Four Secrets of Sacred Geometry: Spiritual Science (Dr. Robert J. Gilbert - Gaia)

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how do Divine patterns of creation Define what  manifest on every level of physical reality   founder of the vesica institute for holistic  studies Dr Robert J Gilbert offers his 40 Years   of insight into mystical truths exploring  four of the most profound secrets of sacred   geometry sharing his expertise about the patterns  which manifest everything in material existence   Dr Gilbert offers practical methods for raising  awareness to utilize sacred geometry and evolve   Consciousness on individual and planetary levels  I welcome you to another exclusive presentation on   my channel presented to you by Gaia called four  secrets of sacred geometry season 1 episode 3.   stick around until the end of the  video for a special offer from Gaia [Music] welcome I'm your host Dr Robert J Gilbert   in this episode we will explore four  major secrets of sacred geometry these secrets will guide us  into learning a very powerful   method which can activate any energy  center in your body or energy field   you'll learn in this episode how to apply  this method to activate the most important   Energy Center in the human head what in the  Himalayan tradition is called the cave of Brahma   this exploration will lead us into the highest  sources of inspiration and spiritual visions   and into the many levels of  our multi-dimensional world   our first great secret of sacred geometry reveals  the true source of all physical manifestation   this secret is that sacred geometry patterns  are in reality thought forms in the mind of God   which become the Divine  blueprints for all of creation let's start with an important development in  human spiritual evolution that large numbers   of human beings are increasingly experiencing  inner visions of the sacred geometry patterns   behind the physical plane along with visions of  the higher worlds which interact with the physical   these sacred geometry thought forms which  more and more people are experiencing   are in actuality packets of divine Consciousness  holding inside of them pure structural patterns   which then move down from the higher planes  to manifest on every level of creation   these sacred geometric Visions  can come whenever we release our   contracted perception of the physical world  and expand into deeper levels of awareness in my 30 years of publicly teaching sacred  geometry in every class I would have students   tell me that the pattern I had just taught  them was one that they had seen before   students told me they had seen the pattern  internally in a dream in a vision in an   Ayahuasca Journey or other psychotropic experience  or in a transmission from a spiritual teacher   in some cases they had been taught a specific  sacred geometry pattern as a private secret of   a tradition into which they received initiation  being told they could never mention it to anyone   outside the tradition and then being astonished  when they found out in my class that it was   actually a part of the complete sacred geometry  pattern language known to multiple traditions   ancient Traditions knew that these sacred  geometry patterns which underlie all of   creation are in reality in their deepest  Essence thought forms from the mind of God so our visions of these sacred  geometry patterns can at their   highest level mean a literal communion  of our human mind with the Divine mind   this experience can transform our deepest sense of  ourselves and of what our true potential really is   this idea that the basis of creation is sacred  geometric patterns it's related to the findings   of some Modern physicists who say that the  evidence in modern physics shows that the   essence of all creation is not physical matter  but consciousness a key aspect of Consciousness   being the foundation of all existence is that  light and Consciousness are the exact same thing   this is embedded in Genesis with creation  beginning with the statement let there be light   modern physics says that everything  is fundamentally energy and that light   exists both as a physical particle and as an  energy wave light is the fundamental constant   of nature linking the concepts of physical  mass and energy together in the famous E   equals MC squared equation of Einstein light  sets the speed limit for the physical plane   modern physics says that nothing in the physical  world can travel faster than the speed of light   this has all led to the concept that  everything physical is actually made of   light and that physical matter is simply light  energy in a specific state of materialization   ancient Traditions knew that when Consciousness  is experienced externally it appears as light   and when light appears internally inside  of us we experience it as consciousness   this is why aura's of brilliant light are  always sewn in classical Traditions around   great initiates either just around their head with  the activation of their Consciousness or around   their entire body and energy field with higher  levels of initiation and self-transformation   this brings us to what we might call the first  letter in the alphabet of sacred geometry forums   which create the world this is the ancient  symbol of the point in the center of the circle   this was the hieroglyph for the  spiritual being of the Sun ra'a   in ancient