A Deep Dive Into The Forensics of the Dean Browne Case: The Body In The Garage | Real Crime

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a body is discovered dumped in a suburban garage who is he who killed him and why and how can science help us discover what happened in operation drake a crime scene is a puzzle that has to be solved a whodunit a scattering of clues to be deciphered by clever detective work and the power of science [Music] it's summertime january in new plymouth city an ordinary afternoon will become anything but when a couple go into their garage for a tool to fix a child's toy they'd gone into their garage during the afternoon just to get something from there when they noted some objects in there that weren't familiar with the garage and they had a closer look which led them to finding the body they had no idea who the deceased was in fact they only had a fleeting sight of his leg they were shocked they were scared they were quite distraught about the whole situation they found themselves to be in they first get the young children away from the house then drive to the city's police station to report their shocking discovery officers are immediately dispatched to the scene when i got to drake street there was a police attendance there of course where they were just taping the scene off with police emergency tape we approached the body to determine firstly that it's a deceased and we were clearly able to do that quickly a brief examination revealed some very disturbing details deceased was hog tied with cable ties his head and face was taped with um you know wrapped around with tape a body that's hog tied very rare every homicide's different and this was clearly different by the state of the deceased i got a call from detective senior sergeant grant coward i was out at a friend's hens night on the friday night and i think it was around 10 o'clock in the evening they had found a body and a garage in new plymouth that was about all they had unknown mail and that they would need us to come up and assist with the scene examination the next day while the esr forensic team travelled from wellington police began working on the first priority identify the victim to identify you first if there's any documents or phones or anything on them that might identify who they are and we didn't find anything we spent quite a bit of time contacting police national headquarters to check their missing person database and that came up blank identification of a victim of a homicide for me as an investigator is critical the moment you identify the victim you've got a starting point for any investigation we get fully clothed up and this is protect us from the scene itself and to protect the scene from us generally we approach a scene by just starting from the outside and working inwards we use what we call stepping plates that allow us access to the scene without stepping on the ground itself and treading on any evidence such as blood staining that may be present so the garage it was fairly cluttered in the far back right corner was a pile of bedding and you could see that there was actually a body a male lying on his back his lower half was still encased in what appeared to be a sleeping bag he was naked apart from wearing a pair of underpants his hands and ankles were tied with tape and cable ties and they were pulled behind his back as well at that point it wasn't obvious how he died there's clearly a lot of blood a head injury was probably the most obvious the priority is to identify the man but the process of fingerprinting could disturb other evidence on the body we know that the offenders have to have handled the cable ties into the tape that were put on the body so we decided that the cable ties were important piece of evidence and we were going to collect them first before any fingerprinting was done they had to be cut off and carefully removed one by one notes made of which cable tie came from which area of the body assigning it a police exhibit number and then the police would exhibit and package them appropriately i also took samples from under the fingernails and on the hands of the deceased the body was able to be fingerprinted and then removed from the garage sort of around 5 5 30 and the end of the first day the fingernail and hand swabs were sent to auckland's esr to be analyzed by dna expert heidi baker they're routinely taken from all homicide victims potential clues to an attacker's identity does it require an altercation do you have to get physical to leave skin cells no no absolutely not so for example if we were to shake hands just by that action we've each transferred our dna to the other person but if for example over to my apologies but for example i've just scratched you so i'm more likely to have more of your dna and it's going to be localized under my fingernails which is going to make it much easier to detect ten years ago scientists needed a blood stain the size of a 50 cent coin to get a dna profile but advances mean profiles can now be identified from a single cell how do we get the skin cells from underneath your fingernails well there's a few different techniques we could try scraping underneath my nails we could actually clip the fingernails and in this instance janet's really kindly offered to wet and dry swab and that should be quite an effective way of collecting any dna material that's there what happens next so in the lab the dna is going to be extracted from those swabs so we'll cut the swab heads off and we'll soak them in some solution and then break open the cells and release the dna and that's the first step what are you actually looking for so a lot of our dna is the same because you know we're human we've both got two arms two legs all of those sorts of things our dna has in common but the things that make us unique and the areas that we target for forensic dna testing are those areas that we know differ between people and so we look at 15 dna sites that we know differ quite greatly between individuals this graph shows the dna at each of the 15 markers higher peaks are stronger results when heidi baker analyzed the dna in this case the strong results all corresponded to the