Four things about archery they get wrong in the movies

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Bo's yes I was gonna say a bit more about those and how they're portrayed in films and here are a few things they get wrong about Bo's in films thing number one there's the word fire in several films I've come across this I know for certain that Aragorn shouts fire in the absolutely laughable sequence of the siege of Helm's Deep yet the orcs they take Pike's to a siege because they're just a thing for a siege Utley when you get to the up to a castle you poke it with the pike until it gives in anyway that's a bit of a sideline he shouts fire where they will the archers I mean what what does fire mean to an ancient Archer it means oh there's a fire somewhere well ok QuickTime gets a bucket of sand with where's the fire where's the fat what what was going on fire no he meant shoot or loose or release or something but didn't mean fire fire the word fire belongs to the age of firearms that's that they were using bows there's no gunpowder and they're flashing the pan there's no detonation wrong word ok so don't use the word fire another thing they get wrong is this really quite alarming creaking noise the Lord of the Rings movies did this particularly I've seen this and loads of other moves as well as they draw the bow it's really loud cry noise if your bow makes that sound stop using that boat because that bow is definitely on the way out it may break at any moment and that'll be very dangerous for you and not at all dangerous for the enemy so that's another thing they get wrong another thing they get wrong is they use for understandable reasons very low poundage bows but what people do is teach the actors to pretend that it's a high poundage bow I've lost count of the number of times I've seen an actor holding the arrow on the string with his fingers either side of the era like that he's drawing an e like that with a bent arm and goes Bing Bing you bit like no no that's not gonna work at all ok if you've got a war bow a bow that's going to do some of the series amount of harm you can't just hold the arrow either side and pinch it back no no you got to get round that string somehow either with your fingers or if you're using a thumb ring you've got to go with a hook on your thumb you gotta get round that string some Howard draw olive oil back and your front arm is not going to be bent okay it's not gonna be bent you're going to push the bow away from you like that with a straight arm and quite often you'll you'll push the boat upwards or downwards and yeah and and rend it into place using the muscles largely on your back it's quite a different movement quite a different stance from the pin that you see in the films so that's not a bugbear of mine um what else there was another thing while I was at it oh yes I remember now um now filmmakers are very used to making films with guns I point a gun at you yeah you see I'm pointing a gun at you there's tension in this scene and a character can be pointing a gun at another character for quite a long time and having a conversation and will you shoot will he not shoot what's he gonna do well the other guy make a break for it what's going to happen that the bad you do that the gun so they try and do it with bows but it doesn't work what about again with a proper bow that's actually got a hefty bit of poundage to it you wrap ah you've got your bow here and you don't to be holding it for long because if you do yeah you're gonna be juggling all over the place you're gonna hit a thing and you're using an awful lot of energy which will be very useful for you know maybe shooting again later possibly viewer so as a commander you don't get everyone to draw and then hold them there you know join just tension who when's it going to be and then shout loose no you know there's not going to be a great pause between the draw and the release but in both in films quite often and the middle of a battle there one side will all draw their bows and then hold their bows for no reason whatsoever then we might not even be moving and but the other filmmaker you think is gonna build up tension Yeah right I'm sorry I've ranted enough for now
Channel: Lindybeige
Views: 379,241
Rating: 4.9325762 out of 5
Keywords: bows, archery, archer, arrow, twang, aragorn, helms, deep, fire, shoot, loose, release, tension, film, movie
Id: 3GHzSg5P-Jw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 18sec (258 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 03 2010
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