Egypt and became the  image for the sun in astrology   just as creation comes from light the source of  light and life in our Earthly lives is the Sun   this same symbol is used as the sign for gold in  Alchemy ancient Traditions understood gold to be   a physical crystallization of the same energy  quality as in sunlight this pattern is also   the sign for the godhead the source of Creation  in both the rosicrucian and Masonic traditions   as seen in this image based on the work  of the rosicrucian initiate Rudolf Steiner   the godhead is the Divine Unity the  original unified field where all is one   the macrocosm is the higher World which emerges  from that Unity the macrocosm contains the godhead   broken up into discrete pieces into a multitude  of Spiritual Beings worlds and creative processes   the microcosm contains that same totality of  the godhead but broken up into pieces of denser   smaller levels of manifestation reaching down  to the vital energy physical and electromagnetic   levels we will see in a future episode that the  hexagram of the macrocosm and the pentagram of the   microcosm are sacred geometry keys to unlocking  two essential levels of every human being   the astral Body Of Consciousness and the  etheric or a chronic body of vital energy   these are also key parts of the  merkaba the human soul vehicle   we have to switch our understanding of sacred  geometry from being static forms to instead   focus on the living dynamically vibrating  energy fields which create these forms when dealing with sacred geometry forums like the  point in the center of the circle think of these   forms as being similar to electronic circuit  diagrams showing energy patterns which we can   directly apply for practical purposes the point  in the center of the circle is a two-dimensional   image it becomes in three dimensions the  point in the center of the sphere of creation   with Dynamic movement between the center and  the boundary of creation within the sphere   in modern physics the so-called Big Bang Theory  is misunderstood by most of the General Public   the theory does not say that some unknown  explosion filled up an already existing space and   time with physical things rather it says that an  original outward movement from a Zero Dimensional   Point The Singularity created space and time  through the outward expansion of the point   which created an expanding sphere of the  three-dimensional physical world that we live in   other words a sacred geometric movement from the  point to the surrounding sphere is the foundation   of all creation in modern physics the concept that  the geometric Center is the source of all creation   and is a literal gateway to the Divine plain as  found in classical spiritual traditions it is   prominent in the Indian tradition as the Bindu  point of Divine Light found in the exact center   of Indian yantras of the mandalas of Eastern  traditions and sacred geometric forms in general   in modern times Dr Ibrahim Karim of Cairo Egypt  has demonstrated that there is a powerful subtle   energy quality that is literally present in the  center of all geometric forms this powerful energy   of the center appears in both two-dimensional  geometric drawings and in three-dimensional forms   as long as the boundary information of  the geometric forum is present in space   like a conducting wire in an electrical circuit   this subtle energy appears in  the center of the geometric form   Dr Karim developed methods to directly detect and  apply this powerful subtle energy of the center   leading to the creation of the new  energy science called biogeometry   a subtle energy quality from the geometric Center  Dr Karim was able to demonstrate replicatable   biological effects on living beings at  the Egyptian National Research Center   and in multiple International  University and medical studies   classical Traditions described the Act of Creation  from the center as moving through multiple levels   of densification which are referred to as  spiritual planes or as the planes of nature   the initial Zero Dimensional point of creation  which physics calls the singularity in metaphysics   is known as the Divine plane this point  of the Divine plane is the key to the   unified field Beyond any polarity which  exists in lower worlds of manifestation   Dr Kareem has created a new multi-dimensional  wave model describing the different planes of   manifestation and showing which geometric  shapes are in resonance with each plane   in Practical biogeometry applications these  shapes can act like antennas to focus on a   specific plane to either detect and analyze their  energy or to Direct Energy to or from that plane   the highest plane the divine manifest its energy  through the Zero Dimensional point which manifests   in the center of all geometric forms the circle  and sphere the perfect balanced containers for   creation resonate with the physical plane  where vibrations crystallize into matter   when we connect the highest and the lowest  planes in Dr Kareem's model we see the point   in the center of the circle for what it really  is the Divine Unity plane in the center of the   physical world of creation Dr Kareem's Discovery  is connected to other scientific discoveries   recent experiments using laser light to create  cavitations within water which are empty spheres   or bubbles have shown incredible effects which  cannot be explained