit better than battling for 12th or 13th like they are right now but alex is still working on getting this race car a little better he's put a lot of effort into getting himself better at this racetrack so that's about all you can do is stick around put yourself in position do your work off the track and just hope for the best so that's what they're doing right now just trying to have a clean day and get this thing inside the top 10. just across the halfway mark in the race so this race is official started a little bit late due to the weather running up against darkness here whether we can get the full 301 in is left to be seen great battle right here in that car chase elliott trying to get around eric almarola these guys had a little little fender train a little bumper tank there earlier so now they're back together if you're chase do you know you got into it last time or you just whatever it's racing is normal this time i think you feel i think chase probably you know felt a little guilty about that that was just a little mistake on his part he's probably going to try to make this pass as cleanly as possible but i think that the tech cars hold him up a little bit so you can't wait too long you have to race hard look at him get up under the back bumper that 10 car trying to get him loose up up up the race track not able to do it when you do make a mistake steve and get in the side of somebody you try to cut that guy a little bit of slack because when you do pass him now he's behind you and he can put you in a bad situation right here amarola see his car shaking wiggling back of the car loose chase elliott goes to the bottom remember if you're looking for the premier lacrosse league all-star game from san jose california that's coming up at 7 p.m eastern on cnbc we're gonna stick with this battle here guys we're gonna take a break but you're gonna see all of it in nascar non-stop so back in new hampshire where brackis laska continues to lead over kevin harvick ryan blaney's moving into second place around denny hamlin you're looking at the battle right here for fifth place and continues to rage on chase elliot eric almarola chase just passed eric a few laps ago but eric's hanging tight i like to use the word rage because i think there's a little rage in that head car there was contact a little bit ago this has been clean since but i think there's some extra motivation for eric he is unhappy with this nine and he wants the proof point well on top of that the only way eric's season is going to go into the playoffs as win right that's he's not gonna be able to point himself in so sit there running six he can see it from where he is it's really only the first time all year he could see a win so that gives you optimism it steps up the intensity so interesting to me too we saw this in xfinity race where a guy is having trouble somebody's right on his back bumper the pass is made but then the lead car do you see it eric upset pushing that nine card into the corner it seems to be a very aero effective race track as far as the lead car versus the trailing car when one passes one it sort of does change the bounce is a big balance shift so i was wondering if chase would say all right he's getting a little upset with me but chase drove it down in the corner with him i don't know i mean i think if these guys are racing together for the first time i think chase would probably let that go but eventually you're going to get underneath his skin well i think we're there oh i think between the two of them larson's like hey guys did you guys get single file because i just let me through yeah [Music] again folks the premier lacrosse league all-star game that's currently over on cnbc looking for that we race here at new hampshire a little bit delayed by the weather 21 laps to go in stage two you're a lacrosse fan you tuned in some good reason yeah did you know the year that i retired from driving i played across summer league no really i did not believe i did it was funny to watch i'm sure but i enjoyed it did it end in injury or by choice yeah i had an injury walking to the field on my last game that's the truth i had a hamstring injury oh parking lot ended my season chase ellie just not able to get away from this tent car but they're driving away from kyle larson as they continue to battle jay slips up the racetrack jumps the cushion a little bit there an opportunity for eric to get clear he was going to do it off turn two fallacy can eric drive away from this nine car will the nines balance shift to a little bit of a tighter car and allow him to hang on to the back of this tent if you can see eric's face right now it'd be a great big smile finally got high it's clearly a little bit quicker he's looking at he's looking at his crew down the front straightaway y'all see that i did i pressured him into making a mistake let's do a kfc through the field start with marty and we'll start through the field with brad keselowski remember that first stop he said the adjustment you made to jeremy bollins as crew chief didn't help he came on the radio a moment ago said that last adjustment much better out front right now and i asked him before the race with the announcement out how does that help he said hey it lets all of us move forward clearly i've known what's going to happen for next year for a few weeks but now everyone knows his announcement coming in a few weeks dylan and marty in the second spot kevin harvick currently holds down that position talked to rodney childers the crew chief before the race just about their struggles this year and he said hey all we can do is continue to bring the best cars that we can to the racetrack they did that same thing last year won nine races so it's a different story this year but i think you're seeing the fruits of their labor their hard work and their in the race shop kevin certainly has done his job as well behind the wheel been mostly satisfied with the race car today pig crew doing their job too got him three spots on that first stage behind him ryan blaney in the third spot biggest thing they wanted to focus on this weekend was just good entry security todd gordon said that would open up their options a lot as far as what kind of adjustments they made to the race car so we saw him make a pass for the lead earlier cut the car to the bottom of the racetrack i think that's the proof that that's exactly what they needed to do still marching forward too after that wheel gun issue marty you don't want to talk to chris gabe this morning the crew chief for denny hamlin he said this is the most important race left in the regular season for three reasons number one he said it's similar to phoenix we feel like we can learn things that will help us for the last race of the year number two with the olympic break you're the winner for two weeks that's a lot of momentum and number three if it's us in victory lane that would be the breakthrough win we need for the 11 team right now denny hamlin saying the car much better in the short run that's been his struggle meanwhile eric amarillo a little bit further back sitting there in the fifth position finally got around chase edmond or chase uh elliott his spotter joel edmonds was telling him keep pressuring the nine eventually he'll make a mistake and he did they were able to get by and he'll tell you here in new hampshire and daytona they feel like they're places they can win to put them in the playoffs dylan and marty track position so important here in new hampshire that was the message alan gustafsson crew chief for chase elliot delivered to his driver before the start of the race he said we've got to be aggressive we can't lose this track position i think that's why you saw him racing eric galmarola so hard there they know they can't backslide too much further it's hard to make up ground here at new hampshire chase admits this isn't his best racetrack the balance is starting to slip away from him trying to get it dialed back in marty kyle larson having a solid day right now in the seventh position club daniels has told me this morning told me this is the biggest question mark left for us in the regular season he said at this type racetrack we have struggled so far this year we're trying a few things today so far not too bad for larson easily in the top ten dylan and tyler runs behind him in the eighth spot great run for them admittedly short tracks have not been their strong suit this year but this one they felt was going to maybe be a little bit different finished 10th here last year so expected to be a little bit better than normal and they have been tyler's been really happy with the race car slippery has stalled the last time now so that dropped into 13 so walling