Foxhole Pirates Of The Eastern Sea (Battle Longhooks)

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in all my years of playing Foxhole I've never seen anything as effective as this before while I serve in the warden Naval regiment you might assume I'm referring to the Battle Ship the submarine or even the battle barge however you'd be mistaken because as it turns out the most powerful ship in the game is in fact the long hook you may be thinking that's ridiculous because that floing Costco has been used as a glorified Watchtower since the colonial booby system was patched but what if I told you that one long hook and about 40 guys armed with cutlers and atrs are more powerful than any Destroyer the Colonials could throw at us fine I'll do it myself and now I do realize that the use of atrs according to several individuals on the fox Soul game subreddit may find it a little bit unfair but you got to admit this goes kind of hard after doing some really quick math the long hook has 49,500 health and the average Warden Sharpshooter deals roughly 180 damage with an ATR taking into account the armor plating it takes anywhere between 439 and 660 shots to completely destroy a long hook now just imagine one person firing consistently for 12 minutes with absolutely no interruptions that is at least what it would take for just one person to destroy a long hook now you could hopefully imagine why 20 goobers and myself would go about it like this now with all that said it's time to get on to the real story after a very successful battle in Reaper pass an idea struck us to attack the island of Plata with a Cutler firing squad that would make any Colonial shiver also side note we're very close to 1,000 Subs so if you enjoy foxille content and similar games maybe consider subscribing it's free I promise thanks and enjoy that's got to be the best part I've ever seen so it would see hey bu hey bu [Music] hey he cabbage you want to hear a joke he's got a blow all right he's got a weapon get on the ground get on the ground get on the ground stop resisting [Music] Man Overboard Man [Music] Overboard yeah I need boat is aiming right at us don't be ridiculous destroying the Sniper Tower would provide no strategic advantage somebody I need I need left reverse from somebody [Music] please this is great that's got to be the best pirate I've ever seen cage keep it going stupid oh [ __ ] boy careful you idiot I said a cross her nose not OP it sorry sir I'm doing my best who made that Mana Gunner I did Sir he's my cousin who is he he's an [ __ ] sir I know that what's his name that is his name sir [ __ ] major [ __ ] and his cousin he's an [ __ ] too sir Gunners made first class Philip [ __ ] how many [ __ ] we got on this ship anyhow y I knew it I'm surrounded by [ __ ] keep firing [ __ ] immediately disabled disabled this is good for concrete cabbage this good holy [ __ ] drop 94 96 98 got it got it ex hey boys how's it going hey thanks for playing hold up boys I'm landing it on fire right now boys it's on fire it's on fire I land it on fire boys it's on fire call in the water boys CL up why me why me why me why me holy [ __ ] [ __ ] fuckun literally dude [Music] the E Lego hello iive my of Empires made me kill myself this is just a hallucination coming up boys ready disabl oh my God dead no miss your [Applause] shot gas on gas's gas [ __ ] him up [ __ ] him up thanks for playing boys thanks for playing you's go after decimating planata it was quickly decided that we should turn our attention to aled's Bright where the Colonials were harboring two of their very own long hooks the best course of action was to sail down the river where the Colonials were harboring them and take out the freighter wall and spam atrs until they were both dead it was a resounding success and we left without a single casualty just hey guys if you're just now spawning in please grab an ATR and full Clips we are going for the [ __ ] long boats ATR full Clips ATR full Clips if you do not have it you are in a state of non-compliance it's a [Music] just I one more what's the watch know kill long hook [Music] you'll the plan is total long death grab an antank GA at the whe of the ship and prepare to fire uh 40 m way 40 me way [Applause] we're fine we're fine boys keep going back fire St shooting us keep firing yeah we it the very next day we G reports of a destroyer being built inside the fingers down inside of this Cove we decided to send the long hook after it to go ahead and destroy the dry dock while it was still being built though due to s qfs of gunboats and a couple of freighter walls we actually arrived too late and the Destroyer was finished so we had to chase it all around fingers and into Reaver path to destroy it completely and this is death