victim we were able to identify any other profiles yes there was a trace of additional dna by trace i just mean a really small amount of additional human dna but unfortunately not enough to determine who it could have come from it was now 24 hours since the man was discovered investigators were waiting on the outcome of fingerprint analysis hoping it would at last give them a name we got a result in fingerprints early evening on the saturday night and he was identified as being dean brown who was known to live in the auckland area as far as mr brown himself we knew that he was on some active charges for some domestic type things but it appeared that he was living by himself in a mobile home next to a house in the north shore how did he come to be in a garage in new plymouth was the question on our mind we were in bed they thought she heard a noise the torch through the door someone tapping on the door's torch and it was a detective and we thought what's going on we thought maybe they're looking for dean and he said well i know he's not here we found him in new plymouth i said what's he doing down there and he said i'm sorry he's dead and i seriously i laughed at the sky i said you've got to be joking he said no i'm sorry can i come in we knew he had left auckland he spent 10 days in remand at mount eden which scared the living daylights out of him he went on the run because he didn't want to get locked up again dean was one i never had to worry about i never felt i needed to worry i always felt he could look up he could look after himself bean was over six foot he was quite handsome he liked nice things he liked nice wines he liked the nice food he was into boating he loved boating yachting he bought a caravan and started doing it with his brother and that's what he was living in up to the time we last saw him one of the questions we were asked very early on was whether it looked like the deceased had been killed in the garage it seemed fairly obvious early on that it was unlikely that he had been there was no sign of any struggle within that garage it looked like a dumping ground for a body the main area of interest was a green car met from a boot lifting the wheel up and examining the mat was blood stained there was a little bit of blood staining with a mat and where the body was almost looked like he had possibly been dragged across the concrete floor also of interest the mat itself was partially worn but you could just see the manufacturer's label on it the mat had came from a toyota corolla we had a murder scene somewhere that we needed to find where did this happen why did it happen you know who's done it how many are involved what's yeah what's gone on i was of the view that it was probably unlikely that it was a random garage that this body had been dumped in the couple would be the key to unfolding this investigation and they were very helpful and information was it was coming albeit slowly as it as it always does the couple in the house didn't know dean brown the night before two men that they knew had arrived and they had left approximately lunchtime on the friday it was after that they left on the friday they've gone out to the shed which led them to finding the body gave us descriptions of the vehicle that the two men were in it was a white hatchback they knew them as mikhail and little c as detectives were always looking out for his names and and particularly local you you generally get a good feel for people locally but that name mikhail pandy johnson and little c had no no no reference for us here in talanaki at all we've never heard of them [Music] after we finished examining the garage we went inside and actually examined the interior of the house there was no blood staining located in the house no signs of a struggle anywhere where wounds have been afflicted to someone there were also several drinking vessels such as cups and bottles around the house and in the kitchen these were sampled just in case it became important to say who had actually been in the house outside police were going door to door in the drake street area asking residents for any sighting of unusual activity a routine inquiry unexpectedly provides an early breakthrough while the detectives were doing the area canvas the eagle-eyed detective saw what he thought was a white toyota corolla and looked very suspicious with three persons he alerted his mate and they managed to find a police vehicle and pursued them [Music] which was at some speed as they left the drakesfit area down towards the center of town as soon as they realised that they were being pursued they abandoned the vehicle and ran [Music] i don't know why offenders do what they do you know you would think that would be a very stupid thing to do but they must have had some sort of motivation to oh i wonder if we should go back and get him or are the police on to us we'll drive up there and see if there's a police car there well i don't i have no idea why they do what they do but it seems it seems it was their downfall quite honestly when a car was found there was a bag that had a sawn off shotgun which was loaded also in the car was a chainsaw discovering the firearms certainly elevated the risk that we perceive for the public we took it really seriously and the felt the need to locate them was was paramount unfortunately for one reese fournier he didn't run fast enough and he was caught by the guys he was spotted by police jogging across the grounds just outside the new plymouth prison but the other two were nowhere to be found at this stage mikhail pandy johnson and little c who came to be known as karl nuku were considered suspects obviously the arm defender squad were on alert of course and engaged to find these two that were on the loose and what we now had was a manhunt [Music] the car was taken to a secure garage and examined by myself and my colleague on the back of the bumper area there was some i described as dilute looking blood staining very faint and hard to see almost like it had been partially washed away of note was that there was no spare tyre in the spare tyre well the wooden cover was missing and also there was no boot carpet those three items were located