their way back into the top 10 but they've got a really good race car as does the car behind him ross jastine in the 42 his best finish here in two starts just 25th but i think you're seeing the benefit of having a teammate in kurt bush that won last week ross said himself that that proved to him that these jim cannassie cars can do it he's got to get better behind the wheel he's certainly delivering today he's been inside the top ten all afternoon long marty billy irv dylan early on christopher bell looked like he might have a car that could maybe pull off the weekend sweep but they are struggling right now he said the biggest issue is rear lateral grip if adam stevens is going to get his driver up there in winning contention gonna have to make a big change on this next stop and junior he might lose 10th here to kurt bush kurt busch rebounding trying to work his way back to the field look here run up on ross pretty quickly on corner exit there ross having a little trouble the back grip of that car kirk bush still battling the inside here christopher bell off the turn too i think they both have a little more pace than ross we're going to stay with this battle guys you won't miss a thing we're going gonna stay nascar nonstop you're watching nascar cup series racing from new hampshire foxwoods resorts casino 301. good brac has alaska's continues to lead the field over kevin harvick comfortable second lead over the four car ryan laney denny hamlin aircraft world with a great great temper today hinder cars back there in sixth and seventh look at that guy down there in 16th start you talked about it legano needs to drive through this field a little bit to give himself a chance as we ride on board with the 22 jeff you and i were looking at lap times he can't quite match the top five top six but i think he is from you know a good tent 5100 faster than everyone in front of him up to ninth or eighth so i think he gets a couple more or maybe just one more with byron here in the last four laps a good pit stop trying to race out that final stage he can at least recover from what was the trying day and a rough start [Music] listen to him he work out of that gas a long time let the car roll through the middle of the corner right along listen look how much faster he is to william byrne we let's go in the stage can he get him [Music] takes a lot of discipline to stay this low on the track to lift break slow the car down and not allow it to slide up into that lane that barrens in yeah he ran right there was the fifth fastest on the racetrack joey logano in his 22-4 performance cam riding along with him this is where he gets hard now he can't use all the race track as he gets to william byrne let's see he's going to drive to the bottom maybe get next to william byron right here but when he goes to turn the wheel he has to turn it even sharper because he can't run out if he does he runs out gets to the side of william bayern does not let the rear tires work the way he wants it to all this is going on brad keselowski he's gonna work his way off of turn four and claim the stage two win this is only brad's second stage win of 2021. that's a wild stat battle for 10th right here all-important stage point go to kurt bush over christopher bell who won the xfinity series race yesterday a lot of great action in stage two kevin harvick leading early in the race a little action here between the six car the double zero another spin on the racetrack with bubba wallace brag is lasky takes back in new hampshire the end of stage two cars rolling through turns three and four approaching pit entrance we got an open pit road a lot of guys making the pit stop here preparing for that stage three dylan been a good day for the four car kevin harvick they'll pick from the second spot said that the back was taking off the first 20 laps of the run but then it started to build with a struggling condition through the through the center of the corner on throttle and corner exit so a wrench in the back window there four tires and fuel for harvick little free in and off is the report for ryan blaney's he's run inside the top five as well marty denny hamlin said the entry is a little bit better but still two free center of the corner on exit as well brad kozlowski said much better on this run but then jeremy bolin said i hear you but i think the track is changing a little bit so i'm going to make some adjustments here trying to keep up with the racetrack keslowski does hold serve here on pit road but barely over kevin harvick and still drivers talking about how slick it is here on pit road still very cool in new hampshire great advance for christopher bell and alex bowman plus three for both there you see the batloff pit road getting tight remember that two has that straight shot off pit road with the 18 being out that's got to help them right not spin those tires they keep talking about traction straight yeah that's right that's a good point well let's check in with kyle petty and dale jared at the end of stage do here what are you seeing so far man how about the resurgence of the fords here kp we've been talking about this running up front and so forth sitting in on his sofa somewhere watching this feeling a lot better about the ford contingents today but brad keselowski showing that last year was no fluke came back up took the lead kevin harvick having a great day there but this is going to be a real battle especially as these drivers once again it's starting to get a little bit darker out here that's going to be a factor that is going to be a factor and if nascar does what they've done before at some point in time they just say that's the end we're going to run 10 or 15 laps whatever it is it becomes a high-stakes game of musical chairs so this is going to be an intense stage we might not get this whole stage in but the intensity is going to ramp up big time when they drop the green flag yeah we're still seeing some great battles with with people and eric almarola up there battling he knows he's got to win if he wants to be in the playoffs uh he's got his hands full out running in his other forge but you can see him and chase hillary they had a great battle during the latter stages of that stage yeah junior i heard you say that denny was asleep on the last three start he better not be asleep on this restart well there is news on this 11 car a little trouble on pit road marty yes they had to come back down junior why listen to the radio wheel coming off yeah you'll have to come back the left front had a lug nut jump behind the wheel got to come back man what a timing for this steve remember last week they had the speeding penalty atlanta that was on denny this time just happened a lug nut got caught behind the wheel as they put it on the left side incredible we've seen how hard it is to pass here in new hampshire hamlin's going to have to start way in the back and might be out of a shot for a win here who knows because we might not have the full distance you guys have talked about we may be racing the dark instead man that's such just unfortunate almost bad luck a lug nut goes between the little opening the wheel land on the hub when you put the new tire on it doesn't pull up tight and you saw the tire changing no you know knows right away but in the orchestration of the pit stop you just don't expect that and with the way things are going today and the darkness out there in front of us and not knowing where this race is going to end that could be this could be the last stop this could be the last opportunity for for those guys on pit road and so denny hamlin looking at having to drive through the field to have any shot at this so nascar steve has come out and told the teams how they're going to handle this potential darkness issue so so many problems at the start of this race this race is running very long still 111 laps to go so what nascar is going to do steve is inform the teams with and say hey it's 10 to go to the race is going to be over basically they're going to run until it's too dark or close to too dark and say 10 to go we ask hey why don't you just give a distance i said well if this runs green for the last 11 we're going to be really close to the finish if not the finish and we don't want to you know short the fans out as many laps as possible it really comes down to what kind of race we see bunch of cautions heck this could definitely be the last stop right we might only get a handful of green flag laughs and then my next question was who's going to determine and how are you going to determine when it's too dark and they're gonna ask it they're gonna get information from the drivers and also their spotters on the racetrack you can't really trust the drivers