Four Easy Salmon Recipes (4 Ingredients Only)

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today we are at Landers shopping for the recipes that you have asked for we are actually making for salman recipes in one video so let's go back to the studio [Music] baby me today is all about efficiency what we want to try to do when you're eating healthy or when you want quick meals is to try to reduce the number of ingredients that you're gonna use while building you know adequate flavor something that's really tasty but also good for you at the end so I've been reading a lot of the comments that we've been getting online on social media and a lot of people want really quick salmon recipes so I thought all right in this video I'm gonna give you four different recipes that are quite easy to do and I'm gonna add an additional challenge to myself by only using four additional ingredients obviously I'm not gonna count so and pepper and I'm not gonna count the salmon but asides from those three I can only use four more ingredients at the dish not only is it fast but it's also tasty and it's also really good for you so let's get it over with so the first one we're gonna do is a salmon that's baked in the oven some people call it salmon but usually you would use parchment paper today I don't have parchment paper unfortunately I'm going to use wax paper and hopefully it works so I'm gonna cut a piece fold it in half I'm gonna grab whatever vegetable you want to use so I'm going to use some broccoli I'm gonna make them nice and small so that they cook quite quickly keep this to the side so that we're gonna add one white onion so this is ingredient number two one lemon we're gonna place the salmon fill it right on top important to note that this is skinless on both sides you don't really need oil since the oil from the salmon is gonna help cook the vegetables now all we got to do is actually pack everything together that goes into a tray it then goes into the oven for about 8 to 10 minutes at around 425 Fahrenheit so the salmon in the wax paper should be done and that's kind of exactly what we're looking for it looks absolutely great so we can go ahead and transfer everything season it with some salt and pepper I'm going to hit it with a little bit of extra-virgin olive oil and that's this one done super clean super tender exactly what you want for like a quick lunch or dinner you know I could use every day easy second way of cooking it also going to take about ten minutes is a quick poach really simple some water that's warming up here before it gets too warm we're going to go ahead and add some very quick aromatics so I've got one carrot I got one red onion so that I'm just gonna bring to boil and then reduce it to a very very light simmer with this recipe we're gonna serve it really really quick and simple salads tomatoes and onions so one really thinly sliced onion a couple slices of some cherry tomatoes salt black pepper and then just great quality olive oil toss all that together once that's all top keep it aside our poaching liquid now is nice and warm we're then gonna take a nice skinless piece of salmon again place that in really shallow and we're going to try to keep it at this heat for about eight minutes dish number two the poached salmon so we have our beautiful simple salad cuz we left it out for about maybe eight ten minutes it should be nice and mild now which is really important then we're going to go ahead and scoop out the salmon you want to be really careful not to break it salmon goes on some salt some black pepper I feel like limiting the number of ingredients actually makes it fun because you don't have to think too much about it that's basically it it's as simple as that four ingredients that they said onions carrots tomatoes onions and yeah look at it okay I cheated with the oil but it's not that important dish to done [Music] next one's gonna be a really simple one just the seeds like a couple cloves of garlic here got some beautiful fresh Hong Kong one of my favorite ingredients just kind of cut it up like that you don't want it to be too long in your pen they're gonna take a nice pen some oil wait for that to get hot we'll add our garlic and come home for this salmon really simple this time we're to use the one with the skin on just because we're gonna be cooking it while searing it on its skin that way it protects the meat from overcooking and getting too charred and also you can get kind of like that middle interior that's still a little raw which I like and to this I'm going to be using a spice mix this is the sizzle and tropical believe from a brand call bhadiya gonna take a lot of that spice mix there's no sodium in here no salt some pepper and then some salt got a pan here with some oil I'm gonna be generous get this a medium heat and start cooking the salmon so now all we're gonna do is add a little bit of salt and some pepper to the gunk only once your salmon can move around like that and its release a lot of its oil what we're gonna do a couple ways you can do this so if you come closer you'll see that the white has kind of risen almost to the top of the salmon and that's an indication for me that it's almost there what I'm gonna do is use some of this oil to kind of come see the top at this point if I didn't have an ingredient limitation I would add some herbs maybe some thyme some oregano just to make it really beautiful but we're gonna try to stay within the rules okay it's been about three to five minutes so we're gonna go ahead and check on the salmon in the oven look at that is gorgeous now all you got to do is plate I got my kumkum we're gonna go ahead and add our salmon but if you look here look at that perfect crust that's exactly what we want [Music] and there you have it dish number three simple beautiful healthy done the best part about it is if I cut it in the middle you also get this a beautiful chunk and a beautiful cooked piece of salmon as well [Music] last but not least if you're super lazy and you want something really quick this is the fastest salmon recipe I could come up with so I'm gonna chop up some spring onions that goes into a bowl to that I'm gonna add some beautiful sesame oil we're gonna be generous here because this is where most of the flavor will come in the dish some good quality soy sauce and just for a bite of acidity a little bit of rice vinegar mix all that together next we're ojeda and chopped up or salmon obviously to eat raw salmon you want to try to get the freshest cut as possible cut kind of like 1 inch slices of it and cute those up as much as you can and then I'm gonna mix that into the bowl you don't really need to add salt now because we already have some soy sauce in there it's just black pepper good measure this over some brown rice is a win every day all day balance fresh has a little kick to it because of the rice vinegar so we're all really nice so there you have it four recipes the longest one took ten minutes using four ingredients per dish with four ingredients plus salt pepper maybe some oil so yeah it's really kind of like that's the way I like to approach healthy cooking when I'm cooking from myself it's not necessarily about all the bells and whistles that you add to the dishes or all the flavor that you add to the dishes if you have a beautiful product like salmon already just add a little bit to it just to make it a bit more interesting so that you don't get bored with it then make it something that you can cook for yourself every day really easily with no hassle whatsoever because that's what's gonna help you really achieve those fat loss goals are just eating more nutritious food we're thinking of doing more of these videos where we cram a lot of recipes into one video so if you guys are interested do let us know in the comments below and thank you very much for watching please subscribe to the channel and I'll see you guys you
Channel: FEATR
Views: 591,646
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: erwan, heussaff, thefatkidinside, salmon, salmon recipes, how to cook salmon, baked salmon, easy salmon recipes, four easy salmon recipes, salmon recipe, salmon en papillote, fried salmon, poached salmon, healthy salmon recipe, easy salmon, fast, recipe, cooking, fish, healthy, keto, fat, weight loss
Id: 20KLXCJV30o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 25sec (625 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 11 2019
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