by modern science when this   water bubble collapses it releases both light  and sound a phenomenon known as sonoluminescence   the instant the water bubble collapses it also  releases a tremendous amount of excess energy   in one experiment when linked to a pump with  840 Watts input It produced 2 800 watts of   power an increase of over 300 percent of the input  energy considered impossible in modern physics but   explained in research papers as a possible release  of hidden energy from the quantum vacuum which   some people call Zero Point Energy studies of  the collapsing water cavity have found that this   collapse creates for a millisecond heat of over 5  000 Kelvin the surface of the Sun is 5800 Kelvin   just as Dr Kareem's work shows a subtle energy  which affects biological Life coming from the   center of the sphere and all geometric forms  so sonoluminescence research proves massive   millisecond releases from the center of  collapsing spherical structures in water so we have now explored the first secret how  the point in the center of the circle image is a   packed thought form in the mind of God which holds  encoded information about how the Divine geometric   Center The Singularity the unified field manifests  the sphere of physical creation we now come to a   second great secret of sacred geometry which is  that every human being can develop the ability to   perceive create and send these Divine packed  thought forms of sacred geometry the precise   methods of how to do this have been hidden in  closed initiation circles for thousands of years   in the Kabbalah the mind of God is described as  an ocean of fire which is pure Consciousness every   human being receives a spark from this ocean of  fire and this Divine spark becomes our Immortal   Spirit core our microcosmic part of the one  universal being this flame of our higher Spirit   core ignites above our head during Advanced  forms of spiritual initiation this is seen   in the Indian tradition with the flame appearing  above the head when a person becomes twice born   and in Christianity it is seen in the Flames above  the heads of the disciples led by Mary Magdalene   at Pentecost in the western spiritual tradition  it is said that humanity is the microcosm of the   macrocosm and that we are the crown of creation  this means that every human being has within them   all the planes of creation all the powers  of the godhead but in a latent and sleeping   form which must be awakened this is a process  of Illumination in other words increasing our   internal light which we have seen as the external  manifestation of divine Consciousness itself we   have this incredible slumbering potential because  we are a direct emanation of the godhead reduced   in scale to the microcosmic level but with all  the inherent qualities and powers of the Divine   the law of attraction that you will attract to  yourself what you create in your Consciousness   is an example of modern teachings on the  power of the human mind to create science   of mind and related mental healing methods are  examples of the power of the human mind to heal   and to create the fundamental conditions of both  illness and health depending on how skillfully   we use our minds many healers have found that  when they combine the clear focused creation of   a thought form holding the desired state of health  with whatever method of healing they are applying   that the results improve sometimes miraculously   this method is very powerful when the  light of our Consciousness our mind power   is focused and coherent like a laser light it is  also strengthened when beneficial Spiritual Beings   and energies are lovingly asked to help with the  healing this ability to perceive or create thought   forms at the higher macrocosmic level is not  based on thinking in words it is a higher order   thinking in mental images in sounds in internal  vibrational states it is a thinking that lives and   plays in the vibrational Essence behind physical  things in Humanity's current state of evolution   we break down information into thinking in words  one word at a time to represent every separate   component of the thought and then we slowly build  up larger Concepts but this is a very slow method   but for Angelic beings and more advanced  non-physical beings they can communicate through   an instantaneous transmission of a thought  form containing densely packed information   we can use the terminology of the late French  Medical Doctor Samuel Sagan founder of the modern   Claire Vision school and call these higher level  dense packets of Consciousness packed thought   forms every human being has experienced this  type of packed thought form when we have been   thinking about some issue and then we get into  a relaxed State and then in this open State we   receive a packed thought form in an instant which  contains a huge amount of embedded information   this is the Eureka moment this is the  vision received in the Vision Quest   this is the transmission received from  the spiritual teacher or an Angelic being   this is the opening of our awareness to  merge with a higher field of consciousness this secret of packed thought forms brings us  to our third Secret that the sacred geometric   structures of the human energy body are  keys to access our latent spiritual powers   the difference between an ordinary  person and a spiritual Adept is that   the