because they're gonna tell you whatever they want to tell you that best suits them so they're just gonna have to use their spotters out on the racetrack you don't think it's gonna be darker for the leader than it is guy you can try to catch him is it out there i think the intensity is about to pick up in these cars these guys just not knowing where this finish is gonna end so as a driver you just gotta run as hard as you can every single lap in every secret corner that's always a good combination once you go wrong it's going to be great for us field approaches to geico restart zone bracketzolowski his teammate on the inside ryan blaney kevin just trying to help him on that restart zone kevin not able to hang on the outside though gets a great run off of turn two right behind these guys kyle larson in the top five gets a little bit loose under the tent car does a great job of saving it harvick struggling with his car right now he drove into three to car went way up the racetrack seen him kind of have difficulties on sticker tires the last run where he had to give the lead up to brad keselowski but he doesn't want to lose too much more track position enough to fight hard the penske boards are drawing away different lines for both these drivers brad in low 12 oblaney and a little bit higher and cuts down across the apron i love that lane that blaney ran look at how much of an advantage it was on corner exit he's going to do it again high entry this front end has to work in the middle he's going to take a sharp left-hand turn in a much straighter exit i think the 12-car in the last run was the best car in the long run so if he could just stay within striking distance of brad i think he's got a great chance of putting the pressure on as they run using a little bit of the lower exit off of turn four allows him to draw back up to the back of this two card down there one and two though crack his last a little bit better marty and junior that's a terrific point by steve i think jeremy poland saw that because brad would say hey carr is good but bowens was saying you know what i hear what you're saying but i feel like the racetrack is changing and maybe he felt like they were going to give up a little bit on the long run so steve is that when the crew chief kind of vetoes the driver and say i know what you're feeling here's what i'm seeing here's where we're gonna go what's your responsibility blaney can only tell you what he feels from the seat he doesn't have track temp he doesn't have the scanner listening to other drivers he doesn't have everyone's lap time so jeff i really appreciate your feedback but you have to believe me and trust me i have a bigger picture put the two together we try to make the decision that's trust that's what that is that's driver crew chief trust yellow what you got that's interesting guys watching this 12 car chase down the two todd gordon the crew chief on the 12 said that he learned some things watching this two car last year on their way to victory that they wanted to apply to their own race car today wouldn't exactly say what it was but said we definitely watched and learned last year he is right on the back bumper of that juke car racing for the lead now he is all over him turns underneath him now good forward momentum into the corner look at brad drove it way deep in the corner blaney even deeper he's gonna have to take the line away brad gives it up brad this says all right you want to run this hard this early go ahead i got a little more card than i got right now these two pens cars battlefield brad's not done he tries it really deep he did he's trying to upset the back of this 12 car the same way that blaney was right behind him right up under that back bumper taking the air off the spoiler brad's trying to do the same thing here in the middle of the corner you can see it upset the 12. oh man teammates fighting you never know they were teammates the way they're working against each other brad he's going to another team next year he doesn't have to take care of this guy oh man he slides up almost into the door of the 12. you talked about it they don't know what the race is going to end they're driving like this is the last lap not like there's 102 to go their teammate joey loganos up to the 10th position he's like my teammates are up there i want to go race with him brad draws right back up to the bumper what you want to do right now if you're blaming you want to run a little bit lower than you normally would just get that car just a little bit lower on the racetrack to keep brad keselowski from doing exactly that pushing the air underneath your car taking grip away from the goal he gets into him i had to think there was contact right there brad's going to maybe drop back and let him have yeah i think that's a smart move that's exactly what happened brad could have raced up there and charged into the corner side by side but i think brad let him recover get back in front say look it's my fault let's take a look here yeah a little contact right there yeah so brad could have just continued to accelerate enter turn one just just a lot of gun this hard racing man that's good stuff brad just showing respect saying look i got into you my fault i'm not gonna drive into turn three next to you that's good hard racing but respectful racing and harvick's like no no no driving there next to him hit him again i'm coming well you'll see it if it happens right here on nonstop so so so you just saw it right there in non-stop contact between brad keselowski ryan blaney as teammate as these two battle for the lead they've been swapping the lead back and forth contact these two guys are teammates you wouldn't know it exchanging punches roger penske is here he's at the track watching this happen between his two cars look at that i think blainey i think blaney had big trouble right there had he had to stay out of the gas way longer than brad brad's using you said it steve using that harvard line we saw harvick just keep pushing that line on corner exit off turn four been using it to his advantage blaming driving so defensive kind of taking both lanes allowing the two have the inside but he can't clear him you said blaney you thought he had the long best long run car that long run better get here quick well it's a short run in every long run look at that right there keselowski really good turn with that car now he's going to try to just stay right here a lady with the forward momentum though i love how these cars are racing with each other how they're affected by each other how brad is using his car to upset that 12 car and vice versa when brad gets the lead blaney goes right to the back bumper and takes the air off the spoiler here's a situation though where blaney's got a little room hopefully a little more comfortable car brad's going to try to dive back in there try to get back in position and upset this car again blaine he misses the middle of the corner a little bit well you mentioned roger penske he was here remember the daytona 500 always back at the beginning of the year as penske won two they block they take each other out someone else wins surely he's thinking the same thing right here guys race hard but don't let that four into the picture yeah you said that the four car kevin harvick drove right up to the back of this battle here lady that time ran a much lower exit to turn two to his advantage he's able to get away because last year right there is where planey is struggling just past the middle of three and four i can't tell if the skies are darker or the brakes are hotter but you can definitely see the front rotors glow on these front three cars right on board the busch light apple cam kevin harvick you can see the different lines and the approach to the corners these guys take so fun to watch the driver change his line move around they they're all using a higher entry and no one look at the kids no one would have thought you'd be running there oh we got a car and a wall ready [Music] you made contact in the middle of three and four you see the damage on the right side shaking it back and forth trying to get the debris off the tires you pick up a ton of debris running way up out of the groove right there so he's just trying to clean the tires up doesn't look like there's a ton of damage in that car he certainly hopes it's going to continue on would have the pace i didn't hit him that hard there you go i didn't hit it that hard we're good he's gonna regroup try to get himself back under control here all four rotors on that car burning the rear top rotors not just the front working hard here to stay ahead of alex bowman not give up his position he's had a great run today but he's sitting right now just