Four Principles Lean Management - Get Lean in 90 Seconds

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let's say your business is doing well and you're thinking of expanding that's great but it's also the riskiest time for your business in fact many businesses don't survive the transition should you throw money at the problem by investing in new equipment or hiring more people should you make your staff work more over time your answers to questions like these can make or break your business and that's where lean comes in lean is a philosophy about delivering value from your customers perspective eliminating waste and continuously improving your processes lean can radically change the way you do business lean management is based on four principles the first principle is pole rather than producing as much as possible customer demand pulls goods or services through the manufacturing process this minimizes overproduction inventory and ultimately working capital the second is one piece flow focusing on one single piece at a time minimizes work-in-progress process interruptions lead and waiting time while increasing quality and flexibility the third is tact it's the heartbeat of a lean system it's how fast you need to manufacture a product to meet customer demand tact allows us to balance work content achieve a continuous flow and respond flexibly to changes in the marketplace and the fourth is zero defects mistakes happen but a lean company doesn't pass on defects mistakes from previous steps must be fixed before going on combined with the robust continuous improvement process the four principles of lean management will help your company stay ahead of the competition in a constantly changing marketplace so if you're ready to begin your lean journey contact us today let us show you how lean can bring out the best in your business
Channel: Four Principles
Views: 1,414,769
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lean manufacturing, lean principles, lean management, lean consulting, lean production, business improvement, process improvement, lean training, lean leadership, Toyota Production System, total productive maintenance, lean thinking, just in time, lean enterprise, lean six sigma, kanban, jidoka, Middle East, UAE, Dubai, KSA, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Lebanon, Cooperation Council For The Arab States Of The Gulf (Organization), United Arab Emirates (Country), Performance (Project)
Id: wfsRAZUnonI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 56sec (116 seconds)
Published: Thu May 24 2012
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