latter has an energy field which is highly  activated and sacred geometrically structured   this makes available to them higher States  Of Consciousness and other powers which   appear magical to ordinary people who  are stuck in dense toxic energy fields   for this reason hidden traditions of initiation  around the world train their students to   understand where the key spiritual centers are  in their energy field and how to activate them   this knowledge of the sacred geometry structures  of the human Energy System opens up a hidden world   which controls health and illness our mind and  emotions and our latent spiritual potential there   are many different sacred geometry structures in  our energy bodies it's a huge science in itself clarify now just a few structures which  provide the background we need for the   powerful energy activation practice you  will learn at the end of this episode the primary energy axis of our body is our Central  column of energy which runs in the absolute   vertical midline of our body from the Crown  Center to the perineum at the base of the abdomen   this Central column is not the same as the spinal  energy circuit described in many traditions   the very existence of this midline Central  column was Kept Secret by many traditions   and it features prominently in many of the  most powerful spiritual activation practices   in the exact center of the central column runs  a golden thread of divine energy which holds the   original Unity energy of the Divine plane inside  the central column in our body the seven primary   energy centers on our Central column are known  today by their Indian name chakras meaning wheel   because they appear on the front and back  of the body as spinning vortices of energy   for the five chakras from the third eye or ajna  Center in the head down to the sexual chakra the   vortices at each of these five chakras are paired  up in the front and the back of the body the tips   of the two vortices meet at the golden thread in  the very center of the central column the very   top and bottom chakras along the central channel  in our body the crown or sahasrara Center and the   base are muladhara Center are connected together  in their own vertical Vortex pair right on the   central column itself our Central column continues  down from the perineum at the base of the abdomen   to go between our legs and then below our feet  into the Earth to ground us and also continues   in the opposite direction above the human head  to connect us to higher Consciousness centers   the energy centers in our physical body can only  hold a certain intensity level of power otherwise   their high level of voltage would burn out the  smaller subtle energy circuits in the human body which are referred to as naddies in the Indian  tradition however energy centers in our subtle   energy field outside of our physical body  can hold much higher energy intensity   this means that the true energy centers we need  to activate in order to fully perceive create and   transmit packed thought forms are actually outside  the physical body in our greater energy field   however before we can activate these higher  centers outside of the physical body in a   balanced way we must activate and have our  spirit fully inhabit the key chakras in our body   in our modern culture which is very intellectual  and thinking Centric the third eye chakra is often   the first chakra to be activated the third  eye chakra is named ajna in Sanskrit which   means both to perceive and to command we can  use the mind power and light generated by the   activated third eye chakra to help activate all  the other chakras in the body and energy field the third eye chakras often misunderstood in  Western circles to be an energy center only in the   front of the head between the eyebrows but as we  have seen there's actually a front and back Vortex   pair connecting at the third eye chakra in reality  the third eye is a multi-dimensional geometric   structure which runs as a horizontal cylinder  of energy from between the eyebrows connects to   the central column in the center of the head and  then continues through to the back of your head   just as the three 90 degree axes of space to  find the three-dimensional physical world so   it defines the Sacred Space in the center of the  third eye cylinder we can call the three axes of   space the cubicle cross because it is a cross in  three dimensions rather than just two dimensions   and this three axis cross is the structural  infrastructure of the cube shape connected to   three-dimensional physical manifestation the first  axis of the cubicle cross in the head is the front   back axis just mentioned the horizontal cylinder  of energy running from between the eyebrows to the   area of the bump in the back of your head  the second 90 degree axis is the top down   vertical line of the central column we discussed  previously the third axis is the side to side axis   this can be experienced by putting your attention  at the top of both ears and becoming aware of an   axis running through the two brain hemispheres  and the corpus callosum between the hemispheres   where these three axes meet in the cubicle Cross  of our head is at the location of the third   ventricle of the brain this is a key spiritual  center in the human body called the cave of Brahma   in the Indian tradition this is a large open area  of the brain