inside the top ten a little bit too loose doesn't have the rear grip he's looking for alex bowman sees a weakness he's like i'm a little pressure you man i see you struggling back up front look at the xfinity fastest lap kevin harvick right there in second but blaney with a 30-29 takes the top spot as we ride on board with kevin harvick right behind him eric amarola has put together some really nice laps the last three or four laps have been faster than harvick [Music] did not have eric amarola inside the top five here today just had a difficult year but they are improving and this is a track where they have a lot of great notes from this four car the success kevin harvick team has had here arnie what you got can you see why this race has been circled on eric almarola's calendar for a couple of months he told me that this morning he said this is a racetrack honestly i feel like we can come and we can win the race and they are certainly showing it right now and fourth and how about joey logano that is a pass on the 42 card ross chastain for the seventh position yes the same driver that was two laps down in essence to start this race when they had a piece of debris in the throttle body took it out took the two lap penalty they're now back on the lead lap and in the top ten and running some pretty quick lap times and steve to answer your question yes it's getting darker down here now sunset officially not not until an hour away but it's getting dark quick here in new hampshire overcast day so it's going to get dark very quickly nascar once again it didn't catch at the end of stage two they let all the teams know we are going to run as many laps as possible when we see that it's imminent we cannot finish the race we're going to let the teams know 10 more laps will be the checkered flag as we see the 10 car move to the inside of four of kevin harvick what you got on the four cars he's fading back well i think something for both of these stuart haws racing cars to keep in mind you know this is a low down force track and they really struggled with some of the higher downforce lower lower horsepower racetracks so i think they both expected in rodney specifically on this sport car expected that this was maybe going to open the door up for them because this is a real handling race track a place where sometimes having a good driving car is better than having one that just has outright speed and they've obviously got a really good understanding as you guys have alluded to of what makes a race car go around this racetrack well so i think this was expected maybe don't know if they expected to run quite this well but it certainly has been a pleasant surprise for both the ten and the four of marvin that they've had as good of days as they've had that's a surprise for stuart haas racing and you heard dale jarrett and kyle penny talk about it pleasant surprise for the blue oval look on the left hand side forward forward forward forward they take the top four spots legato makes five of the top seven 82 laps to go rad fellaini leads the field we're gonna go nascar nonstop that's a back in new hampshire motor speedway and you're watching the leader and the fastest car on the racetrack ryan blaney continue to lead here matar you said he's the best car here on the long run and now we're starting to see it he is one concern i have about these cars though you said it when they drop the green they're going to run as hard as they have run because of the darkness look at this 12. the bright yellow wheels really show it the rear wheel clean still yellow the front it might as well be a black one and that's why look at that front rotor glow cooking those front brakes now i think the brakes are fine they'll hold up but those front tires we have seen front tire failures here when the brakes get so hot they melt the bead down they go we've only on a 34 lap run but there's 75 laps to go in this race i mean look how much brake he is using into turn three i wonder though you know as we're getting closer closer to darkness it's just this is this is actually just more evident because of how dark it is it's getting it could be but i'm more nervous yeah i was as a as somebody just listening i was hearing that crew chief worried driver's license all right [Music] don't worry about it don't even look at it all right let's go for some updates start with marty how about kyle larson we were talking on the break about how all the hendrick motorsports cars kind of went four different directions for today's race with larson looking pretty good sitting in fifth right now he said it fired off much better on this one he did have an issue with the water pressure light flashing in the car cliff daniel said it's fine don't worry about it he's having a nice battle with christopher bell larson in fifth bell back there in six and remember that big swing that we talked about that adam stevens was planning on taking on that stop well it worked remember bell was struggling to stay in the top ten before this now challenging for the top five dylan hey how about a tip of a cap to the ross chastain who runs in the eighth spot he's been inside the top ten afternoon long and they really were battling the handling in that race car just a few a few laps ago right in the middle of state shoe he said this thing wants to spin out on entry and plows through the center so they really have their hands full made a couple of adjustments on it ross has done a good job as you see there he's been inside the top ten all day long runs in the eighth spot right now putting together a really really solid day of execution for this 42 car on the other hand the nine car chase elliott he's been up front all afternoon long a slow pit stop last time down at the end of stage two relegated him back to 15th which is where he runs right now so this is a place they knew coming in wasn't going to be their best knew they would have to execute do everything perfectly to get a good finish one small mistake on pit road really has derailed their afternoon marty and dylan do not count out eric almarola yet mike bugger ravages on top of the pit box cheering him on every lap telling him you're faster than the two you are better than the 12. you can go get these guys and jeff i would say with the playoffs sitting right in front of the 10 and your crew chief cheering you on i mean look brad kozlowski in second is right in front of him i think they can see the win what would he do to make it happen not only can see the win marty but see the playoffs for where they are and that would absolutely upset this entire playoff field if eric alvarez get this win well i mean look at the left side you see the playoff standings you know what you don't see eric am roller 27th in points 27th coming in a win and inside the top 30 of points put you into the playoffs kurt busch won a week ago he said this at the top of the show that was kind of like a warning shot across the bow of all these other drivers that other teams can go to victory lane if the ten car wins here with two road courses and a restricted play track as well i'm not even sure kevin harvick can feel great well listen let's talk about eric amarola not just because he's the third because he's the fastest car right i mean he is running these guys down almost every lap he is the fastest car yeah i am here it's great when you don't have to sell i was well i was wondering like you know your crew chief steve and what i mean you you're you know all this information right what are you gonna tell your driver to keep him motivated maybe you don't see anything he's doing everything right right now so i said earlier i try to keep people calm when it comes to confrontation i would flip it if i got in front of the two as we were running blaney down i would be very clear that listen this win is more valuable to us than it is to him and make sure he knows it and we're gonna have to race him that way and if i'm blaming his crew chief or the two screw chief i'm thinking i'm a little worried about this guy because he's desperate he's not gonna be quite as polite as perhaps the teammates were to one another look at brad here wonder how how hard he might race this 10 car he sees how quickly eric is running down thought for a second there that brad might be letting him half the spot on turn two but brad continues to race hard over here for second place we've had a lot of talk about darkness with 67 laps to go these teams cannot make it to the finish on fuel 42 laps on this run we think they can go 85 maybe 90. so somewhere around 15 to go they would definitely need fuel as the 10 but goes for a big slide there did a great job of running high enter the corner through the middle then turned underneath