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all right welcome back everyone welcome back to the channel you guys see entitled garage sales yard sales scrap stuff all that fun kind of things happening today a little chilly out this morning there was a couple of community yard sales that were going on in Allentown actually there's just one committee yard sale in Allentown this morning I was going to go to it but it started raining and it was an older-style development and usually what that means is like people would put their stuff out under tents or if it's in their garage but from my previous experience of going to these events if it rains a lot of people just don't set up because they don't have tents or the garages are just too packed and they're not prepared to sell in a garage so we're going out to a like an estate moving sale and then I'm going to go to scrap yard and clean up some lopes I'm think about going to flea market tomorrow so let's do some treasure hunting when I take you guys along with me and uh let's do it nothing at prices small efficient stuff all right nothing at the first sell that sale was really priced me everything was nice but it was all like full-blown retail price which for a moving so I usually don't expect it to be full-blown retails but you never know this one might be more a cup of tea yeah yeah - or whatever oh geez priorities engines were working here - good can't read it let's say pen pen oh they got the something's over that there's a box of train stuff there another strange stuff underneath his attempt box is it 10 bucks for both boxes no no it's a train set it said 10 bucks but there's a box underneath oh no that was included it's also train stuff the Train Set $10 and it's buildings down there we just do $10 on both boxes so 10 for all of it 10 $20 from all cops they're brand-new bucks apiece what are you get on this five bucks I'll grab four five all right now if you get this nice fireman axe for five bucks off they even go wrong and I got that start jacket which Oh sky peasant anon but end up grabbing experinece oh he was like here for a long time earlier I mean sale starts I think officially like in five minutes no sorry seven minutes ago I went golfing the other day but that's what I grabbed go through the trains in a bit here alright so this is what we grabbed we have this fireman axe the handle or the head of the axe is actually a little loose but I think this is the original handle on it this will definitely an eBay piece this is not going on the flea market and there's a there's a P in there I don't know if that means plumb looks like a B but it's actually a P it's weird it looks like a B but it's not it just got a little nick right there below which will make it look like a B got the starter jacket maybe because I paid two bucks for that it was three dollars I started pulling out money and the guy was like just give me that that's enough so that was that and then here's a train set I just this guy might have some value Backman hoc ale I think that's called the tender easy on the back so this guy might be worth a little bit of money usually the engines are Backman's a pretty good brand got some nice ones here so this one does have a name on the bottom I was looking for the name on the other one I couldn't find it I don't see it on this one generally speaking these engines or locomotives get more money than like a boxcar so this is just cargo this would go on to a a this thing what I was going to say it was like a flat but out that gets a flat but are we going something like that these are supposed to be logs got Union Pacific thing I don't know about whatever these are and never leasing them with the gravel on them this one's made by back men as well so a whole nice set here I paid ten bucks for this the other one had like one or two cars in it nice boxes but I'm not an expert in this stuff and from my experience sawing like these individual cars they don't fetch that much money online maybe four or five bucks so kind of stick to what I know a couple more as well so nice lot for ten dollars hopefully one of these engines you know I'll double my money on and then you know I'll probably get rid of the track if it's not worth it to sell it on eBay but I probably saw the track at the flea market maybe put up a whole bundle for three or five bucks but this might even go on a bed and know how much there is actually in here so a nice little lot here with the jacket the fireman Axl what now I'm going to run to the scrapyard here quickly unload the van it is starting to rain so I don't know if I'll do it a flea market tomorrow but I did realize there's a rummage sale tonight in the afternoon so we're gonna head over to that as well so remember to scrap yard see we can make on the trash picking that we did yesterday see what we can make and scrap value looks like on the way to the scrap yard perhaps trash out here oh good old scrap metal no it's nice to pick up scrap metal as your hangs in the scrap yard all right on where we go drove by a couple houses right now let their garage doors open not a great day for a yard sale we know we did did find some treasure this morning we're back here this truck is still here there was a nice tractor out here last time I contacted my neighbor and said hey look man there's a nice tractor here at the scrapyard and he came over and got it alright just let the scrap yard for anyone who might be curious Christmas lights those are the ones I pulled out that dumpster recycling dumpster I got six pounds of Christmas lights a whopping thirty cents on prep stainless that would be your stainless sink because I didn't take off all the extra pieces the hose this stuff like that you get unprepped stainless I think stainless just in general is twenty cents this is seven cents per pound so I had a dollar nineteen in that sheet aluminum so out of that black & decker vintage box had a bunch of like Dewalt pieces as well in there everything was definitely just scrap is all broken up and separated and stuff like that she did a little bit I had two pounds of that it wasn't run much so 64 cents dirty aluminum was the rest of those pieces I had a chair I two other lawn chairs I grabbed I think the other day when I went to the auction two dollars and fifty cent two dollars and 56 