in the garage at drake street so it was interesting to note that they were missing from this vehicle the blood staining in the boot of the car was what i would classify as transfer blood staining so there was nothing to suggest that the body had actually been killed in the car they were armed and dangerous we thought so their photographs went into the local taranaki daily news i think that would have been in monday's publication one of the young defender squad members had a mate who was traveling through to stratford for work and he rang him he said you fellas looking for a guy blah blah blah and he said i think i've seen him they were in a playing card the two i'm defenders guys said he just niki just thought he was his luck was in and he was going to get a ride in a in a car but it was two armed fairness guys in a in a plane car hours later again after being recognised from the newspaper the third suspect mikhail pandy johnson joined the other two in custody now this is where the investigation pretty much starts there's a view from the general public to a degree is that once the offenders are caught well done police thanks for keeping our streets safe carry on but actually that's the start of the investigation because now we have to build a case police had three men in custody and a car which appeared to have been used to transport the body are any of these three the killers or were they only involved with a dead body can science provide answers there were a number of miscellaneous items located in the car there were things like cell phones various identification the bag was a shopping receipt which was from the supermarket in wellington and that had some cleaning type products in the bag the shopping bag appeared to contain items such as cloths bottle of bleach some gloves of note there was some faint blood staining on the outside of the bag and on the inside were also some fibres we could just see some loose fibres on the inside of the bag fibres had also been identified on tape from the bedding around the body so i sent those off to our fiscal evidence laboratory in auckland just to see if there was a link between the fibres in those two locations investigators were hoping fibres at the murder scene had become attached to the tape in the shopping bag a useful clue or evidence to build a case i'm meeting with dr sally coulson at auckland esr to find out how fibre analysis works we can have a look at your jacket for some fibres if you want okie dokie [Music] so next we look at it under the microscope you can see that there's lots of fibres in there and most of those will have no relevance at all to the specific case or the fibres we're looking for we would be looking for fibres from a particular garment so what we would do is we would search this tape lift for any fibres that match what we call our target fibre we circle it with a pen so we know exactly where it is our next stage is to carefully remove each of those fibers and to mount them onto slides in this case similar pink fibers were found in each sample which were then compared at a higher magnification their different thicknesses straight away they seem to have the same form in respect that they are essentially a long tube so because these are wool fibres we expect a reasonable amount of variation in the thickness just because wool is produced by a sheep and so it's a natural process you might have also seen that we can see the scales on the surface so that immediately tells me that's a wool fibre and not a cotton fibre or another type of synthetic so straight away looking through this microscope you can tell the difference between fibre sources absolutely cotton fibres it doesn't have the scales and the fibre has a twist in it like a ribbon they're very different are they so a synthetic fibre will have a nice even diameter there will won't be any scales like the wall and it won't be a ribbon shape the pink wool fibres were then compared under fluorescent light again appearing very similar so this is a micro spectrophotometer and it's a way of measuring color so this gives us another way to compare color of fibers rather than just by eye using the microscope and the little black square is the area where we'll measure the color and we'll do that on a number of places on each fibre and what we're looking for here is the shape of the line because they've all got the same general shape that tells me that they've been dyed with the same dye and therefore they are the same colour pink wool that's quite unusual isn't it as a color well it is for clothing so new zealanders tend to wear dark clothes so dark blue or black or grey so straight away we knew that we're looking for a source of pink cool fibres that could be clothing but it might be some other type of item such as carpet or upholstery investigators still didn't know where dean brown was killed but they did not believe it was in new plymouth while they continued to trace his last known movements police now had a cause of death the post-mortem is a critical examination in any homicide investigation it confirmed our suspicions that the deceased had been beaten about the head one injury in particular showed that he had a circular depression in his skull which clearly had been cracked by what we believe to be a blunt instrument and if you were going to take a punt on what that was it would be the round head of a hammer there was no sign of a struggle mr brown had no defense wounds you know he wasn't he obviously wasn't up with his hands like this trying to protect his head because there was no there was no injuries on his arms one possible scenario was he'd been tied up then attacked based on the lack of bruises or marks on his wrists and ankles the pathologist did not believe this was the case he's been tired with the cable ties after the beating and after death probably the words from the pathologist was that the deceased died from a blunt instrument blow to the head after we'd arrested the three suspects we identified that penny johnson and nuku had been staying in auckland and a search warrant was executed on their property [Music] potentially their home address could well have been where the murder had actually