through which flows the cerebrospinal   fluid a true Water of Life the cerebrospinal fluid  is a completely different bodily fluid system than   the blood or the lymph systems it is literally a  liquid ocean which pulses through the human spine   and brain making life and movement possible in the  human body on the periphery of the third ventricle   within this liquid ocean are both the pineal and  the pituitary glands these glands are understood   In classical Traditions to be the key anchors  for Spiritual Development in the human body   in addition to their powerful physical  functions as sources of neurotransmitters   and body regulating secretions by activating the  center area of the cubicle cross in the head the   cave of Brahma your entire head system is both  activated and stabilized activating the cave of   Brahma also ignites other energy activations  throughout the entire human energy field this brings us now to a fourth secret that  these hidden practices to activate the human   Energy System do so by applying the exact same  sacred geometry patterns which created our world   these key patterns move energy in the major  centers and circuits of the human body and   thereby activate our full spiritual potential  this fourth secret connects us to the energetic   practice from our first episode where you  learn to activate the first segment of the   powerful net energy grid of the human body  which we call the grid of Life design or gold   in that first practice you learn to connect  three powerful energy centers around your   head into a Golden Triangle which clears and  elevates our Consciousness to higher levels   however we perform that practice in a very  simple way just putting our attention on each   of the three energy centers and then mentally  connecting them we can now make these energy   activations much stronger and more effective  by using a precise sacred geometry pattern   this Advanced method applies the core  manifestation pattern we explored earlier in   this episode the point in the center of the circle  which is the dynamic movement from the Divine   Unity center to the spherical boundary of creation  and Back Again to apply this powerful pattern for   energy activations we must first understand  that to live and survive in our external   three-dimensional physical world we usually move  our attention outwards through our physical senses   out into all directions in the world around us  this is the movement from the Divine Center to   the surrounding sphere the external boundary the  first part of this energy activation practice   is to reverse the usual outward movement of our  attention back into the center which it comes from   to put it very simply for physical awareness  we move outwards to our periphery for Spiritual   awareness we move the opposite direction inwards  back into the center by pulling our attention back   into the very center of any energy center  in the body we move through layers of the   subtle body until we touch the Divine core at the  center the Zero Dimensional point or zero point   by pulling our energy and Consciousness back  into the Divine Center we activate that Center   when activated this Center then reverses the  direction of movement so that we switch again   from going inward to now having the activated  Energy Center radiate outwards in all directions   this natural counter movement radiates from  the center back out to the periphery but with   a much stronger awakened power than before  now pouring out from that energy center   this creates in our energy body an expanding  sphere radiating out from that Center Point to   create a radiant Sun around that energy  center the effect of this practice is   described and Illustrated in virtually every  World tradition showing a radiant Sun of energy   around a person's head or their heart or  other activated energy centers this is the   aura of an awakened Master an initiate this  method has two stages the first stage is the   inward movement of our energy and awareness  into the center point of an energy center   when our inwardly moving Consciousness touches  the Divine Center this profoundly activates the   energy center we are focusing on this first stage  we will call zero point centering or zpc for short   the second stage is the outward expansion from  the Divine Center when it has been activated   turning that energy center we are  focusing on into a radiant Sun   we will call the second stage the  radiance stage where we are calling   zero point centering and radiance are known  by a variety of names in different traditions   Center and periphery expansion and contraction  involution and exfolution divine pulsation   Etc unfortunately when most modern systems teach  this practice they almost always teach only one   of the two phases ignoring or dismissing the  other phase Eastern systems tend to focus only   on the inward movement the zero point centering  movement into the center whereas Western systems   tend to focus only on the outward movement  the radiance out into the surrounding sphere   this is a common metaphysical problem many of our  modern spiritual practices are based on shattered   fragments of the whole with key parts of the  practice missing because we don't understand   the full pattern sacred geometry holds the  key to understanding the complete pattern   it is essential that both parts of this  practice the inwards and