brad bradshaw will give the spot up this is going to be a tough pass for eric and as brad makes this difficult you see the wiggle in the ten cars taking proper trouble further that's right it's taking a little more pace out of this tent car the harder he has to work to slap traffic not helping eric very much man i never like when somebody tells the driver to put the bumper to somebody brad's had his chances oh smithly tried to get out of the way there tenkara had a little slip into term one you hear it coming from the box from the from the top saying he's had his chances move him out of the way i just the driver's got to do what he needs to do what he's comfortable with the other thing sometimes i will say that on the radio though dude exactly to him what do you do to you there you go do exactly the thing this is one of those uh take what you need moments that's a take what you need more yep drive right up the race track take his line away force brad back to the bottom now you have the position and momentum off the corner and that's how you pass somebody put the hammer on here let's go you can hear the intensity in the voice of his spotter and crew chief i mean he's right there the brightest car in the track you can't miss him he's only 25 car lengths in front of you you know the fastest car you're good next he'll be so high and and by the way making that pass amarillo is still faster than blainey that lap even making that pass you know we talked about the news with matt de benedetto and we've seen ganassi get sold and all of this movement through the garage area if you're somebody like eric amarola you wanna you wanna remind everybody how valuable you are as a driver it has been an absolute horrible year for this tent car we said 27th to point you want to remind your partners how great you are you want to remind ford stuart haas racing why you're driving this tent car and not only them but you you yourself you lose confidence in what is going on here the team loses confidence and that makes it even that much more difficult to perform so there's there's two situations here if i'm a driver eric okay you drive up there and you get back here to the back of this 12 car you you put yourself in position and take the lead well you don't know when this race is gonna end if it goes to the finish you're gonna need some fuel you're gonna need to stop when do you do that when do you make this choice when you commit to running to the very end you're gonna have guys coming to pit road to gamble that this race is gonna see 301 laps and then you're gonna have guys like eric someone else that might have to gamble that this race ends early and i need to stay on the track for that all-important win yeah and the challenge is these guys are give or take 20 laps short so to your point other guys aren't going to wait that long they're going to pit first as you see the 10 closed right on the rear bumper of the 12 i think you cannot pit from the lead until you need fuel you can't you just hope it falls your way marty you see they've reminded eric amarilla several times his fighter joel edwards remember the 12 and the two raced really hard at the start of this run he used his tires up then go after it right now so still the coaching going on steve yeah i mean coaching and it's so much more fun to coach the fastest car on the racetrack and tons of lap traffic right in front of ryan blaney cody ware did a really nice job and gave both the 12 and the tank corner exit back to clean air you'll jump on him oh he's on him his 12th car look at that so much speed for the 10 through the middle of one and two he can this does not have near the speed this tin of amarola does look at that right there look at amarola just rolls the high side oh here it comes big exit there now i thought he had momentum i thought he was going to drive to the bottom right there mcdowell yeah trying to run his race but at the same time trying to stay out of the mix that takes the line away that eric needs it cost him a little time here eric really using that higher line and one and two to his advantage dives down low here in three and four can he make it stick to the inside of the 12. too much momentum for the 12 on corner exit but now now blaney knows this 10's willing to go anywhere oh blainey slips up the racetrack [Music] side by side off turn two down the back straightaway eric amarola oh blaney hanging on that outside that's going to make it difficult for the 10 here on corner exit oh man he's so close you can see big advantage for that car has been the fast car on the racetrack but he's been doing it by running that second lane that third lane to get by blaney he's gonna have to figure something else out he's gonna have to learn what his car will do somewhere other than that lane cause blind he's not going to give it to him he's not going to give him that outside and the points on the left any time the 10 takes the lead they completely shift a huge ramifications for the playoffs see right there you see the tin car it wiggled it shook that's because he's having to turn the wheel more get the car pointed that hurts the drive that hurts the rear grip he's wanting to jump on the outside plane he's really loose right there dylan really loses yeah he just came on the radio said he's backing into the corner trying to do everything to hold off to 10. it may not be enough oh now eric can drive it in the corner just overdrive it slide up in front of blainey right here there you go so well done by eric camarola and on the left-hand side he becomes leader reddick on the bubble only eight points above dylan this run to the regular season is going to be great and if eric can close this race out today it is going to be pressure-packed for all of those drivers look at harding yeah only 84 of the good right now with some very very difficult races coming two road courses a daytona just shocking to see the speed in this tent car eric's had a solid car all day running well inside the top ten but we got cars on pit road dylan yeah here's chase elliott and so remember they had that slow stop last time that really sent them down the leaderboard so four tires and fuel this should be routine to maybe kick off the cycle here we're gonna see if this kicks off the cycle so now if you're the 10 you ask the question when do you pit i can't pit from the lead first it's really who do i think can make up enough time on new tires the 12 the two they're kind of within distance harvick three and a half second back i have to worry about him and there you have it the two of brad keselowski a left-hand cork turn onto pit road did he make the line though marty brad kozowski hitting pit road he said the drive is hurting me the worst and the entry is no longer great we'll see if he got on pit road clean as the green flag cycle begins here 53 to go we'll see when the rest of the leaders come down pit road i i feel my gut is turning for the crew chief of the 10. what do you do do you take your driver out of the lead and try to counter what these other guys are doing because pit roads are filling up with lead lap cars marty see danny hamlin on pit road for fresh goodyear tires he had driven his way back up to the 13th position when he came down pit road remember they had that problem on the last stop restarted 26-13 dylan kevin harvick is in just reporting that he's losing rear grip again that's been their biggest challenge all afternoon long trying to keep that rear of the car in the racetrack four tires and fuel for harvick well there's the question the 10 of eric alvarez he has to come brad keselowski forces his hand with 52 laps to go he came a lap earlier we'll see if those fresh tires and the cycle will change the lead dylan and alex bowman pulled out right in front of the 12 of ryan blaney so we'll see if that cost him any time right side goodyear's going on just way too loose the report for blaney we saw it there they'll make it a four tire change in fuel marty the pressure on the pit cruise dylan now eric dalmarola got to the lead let's see if the pit crew can keep him there a terrific stop for the team he wanted no changes to the chassis the 10 with a nice stop they deliver on pit road let's see where it all cycles out well there you go you see this is brad keselowski entering turn one at speed the 10 is going to have to use this very slick apron what a job by eric gamarola the 10-pick crew spectacular work to come to pit road second and to keep that lead over the two it's great and great job by eric cavarola the driver getting onto pit road with no practice you don't get to try that you have to do it live easy to make a mistake easy to get call speeding great job by amarola sticker tires will be a little