taken place so we were conscious of the fact that the address could be um forensically sensitive although the place was very untidy disheveled poorly and kept there was a lot of dust everywhere you could see that nothing had been moved for a long time there was no sign that anything of that nature had occurred at the address obviously because it was linked to our suspects we were going to search it thoroughly there was a black cheerline briefcase there just a typical briefcase we opened it up and found it had a set of green overalls and two claw hammers and on initial examination both the two hammers and the overalls appear to have blood on them there was a driver's license another documentation linked to the deceased from memory i think there was about 30 items in all um in the briefcase a good proportion of those were certainly items of interest to the inquiry yes from attending the post-mortem became clear that mr brown had been bludgeoned with a an instrument that could well have been a hammer and i'm finding those two bloodstained items they were significant in terms of the investigation investigators now knew both the suspects and the victim were all from auckland but could not establish the link between them in the early part of our investigation we did not know how dean became associated with nuclear and pandey johnson at all even when we saw them on the news in court when they first appeared didn't didn't know them at all never seen them never even heard of them and we thought who are these people i mean they're not sort of the sort of people dean used to associate with the three suspects mikhail pandy johnson karl nuku and rhys fournier called themselves the killer clown fiends although it was really only the three of them that appeared to be in that group we'd heard of the killer bees and and gangs like that but not killer clown fiends throughout the house there was a lot of posters a number of clowns pulling aggressive faces i guess a bit like um the clown of the batman movies the motto was a clown head it was brightly coloured clothing that they wore a lot of just colours of purple and green that were associated with that clown face they did have their jackets with little patches on the side that said killer clown fiends and and that type of thing so they they obviously thought they were part of a little group and their motivation appeared to be drug offending we're talking methamphetamine cannabis and you know other types of illicit drugs whether they were making money who knows but that was certainly their motivation i think we returned from new plymouth on the tuesday and then wednesday morning we got a call that there was a house in oriental bay in wellington that was of interest to the police we had information that they had been at an address in oriental parade in wellington and a search warrant was executed it was a really fast moving inquiry a lot of information was coming in oriental parade is one of the most sought after addresses in the city police focus on a dilapidated two-story house right in the middle of the million dollar homes from memory it was a student flat where there were several rooms i think maybe six or seven different bedrooms that were rented out to different individuals and in particular one of the rooms at this address it became of interest to the police on my initial entry to the to the house and at the foot of the stairs i saw a skateboard leaning up against a door showing signs of blood on the door edge at the bottom along with small traces of blood around the door handle items of interest were found in that bedroom at the top of the stairs there were squares of cut out cardboard masked with tape placed over squares of missing carpet on the floor which set alarm bells ringing as to why as a result of that the house was cleared of the residence the scene was cordoned off esr was contacted along with a forensic photographer i started with the staircase nothing visible on the staircase itself and then we entered the bedroom and examined the bedroom one of the things i noticed straight away was that the carpet there were areas where there were holes in the carpet square holes and three other areas where pieces of cardboard had been taped onto the carpet i lifted the cardboard off carpet and the holes themselves looked quite square in uniform there was a two-seater sofa bed against one of the walls when we took the cushions of the sofa bed we could see that the mattress itself from the sofa bed was missing and the mechanism the fold out mechanism was secured with a black cable tie the cable tie had to be cut in order to open out the bed they also found an open bag of cable ties at the house very similar to what was found on the deceased in new plymouth visual traces of blood were seen on the side of the bed frame when opened out it looked like blood had dripped down or run down the side of the frame there was no visible blood staining on the actual fabric out of the sofa bed but we carried out luminal testing of the room the carpet and the bed itself luminal testing is routinely used at crime scenes but how does it actually work so luminol will show me blood that i can't actually see with my naked eye yes how does it do that it's a liquid we apply it in the dark and the hemoglobin that's present in the traces of blood reacts with the chemicals and undergoes what's called a chemiluminescent reaction so why does it actually glow what's happening the light is emitted as a byproduct of the reaction so various chemical reactions will have various by-products some release heat some release gases in this case it's emitting light we're going to do a test now you've got some blood there haven't you yes i have so we can put some blood on this piece of lino you can try and clean it up and then we can test it with luminal to see if we can detect the traces by doing that now there is no visible blood is there i can't see any blood on that surface [Music] anymore wow you can see it's already starting to glow through here isn't it you can see that really well can you you can really see where i've wiped the blood and are we talking on all sorts of surfaces here yes we've had results with luminal