outwards movements   are used together to create the optimal balanced  activation of any energy center otherwise it's   like trying to walk and move forward by only using  one foot or Breathing by only using in-breath or   out breath which ignores the healthy rhythm of  alternating the opposite poles of the practice   we can perform this practice on any  energy center in the body to activate it   we could even use this method to activate  an energy center in another person's body   through putting our mind inside their energy  center and creating this movement pattern   this activation of an energy center helps to  fully manifest that Center's inherent powers   this awakens the slumbering Divine Powers within  any energy center of our body while also balancing   and restoring Harmony and opening up perception  of higher non-physical realities please keep in   mind that external explanations like these are  essential to understand these deep initiation   processes however we must be careful not to fall  into the common trap of modern spirituality which   is to intellectually understand the concept  but to have never really experienced the full   reality of it only by experiencing the practice  will you truly know and be benefited by it   previously we created the Golden Triangle around  the head in episode one now we will activate the   cave of Brahma in the center of the three  axis cross in the head this area is a master   controller of the brain and body of the entire  sacred geometry net of the human energy field   the cave of Brahma can activate a wide range of  new powers abilities and states of consciousness   the practice you are about to learn is almost  never described publicly instead it is encoded in   sacred geometric imagery the same way many hidden  practices are encoded in sacred geometry images   which are understood by initiates but are thought  to be simply symbolic by the General Public   for example this activation of the cave of Brahma  in the cubicle Cross of the head was encoded in   the Christian tradition through the kai Rose  symbol of early Christianity in which the Greek   letter rho which looks like an English capital P  created the vertical axis of the cubicle cross and   the letter Kai looking like an English X created  the two horizontal axes which when flattened into   2D looks like an X this was a symbol for Christ  or more precisely for Christ's Consciousness   the activation of the spiritual center in  the head into a radiant Sun of Divine Light   this was not only a general representation  of the cubicle cross as the three axes of   physical space but was specifically shown in  the classical images to be inside the head   where icons of Christ show the vertical axis  down through the Crown Center and the horizontal   axis through the top of the ears meeting at  the cave of Brahma in the center of the head   this practice is actually quite simple however  when you first perform it you will have to train   your energy body to learn this new movement just  as we have to train the physical muscles of our   body to perform the movements of a new sport  or activity so we have energetic muscles in our   energy field which most people have no idea even  exist these energetic muscles are in an atrophied   State just as if we had not used a physical muscle  for decades so in the beginning we will need   to apply more effort to flex this atrophied  energetic muscle again but through repeated   practice you will find it easier and easier each  time to make the sacred geometric energy movement   the practice becomes in time almost effortless and  more powerful and tangible with every repetition   this powerful contraction expansion at any energy  center brings it back to life and pulsating just   as expansion and contraction of a physical muscle  during weight lifting leads to physical growth   this practice of zero point centering and  Radiance done specifically in the center   of the cubicle cross in the cave of Brahma  may also activate a range of internal energy   circuits in your body giving rise to Sensations or  internal perceptions of light color and vibration   in summary this is a very effective practice  which will allow you to powerfully activate any   energy center in your field if you'd like to do  the practice now please see the companion video   for this episode otherwise please set an intention  to come back and do the practice at a later time   please join us for our next episode  where we will explore the sacred   geometry secrets of the cup of the Holy  Grail and you will learn how to use this   form to activate and recharge your  entire energetic field see you then [Music] visit my Gaia portal by clicking the link in  the description area you can watch free videos   and join with a special 7-Day free trial at forward slash Gary light [Music]   thank you [Music]
Channel: Knowledge is Power - Gary Lite
Views: 54,200
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: four secrets of sacred geometry, sacred geometry, gaia tv, gaia online, gaia series, dr. robert gilbert, robert gilbert, Robert J. Gilbert, spiritual science, sacred geometry explained, secrets of sacred geometry, gaia video, gaia videos, expanded consciousness
Id: SLEm9xIEVug
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 35sec (2435 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 20 2023
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