bit edgy for this first lap or two first corner or two for the ten so the two car could to continue to close over these next couple corners there you see it and that's where he's been the best the two has been really good on short runs and on the left-hand side chastain maddie d byron wallace they're all staying on the racetrack hoping for darkness or something to end this race before they have to come to pit road but you mentioned it brad keselowski on the bumper of the 10th i think brad's got to push really hard right here take advantage of the advantage you have and that is short run speed [Music] get by amarillo now now in my opinion you only have to be in front of him by three or four car lengths get in front of him drive away and then chill out a little bit you just saw emeril has the best long-run car don't give him any more of advantage than you have to jeff how many times for how many years have we seen team penske short run speed it is breathtaking richmond martinsville phoenix new hampshire it doesn't matter what track these penske cars fire off on coal tires look at this oh the seven car hot into the corner way up in the dirty dirty debris up there he's gonna gather it in keep it off the wall good job for the joy nice job saving that car so slick up there now ten cars tires appear to be coming back in and if you amarola you're going to push as hard as you can right here that's not saving tire you know you've got the best long run car go push chastain to pit road finishing his pit stop 21 of matt demanded oh you know in the news this week lose this ride for the wood brothers he won't be in it next year they're going to stay out on the racetrack continue to try to gamble try to make something happen [Music] but when the cycle completes this will be the race for the win barring some crazy circumstances see bubba wallace in third place is going to give that position up to brad keselowski [Music] eric has to just go back to work do what he did the last time and i agree with what you said jeff brad only needs to be so far in front of the 10. don't burn your stuff up and if you're the 10 you just want to keep him within the eyesight because you feel like you came on last time after what 10 or 15 laps yeah remember the difference in this situation with keselowski is he's not battling anyone at the start of that last run he and blaine had an epic battle they went after each other that was hard on both of those guys tires this time he can run wherever he wants to run because lousy can put the car where he wants to put it can drive it the way he wants to drive it that's easier on tires jr than having to battle someone now you see the 10 car moving around trying to find that magic in that high line of turn one and two that he had before and it's working for him he's closing in a little bit here on the two car as the two and the ten battle top of the screen 21 you can see last time pit wrote a lap 188 he's currently in first it's going to take a little bit of a miracle for this to work out but i like marbles right here i love the gamble i think it's a great call oh here we go amarola all over keslowski he's got an outside position on brad down here in turn three and four brad gets a little bit loose loses grip up the racetrack he goes the tent car into throttle corner exit takes that position away what a drive by eric alvarola you take the lead you have a pit stop brad comes and takes it back not the lead but the the first car off pit road that we know can make it on fuel he puts laps together to run the two back down just very impressive run by the tank car impressive run impressive race car these guys are probably stuart haas just hasn't been where we expect them to be and i think they would even admit that their company as a whole is lacking little pace but man today they have run well with harvick winning the stage eric almarola in a position to shock the cuffs series just like last weekend with kurt bush and turn this point system upside down five races left to go into the playoffs we're gonna keep this battle going nascar nonstop the world's biggest show on the world's biggest stage the opening ceremony of the tokyo olympics friday 7 30 p.m eastern on nbc guys we're i'm pumped we're closing in on on darkness now we know the sun sets around 8 30 but it's overcast so the darkness going to happen a little earlier and what you're seeing with these cameras that we have it looks a little better a little lighter than what it actually is out on the race track and we're watching brad keselowski work his way him christopher bell having a heck of a battle here for third place so jeff you and i covered though the gordon win at martinsville three lights at martinsville yeah it was much darker than this yeah now i know that's a slower track and a different in a different look but apparently maddie d out there leading 10-second lead over eric amarillo maddie d has about 10 or 12 laps left to fuel he's hoping marty i would assume even if he doesn't get the call for darkness a yellow and he'll probably be able to pit and restart somewhere inside the top 10. and i think that's just strategy c they're hoping of course that it may be is called because of darkness mattie d on the radio a moment ago saying it's the darkest i've ever seen it at a racetrack of course he is going to say that but i agree with what you guys just said our cameras really brighten up the picture for everyone at home i was there that night jeff gordon won at martinsville it's nowhere near like it is right now that was nowhere near at that moment much darker that time so i think maddie dee just hoping for something to happen but a nice move by jonathan hassler nonetheless keeping him out and yes you're right steve about 10 12 more laps off to be at pit road no matter what we got 33 laps to go it's projected to end without a caution at around 8 20. so i think we get the whole race in i believe their hopes of this race ending short it's going to be a little bit difficult to make that happen now caution could change that that's right you know said you know hey we're going to give you a 10 lap window i think if we see a yellow nascar at that point would have to say somewhere around the restart listen guys you get 10 laps we can't you know we got to put some sort of definitive end to this race but right now this fans that filled these grand stands they have the chance to see all 301 laps i think and matt you know he only has a less than an eight-second lead he's losing a lot of time on the racetrack won't be able to maintain this lead for many more laps yeah i mean yeah about a second even you and i can do that man yeah third hand thirty one fifty carry twelve laps all the emotions think about the emotions in matty d right now a tough week he's not going to be back in his car next year sitting there just needs a break right needs something good to happen the right caution to come out at the right time needs something to happen he can see man i'm in this position and then behind him eric amarola had a terrible year he has the same thoughts in his head i don't want any caution he's saying i want this thing to go green the whole way right behind eric almarola's christopher bell who has run the fastest lap on the racetrack the last time by he's only a couple of seconds behind erica morelli's past brett kozalowski for third position so this 20 car could factor in if matt dibino comes to pit road eric almarola might have a fight on his hands yeah and bell's thinking i'm gonna i've seen kyle bush do the double i've seen truex win a couple in a weekend i wanna i'm against guy let me win a couple in the weekend one in the 54 yesterday third exfinity race in a row here at new hampshire he knows how to do it and he's making his car the best when it matters most so let's listen into the second place current position car of the 10 eric amarolo 20 just past the two he's still a third of the straight away back we got our last 30 laps here when you tell me go go go go gonna turn him loose he's been holding back a little bit oh i love that i wonder if eric knows that he might just say man i went i'm going well now it's five seconds behind the 21 of matty d christopher bell just ran a 30-44 to eric alvarola's 30-70 that i don't know man that 20 car is coming man whatever they did on that green flag pit stop this 20 car has come to life answer with a 60 and bale ran a 54. it's going to come down i believe to this 10 car getting through the lap traffic catching some pretty fast race cars this 23 cars got a little bit newer tire and the nine car he's got more pace in those guys but he's getting bomb that's another thing great battle right here there's manny d coming on pit road so a great try