on carpet lino concrete grass all sorts of surfaces does it have to be new blood no it doesn't luminol will react with old blood as well as new blood does it destroy the blood at the scene of the crime no the the traces will still remain and if there is sufficient there we can take samples and hopefully still get a dna profile suspecting a clean up at the oriental parade house investigators made extensive use of luminol with some luminal positive areas around the holes in the carpet there were several areas of possible blood staining detected on the cushions and on the front edge of both sides of the sofa finding the blood staining in that room we luminal tested out into the hallway and down the staircase and to be honest it was like a neon lights on a skyscraper what we found that there was a small area that reacted with luminol in the middle of each step that indicated a bloodstained object had touched the edge of the step and left traces of bloodstaining behind it was looking likely that this was where mr brown had been killed at this stage we had four crime scenes the scene in new plymouth where dean was found the scene in auckland where the weapons and overalls and dean's license were found we had a scene in wellington which was established that was where the murder took place we had the car in new plymouth which again was a was a scene so geographically it was was growing the occupant of the bedroom initially claimed the holes in the carpet were from where not cut out to hide blood evidence edges of the missing carpet were examined under the microscope the fact that all the fibres within the threads are the same length and they're quite even across that indicates that they're more likely to have been cut rather than worn and i was also looking at to see whether i could say anything about whether it was old or recent the fact that they're still quite neat and even and tidy indicates it's more recently been cut samples from the carpet were sent to dr sally coulson to see if they matched fibres from the tape and shopping bag we had 17 pink wool fibres from the tape and 12 pink cool fibres from the shopping bag and all of those matched the fibres that were in the carpet providing scientific proof that the body and products in the suspect's car were linked to the oriental parade bedroom investigators now focus their attention on the cable ties on the body and those found at the oriental bay house [Music] how would you link cable ties because they're mass produced they're all the same aren't they so at the time of the request we weren't sure on how we were going to do it either so our first port of call was to look in the forensic literature to see if anyone had ever published a paper describing how you can compare cable ties and luckily somebody had first there's the code which identifies the factory mold they were made in you can see the letters g8g on each cable tie and if you look at that last g on the end of the flat portion there's a small dimple mark and that's caused by an imperfection in the mould and because we can see it on both cable ties it's even more evidence that they were made in that same mold also look at this round circle which is beside the number and that's caused by the metal pin that is used to eject the cable tie from its mould and it's left behind quite a large number of what we call striations they look like lines and these ones are not on an angle those metal pins will change over time more that they wear and the more they're used and those striated details will change so if we have both the code matching and the pin mark matching then we know that those two cable ties have been made within a short space of time of each other so this is very strong evidence because we've got seven cable ties on the deceased that match cable ties in the bag oriental parade as the evidence built so did the police's picture of what had happened to dean brown oriental parade was where the murder happened that was where dean was killed dean was asleep on a sofa bed in one of the bedrooms mr brown was beaten in that bedroom by a an instrument which we believe to be a hammer it appears that uh mr nuku was there and mr fournier was there we fairly satisfied that mr mikhail pandy johnson wasn't there he was then hog tied bundled into some bedding and taken downstairs and dumped in the boot of that car pandy johnson we understand he arrived soon after dean had been killed and assisted in taking him out to the car he had planned it and got his boys if you like to do the job so which of the boys had committed the murder and what could the science reveal police believed there was a hierarchy to the small killer clown group of pandy johnson nuku and fournier which was supported by the hundreds of documents found on the suspects and at the various scenes [Music] pandy johnson and nuku in particular were prolific writers handwritten lists included the instructions to swipe what you can and drug him and secure for delivery immediately handwriting analysis determined it was written by the group's leader handy johnson on another page the instruction to buy decent sized hog ties was in niku's handwriting but witnesses would recall it being dictated to him by pandy johnson the documents showed a level of planning prior to dean being killed along with other evidence from witnesses phones established for us that penny johnson was the leader of the three he was one who really called the shots but why pandy johnson wanted dean brown killed or exactly how they were connected still wasn't clear investigators always said finding dna on the cable ties on dean brown's body would be a key piece of evidence but forensic scientists weren't that optimistic due to blood staining how would you get dna on a cable tie anyway so for example if you were handling a cable tie you have probably transferred some of your dna onto it and the smooth side's unlikely to pick up much dna but we can see the other side is ridged so even just by drawing your thumb across it you've probably sloughed off enough of your skin cells that hopefully we will be able to detect you on there and if i was then closing i mean there's a little bit of you know i'm exerting