cents of dirty aluminum and light iron that's all the heavy stuff the big thing was definitely that grill eighteen dollars and forty cents for a grand total of 23 bucks so pretty much out of scrap yesterday I put out about twenty-one dollars worth of stuff not very profitable business definitely just a hobby something to do you know a lot of people do ask me could I make a living off scrapping no you cannot unless you're very you know experienced than what you do and you have very little bills if you have connections like someone who hooks you up with batteries or you know you know mechanic or a furnace shop or something like that that you know gets a lot of non-ferrous metals and then gives it to you for free I think you can kind of be profitable you might build make like 50 60 bucks a day some people can live off that some people can't and we're moving onward we will catch up at the rummage sale all right so I've never been to this sale know what's going on stop sign it make sure you stop at this stop sign oh goodness there's a kajillion people here and we got 40 minutes to go so it must be a good sale I like you know what was it meeting me to stand in line I'm white right backing into spot Doakes it looks like it's gonna be a pain to get out here as well since your subscribe right now your subscriber [Music] Clarisse thank you sure sure sir [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah Oh [Music] it's kind of short I might be a woman's out of state [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right so we'll go through what I grabbed they got a lot of like clothes and all you got clothes today nope got this festive Christmas sweater as well I've been kind of hoarding those for a little bit there's no real purpose for that that's actually going to someone else if somebody's like thinking oh what's what's the catch with the vintage sweaters or Christmas sweaters well that's just not irrelevant to flipping or reselling or collecting or anything all right so I spent like a total of I think 13 bucks Oh yep $13.50 one of the quarters that's the other quarter all right so I spend 1350 a lot of good items here a lot of really good I am some I might keep I think the sweatshirts are like 2 bucks t-shirts were a dollar I picked up two t-shirts here and I got that one sweater so nice Washington Wizards sweatshirt this awesome vintage New York Giants sweatshirt so it is a thin sweatshirt made by nutmeg it's a size large this bottom hem though always likes to kind of shrink inward so this might fit more like a vintage medium and I kind of like larger sweatshirts so this I thought about maybe keeping but I think the sleeves might be too short as well we'll debate about that but that's my football team so maybe I'll keep that this awesome Notre Dame sweatshirts double-sided look at that but it's probably like a two XL or an XL it's very very large for some reason it's an XL so it's made by Salem Salem is known for making sweatshirts and t-shirts very long and very narrow so as you can see this is an XL it might not show up as much on camera but it is probably I'd say like a 30-inch sweatshirt I usually measure from up here to the bottom and I call that from the shoulder where it meets the arm to the bottom of the sweatshirt that's kind of how I measure my lengths some people measure off the collar some people measure off the back of the collar some people measure from the armpit that's the way I do it some people also measure from the shoulder where it meets the collar near sweatshirt and Millersburg Millersville sweatshirt this is kind of cool I don't have any friends who went to Millersville I do have a couple friends who now went to Bloomsburg so Bloomsburg is a kind of like a local school and surprisingly I would say all my friends who went to state schools in Pennsylvania went to Bloomsburg this really really cool New York Giants t-shirt double sided it's got like their whole roster on the back I've had the same exact style shirt and a couple other teams I think I had the Mets and it fit really weird but I ended up getting like $40 for it so this should be a good one there's Yankees Jersey and there's a giant's a t-shirt which also is kind of weird it's got like this double double t-shirt kind of thing going on but yeah a lot of good pieces there really isn't a fuller stuff in there I think the Millers of those sweatshirts maybe a fuller item it is vintage but Millersville seems to be a harder school to sell but overall a very very good day I probably you know the resale value on that is maybe like 150 $200 in terms of product there it was really really good haul and of course picked up some other things this nice navy Jack in the morning dad fireman's axe this guy right here so I'm gonna do a little bit more research on that I've been kind of work on the trains a little bit as well time in my free time from when I went to described art why I went to the rummage sale but that's going to wrap it up here hopefully you guys have enjoyed it I don't know I'm going to be doing tomorrow I don't know if I'll be going to a flea market because there has to be at least five or six community yard sales happening tomorrow there's also a community yard sale inside a shopping center so I don't know how many people are gonna be going to the flea market and usually the data a lot of people don't go so probably just do a community yard sale treasure hunt kind of thing tomorrow because I think just there's going to be so much competition in terms of product and sourcing we'll see what happens hope you guys enjoyed smack their like funny until next time have a great day keep living the dream please [Music]
Channel: Taco Stacks
Views: 52,004
Rating: 4.9137535 out of 5
Keywords: Garage Sale, Garage Sale Haul, Yard Sale, Estate Sale, Moving Sale, Rummage Sale, Church Sale, Garage Sale Find, Found at garage sale, reselling, resell, reseller, antiques, antique roadshow, antiquer, american pickers, pickers, estate clean out, ebay, sell on ebay, what to sell on ebay, vintage clothes, vintage nike, supreme haul, nike haul, vintage jordan, snapbacks, sell on etsy, poshmark, treasure hunt
Id: ZyP_sFvXutA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 20sec (1280 seconds)
Published: Wed May 01 2019
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