i mean i applaud the effort unbelievable situation the manny d is in and his crew chief just trying to put him in the best situation he can now it's basically what you see is what you got almost lead bell 1.6 seconds back keslowski blaney harvick logano somehow is driven back up into the top six let's take a look here that's the distance from first to second right there christopher bell on the right side of the screen as he tries to close in long time to go 26 laps it's a lot of laps at this track the cars are going to go through some changes eric amarillo see the speeds at the line right there almarola third quick bell a little slower with traffic keselowski a nice lap lagana once again continues to put great laps together he just needs a yellow to close up the field alma roller right now is thinking i hope i gained some good will back in those races that weren't going my way when i laid over for people and gave him a little bit of a break hopefully they'll give me a break william byron was playing that same strategy that maddie d was playing william byrne on pit road right now [Music] and when that type of strategy strategy doesn't work okay i'm ready for [Laughter] that's a spotter and a crew chief talking on this channel too but look this has been a long race in a long day but these 25 laps are gonna be way longer 25 laps to go farrell camaro to get this win and completely change this entire year right here today i think at this point we talked about what kind of information you give eric almarola earlier when he's when you're pushing him trying to get him to get up there and take control of this race what kind of information you give him now now i'm basically just letting him know he's 24 to go i feel you have the car don't panic him about bell don't let him be surprised say hey belle's now in second he's been a little bit quicker than kes lowsky so you know as the leader in the mirror okay that's funny plenty darker yeah he's the leader he got dark and not i hear what he's saying that's what i'd be telling him i'd be letting him know belle's the guy you're worried about you're definitely fast enough pick and choose your position focus on the left part and you hear him say that if that's eric talking about the darkness and i'm a driver and i would think the same thing i'm in the lead now okay it's dark nascar's dark you're gonna start talking about that thinking that and that is gonna when you're not thinking that when you're thinking about that you're not running your best line you're not running exactly how you need to run and i think it's good to crew chief to come back on the radio and say man don't worry about that we're handling that we don't need it we don't need this too dark you're going to win this race in 22 laps quit worrying about shortening this race you have the car you have the position if you do what you do for 22 laps dark light let them call it we don't care we're going to win this right show a little confidence in what we're doing well and they're not listening to you anyway it's a good last person they're going to listen to they don't care what you think i mean because they're just trying to influence their decision eric continues to run some great laughs though he's driving away from christopher bale and brad keselowski to your point about focus remind him hey don't forget about your tools your brake bias your other things don't be thinking about other things don't get out of the moment that's where i think lap time that's where that can become a really useful tool for a driver it's just your goal is to run the same laptop before right get that information from your dashboard get it from your spotter however you get it and that's your goal it's just your lap time forget all the if we win this race and all those things what you got to focus on is you and your race car and if the 22 is not fortunate enough to get a yellow i believe he's faster than the four of the 12. they're going to go home thinking man what if what if we could have just ran this race up inside the lead lap most of the day because you know they lost a lot of time some adjustments just not much of a race for the 22 running most of it laps down christopher bell and his team a lot of credit right they've made their car right at the right moment continued to make improvements all day long eastern bell's driven three seconds away because laos here comes joey logano he's gonna go to the outside the sport car down the front straight away basically started this race two laps down fought and clawed into the top five now we have a situation where the 10 is in reasonably clean air 20 is catching him relatively quickly let's take a look we're going to look at speeds at the next time by i mean the 20 is only oh nascar set it time to go this time smooth and smart that couldn't have come any quicker for eric gamarole he run a 31 flat uncharacteristically slow lap for eric and he's gave up a little bit of time to christopher bell you see it right there 133 1 1.4 and let's remind everybody that's 10 laps regardless green yellow doesn't matter no overtimes we are going to run 10 more laps in any flat condition to end this race here comes off turn four getting the signal nine laps to go he looks in the mirror and sees that 20 car getting a little bit bigger let's see speeds at the line alma roll a good lap that time a little quicker than the battle quicker than him oh and the crew chief reminds him that was quicker i'm looking at the date of your quicker nine to go now it's a focus on a lap cars don't get hung up behind a lap car don't give up a second it'd be easy to do it'd be easy to get hung up on a lap car see right there catching austin dillon austin is sitting there running in 17th place not a slow car so this will not be an easy pass for eric yeah let's see how the three affects the 10 right so this time right here look at that bell quicker almost the same time but quicker i'll tell you what it's in austin dylan's best issue for christopher bell to run him down and pass him dylan does not want a new winner the best thing he wants tend to go in a good point that moves him out of the playoffs and we saw last week you know these other cars can't affect the race win dylan's going to run a tidy line at the bottom this is why he doesn't want it look what it does it puts austin dylan below the cut line with almarola winning unreal and that one right there that was over a tenth of a second bell ran faster than amarillo that time it's hard to pass here anyway guys it's really hard to pass this racetrack so austin dillon just has to keep doing what he's doing he's not blocking he's not doing anything other than running the fastest lap that he can right here as you mentioned right he he's not multiple laps down he's the last car in the lead lap he's fighting to stay in the lead lap he should make this really difficult on eric right there he's pressing he knows he's losing time he can see it he doesn't need the radio he can see in the mirror that was two and a half tenths of a second right there christopher bell is under a second behind now eric just does not get back find a way around those clowns eric just not able to really run the line and maximize what he was doing in turn one and two there look at the break temperature on the ten front rotors glowing as he tries to get to the outside of the three oh he won't he wants to be right on that quarter panel can't do it christopher bell getting closer now alvaro will say look i need the spot ambrose gonna get aggressive right here what's the three gonna do oh he's going right on his quarter panel aaron's gonna take his line away he has to do that i know that austin's not gonna love that but the team car has no other choice if it's fair for the three to run hard in front of him it's fair for the 10 to take what he needs to win a race that is what he like to see is great hard racing 100 right nope everybody did everything right right there now can the tent carve erica moroela get back in his rhythm trying to get you a little help get your mark to be smooth he won't catch it four more laps to go kurt busch kurt bush he won a race with lap traffic a week ago in atlanta what will he do now that eric almarola is on his rear bumper oh he pulls to the left the veteran shows the other veteran a bunch of class eric does a good job there stopping the car in the middle of the corner getting a great exit here good straight run off the corner now there's a lap car in between the two three laps to go see what kurt busch does he's going to run around the bottom of the racetrack 77 taking that 10 cars light away not his preferred line having to run a little bit lower you can see it cost him a little bit kurt busch once