Gauntlets, helmets, studded leather armour, and gold.

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the medieval massacre exhibition had some reconstructions of armor found at visby these gauntlets were based on these finds which I hope you can see belong to someone whose hands were far from small I've said it before and I'll say it again there was no such thing as studded leather armor this is not studded leather armor study leather armor is a fiction born of costume designers with low budgets and heavy metal rock band fantasy this is plate Armour or possibly Michael it's Flint where many of the plates are on the inside of the gauntlets and held in place by rivets studded leather wouldn't work another thing that amazes me is that some people believe that gauntlets had metal on the palms no it was just ordinary leather you needed to be able to grip your sword properly and just as importantly to feel it properly in your hand the articulation is fine and they would double as quite effective knuckledusters here you see the basinet they had with male aventail I certainly felt very protected in it it was very solid but the vision out of it was rubbish I couldn't see up down or sideways at all I could see Ford's very badly and that was it the eye holes were far from my eyes I also wonder whether we missing something about these helmets was there really nothing holding the visor either up or down it just flapped around loose and annoying the reconstruction aventail was riveted which it wouldn't have been not many years ago they didn't seem to make their mind up as to how to attach it but I quite liked to see that it did have some padding I tried on the kettle hat which is based on this one that they found and well it seemed to be a generous size mine is not a tiny head and I would have demanded a second fitting from my armor it also weighed a ton which made me suspect that the reconstruction used rather too metal but the levitation control still worked see elsewhere in the museum they had a spectacled helmet from the earlier Viking or pre Viking Vendela period good most of the actual archaeological examples have narrower eye holes than these but even so I have to say I approve like way that I'm able to see what's around me you know stuff people in that people who might you know attack me or something the black cap underneath it gave me Groucho Marx eyebrows which I wasn't so keen on but I give it another go end and yes Linda beige approve yeah see I approve this okay while I'm here I'll show you something hideous that was lurking in the subterranean gold vaults brace yourselves this is the relic we for st. Elizabeth made in many stages over several centuries then looted by the Swedes in the 30 Years War it is hideous this style of dual decoration is called kibosh all the Carolinians loved it rounded often irregular stones of many colors set in raised mountings there's something about it that always makes me heave now the detail and workmanship in cabochons pieces can be mind-bending but even so the overall effect is always just yeah and what do you make of this spectacular collar now if this were British I'd guess it was Bronze Age because it has that sort of look to it but nowhere in the display cabinet were there any clues as to its age in the end on the back of a postcard I found in the gift shop I read that it is dated ad 400 to 500 it's a museum come on give me information Linda Mae you
Channel: Lindybeige
Views: 665,612
Rating: 4.9726725 out of 5
Keywords: cabochon, gauntlet, gauntlets, studded leather, helmet, vendel, spectacled, viking, bascinet, kettle hat, visby, medieval, massacre, museum, stockholm, history, jewel, settings, aventail, battle, visor, Armour
Id: eI_KaOMu6ok
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 18sec (258 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 26 2015
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