story all right guys if you can please meet me inside of the storage room for the long hook I will be going over the game plan once again please meet me over here in the storage room with the long hook we'll be going over the game plan if you're just now spawning in please grab two alligator charges this will encumber you but do not worry Callahan deems it all right everyone if you could please at this time open up your Maps take a look south of te's Base you will see the map post of a spicy Destroyer being built up on down there we are on our way to destroy that dry dock to take out the Destroyer once we do reach that area we are all going to pile onto the front of the long hook and then begin planting our charges to take it out does everyone understand this now um I don't really know what to do now gra two grab two I guess if you have your kit go lar somewhere on the ship pretend you're on a boat I don't know once we reach the dry dock please ensure that you get onto it do not plant the alligator charges on top of this boat once again please jump onto the dry do I I hate that I have to say shooting at us right sh everyone below deck everybody below deck below deck below deck get below deck carefully do not lose your charges below the deck get below deck we don't have we're moving to the front fully reped every ATS everyone ATS grab at everyone gra a [ __ ] ATR anti-tank rfle 20 Neville anti-tank rfle grab one of those and a 20 M grab anti-tank grab anti-tank antank grab ant guys right now it's I atast holes the back side all man to [ __ ] port side all man to port side he is thinkinking boys we're going to get him atast got holes chase that downa everyone to back a boat backup boat with atrs he is stopped here we go Boys North by Northeast North by Northeast theat the boat obv [ __ ] him up [ __ ] him up [ __ ] them [Music] [Music] up away hey Ambrose let me let me this is not over we're still chasing this is not over just have everybody ready tell everybody on board to be ready be ready be prepared to cross you guys aren't Crossing there's people pulling [ __ ] out of the stock who is here we go homeboy better get jumped go byebye fellas byebye grab atrs grab atrs everyone grab [ __ ] atrs I just on the sh without a problem yeah I know same he is in the region he is in the region here we go he's right here he's right here he's right here there he is left side left side left side Fu he moving oh no [Music] hello boys how's it going do not stand up hell boys 30 seconds keep it up keep it up keep it up he is [ __ ] hello boys how's it going we got it we get [ __ ] get [ __ ] get [ __ ] byebye long looks better oh God that's a lot H there something in front I holy CRA a lot of Ty on the whole R here I don't think they like us I don't know why I get the feeling that we're not welcome here guys let's start playing Bad Bunny as we go on this Carnival Cruise Line yeah Weill half track positive was a big no M trying to steal it [Music] no we can we can drop anchor build [ __ ] a bunch of the fuel Runners and just [ __ ] we have 110 uh HTS we do have a we do you know what [ __ ] I'm going to grab a [ __ ] I'm going to grab this SP gentlemen this is a suicide mission we will will not return my life is worth you wait until now to tell us that this is a one-way trip enough fuel to get there not enough to get back I hope you called your family I would have I know that this suicide mission ahead of time oh 30 seconds men Callahan be with you will it's I don't think it's cud Rush the elet car make sure no one Cru it make sure no one Cru it rush it with what just know make sure no one Cruis it did you hear me listen said rush it dude when we when we get on on three is when we drop the satchels Okay jump jump [Music] jump deploy deploy back down let me in I I'm going to push the beach we can actually leave now I'm swi to the beach Wait God go go go kill the gun charge it boys charge it charge it don't worry don't worry about the it guys got one of am this and we're hit [Music] with
Channel: BamBam
Views: 15,489
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Foxhole, Foxhole Game, Foxhole Gameplay, Foxhole Naval Warfare, Foxhole battleship, Foxhole Gunboat, Foxhole MMO, MMO, War Game, Foxhole War Simulation, War Simulator, Foxhole Warden, Foxhole Warden Navy, Foxhole Colonial, Foxhole Colonial Navy, Colonial, Foxhole War 111, War Simulation, War MMO, Battleship, Foxhole Tanks, Warden navy, War 111, Foxhole Longhooks, Foxhole Longhook, Longhook, Foxhole Longhook Gameplay, The Longhoot experience, Foxhole Batttlehooks, Gaming
Id: R65HIHaoFl8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 57sec (1317 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 19 2024
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