again showing why he's a champion gets out of the way of these guys haley pulls to the left he wants no part of this battle the gap down to half the second clean air here clean track for eric amarola and now junior the next guy in front of amarola eric at this point just hit your marks think about nothing else don't even look in the mirror the shot heard across the playoff leaderboard eric almarola leads with under two laps to go gets that car turned off the turn four one lap to go presented by credit one bank for eric almarola down into term one aiming to get his third career win in his 374th start last win was a talladega in october of 2018 this is going to put eric alvarola into the playoffs if he can make it through turns three and four he's got lap cars in front but the lead is a little bit too big for christopher bell eric alvaro with the levelnet at new yes hampshire yes oh god that is awesome [Applause] oh what a year thank you thank you thank you thank you never quit fighting you've got even when you feel like the world's back in never quit fighting playoff racing how about that i love to hear the happiness in the voice of these guys when they do something great you can tell this guy here appreciates what he's done today they turned their cr turned their season around 27 in the points not a threat first win this year for stuart haas racing nobody nobody had them on their radar today turn it on [Music] we think we can predict what's going to happen in the sport two weeks in a row we get the unpredictable results with kurt busch winning in atlanta now eric alvarola punches his ticket to the playoffs it makes that bubble battle a lot more interesting and now two road course races and a super speedway race at daytona what could happen this is your checkered flag ballman brought to you by advanced auto parts burn it now these fans stuck around all day long through the weather delay and saw some awesome racing here in the last two days in new hampshire this racetrack's a lot of fun these fans up here love racing stuart haas might be on the uptick here is [Applause] i can't believe it look at it can't believe it and i mean 20 laps probably the hardest lapses ever drove marty's down there with a winner what a clutch win in the dark for eric almarola puts himself in the playoffs picked a fine time to win the first ever non-super speedway win he gets it here at new hampshire man incredible eric honestly did you see that performance coming this morning honestly i did this is by far one of my favorite race tracks i love coming up to the new england area and racing i love this racetrack i uh i had this race won a couple years ago and i gave it away i lost it and i am so glad to uh to win a race here with this race team oh god is so good man we've been through so much and i've just stood the test and uh kept the faith the team everybody they've just been working so hard smithfield ford go bowling pit boss grills uh everybody honey singer shady ray sunglasses there's been so many people that have just continued to support us through like the crappiest year ever and uh man this feels so good for them my pit crew did a phenomenal job on pit road all the guys that work on this car they just keep fighting they just keep digging bringing the best race car they can bring every week and it is no doubt we have struggled but guess what we're going playoff racing hey how about those last 50 laps maybe the hardest you've driven in your career because you had to beat brian blaney brad keselowski and at the end christopher bell yeah um yeah that's what that's what a race car driver lives for and for so long i've been so close to winning at some of these racetracks like here dover and i've i've let it slip away and i've honestly hated it and my wife has hated it worse than i have she's always told me she's like honey i want you to win so badly at somewhere other than a restrictor plate racetrack and we did it today and gosh i'm just so proud of everybody at stuart haas racing ralsh8's engine shop we have been fighting scratching clawing and uh man this feels so good to have something pay off for all the hard work so just really happy man this means so much it's hard to it's hard to explain it but i love coming up here to new england you fans are awesome in this area living it up with the fans he has a checkered flag to collect and also an invite to the 2021 playoffs how about that junior love it man love to see that excitement love to see the drivers get the checkered flag man you work so hard to win these races check that checkered flag home [Applause] coming up next on nbcsn premiere lacrosse league the all-star game guys we talked about the playoffs and what this win with eric does to the points look at that bubble i don't dare look at the points i keep looking at the point so we have new winners so not even on that list is ricky stenhouse jr who's won at daytona before ross chastain's running great at the road courses matt divato down runs great at the road forces so five points is a pressure cooker i'm not ready to throw the towel in on more winners i can tell you he's looking at the points richard childers he's got two teammates sitting there 16 17. things just got tense at rcr they got to go to work i mean it looked like they were in pretty good shape coming in this race but now it's game on dylan has called up with christopher bell man and it was a valiant effort almost had the weekend sweep won the xfinity series race yesterday and and just a couple laps short today had it gone the distance do you feel like you you had a shot at him yeah i did i didn't know how many laps they cut a short but definitely whenever i saw the board and saw that we were eight laps short it stings man because i feel like uh i was probably had a little bit better pace than him and i was able to get to him i know lap cars were giving them a bad time but i was able to get to them it was going to be a heck of a race but really proud of everyone on this rheem pristine auction camry uh they did really good you know everyone on this 20 group or 20 group we didn't start out the greatest and then we were really good at the best we were all day right there at the end of the race so that's all you can ask for is to have a shot at it and uh yeah just wish we had eight more laps well and we watched you all weekend i mean your car was working it seemed like everywhere so i mean where do you feel like you were better even than than these penske fords that that were so strong throughout the day yeah i don't know like i fought a little bit of everything and you know i don't was a little loose in a little loose off uh i felt like my car cut the center probably better than theirs and that's where my speed was so yeah really i mean i'm happy for eric you know that's cool for him to win uh he's been close a couple times so building on our program too so hopefully we can knock off a couple more wins here soon i guess it's a good day if you're disappointed with second right christopher bell almost had him but don't have to settle for the runner-up spot today yeah i know christopher would love to have seen this race finish out but i don't know if he had the pace for this guy catching him is one thing and passing him is another guys we know this place is tough to pass well you always as a driver think man what if right that'll bring christopher bell i think christopher was a little bit faster but still quite a ways away to go get him and i think nascar had to make that decision because what if the yellow comes out that takes six or eight minutes and the closing laps it got very dark right if you get a caution with 11 or 12 to go can they change it then they at least made the decision under green after everybody pitted so i think it was the right decision couldn't be happier nice guy deserves the win he's put in so much work we had it all today a lot of drama early on with the wet race track we had guys sliding all over the place stage winners blaney kevin harvick and brad keselowski up front all the players but we had a big upset when it came down to it eric alvarola took it coming up next premier lacrosse league all-star game from san jose [Music] california [Music] i can see the future
Channel: NASCAR
Views: 89,214
Rating: 4.8131633 out of 5
Keywords: NASCAR, motorsports, racing, stock car, Kyle Busch, Kevin Harvick, chase elliott, fantasy sports, fantasy fastlane, glass case of emotion, ryan blaney, crash, wreck, pileup, pit road, penalty, race track, super speedway, highlight
Id: Qf7ySQx5rh4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 213min 42sec (12822 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 20 2021
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