some force onto that would that mean that i left more dna on the cable tie yeah more likely there'd be more dna being transferred onto there the question was whether the rough ridges had collected enough skin cells to show up against the blood staining the expectation would be there'd be a lot of dna from mr brown on those samples and we'd be incredibly fortunate to pick up dna from many other individuals which is likely to be at a much lower level what did you actually discover not only did we detect mr brown we actually detected another individual and in fact that extra dna corresponded to mr nuki was it a strong result it was a strong result so the the probability of obtaining that mixture of dna if it had come from somebody other than mr nuku is 90 000 million that sounds a lot it's a pretty big number anything over a million is regarded as extremely strong support the strongest results scientists can give a different cable tie revealed another extremely strong dna link this time to reese fournier further dna analysis would link karl nuku to the blood-stained overalls found in the suspect's auckland house and his palm print was on one of the hammers but questions remained including why dean brown's body was taken from wellington to new plymouth it doesn't make any sense what they did but we know they put them in the car they drove to palmerston where they spent several hours socialising nuku was heard by a witness asking for a chainsaw the mind boggles as to what they might have wanted that for the other suspect fournier had stayed behind he stayed in wellington and took care of the clean up at the address and then he got a bus the following day up to auckland penny johnson and look who left palms to north later that night then drove through to new plymouth where they put them in the garage at drake street they got to new plymouth early morning the next day friday that afternoon they left for wellington seemingly because of a prior commitment penny johnson had previously arranged to take a couple of friends for his to the ragamuffin concert in rotorua the following day so he and look picked up these girls drove them to rotorua by saturday morning they were in rotorua where they used dean brown's cash card at an atm it's likely later that same day they drove to auckland to rendezvous with fournier the next confirmed signings we have for them is when they were back in new plymouth on the sunday afternoon in drake street in the three days following the murder the suspects clocked up over 1700 kilometers before they drove back into drake street but what was the motive for the murder as far as the motive goes it's for me unclear [Music] it appears that these three had befriended him and he appeared to go along with it but you know you're not a friend when you get when you get killed by someone police established dean brown moved to wellington in december about a month before he was killed we believe it was drug-related linked between dean and penny johnson at the trial evidence was given that brown invested a few thousand dollars in a drug deal with pandy johnson who was a heavy pea user possibly using the drugs then killing dean brown rather than paying back i think it came down to money dean we'd sold his caravan for him they killed him on the thursday and by the saturday but cleaned out his account that really is the only reason i can as i say it's still a bit of a mystery money drugs whatever i mean what came out in the trial i mean it was obviously drug related a lot of it and they needed the money [Music] dean brown's parents attended the trial dismayed to hear their son's reputation attacked due to the drugs link the bloody lies that we had to listen to and to hear dean's name denigrated as much as it was wasn't fair he had been had been was a recreational user it's make pot i think at times he had dabbled unfortunately in pee but he certainly wasn't an addict and that was proven in the trial the toxicology tests were presented so no he wasn't a heavy user at all at the end of the five-week trial the jury returned guilty verdicts for pandi johnson and nuku but not guilty for fournier i was a little bit frustrated i have to say or disappointed with the fact that mr fournier was um not convicted of anything mortified he just walked out of a bloody court when um we charged um the three um that was done um under careful consideration and you know we stand by the decision to to charge the three with the murder of dean pandy johnson and nuku were sentenced to life imprisonment to serve a minimum of 18 years before being considered for parole dean's parents relieved at the length of the sentence still grieve the loss in such violent circumstances of a son they never got to say goodbye to for the investigators the end of the trial was closure to a year-long inquiry covering much of the north island and many thousands of hours of work i like the fact that the science has a an application that does some good for society and plays an important part in our justice system dean died unnecessarily our investigation was to identify who had committed this terrible murder and really bring them to court there was evidence from every crime scene weapons dna fingerprints evidence of cell phones writings of the accused that the evidence was overwhelming i felt nothing can replace the loss of a son but what science provided was evidence of who murdered dean brown some answers for his parents and justice for his killers [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Real Crime
Views: 707,443
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Real Crime, crime documentary, crime lab techniques, crime scene analysis, crime solving techniques, criminal evidence, criminal justice, criminalistics, forensic analysis, forensic evidence, forensic examination process, forensic lab, forensic techniques, forensic trace analysis, forensics S1 Ep3, forensics technology advances, full episode, police investigation, real crime, true crime, tv show - topic
Id: dKaYLWFx9lw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 0sec (2700 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 11 2020
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